Food additives in food and their impact on human health. General characteristics and preparation Main characteristics of substances

Lysikov Yury Alexandrovich, Ph.D. ― scientific consultant of NSP company

NSP received a letter from our partners - a text downloaded from the Internet, which is dedicated to food additives (not to be confused with dietary supplements) magnesium stearate (E-470b and E-572) and stearic acid (E-570). The article states that magnesium stearate is an extremely "toxic" and "dangerous" substance. We present this text in full, underlining the words and phrases in it that do not correspond to reality, and which we will talk about later.

In general, commenting on texts taken from the Internet is a pointless and thankless task. No life is enough to refute all the nonsense, mistakes and delusions that circulate there and will circulate forever - they have no number! Let's make an exception for magnesium stearate to show that it's very reckless to blindly trust what you can read on the Internet, even if it looks "solid" and "scientific". However, let's read the text that was sent:

What is magnesium stearate

"Magnesium stearate or stearic acid (Magnesium stearate, Stearic acid) can be found in the composition of so many tablets and supplements. This filler is not at all useful for our body, moreover, it is dangerous for us. This is a magnesium derivative, for which our body There is no use Supplement companies have been deliberately misleading their customers for a long time with the information that this component is completely neutral, and now they are making them believe that the use of this supplement is good for our body. this filler is not neutral, it is much more dangerous for our body than was previously known.

Magnesium Stearate or Stearic Acid is a toxin. This is a combination of hydrogenated oils that, once in your body, begins to kill cells almost immediately. The worst news here is that stearic acid is in over 90% of the supplements currently on the market."

Why magnesium stearate is used in supplements and medicines

“Often it is used because of the outdated equipment used by the manufacturer. Companies are trying to squeeze as much profit as possible from the equipment they bought earlier, therefore they are in no hurry to replace it with newer ones. How is it that magnesium stearate ends up in your supplements so often? It's simple a manufacturing tool, it is used to make more tablets.More specifically, stearic acid is a by-product of hydrogenated oils that are used to lubricate equipment that accumulates metals that saturate these very dangerous oils.”

How much magnesium stearate is in supplements

“Because they are used as a lubricant at every step in the production of a tablet, these hydrogenated oils make up as much as 5% of the composition of a 1000 mg capsule. This wastes valuable capsule space of your supplements, but this is how the company can make more tablets and more money. But the problem is not only in this, the presence of this excipient reduces the effectiveness of the pills you are taking."

What else is dangerous magnesium stearate

"In addition, magnesium stearate can be loaded with pesticides that are contained in hydrogenated cottonseed oil. In addition, the chemical structure of fatty acids in stearic acid changes due to close contact with various metal catalysts at extremely high temperatures, the risk of toxicity increases dramatically And all these countless toxic components end up in our body."

Now let's look at this text in more detail and carefully.

Let's start with stearic acid, which may be present in dietary supplements as a food additive (E-570). Stearic acid is one of the most common and important dietary fatty acids (C18 - contains 18 carbon atoms and is among the saturated ones), which is especially abundant in animal fats (sheep fat can contain up to 30% stearic acid!). In the human body, it is ranked third after oleic (C17) and palmitic (C16) fatty acids: 14% in the blood and 4.2% in the composition of fat depots. Therefore, the assertion that stearic acid is "completely not useful" and "it is a toxin" is completely unfounded.

Stearic acid is one of the most refractory fatty acids: its melting point is 69.6°C. Therefore, candles are made from stearic acid. Another area of ​​application of stearic acid is its use as a food additive - E-570, along with oleic, palmitic and other fatty acids, as a stabilizer, defoamer, glazing agent. By the way, when the hostess in the kitchen wants to get gloss on the surface of the pies (glazing effect), they are lubricated with oil, which also contains stearic acid. Therefore, the food supplement E-570, despite the "ominous" name for some, is a combination of absolutely natural food ingredients - fatty acids. Among the food additives you can find ascorbic acid (vitamin C - E-300), α-tocopherol (vitamin E - E-307), which are used as food antioxidants, chlorophyll (E-141), used as a natural food dye, etc.

Let's move on to " hydrogenated oils, which, once in your body, begin to kill cells". Firstly, hydrogenation is a technological process for converting liquid unsaturated fats into more refractory saturated fats. For example, by hydrogenating a monounsaturated C17 oleic fatty acid, you can get C18 saturated - stearic. This produces a safe food product - margarine. Secondly, hydrogenated saturated fatty acids are not toxic and do not kill cells.Thirdly, stearic acid cannot be a "combination of hydrogenated oils" - it is one fatty acid, not a "combination" of different acids.Note that hydrogenated fatty acids and trans fatty acids are it's not the same thing.

Stearic acid is obtained not only by hydrogenation, but also by separating it from the composition of animal fats or palm oil, where it is contained up to 10%.

And now consider magnesium stearate, which is the magnesium salt of stearic fatty acid. This compound consists of absolutely harmless stearic fatty acid and magnesium, which is indispensable and useful for our body. Such a compound can be formed in the body when magnesium salts interact with stearic acid. It should be emphasized that once in the human stomach, magnesium stearate reacts with hydrochloric acid to form magnesium sulfate and stearic acid. When absorbed, magnesium stearate also breaks down and practically does not enter the internal environment in this form. This could put an end to the dispute about the "harm" of magnesium stearate. However, it is worth continuing the conversation about the properties and significance of this compound.

Let's comment on the stupidity posted on the Internet. First, magnesium stearate doesn't work "like a lubricant". As part of pharmaceutical preparations - tablets, powders, it is used as a filler, a consistency stabilizer, and prevents clumping. Due to these physical properties, it does not "impair the effectiveness of the tablets", but, on the contrary, increases. Second, there is no way magnesium stearate can be "pesticide-laden", nor is it derived from "cotton oil". Finally, the expression "the structure of fatty acids in the composition of stearic acid" is absurd. This is about the same as "the structure of sodium salts in the composition of sodium chloride."

Another question arises: "Is magnesium stearate necessary as an auxiliary substance in the composition of pharmacological preparations, dietary supplements and cosmetics?" To answer it, consider the properties of this dietary supplement.


Name: magnesium salts of fatty acids E470b

Other names: E470b, E-470b, Eng: E470b, E-470b, Magnesium salts of fatty acids

Group: food additive Type: stabilizers

Effect on the body: not dangerous

Allowed in countries: Russia, Ukraine, EU.

Basic properties: Magnesium salts of fatty acids, including stearic acid, are stabilizing agents used to maintain and improve the viscosity and texture of food products. It is used to prevent clumping and caking of powdered food products, as well as an emulsifier and separator. Additive E470b has the structure of a light white powder, insoluble in water. Magnesium salts are split with the appearance of free fatty acids only when treated with acids, for example, in the acidic environment of the stomach. It is actively used as a separating agent in the process of pressing tablet forms. In the cosmetic and pharmacological fields, magnesium salts of fatty acids also play the role of a thickener.

In the food industry, as a rule, magnesium salts of fatty acids are used in order to improve the flow properties of products in powder form. Basically, these are such food products as flour of various varieties and types, powdered sugar, baking powder, dry broths and soups, and much more.

Get magnesium stearate in the process of interaction of magnesium chloride and sodium stearate. In the process of obtaining, admissible impurities arise: glycerin, monoglycerides and diglycerides, unsaponifiable fats.

The allowable daily intake of magnesium salts of fatty acids has not been determined. Codex Alimentarius: allowed in the standards for powdered glucose, dry broths, powdered sugar as an anti-caking and anti-caking additive, up to 15 g/kg.

The inclusion of E-470b in food products should not exceed 6% of the total mass. In those NSP dietary supplements that contain these additives, the content of magnesium stearate ranges from 0.05% to 2.5%, and stearic acid does not exceed 4.5%.

The harm of the food stabilizer of magnesium salts of fatty acids (E470b) for human health has not been identified to date, therefore the use of this additive is not prohibited in many countries of the world, including Russia. In the EU, it is used without restrictions.

Source of information: "Encyclopedia. Food additives." L.A. Sarafanova

Name: magnesium stearate, E572

Other names: calcium stearate, E 572, E-572, Magnesium stearate, calcium stearate

Group: food additive

Type: foam stabilizer, glazing agent and defoamer

Effect on the body: conditionally safe

Characteristics: E572 magnesium stearate, or magnesium salt of stearic acid, is a substance in the form of a slightly soapy white powder. It is highly soluble in alcohol, in oils, but insoluble in water, magnesium stearate is made from animal and vegetable oils.

Application: Magnesium stearate is mainly applicable in the cosmetic industry and pharmacology. It is used as a filler in the base for decorative cosmetics, applicable in powders as a binder, increases the volume of the product. In mineral cosmetics, it does not allow the formation of lumps, sintering, improves its consistency. In pharmacology, E 572 is used as an excipient for the preparation of drugs. Emulsifiers help to combine this kind of substances and get a homogeneous mass in the process of making food.

It is not dangerous for use in an acceptable daily dose of up to 2500 mg / kg per day. NSP products use magnesium stearate and stearic acid, which are obtained from palm fruits. These ingredients are kosher certified.

The production of the NSP company is annually inspected as a manufacturer of food supplements in the form of tablets, capsules, powder and liquid dosage forms. All manufacturing facilities of Nature`s Sunshine Products, Inc. comply with the standards of GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE for food (Code of Good Manufacturing Practice for food).

When registering on the territory of the customs union, each product of the company undergoes a safety check, as a result of which a Test Report is issued. It contains all indicators, including those for pesticides and other substances that pose a danger to human health. For our products, these figures are dozens of times lower than the permissible quantities, which once again confirms the highest quality of our products.

These additives are officially permitted by regulatory documents, compliance with which is confirmed by our documents on the state registration of each product presented on the market of the countries of the customs union: Appendix 2 to the technical regulation "Safety requirements for food additives, flavorings and technological aids" (TR CU 029/2012)

It affects the human body as a substance of a sedative effect. E-572 promotes the absorption of calcium, has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, normalizes the functioning of internal organs, stabilizes the endocrine system, increases bone strength, and improves digestion.

General characteristics and receipt

Food additive E470 (chemical name - fatty acids, salts of aluminum, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium and ammonium) in food acts as an emulsifier, stabilizer, texturizer, dispersant, thickener. In its natural form, it practically does not occur in nature (the exception is when fats are saponified during their breakdown in the human body). The name of the substance in different sources may differ depending on which fatty acids are included in its composition. If salts of saturated fatty acids are included in it, the substance belongs to the group of "stearates". If it contains salts of unsaturated fatty acids, it is called "oleate".

Physico-chemical properties of food additive E470:

  • the aggregate state of matter is solid. Most often, manufacturers use a powder in which flakes, granules, and crystals of various sizes can be found. The consistency depends on which fatty acids are included in the E470 food supplement. If they are saturated, the nutritional supplement is in the form of a light-colored powder. If unsaturated, the additive is used as an oil or wax;
  • the color of the substance is predominantly light, but may change if the fatty acids are unsaturated. In the first case, these are light shades - white, pale yellow, creamy. In the second - dark yellow and light brown;
  • depending on the method of preparation, additional components may be included in the composition of the food additive E470: free alkalis, glycerol, mono- and diglycerides, unsaponifiable associated fats, fatty acids, water;
  • the solubility of food additive E470 may vary depending on the composition. In most cases, the components of the additive have medium or high solubility in water and ethanol. The only component that cannot be dissolved in water and aqueous solutions, ethers and ethyl alcohol is calcium salts.

To obtain food additive E470, a number of molecular reactions are used. The result of such reactions is the formation of glycerol, monoglycerides, water, diglycerides, unsaponifiable fats and fatty acids.


In the food industry, fatty acid salts are considered to be one of the most effective agents that prevent caking and clumping of bulk solids. In different food products, the functions of the food additive E470 are as follows:

  • in the composition of confectionery salts of fatty acids provide a uniform consistency of creams, fillers and glazes. Thanks to the additive, the coating of chocolates does not crack as a result of long-term storage, does not change color and consistency, but retains a semblance of gloss. Fruit and berry fillers retain taste and aroma;
  • in the composition of soup concentrates, puddings, packaged jelly, salts of fatty acids ensure the preservation of the taste characteristics of products, and also prevent caking and clumping;
  • in the composition of semi-finished products, for example, spring rolls, dumplings and dumplings, salts of fatty acids perform several functions. On the one hand, they ensure the preservation of the consistency of the dough. Even when the temperature changes, no lumps or ice crystals appear in it. On the other hand, fatty acid salts ensure that the flavor characteristics of the filling are preserved. If it is a meat filling, the use of fatty acid salts allows manufacturers to save on raw materials, since the yield of finished products due to the food additive E470 slightly increases. In other cases, the E470 additive ensures uniform consistency when mixing products of different textures;

  • in the composition of ice cream and desserts based on milk, salts of fatty acids provide a uniform consistency. Such ice cream can be stored longer (the maximum shelf life is 18 months), and when the temperature regime changes, ice crystals do not appear in it.

Impact on the health of the human body: benefits and harms

In Russia, the food additive E470 is included in the list of permitted. In some countries, it is banned, as impurities in its composition can cause serious health problems.

The danger to the human body is represented by such impurities as free alkalis, glycerol, mono- and diglycerides, unsaponifiable accompanying fats. Together or separately, they can provoke a violation of metabolic processes. So the products, which include salts of fatty acids, must be abandoned to people with a violation of any type of metabolism: protein, fat (lipid) and carbohydrate.

Doctors insist on completely eliminating such foods from the diet of children, since their digestive organs are not ready for the breakdown of such substances. Otherwise, allergic reactions may be added to the violation of metabolic processes - a rash of various sizes on different parts of the body, itching, and indigestion.

There is no reliable scientific evidence regarding the positive effect of fatty acid salts on the human body.


Salts of fatty acids are effective in pharmacology. Additive E470 is used to improve the compression or sliding of drug components.

In cosmetology, the substance is used as part of body care cosmetics, as well as detergents.

In the chemical industry, fatty acid salts are added to detergents.

It is necessary to know the normalized amount of consumption of products containing E470 (Table 2).

Table - The rate of content of the food additive E470 in products according to SanPiN dated 05/26/2008


Food additive E470 is allowed to be used in the Russian food industry, but in some countries it is prohibited.

Appendix 3 to SanPiN

  • 3. Hygienic regulations for the use of food additives;
  • 3.5. Hygienic regulations for the use of food additives that prevent caking and clumping;
  • 3.16. Hygienic regulations for the use of filler carriers and filler solvents.

Saponification of fats is a term well known to lovers of homemade soap making. It denotes the decomposition of animal or vegetable fats with alkali: usually caustic soda or caustic potash.

But not all craftsmen know that as a result of the reaction they get not only a natural, environmentally friendly piece of detergent, but also.

Salts of fatty acids sodium, potassium and calcium - the main name of the product, enshrined in GOST 32770–2014.


  • E 470a (E-470a), an index in the European codification of food additives;
  • Sodium, Potassium and Calcium Salts of Fatty Acids, international;
  • sodium, potassium and calcium salts of fatty acids (more accurate product designation, found in
  • SanPiN, documents of the Ministry of Health);
  • calcium, sodium, potassium stearates;
  • soaps;
  • Calcium-, Natrium-, Kalium der Fettsauren, Seifen, Alkalisalze der Fettsauren, German;
  • calcium, potassium et sodium sels d'acides gras, French.

Substance type

Food additive E 470a is included in the group .

A common European index combines a group of substances that are similar in properties, preparation and use in various industries: sodium, potassium and calcium salts of saturated fatty acids (note: salts of unsaturated acids are indicated by code E 470).

Getting the additive is identical to the initial stage of soap production. Sodium, potassium or calcium alkali is added to the original animal (rarely vegetable) fats and heated. During the reaction, hydrolysis (decomposition) of triglycerides occurs with the formation of the corresponding salts (soaps) and. The subsequent distillation of fatty acids results in a dry powdery substance, which is used as food additive E 470a.

If an alkaline solution is precipitated with sodium chloride, the so-called "soap core" will be obtained, from which soap is made.


Index Standard values
Color white
Compound salts of fatty acids; empirical formulas: C 18 H 3 O 2 Na (sodium salt), C 36 H 70 O 4 Ca (calcium) C 18 H 33 O 2 K (potassium)
Appearance powder, flakes, grains
Smell weak characteristic
Solubility sodium and potassium salts are soluble in water, alcohol; calcium salts do not dissolve in water, ethanol, ethers
The content of the main substance 95%
Taste missing
Density 0.87 to 1.05 g/cm³
Other hygroscopic (potassium and sodium); the viscosity of an aqueous solution decreases with increasing temperature


The standard packaging for E 470a emulsifier is:

  • multilayer kraft bags;
  • cardboard drums;
  • bags for foodstuffs from synthetic threads.

Be sure to have an inner bag that provides protection from moisture.

The additive with a volume of up to 5 kg can be packaged in multilayer transparent bags made of unstabilized polyethylene.


Additive E 470a has a high surface activity and can be used to stabilize dispersed systems.

The substance not only facilitates the production of emulsions, but also prevents the particles from re-sticking together.

Soap is used in the food industry very limited: usually in combination with other emulsifiers to enhance their properties or as part of synthetic dyes to ensure their uniform distribution in the product mass.

SanPiN permits the use of E 470 a additive as a filler carrier in fruit glazing agents. The application of films on the surface prevents the fruits from drying out, significantly reduces the loss of vitamins, and protects against infection by pathogens.

The Codex Alimentarius lists the product as an additive co-emulsifier in the Standards for Bouillon Cubes and Powdered Sugar to prevent them from caking and clumping. The allowable rate is limited to 6% by weight.

The E 470a emulsifier is widely used in the production of cosmetics and household chemicals.

Sodium salt is part of the natural solid soap. Due to its antibacterial properties, potassium salt is used to make liquid "green" soap for the needs of medicine.

In the composition of shaving foams, hair dyes, it contributes to the formation of an easily applied uniform texture.

In hand creams, it performs a protective function due to the ability to form a film on the surface that protects the skin from moisture loss.

The pharmaceutical industry uses E 470a in rectal preparations as a glide aid.

The emulsifier is allowed in Russia, most European countries, the USA.

Benefit and harm

Salts of aliphatic acids are a product of the natural breakdown of fats in the digestive system. From this point of view, the additive E 470a is completely safe. The substance is completely absorbed in the body.

The possible degree of harm has not been established. It is believed that it may be unsafe for people suffering from metabolic disorders.

  • Foodchem International Corporation;
  • Huzhou City Linghu Xinwang Chemical Co., Ltd.;
  • Guangzhou X-Kev Food Additive Co., Ltd.

The safety of food additive E 470a remains in question. A consumer who does not want to see a dubious emulsifier in his plate can be advised to refuse to buy foreign-made bouillon cubes. Powdered sugar is easy to make yourself.

Fruits must be washed before eating (including bananas and citrus fruits). The protective film on the surface consists not only of soap, it contains more dangerous compounds, for example.

Technological functions Emulsifiers, foam stabilizers, coatings, anti-caking and anti-caking agent, separators, dispersants.

Synonyms Aluminum, calcium, sodium, potassium, ammonium salts of (food) fatty acids; aluminum, calcium, sodium, potassium, ammonium stearates; soaps; English aluminium, calcium, potassium sodium and ammonium salts of (edible) fatty acids; German. Aluminum-, Calcium-, Natrium-, Kalium- und Ammoniumsalze der Fettsauren, Seifen, Alkalisalze der Fettsauren; fr. aluminium, calcium, potassium sodium et ammonium sels d'acides gras.

CAS# 143-19-1 (Na-oleate); 143-18-0 (K-oleate); 1592-23-0 (Ca-stearate). 290 (Na-oleate); 306 (K-oleate); -520 (Sa-stearate)

Empirical Formula Ci 8 H 3 5O 2 Na (Na-stearate); C 18 H 33 O 2 K (K-oleate); C 36 H 70 0 4 Ca (Ca-stearate).

Appearance Salts of saturated fatty acids: white to ivory powders, flakes or grains; salts of unsaturated fatty acids: yellow to brown oils or brownish waxes.

Physiochemical properties Wide melting range, strongly dependent on degree of saturation. Sodium, potassium and ammonium salts sol. in water, ethanol; calcium salts insoluble. in water, ethanol, ether.

natural source In partially saponified fats, in the form of products of the breakdown of fats in digestion.

Receipt From edible fats without or with distillation of fatty acids. Impurities: free alkalis, glycerol, mono- and diglycerides, unsaponifiable accompanying fats, fatty acids, water.

Metabolism and toxicity Easily and completely digestible.

Hygiene standards chipboard not defined. There are no hazards according to GN-98. Codex: co-emulsifier in E471 (mono- and diglycerides of edible fatty acids), etc., not more than 6%; in standards for powdered glucose, dry broths, powdered sugar as an additive that prevents caking and clumping, up to 15 g/kg. In the Russian Federation, they are allowed as filler carriers in fruit glazing agents in the amount according to TI (clause 3.16.21 San-PiN

Application The name "stearate" is often used for the salts of virtually all dietary saturated fatty acids, just as "oleate" is for the salts of all unsaturated fatty acids. Despite the widespread use of soap in nature, it is rarely purposefully used as a food additive. True, an old baker's recipe recommends, in order to improve the cream, put a pot of lard and soda added to it overnight in heat, thus using the emulsifying ability of soap (E470) and simultaneously formed mono- and di-glycerides (E471).

High surface activity provides a dispersing effect of fatty acid salts in aqueous solutions, a thin durable film on the surface of food products. The addition of 6-7% fatty acid salts to emulsifiers provides them with the property of "self-emulsification". In an acidic environment, these properties are largely lost.

Some fatty acid salts are used as anti-caking agents in powdered products, for example calcium stearate at 10-15 g/kg prevents dry onion powder from caking. Salts of fatty acids can act as separating agents - auxiliary substances for sliding and pressing tablets, extrusion products and granulates.

Other applications: in cosmetics, cleaners and detergents, in the decolouration of waste paper.

The E470 sign marks substances, or even a group of substances that are used as food additives. These synthetic concentrates are used to prevent caking or sticking of some bulk products. They mostly belong to the category of emulsifiers, dispersants, separators, foam stabilizers.

Main characteristics of substances

Other names for this food additive are: calcium, aluminum, sodium, magnesium, ammonium and potassium salts of carboxylic fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, ammonium, potassium, sodium and aluminum stearates, E470, Salts of fatty acids (with base Ca, Al, Mg , Na, K and NH4), Salts of myristic, salts of aliphatic fatty acids, Palmitic and stearic fatty acids.

Such substances usually resemble grains, flakes or powder in appearance. Their color varies from white to yellow-brown and even brown. Some salts dissolve very well in, but the calcium salt is insoluble in water, ethyl, or ethers.

In its natural form in nature, E470 is most often found during saponification in the process of their splitting in the human body during metabolism.

Chemically, such a food additive is obtained using molecular reactions, and the distillation of fatty food acids does not play a role. During the production process, various impurities are formed: glycerol, monoglycerides, water, diglycerides, unsaponifiable fats and fatty acids.

These substances are quickly, easily and fully absorbed by the human body.

The use of salts of fatty acids

The main purpose of a group of such substances is to prevent caking of bulk products: dry soups and dry broths, powdered sugar, and other types of food products. The name stearate is most often used for the name of all salts, and oleate, in turn, for.

Such an additive has proven itself well in the pharmaceutical industry, contributing to better compaction and sliding of granulates, tablets, extrusion products.

Salts of aliphatic carboxylic acids are also applicable in the cosmetic industry, in the production of detergents and cleaning products, household chemicals, and also in the processing of waste paper.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, the production of such substances is not prohibited, but is strictly limited within the limits of the permissible quantity. In European countries and Ukraine, such a food additive is prohibited for manufacture.

Useful and harmful properties of food additive E470

In essence, salts of aliphatic carboxylic acids do not pose any danger to the human body, but despite this, there are rigidly established and controlled standards for its use. They are allowed to be added to food products only in the amount of six percent of the total mass of finished products.

This is mainly due to the formation and presence of many different harmful impurities in them. Accordingly, harm to the body is caused only by those additives in which impurities remain during their formation. Therefore, it is categorically contraindicated to use such substances for people suffering from metabolic disorders in the body. In some cases, it can provoke the occurrence and development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The safety of these products is guaranteed by the complete absorption of substances in the body, the absence of adverse reactions, subject to the rules and norms of use.

Summing up

Food additive E470 is a synthetically derived substance used in the medical, food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Used in acceptable normalized dosages, it does not cause any harm to the body and does not cause negative side reactions after use. It is undesirable to use such an additive for people with metabolic disorders. When taking high doses, the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is possible.

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