Rehabilitation after facelift and nutrition. Rehabilitation after a circular facelift - real patient reviews. So is it possible that such a deep plastic surgery does not require a long rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after a circular facelift is a much longer process than recovery after such manipulations as mesotherapy and biorevitalization. Rhytidectomy (circular lift) is a serious and full-fledged surgical operation, the high-quality performance of which requires a highly qualified doctor.

Rehabilitation after rhytidectomy

The duration of the rehabilitation period after may vary depending on the age of the patient and the current state of his health. It should also be taken into account that the intervention is different: superficial, mixed or deep. The nature of the operation directly affects the time that may take the rehabilitation period after a circular facelift. On average, it is about two months.

Immediately after the end of the manipulations, a special compressive bandage is applied to the face, which prevents the divergence of the seams. Further, it is recommended to stay in the hospital under the supervision of the attending physician for three to four days, after which an extract follows, followed by outpatient control.

If a person has serious concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, heart disease, etc.), he is left in the hospital for at least a week.

The first dressing follows 24 hours after surgery, and then dressing changes are carried out on an outpatient basis. The timing of doctor visits varies from person to person, and the compression bandage should not be stopped for seven days.

Recovery process

The better the blood clotting, the less concomitant diseases, the faster and easier the rehabilitation after a facelift. After a stay in the hospital, the patient is allowed to go home - until the stitches are removed, which is already carried out in the outpatient clinic. This is followed by observation of how the incision sites heal and how hematomas and edema “behave”, which, unfortunately, cannot be avoided.

For patients who are preparing for it, it is important to take into account the fact that in the first hours after the intervention, when they are still under the influence of painkillers, they will not feel pain. It appears after some time and can be of a different nature, but with a positive attitude, it can be overcome.

Rehabilitation after a circular facelift may be accompanied by feelings of heaviness in the face, stiffness of movements, and the reflection in the mirror will definitely not look like the standard of a Hollywood star. This should be treated with humor and a healthy psychological attitude, because swelling and bruising gradually subside after 10 days. If you stock up on courage, patience and ordinary painkillers, the recovery will go well, and very soon you will be able to observe the excellent result of the operation in all its beauty. Sometimes a special compression bandage can be annoying, but wearing it is necessary: ​​otherwise the seams will quickly disperse.

At first, it is recommended to sleep on your back. This will help minimize discomfort and reduce swelling of the face. You will have to forget about the solarium and the sun for two months. The same applies to physical activity - whether it's a gym or a favorite job at their summer cottage.

A plastic surgeon will tell you more about the rehabilitation period after a circular facelift:

When stitches are removed

If rehabilitation after a circular facelift is successful in the first days, after 10-14 days the patient comes to the clinic for the removal of the first sutures. After what time they are exactly removed - here is the average period of time, which can vary and depends on the rate of regeneration of the skin.

The areas where there were seams are closed with special strip strips. Thanks to them, the tissues are perfectly restored, and there are practically no scars after the operation. Of course, there are, but if a person is far from the secrets of plastic surgeons, he most likely will not be able to see them with a simple eye.

The stitches are removed using different techniques: it all depends on which areas they are located.

What kind of masks to make

Any mask can damage freshly tightened skin. All masks are allowed to be done no earlier than 15-25 days after the surgical intervention (of course, provided that there are no inflammatory processes on the skin).

The components used for the manufacture of masks should not contain aggressive agents that can cause an allergic reaction or irritation of the places where the postoperative sutures were located.

The best mask is made from oatmeal and milk. You can also add there:

  • banana pulp;
  • a couple of drops of olive oil;
  • a couple of drops of lemon juice (if the skin is oily);
  • one yolk (it must first be ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained).

The mask should be applied evenly and left for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly, followed by the application of any suitable nourishing cream.

There are also simpler formulations that can be easily prepared at home. For example, a raw egg yolk is mixed with a drop of olive oil - and you get an excellent composition that will help you get rid of swelling on your face faster. The frequency of use is three times a week.

The pulp of a ripe banana is easily rubbed with an avocado. Thus, an antiseptic, moisturizing and smoothing effect is obtained at the same time. Application time is also 10 minutes.

A simple freshly boiled mashed potato is an equally effective tool for improving skin elasticity. In the puree, you need to add either cream or egg white, separated from the yolk, after whipping it. After two to three weeks, you can notice an obvious effect: softness, elasticity, freshness and no puffiness.

What drugs should be used during rehabilitation after a circular facelift

As already noted, the effect of painkillers administered to the patient immediately before the operation stops two to three hours after it. During the first period of rehabilitation after a circular facelift, pain and discomfort may be disturbing, but, as a rule, they are not very pronounced.

At first, they are easily stopped by conventional analgesics, and after a day, many patients no longer need them. For the sake of psychological comfort, the doctor should explain that pulling sensations are a normal skin reaction after a circular lift, and they will soon pass on their own.

In the first 5-7 days after the operation, a course of antibiotics must be prescribed to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases and their accompanying complications. When the edema subsides a little and the incision sites “give life”, you can start using Bepanten or Traumeel - ointments that will prevent the appearance of secondary inflammation and help the resorption of small postoperative scars. They should be applied twice a day - both on the seams and on the face. The exposure time is up to 25 minutes, after which the remnants of the ointment are removed with a cotton swab.

Complications after plastic surgery

Complications after a circular facelift, most often, arise due to the patient's silence about his condition or if the examinations were not enough.

So, inflammation can occur at the incision sites (if the skin was not well treated). With poor skill of the surgeon, damage to the facial nerve and asymmetry can occur. Keloid scars often occur not through the fault of the doctor, but due to excessive sensitivity of the skin and its reaction.

Post-facial edema, bruising, and minor pain persist throughout the early rehabilitation period, which lasts about two weeks. The severity of edema and hematomas in the area of ​​the surgical wound is maximum in the first 3-5 days after correction, and then bruises and edema gradually disappear. Pain is intense only on the first day, and already from 2-3 days the pain decreases.

It is recommended to use cold compresses to reduce discomfort and swelling during rehabilitation after facial plastic surgery. They should be applied for 15-20 minutes, then take a break for 20-30 minutes and repeat the procedure.

You can use anti-inflammatory drugs that do not affect blood clotting. To reduce pain, analgesics can be taken on the first day. Antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent bacterial complications.

Methods of hardware exposure help to speed up recovery. In the early postoperative period, microcurrent therapy is actively used. In the SOHO CLINIC clinic, it is carried out on the modern Skin Master Plus device. Good results are obtained by magnetotherapy, ozone therapy, UHF, exposure to the skin with an infrared laser.

At the SOHO CLINIC medical center, after facial plastic surgery, all patients get the opportunity to undergo a rehabilitation course of three physiotherapy procedures free of charge.

A competent and responsible approach to rehabilitation after plastic surgery not only speeds up recovery, but also contributes to the achievement of the most natural and high correction result. Rapid healing of postoperative wounds with the formation of invisible scars is an equally important goal of the recovery period, which can be achieved using hardware cosmetology methods.

Rehabilitation after facial plastic surgery: basic rules

Throughout the entire period of rehabilitation, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the surgeon and follow certain rules. While edema is expressed after facial plastic surgery, physical exertion should be avoided in every possible way. It is advisable to refrain from intimacy, as an increase in blood pressure can increase the severity of edema.

Physical activity after facial plastic surgery is contraindicated for about 2 months. This applies to running, gym classes, fitness, yoga and Pilates. Swimming in open water or pools is strictly prohibited. You can not visit the sauna, solarium, massage rooms. Avoid stress, overwork, direct sunlight on the skin of the face.

After a facelift, for some time (individually, depending on the scale of correction and the reaction of the body), you will feel tightness of the skin in the area of ​​correction. This is a normal reaction to plastic surgery. Try to avoid a violent manifestation of emotions in order to reduce the load on the facial muscles and skin.

To reduce the load on the masticatory muscles, a diet based on liquid and pureed food should be followed for a couple of weeks after plastic surgery. The diet should remain complete, high in protein, antioxidants and vitamins. You can include protein shakes in the menu. Amino acids have an anti-catabolic effect and promote the healing of postoperative wounds. Take vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant and is involved in collagen synthesis.

You can wash your hair after plastic surgery no earlier than two days later. Dye your hair - after 4-8 weeks. Do not use decorative cosmetics for 2-4 weeks. During the entire period of rehabilitation after facial plastic surgery, you should not take drugs that reduce blood clotting. If you are taking medications for chronic diseases or hormonal drugs, be sure to tell your doctor.

You can learn more about the features of rehabilitation after facial plastic surgery at a free consultation with a plastic surgeon at the SOHO CLINIC medical center.

Where are the incisions...

  • If we are talking about lifting the face and neck (without the need for a forehead lift), the seam begins in the temporal zone, then continues in the "frontal" area - always in front of the tragus, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. Further, it borders the earlobe and goes behind the ear crease to the back of the head.
  • If a classic SMAS lift is performed, which includes the forehead, then the incisions in the temple area should be continued, connecting in the scalp above the forehead. Ideally, not along the hairline, but in parallel, about 5 centimeters higher.
  • The overall size of the suture is not determined by the mood of the patient or the desire of the doctor. It depends on the anatomy of the skull and the amount of excess skin that needs to be removed. If you make them too short, then it will be impossible to completely remove excess fabric. As a result, we will not get a clear right angle of the chin and neck.
  • In general, it is important to understand that the location of the suture in a facelift is critical. This is a great science, repeatedly tested by the practice of tens of thousands of doctors, hundreds of thousands, millions of operations. If it were possible to find some other way - with very small incisions or that they pass inside the ear, then all surgeons would have operated this way for a long time! But today, all attempts to move away from traditional technology end in failure. So, just the other day, a patient came to me who had a facelift in Belarus. Local "specialists" are apparently also prone to innovation: they made a woman an incision from the corner of her eye to her temple - right in the most visible place! And, of course, there was a scar to eliminate which is now impossible in principle.

...and how to make them right?

The anatomy of our face is very complex - here are the bones, and the ligamentous apparatus, and many muscles, and even the skin in different areas has different density, texture and color. It is necessary to work with a scalpel taking into account all these nuances. Only then will it be possible to impose a neat and imperceptible seam in the future.

  • Most often, patients are interested in why the incision is made in front of the tragus, and not behind it, because in the latter case it will be less noticeable? There are good reasons for this. Approximately every 10 years, one of the young plastic surgeons makes a "great discovery" - a new method of facelift, in which the seam is located exactly behind the tragus. In fact, the first such technique was invented by the German plastic surgeon Jacques Josef in 1931. He described this technique in detail in his book, and a couple of years later he was the first to refuse it. The fact is that the skin of the ear is very specific. It is thin, has no pores, and in general, is very different from the skin of the cheek. This problem is especially evident if we make a lifting in this way not for a woman, but for a man. We stretch the cheek on the tragus of the ear and sew it there. What will happen? Well, at the very least, this patient will start to grow a beard on his ear and have to shave it every day. But that's not the worst part. Due to the tension of the skin, an uncharacteristic load will fall on the tragus. After a few months, it will not withstand, deform or even completely disappear!
  • So that the incisions in the scalp are not noticeable, I do not draw them straight, but in the form of an arc that curves at the temples and above the forehead. Such a wavy line does not create a parting where we do not need, and hides perfectly in the hair.
  • Partially, the seams are located in natural folds (for example, in the behind-the-ear area), they also cannot be seen from the side. But a part, inevitably, will pass on the open areas of the face, in front of the ear tragus. For the subsequent concealment of these scars, I use special techniques, which will be discussed later.

Sew so that there are no traces

After the “cutting” has been carried out, taking into account the features of the anatomy of the face and skin in different areas, and completed, it is important to properly suture and care for them. Here, each doctor has his own secrets and methods, which they adopt from their teachers, develop during their lives and pass on to the best of their students.

  • Each section of the incision is sutured differently. - says Dr. Kudinova.- I use threads of different thicknesses and properties, different techniques. For example, in the scalp, it is important not to damage the follicles, so here I do not use an intradermal suture. And when working with an incision behind the patient's ear, it is important to remember that an increased load falls on this area. It is very important that the patient is comfortable during rehabilitation.
  • But I pay the most attention, of course, to the seam in the open area in front of the ear. Here the thick skin of the cheek and the thin, delicate skin in front of the tragus meet - it is extremely important to make the cut correctly! When joining the fabrics further, I use several hidden "relief" seams to prevent overload and deformation in this delicate area. Thus, we allow the scar not to stretch and remain as thin as possible. This author's technique was given to me by my beloved teacher,.
  • My own special secret is in the care of the sutures immediately after operations. We remove the threads in open and closed areas not simultaneously, but in stages, at different strictly defined times. We are gradually replacing them with special glues. Thus, we completely avoid the pressure of the threads on the skin and the formation of scars from microdecubitus. As a result, after healing from the incision, there is not the slightest visible trace. This invisible suture technology - my personal know-how - was loved by all my patients. After all, in this way we not only manage to get a spectacular result of facial rejuvenation, but also make sure that no one guesses about the intervention of a plastic surgeon!
  • To form a very thin, inconspicuous seam, many tricks are important. For example, I know that hygiene contributes to this. And I recommend that my patients start washing their hair as early as possible - already on the 3-4th day, you need to wash your hair and free the scar from crusts, which can provoke the formation of microdecubitus and make it rougher.
  • The first week there will be a bandage on the head, and then another 3 weeks I recommend a supportive elastic bandage that fixes the tissues in the correct position. In a month, you can add rehabilitation procedures, but if the surgeon did everything correctly and efficiently, and the patient followed all the recommendations of his doctor, you can do without them. That is, if it is not difficult for you to go to the physio - do it. But if such a trip is difficult for you, inconvenient - that's okay. In this case, the result will not be worse, just rehabilitation will go a little slower.
  • On one site about the life of stars, I recently saw how my client, a famous actress, was discussed. On several pages of comments, visitors looked at photographs in search of traces of plastic surgery. They could not find any traces on the photo or on the video, but nevertheless they came to the conclusion that there was plastic surgery: after all, a woman over 50 cannot look so young! Perhaps this is the best compliment to my work.

Plastic surgery for facelift can rejuvenate for several years. For the sake of this, people are ready to endure pain, to be in solitude for some time, while rehabilitation lasts. But the consequences of a facelift can be more serious than expected. What should be feared, how to prevent complications?

Read in this article

Why Complications May Occur

Plastic surgery is a surgical intervention like any other. It occurs with tissue damage, necessarily when general anesthesia is given. The operation is performed not just by a surgeon, but by a specialist who has undergone appropriate training. The intervention is complemented by a rehabilitation period, which has its own characteristics. That is, the actual rejuvenation does not occur instantly, but will consist of several stages. And deviations in any of them can cause. It is possible to clearly distinguish the causes of their occurrence into groups:

  • The patient's diseases and features of the body. Plastic surgery is no longer done by young people who may have such problems as high blood pressure, high blood glucose levels. They affect the speed and quality of tissue healing, put obstacles to the normal rehabilitation process. Features of the body may be unrecognized before the operation. This, for example, is a tendency to form hypertrophic scars, rejection of suture material.
  • Violations of the rules of the rehabilitation period. In order for regeneration to go on as usual, you have to give up a lot for a while, make some efforts. If the patient is in a hurry to return to his former life, habits, this can disrupt the recovery processes in healing tissues. Smoking occupies a special place in this group of causes of complications.

Options for complications

The problems faced by patients after a facelift are different. Some are found shortly after the end of the operation, even before discharge from the hospital. Others cause anxiety at a late rehabilitation stage.


Edema after a facelift occurs even with the unmistakable actions of a specialist and an undisturbed rehabilitation process. The accumulation of fluid and an increase in its volume is a protective reaction to tissue damage. Normally, it reaches a maximum on the 3rd day after surgery. From this point on, the puffiness begins to subside. And by the 10th - 14th day, excess fluid is mainly excreted.

The day after facelift surgery

Naturally, swelling after a circular facelift will be more extensive if it is full, fleshy. Indeed, in this case, traumatization will affect a greater number of tissues. Problems with the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, even if they did not prevent plastic surgery, can make the swelling linger for a long time.


The patient may then begin to bleed. It in itself is a complication, but also leads to another problem - hematomas. The accumulation of blood in some areas of the face is manifested by increased pain, dark spots on the skin, blood flowing through the stitches. An increase in the volume of tissues in the area of ​​accumulation of biological fluid also becomes apparent. If a problem occurs, it is detected 4 to 6 hours after the operation.

A - on the 4th day after surgery; B - in a week

Small bruises after a facelift are removed by a doctor through a suture or with aspiration. A more serious problem, when blood continues to flow, resulting in a tense hematoma, will require opening the wound, clearing it of blood clots and sealing the vessel.

Seam problems

Inflammation and divergence of sutures with the addition of an infectious process of sutures

Suturing is the final stage of the operation. Some of them are removed 5 days after the intervention, others even later. Primary healing should be accompanied by the formation of crusts on the surface, under which tissue epithelialization occurs.

If the seams become inflamed, that is, they become red, get wet, hurt - this is already a complication. It can be caused by intolerance by the body of the material from which the thread is made. The same happens with improper drainage of the wound. The cause of poor healing can be a hematoma. Reduced immunity, vascular, endocrine disorders, chronic diseases make the initial tightening of the sutures slow. It may be accompanied by the release of serous fluid. In such cases, experts prescribe the intake of ascorbic acid, zinc, amino acids. They stimulate tissue regeneration.

Normally, the seams after a circular facelift on the 7th - 8th day should no longer look inflamed, since primary healing occurs at this time. If this is not the case, you need to see a doctor to determine the cause of poor tightening.


- a patient with tissue necrosis in the parotid region after a facelift; C — 13 months after surgical treatment

Ignoring problems with the healing of sutures, as well as a violation of the blood supply to the skin area, can lead to necrosis. This dangerous complication occurs due to too much detachment of tissues or when they are too tight. The latter leads to non-closure of the seam line. As a rule, areas of the skin behind the ears are affected. This is the area where the tension is especially active. But the problem can also be found in the area of ​​the temples and in front of the ears.

In addition to medical errors, atherosclerosis and diabetes in the patient can provoke necrosis. An undiagnosed hematoma can also lead to such a consequence. Fortunately, necrosis after facial plastic surgery is rare.

Suppuration of the wound

Infection of the wound after a facelift

Outflow from the postoperative wound of purulent fluid, inflammation is also found infrequently. The causes of this phenomenon are the presence of a hematoma, the development of necrosis, the ingress of hair and other foreign particles into it. To avoid suppuration of the wound, it is washed more than once during the operation, and at the end a drainage system is installed to drain excess fluid.

If there is still a problem, treatment depends on the cause. Sometimes taking antibiotics and appropriate external treatment becomes a sufficient measure. In more dangerous cases, suppuration is opened, the wound is cleaned, drained and stitched again.


Keloid scar

Problems with suture healing can result in thick scars instead of barely visible ones. The same in some arises from the propensity for hypertrophy that exists by nature. The problem also appears due to the tight tension of the skin.

Scars have to be treated additionally, for which there are several methods. It can be:

  • special ointments that absorb excess tissue;
  • hormone injections aimed at providing the same effect;
  • surgery.

The photo shows an example of a well-performed surgical facelift.

Deformation of the oval of the face

A lift is needed, among other things, to give clarity to the outlines of the face. But with other positive moments after it, this goal may remain unattainable. The patient complains that seals do not disappear after a facelift. Such a deformation is the result of the formation of small hematomas in the subcutaneous fat layer or displacement of areas, uneven or excessive removal of fat in the chin area. The problem is corrected by a second operation.

Hair loss

Postoperative sutures with a circular lift are superimposed on the scalp. And from this, the hair can thin out in the behind-the-ear and temporal areas. The culprits are thinning of the skin and damage to the hair follicles. For most, the problem is solved without intervention after 3-4 months, when the follicles are restored. If this does not happen, you have to excise a scar that interferes with hair growth or transplant skin from other areas.

Thinning curls can be stressful. Then the hair falls out over the entire surface of the head. This happens in people with initially weak bulbs. This point is considered even before the operation. To stop hair loss after it, you need to get rid of stress and strengthen your hair.

How to avoid difficult consequences

To perform facial plastic surgery, it is important to choose a good specialist. But the further result depends not only on him and the quality of the operation. In many ways, recovery after a facelift is the concern of the patient. It consists in the following:

  • There will have to be the first 8 - 10 days of warm liquid or pureed dishes. This is necessary to reduce physical activity, which is contraindicated so far. Sports are also banned for the next 2-3 months.
  • You will have to follow the restriction in the expression of emotions. Active facial expressions are undesirable at first, as they can cause damage to scars.
  • Stitches should be treated with the means prescribed by the doctor. Usually these are alcohol solutions or antibacterial ointments.
  • It is allowed to wash your hair 8 days after the operation. Use cosmetics not earlier than after 10-14 days.
  • It is important to drink plenty of water, give up coffee and alcohol for now. Drinks dry out the skin, preventing stitches from healing.
  • You should stop smoking. Tobacco disrupts the formation of collagen, that is, prevents healing.
  • We'll have to postpone for later a hot bath (replacing a warm shower), a sauna, a solarium, a beach, swimming in a pool or open water. After plastic surgery, these pleasures are provocateurs of complications.

Useful video

To see how a circular facelift differs today from the same operation 5-10 years ago, see this video:

Able to get rid of the marks left by time. But only if the patient does not rely only on the art of the doctor. The result is given by one's own efforts after the operation. Equally important is the examination before it.

Time mercilessly reshapes our souls and bodies. But if we can renounce emotional experiences or try to forget unpleasant moments, then we cannot change our appearance without the help of specialists. That is why cosmetologists will never be left without work. But there comes a time when even these wizards cannot help us. That's when heavy artillery enters the decisive battle - plastic surgery. And the first battle takes place on the most unprotected part of the human body - on the face. To force time to recede, a circular facelift or rhytidectomy is often used.

Rhytidectomy - what is it and why?

A circular facelift is used to achieve aesthetic goals - to reduce skin laxity, reduce the severity of senile wrinkles, nasolabial folds, "fringes", a double chin.

Plastic surgeons believe that facelifts should not be performed more than twice. The reason for this statement is that the probability of restoring normal blood flow in the area of ​​surgical intervention decreases significantly with each subsequent operation. The interval between two operations should be at least 5-6 years. Medical statistics show that the third facelift is ineffective, and sometimes even dangerous due to an unnatural change in facial features. It is this probability that makes facelift a procedure for older women - after 40 years.

The essence of rhytidectomy is to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Redistribution of the skin.
  2. Truncation of excess skin.
  3. Strengthening of facial muscles.
  4. Formation of a clearer contour of the face.

After the surgical intervention, the patient's neck and cheeks acquire clearer contours, the cheekbones and chin become sharper, and the skin becomes more elastic and youthful.

Circular facelift technique

Before deciding whether a facelift is appropriate, the patient must undergo a comprehensive medical examination. He should not have severe systemic pathologies, blood clotting problems and dermatological diseases. Surgery is performed only with the use of general anesthesia.

The incision starts at the temple and extends to the auricle (its anterior border). The next stage is a wide detachment of the skin of certain areas of the face and neck (temples, cheeks, chin). Subsequently, the skin is redistributed, and its excess is cut off. In parallel, the movement of adipose tissues and muscles is carried out in such a way that sagging areas disappear. The connective tissue and muscles are fixed with the help of special sutures (). The final stage is pulling the skin back and up.

Most often, a neck and face lift is performed at the same time. In this case, an additional incision is made on the chin, which is necessary to fix the muscle layer on the neck.

The tension of the skin and the muscular-aponeurotic layer allows you to achieve the following effects:

  1. Correction of wrinkles or a significant reduction in their severity (positive changes are especially noticeable in the neck and cheeks).
  2. Recreation of the correct and harmonious contour of the angle between the neck and the lower jaw.
  3. Restoration of the clarity of the oval of the face.

Indications and contraindications for facelift

  1. Deep wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.
  2. Lack of clarity of the oval of the face, sagging skin.
  3. Sagging areas of the cheekbones, creases of the cheeks.
  4. Flabbiness of the skin, the presence of deep mimic wrinkles.
  5. Excess fatty tissue on the face and neck.


  1. The presence of infectious and oncological pathologies.
  2. Coagulopathy.
  3. Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism).
  4. Pathology of the SSS.
  5. Hypertonic disease.
  6. The presence of malignant and benign neoplasms.
  7. Decreased elasticity of the skin.
  8. Propensity for education.

Features of the rehabilitation period

One of the most unpleasant moments of rehabilitation is swelling after a circular facelift. They are maximally expressed in the paraorbital region, and their occurrence is associated with a violation of the integrity of small lymphatic vessels and the development of an inflammatory process (in response to tissue damage). To prevent edema from causing suture divergence and not causing discomfort to the patient, plastic surgeons apply a compression bandage to the face even in the operating room. Normally, puffiness gradually disappears and after 4-5 days you will not see it.

Many patients are afraid of severe pain in the postoperative period. But facelift does not apply to extensive and traumatic operations, so pain is easily stopped with simple painkillers.

In rare cases, patients report unpleasant pulling sensations in the wound area, a feeling of numbness or tingling, the appearance of which is associated with a change in skin tension and a decrease in its volume. After the severity of edema decreases, and the muscles and skin tissues “get used” to their new state, these sensations will disappear.

The stitches are removed for 2-3 days, and special strip strips are applied in their place. After the wounds have healed, only a specialist will be able to see the barely noticeable thin scars.

Rehabilitation after a circular facelift, or rather its duration, is individual for each patient and depends on age, health status, features of surgical intervention, and the activity of regenerative processes. The average value of this period is one to two months.

Complications of rhytidectomy

Complications after a circular facelift can occur for two reasons: the first is the incompetence of the plastic surgeon, the second is the insufficient examination of the patient before the operation. Most often, the following unpleasant consequences occur:

  1. Damage to the facial nerve, which is fraught with a violation of the innervation of the facial muscles.
  2. Overstretching of the skin or asymmetry of the face due to improper fixation of the muscles and skin.
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