Pros and cons of being a pathologist. Department of Pathological Anatomy

A pathologist is a doctor who examines corpses in order to identify (confirm, refute) any pathology (disease) that led to death. In spite of technical progress, including in medicine, the availability of high-tech equipment in medical institutions and modern means diagnostics, it is not always possible during the life of the patient to identify the disease in time and put accurate diagnosis in order to prescribe adequate treatment.

Pathologist and forensic expert - similarities and differences

Often there is confusion: the townsfolk believe that the pathologist and court medical expert are the same specialist. But this is not true at all.

The forensic medical and pathoanatomical services are united by one thing - the study of corpses and cadaveric material. Then there are the obvious differences.

A forensic medical expert examines the corpses of people:

  1. Only by direction/decree of law enforcement agencies (investigation, investigators, judges, prosecutors, police). In other words, the customers of forensic examinations are law enforcement agencies.
  2. Death is violent (criminal) or suspicious of such. Those. corpses of people who died from external causes(knife or gunshot wound, poisoning, hypothermia, exposure to a heavy blunt object, etc.). It is noteworthy that in the concept of "death suspected of violence" the police can include all cases of finding bodies at home or elsewhere without signs of life. However, an autopsy often determines the cause of death from the disease, and not from external factors. Therefore, the proportion of autopsies performed by forensic experts is growing from year to year, and the percentage of sudden (non-violent) death reaches 80% of all studies (expertises).
  3. With injuries suspected of being iatrogenic (caused by healthcare professionals). Medical errors and negligence of doctors, alas, are inevitable. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the reason for the defect in the provision medical care to the patient: objective (insufficient equipment, severity and transience of the condition, short stay in medical institution) or subjective (carelessness, insufficient qualifications, careless attitude to work).

A pathologist examines the corpses of people who have died:

  • Non-violent death (only from diseases);
  • In a medical institution (hospital). Each hospital has at least one full-time pathologist.
  • The pathologist examines not only the human corpse, but also prepares clippings with micropreparations of tissue pieces for examination under a microscope. This allows you to evaluate the picture of the disease at the macro- and microscopic levels.

In addition, the pathologist can work with the tissues of a living person. For example, after surgery, a piece of breast tissue was taken to determine the presence of cancer cells. From the conclusion of the pathologist to this case depends on the prognosis for human health and the amount of further surgical intervention.

Consider the advantages and costs of the pathologist profession:

Obvious advantages

  • The first and most important advantage is almost 100% certainty of the diagnosis. She is so tall because the doctor sees internal organs and fabrics in full size. What they are, with my own eyes. It is no secret that an X-ray machine, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonic sensor or computed tomography have some errors in the reproduction and transformation of the resulting image. This is inevitable, the laws of physics and the absorptive capacity of human tissues are involved here. Even with a high quality of the resulting image (for example, on an MRI), no one will give a 100% guarantee of the absence of microscopic tumor foci. And with ultrasound x-ray studies shadows and pattern of internal organs are layered on top of each other. Only very experienced doctor radiodiagnosis can reliably tell about the state of the organ in the picture.
  • The second merit is detection of previously undetected pathology. Many diseases do not manifest themselves clinically. A person can live for several years with hepatitis and not suspect that his liver is gradually being destroyed. Or an athlete can engage in active training, and congenital cardiomyopathy (pathological expansion of the heart cavities) with lipomatosis (lipid deposition) in the myocardium will make itself felt several years after graduation. sports career. The body can tell a lot more about a person than a person can tell about himself. It happens that a doctor, having learned only at an autopsy about the presence of a certain pathology in the deceased, asks the question: “How did he live with these?”.
  • The opportunity to study in great detail and comprehensively the identified pathological process in organs - visually and under a microscope.

Annoying cons

  • The saddest drawback is working with biological material, which may be infected. Alas, transmission through the blood (cuts) of hepatitis viruses is not uncommon. In addition, when opening the corpse of a patient who died of tuberculosis, there is a high risk of getting Mycobacterium tuberculosis into the lungs with the inhaled air. Transmission of HIV infection through autopsy is fortunately unlikely, since the immunodeficiency virus quickly dies after dying as the body begins to cool.
  • Aesthetic and sanitary point of view. Opening internal organs, examining body cavities, taking blood is not a very pleasant thing for the eye and nose. Getting smeared in blood and feces for a pathologist is a typical everyday thing.

In any case, there are no uninteresting professions, especially in the field of medicine.


Scientific activity:

Leading research areas departments are: oncomorphology, infectious pathology, including pathomorphology deep mycoses, morphofunctional study endocrine system. In addition, employees are engaged in research immune system and immunocorrection, pathology reproductive system women and the musculoskeletal system. Much attention is also paid to the classifications of diseases, methodology, philosophical problems and the history of medicine.

  • 2 textbooks and 4 manuals for medical universities in the country;
  • 2 diagnostic atlases;
  • 21 scientific monographs;
  • 11 compilations scientific papers;
  • 42 teaching aids for doctors;
  • 12 teaching aids for students (one of which has been published 9 times).

8 invention patents received. Employees of the department repeatedly made presentations at congresses and forums different levels in Germany, England, France, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Italy, China, South Africa, etc.

Per last quarter century, the department has repeatedly organized international scientific forums in St. Petersburg (with German and Finnish pathologists in the 90s) and at its university (with Swedish and Greek pathologists in 2005, 2006). A number of employees (N.M. Anichkov, I.A. Danilova, E.V. Gorshkova) repeatedly worked abroad on various foreign grants. In 2005-07 The department conducted research on the significance of some immunogenetic markers (HLA-antigens, etc.) in ovarian cancer together with the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm).

  • under the direction of Corresponding Member RAS prof. N.M. Anichkov 7 doctoral and 24 master's theses;
  • under the guidance of prof. N.M. Khmelnytsky - 1 doctoral and 12 master's theses;
  • under the guidance of prof. O.A. Smirnova - 3 Ph.D. dissertations.

Student Scientific Society

The department has a circle of the Student Scientific Society (SSS), which has from 15 to 30 members. Students, members of the SSS, are regularly involved in scientific research in line with the theme of the department. Their best works have been repeatedly awarded at the federal, city and local levels.

Educational activities:

Training in clinical residency and majoring in pathological anatomy. Training in graduate school majoring in pathological anatomy. Professional retraining for general practitioners and pediatricians according to the order of the Ministry of Health No. 415n dated July 7, 2009, specializing in Pathological Anatomy . Organization away cycles to various cities Russian Federation and neighboring countries to train doctors in the specialties "Pathological Anatomy", "Clinical Laboratory (Cytological) Diagnostics", "Histology".

About 45 000 pieces of biopsy and surgical material of different profiles and 250-280 autopsies are performed. Intrahospital clinical and morphological forums are regularly held different levels, employees of the department actively participate in the work of KILI, LCC and AS. The department has been a consultative and diagnostic center for many years pathological anatomy in the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation. About 50% of St. Petersburg pathologists have been trained at the Department's Central PAO. Since 2002 prof. N.M. Anichkov - chief pathologist of the North-Western federal district Russian Federation, and since 2011 - a member of the specialized expert commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Head Department Corresponding Member RAS, prof. Head CPAO Assoc. S.A.Vinnichuk

N.M. Anichkov at a showdown with students

Head of the Department, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, Prof., Honorary Doctor of the North-Western State Medical University. Mechnikov,

Nikolai Milevich Anichkov.

Department professors: Oleg Alekseevich Smirnov - Deputy Head of the Department, Dean of the 3rd and 6th courses of the Faculty of Medicine, Natalia Mikhailovna Khmelnitskaya - Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Head postgraduate education at the department, chairman of the board of the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Society of Pathologists, Vadim Semyonovich Chirsky - head of the Central Clinical Laboratory of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation at the Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov, chief pathologist of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation , Irina Nikolaevna Ozhiganova, Eduard Lvovich Neishtadt, Anatoly Borisovich Markochev, Boris Moiseevich Ariel.

Associate professors of the department: Sipovsky Vasily Georgievich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Irina Anatolyevna Danilova - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Igor Nikolayevich Chuprov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Krasnogvardeisky Central PAO GPAB (Krasina St., 10) , Viktor Ivanovich Novik - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Member of the International Academy of Cytology, Regional Coordinator of the Association of Clinical Cytologists of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Elena Yurievna Kalinina - candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, lecturer, head teacher of the department ( undergraduate education); Sergey Anatolyevich Vinnichuk - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Central Administrative District of North-Western State Medical University. I.I. Mechnikov (Piskarevsky pr., 47), Svetlana Vladislavovna Azanchevskaya - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Primorsky Central PAO GPAB (Severny pr., 1) , Tatyana Alexandrovna Novitskaya - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, responsible for the scientific documentation of the department, head of the SSS, Vyacheslav Arnoldovich Krulevsky - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Chief Physician of the North-Western District Medical Center , Vitaliy Anatolievich Kotov - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Cytological Center; Chairman of the Commission for Training, Certification and Quality Control of the Central Executive Council of the Association of Clinical Cytologists of the Russian Federation; and about. Chief Specialist for clinical cytology Health Committee of the Administration of St. Petersburg, head teacher of the department (postgraduate education), Valentina Alexandrovna Lipova - PhD, Associate Professor, member of the Association of Clinical Cytologists of the Russian Federation, Vera Nikolaevna Ellinidi - PhD, Associate Professor, Larisa Anvarovna Krasilnikova - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, member of the Association of Clinical Cytologists of the Russian Federation.

Department assistants: Urbansky Alexander Ivanovich - candidate of medical sciences, Raskin Grigory Alexandrovich - candidate of medical sciences, Prosvernitsyn Sergey Alekseevich - candidate of medical sciences, Blum Natalya Mikhailovna.

AT 2011 due to the merger of universities - St. Petersburg State Medical Academy. I.I. Mechnikov and SPbMAPE - there was a merger of the departments of pathological anatomy of these universities into one department as part of a new university - the North-Western State medical university them. I.I. Mechnikov. Below is given Short story each of these departments before their merger.

History of the Department of Pathological Anatomy, St. Petersburg State Medical Academy. I.I. Mechnikov.E that is part of the history of universities that had different names and location in the city. In 1907, the St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Institute (PPNI) was established, later renamed State Institute medical knowledge (GIMZ), then to the 2nd Leningrad medical institute(2nd LMI), then to the Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic Institute, and in 1994 to the St. Petersburg State Medical Academy. I.I. Mechnikov. The divisions of this university in different years were located in different parts of the city. The Department of Pathological Anatomy was founded at the Psychoneurological Institute back in 1913. Together with other departments of the Institute, it changed its location several times. Finally, in 1936, with the merger of the 2nd LMI and the medical university-hospital-technical school (MBT), which existed in the then city hospital named after. I.I. Mechnikov, the united staff of the department found a permanent place in pavilion 23 on the territory of the specified hospital. In all the years, well-known scientists have been at the head of the team of pathologists. Below is a summary of these scientists, from 1913 to the present day.

Prominent pathologist prof. G.V. Shore. His scientific interests are widely known today. They were associated with the problems of thanatology, oncology, the development of the clinical and morphological direction in pathology, the promotion of morpho- and pathogenetic principles in the study of pathological processes.

G.V. Shore with students, 1913

AT 1915-22 The department was headed by prof. G.S. Kulesha, who improved the educational and methodological process and created a textbook on pathological anatomy for students. The sphere of scientific interests of G.S. Kuleshi was determined by infectious pathology with a comprehensive study of morphological, clinical and bacteriological signs of the disease.

FROM 1923 to 1930 The team was led by Prof. F.F. Sysoev, student of a major histologist prof. A.A. Maksimova. He was engaged in the study of extramedullary hematopoiesis. For the first time, a scientific student circle, the pathogenetic principle of constructing a post-mortem diagnosis and a system for comparing clinical and pathoanatomical diagnoses were actively introduced.

All the above professors, as well as their departments, worked as part of a single university, which changed its name as follows: PPNI-GIMZ-2 LMI.

AT 1932 in parallel, the department of pathological anatomy was opened in another institution (medical university-hospital-technical school, MBT, see above). It was created and headed by Academician of the Academy of Sciences and the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Lieutenant General medical service, laureate of the Stalin Prize N.N. Anichkov, the largest domestic pathologist, who combined work at the MBT with the activities of the head of the relevant departments at the Military Medical Academy and the Institute of Experimental Medicine. In addition to organizing the life of the cathedral, N.N. Anichkov established the work of the prosector, introduced regular in-hospital clinical and morphological analyzes and conferences. Members of his department at the MBT studied various problems atherosclerosis, pathology of the reticuloendothelial system and infectious diseases. Multifaceted scientific activity, scientific discoveries, as well as other merits of N.N. Anichkov are well known. Subsequently, N.N. Anichkov became president of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1946-53), a member of many foreign academies, the owner of many titles and awards. His discovery of the role of cholesterol in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is one of the 10 largest discoveries in world medicine (see Internet Encyclopedias).

N.N. Anichkov (right) with students and staff: head. PAO, Assoc. I.A. Kraft, Assoc. I.E. Levin and ass. K.M. Danilova, 1934

Further, as mentioned above, in 1936 there was a merger of the 2nd LMI and the MBT. The departments of pathological anatomy of these universities united on the basis of the hospital. I.I. Mechnikov under the general supervision of prof. S.S. Weill. During this period, the scientific interests of the team were distinguished by great versatility. The department carried out research on pathology digestive system(gastritis, peptic ulcer, tumors), myocardium (inflammatory lesions, heart attack, etc.), autonomic nervous system.

AT 1939-41 the department for a short time was headed by an academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences L.M. Shabad, a major oncomorphologist and oncologist. During this period, employees began to study the problems experimental oncology. Subsequently, L.M. Shabad, one of the founders of experimental oncology in the country, became the head of the department at the Oncological scientific center in Moscow.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War A large military hospital operated at the university. Many employees of the department fought on the fronts. The remaining staff, despite the extremely difficult conditions, provided regular diagnostic work: both autopsy and histological. Their labor feat is forever inscribed in the history of the siege of Leningrad. During the blockade, assistants of the department I.E. Levin and V.M. Gakkel, who worked until the last day.

The post-war pages of the history of the department are associated with the name of its new head, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences V.D. Zinzerling. Despite the difficult economic and living conditions, a new educational and production process was taking shape. Scientific interests collective during this period covered the problems of infectious and vascular pathology, exhaustion. The pathogenesis and morphogenesis of pneumonia were studied. Achievements in this area allowed V.D. Zinzerling to formulate a new and progressive doctrine of pneumonia.

AT 1960-81. The department was headed by the Honored Worker of Science of the RSFSR prof. DI. Golovin who introduced many innovations in studying proccess- programmed control, the creation of a micro- and macro-museum, a tabular fund, etc. - as well as in the work of the prosector (a cyclic system of doctors' work, file cabinets and a rich archive). Employees were engaged in studying the problems of histo- and morphogenesis of human tumors, improving their classification and diagnosis. In 1975 D.I. Golovin published the Atlas of Human Tumors, which for a number of years was a popular diagnostic guide for Soviet pathologists.

FROM 1984 and to the present, the department is headed by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, prof. N.M. Anichkov. He did a lot to further improve the educational and scientific work of the team. He was one of the first to study the neuroendocrine system various organs under conditions of tumor and non-tumor changes, applied the original method of counting Y- and X-chromatin bodies to assess the proliferative potential of various tissues during tumor growth, studied the pathogenetic role of lymphangions in metastasis malignant neoplasms, created and improved a number of oncomorphological classifications. By 2012, N.M. Anichkov has published more than 300 scientific papers, of which (as a co-author) - 7 monographs, 2 textbooks for universities, 1 atlas and 5 manuals. He published about 30 articles in journals in the USA, Germany, Sweden and other countries. N.M. Anichkov - chief pathologist of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation, vice-president of the Russian Society of Pathologists, member of the editorial boards of various professional journals, member of the UMO Teaching Department in Pathological Anatomy, expert of the Center for Independent Expertise of the National Medical Chamber of the Russian Federation.

History of the Department of Pathological Anatomy of SPbMAPE.

The story began in 1885 The department was founded as part of the Clinical Institute Grand Duchess Helena Pavlovna, who received in 1896 the title of the Imperial Institute. From the very beginning, one of the most important tasks of this institution was the postgraduate education of doctors. In 1924, the institute acquired a new name, well known to the people of Leningrad, which remained with it throughout the Soviet period - the State Institute for the Improvement of Doctors (GIDUV). In 1993, GIDUV was transformed into the St. Petersburg medical academy postgraduate education - SPbMAPE.

For more than 100 years of work of the Department of Pathological Anatomy of this university, it was led by famous scientists: M.I. Afanasiev, N.V. Petrov, S.P. Shueninov, F.Ya. Chistovich, M.K. Dahl, M.F. Glazunov, P.V. Sipovsky, O.K. Khmelnitsky, V.L. Belyanin, N.M. Khmelnitskaya.

The first head of the department - professor of pathological anatomy of the Clinical Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education M.I. Afanasiev(in 1889-1891 - director, in 1891-1910 - head of a therapeutic clinic). His main scientific works are in the field infectious pathology and bacteriology. M.I. Afanasiev studied infectious diseases- cholera, influenza, plague, malaria, whooping cough - first isolated (1886) pure culture radiant fungus from a person with actinomycosis. He developed and improved a number of methods bacteriological research. He introduced the systematic teaching of bacteriology in Russia. He became the founder of the microbiological school.

AT 1892 The department was headed by prof. N.V. Petrov. He also dealt with infectious pathology, in particular, anthrax, leishmaniasis, and also developed a classification of causes of death. In addition, N.V. Petrov was elected the first chairman of the only scientific Society of Pathologists in Russia at that time, established in 1909 on the initiative of L.V. Sobolev and G.V. Shora.

Further, the department was headed by prof. S.P. Shueninov. He worked as a forensic physician and pathologist. He dealt with various issues of pathological anatomy and published 25 scientific papers. S.P. Shueninov had great experience organizational, scientific, teaching and practical work. For a number of years he was chairman of the Russian Society of Pathologists. In 1916, he published the monograph "Technique of pathological and histological examination."

The next head of the department ( 1921-41.) - prof. F.Ya. Chistovich He was also a forensic pathologist and pathologist. He owns studies of brain lesions by the causative agent of Asiatic cholera, work on rickets, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and on the pathology of the circulatory system. He studied changes in the defeat of chemical warfare agents. F.Ya. Chistovich discovered specific proteins - precipitins, which formed the basis for the development of a method for the species determination of human blood, which makes it possible to distinguish the latter from the blood of animals. This method, called the Chistovich reaction, received wide application in forensic medicine.

In the tragic days of the siege of Leningrad, the department at the GIDUV was headed by prof. M.K. Dal. During the most difficult 1942, he worked as the chief pathologist of Leningrad and at the same time - the chief pathologist of the front-line evacuation center (Leningrad was at that time a "front city"). According to him, he "combined two faces - civil and military." I must say that the front-line evacuation center had about 100 thousand beds, the mortality rate was colossal, and the amount of work of pathologists went beyond all conceivable limits. The main task M.K. Dahl was - in every possible way to contribute to the prevention of mass infectious diseases - but his work also made a valuable contribution to the study of the pathology of hunger.

After the war, the department was taken over by a prominent pathologist and oncomorphologist, Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences M.F. Glazunov who led it in 1946-51. During the war years, he worked as the chief pathologist Soviet army(1942-44) and did a lot to record and analyze the causes of death from combat injuries at various stages of the evacuation of the wounded. In the scientific heritage of M.F. Glazunov, there are 2 groups of works devoted to general and particular oncomorphology, as well as various problems of pathological anatomy (vital staining of tissues, pathology of wounds, beriberi C, etc.). Here are the main results: the structure and histological classifications of tumors, the issues of progression and histogenesis of neoplasms, biological potencies were studied tumor tissue according to morphological parameters. This is reflected in the chapters of the manual " Malignant tumors"(under the editorship of N.N. Petrov and S.A. Holdin, 1962). The monograph by M.F. Glazunov about ovarian tumors. It provides not only the original histological classification of these neoplasms, but also their detailed characteristics with differential diagnostic indicators. The articles by M.F. Glazunov about dyshormonal hyperplasia of the mammary glands, schwannoma, melanoma, keratoacanthoma and angiofibromatosis.

AT 1952-62 The department was headed by prof. P.V. Sipovsky. He studied the features of the pathogenesis of endemic goiter, his monograph "Compensatory and reparative reactions bone tissue"(1961) has not lost its significance even today. During these years, teachers of the department paid much attention to methodological issues. So, G.A. Merkulov released the "Course of Histological Technique", which quickly gained popularity among doctors.

Further for 33 years ( 1963-96 years) the department of GIDUVa-SPbMAPE was headed by prof. OK. Khmelnitsky, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, then of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. His work on the pathology of burn disease, tuberculosis, mycoses, endocrine system lesions, gastrointestinal tract and the blood-brain barrier are widely known. Many valuable scientific results and publications related to the problems of private oncomorphology, pathology of the female genital organs, APUD-system, skeletal system. OK. Khmelnytsky also paid great attention general issues of pathology, including the philosophical topics of medicine, the doctrine of diagnosis and disease, and the history of pathology. Since 1968, visiting cycles have been organized for lifetime morphological diagnostics in various cities of Russia and neighboring countries. In 1982, the country's first course of clinical cytology was created, and later the name of the department was changed - the department of pathological anatomy with a course of cytology. OK. Khmelnitsky was the chief pathologist of Leningrad and for more than 20 years headed the scientific society of pathologists of our city. He was a member of the editorial boards of a number of professional journals, the presidiums of the boards of the All-Union and Russian Societies of Pathologists.

AT 1996-2005 gg. at the head of the department was the Honored Worker of Higher School prof. V.L. Belyanin. Being a general pathologist, he concentrated his research interests around the problems of infectious pathology and the morphology of immune responses. He and his colleagues in different years summarized and published data on influenza, aspergillosis, salmonellosis, meningococcemia and other infections. V.L. Belyanin continued to study the morphogenesis of candidiasis, opportunistic infections, disorders specific resistance. Some of his works were devoted to pathology lymph nodes, oncomorphology, history of pathology.

AT 2005-2011 gg. The department in SPbMAPO was headed by the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation prof. N.M. Khmelnytsky. To the list scientific problems that she developed included: functional morphology of the palatine tonsils, pathology of adrenal pheochromocytomas, comparative morphology of breast cancer, contemporary issues clinical pathomorphology. Since 2006, a retraining program for specialists with higher medical education in the basic specialties "Medicine" and "Pediatrics", which allows you to get a certificate in the specialty "Pathological Anatomy". The duration of the training program is 3.5 months. (504 hours). In 2010-11 the department was named after O.K. Khmelnitsky. N.M. Khmelnitskaya continues to be the chairman of the board of the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Society of Pathologists, a member of the Presidium of the Russian Society of Pathologists, an expert scientific and technical sphere Republican Research Scientific Advisory Center of Expertise.

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A pathologist is a specialist in the identification of all kinds of pathologies based normal structure anatomy of the human body.

Pathologist(from the Greek páthos - suffering, illness; anatome - dissection) - a specialist in pathological anatomy. Engaged in the identification of all kinds of pathologies based on the normal structure of the anatomy of the human body. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry and biology (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

The pathologist is a physician with a higher education. But he is not in therapy. The specialists themselves, for brevity, call themselves pathanatomists. But in any case, already by the name it is clear that they are engaged in autopsy of the dead. Postmortem autopsy called autopsy (from the Greek. auto - himself and opsis - vision). Everything that was hidden during life becomes visible on the table at the pathologist. Therefore, doctors have such a joke: a pathologist is the best diagnostician. He is also engaged in intravital research - he studies the tissues of diseased organs in order to find out if they contain cancer cells. This is necessary for planning the operation and further treatment. A pathologist makes a diagnosis by examining the thinnest section of tissue under a microscope.

The job of a pathologist is similar to that of a medical examiner. But there are still differences. A pathologist examines the bodies of people who died in the hospital in an ambulance. For what? If the diagnosis could not be established during life, an autopsy will help to do this. In addition, it is necessary to find out whether the error in the diagnosis became the cause of death, whether other medical errors. Investigation is mandatory if there is a suspicion of infection. The final diagnosis is made when all tissues are examined under a microscope. Some tests, such as those to detect chemical substances, are already carried out in other laboratories, where the pathologist sends preparations (tissue samples).

It should be borne in mind that the pathologist helps the attending physician (surgeon) in making a diagnosis of a living patient. A pathologist analyzes living tissues for this, so his help in making a diagnosis can hardly be overestimated.

All cases when it is necessary to make a diagnosis during life or after death, death during surgery - require research and discussion in the medical community. The data of the attending physician are compared with the autopsy data, after which a conclusion is made as to whether the treatment is or was correct. The pathologist conducts a post-mortem examination if the person died at home, the cause of death is unclear, but there are no signs of violence.

A forensic doctor usually works under orders from an investigator or court. He also conducts an autopsy, but only if there is a suspicion of violent death. Or if the body is not identified. And also examines material evidence (traces of blood). But he also works with living people - victims of crimes: he examines injuries on the body.



Salary as of 03/28/2019

Russia 20000—80000 ₽

Important qualities

diligence, patience, good memory, analytical thinking, professional erudition.

Knowledge and skills

To correctly diagnose, you need to know the physiology, as well as many diseases and syndromes, and imagine how they manifest themselves.

Pathologist training

To become a pathologist (as well as a medical examiner), you need to graduate from a medical school.

A pathologist is a specialist who is engaged in identifying all kinds of pathologies based on the normal structure of the anatomy of the human body.

Pathologist(from the Greek páthos - suffering, illness; anatome - dissection) - a specialist in pathological anatomy. Engaged in the identification of all kinds of pathologies based on the normal structure of the anatomy of the human body. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry and biology (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

The pathologist is a physician with a higher education. But he is not in therapy. The specialists themselves, for brevity, call themselves pathanatomists. But in any case, already by the name it is clear that they are engaged in autopsy of the dead. A post-mortem autopsy is called an autopsy (from the Greek auto - self and opsis - vision). Everything that was hidden during life becomes visible on the table at the pathologist. Therefore, doctors have such a joke: a pathologist is the best diagnostician. He is also engaged in intravital research - he studies the tissues of diseased organs in order to find out if they contain cancer cells. This is necessary for planning the operation and further treatment. A pathologist makes a diagnosis by examining the thinnest section of tissue under a microscope.

The job of a pathologist is similar to that of a medical examiner. But there are still differences. A pathologist examines the bodies of people who died in the hospital in an ambulance. For what? If the diagnosis could not be established during life, an autopsy will help to do this. In addition, it is necessary to find out whether an error in the diagnosis has become the cause of death, whether other medical errors have been made. Research is mandatory if there is a suspicion of an infectious disease. The final diagnosis is made when all tissues are examined under a microscope. Some tests, for example, for the detection of chemicals, are already carried out in other laboratories, where the pathologist sends preparations (tissue samples).

It should be borne in mind that the pathologist helps the attending physician (surgeon) in making a diagnosis of a living patient. A pathologist analyzes living tissues for this, so his help in making a diagnosis can hardly be overestimated.

All cases when it is necessary to make a diagnosis during life or after death, death during surgery - require research and discussion in the medical community. The data of the attending physician are compared with the autopsy data, after which a conclusion is made as to whether the treatment is or was correct. The pathologist conducts a post-mortem examination if the person died at home, the cause of death is unclear, but there are no signs of violence.

A forensic doctor usually works under orders from an investigator or court. He also conducts an autopsy, but only if there is a suspicion of violent death. Or if the body is not identified. And also examines material evidence (traces of blood). But he also works with living people - victims of crimes: he examines injuries on the body.



Salary as of 03/28/2019

Russia 20000—80000 ₽

Important qualities

Scrupulousness, patience, good memory, analytical thinking, professional erudition.

Knowledge and skills

To correctly diagnose, you need to know the physiology, as well as many diseases and syndromes, and imagine how they manifest themselves.

Pathologist training

To become a pathologist (as well as a medical examiner), you need to graduate from a medical school.

A pathologist is a doctor who dissects dead bodies. established cause death and either confirms the diagnosis that led to death, or refutes it, stating a medical error.

In addition, the pathologist is engaged in identifying the pathology that caused the death, indicating it in the conclusion on the death of the patient. He conducts an autopsy (study of the tissues of a corpse) and a study of cells or postoperative material taken for biopsy in vivo. With a discrepancy between the clinical and pathoanatomical diagnosis, the case lethal outcome subject to detailed analysis at a council of doctors or a medical conference.

The work of a pathologist involves:

  • Study of the triggers of the disease and the mechanism of its development.
  • Identification of complications and characteristic morphological changes.
  • Predicting the possible outcome of the disease.
  • Description of the patterns of occurrence and course of pathology, which is necessary for medical students and practicing physicians.
  • Studying the problems that have arisen as a result improper treatment patient, both medications and operational way, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, medical manipulations.
  • Intravital or post-mortem histological diagnosis.

The activity of pathologists allows the Ministry of Health to obtain reliable data on the death rate from different pathologies and develop preventive measures to reduce it.

It should be noted that the autopsy of corpses in medical organization is not always carried out. Relatives have the right to refuse an autopsy for religious and other reasons. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has established a clear list of reasons that make it possible not to open the deceased.

The pathologist is in contact with colleagues of all specialties, as he deals with the results of their treatment, evaluates the correctness of the diagnosis. Especially closely - with pediatricians, surgeons, oncologists. In pathology, there is separate specialization: a pediatric pathologist who performs autopsies on children of all ages and fetuses late stage development.

The profession of a pathologist is extremely in demand, since it takes decades to achieve professional excellence. However, very few doctors can, by their nature and personal qualities, become good specialists.

The specialist conducts an autopsy and histological studies.

What is the difference between a pathologist and a medical examiner?

The experience, skill and quality of the doctor's work is usually assessed qualification categories , which can be obtained by protecting research work. During the defense, the commission evaluates the doctor's skills in the field of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, as well as the relevance of his knowledge.

What are the qualification categories?

  • the second - over 3 years of experience;
  • the first - more than 7 years of experience;
  • higher - more than 10 years of experience.

The qualification category allows you to hold high positions in medical institutions, entitles you to a salary increase, gives you a status in a professional environment and high confidence on the part of patients. Even more respect can be gained by speaking at conferences, symposiums and creating science articles and work.

The doctor has the right not to qualify, but this will hinder his career and professional growth.

pathologist salary

The general income range is as follows: pathologists earn from 11,000 to 130,000 rubles per month. Urgent need for pathologists Novosibirsk region, Krasnoyarsk region, Kemerovo region. We got the smallest salary from a doctor in one of the hospitals in Stavropol - 11,000 rubles a month. The maximum was found in hospital No. 40 of St. Petersburg - 130,000 rubles a month.

The average salary of a pathologist is 40,000 rubles per month.

Where to get training

Apart from higher education There are a number of short-term trainings on the market, typically lasting from a week to a year.

The Interregional Academy of Additional Professional Education (MADPO) teaches in the specialization "" and issues a diploma and a certificate.

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