Nosov Sergey Konstantinovich to Kuzbass. Sergei Nosov is being considered for the post of governor of the Kemerovo region. “If Abramovich sets such a task, he can succeed”

“If Abramovich sets such a task, he can succeed”

Sergey Nosov may head Kuzbass after winning the election of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil

Sergey Nosov has been discussed as a possible successor to Aman Tuleev since the end of last year Yaromir Romanov

Mayor of Nizhny Tagil Sergei Nosov may replace Aman Tuleev as governor of the Kemerovo region, but only after the autumn election campaign. According to the site, a scenario is being discussed in which first Nosov must again win the election of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil (to be held on September 10), and then initiate changes to the city management system and only then get promoted. In parallel, he is also likely to take part in the gubernatorial campaign of the acting head of the region Yevgeny Kuyvashev as a candidate for senators. Experts believe that Nosov’s experience in working with “problematic industrial territory” and proximity to Evraz play in favor of Nosov, but at the same time they emphasize that the final decision has not yet been made. In addition to Nosov, other applicants are also named.

The information that the mayor of Nizhny Tagil Sergey Nosov is considered as a possible successor to Aman Tuleyev, who has headed Kuzbass for the last 20 years, has been discussed since the end of last year. However, as the site was able to find out, a possible scenario for a change of power in the Kemerovo region in the fall of 2017 has now appeared.

The new scenario enables Sergei Nosov to complete the election campaigns in which he takes part in the Sverdlovsk region. Let's remind, on September, 10th elections of the head of Nizhny Tagil and the Sverdlovsk governor will take place simultaneously. At the beginning of the year, United Russia, according to the site, tried to find a replacement for Nosov as mayor, but it turned out to be difficult, given his high rating (in 2012, Nosov won 92% of the vote in the mayoral elections). As a result, the party again nominated Nosov, and Nizhny Tagil remained the only city in the Sverdlovsk region where the system of government with direct elections of the mayor, who simultaneously heads the city administration, has been preserved.

In the regional administration, as the source told the site, they expect that in September Sergey Nosov will again win the mayoral elections, after which he will initiate amendments to the charter of Nizhny Tagil, eliminating the direct election of the mayor. The city is planned to be transferred to the system that has been introduced in most cities in the Sverdlovsk region: the municipality is governed by a single head, who is appointed by competition without direct elections. The exception is Yekaterinburg, where there is a two-headed management model with a city manager and a head who is elected in direct elections and at the same time heads the city duma.

As part of the gubernatorial campaign in the Sverdlovsk region, it is planned that Sergei Nosov will campaign on the side of the current acting head of the region, Yevgeny Kuyvashev, nominated by United Russia. It is expected that Kuyvashev will nominate Nosov as one of three potential candidates for senators of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. At the same time, as the site has already reported, in the event of a victory, Kuyvashev plans to reappoint the current senator of the Federation Council, Eduard Rossel, so Nosov's participation in this case is important only before voting day.

The mayor of Nizhny Tagil may become a senator of the Federation Council or the governor of the Kemerovo region

After all the Sverdlovsk elections, the source of the site claims, the situation with the change of power in the Kemerovo region can be finally resolved.

Aman Tuleev, we recall, went on vacation on May 22 and has not yet returned to work - he is on sick leave due to spinal surgery. Local media, including the portal, with reference to the forums of the Kemerovo region, reported that allegedly the wife of the governor, Elvira Tuleeva, turned to the country's leadership with a request to wait for her husband's recovery - then he himself would ask the President of the Russian Federation resignations.

Sergei Nosov himself reacted nervously to the site's offer to comment on the situation. “Write what you want, I won’t comment on anything,” he said. Note that Nosov is connected with Kuzbass only by the fact that in the early 2000s he worked as the managing director of the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant (part of Evraz).

Meanwhile, Sergei Nosov is not the only possible contender for the post of head of Kuzbass. Other potential candidates include Kemerovo Mayor Ilya Seredyuk, Novokuznetsk Mayor Sergei Kuznetsov, State Duma Deputy Dmitry Islamov (formerly Tuleev's deputy), and State Duma Vice Speaker Sergei Neverov. However, the latter denied the information that he could replace Tuleyev. “I see that someone is deliberately inflating the topic around my future in the Kemerovo region, trying to impose an agenda that I have ambitions to become the governor of this region. He spoke about this many times. If someone has a bad memory, I repeat: I have no gubernatorial ambitions, neither in the Kemerovo region, nor in any other region, ”Neverov said.

The head of the International Institute of Political Expertise, Yevgeny Minchenko, believes that Sergei Nosov's prospects in Kuzbass depend on two factors. “Firstly, from the health of Tuleev. Secondly, from the results of the struggle within Putin's "Politburo 2.0". Nosov is historically close to Evraz, which has a serious influence in Kuzbass, and if Roman Abramovich sets the task of lobbying for the appointment of Nosov as governor of the Kemerovo region, I think he can succeed, ”Minchenko believes.

“So far, it is obvious that no decision has been made regarding the Kemerovo region, but the problem is being discussed, and the name of Sergei Nosov as a possible successor to Tuleev really sounds,” says Alexander Kynev, head of regional programs at the Information Policy Development Fund. According to him, "everyone understands that a person who will manage Kuzbass must have a certain elite status and managerial experience." “Sergey Nosov, who has a reputation for being a tough person, meets these parameters. He has experience working with such a problematic industrial area as Nizhny Tagil, and he is clearly perceived as a political heavyweight, ”Kynev explains. In addition, according to the expert, another argument for Nosov is that he is not personally connected with Kuzbass, which also corresponds to the latest trends in appointments. “Kuzbass is a complex territory, where there are a lot of contradictions between the elites. And you need to understand that it will be hard for anyone there: for Nosov, and Tuleev’s deputies, and the mayor of Novokuznetsk, and any other potential candidates whose names are being announced, ”concluded Kynev.

09:25 — REGNUM Sverdlovsk politicians and political scientists do not exclude the option of appointing the current mayor of Nizhny Tagil Sergei Nosov to the post of head of the Kemerovo region. According to experts, an experienced Ural politician is competent enough and has all the necessary connections to change the head of Kuzbass painlessly for the region. Amana Tuleeva, reports the correspondent.

“Be that as it may, there are reasons for appointing the mayor of Putingrad as governor of Kuzbass. With the likely departure of the political heavyweight Tuleyev, the entire system of power in the region will objectively collapse. Local elites will launch a war of all against all, hoping for a redistribution of resources, powers, political and economic influence in Kuzbass. A sort of post-Tuleev inter-elite revelry, an era of change. In this sense, Nosov can rely on the structures of UMMC and Evraz familiar to him in the Kemerovo region, forming a kind of political and economic alliance that can keep the region from major upheavals. , says the political scientist Alexey Schweigert.

Co-Chairman and Deputy Head of the Russian People's Union Party Evgeny Artyukh also believes that the promotion of Sergei Nosov to the head of Kuzbass is a very likely option that can be implemented in the logic of the Kremlin's policy aimed at "rejuvenating" the regional administrative elites.

“Firstly, for Kuzbass, the issue of changing the head of the region is overdue, and it is obvious that this change will take place in the near future. Secondly, Nosov himself has long declared his gubernatorial ambitions. Let it be the Sverdlovsk region, but in any case, everyone understands that he claims a higher level of power. At the same time, as for Sergey Nosov himself, in terms of mentality he fits well into the Kuzbass region and is seen as the optimal replacement for Tuleev. Just as strong and determined. Another thing is that the regional elites are probably looking for options on how to promote their person to this place. The same Tuleev, for sure, is interested in a successor from his team. But wanting is not bad. The logic of the recent appointments of interim governors in the regions is such that younger cadres are coming and often in the role of "Varangians". Nosov's candidacy also fits well into this logic. And the fact that at the beginning of the 2000s he worked in Novokuznetsk, heading the West Siberian Iron and Steel Works, is a good cherry on the cake. , - says Evgeny Artyukh.

At the same time, experts have no doubt that this appointment will be a serious test for Sergei Nosov himself.

“Of course, God forbid we live in an era of change,” says Chinese wisdom. And even Nosov's managerial rigidity and the support of large financial-industrial groups may not be enough to quickly cement the disintegrating coordinate system of the complex elites of Kuzbass. But perhaps, any other candidate who can be sent to this territory will find himself in an “emergency” situation here: comparison with Tuleev and his management style is inevitable - from an ordinary voter to an influential local business. Nosov has experience in public politics, survival in complex hardware troubles, good personal legends, charisma and influential patrons through Evraz and Russian Technologies. - summed up Alexei Schweigert.

Sergei Nosov, who won the 2012 mayoral election in Nizhny Tagil with 92% of the vote, is unlikely to run for a second term. According to, at least two options for the development of the mayor's career are being discussed behind the scenes. According to the first, he can become a senator of the Federation Council as a representative of the Sverdlovsk governor, replacing Eduard Rossel, who turned 79 in October. According to the second option, Nosov can apply for the post of governor of the Kemerovo region in the event of the resignation of Aman Tuleyev, who headed the region for 19 years, and the security forces have recently had many questions about his team.

The election of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil is scheduled for September 2017, they should be held simultaneously with the gubernatorial campaign, and, according to several sources in the governor's administration, it is Tagil that can become one of the most difficult next year. “The elections in Tagil are personally supervised by [the head of the administration of the head of the region Vladimir] Tungusov, and they will definitely be the most responsible after the gubernatorial ones,”’s interlocutor is sure. According to him, the current head of the city, Sergei Nosov, who achieved a strikingly high result in the elections in 2012, does not plan to run for a second term, and there is no strong candidate for the regional administration to stake on yet.

Sergei Nosov himself has not yet commented on the upcoming elections, but in Nizhny Tagil they consider his desire not to participate in the election campaign to be quite predictable. One of the problems that the Sverdlovsk Ministry of Finance has repeatedly drawn attention to is the city's debt load.

With a budget of 11.1 billion rubles (of which 7.3 billion rubles are transfers from the regional budget), over the past eight months, according to the public procurement website, Tagil City Hall held about 10 auctions to obtain credit lines totaling more than 1.7 billion rubles .

However, on this occasion, the mayor's office explains that competitions for new credit lines are announced only if the city authorities expect to refinance on more favorable terms, for example, at a lower interest rate.

In early December, it became known that the Tagil City Council decided to increase the maximum volume of domestic municipal debt from 1.89 billion rubles to 2.04 billion rubles. As the City Duma explained at the time, this decision was due to the need to provide a municipal guarantee in the amount of 150 million rubles to MUP Nizhny Tagil Thermal Networks for the city to participate in the competition for subsidies from the federal Ministry of Energy.

“Until I heard the official statement of Sergei Nosov that he would not participate in the elections, I would not talk about it with 100 percent certainty. But, of course, it will be difficult for his successor, if only because it will be almost impossible to repeat Nosov's result in the elections. In addition, in recent years, thanks to the efforts of many people, including the governor, plenipotentiary representative, director of UVZ Oleg Sienko, a lot of money has come to Tagil and many bright, landmark projects have been made: the embankment has been reconstructed, the drama theater has been renovated, and a sports and recreation complex has been built. Everyone understands that in the near future there will be no more such money in Tagil,” said Alexander Maslov, chairman of the Nizhny Tagil City Council.

At the same time, the speaker acknowledges that the main problem that the mayor will have to face in the second half of 2017 and 2018 is debt.

“Accounts payable are about 2 billion rubles, and those contractors with whom the municipality has not paid off will start demanding money just towards the end of 2017. And given that Tagil's debt to banks has already reached 1.5 billion rubles, the city's own revenues - 3-3.5 billion rubles - can no longer cover obligations. Any person who even a little understands the situation in Nizhny Tagil, only with great difficulty can agree to hang this strap on himself, ”said Maslov.

Prospects for the development of Sergei Nosov's career are opening up in connection with the gubernatorial elections in the Sverdlovsk region next year - he can replace Senator Eduard Rossel, who represents the Sverdlovsk governor in the Federation Council, according to a source in the regional administration. According to the law, when nominating a candidate for governor, he presents three contenders for the post of senator of the Federation Council, one of whom must be appointed if the candidate wins. “If the incumbent governor, Yevgeny Kuyvashev, takes part in the campaign, Nosov may first become one of the contenders for the post of senator, and then a senator,” a source claims. Recall that Nosov and Kuyvashev have experience of joint participation in elections - this year they, together with the Senator of the Federation Council from the Legislative Assembly Arkady Chernetsky, were the leaders of the United Russia list in the Legislative Assembly. As a result, the party won 36 seats (including 24 United Russia single-mandate members) in the regional parliament out of 50.

However, there is another option. According to, Sergei Nosov is being considered as a possible candidate for governor of the Kemerovo region. The current head of the region, 72-year-old Aman Tuleev, has been in office since 1997, and although he won a landslide victory in the September 2015 elections with 96.69% of the vote, there have been recent signs that his position is weakening. So, in mid-November, it became known that a criminal case had been opened on extortion from the co-owner of the coal mining enterprise JSC "Razrez" Inskoy "" 51% of the shares (controlling stake) worth 1 billion rubles. In particular, two deputies of Tuleyev, Alexei Ivanov and Alexander Danilchenko, as well as the head of the regional department of the investigative committee of the Russian Federation, Sergei Kalinkin, fell under investigation, all three were detained. Last week it became known about the appointment of Vladimir Chernov to the post of Danilchenko. Tuleev himself considers the detention of his subordinates to be pressure on him.

Nosov is connected with the Kemerovo region by the fact that in the early 2000s he worked as the managing director of the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant (part of Evraz). This is one of the largest metallurgical enterprises in Russia (revenue in 2014 - more than 130 billion rubles, profit - more than 16 billion rubles), it is located in Novokuznetsk.

This year, Tuleev had a conflict situation with the Uralvagonzavod Corporation (UVZ), whose parent company is based in Nizhny Tagil. The governor issued a statement in which he blamed UVZ for the financial crisis at the Yurga Machine-Building Plant (Yurmash), which the corporation has owned since 2014, demanded payment of 116 million rubles of wage arrears and turned to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Russian government for support. At that time, UVZ expressed dissatisfaction that the authorities of the region not only did not help to cope with the problems that arose even before the appearance of UVZ at Yurmash, but, on the contrary, interfered.

According to, another large industrial holding, which has interests both in the Sverdlovsk region and in Kemerovo, is also dissatisfied with Tuleev. “Tuleev’s secret is simple: he tells everyone what they want to hear from him. Coal miners - one thing, Russian Railways - another, machine builders - the third, ”the interlocutor of notes.

“There are practically no opposition media in the Kemerovo region, so Tuleyev's rating is still at a high level. However, dissatisfaction with Tuleev has been brewing in the Kremlin for a long time, given his age and the fact that his entourage, who steals, actually controls the region for him, ”explains a source familiar with the situation in the Kemerovo region. According to him, Tuleev himself "flatly refuses to write a statement of his own free will," so this issue remains in limbo for the time being. “Sergey Nosov is really in the personnel reserve and is being considered for the post of one of the governors: not only of the Kemerovo region, but also, for example, of the Chelyabinsk region, which, taking into account Nosov’s biography, looks more logical,” he concluded. Recall that the mayor of Nizhny Tagil is a representative of the Chelyabinsk dynasty of metallurgists. He was born in Magnitogorsk and worked for a long time at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, holding positions from an assistant steelworker to deputy general director for production and investment and a member of the board of directors, but in 1998 he left the enterprise due to a conflict with management and moved to Tagil.

“Everything good in life comes to an end sooner or later, and it’s impossible to hold the post of head of the region forever, and Tuleev remained almost the only such age-old governor in Russia, and, apparently, it’s time for him to prepare for retirement,” says political scientist Gleb Kuznetsov.

The expert did not predict who could become Tuleev's successor.

“Whether Sergey Nosov will get Kuzbass is a dark matter, but you need to understand that he has always been an ambitious person, so it is obvious that the post of head of the municipality, even such a large one as Nizhny Tagil, is only one of the steps in his career,” Kuznetsov concluded .

The mayor of Nizhny Tagil, a native of Evraz, Sergei Nosov, began to get acquainted with officials from the administration of the Kemerovo region as Aman Tuleev's successor, claims, citing sources in the region's power structures. In the meantime, the last session of the regional council has been postponed from July 5 to July 12, so that the successor will be presented to the deputies.

According to the publication, the candidacy of Sergei Nosov has already been agreed with all interested parties. "He began to get acquainted with some officials in the administration. He asks for economic and political information about the region. He is presented to the locals as approved by the Kremlin," says an informed source in Kuzbass.

The publication suggests that the 73-year-old current governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev, who is undergoing rehabilitation after spinal surgery, was transferred to a Moscow hospital in order to persuade him to resign and, after 20 years of leadership in the region, resign.

Sources of "" claim that none of the local politicians has satisfied the Kremlin as the successor to the Kuzbass political centenarian. Among the rejected candidates, sources name the first vice-governor and former head of Anzhero-Sudzhensk Vladimir Chernov, State Duma deputy from the Prokopyevsk district (and former Tuleev deputy for economics and regional development) Dmitry Islamov, and the mayor of Novokuznetsk Sergey Kuznetsov. Another contender discussed in the media - Mikhail Fedyaev, president of the Siberian Business Union holding - was allegedly not even considered.

The press service of the regional administration responded to a request from Interfax that they did not have information about the upcoming personnel changes in the leadership of the region. Representatives of the regional administration also failed to confirm or deny the information about a possible trip of Sergei Nosov to the region.

The press service of the regional parliament reported that the session was postponed to July 12 due to the preparation of the agenda, and not in connection with the possible arrival of Nosov. "The Coordinating Council decided to postpone the session until next week due to the formation of the agenda and the resolution of internal issues. We are not waiting for guests," the message says.

At the same time, claims that a final decision on the political future of Kuzbass has not yet been made. According to the most likely scenario, the publication believes, Sergei Nosov will first have to win the September elections in Nizhny Tagil, change the city government system, support the acting head of the region Yevgeny Kuyvashev in the gubernatorial elections, and then get promoted.

As the newspaper recalls, the information that Sergey Nosov, who enjoys almost Chechen support of the population (92% of the votes in the last mayoral elections), can replace Aman Tuleev has been discussed since the end of last year. At the beginning of the year, United Russia allegedly tried to find a replacement for Nosov as mayor, but given his high rating, this proved to be difficult. As a result, the party nominated him again.

To date, Nizhny Tagil remains the only region in the Sverdlovsk region where the management system with direct elections of the mayor, who simultaneously heads the city administration, has been preserved. The regional administration expects that Nosov, having won the elections in September, will initiate amendments to the city charter. Nizhny Tagil is planned to be transferred to the system that has been introduced in most cities in the Sverdlovsk region: the municipality is governed by a single head, who is appointed by competition without direct elections.

As for the gubernatorial elections, it is assumed that Nosov will campaign for Kuyvashev as one of the potential candidates for senators. At the same time, informed sources are sure that in the event of a victory, Kuyvashev plans to reappoint the current senator of the Federation Council, Eduard Rossel, so Nosov's participation in this case is important only before voting day.

Nosov himself reacted nervously to a request to comment on the situation. "Write whatever you want, I won't comment on anything," he snapped.

Tuleev's likely successor was born in Magnitogorsk, graduated from the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after V.I. G.I. Nosov. He began his career as a steelworker's assistant and a furnace foreman. In the 90s, he reached the position of deputy general director and member of the board of directors of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, but left the enterprise in 1998 due to a conflict with the team of general director Viktor Rashnikov.

After that, Nosov moved to Nizhny Tagil, where he became the general director of the Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works and vice president of Evraz Holding LLC, the main shareholder of the enterprise. In 2002-2003, he worked part-time as Managing Director of the West Siberian Iron and Steel Works (Novokuznetsk). Later he worked in the structures of the state corporation "Russian Technologies". In October 2012, he won the election of the head of Nizhny Tagil.

The website recalls that, as mayor of Nizhny Tagil, Nosov showed an expression more characteristic of the charismatic 1990s. In those days, he, being the head of the Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works, "blew up the halls" and entered into a public debate with Governor Eduard Rossel.

“Women love such battles, men don’t mind having such friends. But there are no more such battles. They are not accepted, they are not supported, they are considered indecent, because the rules for the work of politicians have changed. Because the main requirement for any effective manager has become the ability to negotiate. And Nosov knows this for sure: everyone bright and emotional was taught a lesson by his example.2003: Moscow-sanctioned shameful removal of Sergei Konstantinovich from the post of leader of the United Russia branch, transfer of powers to the then Prime Minister Alexei Vorobyov, and then public humiliation - 6th place in list of candidates for deputies of the State Duma from the party, under the banner of which he fought against the regional authorities," the newspaper writes.

The head of the International Institute of Political Expertise, Yevgeny Minchenko, believes that Sergei Nosov's future political prospects in Kuzbass depend on two factors. “Firstly, from Tuleev’s health. Secondly, from the results of the struggle within Putin’s Politburo 2.0. Nosov is historically close to Evraz, which has a serious influence on Kuzbass, and if Roman Abramovich sets the task of lobbying for Nosov’s appointment as governor of the Kemerovo region I think he can do it," Minchenko says.

"So far, it is obvious that no decision has been made regarding the Kemerovo region, but the problem is being discussed, and the name of Sergei Nosov as a possible successor to Tuleev really sounds," Alexander Kynev, head of regional programs at the Information Policy Development Fund, confirmed.

In his opinion, "everyone understands that a person who will manage Kuzbass must have a certain elite status and managerial experience." "Sergey Nosov, who has a reputation as a tough person, meets these parameters. He has experience working with such a problematic industrial area as Nizhny Tagil, and he is clearly perceived as a political heavyweight," Kynev explained.

In addition, the political scientist notes, Nosov is not personally connected with Kubzass, and this corresponds to the latest trends in appointments. “Kuzbass is a difficult territory, where there are a lot of contradictions between the elites. And you need to understand that it will be hard for anyone there: for Nosov, for Tuleev’s deputies, for the mayor of Novokuznetsk, and for any other potential candidates whose names are being announced,” summed up Kynev.

On July 6, the Russian media reported that Sergei Nosov, the head of the administration of Nizhny Tagil, could be appointed as the successor to Aman Tuleyev as governor of the Kemerovo region. Allegedly, Nosov began to get up to speed in Kuzbass and actively gets acquainted with future subordinates. At the same time, the mayor of Nizhny Tagil himself denies these media statements. The correspondent of "FederalPress" established the truth in the events taking place.

Newspapermen are looking for, PR people are looking for

The fact that Nosov is in Kemerovo was reported by one of the Novosibirsk media, citing an "informed source in Kuzbass." “He began to get acquainted with some officials in the administration. Requests economic and political information about the region. It is presented to the locals as approved by the Kremlin, ”the publication quotes. However, the next day, the official website of the Nizhny Tagil City Hall issued a press release about Nosov's meeting with Acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Yevgeny Kuyvashev and representatives of Sberbank and EVRAZ in Yekaterinburg. But according to available information from reliable sources, no such meeting took place.

It is logical to assume that the press service of the Nizhny Tagil mayor's office is starting a deceptive maneuver to confuse Nosov's whereabouts. Moreover, in the regional center of corporate relations "Ural", which is part of the EVRAZ structure, they refused to confirm the presence of their representative or the meeting itself. “We don't comment,” Tatiana Kazakova, head of the public relations department, laconicly remarked. Therefore, it is not possible to speak with full confidence where Sergey Nosov is now. In a telephone conversation with a FederalPress correspondent, Nosov stressed that he still had time to submit documents for the election of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil. He rejected the question of moving to Kemerovo in advance: “I don’t comment on what you yourself came up with.”

It should be noted that the figure of Nosov as Aman Tuleev's successor is not the first time that has surfaced. Prior to this, the name of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil was actively exaggerated in the first decade of June, even earlier - at the end of December 2016. In favor of Nosov, his metallurgical past is remembered, and therefore the possible appointment does not look contradictory. “The Magnitogorsk Institute of Mining and Metallurgy bears the name of his grandfather, and he has a high authority in the industry,” says Andrey Tikhonov, an expert at the Center for Political Studies.

Also, Nosov's past associated with EVRAZ can play into the hands of Nosov. He worked at the Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works (NTMK) when the enterprise was acquired by EVRAZ, and was vice president of the company for three years, even managing the Novokuznetsk West Siberian Iron and Steel Works for several months. Since then, Nosov has maintained a good business relationship with EVRAZ President Alexander Frolov, as evidenced by a recent meeting in Moscow at the end of May, where the mayor of Nizhny Tagil discussed joint economic and environmental projects with the businessman. From the current management of EVRAZ, Nosov managed to work with senior vice presidents Leonid Kachur and Alexei Ivanov. The head of the Ukraine division, Denis Novozhenov, generally began his career as an economist at NTMK, where at that moment Nosov was the deputy general director of the plant.

Alien among their own

It would be an exaggeration to talk about the special influence of EVRAZ on politics in the Kemerovo region. “Yes, the holding pays most of the taxes coming from the Novokuznetsk agglomeration. And the Administration of the Kemerovo region appreciates such a partner as EVRAZ. It is unlikely that such a large business will openly support the "Varangian". Because the company has too many assets in the Kemerovo region, and if the protege does not last long, then it is absolutely not a fact that the next governor will be loyal to EVRAZ. I think all major business players understand that in order to avoid conflicts, the successor must be from the locals,” says sociologist Igor Belchik.

If Nosov's candidacy is indeed being considered by the Kremlin, then the leaks to the press can be seen as a possible undermining of the politician's reputation, which could bring a new economic power to the region. “Sergei Nosov has been close to Sergei Chemezov, CEO of the Rostec corporation, since 2005. The chain here is as follows: Rostec, through Uralvagonzavod, owns the Yurga Machine-Building Plant and the Zarechnaya coal company in the Kemerovo region. Perhaps, under the new governor, the state corporation will expand and the list of enterprises will expand significantly,” Andrey Tikhonov believes. - Based on this, it can be assumed that Nosov's governorship may be accompanied by increased socio-economic instability associated with the redistribution of property and a difficult period of building relationships with shareholders of the leading enterprises of the Kemerovo region. At the same time, Nosov showed himself to be an energetic and authoritarian manager, and in this he is somewhat similar to Aman Tuleev.

In turn, Igor Belchik, as a support for the "Varangian" sees in the support of law enforcement agencies. In this case, the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin of July 6 on the dismissal of eight security officials from office, including two representatives of Kuzbass, looks interesting: the head of the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kemerovo region, Major General Yuri Larionov and his deputy, head of the main investigation department Vladimir Shepel. One gets the impression that the president is deliberately shuffling the "power" deck in Kuzbass in order to appoint specially selected and loyal people to Tuleev's possible successor.

And yet, if Nosov is really interested in Nizhny Tagil than in the Kemerovo region, then the question of a successor remains open. “I am surprised that the Kremlin does not consider the candidacies of the mayors of the two Kuzbass capitals - Ilya Seredyuk and Sergey Kuznetsov. They are young, have management experience, they are known in the region and they know the problems. Why they are talking about Nosov and not about them is a mystery,” complains Belchik.

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