Icons of the Mother of God - photo with names and descriptions. Our Lady on the Throne Icon attributed to the Cretan school of the last quarter of the 16th century

Origin not established. Entered the museum until 1951.
Restored in 2002 by L. D. Rybtseva.

The image of the Mother of God, surrounded by stamps with illustrations of the Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, can be considered as one of the variants of the composition “Praise of the Mother of God”.

All parts of the icon are united by inscriptions quoting the Theotokos troparion: “O Virgin Mary, rejoice, blessed Mary, the Lord is with you” (above: “Rejoice Virgin Mary, blessed Mary”; in the middle: “Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you”). In the center of the icon, on the clouds, surrounded by angels, is the Mother of God with the Child on the throne. The Christ Child in a golden vestment sits on the left hand of the Mother of God, resting his feet on her knees. In his left hand is a scroll, the right is held high in a blessing gesture. A similar image of Christ Emmanuel was traditionally perceived as a symbol of the Incarnation and the atoning sacrifice. Christ appears as the lord and Savior of the world, consecrating the true temple of his flesh - the Mother of God.

The Mother of God sitting on the throne is likened to the house of Divine Wisdom and the throne of the sacrificial Lamb. She is dressed in red clothes with a gold pattern and a white headdress of an integral shape covering her head, without ends falling over her shoulders. In her right hand, the Mother of God holds a scepter, and the angels crown her with a crown. These attributes indicate not only royalty, but also the ever-virginity of the Mother of God: the crown symbolizes the “crown of continence”, and the scepter resembles the Old Testament prototype of the Mother of God - the rod of Aarons and the hymnographic symbols ascending to it - “the true vine” and “branches of the unfading rod”. Thus, the Mother of God is glorified as a treasure of purity and purity.

The literary source for the compositions in the hallmarks was the story from the collection of the Ukrainian theologian Ioanniky Golyatovsky "The New Sky", popular in Yaroslavl art since the last decades of the 17th century. The seventh miracle in the section “Miracles of the Most Holy Theotokos over Those Who Pray to Her” tells of Thomas, Bishop of Cantuary, who had a habit of daily glorifying the Most Pure, recalling her earthly “joys”. The Mother of God, who appeared to the bishop, said that she would like to hear from him also the glorification of the joy that she experiences in heaven. The bishop fulfilled the desire of the Most Pure One by composing a doxology in her honor. Iconographic sources of stamps should be sought among Western European engravings or their repetitions in Ukrainian book graphics.

Octagonal hallmarks in lush golden frames are located around the middle of the icon. Their cycle begins in the upper field and develops in a circle. The first seven hallmarks depict events from the life of the Mother of God, testifying to the fulfillment of the eternal plan of the Creator and the incarnation of the Savior from the Virgin Mary. In subsequent hallmarks, the Mother of God is sung as God's chosen one, the immaculate human daughter, through whom the human race receives sanctification. In addition, she is glorified as the Immaculate Virgin, whose purity is equal to the heavenly powers, the patroness of all those who mourn, the Queen of Heaven, who is subject to angelic ranks, the intercessor for humanity before Christ, the divine equal, awarded the heavenly throne.

There are two more hallmarks in the lower corners of the icon. On the left, the appearance of the Mother of God to Thomas of Cantuary praying in front of her icon is depicted, and on the right, in a cartouche, is the text of the prayer composed by Thomas: “O Virgin Mary, rejoice, blessed Mary, for thou hast conceived a son [of God] in the flesh...”. The text ends with the words: “This praise of the Most Holy Theotokos is printed in the book of the New Heaven Miracle [of the Most Holy Theotokos] Thomas to the Archbishop of Cantuary and teach him praise ... the days of speaking ... ". On the margins of the icon are depicted the Monk John the Cave (left) and the martyr Uliania (right) - apparently saints, named after the customers of the icon.

A kind of "translation" of the prose panegyric of Ioannikius Golyatovsky into a prayer, the illustrations of which became widespread in the visual arts, arose after 1700. It is possible that this happened in Yaroslavl. For the first time this prayer and the composition corresponding to it appeared on the southern porch of the Yaroslavl Church of John the Baptist in Tolchkovo (1703-1704). The icon presented at the exhibition is an exact repetition of Tolchkov's fresco. Another icon on this subject is also known, which is somewhat different from the one published - the “Annunciation with Ten Hallmarks” of the middle of the 18th century from the Yaroslavl Church of the Savior in the City (YACM). A handwritten version of the prayer of local origin has also been preserved, dated around 1798.

The color of the icon, built on the contrast of black and green fields, dark green background, scarlet-red skies and gold frames, gives it the appearance of a triumphal baroque composition.

The type of the Mother of God, strictly frontally seated on the throne, with the Child located along the central axis, appeared in the Roman catacombs of the 3rd-4th centuries and was the first type of prayer image of the Virgin. Even earlier, in the first centuries of Christianity, when the tradition of icon veneration was just taking shape, the Mother of God and the Savior were not depicted on a separate icon, but appeared as participants in the scene of the Adoration of the Magi. Byzantium inherited the image of the Mother of God sitting on the throne and gave it a monumental sound in the mosaics decorating the apses of temples (Fig. 1). “In a solemn frontal pose, dressed in purple, like an empress, with a covered head, like a nun, She holds a blessing baby in her arms. Royal and monastic traits come together in the ideal of restraint, rigor, self-control ”(S. S. Averintsev).

The type of the icon of the Mother of God, seated on a throne, surrounded by those who are coming (saints or angels), was adopted by Russian icon painters and masters of temple painting and received the name Pechersky. In Russian iconography, the 13th century Our Lady of the Caves is known, where the Infant blesses with both hands, from the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery (Fig. 2). Also in the 13th century, a type of waist Hodegetria appeared in Russia, which was destined in numerous versions to become the most beloved and widespread type of the Mother of God icon.

The Caves type of the icon of the Mother of God was not as widespread in Russia as the various versions of the half-length Hodegetria, where tenderness, softness and love, gentle mutual inclination or contact of the faces of the Mother and the Child (“Tenderness”, for example) dominate over the “ideal of restraint and severity”. The image of the Mother of God - the Queen on the throne has become not especially common in Russia, but, rather, appears only sporadically.

However, in the monumental church art, the image of the Mother of God on the throne in the apse of the temple was quite traditional - suffice it to recall that Dionysius twice used this motif in the painting of the Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos in the Ferapontov Monastery (Fig. 3). Not least, this is due to the fact that it was then that the Grand Duke of Moscow was named Sovereign and Autocrat of All Russia, the idea of ​​a “third Rome” was formulated, and the spirit of solemn representativeness, “statehood” was the demand of the time. “No matter how highly we regard Dionysius and his followers, their works no longer have that depth and immediacy of feeling that distinguished Andrei Rublev and the masters of his circle,” wrote V. N. Lazarev in this regard.

The second birth of the image of the “throne Mother of God” took place during the reign of the Russian empresses, in the era of the Russian baroque, and appeared in the shell of worldly art. Here the Mother of God received the symbols of earthly royal power - the scepter and orb, the upcoming ones disappeared. All the iconographic signs of the icon appeared, which a hundred years later received the name "Reigning". They were perhaps not quite stable yet. So, in the Palekh icon of the middle of the 19th century (very beautiful, combining the fineness of jewelry, solid color, deeply interpreted faces and touching Palekh eclecticism), there is no orb in the right hand of the Mother of God (Fig. 4).

Sometimes, in an effort to flatter not only the authorities, but also the personality of the sovereign, the artist gave the face the portrait features of the empress (Empress Elizabeth Petrovna on the icon of A. I. Belsky) (Fig. 5). Sometimes this icon-painting type was an excuse to create a decorative image - elegant, painted in bright colors in the folk style, with an unusually strong, "Suprematist" movement of lines and shapes (Fig. 6). Sometimes baroque forms, the royal splendor of regalia and clothes, the naivety of the popular taste of the isographer combined into a bizarre, almost fantastic bouquet (Fig. 7). But this is not the Sovereign shown on the day of the abdication of the Sovereign.

It dates from the end of the 18th century and is designed in the Baroque style (Ill. 8, 9). There is no trace of smooth writing and embellishment in the letter. It is written broadly and with inspiration. The Baroque tradition is reflected in the strong movement of the folds of clothes, in the dynamic position of the figures. The composition of the icon is devoid of a favorable balance, it is rather bold. An unusually large part of the vertically elongated icon board is occupied by the image of God the Father, which gives a touch of humility to the overall regal-solemn appearance of the Mother of God.

The appearance of the icon, marked by miracles, caused a wave of popular veneration, which led to the production of numerous lists. In stylistic terms, they were diverse - Old Russian, XVII century, Art Nouveau with Vasnetsov features (Fig. 10), grassroots pseudo-academism, Palekh stylizations and more. It is noteworthy that the artists, adhering to the iconography of the model, very rarely followed the plastic character of the original (Fig. 11).

Now that the icon's museum confinement has ended, many lists from it are being written again. And again we see that the style of the revealed icon is not reproduced, being replaced by an appeal to the ancient Russian tradition (Fig. 12). Of course, the icon list is not an academic copy. As he wrote about Sergei Bulgakov, “As for the religious content of this or that icon, then history already shows that in the church there is a peculiar life of the icon. In this life, some themes or renditions of icons of a known content come to the surface, others go out of use, but, in any case, the possible content of an icon can never be considered exhausted or not allowing change or increment.

List 1918

Modern List

List of the first quarter of the XX century.
However, the Old Russian style, which is almost exclusively used in the latest lists, does not seem to me to be very consistent with this image. Even the symbols of royal power - the scepter (it became part of the royal regalia at the wedding of Feodor Ioannovich in 1584) and the orb (since 1698 under Boris Godunov) - look like an anachronism in icons "under the XV century." But this is a secondary consideration. The main thing is that the manifest Sovereign is distinguished by great freedom, pace, openness of writing, and to ignore these qualities, replacing them with school dryness, means depriving the new lists of the icon of something very important.

It is difficult to judge the original color of the icon now, but the appearance in which it was found in the basement of the temple - blackened, as if drowned in thunderclouds - eloquently testifies to the brink of death that Russia faced. The icon was restored in accordance with the command to “make the icon red,” received by the peasant woman Evdokia Ivanovna Andrianova in a dream, and is distinguished by a well-seasoned warm coloring with an emphasis on the purple of royal clothes. In the kiot, under the flickering light of lamps and candles, she lives a mysterious church life, it seems that the face of the Virgin changes its expression (Fig. 8).

The figure of the Mother of God is located strictly frontally, and the figure of the Divine Infant with a blessing right hand has a diagonal and helical, characteristically baroque movement. The face of the Mother of God is full of inner life - of course, this is not earthly passion, but nevertheless, both imperious severity and maternal anxiety about the lost and suffering are seen in it. It seems that it was this combination of iconic impassibility with hidden drama (and, of course, the circumstances of the miraculous acquisition) that made the icon an object of wide worship.

They say that the icon is a shrine of the monarchists. Well, the meaning of each icon, and even more so such an outstanding one as the revealed Sovereign, is semantically extremely multilayered, and the ideas of royal power, pain for Russia, hope for the revival of our Fatherland, certainly permeate the image. It is believed that the scepter and orb in the hands of the Mother of God received a new meaning - She holds them until the time when the Orthodox Tsar appears, who, giving it to Russia, must accept these regalia from Her. The icon by its nature is not domestic, not private. This is, in essence, a monumental mural image intended for conciliar worship. He, as it were, descended from the wall of the temple in order to participate in grand processions of the cross. But “monarchical” is only one of the semantic levels, and Orthodox worshipers of holy icons should not forget about the Christ-centeredness of our faith, about the Mother of God, pointing to the Way, Truth and Life, and that She is our first hope after Christ.

The time is not far off when we will celebrate the centenary of the acquisition of the Sovereign.

Probably, over the years, new lists of the revered image will appear. I would like to hope that icons will appear by conciliar efforts that would follow the spirit, and where necessary, the letter of the revealed image. This is a difficult task, but it would be interesting and responsible to work on it.

I would like to conclude these notes with a few professional considerations that would guide me when writing the image of the Sovereign Mother of God:
1. In composition
According to the "Orthodox Encyclopedia", the bottom of the board (with the image of the feet of the Mother of God) was cut down by about 20 cm due to the poor condition of the base at the time of acquisition. Considering this, it is necessary to write either a generational or full-length image, since the cut at the level of the feet is not approved (and not without reason) by all composition theorists.

2. In the picture
The faces and figures of the Mother of God and the Divine Infant on the original of the icon, by their expression and depth of content, inspire us to follow them very carefully. At the same time, the baroque style, which was reflected in the strong movement of the figures and the expression of the stroke, can be somewhat softened and calmed down (in the spirit of Athos icon painting), to the extent that the baroque style was a tribute to the time when the icon was created. But some elements of the original style must be left intact, because they "work on the image" with their drama and openness of expression.

3. In painting
In the color structure of the icon, it would be possible to combine the color of the image, as it was at the time of its acquisition, with its current, updated and cleared version. Make a strong accent on the purple of royal robes. The background is dark golden storm clouds, as on some Athos icons. The gap in the clouds is bright and shining, expressing hope.

“We thank the Mother of God for Her intercession, for Her power over us, for the fact that She did not deprive us of this power, that She preserved our church-state tradition, keeps and strengthens constantly. And we will ask Her to continue to strengthen in each of us the feeling of loyalty to the King of Heaven, obedience to His holy will, good and perfect, so that She would help us in our lives to overcome that division, that disobedience, that collapse that we we see in ourselves and around.

(Priest Nikolai Bulgakov, rector of the church in the name of the icon of the Sovereign Mother of God in Zhukovsky).

Marina Zhukova. November 2010

Archpriest Sergei Bulgakov. Icon and icon veneration. M., 1996.
V. N. Lazarev. History of Byzantine Painting. M., 1986.
V. N. Lazarev. Russian iconography. M., 1983.
Christianity: a dictionary. M., 1990.
Yu. G. Bobrov. Fundamentals of iconography of ancient Russian painting. M., 1995.

"Vsetsaritsa" is known all over the world as a healer of oncological diseases. Prayers to the Mother of God help not only from cancer, but also from other deadly diseases. Parents pray to Our Lady for their children, who poison themselves with alcohol and tobacco. For those who want to be protected from all kinds of magic and charms, the All-Tsaritsa can also help. Akathist and prayer to her, blessed water and oil, with the proper level of faith in healing, work real miracles, which are recorded in many in the annals of temples.

Variants of the icon "The Tsaritsa"

There are several variants of this image of the Virgin. It must be understood that, approaching the icon, we ask for help not from her, but from the Mother of God herself. Do not forget that it is to her that prayer goes. The Tsaritsa hears the appeals of all those who ask and answers them.

The image of the Mother of God, seated on a throne with the Child in her left hand, has long been known in iconography. Fragments of the frescoes of the Triglia Icon still remain on the walls of the Vithian Monastery of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” (Pantovasilissa), built in the 18th century.

The image of the All-Tsaritsa (Pantanassa) is also known, which was donated in the 15th century by Tsarevna Maria Palaiologina, the wife of the Moldavian ruler Stephen the Great, to the Grigoriat Monastery on the Holy Island of Athos. Such an image is called Gregory. This icon several times remained unharmed in several fires, even if everything else burned to the ground. The All-Tsarina, the prayer to which resounds every day to this day, generously endows these places with her grace.

There is an icon on which Christ is not blessing, as is usually depicted on icons with the Holy Mother of God. This is the Simonopetra Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (Pantokratorissa), which was painted in 1530 and donated to the Simonopetra Monastery on the Holy Island of Athos by Metropolitan Athanasius. from Nicaea. This icon also depicts the All-Tsarina on a throne with a Baby with two angels behind her.
Another version of the miraculous icon, to which this article is dedicated, is called the Vatopedi Tsaritsa, or Pantanassa. The image of the Virgin with the Christ Child on her left hand, sitting on a throne surrounded by angels, has been revered for a very long time. The earliest images are found in the 7th century, when prayer was the most accessible cure for diseases. The Tsaritsa is most often a small icon. But how blessed is the image of the Virgin on it!

Description of the icon

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, painted around the 17th century, is located on the Holy Island of Athos, in the cathedral church of the Vatopedi Monastery, on the left side of the Royal Gates. The icon depicts the royal throne, on which the Most Pure Virgin sits in a scarlet robe with the Child in her arms. Little Jesus has a scroll in his left hand, and the fingers of his right are folded in a gesture of blessing. The Mother of God with her right hand points to Her Infant Son as the Savior of people. Behind the throne are two angels, reverently overshadowing the Blessed Virgin with their wings.

The icon belongs to the iconographic type of Panahranta. If we translate this name from Greek, we will get the meanings “Pure”, “Immaculate”. This type of icons of the Virgin still has the name "All-merciful". What they have in common is that the Mother of God with Jesus on her knees is depicted sitting on a throne or throne, which symbolizes the greatness and glory of the royal Mother of God, the most perfect of all those who were born on earth. Therefore, the prayer of the All-Tsaritsa for healing often helps those who diligently resort to the help of the Mother of God.

The legend about the icon "The Tsaritsa"

Elder Joseph Hesychast, very famous on Mount Athos, in the 20th century blessed his disciples with the image of Pantanassa. He also told the most ancient legend about this image.

Once, a strange young man, mumbling to himself indistinctly, stopped in front of the icon. While he stood in front of her, the face of the Virgin shone with a wondrous light, and by an invisible force this man was thrown to the floor. When he ran out into the street with fear, he confessed to the elders in tears that he was engaged in magic and magic, spent his life in sin. In this way, the Mother of God revealed the power of her image, instructed the young man on the path of repentance and turned away from an unholy life. After such a miraculous intervention of the Mother of God, this young man changed his life and remained to live on Athos. Thus, the All-Tsaritsa, the icon of the Mother of God, saved his soul. Prayer to her helps to get rid of all sorts of magical spells. This image is resorted to for protection from magicians and psychics.

What kind of disease is cancer?

Cancer has an ancient history. The very name of the disease - "carcioma" - was given by Hippocrates. Formed from two Greek words for "tumor" and "crab", the disease got its name due to the fact that the tumor looks like a crab.

The first cancer cases were described among the Egyptians in 1600 BC. In the papyrus of those times, several forms of this disease are described and it is specified that there is no cure for it.

And in the first century BC, the Roman physician A. Celsus suggested removing the tumor in the early stages, and not treating it at all in the later stages.

Over the centuries, scientists and doctors have not been able to find a cure for this terrible disease that affects more and more people around the world. As in ancient times, all cancer patients can only hope for a miracle. It must be admitted that almost all known cases of miraculous healings are associated with prayers to the Savior and the Mother of God. The fact that prayer to the All-Tsaritsa is effective in oncology is proved by many miraculous cases of healing.

healing icon

After the first manifestation in the 17th century of such a miraculous power of the image of the Mother of God, people began to notice that the miraculous image has a beneficial effect on those suffering from painful tumors, and even malignant ones. Increasingly, a prayer was offered up to the Tsaritsa for healing, more and more exact lists made from this miraculous icon scattered throughout the monasteries. Since then, this icon has been revered throughout the world as a deliverer from cancer. Today, the image of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" with its grace can heal one of the most terrible diseases in the history of mankind.

The first miracle in Russia

In the fall of 1991, a little girl, who was undergoing treatment at the Moscow Cancer Center, noticed that an unusual light emanated from the paper image of the Virgin Mary on the hospital wall. She told the adults about it, but they mistook it for a childish fantasy. Within a short time, other children also saw such a glow. And the girl, who first saw the light, went on the mend, her illness suddenly began to recede. When the parents of the little patients of the oncological institution found out about this, they built a small chapel in honor of the icon of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa. Even the smallest child believed that prayer would heal him. "The Tsaritsa", a simple picture on plain paper, generously gave healing to all who believed her.

Icon in the Community of Mercy

In Russia, one of the lists from the Athos miraculous icon was made in 1995 with the blessing of Archimandrite Ephraim, when the Community of Mercy of St. John of Kronstadt at the Center for the Treatment of Children's Oncological Diseases, which is located on the Kashirskoye Highway, asked for an opportunity for sick children to be healed. So, in the center, a list of this icon was handed over to the unfortunate children, written in compliance with the canon, solemn divine services and prayer meetings.

How many miracles were created in this center by naive children's prayer! The queen no doubt answered her. The children's condition has improved significantly, and this cannot be explained only by the use of drugs.

Several months passed, and before the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, this icon suddenly began to stream myrrh. Only a few drops appeared, but their incredible fragrance filled all the rooms around. The flow of myrrh was repeated on the feast of the Entrance into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The first miracle of healing that took place in Russia was the healing of a young man, a drug addict with many years of experience. After this incident, the prayer of the All-Tsaritsa sounds from the lips of parents for their children who are addicted to drugs and alcohol.

Icon in the Church of All Saints

The news of the miraculous icon spread throughout Moscow at lightning speed. So that a large number of pilgrims would not be a burden to sick children, the icon was transferred to the Temple of All Saints, which belongs to the former Novo-Alekseevsky Monastery. It is located near the Krasnoselskaya metro station, in Krasnoselstsky lane. Nevertheless, the Image of the Most Holy Theotokos is often brought to the oncology center for services and prayers.

Chronicle of miraculous healings of the Church of All Saints

After some time, the Church Slavonic version of the akathist to the Mother of God was written in honor of her image of the “All-Tsaritsa”, which had some differences from the Greek version. On Sundays in the Church of All Saints at 15.00 and 16.30 a prayer service is held, an akathist to the All-Tsaritsa and a prayer from cancer are read. After the prayer service, all those who suffer are anointed with consecrated oil.

The chronicle, which is kept in the temple, is replenished with more and more records, testifying to the miraculous help to all those who have already despaired of receiving healing from earthly doctors. It contains records of babies and old people, of men and women, of the healing of the most advanced stages of cancer, and many others. The people who received healing, to whom the prayer of the All-Tsaritsa restored health or life, not only write down their stories of miraculous recovery, but also bring all kinds of gifts to this shrine.

List of Novospassky Monastery

Today, the list of the image of Pantanessa, which is located in the Church of All Saints in the village of Krasnoye Selo, is not the only miraculous one in Russia. The Akathist to the All-Tsaritsa and the prayer for cancer are still read in Moscow, on Krestyanskaya Square, 10 (metro station Proletarskaya), in the Novospassky Monastery, where since 1997 there is another miraculous copy of this healing icon. It was specially created in the Vatopedi Monastery and delivered to Russia. He is also miraculous and myrrhotic. There is also a chronicle with records of the healings of people to whom the prayer of the Mother of God All-Tsaritsa restored life and health, and with records of miracles coming from this shrine. In front of this image of the Mother of God, prayer songs are performed daily, and on Sundays, prayer services are served with blessing of water. Numerous offerings from the healed testify to the large number of cases of healing that appeared almost immediately after the prayer of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa was read at this image.

Serpukhov list icons

There is also a miraculous copy of this image in the Serpukhov Bishop's Convent in the Moscow Region. During the time he was there, the icon streamed myrrh over 30 times. There is evidence of two cases of healing from cancer. Prayer to the All-Tsarina from Cancer and the Akathist to the Mother of God are read daily in the monastery. During the services, the names of people who suffer from various ailments are commemorated. Many pilgrims come to the monastery with faith and the hope that prayer will help them. "The Tsaritsa" is considered one of the most powerful icons in the world, healing cancer patients. The Mother of God reveals through the image of Her indescribable grace and love, gives Her miracle of healing to all who, with faith and love, ask before Her glorified image.

Prayer to the All-Tsaritsa for oncology

Whoever comes to the image of the Virgin! As soon as the news about the recovery of oncological patients who had lost all hope of healing appeared, all those suffering from such serious diseases that modern medicine is not yet able to cure began to strive for the icons of the Mother of God. A strong prayer to the All-Tsaritsa from cancer helps even in the last stages, removes trouble from those who are only suspected of having cancer. After earnest prayer, diagnoses often miraculously change for the better.

Prayer to the All-Tsaritsa in oncology is strong in front of any of her images, whether it be a small printed piece of paper, an icon in a home iconostasis, or a large icon in a large temple. The merciful Mother of God will always hear a request for help.

She is approached with prayers for help, requests for healing or intercession. They say thank you for the help provided in difficult life situations. She is considered a symbol of the highest kindness, meekness, chastity and wisdom. She is the Mother of God, whose icons are in every Orthodox church, and it is difficult to list and review all the images. It is also present in the homes of people who believe in God and keep his commandments.

Various icon options

The Mother of God is represented on icons in different ways. Each of them has its own name, the meaning of the icon of the Virgin may also differ in some details. It helps to resolve a certain life situation that has occurred in the life of a person in need of help. Her appearance is always portrayed as a little sad, meek. This is the only way Virgo can look at people, because they live in constant trouble, suffer, sin.

It will take a huge catalog to list all the icons of the Mother of God with names, because in addition to the originals there are numerous lists that were often glorified separately. Therefore, first it is better to consider the main types of icons of the Virgin:

  • Hodegetria - these icons of the Mother of God are depicted with a baby on her left hand, they can be used with different names, but the Mother of God always points to Christ, and the Divine Infant makes a blessing gesture, they also happen with a baby on her right hand, the situation with the names is identical here, they are different , but the canonical is general;
  • Eleusa - They clung to each other with their cheeks, symbolically such icons of the Mother of God indicate the high importance for each person of a reverent attitude towards the Lord;
  • Oranta - this type of Mother of God icons includes those where a medallion with Christ is depicted on the chest of the Virgin Mary, and she raises her hands to heaven, praying for people and asking for the mercy of the Lord;
  • Akathist - the name of the icons is conditional, it is also possible to call these images plot, icons of the Virgin and saints are often combined here, the essence lies in the glorification of a certain quality of the Virgin, which is noted in the akathists.

Do not list how many icons of the Virgin there are, but try the opportunity to eat, based on the previous classification, consider the most famous images:

  • Hodegetria - the miraculous icon of Kosinskaya (Modena), the Damascus icon, which is also called the Three-Handed, the Listener, the icon with a ladder, Korfskaya, Gerbovetskaya,
  • Eleusa - Yaroslavl icon, Volokolamsk, Balykinskaya, Feodotievskaya, Yelets, Rozhkovskaya,
  • Oranta - Novgorod, Alabatskaya, Indestructible wall, Inexhaustible bowl;
  • Akathist - Trubchevskaya (although it can also refer to the first type), Augustovskaya, Cypriot.

Separately, it is necessary to single out the miraculous icons of the Mother of God, that is, those that were bestowed from above. These images were imprinted on some surface, or people were just looking for an icon somewhere.

These rare icons of the Mother of God are venerated in a special way, often being miraculous.

General image details

On the canvases of the icon of the Virgin Mary, there are common features of the image. Her hair is hidden under a cape (maforia), lowered over her shoulders. This is done because in ancient times, in Israel, it was a mandatory requirement for the appearance of a woman. By tradition, this cape is red, so that all people remember that She herself is from royal families, and this also reflects the great suffering that the Mother of God endured. The lowest layer of clothing is depicted in blue, denoting the heavenly purity and perfection of the Mother of God. Icon painters, thus, show her connection with God.

It is difficult to ignore the description of the symbolism of the icon of the Virgin Mary, which means and reveals the full depth of the meaning of the picture. Studying Christian traditions, the image of the Mother of God means not only a certain person, but the whole church as a whole.

The image of the sleeves on the clothes of the Virgin is made in the form of handrails, that is, the traditional outfit of all the clergy. The Virgin Mary, with the whole church, calls to serve together with Christ, who is the very first priest. The image of stars on the shoulders and on the head of the Mother of God speaks of her divinity and purity. It is also considered a symbol of the unity of the Trinity. In many countries of the world, entire churches have been erected in honor of the Virgin Mary, which can be visited by anyone. In some of these temples there are icons that work miracles, helping those in need who turn to them.

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos

In fact, there are a huge number of prayers, as well as icons. Different images can be glorified on different days of the church calendar.

Prayer 1

Favoring my Queen, My Hope, Mother of God, Friend of the orphans and the strange, the Representative, the grieving Joy, the offended Patron!

See my trouble, see my sorrow; help me, as if I am weak, feed me, as if strange!

Offend my weight - resolve that one, like you will!

As if there is no other imam of help, except for You, neither another Representative, nor a good Comforter, only You, O Mother of God!

Yes, save me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 2

It is worthy to eat as truly Blessed Thee, the Theotokos, the Blessed and Immaculate and the Mother of our God. The most honest cherubim and the most glorious seraphim without comparison, who without corruption of God the Word gave birth to the present Mother of God, we magnify Thee.

Prayer 3

Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are You in women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls.

Praying in front of icons, people do not honor the object itself, but what it symbolizes: great saints or religiously significant events. The Mother of God is amazing in this respect - icons, all the images with her are very different. They differ so much, as if we are talking not about one Mother of God, but about many, each of which endlessly loves people and wants to help them, but does it in her own special way.

Among the huge number of images of the Mother of God, a few can be especially distinguished. Each of them is endowed with its own history, and they are addressed with different questions, but all of them are equally significant for a believer.

Icon of the Mother of God "Iberian"

The Iberian icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is also called the Gatekeeper or Gatekeeper, since several times it ended up in an icon case over the entrance to the monastery, from where it was no longer removed after. Later, a temple was built on the site of its location, where it is now located.

The icon is easily recognizable, since the right cheek of the Mother of God is marked with a bleeding wound on it. Otherwise, the plot is more familiar: with her left hand she holds the baby, while her right palm is extended towards him in a prayerful gesture.

It is customary for the Iberian Mother of God to pray for deliverance from all evils and consolation in trouble, salvation from fire, and a good harvest.

The days of veneration of the Goalkeeper are February 25/12, October 26/13, the second day of the Easter week (week).

Icon of the Mother of God "Vladimirskaya"

According to one of the legends, the apostle and evangelist Luke was the author of the icon. Upon completion of the work, he showed the handiwork of his Mother of God and she herself blessed the icon. The image shows the Mother of God holding the baby with her right hand, and her left palm only slightly touches the robes of little Jesus, who hugs his mother by the neck. The “sign” of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is considered to be the visible “heel” (foot) of the Savior.

The image is considered miraculous. It was used during the decree of the Russian metropolitans and patriarchs, and acquired the status of the main national shrine. Vladimirskaya is prayed for protection from attacks from outside, for unity and deliverance from false teachings, reconciliation of enemies.

Days of veneration - 3.06 / 21.05, 6.07 / 23.06 and 8.09 / 26.08.

Icon of the Mother of God "Seven Arrows"

According to its name, the icon depicts the Mother of God pierced by seven arrows. It is believed that a peasant from the Kadnikovsky district discovered it on the church bell tower, where they stepped on it, believing that it was an ordinary board. The seven-shooter Mother of God, the icon, all the images of which are difficult to count, has a more well-known variety, called "Softener of Evil Hearts."

According to some sources, the age of Seven Strelnaya is at least 500 years. In 1917, it was in the Church of St. John the Theologian, but was lost and today its location is unknown.

This image of the icon of the Mother of God is prayed for the cure of cholera, deliverance from lameness and relaxation, reconciliation of enemies. Day of veneration - August 13/26.

Icon of the Mother of God "Sovereign"

The image was discovered in one of the churches near Moscow in 1917, on the day when Nicholas II abdicated. Everyone saw this as a certain sign, although the specific interpretation of the event could be very different depending on who undertook to talk about it.

On the icon, the Mother of God is depicted as the Queen of Heaven: dressed in red robes, majestically seated on the royal throne, crowned with a crown and a halo. An orb and a scepter rest in her palms, and the baby Jesus sits on her knees. To date, the icon is located in Kolomenskoye, in the temple of the "Kazan" Icon of the Mother of God.

The main theme of the prayers dedicated to the Sovereign Mother of God is truth. She is asked for honesty in words, deeds, love and for saving Russia. Day of veneration - March 2/15.

Some believe that Tikhvinskaya was written during the life of the Mother of God herself. Its distinctive feature can be considered a scroll that the baby holds in one hand. The fingers of the other hand of the Savior are folded in a blessing gesture.

Now the image is placed in the Moscow Tikhvin Church. Lists from it are placed in many other churches, monasteries and temples.

Tikhvinskaya pray for the return of vision, the expulsion of demons, the healing of children and getting rid of the laxity of the joints in case of paralysis. Day of veneration - June 26/9.

The first mention of the image is associated with the 12th century. History says that after Batu's attack on the Gorodetsky Monastery, everything turned to ashes, but the icon remained absolutely unharmed. Later, Vasily Kostroma, who saw the appearance of the Mother of God, sent the image to Kostroma, to the Cathedral of Theodore Strastilates. This gave it its current name.

On the icon, the Savior is on the right hand of the Mother of God. With her right hand, the Mother of God supports his leg. The infant himself presses his face to the Mother and embraces her by the neck with his left hand.

It is necessary to pray to the Theodore Mother of God for the successful resolution of difficult childbirth. Honor Days: March 27/14 and August 29/16.

The quick-acolyte is somewhat reminiscent of the Tikhvin Mother of God (she is also an image of the Hodegetria type - the Guide). She is considered one of the miraculous icons. The place of creation of the Quick Hearing One is the holy Mount Athos, and now it resides within the walls of the Dohiar monastery.

The story associated with this image tells of a monk who, out of stupid interest, smoked the face of the Virgin. For this he was deprived of his sight. With long prayers, the monk was able to return it, and since then the icon “hears” the requests of all those who suffer and helps them.

It is necessary to pray to the Quick Acolyte, first of all, for a cure for blindness, lameness and relaxation, as well as for deliverance from captivity and the salvation of people caught in a shipwreck. Day of veneration - November 9/22.

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