Semipalatinsk Medical Institute passing score. State Medical University of the City of Families

The Semey State Medical University is one of the largest medical universities in Kazakhstan, located in the city of Semipalatinsk (Semey), has its own clinical base and a branch in the city of Pavlodar. At 8 faculties there are more than 3300 students from all regions of Kazakhstan, countries of near and far abroad, and more than 2000 doctors improve their qualifications annually. The scientific journal "Science and Public Health" is published, and the dissertation council functions. The Academy trains specialists in the Kazakh and Russian languages ​​in the specialties: general medicine, pediatrics, general medicine, preventive medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, public health.

The highest dynamics of the infrastructural development of the university ensured the intensive growth of its educational, scientific and innovative potential. According to the "Sociological study of the competitiveness of higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan" by the International Institute of Modern Politics for 2007, Semey State Medical University ranks second in the ranking of higher educational institutions in Kazakhstan. 348 teachers, including 31 doctors and 130 candidates of sciences, conduct scientific and pedagogical and medical diagnostic work at 35 departments. There is a military department. The university has modern clinical facilities, including its own medical center. The strategic goal of the university is to fully satisfy the need for highly qualified medical personnel in the health care of the East Kazakhstan region.

The university trains specialists in the following specialties:
051101 " Medical business”, the term of study is 7 years;
051102 " Pediatrics”, the term of study is 7 years;
051103 " Medical and preventive business”, the term of study is 6 years;
051104 " Dentistry”, the term of study is 6 years;
051105 " Pharmacy”, the duration of study is 5 years.

Training is conducted on state, Russian and English languages. Form of study - full-time, daytime.

051101 - " nursing»

Graduates in the specialty - "Nursing" are awarded an academic degree - "Bachelor of Nursing", are issued a diploma of higher education with the qualification - "Nurse" and an academic certificate (transcript) indicating the list of disciplines studied with grades, the number of credits mastered and the volume academic hours according to the curriculum.
A graduate with a degree in “Nursing” is allowed to practice independently in the manner prescribed by law as a deputy chief physician for nursing, a chief nurse, a head of a nursing care hospital, a hospice, a health center, a senior nurse at a health care facility, a teacher for training nursing specialists in medical colleges.
The area of ​​professional activity of the graduate is: healthcare, medicine, science, education, social protection.
The Bachelor of Nursing has the right to continue further education in the Master's program.
Objects of professional activity
Organizations for the implementation of professional activities are:

- educational organizations;
- organizations of science;
Bachelors of Nursing can perform the following professional activities:

- pedagogical;
- advisory;
- information and analytical;
- marketing;
- innovative.
Functions of professional activity
- management of nursing staff, development and implementation of management decisions to improve the efficiency of the organization;
- implementation of a nursing process focused on the individual needs of the patient;
- analysis of work and assessment of potential opportunities for the development of nursing service;
- effective interaction with the patient, patient's relatives, colleagues, representatives of social services in compliance with the principles of medical ethics and deontology;
- implementation of socio-psychological regulation in the team;
- planning and conducting scientific research in the field of nursing;
- organization and implementation of preventive, therapeutic and recreational activities;
- organization and provision of first aid and urgent care

051103-" Pharmacy»

051301 - " General medicine»

A graduate who has completed training in the specialty "General Medicine" (5 + 2) is issued a diploma of higher medical education with the qualification of a doctor, an academic certificate (transcript) indicating the list of disciplines studied with grades, the volume of academic hours and a certificate of completion of the internship.
A graduate who has completed training in the specialty - "General Medicine" (5 + 2) is allowed to practice independently as a general practitioner or a hygienist-epidemiologist in the manner prescribed by law.
The graduate has the right to continue his studies in residency or magistracy.
Upon completion of 5 years of study in the specialty, a graduate who has expressed a desire to work in a specialty not related to clinical practice is issued a diploma of higher medical education with the assignment of an academic degree of a bachelor of medicine, an academic certificate indicating the list of studied disciplines with grades and volume of academic hours.
The bachelor of medicine has the right to continue his studies in the magistracy.
The field of professional activity of the graduate are: healthcare, education, science, social protection.
Organizations for the implementation of professional activities are:
- health management organizations;
- healthcare organizations;
- educational organizations;
- organizations of science;
- organizations of social protection.
The types of professional activity of the graduate are:
- treatment-and-prophylactic and diagnostic:
- sanitary-hygienic, anti-epidemic;
- organizational and managerial;
- research;
- pedagogical.

- organization and provision of qualified, specialized medical care at the level of GTMSP;
- organization and provision of emergency and urgent care;
- effective interaction with the patient, patient's relatives, colleagues, representatives of social services in compliance with the principles of medical ethics of deontology;
- analysis and assessment of the health status of the population
- carrying out organizational and managerial measures aimed at improving the efficiency of healthcare organizations;
- planning and conducting scientific research;
- effective use of information and communication technologies for access to reliable information, solving medical problems, providing assistance to the population, working in a single information network of the healthcare system and for self-study;
- implementation of pedagogical and educational activities.

051102 - " public health»

Graduates in the specialty - "Public Health" are issued a diploma of higher medical education with the award of an academic degree - "Bachelor of Public Health", an academic certificate (transcript) indicating the list of disciplines studied with grades, the number of credits mastered and the volume of academic hours.
Upon completion of undergraduate studies, the graduate is allowed to practice independently as a public health organizer or a specialist in hygiene and epidemiology.
The graduate has the right to continue further education in the magistracy.
graduate are: health care, education, science social protection.
Organizations for the implementation of professional activities are:
- health management organizations;
- healthcare organizations;
- educational organizations;
- organizations of science;
- organizations of social protection.
The subject of professional activity of the bachelor are:
- public health;
- organization and management of healthcare;
- environmental conditions;
- working conditions, study and life of people;
- Food;
- goods of industrial production;
- legal and regulatory legislation in the field of healthcare;
The functions of the professional activity of the bachelor include:
- study and assessment of the main indicators of the health status of the child and adult population in connection with the state of the social, natural and industrial environment;
- making managerial decisions in medical and preventive organizations;
- participation in the organization of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population;
- participation in the implementation of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in order to protect health and improve the human environment and his life;
- participation in the organization and implementation of hygienic, anti-epidemic, medical and preventive measures in order to protect health and improve the human environment;
- performance of research work as junior research associates in research institutions in the specialty profile;
- promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the media.

051302-« Dentistry»

Upon completion of 5 years of study in the specialty "Dentistry", a graduate who has expressed a desire to work in a specialty not related to clinical practice is issued a diploma of higher medical education with the assignment of an academic degree of a bachelor of dentistry, an academic certificate (transcript) indicating the list of studied disciplines indicating a list of studied disciplines with grades, the volume of academic hours.
The bachelor of dentistry has the opportunity to continue his studies in the magistracy or internship.
A graduate who has completed training in the specialty "Dentistry" (5 + 1) is issued a diploma of higher basic medical education, an academic certificate (transcript) indicating the list of disciplines studied with grades, the volume of academic hours with the qualification of a dentist of general practice certificate of completion internships.
A graduate who has completed the training is allowed to practice independently as a general practitioner dentist in accordance with the procedure established by law.
The graduate has the right to continue further education in the magistracy or residency.
Sphere of professional activity graduate in the specialty "Dentistry" are: healthcare, dentistry, education, science, social protection.
Objects of professional activity is the adult and child population. Organizations for the implementation of professional activities are:
- health management organizations;
- healthcare organizations;
- educational organizations;
- organizations of science;
- organizations of social protection.
A graduate can perform the following types professional activity in the field of dentistry:
- treatment-and-prophylactic and diagnostic;
- organizational and managerial;
- research;
- pedagogical.
Professional functions include:
- organization and provision of qualified, specialized dental care;
- organization and provision of first aid in case of diseases and emergency conditions;
- effective interaction with the patient, patient's relatives, colleagues, representatives of social services in compliance with the principles of medical ethics and deontology;
- analysis and evaluation of dental morbidity in the population;
- carrying out organizational and managerial measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the activities of objects of professional activity;
- planning and conducting scientific research in the field of dentistry;
- effective use of information and communication technologies for access to reliable information, solving professional problems, providing dental care to the population, working in a single information network of the healthcare system and for self-study;
- implementation of pedagogical and educational activities.

Semey Medical University
Family Medicine University
Former titles Semipalatinsk Medical Institute
Semipalatinsk State Medical Academy
Semey State Medical University
Year of foundation
Chairman of the Board - Rector Zhunusov Ersin Tursynkhanovich, doctor of medical sciences, professor
students 5000
Location Kazakhstan, Families
Legal address 071400, East Kazakhstan region, Semey, st. Abay, 103

Semey Medical University(MUS) (kaz. Semey Medicine University (SMU)) is one of the oldest educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a 65-year history, founded in 1953. The University is one of the largest medical universities in Kazakhstan with its own clinical base (University Hospital) and branches in the cities of Pavlodar and Ust-Kamenogorsk. Since October 2018, the Research Institute for Radiation Medicine and Ecology (NII RM&E) has been merged into the ICC.

The university provides educational services for higher, postgraduate and additional education. Training is conducted in the state, Russian and English languages. The contingent of students is more than five thousand people. The form of education is full-time, full-time. Foreign students study at the university, their share is 18.3% of the total contingent. The share of accredited educational programs is 87.5%.

Currently, the Semey Medical University is the largest university in the North-Eastern region of Kazakhstan and the main supplier of medical personnel for the East Kazakhstan and Pavlodar regions. The University annually occupies a leading position in the national rankings of universities in Kazakhstan. In 2019 - "Leader in the development of science and innovation" and "Leader in student learning outcomes" in the ranking of the best medical universities in Kazakhstan.

The University is the leader among medical universities in Kazakhstan in terms of graduate employment. According to the rating of JSC "Labor Development Center", compiled by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population for the period from 2015 to 2018, the university took 14th place among universities in Kazakhstan and 1st place among medical universities in terms of demand for graduates. In total, over the years of its existence, the university has trained more than 35,000 specialists who successfully work in Kazakhstan, near and far abroad (Pakistan, India, Palestine, Sudan, Morocco, Jordan, Israel, Syria, Russia, Norway, Germany, Canada, etc.), which indicates a high level of qualification of trained specialists.

More than 1,500 professors, teachers, employees and doctors work at the University to achieve high goals. Every year more than 600 applicants become students of the university, the total number of students exceeds 5000 people.


The history of the Semey Medical University began on September 1, 1953 with the opening of the Faculty of Medicine, which enrolled the first 320 students. In the first years of its opening, the institute had only 10 departments: the foundations of Marxism-Leninism, biology, anatomy, histology, inorganic chemistry, physics, foreign languages, Latin, physical education, biochemistry and organic chemistry.

In 1957, by decision of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR, the institute was classified as a category II university.

In 1959, the first issue took place. 275 graduates received a medical degree.

1963 - the Faculty of Pediatrics was opened as part of the Institute. The first dean of the faculty was associate professor I.M. Turkish.

1964 - the main building of the institute began its work. Together with the main building, hostel No. 4 for 400 people was put into operation.

1971 - the primary specialization of graduates after the completion of the 6th year (internship) was started.

1976 - in connection with the expansion of the scope of scientific work, an interdepartmental experimental laboratory was organized and opened, its first head was E.N. Shatsky.

1984 - the faculty of advanced training of doctors was opened in the city of Pavlodar.

1993 – the first international scientific conference “Ecology. Radiation. Health". The main topic of the conference is "Health of the people of the radiation regions."

1997 - the Medical Institute was transformed into the Semipalatinsk State Medical Academy.

1998 - For the first time in the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign students were taught in English. Students from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sudan have the opportunity to study in English at the Semey Medical University.

1998 - the regional hospital became part of the university, became its clinical base: a multidisciplinary hospital for 510 beds, a dental clinic, a training family outpatient clinic with a service of 10 thousand people; the possibilities of strengthening the acquired theoretical knowledge of the students of the academy have increased.

1999 - the republican magazine "Family Doctor" and the newspaper "Medicine for All" are published.

2003 - the university received a license for training in two specialties: "Medical and preventive business" and "Pharmacy".

2007 - new specialties "Nursing", "Public Health", "General Medicine" were introduced.

2009 - the university received the status of a university, the official name was changed to the Semey State Medical University.

2012 - The first graduation of the General Medical Faculty took place - 349 graduates received a diploma, 48 graduates received the first graduation in the specialty "Public Health". Groups with the English language of instruction in the specialty "Public Health" are open.

2013 – for the first time in the history of Semey, the Cardiac Surgery Department and the Endovascular Laboratory were opened on the basis of the University Medical Center, the first open heart surgeries, coronary angiography, and stenting were performed independently. A memorandum of cooperation was signed with the National Scientific Cardiac Surgery Center in Astana.

2013 - a branch of the university was opened in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk.

2013 - marked by the 60th anniversary of the Semey State Medical University.

2014 - Expert RA agency included the university in the list of the best educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, where it was assigned a rating class "D".

2015 - Joining the Association of Indian Universities.

2016 - signing a cooperation agreement with Saint Louis University.

2016 - International accreditation of educational programs in 9 specialties

2016 - for the first time in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Semey Medical University held a congress of parents.

2017 - the first independent admission of applicants from India.

2017 - visit of the UN delegation on the disarmament program.

2017 - signing of a cooperation agreement between Saint Louis University hospital, the Pavlodar branch of the Semey State Medical University and the Pavlodar region.

2017 - signing a cooperation agreement with the Kazakh National Medical University named after Asfendiyarov.

2017 - signing a cooperation agreement with Karaganda State Medical University.

2017 - within the framework of a strategic partnership, the trip of the faculty of the Semey State Medical University to Saint Louis University Hospital under the academic mobility program.

2017 - the first admission to the preparatory department of the Medical Foundation was made. Within the framework of the preparatory department, courses in English, biology, chemistry are organized for potential applicants of our university, as well as for students, teaching staff, employees of the university hospital and administrative and managerial personnel who wish to study English.

2018 – memorandums of cooperation were signed with the branch of the AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in the city of Semey” and with the Kazakh Humanities and Law Innovative University.

2018 - a memorandum of strategic partnership was signed between the State Medical University of Semey and the University of Bashkent (Turkey).

2018 - Included in the top 20 best universities in Kazakhstan in 2018 according to the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating.

2018 - II place according to the results of the ranking of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education.

2018 - 1st place in the nomination "Leader in student learning outcomes" according to the results of an independent agency for quality assurance in education.

2018 – Semey State Medical University celebrates its 65th anniversary! In honor of the anniversary, a scientific and practical conference was held with international participation on the topic "Modern innovative approaches to the modernization of medical education, science and practice."

2018 - entry of the Research Institute of Radiation Medicine and Ecology into the NJSC "MUS"

2019 - On February 5, the university was transformed into the Semey Medical University Non-Profit Joint Stock Company.

2019 - Development of an educational program in the specialty "General Medicine" within the framework of a strategic partnership with the University of Bashkent.

2019 - Professor Fazyl Serdar Gurel was appointed to the position of First Deputy Chairman of the Board (Provost).

2019 - a memorandum of cooperation was signed between NJSC "Semey Medical University" and the akimat of the city of Semey East Kazakhstan region.

University rectors

In 1953 Vasily Sergeevich Bobov, Honored Doctor of the Kazakh SSR, was appointed director of the institute.

In 1956, associate professor Chuvakov Kozhakhmet Chuvakovich was appointed rector of the institute.

1963 - Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR, Professor Nazarova Tamara Aleksandrovna was appointed rector of the institute.

1974 - associate professor Usov Dmitry Vasilyevich was appointed rector of the institute.

1976 - Honored Worker of Science of the Kazakh SSR, Professor Khlopov Nikolay Arkhipovich was appointed Rector of the Institute.

1985 - Professor Evgeny Stepanovich Belozerov was appointed rector of the institute.

1987 - Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Raisov Tolegen Kazezovich was appointed rector of the institute.

2001 - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Teleuov Murat Koishibaevich was appointed rector of the Academy.

2007 - Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Rakhypbekov Tolebai Kosiyabekovich was appointed Rector of the University.

2017 to present Rector of the University, MD Zhunusov Ersin Tursynkhanovich.


  • School of Medicine
  • School of Public Health, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Nursing
  • School of Postgraduate and Further Education

Studying programs

medical foundation

  • Pre-University Training Program

Undergraduate programs

  • nursing
  • Pharmacy
  • General medicine
  • Dentistry
  • public health

Residency Programs

  • Allergology and immunology, including children's
  • Gastroenterology, including children's
  • Dermatovenereology, including children's
  • Infectious diseases, including childhood
  • Radiation diagnostics
  • Radiation therapy
  • Neurology, including children's
  • Neonatology
  • Oncology (adult)
  • Pediatrics
  • Psychiatry, including children's
  • Pulmonology, including children's
  • Rheumatology, including children's
  • family medicine
  • Forensic-medical examination
  • Therapy
  • Endocrinology, including children's
  • Obstetrics and gynecology, including children's
  • Anesthesiology and resuscitation, including children's
  • Pediatric surgery
  • Cardiology, including children's
  • general surgery
  • Ophthalmology, including children's
  • Ambulance and emergency medical care
  • Traumatology-orthopedics, including children's
  • Urology and andrology, including pediatric
  • Maxillofacial surgery, including pediatric

Master's programs

  • The medicine
  • public health
  • nursing

PhD Programs

  • The medicine
  • public health

University departments

  • IT technologies in medicine
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • anatomy
  • Anesthesiology, resuscitation and narcology
  • Biochemistry and Chemical Disciplines named after Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S.O. Tapbergenova
  • military training
  • Histology
  • hospital therapy
  • Hospital surgery
  • Dermatovenereology and cosmetology
  • Pediatric Infectious Diseases
  • Pediatric dentistry
  • Pediatric surgery and orthopedics
  • Infectious Diseases and Immunology
  • Cardiology and Interventional Arrhythmology
  • Clinical and Radiation Oncology
  • Radiation Diagnostics and Nuclear Medicine
  • Microbiology
  • of Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics named after Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan T.K. Raisova
  • Neurology, ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology
  • emergency medicine
  • General education disciplines
  • public health
  • Orthopedic surgery
  • Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine named after Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yu.V. Pruglo
  • Pathological physiology named after the honored worker of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan T.A. Nazarova
  • Pediatrics
  • Perinatology named after A.A. Kozbagarova
  • Personalized medicine
  • Propaedeutics of internal diseases
  • Propaedeutics of childhood diseases
  • Psychiatry
  • Rheumatology and noncommunicable diseases
  • family medicine
  • Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery
  • Nursing
  • Simulation technologies
  • Therapeutic dentistry
  • Topographic and clinical anatomy of Professor. ON THE. Khlopova
  • Faculty Therapy
  • Pharmacology named after Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.N. Musina
  • physiology
  • Surgical disciplines
  • Maxillofacial and plastic surgery
  • Endocrinology
  • Epidemiology and biostatistics

Medical Center State Enterprise "Semipalatinsk State Medical Academy"

Director - Tuleutaev Mukhtar Yesenzhanovich

Born January 31, 1958 in the village. Aksuat, Aksuat district, Semipalatinsk region, Kazakh.
Native language - Kazakh, speaks Russian fluently, English, German with a dictionary.
In 1975 he graduated from high school in the village. Aksuat. 1975-76 worker of the Aksuatsky state farm. 1976-1977 student of the preparatory department of the Semipalatinsk State Medical Institute. 1977 - 1983 student of the medical faculty of SSMI.
1983-84 - doctor - intern - surgeon of the 1st mountains. hospitals in Semipalatinsk. 1984-85 doctor - surgeon of the Abay Central District Hospital. 1985-89 doctor - obstetrician - gynecologist Aksuat CRH; 1989 - 91 - Deputy chief physician for medical work of the Abay Central District Hospital; 1991-92 - Deputy chief physician for medical work of the children's regional clinical hospital (ODKB); 1992-97 - Chief Physician, Director of the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital; 1997-98 - Head of the Health Department of Semipalatinsk.
From 1999 to the present, he has been the director of the Medical Center of the State Enterprise “Semipalatinsk State Medical Academy”. Military captain of the medical service.
Doctor of the highest category in the organization of health care and social hygiene. Candidate of Medical Sciences (2003).
Hobbies: sports, hunting, reading fiction.

Business hours:
Thursdays from 14:00 to 16:00
Telephone: 53-15-20, 53-15-71.

The medical center is a large medical and preventive, scientific and pedagogical institution of the region. having their own long history and traditions, a talented highly professional, able-bodied team.
Historically, the Regional Clinical Hospital was established on May 30, 1951 by the decision of the Semipalatinsk Regional Executive Committee No. 463-17 on the basis of the Physio-Institute, Surgical and Eye Hospitals. The Children's Regional Clinical Hospital was established by order of the regional health department No. 16 on January 9, 1962.
The closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, the unification of the two regions have made their own adjustments to the task facing medical institutions. An urgent problem arose in the treatment and rehabilitation of the population, including those affected by the consequences of nuclear tests at the test site, and the training of medical personnel in the new conditions. Taking into account the above problems, two regional hospitals in 1999 were merged and transformed into the Clinical Training Center of the Semipalatinsk State Medical Academy with the status of the East Kazakhstan Regional Center for the Rehabilitation of the Population. In 2006, within the framework of the state program for the reform and development of health care for 2005-2010, on the basis of a petition from the Ministry of Health and a decree of the Akim of the East Kazakhstan region, the center was transferred from communal ownership to republican ownership as a structural unit of the Semipalatinsk State Medical Academy.
The Center includes a hospital for 530 beds, incl. 320 adults and 210 children, a consultative polyclinic for 250 visits per shift, where highly qualified specialists of the Center and the faculty of the Medical Academy in 28 specialties receive appointments, a training family outpatient clinic in which, in addition to training students, family doctors are trained. The clinic has more than 900 employees, 15 clinical departments, 20 treatment and diagnostic support units. In 2005, departments of computed tomography, emergency and planned advisory assistance were opened, which covers the population of the Semipalatinsk region. In order to develop hospital-replacing medical care, a day hospital for 30 beds and a multidisciplinary service department for 30 beds were opened. In 2006, on the basis of the order of the Department of Health of the East Kazakhstan region "On the organization of traumatological and orthopedic care", in order to improve the provision of emergency traumatological and orthopedic care to the children's population of the Semipalatinsk region, a children's traumatological and orthopedic center was organized on the basis of the emergency room of the children's hospital, in 2007 PCR was opened - laboratory. Departments and subdivisions of the hospital are equipped with modern highly efficient medical and diagnostic equipment and apparatus: gas, electrolyte, hematological analyzers, modern X-ray diagnostic, ultrasound equipment, endoscopes, endovideosurgery equipment. Since 1999, a telemedicine room has been operating in the clinic, a satellite connection has been established with the University of Nagasaki in Japan, where several thousand analyzes are sent annually for the early diagnosis of various diseases.
The Center has extensive partnerships with clinics in the USA (Houston), Japan (Nagasaki), Germany, Russia, together with which scientific research and the introduction of modern treatment and diagnostic technologies are carried out.
The main goal and task of the Center is the treatment and rehabilitation of patients, including those affected by the consequences of a nuclear test site, the development and initial implementation of new equipment and methods of treatment, and the organization of training for medical workers in the region and the region. And also the Center is a clinical base of the Semipalatinsk State Medical Academy. 65 employees of the Medical Academy, including 6 professors and 15 associate professors, successfully combine educational and pedagogical activities with medical ones.
Every year, over 50,000 residents of the region seek medical care at the clinic, over 16,000 patients receive specialized care in inpatient departments, including more than 4,000 from remote rural areas. Since 2002, the clinic has been annually participating in the republican tender and receives a quota for the provision of highly specialized care for 260-270 patients, financed from the republican budget.
The introduction into practice of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, medical and economic protocols made it possible to effectively use the bed network and significantly reduce the length of stay of patients in the hospital.

Cardio-rheumatology department:
Scientific adviser - Professor Zhumadilova ZK, head of the department - doctor of the first category Sadybekova Zhanna Tanirbergenovna. The department uses modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of diffuse connective tissue diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma, dermatomyositis), rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, arthropathy, rheumatic heart disease, coronary heart disease. The main directions of scientific research are the problems of rheumatism.

Gastroenterology Department: Scientific adviser - professor Zhumadilova Z.K., head. department - candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category Kulmagambetov Amangali Orazovich. The department conducts examination and treatment of patients with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, introduced modern methods of treating gastric and duodenal ulcers associated with HELICOBACTER PILORI. Scientific directions: development of diagnostics and treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis and issues of hepatology.

Department of Surgery and Vascular:
Scientific adviser-Professor Rakhmetov Nurlan Rakhmetovich, head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, cardiovascular surgeon, doctor of the highest category Sagandykov Irlan Nigmetzhanovich. The department performs reconstructive operations on the aorta and the main arteries of all levels, with chronic venous insufficiency. A mobile team for the provision of emergency specialized care performs all types of operations for injuries and wounds of blood vessels. Scientific directions: development of treatment and diagnostics of thrombolytic diseases, introduction of minimally invasive methods of operations.

Department of Neurology:
The scientific adviser is the head of the course of neurology, associate professor Khaibulin Talgat Nurmukhanovich, the head of the department is a neuropathologist of the highest qualification category Ospanov Baurzhan Toleuovich. The department provides assistance to patients with osteochondrosis, the consequences of a traumatic brain injury, and hereditary diseases. Scientific developments are underway in the treatment of myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, convulsive syndromes as a consequence of brain injury, epilepsy and cerebral arachnoiditis.

Department of Pediatric Neurology:
Scientific adviser-associate professor Khaibulin Talgat Nurmukhanovich, head of the department neuropathologist of the highest category Ulmisekova Gulmira Bazarbaevna. The department provides rehabilitation treatment for children with perinatal pathology of the central nervous system, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, convulsive syndromes of various etiologies, consequences of injuries and infections of the central nervous system.

Department of Maxillofacial Surgery:
Scientific adviser - Sadvokasova Lyazzat Mendybaevna, head of the course of surgical dentistry. The department is headed by a dentist of the first category Bolenbaev Azat Korganbaevich. The department provides round-the-clock assistance to patients with inflammatory diseases and injuries of the maxillofacial region. Operations are planned for all congenital malformations, progenies, tumors and tumor-like pathological processes, plastic surgery for cicatricial and ulcerative processes, facial defects.

Department of Otolaryngology:
Scientific adviser - head of the course of ENT diseases PhD Zhakiyanova Zhannat Orazmukhametovna, the head of the department is an otolaryngologist of the highest category Daumbaev Kairbek Nurdildinovich. The department provides round-the-clock assistance to patients with pathology and injuries of the ENT organs. Complicated reconstructive plastic surgeries are routinely performed in the department.

Department of Pediatric Otolaryngology:
The head of the department is a doctor of the second category Zharylgapova Nurzhan Surautaevna. The department provides round-the-clock assistance to children under 15 years of age, reconstructive and plastic surgeries are performed.

Department of General Surgery:
Scientific adviser-professor, doctor of medical sciences Rakhmetov Nurlan Rakhmetovich, the head of the department is a doctor of the highest category, an excellent student of healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abilbek Igasymovich Chinybaev. The department provides emergency and planned surgical care, and modern minimally invasive technologies are widely introduced. The main scientific direction of research and implementation is organ-preserving and reconstructive surgery for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as the liver and biliary tract.

Department of Pediatric Surgery:
Scientific adviser - d.m.s. Professor Dyusenbaev Azat Anuarbekovich. The department is headed by a candidate of medical sciences, a doctor of the highest category Aubakirov Marat Tokanovich. The department provides round-the-clock assistance to children up to 15 years of age. All types of congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, urinary tract, injuries of all localizations are operated on in a planned manner. The priority direction of scientific developments is diagnostics, methods of treatment of severe forms of peritonitis and craniocerebral injuries.

Department of Neurosurgery:
The scientific adviser is Associate Professor Khaibulin Talgat Nurmukhanovich, the head of the department is a neurosurgeon of the highest category Chaiko Vladimir Ivanovich. The department has developed and implemented operations for osteochondrosis of the spine, tumors of the spinal cord and brain, and pediatric neurosurgery. The priority direction of scientific developments and implementations is the improvement of diagnostic approaches, rehabilitation of patients with traumatic brain injury.

Department of Hematology:
Scientific adviser - d.m.s. professor Dzhaksylykova Kulyash Kalikhanovna, the department is headed by a pediatrician of the highest category, Kikimbaeva Raushan Kusainovna. The department treats hematological, endocrinological, toxicological, pulmonological general therapeutic children up to 15 years of age. Methods for the treatment of leukemia patients have been introduced under the BFM program. The priority direction of scientific research is the development, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with acute leukemia.

Department of neonatal pathology:
Scientific adviser-docent Balkobekova Damesh Moldakhanovna, the head of the department is a doctor of the highest category, neonatologist Kaliev Sagyntai Khairulovich. The department is equipped with modern equipment to help newborns.

Department of resuscitation and intensive care:
There are two separate divisions. The scientific supervisor is Professor Tuleutaev Tleutai Baysarinovich, the head of the department for adults is the doctor of the highest category Rakhimzhanov Nurlan Muratovich, the doctor of the highest category Salambaev Ryspek Charipkhanovich is in charge of the children's department. Both divisions are well equipped with modern equipment for resuscitation and monitoring of the vital functions of the body, and standards for the work of nurses according to American technology have been introduced. The direction of scientific research is the development of methods for the treatment of severe forms of peritonitis, multiple organ failure, severe traumatic brain injuries, outpatient anesthesia.

Department of endoscopy:
The head of the department is Nuralinov Kabdyslyam Karibzhanovich, candidate of medical sciences, excellent health worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of the highest category. The department performs examination and therapeutic treatment of patients with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

Department of Hyperbaric Oxygenation:
The head of the department is a doctor of the highest category Baeliev Sergey Zhunuspaevich. Patients with pathology of the cardiovascular system, poisoning, anaerobic infections, systemic diseases of the connective tissue, diseases of the nervous system, and metabolic disorders are treated.

Department of Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy:
The head of the department is a doctor of the highest category Adisheva Marzhan Sagatbekovna. The department conducts rehabilitation methods with the help of modern devices.

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