How long do periods come after cleaning. When menstruation comes after cleaning the uterus. How to distinguish normal bleeding from pathological

Regardless of what kind of curettage was - diagnostic or due to abortion, it will not affect in the best way on a woman's body. Even if the doctor makes a lot of efforts and performs all the actions with accuracy correctly, you should “be on the alert” and listen to even the slightest signals that your body can give, because complications in this case appear frequently.

Curettage of the uterus often has negative consequences

Menstruation after cleaning, what could be the consequences

Women who have to pass this procedure they ask the only question: when will menstruation begin after scraping? This moment is important and for yourself you need to know the approximate cycle after the operation, so that in case of bleeding you don’t think that this is a normal menstruation.

Menstruation after complex operation- scraping, appears after a month. The countdown is from the day the operation was performed. For example, if menstrual cycle women on average is 28 days, then menstruation will come within four weeks after scraping.

All organisms are individual, and therefore delays can be observed. The reason for this can be various nuances, but often it is a banal insufficiency of the functioning of the ovaries or just a hormonal failure.

The first menstruation after scraping is practically no different from the standard menstruation of a woman. If you notice symptoms such as:

  • elevated temperature, its sharp changes;
  • too much copious discharge;
  • sharp cramps in the lower abdomen, do not hesitate - consult a doctor!

Cleaning can be both diagnostic and therapeutic. If this procedure is for the first time for a woman, then hormonal background may not be broken, and therefore the cycle will not break. It should be borne in mind that therapeutic curettage is fraught with consequences for the body as a whole, and therefore the patient is additionally prescribed therapeutic procedures.

If we compare vacuum scraping with a curette, the first is not so dangerous, which is why it has gained momentum in popularity today. Cleaning is really last resort, since because of it, the uterine walls can be damaged as a result, which causes inflammation or, in general, infertility.

High temperature after scraping should make you see a doctor

What will be the first menstruation

Bleeding can occur after gynecological cleaning. These secretions in their structure resemble menstruation: if they do not “pour” too much, then there is no need to panic. But if you change the gasket about every 2-3 hours, then you should still consult a doctor. The specialist in this case will be obliged to prescribe drugs that restore blood - this will normalize the uterus and further normalize your cycle.

It must be understood that when diagnostic cleaning, the cycle is not disturbed, because the ovaries are not damaged, and therefore menstruation will come at the “appointed time”. Even if it is scarce, this is the norm after the operation.

Menstruation after the scraping procedure will come on time even with uterine bleeding. A completely different situation will be with abortion. In practice, there are cases when menstruation after cleaning does not come for more than 40 days after the intervention. The initial reason is that a miscarriage or missed pregnancy disrupts the female hormonal background and it will take up to seven weeks for the cycle to recover.

Cleaning the uterus after an abortion leads to a prolonged delay in menstruation

The disorders that are most common

As statistics show, there are a lot of nuances to which a woman who has undergone such unpleasant procedure, it is worth paying attention if she does not want negative consequences.

  • If the menstruation after scraping is very plentiful, then this is the first bell to immediately contact a specialist. The mistake of many is that they do not focus on this problem and resort to " grandmother's recipes”, Starting to drink a decoction of nettle, the result of which in fact is zero. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate drugs, which are very short term"put on its feet" the body.
  • You need to go to the gynecologist and if your period came just a few days after the procedure. Pay attention to the symptoms: you may feel dizzy, weakness will increase and appear discomfort from the abdomen. How abundant the discharge will be is also important. All this information is very important for the doctor, because, based on it, he will be able to eradicate the problem.
  • Menstruation can also go strongly if fetal fragments remain in the uterus after an abortion. Here the doctor without fail should perform an ultrasound examination and prescribe necessary tests. If there is such a need, it will be necessary to clean again. A month after the operation, already after menstruation, you need to monitor the discharge: if there are few of them, the color is dark, and the smell is unpleasant, this can be the result of any inflammatory process in the future.

If menstruation did not come after curettage of the uterus, this does not mean that the woman has some kind of serious illness. Even after two weeks, women have a chance to get pregnant. For this reason, experts advise oral contraceptives, because in this way the body will be able to recover and rest from the interference.

dizziness and general weakness should be forced to see a gynecologist

When menstruation is delayed

If 7 weeks or more have already passed after the operation, and menstruation has not come, you should think about going to the gynecologist. observed in the body serious violation, which will require medical intervention. This situation occurs due to spasms in the cervix, spasms when blood accumulates in the uterine cavity and does not come out. This situation can end badly.

Too heavy periods just like them complete absence, they say that something is going wrong in the body. Anything:

  • inflammation;
  • infectious diseases;
  • disruptions in the hormonal background;
  • medical errors, etc.

Uterine cleaning is a complex and serious operation. It affects the function of having children. Therefore, health must be monitored carefully and every deviation noticed.

If you are worried about discharge, do not put off going to a specialist for later. Remember that the cause found in time will be cured much faster.

Menstruation after curettage will normally go in 6 weeks. The uterus is a muscular female organ in which the fetus grows and develops. The inside of the uterus is lined with endometrium. During menstruation, the mucosa is constantly changing. Scraping is a procedure in which the upper layer mucous.

Medical indications

Doctors distinguish several methods for cleaning the uterus:

  • separate - cleaning of the cervical canal and uterus, the material is sent for histology;
  • hysteroscopy - using special device an obstetrician-gynecologist observes the cleaning of the uterine cavity, the procedure is carried out 3-5 days before the onset of menstruation.

When the first menstruation begins after scraping, it is recommended to check with the doctor. Menstruation will come taking into account the existing pathology:

  • changes in the endometrium (thickening and formation) - with an endometrial polyp, menstruation after cleaning should go immediately;
  • disturbed menstrual cycle - the uterus is cleared if there are heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding or a woman cannot become pregnant; after how many months, it is recommended to find out from the doctor, it depends on the characteristics female body and scraping efficiency;
  • pathology of the cervix (development of abnormal processes, the presence of a malignant tumor);
  • miscarriage - the operation is performed to completely clean the uterine cavity from the placenta (menstruation comes immediately);
  • frozen pregnancy - you will need to wait for menstruation after scraping 2 months.

Complications that occur after cleaning the uterus are reflected in the menstrual cycle. With uterine perforation, the uterine cavity is pierced with a special tool. When diagnosing a large perforation, the uterus will need to be sutured. If your period has not started within 6 months, then it is recommended to make an appointment with your doctor. With a uterine tear, the surgeon puts stitches. Hematometers are characterized by spasms in the cervix. After the operation, the cycle is restored for a very long time.

At inflammatory process prescribed surgical and antibiotic treatment. To dangerous complications scraping obstetricians-gynecologists attribute damage to the endometrium. In this case, menstruation does not go for a long time.

Depends on the state of the reproductive system of the patient. If after the operation there is a scanty or abundant daub, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, then it is recommended to consult with your doctor. Otherwise, the gynecologist must find out why there is no menstruation after the operation. This phenomenon indicates the development of pathology. Appointed full examination female patients.

Curettage, carried out after a miscarriage and a missed pregnancy, provokes the appearance. If the cycle has not come, then you need to consult a doctor. If after the operation the patient has discharge similar to menstruation, this is the norm. If the bleeding is prolonged, then it will be required urgent hospitalization sick.

The nature of the discharge

After scraping, the following discharge may appear:

  1. Brown (normal) - indicate blood clotting. Such discharges go on for several days.
  2. Copious lubrication with severe pains in the abdomen, high temperature- the development of complications after surgery.
  3. Yellow discharge - indicates development infectious process. Treatment consists of taking antibiotics.

To eliminate the pain caused by heavy periods after scraping, it is recommended to take painkillers ("Drotaverine"). Antibiotics are taken to prevent inflammation and infection. If uterine bleeding is observed, then oxytocin injections are given.

Immediately after the cleaning of the uterus, bleeding is possible. meager discharge do not require treatment. If the sanitary napkin is changed every 3 hours, then the help of a doctor will be required. The patient is prescribed hemostatic agents. Their action is aimed at restoring the uterus. After diagnostic curettage ovaries are working normally. Menstruation starts on time. In this case, a scanty daub is observed.

On time, menstruation will go with uterine bleeding. If a surgical intervention was carried out 3 weeks before the start of the cycle, then menstruation will go after 21 days. After medical removal frozen fetus disturbed hormonal levels. It will take 7 weeks for him to recover. Your period will start 35 days after the operation.

If there is strong lubrication, then you will need to visit women's consultation. Do not take hemostatic drugs and folk remedies(nettle decoction) without a doctor's recommendation. If menstruation started 2-3 days after the operation, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. It is dangerous if the patient has the following symptoms:

The doctor pays special attention to the amount of discharge. Taking into account the complaints of the patient, the doctor diagnoses the cause of the violation of the cycle and prescribes the appropriate treatment.

Abundant periods appear when fragments of the fetus remain in the uterus. The patient must undergo a vaginal examination and ultrasound, take tests for hormones. If necessary, repeated scraping is performed. After 1 month, the discharge should go. Gynecologists recommend taking into account the nature of the daub. If she is dark and has bad smell then you need to consult your doctor. Similar symptoms indicate an infection.

If the menstrual cycle is delayed by 7 or more weeks, then it is urgent to consult a doctor. This phenomenon indicates the presence of a serious violation. The absence of menstruation after surgery may be due to cervical spasm. The consequences of this state of affairs are negative. untimely health care may lead to death.

Cleansing the uterus is a serious operation that has a direct effect on childbearing function female body. Therefore, obstetricians and gynecologists are advised to carefully monitor their health. If the menstrual cycle after the operation is different from the norm, then it is recommended to make an appointment with a gynecologist. For diagnostics exact reason violations of the cycle, a complete examination of the patient is carried out.

By different reasons many women are forced to undergo surgery to curettage of the uterus. This procedure is standard, but often leads to various injuries muscular organ. In this regard, it takes some time to restore the functions of the female reproductive system.

One of important indicators women's health is the menstrual cycle, so it is important to monitor the rate of its recovery after such an operation. When do menstruation come after scraping? For what reasons and how long is the delay possible?

Curettage of the uterus: what is it, what are the types?

Curettage of the uterus is surgery, consisting in the mechanical removal of the upper layer of the endometrium with the help of special tools, general anesthesia is used.

The following classification principles can be distinguished:

  • according to the method of execution;
  • depending on the use of additional tools;
  • depending on goals.

The table below shows a description of the methods of curettage of the uterus.

Principle of classificationType of scrapingDescription
Execution methodNormalThe top layer is removed only from the uterine cavity.
separateCleaned out inner surface cervix, and then the endometrium is removed from the uterine cavity.
Application of additional toolsStandardDuring the procedure, the doctor works by touch, without seeing the cavity of the muscular organ.
Combined with hysteroscopyA hysteroscope is inserted into the uterus, which allows you to examine the walls of the organ and observe how the cleaning process is progressing.
The purpose of the procedureDiagnosticThe operation is performed in order to make a biomaterial sampling for further diagnosis of diseases.
MedicalThe procedure is to remove pathological formations or fertilized egg.

In what cases is the uterus cleaned?

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The most common reason for uterine cleansing is abortion. Curettage is carried out if the gestational age no longer allows vacuum aspiration. Also, the operation can be performed when, after stopping the pregnancy with the help of tablets, the remains of the fetal membranes remain in the uterus. Other indications for cleaning:

  • Postpartum complications. For example, incomplete delivery of the placenta to last step generic process. Doctors use a curettage procedure to clear the uterus of the remnants of the child's place.
  • Mucosal hyperplasia. With some violations of reproductive functions, the endometrium of the uterus thickens greatly. This impairs the ability of the muscular organ to reject the outer unnecessary layer, so periods are absent or become scarce, plentiful. In this case, cleaning helps to restore the menstrual cycle.
  • Endometriosis. During scraping, overgrown parts of the endometrium are removed.
  • Neoplasms (for example, polyps).
  • Acute endometritis. Scraping is included complex therapy with inflammation of the uterus.
  • Diagnosis of diseases. A biomaterial (part of the endometrium) is taken in order to exclude or confirm the degeneration of cells into a cancerous tumor.
  • Incomplete miscarriage. Cleaning is necessary if there are remnants of the fetal membranes in the uterine cavity.

The first menstruation after the curettage

Alarm symptoms:

  • profuse blood loss (replacement of sanitary pads more than 1 time in 1.5 hours);
  • appearance in secretions big clots, green or yellow mucus;
  • putrid smell of secretions;
  • increased body temperature;
  • daub lasting more than 10 days;
  • no periods for 40 days after the procedure.

Recommendations of specialists for the restoration of the menstrual cycle

For quick recovery After surgery, a woman must follow the recommendations of the attending physician. Gotta get through full course treatment according to the diagnosis. Menstruation will come faster when the patient follows the following general recommendations:

  • refusal to have sexual intercourse for 2-3 months after the procedure;
  • compliance with the rules of hygiene of the genital organs;
  • taking vitamins for several weeks;
  • balanced diet;
  • avoiding the use of sanitary tampons full recovery functions of the reproductive system;

To eliminate hormonal failure, many experts recommend taking hormonal drugs. The duration of hormone therapy should be at least 3 months.

Scraping or "cleansing" is a well-known gynecological procedure carried out in a hospital, in accordance with the indications. Such a procedure or mini-operation is prescribed for women by gynecologists.

But since not everyone is correctly explained the expediency of its implementation, there are many concerns about the effectiveness and possible consequences.

What questions arise and where to look for the answer?

For women who do not have knowledge in this matter, it is quite difficult to understand the meaning of the operation and various questions arise, for example, “should uterine ejaculation after a miscarriage? what to expect after scraping? When do periods come after cleaning? Are there cases of infertility after curettage?

You can read such questions on every second women's forum, but the likelihood that the answers will be correct is low. Therefore, before prescribing and carrying out the procedure, you should ask the doctor in detail about the nuances of the procedure of interest, possible complications.

Feel free to ask questions. This is your health, and you have every right to know what you are agreeing to. And yet we recall that if the operation is performed by an experienced obstetrician - gynecologist, the likelihood of complications is minimal. A complete recovery also depends on the strict implementation of all the prescriptions and instructions of the doctor.

What is the procedure?

The uterus is a hollow muscular organ created by nature for carrying and giving birth to a child. From the inside, a thick layer of muscles protects thin layer- endometrium. If fertilization does not occur after ovulation, the surface layer of the endometrium is rejected, which manifests itself in life. spotting- menstruation.

If curettage (cdv) is prescribed, the doctor removes only the superficial functional layer of the uterine mucosa. After this manipulation, the endometrium is able to regenerate from its own germ layer.

Classically, scraping is divided into separate and regular:

  1. Separate scraping- defines gradual cleaning. Processed first cervical canal, after the uterine cavity itself. The produced scraping must be sent to histological examination to the laboratory for tissue assessment and diagnosis.
  2. Conventional scraping previously conducted blindly. Now, to prevent trauma to the uterine wall, hysteroscopy is used. During the cleaning of the walls of the uterus, a device is inserted that allows you to track all stages of the operation.

This small operation is carried out a few days before the onset of menstruation, then the damaged organ regenerates faster.

Conditions requiring scraping:

  • pathological changes in the thickness of the endometrium, detected by ultrasound - polyp, hyperplasia;
  • menstrual disorders - heavy discharge, prolonged menstruation, the appearance of blood in the intermenstrual period, the inability to become pregnant for no apparent reason;
  • diseases of the cervix, may be malignant;
  • spontaneous abortion to remove the rest of the placenta;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • adhesions inside the uterus, endometriosis, the remains of a fetal formation after a medical abortion.

The impact of scraping on the female body

Just a few decades ago, this method was the only way getting rid of unwanted pregnancy. Now medicine has developed enough more gentle methods of abortion, and curettage is carried out for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

Curettage produced by a curette is more dangerous and traumatic, and therefore they began to practice vacuum method. An incorrectly performed procedure leads to disastrous results - infections, inflammation, menstruation begins late or is completely absent.

In view of the adverse effects on the genital area women, the operation is carried out only in cases of extreme need.

Regardless of the purpose of the scraping, danger always hangs over your head adverse effects- inflammation, scanty periods after scraping or heavy, or their absence, infections, etc. That is why the girl / woman must carefully control the first menstrual flow after mini surgery.

After how many menses come:

  1. Termination of an unwanted or missed pregnancy. In this situation, there is no menstruation long time, more than 1 - 1.5 months. It's pretty easy to explain - reproductive system is obliged to rebuild to start ovulation after implantation of the fetal egg. If the girl does not have menstruation after the specified number of days, you should contact a gynecologist;
  2. Diagnostic purpose of curettage. With such indications, normal periods go after 28 - 35 days. In some cases, menstruation occurs on time. All this is determined individual characteristics female body.

Possible irregularities in the menstrual cycle that require the intervention of a doctor:

  • Abundant menstrual flow. What is meant by "abundant"? Within three hours, the woman changed more than 1 hygiene product;
  • Scanty first menstruation after curettage. They are accompanied by a repulsive smell, dark color secretions;
  • Fever, painful periods after scraping . Possibly when the removal took place gestational sac, there are particles of the shell that causes inflammation;
  • Any changes- when there is no menstruation for a long time, and after abundant and very long;
  • no menstruation. The reasons for such a clinic after curettage are a spasm of the muscular membrane of the cervix, and blood accumulates in the uterine cavity;
  • Maybe it's pregnancy! After a medical abortion, a woman is able to become pregnant after 2 weeks. Therefore, when there is no period, take a hormonal pregnancy test and go to the doctor immediately.

After reading this short note, it becomes clear that the first and subsequent periods after scraping should not differ in any way from the periods before the procedure. In any case, ask all important questions worries you, your gynecologist.

When a woman is cleaned of the uterine cavity, due to an abortion or a frozen fetus, the procedure causes minor disturbances to the body. Regardless of whether the operation was successful or not, health problems cannot be avoided, since such an event causes stress to the body. Menstruation after scraping can be disruptive, and also bring women other inconveniences, about which she must urgently report to the gynecologist. Because of this procedure, menstruation may begin and end off schedule.

What is a purge?

The female uterus is made up of numerous muscular organs. When cleaning is carried out, the top layer of the endometrium is scraped off. Scraping can be done in two ways:

  • separately;
  • hysteroscopy.

In the first method, the operation is done without looking, with the help of tools. When the doctor performs a cleansing, he cleans the uterus and cervical canal. If the operation is done in the second way, instruments are inserted into the uterus, with the help of which the doctor watches how the endometrium exfoliates.

Scraping is performed on women only for the following reasons:

  • endometrial diseases;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • diseases of the uterus;
  • frozen fruit;
  • miscarriage;
  • abortion.

This procedure is also carried out after normal delivery, but in the event that pieces of the placenta remain in the uterus. Therefore, many women are interested in when menstruation will start after cleaning and what problems may still appear. Questions like these should be discussed with your doctor.

The appearance of menstruation after cleaning

Menstruation after scraping does not begin to go immediately. For seven days, a woman can see a daub, which begins to get smaller. She may be due small damage inner lining of the uterus. When a woman first sees a small daub, which smoothly turns into bleeding, then this phenomenon is normal and you should not worry.

Violations are considered such symptoms, after the appearance of which it is worth going to the doctor:

  • the duration of the allocation is more than ten days;
  • copious discharge;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • the allocations stopped for unknown reasons;
  • increase in temperature;
  • discharge is green or yellow;
  • there was a bad smell.

If these symptoms appear, or at least one of them, you need to go to the hospital.

First period after cleansing

How long can menstruation return to normal after scraping, and also when the menstrual cycle will fully resume, is unknown. Since the recovery processes depend on the operation and the woman's body.

When the cleaning has occurred, menstruation usually comes in six weeks, and the completed cycle returns to normal every month. If a woman is being cleansed due to a miscarriage, abortion, or a frozen fetus, then her period may come after two months. The body needs time to fully recover and normal operation genitals. At the same time, the discharges are different nature and be able to leak longer than usual.

Menstruation after scraping in the first month and up to about three months is painful. Such a state is acceptable for the body. A woman can take pills to relieve such severe pain. But if the pain is unbearable, then it is better to call ambulance. It is also considered abnormal if menstruation is profuse and with an unpleasant odor.

Menstrual irregularities after cleansing

If the cleaning was carried out not because of pregnancy, but critical days they didn’t come on the seventh day, it’s not worth delaying the trip to the doctor. The problem may be due to the individuality of the female body and from serious illnesses. During the cleaning of the uterus, unexpected processes can occur, for example, a spasm of the cervix. Therefore, the cervical canal does not allow the flow of blood and there are failures and delays in menstruation.

It is not known how many periods will go, only a doctor can help in this matter. If you do not come to the hospital, complications can go up to sepsis. It is worth noting that the beginning of critical days for 2 weeks after such an operation is the reason to go to the gynecologist. Since the reasons can be different and serious.

Serious consequences after cleaning

It must be remembered that curettage is a serious operation that can disrupt the functioning of the female genital organs and give many complications. For example, these:

  • perforation;
  • tear;
  • bleeding;
  • spasms;
  • inflammation;
  • injury inside the uterus.

Blind surgery can cause aggravations such as uterine perforation. Such a complication can have a bad effect on the body of a woman and aggravate her life. When such a problem is detected, the uterus is sutured, and if this does not help, it is removed.

When at the time of the procedure the forceps begin to move out, there is a tear of the uterus or cervix. After the doctor necessarily puts seams on the gap. If menstruation after hysteroscopy with curettage gives a large number of discharge, then most likely it is not menstruation, but bleeding. With such a pathology, the discharge will be very strong and with clots. This usually happens if particles of the placenta remain in the uterus or the vessels are damaged.

Treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, so it is necessary to come to him. He will examine and prescribe special drugs that can restore a strong blood flow, and most likely the cleaning will need to be repeated. After such a small operation, the uterus will remain open, like a wound that it can get into at any time. various infection. Therefore, inflammation appears, for example, this:

  • hyperthermia;
  • severe pain in the abdomen, mostly throbbing;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • unusual color of discharge, not the same as always;
  • Lots of discharge after a long absence.

In such cases, treatment should be carried out only with antibiotics, but sometimes cleaning is done again. Since there was a strong infection, without reoperation not enough.

The inflammatory process also happens due to spasms in the uterus. At this point, blood is recruited and suppuration occurs. In such cases self-treatment if it doesn't go away, you need to go to the doctor, as the consequences can be sad.

Very rarely, but there is such a problem as infertility. This can happen after cleaning. On the walls of the uterus of women, scars appear that cannot attach the placenta to themselves. As a result, the placenta will not be able to work normally. Infertility will also occur due to obstruction fallopian tubes, and the tubes are clogged due to prolonged inflammation.

Delayed menstruation after surgery

If a long time has passed after cleaning, more than seven days, and menstruation has not come, you begin to worry, go to the doctor and do not torture yourself with thoughts. At this time, the body can be disturbed due to diseases, as well as due to hormonal failure. If you do not see a gynecologist, everything can end badly, do not neglect your life.

As the absence of menstruation, as well as their large number, gives reason for panic. How many days this condition will last is unknown, it is only possible to worsen the condition of the body and health in general. The reasons may be different:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • medical errors.

Cleansing the uterus is a serious procedure. It is carried out only when absolutely necessary, as the consequences can be various and serious. During the operation, the scraped material is bad and part of it is urgently removed. The uterus is left without an additional layer of endometrium, which, when the genitals work normally, usually protects it from infections.

When menstruation begins, a woman may feel discomfort; menstruation after hysteroscopy with curettage does not begin immediately. You need to wait a little time for everything to work as before. Therefore, you should not draw any conclusions on your own, doctors will answer all your questions and help you get out of this state.

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