Discharge after vacuum termination of pregnancy: norm and pathology. Vaginal discharge after vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion)

The term “frozen pregnancy” in gynecology refers to the state when the development of the fetus in the womb stops and its death occurs. After that, the process of self-purification is activated in the body, which can last for several weeks. At the same time, vaginal discharge during a frozen pregnancy always changes its character. They become plentiful, take on a different shade and are complemented by other unpleasant symptoms. And by what signs it is possible to determine the presence of pathology and how it is treated, you will now find out.

The occurrence of a missed pregnancy can be provoked by various factors. According to scientists, it is one of the signs of natural selection, when nature itself stops the development of a sick and non-viable fetus. However, this is observed only in 10% of cases. In all other situations, the reason why the fetus may freeze is the following factors:

  • Heredity.
  • Chromosomal disorders.
  • Infections.
  • Disorders in the work of the pituitary gland.
  • Rhesus conflict.
  • Maternal consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking.

The most common cause of this pathology is the Rhesus conflict. It occurs in situations where the mother has a negative Rh factor. Moreover, if a woman has had abortions before, the risks of this pathology with each subsequent pregnancy arise several times.

This is due to the fact that with each gestation, antibodies begin to accumulate in the body, which have a negative effect on the development of the fetus, perceiving it as a foreign body. And when the amount exceeds all permissible norms, the embryo is not able to cope with them and dies.

And, despite the fact that there are not so many reasons for the occurrence of a missed pregnancy, it is diagnosed in almost 7% of women. And it is very important to determine the presence of this pathology in a timely manner, because, as mentioned above, the rejection of a dead embryo can take several weeks, which leads to the development of severe inflammation, as well as the discovery of uterine bleeding, which poses a serious threat to a woman's life. It is for this reason that doctors do not advise waiting until the uterus is cleansed of the fetus on its own, and recommend curettage or vacuum aspiration to speed up this process and avoid the development of complications.


In order to timely determine the fading of pregnancy and consult a doctor, you need to know which clinic signals the presence of this pathology. The first main sign is the discrepancy between the size of the uterus for gestational age, which is easily detected by a gynecologist when examining a patient.

You can independently determine the development of this pathology by several symptoms. As a rule, in the first trimester, pregnancy is accompanied by toxicosis. If he was, and suddenly disappeared, then this is a serious cause for concern, since such a phenomenon signals a fading in the development of the fetus.

If the gestation period is quite long (over 18–20 weeks), there is engorgement of the mammary glands and the release of mucous exudate from the nipples when they are pressed. After a certain time, severe pains in the abdomen appear according to the type of contractions, which are accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina.

Can there be a frozen pregnancy without vaginal discharge? Yes, and therefore it is extremely important to constantly monitor your well-being, paying attention to absolutely every little thing. Separately, it is worth mentioning the basal temperature. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, then it is usually 37.1-37.4 ⁰C. When the fetus freezes, the rectal temperature drops to normal levels - 36.6 ⁰C. But it must be said that it is by no means possible to start from this alone in making a diagnosis. Since the decrease and increase in basal temperature also occurs with the development of inflammatory processes in the body. Therefore, in any case, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, you will need to consult a gynecologist and ultrasound.

What to do?

If, according to the results of an ultrasound examination, a missed pregnancy was detected, an abortion should be performed immediately. In this case, it is done in several ways:

  • By vacuum aspiration (performed up to 7-8 weeks of gestation);
  • By cleaning the uterus, that is, scraping (carried out after 8 weeks).

It is impossible to delay an abortion in such a situation, especially when a woman has bleeding during a missed pregnancy. If you do not have an abortion in a timely manner, this will lead to serious consequences. Firstly, there is a dead body in the uterus, which begins to decompose, provoking inflammation and the development of purulent processes in the body, leading to necrosis (tissue death). Secondly, with self-cleansing, the fetal egg may not be completely excreted. Inside the uterus, its elements may remain, which will also begin to rot and provoke tissue necrosis.

After the termination of a frozen pregnancy in the first or second trimester (no matter how), the woman has a slight deterioration in well-being. The temperature may rise to 37.5 ⁰C (no more), weakness, pulling pains in the abdomen, caused by uterine contractions, etc. can be felt. But after a few days, the patient's condition returns to normal and becomes stable.

The only thing that after the termination of pregnancy is a violation of the menstrual cycle, since a decrease in the level of progesterone is observed in the body and a few days after the procedure, the woman begins menstruation. At the same time, it lasts longer than usual, or, conversely, less and meager.

Due to hormonal imbalance, the menstrual cycle becomes unstable. Menstruation can be several times a month or begin after a long delay. Such phenomena are considered the norm and they are observed until the body is fully restored. And this can take up to 6 months. A woman can also become pregnant again only after the full restoration of the menstrual cycle.

Vacuum aspiration

Vacuum aspiration is a procedure for terminating a pregnancy, which is performed using a special device that works like a vacuum cleaner. He "sucks" the dead fetus with nearby tissues from the uterine cavity.

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The presence of spotting after vacuum aspiration of a missed pregnancy is a natural process. How long they will go depends on the following factors:

  • Hormonal background.
  • The level of blood clotting.
  • How quickly the body is able to recover.

Abundant discharge after cleansing lasts about a day. Then their number decreases and they are replaced by brown discharge, the duration of which can be from 5 to 10 days.


This is a procedure for terminating a pregnancy, which is carried out under general anesthesia with the use of special instruments. First, with the help of forceps, the cervix is ​​opened, then, with the help of a “spoon”, the embryo with adjacent tissues is scraped out of the organ cavity.

Talking about how much blood is discharged after scraping a frozen pregnancy, it should be noted that in this case a lot also depends on the characteristics of the body. However, unlike the discharge that occurs after vacuum cleaning, heavy periods after scraping a missed pregnancy are observed longer - about 1.5–2 days.

This is due to the fact that this procedure is much more traumatic than vacuum aspiration, as it leads to severe damage to the mucous membranes of the uterus, forming wounds on them that begin to bleed profusely.

Brown discharge during curettage of a missed pregnancy can begin only 2-3 days after the procedure. Their appearance indicates a good level of blood clotting and a normal uterine recovery process. In general, you can smear the discharge after scraping for 8-14 days.

Possible Complications

Termination of a missed pregnancy is not always successful. Sometimes, after cleaning, serious complications occur that require additional therapy.

They can manifest themselves with different symptoms, but the most dangerous is the situation when a woman, after cleaning, notices yellow or green discharge with an unpleasant odor. They occur only when the uterine cavity is infected, which occurs for several reasons:

  • Cleaning with contaminated tools.
  • A woman's neglect of the doctor's recommendations (especially for sexual intercourse, which she enters into a few days after cleaning, when the uterus is still bleeding and there are wounds on its surfaces).

The infection leads to serious health problems, and therefore, if it occurs, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist and undergo a course of antibiotic therapy. Hormonal disorders can also trigger the development of thrush, which is characterized by white or pink discharge with a sour smell, causing severe discomfort in the vagina. To cure the disease, you will need to undergo a course of specific therapy, since thrush has the ability to spread to other organs, causing serious disturbances in their work.

Another complication that often occurs after cleaning the uterus is the formation of a blood clot (blood clot) in the cervix. Its occurrence causes a violation of the outflow of blood from the uterine cavity, as a result of which it accumulates inside the organ, provoking the development of inflammatory processes in it.

The main signs of cervix blockage after the termination of a missed pregnancy are the following symptoms:

  • Absence of bleeding.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Temperature over 38 ⁰C.
  • Weakness.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately visit a doctor or call an ambulance, because if you do not pay attention to this pathology in time, this can lead to the development of sepsis and abscess.

No less dangerous is the situation when, after cleaning, after some time, a woman notices a dark clot in her discharge, indicating that the embryo and adjacent tissues have not been completely removed from the uterus. In this case, an immediate visit to the doctor and an ultrasound examination are also required. If it shows that elements of a dead embryo remain in the uterus, a second curettage will be required.

Not abundant daub after cleaning for 8-10 days is considered quite natural. However, it should not be accompanied by abdominal pain, fever or other symptoms. Any changes in the condition should not go unnoticed and become a serious reason to see a doctor.

Vacuum aspiration is a mini-surgery during which, with the help of a special vacuum suction, the contents of the uterine cavity are extracted (suction). During vacuum aspiration, only the superficial ball of the endometrium of the uterus is removed, its neck and walls are practically not damaged.

Vacuum aspiration in gynecology - the essence and purpose of carrying out

For most women, the concept of "vacuum aspiration" is associated with an unwanted pregnancy, or rather with a certain method of terminating it. Indeed, in gynecology, this method is most often used to terminate a pregnancy, but other purposes for its use are possible, in particular:

In addition, the patient's clinical history, gynecological medical history, reproductive history should be carefully evaluated, acquaintances, based on this news, decide whether to continue in diagnostic and clinical studies. Spontaneous abortion therapy is different.

The cervical canal is widened and then a cannula instrument is inserted to allow suction of the residual material. Possible complications of behavior d "waiting especially bleeding, which can become especially large during" the ejection of abortion material, and pelvic pain. in fact, if these conditions are present, an indication of urgency may be indicated.

  • Surgical therapy: also called "scraping".
  • The operation is performed under sedation.
There are many reasons for spontaneous miscarriage.
  1. Postpartum vacuum cleaning. Vacuum aspiration after childbirth is necessary in case of poor uterine contractility to remove blood clots and placental tissue.
  2. Vacuum "cleaning" after a frozen pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage. It is carried out in order to extract the fetal egg (with ST) or its remains (with incomplete miscarriage).
  3. Therapeutic vacuum aspiration in inflammatory diseases of the uterine cavity.
  4. Diagnostic vacuum aspiration of pathologically altered endometrium with its subsequent histological examination.

Vacuum aspiration is performed on an outpatient basis, the procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes, after which the woman should be under supervision in a hospital setting for 1 hour.

Usually, chromosomal abnormalities are not associated with recurrent miscarriages if the parents' karyotype is a normal variation of the parental karyotype, which creates sperm or eggs with genetically altered uterine abnormalities, but only if they significantly alter the structure of the uterus: uterine septa, submucosal fibroids of the cervix with incontinence: the cervix is ​​weak and opens under the weight of the uterus, even in the absence of contractions. "Cervical incontinence occurs due to late abortion immunological factors: antiphospholipid antibodies, autoimmune disease syndrome" Polycystic ovaries: increased androgen production and insulin resistance may be the reason for the increased abortion rate in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome hyperprolactinemia infections: infectious agents, that cross the placenta and infect the fetus and cause death or untreated vaginal infections that can cause inflammation with the production of mediators that cause uterine contractions and lead to the end of abortion or preterm birth. Sometimes a high temperature in the first week of pregnancy can cause abortion thrombophilia:. conditions in which excess coagulates blood interferes with normal circulatory adaptation to pregnancy diabetes, thyroid disorders: if treated properly and properly controlled, they do not cause abortion of organ failure. corpus luteum: Conditions in which the corpus luteum does not produce enough progesterone, the "hormone that promotes" plants and maintenance of pregnancy in the first trimester of pregnancy. But we must remember that in most cases you cannot find a reason that could determine the abortion, especially when it was accidental.

Does vacuum aspiration hurt? No. The procedure is almost painless, as it is done under local anesthesia. A woman may feel a slight aching pain in the lower abdomen.

Termination of pregnancy by vacuum aspiration

Vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion) of the contents of the uterine cavity is perhaps the safest and least traumatic abortion method of all existing in our time. But such mini-abortions are effective only in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 5 weeks).

Discharge after cleaning a missed pregnancy

On the other hand, in case of repeated miscarriage, it is important to try to determine the cause and, if possible, to remove it. In cases of recurrent abortions, an attempt should be made to identify trigger factors before the onset of subsequent pregnancies. In particular, it may be useful to request some basic exams such as.

Reasons for cleaning

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs: uterine blood tests to rule out abnormalities in the development of diabetes mellitus, the condition of thyroid thrombophilia and immunological diseases such as celiac disease karyotype karyotype of the parents of the abortion material. Progesterone: effective in cases of corpus luteum insufficiency, designed to relax the uterus The role of cerclage in the prevention of preterm birth is very controversial Treatment of diabetes or thyroid disease. Death in the uterus of a fetus is an event that must always be carefully evaluated.

Discharge after vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity can continue like normal menstruation, sometimes it can be much shorter, go 2-3 days. Too bad there wasn't any blood. Perhaps there was a spasm of the cervix, and the blood simply cannot leave the uterus. And this threatens with a severe inflammatory process. In this case, you need to do an ultrasound and, if necessary, surgical curettage.

Menstruation after vacuum aspiration begins on time, that is, on average, 28-35 days from the day of the abortion. With a delay - you need to do a pregnancy test if you had unprotected intercourse after an abortion. Or wait a little. With prolonged amenorrhea, this is a delay in menstruation of one month or more, progesterone may be prescribed. On its cancellation, bleeding will begin.

It should be noted that the cycle will not fail if immediately after the abortion you start taking hormonal contraceptives, which will also save you from unwanted pregnancy.

Medical reasons, for treatment

Often the procedure is carried out not at the request of the woman, but for medical necessity. For example, vacuum aspiration during a missed pregnancy. This is an opportunity to avoid cleaning the uterus, a much more "bloody" and unpleasant procedure. With a non-developing pregnancy, it is imperative to remove the fetal egg with membranes from the uterus, otherwise it will all begin to decompose and cause an inflammatory process, and perhaps even sepsis. Abroad, women with a missed pregnancy are usually given 2-3 weeks, during which a spontaneous miscarriage can occur. But in Russia it is customary to immediately do a vacuum aspiration or cleaning the uterus.

The same procedure can wait for women in the first days after the birth of a child. Not all women have a uterus that contracts well, and postpartum discharge (lochia) normally disappears. Sometimes they linger in the uterus for a long time, and this is fraught with an inflammatory process. In many European countries, vacuum aspiration is performed after childbirth if a lochiometer is diagnosed on ultrasound. In domestic hospitals, it is often suggested to start with Oxytocin, try to “start” uterine contractions, and then, perhaps, you won’t need to suck out the contents of the uterus, everything will come out naturally.


Vacuum aspiration has indications not only directly related to pregnancy and childbirth, but also the diagnosis of gynecological diseases. So, it is often performed on women with suspected endometrial hyperplasia. Or if a myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids) is planned. After all, no one will remove neoplasms without a histological analysis of the endometrium. In the case of a good result of an ultrasound examination, a young patient (up to 35 years old), curettage of the uterine cavity in order to simply obtain confirmation that there are no endometrial pathologies is not performed. It is replaced by a much more gentle procedure - endometrial vacuum aspiration, performed without anesthesia, and even in most cases without the use of local anesthesia. It is not required. Let us clarify that it is more correct to call this procedure a pipel biopsy or an aspiration biopsy. Under this name, it is indicated in the price lists of clinics. Also, a pipel biopsy is prescribed for prolonged infertility, in preparation for IVF.

So how is it going. First, a woman takes a regular smear on the flora. The doctor must make sure that there is no inflammation. Otherwise, during the procedure, pathogenic microorganisms can be introduced into the uterine cavity, and then acute endometritis will begin.

Depending on the purpose of the study, the day of the menstrual cycle for a pipel biopsy may be different. Knowing that the procedure is, to put it mildly, unpleasant, many women take painkillers and antispasmodics shortly before it (to avoid spasm of the cervical canal). This issue should be discussed with the gynecologist in advance. However, one should not immediately think that the procedure is unbearably painful. Women have different pain thresholds. Another good pain reliever is lidocaine spray. If it is not available at the clinic, you can purchase it yourself and bring it to your appointment.

The woman lies down on a regular gynecological chair. The doctor installs a gynecological mirror and treats the cervix with alcohol (may pinch). After that, a thin catheter is inserted into the uterus. It should be noted that its diameter is 2-3 millimeters, which is 2 times less than during abortion. After all, there is no fetal egg in the uterus, under the diameter of which a catheter is selected. This means that it is much faster and easier to enter it. Literally within 30 seconds, the absorption of the endometrium from different parts of the uterus takes place. Then the catheter is taken out. Procedure completed. After it, soreness, like spasms, in the uterine region and small spotting may persist for some time.

Vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterine cavity imposes small restrictions on sexual life after it. If everything goes without complications, then you need to refrain from sex for a period of 3-4 days. By the way, good news for those planning a pregnancy. There are statistics proving that after an aspiration biopsy, it is immediately possible to become pregnant. Scientists do not yet know the exact reason for this. But most likely, there is a positive reaction of the endometrium to its slight trauma.

The procedure is performed under local or full anesthesia and involves removing the fetus with gentle suction. Performing a vacuum aspiration takes about 10 minutes and you can often go home the same day.

How does this happen?

Vacuum aspiration

First, you may have a small preparation called a pessary (uterine ring) inserted into your vagina to help dilate your cervix ahead of time.

After this expansion, a small suction tube connected to a pump is placed inside the uterus. The vacuum action of the suction tube removes the fetus and all surrounding tissue.

In total, the procedure takes 10 to 15 minutes.

Recovery takes approximately 1-2 hours.

There may be some bleeding for a couple of weeks after vacuum aspiration. It may look like menstrual bleeding and usually stops after 14 days. Wear sanitary pads during this time until it stops.

Compared to other forms of treatment, bleeding after vacuum aspiration is the least.

After vacuum aspiration

If general anesthesia was used during the procedure, then you need to rest after it so that its effect stops. It's good to arrange in advance for someone to drive you home. This is also useful if local anesthesia was used, since after it you may feel tired and slightly dizzy.

If you have asked someone to drive you home, ask if the person can stay with you for the first 24 hours after the abortion. This could be your partner, relative or friend.

You will be given pain medication to manage any discomfort after the procedure.

You will also be scheduled for a follow-up appointment, usually two weeks after the abortion, and it is important to come to this appointment. It can be performed by a doctor in the clinic, or your personal doctor.

Recovery after vacuum aspiration

Continue taking the pain reliever you have been prescribed. It will be either ibuprofen or paracetamol, which are available at any pharmacy. Follow these instructions and ask your pharmacist if you have any doubts.

If general anesthesia was used, then avoid driving, operating industrial machinery, and performing any task that requires concentration for the first 38 hours after vacuum aspiration.

Continue to use sanitary pads instead of tampons for 14 days after your abortion. Try not to use them for at least a month.

Do not resume having sex until the bleeding has completely stopped. When you resume a normal relationship, make sure you use birth control right away.

Your doctor or clinician will advise you to use birth control to reduce your risk of sexually transmitted diseases and prevent pregnancy. A woman is very fertile after an abortion, which means there is a very high risk of getting pregnant. If you don't want this to happen, learn about a suitable method of contraception.

Vacuum aspiration is a safe procedure, but if you notice any of the following symptoms, then contact your healthcare provider:

  • Fever
  • Dark or strong-smelling vaginal discharge
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Severe bleeding with blood clots
  • Bloating in the lower abdomen or severe pain

These symptoms are signs of an infection that requires medical attention.

Side effects include the effects of general anesthesia, abdominal pain, cramping, and bleeding. However, they will make it easier for the first couple of weeks after the vacuum aspiration.

Learn more about vacuum aspiration:

Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity or "mini-abortion": what is it? | Urology and gynecology

Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity or "mini-abortion": what is it?


Vacuum aspiration is an artificial termination of pregnancy. This manipulation has been used since the 60s and has recently become even more popular. You can perform a mini-abortion for a period of 5-6 weeks by suctioning the fetal egg by creating negative pressure. This procedure helps to significantly reduce the likelihood of damage to the uterus, infection and bleeding.

The widespread use of vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is due to the fact that it can be performed on an outpatient basis, using a fairly simple medical technique, general anesthesia is not needed, the operation is practically painless.

How long does a mini abortion take?

It makes no sense to perform a vacuum abortion before 3 weeks of pregnancy, since at such a short time the medical method will also be effective, excluding any surgical intervention. The most appropriate time to do a mini-abortion is at 4-5 weeks. At this stage, the embryo is not so firmly attached to the uterine wall.

At week 6, the suction of the fetal egg (with a highly qualified doctor) also passes quickly and without complications. At a later date, in most clinics, a pregnant woman will most likely be prescribed curettage, rather than aspiration.

It turns out that it is better to terminate the pregnancy before 7 weeks, so that you do not have to resort to curettage. When using it, the manipulation is more traumatic, and the recovery takes longer.

Contraindications for mini-abortion

Before performing a vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity, it is important to confirm the presence of pregnancy with a rapid test and clarify during ultrasound that it is not ectopic. Before performing the manipulation, it is imperative to accurately determine the period, only if it does not exceed 6 weeks, it is possible to perform a mini-abortion.

In the presence of gynecological, inflammatory or infectious diseases, the procedure is carried out only after appropriate treatment.

The process of vacuum aspiration

Before the termination of pregnancy, the external genital organs of a woman are treated with an antiseptic, then gynecological mirrors are placed in the vagina. Disinfectants and anesthetics are applied to the cervix. Probing is performed, after which an aspiration catheter is inserted. Then, from the base of the uterus, the catheter is gradually rotated in a circle.

It is possible to make a mini-abortion without dilating the cervix. Embryo aspiration is performed using the negative pressure of the vacuum apparatus. A suction attached to a disposable thin catheter causes the fetal egg to pass by itself, regardless of its location.

Manipulation can take from 2 to 10 minutes. Local anesthesia is usually sufficient. When performing aspiration, the doctor observes the exit of the aspirate and after the cessation of its release, the operation can be completed. After a mini-abortion, an ultrasound should be performed to confirm the absence of remnants. If the tissues of the fetal egg are not completely out, the procedure is repeated. 2 weeks after the procedure, it is advisable for the patient to visit the doctor again.

Benefits of a mini abortion

The clear benefits of vacuum aspiration include:

  • - the operation is performed on an outpatient basis (the statement is made on the day of termination of pregnancy);
  • - traumatization of the cervix is ​​absent;
  • - the uterine cavity heals quickly, due to its minimal damage;
  • - a fairly quick recovery of the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels after the procedure.

How to Prepare for a Mini Abortion

Like any other surgical intervention, vacuum aspiration requires thorough preparation. In the clinic, before the manipulation, you may be asked to undergo some tests and take tests. Be sure to find out the presence of sexually transmitted and infectious diseases (hepatitis, HIV, syphilis). They also perform a bacterioscopic smear for flora, a coagulogram, a blood test for a group and a Rh factor.

It is mandatory to do a test for hCG and ultrasound to confirm pregnancy.

Complications of vacuum aspiration

Mini-abortion for up to 6 weeks is considered the most "harmless" way to terminate a pregnancy, since trauma to the endometrium, myometrium and cervix is ​​minimal. But, in extremely rare cases, some complications are possible:

  • 1. incomplete suction of the fetal egg– appears when using too small a cannula or tip, as well as when aspiration ends early. During the procedure, you should carefully observe the emptying of the uterus and carefully examine the removed tissue;
  • 2. infection- occurs when the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not observed during the intervention or in the presence of untreated sexually transmitted and infectious diseases in a woman;
  • 3. uterine perforation- possible if the technique of intervention is not observed. If this complication is suspected, emergency measures should be taken to save lives;
  • 4. uterine bleeding;
  • 5. air embolism- is formed if the plunger of the syringe moves forward while the cannula is still in the uterine cavity.

Pregnancy after vacuum aspiration

Often, women are concerned about the question of whether pregnancy is possible after vacuum aspiration and whether it will proceed normally. You can immediately reassure and say that although a mini-abortion is a surgical intervention, it is quite gentle and harmless.

Of course, you should not get pregnant immediately after the manipulation, it is better to wait at least six months. Give the body the opportunity to restore the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels. Immediately after the manipulation, it is recommended to drink antibiotics and a course of immunoboosting agents. Within 2 weeks after an abortion, it is recommended to give up sexual activity.

Pregnancy after vacuum aspiration usually passes without any complications, but if they occur, then in most cases this has nothing to do with the mini-abortion. Although repeated abortions, especially with complications, are likely to negatively affect your general and “female” health.

Frozen pregnancy and vacuum

One of the varieties of pathologies of pregnancy is missed pregnancy. It occurs spontaneously and is more often observed in the early stages of pregnancy, but there are cases in the second, less often in the third trimester.

Risk factors

  • Recently, more and more non-developing pregnancy occurs due to the presence of APS in a pregnant woman.
  • Another provoking factor is in vitro fertilization.
  • Prolonged stresses, sudden changes in climatic conditions, flights over long distances have a negative effect.
  • Harmful and dangerous alcohol intake, smoking.
  • Age over thirty-five is also a risk factor.

Symptoms of a missed pregnancy

There are practically no differences between the symptoms of a miscarriage and a missed pregnancy. Detachment of the fetal egg leads to the appearance of cramping pains in the abdomen, from the genitals.

The symptoms of pregnancy may also disappear: the manifestations of toxicosis (if it was, of course), the soreness of the mammary glands and the like will disappear.

If a missed pregnancy occurs at a later date, a formidable signal is the cessation of fetal movement.

Nevertheless, even if the listed symptoms are present, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether there is a frozen pregnancy or not, a gynecologist's consultation is required. The presence of spotting in combination with the absence of fetal movement requires urgent medical attention.


A frozen pregnancy must be interrupted and vacuum (vacuum aspiration) is the most popular method. But first, when confirming the diagnosis, the doctor takes a wait-and-see approach, since very often a frozen pregnancy is interrupted spontaneously due to uterine contractions, detachment of the fetal egg and its expulsion. If this does not happen, then only the doctor prescribes vacuum aspiration in order to avoid inflammation of the uterus and toxic poisoning of the woman's body with the decay products of the fetal egg.

A mini-abortion is carried out without dilating the cervix (sometimes metal dilators are used to open the cervix in order to introduce abortion instruments). Attached to the suction, a disposable thin-diameter catheter is inserted into the uterus and sucks out the fetal egg. This happens due to the creation of negative pressure in the uterus, which contributes to the spontaneous rejection of the fetal egg, regardless of its place of attachment.

The operation lasts from 2 to 5 minutes, the duration of anesthesia, respectively, is also limited to a few minutes. Anesthesia can be either local or general.

After passing through vacuum aspiration, ultrasound is prescribed to control the removal of the fetal egg without residue. If residues are found, additional suction or scraping with a curette is carried out.

Benefits of vacuum aspiration

  • The cervix is ​​not injured.
  • Fast, simple operation, the possibility of its implementation on an outpatient basis.
  • Minimal damage in comparison with the usual abortion of the uterine mucosa, as a result, its rapid recovery to a holistic state.
  • Less pronounced hormonal changes in the body than during curettage at 8-12 weeks.
  • In the early stages, the psychological trauma of a woman is less strong, since a close emotional connection between mother and child has not been established.
  • Menstrual function is restored after about 40 days.

About half a month after the operation, a control ultrasound is prescribed, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the condition of the uterus.

During examinations and treatment of gynecological diseases, many women are prescribed an operation to clean the uterus. This procedure is akin to a small abortion and is carried out on an examination chair. But some women are confused by the very name of the operation, and they want to get to the bottom of it in order to understand what cleaning is in gynecology.

Features of the procedure

When a woman is prescribed a cleaning of the uterine cavity, this means the removal of the upper layer of the mucous membrane - the endometrium. It is he who plays a big role both in the health of a woman and in the ability to bear a child.

The endometrium is directly related to menstruation. During the cycle, its layer is building up and compacting - this is how conditions are created for attaching the future fetus. If a woman does not conceive, then the mucous membrane is rejected (the uterus is being cleansed) - this is menstruation.

The operation to clean the uterus is also referred to by another term - curettage.

In other words, with special tools, the gynecologist carefully removes the endometrial layer from all the inner walls. In addition, cleaning of the cervix is ​​also prescribed, as well as washing the tubes in women.

Cleaning in women in gynecology is carried out to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The same procedure is a necessary step after childbirth - uterine curettage allows you to clean the cavity from the remnants of the placenta. It is especially important to clean the uterus after a caesarean section.

But there are other situations when a curettage operation is performed. And these moments are called diagnostic and therapeutic. Next, we will find out why they clean the uterus.

How much does a uterine cleaning cost? The price of the operation depends on the purpose of its implementation. So, diagnostic separate curettage will cost about 3000 - 5000 rubles, therapeutic - much more expensive. Analyzes, consultations of doctors, anesthesia are paid separately.

Indications for scraping

In order for a woman to be referred for a procedure, appropriate indications for this are needed. The doctor determines what type of cleaning will be carried out.

What is the cleaning of the uterus for?

  1. abortive curettage and postpartum. They are carried out in order to clean the internal cavity of the womb;
  2. through the uterus they penetrate into the tubes in order to clean them in case of obstruction;
  3. gynecological cleaning is a medical procedure for removing pathological neoplasms from the uterine cavity (or cervix);
  4. diagnostic cleaning of the uterus is prescribed in order to obtain histological material for research in order to make the correct diagnosis in case of female problems that have arisen.

In order to carry out a medical and diagnostic procedure, good reasons are needed, because this is not an ordinary and rather painful operation, which, if performed ineptly, can have undesirable consequences.

When do the cleaning of the uterus:

  • it can be complications after abortion and childbirth, as well as miscarriages and missed pregnancies;
  • polyps on the neck and in the uterus, myomatous nodes;
  • in situations where it is necessary to clean the fallopian tubes in women;
  • pathological processes in the endometrium and hyperplasia;
  • profuse and incessant bleeding;
  • suspicion of malignancy.

In such cases, curettage of the uterus is done, but in some situations the operation may be canceled. Sexual and infectious diseases that can move to a painful and unprotected endometrium will become a contraindication. The only exception is uterine continuous bleeding, especially if it occurs during menopause.

It is not always used in gynecology to clean the pipes with an operative method, since often infectious diseases are the cause of obstruction, which can be dealt with in a different way. Therefore, it is first recommended to clean the fallopian tubes in women with folk remedies (flax seeds, milk thistle, cinquefoil, upland uterus).

scraping operation

Women's cleansing usually takes place under intravenous anesthesia, so that the patient will sleep during the operation without seeing what is being done to her. But first, gynecological speculum dilators will be inserted into the vagina. The uterus will be fixed with special forceps so that it remains motionless.

When the patient enters the narcological sleep, the neck is expanded to the size necessary to penetrate the curette, the instrument used for scraping. In a well-equipped clinic, this procedure is not carried out blindly - a hysteroscope is used, which allows the doctor to see the internal cavity.

At the end of the procedure, the curette and hysteroscope are removed, the areas that have been scraped are treated with antiseptics, and then the forceps and dilators are removed. The woman is sent to the ward with an ice pack placed on her stomach to stop the wound from bleeding.

How is the uterus cleaned during bleeding? In this case, a more gentle method is used - vacuum cleaning. It is carried out under local anesthesia without visual observation. To determine the depth of the cavity, a special probe is used, and the cleansing itself is performed by a rotating catheter that collects the scraped material in a special container.

Preparing for the operation

The scraping procedure is prescribed at a certain point in the female cycle - 2-3 days before the start of the expected menstruation, when the endometrium has already prepared for rejection, and tissue necroticity has not yet been observed.

Cleaning preparation steps:

  • first, a woman undergoes an examination - she takes tests (and first of all for the detection of infections), a coaculogram, bacteriological smears;
  • 14 days before the procedure, it is required to stop taking all nutritional supplements, if they are present in the patient's diet. If a woman is forced to take medications due to other diseases, then this moment must be corrected together with the doctor who will carry out the cleaning;
  • 3 days before curettage, all sexual intercourse is excluded, vaginal suppositories, sprays and tablets are not used. With intimate hygiene, you can not use any means - wash only with water;
  • so that anesthesia does not give side effects, the last meal and drink should pass 8-10 hours before the operation.

If a woman withstands all the conditions, then curettage (therapeutic or diagnostic) will pass qualitatively and without complications.

After operation

Cleansing the uterus is akin to the natural rejection of the mucosa during menstruation. Therefore, after the procedure, a woman will have the same symptoms as during menstruation - pain in the lower abdomen, contraction of the uterus, spotting.

How long does the daub last after cleaning? The main layer of the epidermis, which was supposed to come out during menstruation, has already been removed by scraping. Therefore, after the operation, residual discharge with blood clots will be observed.

This lasts for several hours and is considered normal. But for 7-10 days, a woman may still experience a slight daub.

Within 2 weeks after cleansing, it is advisable to give the body peace, excluding sex and exercise. Do not yet use tampons and douching. Baths, saunas and baths are also excluded. Of the drugs, aspirin is contraindicated, which affects blood clotting.

If a situation arises in life when it is necessary to undergo a cleaning procedure, then you should trust a highly qualified specialist. The more equipped the gynecological clinic with modern medical equipment, the more likely it is that the operation will take place without complications. At the same time, you should not choose where it is cheaper - you need to rely on professionalism.

Vacuum aspiration is used to extract the contents of the uterine cavity. The procedure is carried out for different purposes: from diseases to abortion. What is the essence of the operation, and how is the rehabilitation after it?

Termination of pregnancy by vacuum abortion

Women go for an abortion for two main reasons:

  • unwanted pregnancy;
  • medical indications.

This mini-surgery is the safest way to terminate a pregnancy in existence. Vacuum abortion is effectively used for a short period, up to 5 weeks of pregnancy, while the embryo is small in size. After aspiration, complications very rarely occur. An abortion is carried out quickly enough, and a maximum of an hour after the procedure, the girl goes home, if she feels well.

Sometimes, as a result of the operation, the fetal egg (or part of it) remains in the uterus, then the abortion is considered incomplete. In this case, it is necessary.

If there is no medical indication for an abortion, carefully consider whether to go for an abortion. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, do not neglect contraception.

When to apply

Vacuum aspiration is performed for many indications. In gynecology, there are a number of reasons for which the need for a procedure arises:

With a frozen pregnancy

In the case of pathological fading of fetal development, urgent cleaning of the uterine cavity from the fetus is necessary. The main method is the vacuum method. The embryo must be removed as soon as possible to avoid intoxication or sepsis.

Vacuum cleaning is also carried out for periods of more than 5 weeks, until this moment, the medical method is preferred. The operation is performed only after passing the tests and examining the gynecologist.

Rehabilitation and possible complications


After the operation, the following complications may occur:

  • hematometer;
  • inflammation in the genitals;
  • incomplete abortion;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • infertility.


One of the unpleasant consequences of vacuum aspiration is the genitals. The reasons for its occurrence are:


  • pain in the uterus;
  • bad smell;
  • temperature rise;
  • itching and burning in intimate places;
  • discomfort when urinating.


Since vacuum aspiration is a minor operation, complications are extremely rare, but trauma to the vessels does occur. On the first day after the procedure, there are significant, similar to menstruation. They do not last long, only a few days. Depending on the individual characteristics, the discharge can last 3-4 days.

Causes for concern after vacuum aspiration:

  • there are no discharges, or vice versa, they are intense;
  • a specific smell appears;
  • selections have a heterogeneous structure.

If on the second day after the operation the discharge is of the same nature as on the first, and at the same time the woman feels unwell, contact a specialist immediately. It's worth worrying if there is an urgent need to replace a large sanitary napkin.

Menstruation after surgery

As already mentioned, vacuum aspiration is accompanied by the occurrence of injuries, due to which, in any case, there will be discharge.

Menstruation after the procedure does not immediately become regular. Often they begin as early as a month after the operation, but sometimes there is a delay of 2-3 cycles. The rate of recovery of habitual functions is individual and depends on the body of a woman who has undergone cleaning.

If menstruation has not started within two months, consult a gynecologist.

Further pregnancy planning

If during the bearing of a child a fetal fading occurred, you should not give up the idea of ​​​​giving birth to a baby. A woman is able to bear a full-fledged child of an unsuccessful pregnancy.

But experts recommend refraining from conception in the first six months in order for recovery to occur after cleansing. The body and nervous system after a miscarriage are very exhausted. It is recommended to drink a course of vitamins, give up alcohol and drugs.

Early pregnancy after cleansing

If the operation went without complications, then it will not affect future pregnancy. Many girls successfully become pregnant even a month after the procedure and subsequently give birth to a healthy baby. But the risk still exists. Doctors advise to allow the body to recover from vacuum aspiration and delay conception for about 6 months.

The fact is that in the case of an early onset of pregnancy, the likelihood of a miscarriage is high. Possible violations in the development of the fetus, increasing the likelihood of congenital pathologies. This is due to the fact that the placenta is depleted after the procedure and is not always able to provide the fetus with everything necessary.

Is it possible to get pregnant after a mini-abortion

If the operation was performed correctly and went without complications, then there should be no problems with pregnancy. It is important to give the body time to recover, thereby minimizing the risk of unsuccessful pregnancy.

Vacuum aspiration is a fairly simple and safe procedure. unpleasant consequences are great, provided that the abortion is carried out qualitatively and that the patient complies with all the doctor's prescriptions during the rehabilitation period.

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In contact with

Termination of pregnancy at different times can lead to the death of a woman. And although modern technology can reduce this risk to a minimum, careful control of vaginal discharge after the procedure is still important. According to their intensity and nature, one can judge the presence or absence of complications. So, discharge after an abortion should not be very plentiful or prolonged.

Abortion is a procedure for removing the fetal sac with the embryo and other structures, as well as with the upper layer of the endometrium. At the request of a woman, up to 12 weeks are carried out, according to medical and social indications - up to 20. Abortion can be performed by vacuum, surgical removal or drug stimulation of the expulsion of the fetal vesicle. The choice of method of termination depends on the number of weeks of pregnancy, the state of health of the woman. Each species has its own characteristics and recovery time.

Why does spotting appear after an abortion?

The causes of discharge after an abortion are due to the peculiarities of the procedure. In the process, the contents of the uterine cavity are mechanically removed or detachment and expulsion of the ovum is stimulated (with medical abortion). As a result of this, the uterine cavity is cleansed, the upper layer of the endometrium is removed, which is normally rejected during menstruation. In the place where the attachment of the embryo was planned or has already taken place, after its removal, a platform with gaping vessels remains. Which is the cause of the bloody discharge. In addition, the rest of the inner surface of the uterus is "cleansed" as with normal menstruation.

What determines their intensity and duration

The nature of bleeding depends on many nuances.

  • From the size of the fetal egg. The longer the gestation period, the more intense the discharge, since with the gestation period, the size of the uterus and the size of the emerging "children's place" increase.
  • From the abortion method. Vacuum aspiration is accompanied by minimal spotting, and with medical abortion they are most.
  • From the presence of gynecological diseases. If a woman has fibroids, they can disrupt the contractility of the uterus, causing bleeding to be more profuse and prolonged.
  • From the intensity of the contraction of the uterus. The rate at which the uterus contracts after an abortion will affect the discharge. The worse, the more they will be, up to life-threatening bleeding.
  • From the quality of the procedure. If, after interruption, even the smallest particles from the chorion or fetal vesicle remain in the uterine cavity, this will entail severe bleeding, which sometimes happens many days after the procedure.

The main signs of the norm

It is important to understand why there are discharges after an abortion, and how they should be normal. The main characteristics are as follows:

  • no more than 14-16 days;
  • without large clots;
  • smearing from the fifth to seventh day;
  • should not be accompanied by a rise in temperature;
  • painless;
  • no bad smell.

Features of secretions after vacuum

Vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion) is one of the most minimally invasive methods of abortion. It is carried out up to five to six weeks of gestation, while the fetal vesicle should not exceed 21 mm in diameter according to the results of ultrasound.

With vacuum aspiration, a special catheter is placed in the uterine cavity, with the help of which it is cleaned under pressure. The fetal egg and superficial endometrium are removed. By this time, the fetal vesicle itself does not yet have time to penetrate into the wall of the uterus, so it is easy to remove it, and the consequences of the procedure are minimal.

Therefore, discharge from women after a vacuum abortion is scarce, sometimes it's just a daub for five to seven days. They may increase somewhat on the second day after the procedure, sometimes small (up to 5 mm) clots are noted.

After surgery

When performing a surgical abortion with the help of a special instrument (curettes), the fetal egg is removed, and then all the walls of the uterus are carefully scraped (cleaned). This is carried out in order to completely remove the chorion - the emerging "children's place". By a period of six or more weeks, the fetal egg is already firmly attached to the wall of the uterus, so all elements can only be removed by careful scraping.

The abortion is performed under intravenous anesthesia, and the woman lies down for about 20-30 minutes after the procedure. During this time, the secretions accumulate in the uterine cavity, and when they move to a vertical position, they come out. Therefore, women note abundant discharge immediately after getting out of bed. They last for a week or 10-14 days, in their nature and abundance resemble ordinary menstruation. The same characteristics after a late abortion.

After medical interruption

Medical abortion is different in that for its implementation you just need to drink two types of pills. The former block the action of progesterone and cause detachment of the fetal egg from the walls of the uterus. The second - are taken after 36-48 hours, stimulate the contraction of the myometrium, as a result of which the fetal bladder and parts of the endometrium exit the uterine cavity. Therefore, spotting after taking medication indicates the onset of rejection of the endometrium and the fetal egg.

But they do not always occur immediately after the tablets are drunk, and can begin at any time within three to five days. The intensity of the discharge first increases, clots may appear (a fetal egg also comes out in the form of a clot). Gradually the intensity decreases. Minor spotting after a medical abortion can be observed for another two weeks after the interruption.

If contraceptives were prescribed

Often after an abortion, especially after a mini-abortion and surgical abortion, a woman is prescribed oral contraceptives to prevent conception in the near future and for recovery.

When taking hormonal pills, the nature of the discharge may change somewhat. In addition to those that are directly related to the removal of the ovum, there are smears associated with the adaptation of the body to hormones. Therefore, brown discharge after an abortion may be longer, until the next menstruation.

Manifestations of pathological conditions

Complications are not excluded after any type of abortion. They are associated either with incomplete removal of the fetal egg, or with the addition of an infection. In the following cases, urgent medical attention should be sought.

  • Abundant discharge. Immediately after execution and during the first month, bleeding after an abortion may occur. If within an hour a woman lacks two “maxi” pads, there is a lot of discharge and they are scarlet, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist.
  • Allocations of pathological color. When inflammation is attached, the color of the discharge after an abortion will change: they can become purulent, green, yellow, watery, with a repulsive odor.
  • No allocations. Normally, after such procedures, there should be spotting (at least of a smearing nature). If after an abortion there is no discharge, this is the first sign of their accumulation in the uterine cavity. This happens when the cervix contracts, and therefore the blood cannot come out. Inside the uterine cavity, pressure rises, which causes severe pain in the lower abdomen. In such a situation, the cervical canal is bougienage, after which the outflow is restored.
  • Allocations are accompanied by pain syndrome. Minor pulling pains in the lower abdomen are acceptable. But with their strengthening, it is necessary to exclude a violation of the outflow of secretions and inflammation.
  • There is an increase in temperature. If the high temperature is not associated with other diseases, this is evidence of inflammation in the uterine cavity and small pelvis. It can be caused both by a violation of the rules for performing an abortion, the presence of an infection in the vagina, and by the early resumption of sexual intercourse (if sex occurs before the end of the discharge).

If such complaints occur, and even if a complication is suspected, it is necessary to seek medical help for further examination and to establish the cause.

How to prevent complications

Termination of a pregnancy is a serious procedure, even if it is a medical abortion. Reviews of women confirm the fact that the implementation of all the recommendations of the doctor will protect against the development of complications. The following must be observed:

  • undergo a pre-procedure examination (vaginal swabs, blood tests);
  • perform a pelvic ultrasound to confirm the gestational age;
  • comply with all doctor's prescriptions after the procedure;
  • refrain from sexual intercourse for two to three weeks after an abortion;
  • choose a reliable method of further contraception, after consulting with your doctor.

Abortion brings psychological and physical damage to a woman's health. Therefore, termination of pregnancy should be treated with responsibility, following all the instructions of specialists. Control the nature of the discharge after the procedure. Remember that it's normal:

  • bloody discharge after an abortion should be;
  • clots can only be after an abortion performed using pills;
  • within one to two weeks, the discharge should be reduced to a minimum;
  • severe pain and fever should not be.

If you have any doubts (for example, if a woman is worried about how much discharge after an abortion is, or her stomach hurts), it is better to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can distinguish the norm from the pathology.


Manipulation is preceded by preparation. In addition to standard tests, a vaginal smear is required. With signs of inflammation, a woman is prescribed antibiotic suppositories - this will reduce the likelihood of infection in the uterine cavity.

The procedure is performed under anesthesia or local anesthesia. In a short period of time, and in women who have given birth, it is possible to confine themselves to an injection into the cervix to reduce pain during the insertion of the aspirator cannula. In the longer term, in order to reduce discomfort and psychological trauma, it is better to agree to anesthesia.

Manipulation takes place on a gynecological chair. After examining the vagina, the doctor fixes the cervix and measures the length of the cavity with a uterine probe. The expansion of the cervical canal is not required. In the longer term, it may be necessary for a large diameter cannula to pass into the uterine cavity. Then limited to 1-2 metal expanders.

The aspirator tube connected to the device is carefully inserted into the uterine cavity. She is kept in one position. The doctor does not rotate it, the fetal egg is absorbed by creating negative pressure in the uterus. Ultrasound guidance during aspiration is not used, but some clinics practice a combination of these manipulations. Be sure to undergo an ultrasound a week after vacuum aspiration to make sure that there are no remnants of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity. After the manipulation, the tissues must be taken on.

Vacuum aspiration of a frozen pregnancy: reviews

Women who have undergone vacuum aspiration respond differently to the procedure. Those who have done it under local anesthesia compare the pain with heavy menstruation. But for some, the pain was more pronounced, so they would prefer anesthesia next time. With general anesthesia, the operation is quick and painless, discomfort occurs after waking up and is associated with the action of narcotic analgesics.

According to reviews, the restoration of the menstrual cycle occurs for everyone individually. In most cases, women do not notice deviations, menstruation begins on average 30 days after the procedure. But sometimes a failure occurs, the recovery cycle stretches for several months.

Yulia Shevchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for the site

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