Zodak drops for adults. Zodak is an anti-allergic drug. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

INSTRUCTIONS for medical use drug

Registration number:

P N013867/01 12/09/2011

Trade name of the drug:


International non-proprietary name:


Dosage form:

coated tablets


Each tablet contains:
Active substance:
cetirizine dihydrochloride 10 mg
core: lactose monohydrate, corn starch, povidone 30, magnesium stearate;
shell: hypromellose 2910/5, macrogol 6000, talc, titanium dioxide, emulsion of simethicone SE 4.


Oblong white or almost white color coated tablets film sheath with a score line on one side.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Antiallergic agent - H1-histamine receptor blocker.

ATC Code:


Pharmacological properties

Cetirizine belongs to the group of competitive histamine antagonists, blocks H1-histamine receptors, has practically no anticholinergic and antiserotonin effects. It has a pronounced anti-allergic effect, prevents the development and facilitates the course of allergic reactions. It has antipruritic and antiexudative effect. Affects early stage allergic reactions, and also reduces the migration of inflammatory cells; inhibits the release of mediators involved in the late allergic reaction. Reduces capillary permeability, prevents the development of tissue edema, relieves spasm smooth muscle. Eliminates skin reaction for the administration of histamine, specific allergens, as well as for cooling (with cold urticaria). AT therapeutic doses practically does not provide sedative effect. Against the background of a course of admission, tolerance does not develop.

The action of the drug begins after 20 minutes (in 50% of patients), after 1 hour (in 95% of patients), and lasts for 24 hours.

Absorption: After oral administration, cetirizine is rapidly and well absorbed from gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration level is determined after about 30-60 minutes.
Eating does not have a significant effect on the amount of absorption, however, in this case, the absorption rate is slightly reduced.

Distribution: Cetirizine is approximately 93% bound to plasma proteins. The value of the volume of distribution (V d) is low (0.5 l/kg), the drug does not penetrate into the cell.
The drug does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

Metabolism: Cetirizine is poorly metabolized in the liver to an inactive metabolite.
With a 10-day use at a dose of 10 mg, accumulation of the drug is not observed.

Excretion: approximately 70% occurs by the kidneys, mostly unchanged.
The value of systemic clearance is about 54 ml / min.

After a single dose of a single dose, the half-life is about 10 hours. In children aged 2 to 12 years, the half-life is reduced to 5-6 hours.

In case of impaired renal function (creatinine clearance below 11-31 ml / min) and in patients on hemodialysis (creatinine clearance less than 7 ml / min), the half-life increases by 3 times, the clearance decreases by 70%.

On the background chronic diseases and in elderly patients, there is an increase in the half-life by 50% and a decrease in clearance by 40%.

Hemodialysis is ineffective.

Indications for use:

  • Seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis;
  • itchy allergic dermatoses;
  • Pollinosis (hay fever);
  • Urticaria (including chronic idiopathic);
  • Quincke's edema.
  • Contraindications for use:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • terminal stage renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance< 10 мл/мин).
  • Hereditary galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.
  • Children's age up to 6 years.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Carefully.
    Chronic renal failure of moderate and severe severity (correction of the dosing regimen is required), elderly age(possibly decreased glomerular filtration rate).

    Dosage and administration

    The drug Zodak is used as prescribed by a doctor in order to avoid complications.

    Inside, regardless of the meal.

    Adults and children over the age of 12
    Zodak is usually given as 1 film-coated tablet (=10 mg cetirizine) once daily.

    Children aged 6 to 12
    Zodak is usually given as 1 film-coated tablet (= 10 mg cetirizine) once daily or 1/2 film-coated tablet (= 5 mg cetirizine) twice daily, morning and evening.

    Sick with kidney failure the dose decreases depending on creatinine clearance (CC): with CC 30-49 ml / min - 5 mg once a day; at 10-29 ml / min - 5 mg every other day.

    When prescribing the drug to patients with renal insufficiency and elderly patients, the dose should be adjusted depending on the size of the CC.

    Patients with impaired liver function only do not need to adjust the dosing regimen.

    If you accidentally skip the time of taking the drug, the next dose should be taken as soon as possible. In the event that the time of the next dose of the drug is approaching, the next dose should be taken according to the schedule, without increasing the total dose.

    The drug Zodak can be taken regardless of the time of the meal. Film-coated tablets should be swallowed whole with a small amount water.

    Side effect

    The drug is usually well tolerated. Side effects occur rarely and are transient.

    Possible side effects are given below by body systems and frequency of occurrence: very often (≥1/10), often (≥1/100,<1/10), нечасто (≥1/1000, <1/100), редко (≥1/10000, <1/1000), очень редко (<1/10000), частота неизвестна (по имеющимся данным определить частоту встречаемости побочного эффекта не представляется возможным).

    Croin and lymphatic system disorders

    Immune System Disorders
    Rare: hypersensitivity reactions.
    Very rare: anaphylactic shock

    Nervous System Disorders
    Often: headache, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness.
    Uncommon: paresthesia.
    Rare: convulsions, impaired motor function.
    Very rare: taste perversion, dyskinesia, dystonia, syncope, tremor, tic.
    Frequency unknown: memory impairment, including amnesia,

    Mental disorders
    Uncommon: agitation.
    Rare: aggression, confusion, depression, hallucinations, sleep disturbance.
    Frequency unknown: suicidal ideation.

    Violations of the organ of vision
    Very rare: disturbances of accommodation, blurred vision, nystagmus.

    Hearing and labyrinth disorders
    Frequency unknown: vertigo.

    Digestive system disorders
    Often: dry mouth, nausea.
    Uncommon: diarrhea, abdominal pain.

    Heart disorders
    Rare: tachycardia.

    Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders
    Often: rhinitis, pharyngitis.

    Metabolic and nutritional disorders
    Rarely: weight gain.

    Nocturnal and urinary tract disorders
    Very rare: dysuria, enuresis.
    Frequency unknown: urinary retention.

    Laboratory and instrumental data
    Rarely: a change in liver function tests (increased activity of "liver" transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyl transferase and bilirubin concentration).
    Very rare: thrombocytopenia.

    Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
    Uncommon: rash, itching.
    Rare: urticaria.
    Very rare: angioedema, persistent erythema.

    General disorders
    Uncommon: asthenia, malaise.
    Rare: peripheral edema.
    Frequency unknown: increased appetite.


    Possible confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, lethargy, stupor, weakness, anxiety, irritability, sedation, fatigue, headache, mydriasis, itching, tachycardia, tremor, urinary retention, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation (most often when taking per day 50 mg cetirizine), malaise.

    Carry out symptomatic therapy. No specific antidote has been identified.

    Hemodialysis is ineffective. Carry out gastric lavage. prescribe activated charcoal.

    Interaction with other drugs

    No clinically significant interactions of cetirizine with other drugs have been established.

    Co-administration with theophylline (400 mg / day) leads to a decrease in the total clearance of cetirizine (the kinetics of theophylline does not change).

    special instructions

    During the period of treatment, it is necessary to refrain from engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

    Caution must be exercised in patients with impaired liver and / or kidney function and in the elderly.

    Release form:

    Film-coated tablets, 10 mg.
    7 or 10 tablets in PVC/PVDC/A1 blister. Each blister contains 7 tablets; 1, 3, 6, 9 or 10 blisters of 10 tablets each with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

    Storage conditions

    Store at a temperature of 10-25 ° C in a dry place.
    Keep out of the reach of children!

    Best before date

    3 years
    Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

    Release without a prescription.

    Name and address of Zentiva manufacturer

    a.s., Czech Republic 102 37, Prague 10

    Address of the Moscow representative office:

    Russia, 119017, Moscow,
    st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 40, building 4

    Complaints about the quality of the drug should be sent to:

    Russian Federation, 125009, Moscow, st. Tverskaya, 22.

    The first antihistamines were developed over 60 years ago and had a long list of side effects, often there was dryness in the throat and nasopharynx, urinary retention, etc. They had a short-term effect and quickly became addictive.

    Distinctive features of modern antihistamines, which include Zodak, are:

    • long-term effect with no addiction;
    • rapid relief of an allergic reaction;
    • no sedative effect;
    • food-independent medication.

    Forms of release and composition of the drug Zodak

    Cetirizine is the main component of the drug, which is one of the leaders among histamine blockers. The active substance is considered the most potent selective peripheral H1 receptor antagonist. The medication is presented in the form of tablets, syrup and drops.

    1. The syrup is available in the form of a colorless, transparent suspension, which may have a light yellow tint. Comes with a measuring spoon.
    2. The tablets are white in color, on one side of the oblong pill is a vertical strip in the middle. Tablets are packaged in a blister (7, 10 pcs.).
    3. Drops - transparent, colorless or light yellow liquid. Produced in dark glass bottles of 20 ml. In the box, in addition to the bottle and instructions, there is also a dropper cap. The liquid has a light banana flavor.

    Action of active substances

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    Cetirizine has an anti-exudative, antipruritic and anti-allergic effect of prolonged action. When used in a therapeutic dose, no antiserotonin, sedative and anticholinergic effects are observed.

    Thanks to the active substance, histamine H1 receptors are blocked. Cetirizine at an early stage stops the allergic reaction and helps to alleviate the course of the disease. The substance prevents the migration of inflammatory cells and reduces the ability to release mediators that are involved in the late stage of an allergic reaction. The remedy, by reducing spasm of smooth muscles and capillary permeability, prevents the development of edema in the tissues.

    The action of cetirizine provides significant relief in allergic rhinitis. The substance helps to eliminate skin hyperemia and effectively acts in the fight against cold urticaria.

    A dose of 5 to 60 mg shows linear kinetics. After a single dose of 10 mg of the substance, a noticeable effect is observed in the period from 20 to 60 minutes and lasts a day.

    The level of the active ingredient in plasma is a maximum of 300 ng / ml. It does not affect the absorption of warfarin by plasma proteins. The half-life is 10 hours, about 2/3 is excreted in the urine unchanged. Eating food does not affect the amount of absorption of cetirizine, but the rate of the process decreases.

    Indications for prescribing for a child

    Children's doctors use the Zodak in the treatment of the following diseases in children:

    • any species (including idiopathic);
    • hay fever;
    • bronchospasm;
    • itching with dermatitis and chickenpox;
    • eye inflammation, conjunctivitis;
    • runny nose of an allergic nature, which is observed seasonally and year-round;
    • angioedema.

    An antihistamine drug is used for allergic reactions of the body of various etiologies.

    Sometimes the agent is used to reduce the risk of unwanted conditions when vaccinating a child, although there is no such information in the instructions.

    The Zodak contains no glucose, so it is acceptable to take it to children with a history of diabetes. Due to the prolonged action, the drops make it possible to almost completely get rid of the manifestations of allergies.

    Method of use and dosage

    The decision on the advisability of using the Zodak in therapy is made only by a specialist. The dosage and duration of treatment is calculated depending on the form of allergy, the age of the patient and the severity of the disease.

    For the treatment of children older than 12 months, doctors recommend using syrup or drops, and for adults, all forms of release are suitable. The adult daily dose is 1 tablet or 20 drops (10 mg of cetirizine) or 2 tablespoons of syrup (10 ml).

    The drug is contraindicated for the treatment of women in any trimester of pregnancy. Breastfeeding mothers will have to stop breastfeeding if taking Zodak. For people with various diseases of the liver and kidneys, control and adjustment of the amount of the drug will be required.

    Can Zodak be used to treat babies?

    At what age are babies allowed to take the drug? The annotation to the medication contains information that the Zodak categorically cannot be used to treat newborn babies from 0 to 12 months.

    This is one of the contraindications of this antihistamine. Reception is unacceptable due to the fact that adverse reactions of various etiologies may occur, therefore, if it is necessary to use an antiallergic agent, it is better to purchase another drug of a similar effect.

    The most common antihistamine drug prescribed for children from 1 month old is Fenistil (more in the article:). It is worth noting that only a doctor will be able to choose an analogue with a similar effect that can be taken by infants.

    Dosage and route of administration for children older than 1 year

    Children need to strictly follow the dosage that is indicated in the instructions or prescribed by a doctor:

    • For the smallest children (after a year), it is more convenient to drink funds in the form of drops or syrup. Up to two years, a child can take 5 drops or 5 ml of syrup, dividing this amount into two doses. Before use, you can dilute the medicine with a small amount of water.
    • Preschool children (2-6 years old) are prescribed up to 10 drops twice a day or 5 ml of syrup once a day. On the measuring spoon there are special divisions that allow you to pour the product up to the 5 ml mark.
    • Children of primary school age (6-12 years old) are shown 20 drops once a day or 10 ml of syrup (2 scoops), if desired, you can divide the required amount into two doses. Starting from the age of six, the child is allowed to take Zodak in the form of tablets - ½ tablet twice a day.
    • For adolescents (over 12 years old), the therapeutic dose of Zodak liquid forms is the same as for children over 6 years old. As for tablets, from this age one tablet is prescribed once a day. It should not be chewed, but should be swallowed whole and washed down with plenty of water.

    Children over 12 years of age are allowed to take the drug in tablet form.

    If the next dose is missed, then the next dose does not need to be increased. The effectiveness of the drug is not related to the use of food.

    Contraindications for admission

    After opening the vial, the Zodak drug is allowed to be used for no more than two weeks. Despite the safety of the tool, strict restrictions for some categories of people still exist:

    • children under one year old;
    • pregnant and lactating women;
    • people with individual intolerance to cetirizine and other substances that make up the Zodak.

    In addition, contraindications are:

    • severe liver and kidney disease;
    • bronchospasm, non-allergic cough;
    • alcoholism;
    • simultaneous treatment with drugs that depress the central nervous system.

    Side effects and overdose

    With a correctly calculated dosage, side effects are quite rare and are predominantly transient. Despite this, some patients still complain of short-term dizziness, indigestion, dry throat, nausea and fatigue.

    In case of intolerance to one of the components of the Zodak, urticaria or skin rashes with itching may develop.

    Side effects from the use of the drug are identical to the reactions of the body during an overdose. In case of an overdose, it is necessary to stop taking the medicine, wash the stomach, drink activated charcoal, and possibly carry out symptomatic therapy.

    The main side effects that may also indicate an overdose:

    • headache;
    • overexcitation, lethargy, nervousness;
    • severe dizziness;
    • loss of strength and drowsiness;
    • dyspepsia;
    • rash;
    • drying of the nasopharynx;
    • vomit;
    • urinary retention;
    • digestive problems;
    • angioedema;
    • tremor of the lower and upper extremities;
    • tachycardia.

    An overdose of the drug can cause headaches and drowsiness.

    How many days can I take an allergy remedy?

    How long can the drug be treated? How long the therapy will last - the doctor will determine, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the patient, as well as the type of allergic reaction. Usually the course of taking the drug is 7-10 days, but in difficult cases it can exceed 12 months.

    People suffering from chronic rhinitis of allergic origin or idiopathic urticaria are shown the longest use of the remedy - for 1 year. Doctors noted that the use of the drug can significantly improve the quality of life of patients suffering from chronic forms of allergic diseases.

    For the treatment of children with seasonal allergic rhinitis, you will need to take the medicine for 2-4 weeks, and the treatment of adults will take 3-6 weeks. In the complex therapy of asthmatic conditions of allergic origin, the Zodak is sometimes used for 6 months.

    How much does Zodak cost and what are the analogues of the drug?

    To date, there is a fairly large selection of antihistamines, but not many can compete with Zodak in terms of their bioavailability and safety of use for babies. That is why the Zodak is the most recommended remedy in pediatrics.

    Analogues of the drug Zodak can be divided into two conditional groups - absolute and relative:

    1. Absolute analogues that contain dihydrochloride in the composition of cetirizine. This group includes drugs: Cetiresin DS, Allertec, Parpazin, Rolinoz, Cetrin, Letizen, Zincet. The method of application of the drug and the dosage of the active substance of these drugs can vary significantly.
    2. Relative analogues that contain a different active substance, but have a similar mechanism of action. The most popular of them are: Vibrocil, Avamys, Galazolin, Nazivin, Tizin, Suprastin, Fenistil (more in the article:

    From the age of 2. When used correctly, side effects are extremely rare. The drug effectively relieves itching and swelling. It does not accumulate in the body. Single dosage and frequency of administration are determined by the doctor. May cause side effects from other organs and systems.

    Dosage form

    Drops are sold in dark brown glass bottles with a capacity of 20 ml. 1 ml of liquid contains 10 mg of the active ingredient. The bottle is sealed with a plastic cap with a dropper for easy dosing of the drug. The lid has a child-proof mechanism. To uncork the vial, press the plastic cap and turn it counterclockwise. After use, the bottle is tightly twisted clockwise.

    Description and composition

    • allergic rhinitis (itching and itching in the nose, mucous discharge from the nasal passages, sneezing);
    • allergic (redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, itching, lacrimation, photophobia);
    • allergic rash (, dermatitis, eczema);
    • bronchial asthma (difficulty inhaling, unproductive cough, feeling of lack of air, wheezing in the lungs);
    • idiopathic (skin lesions and fever).
    • increased individual sensitivity to, hydrooxyzine (the substance from which it is synthesized), excipients of the drug;
    • severe renal failure with creatinine clearance less than 10 ml/minute;
    • infancy (up to 1 year).

    In other cases, the drug is prescribed under the supervision of a doctor in age dosages.

    Dosage and administration

    Interaction with other drugs

    In clinical studies, there were no negative interactions with other drugs. It is not recommended to take several medicines with antihistamine action without a doctor's prescription.


    A clinically significant overdose is recorded in case of exceeding the therapeutic dose by 5 or more times. Against the background of an overdose, pathological symptoms from the central nervous system develop: increased excitability is replaced by drowsiness, stupor, hand tremor, headache, confusion. On the part of the digestive organs, there is spasmodic pain in the abdomen and diarrhea, on the part of the cardiovascular system - tachycardia (increased heart rate), urination - urinary retention. In case of overdose, gastric lavage is carried out, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. Drops

    Mode of application

    Zodak tablets
    The tablet is taken with water, regardless of the meal. Do not chew! For adults and children from 12 years old - 10 mg / day (1 tablet) in 1 dose.
    In pediatrics: children from 6 to 12 years old - 5 mg / day (1/2 tablet) 2 r / day, it is possible to take 10 mg of Zodak once a day.

    Zodak drops
    For adults and children from 12 years old - 10 mg (20 drops) 1 r / day. 1 ml of the drug contains 20 drops.
    In pediatrics: from 1 year to 2 years - 5 drops (2.5 mg) 2 r / day; from 2 to 6 years - 5 drops (2.5 mg of cetirizine) 2 r / day, it is possible to use 10 drops (5 mg)
    1 r / day; from 6 to 12 years old - 10 drops (5 mg) 2 r / day, it is possible to take 20 drops (10 mg) 1 r / day.

    Zodak syrup
    For adults and children from 12 years old - 10 mg (2 scoops) 1 r / day. 1 measuring spoon contains 5 ml of Zodak syrup. The spoon is equipped with divisions: ¼ - corresponds to 1.25 ml of syrup and ½ - 2.5 ml.
    In pediatrics: from 1 to 2 years - 2.5 mg (half a measuring spoon) 2 r / day; from 2 to 6 years - 2.5 mg (half a measuring spoon) 2 r / day, it is possible to take 5 mg (1 measuring spoon) 1 r / day; from 6 to 12 years old - 5 mg (1 measuring spoon) 2 r / day, it is possible to take 10 mg (2 measuring spoons) 1 r / day.

    Treatment of elderly patients
    In the case of normally functioning kidneys, there is no need to reduce the dosage.

    Treatment of patients with impaired renal function
    In case of moderate or severe impairment of renal function, individual intervals for taking Zodak should be set, which depends on the severity of renal failure: with minor impairment (creatinine clearance - 50-79 ml / min) - there is no need to adjust the dose and change the interval between doses; for mild disorders (creatinine clearance 30-49 ml / min) - 5 mg / day as usual; in severe disorders (creatinine clearance ≤ 30 ml / min) - 10 mg 1 time per day after 2 days; in the terminal stage, in the presence of contraindications to hemodialysis (creatinine clearance ≤ 10 ml / min), the appointment of Zodak is contraindicated.
    The dose of cetirizine for children with renal insufficiency is calculated individually, based on body weight and creatinine clearance.

    Treatment of patients with impaired liver function
    There is no need to reduce the dosage.


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    The composition of the drug

    The drug has a colorless or light yellow color. A second-generation antiallergic drug with a prolonged effect was registered on July 1, 2005. It contains one active ingredient called cetirizine dihydrochloride. The active ingredient is an H1-histamine blocker.

    This form of medicine contains 20 ml of cetirizine. In 1 ml - 10 mg of the active substance, which equals 20 drops. In addition to the main active ingredient, the preparation contains propylene glycol, glycerol, purified water, methyl parahydroxybenzoate and propyl parahydroxybenzoate. Also present in the medicine is sodium acetate trihydrate, glacial acetic acid, sodium saccharinate dihydrate.

    Information! The antiallergic agent is available in cardboard packaging without a prescription.

    The mechanism of action of the drug and indications for use

    The active substance of Zodak drops belongs to the group of competitive histamine antagonists. It has almost no anticholinergic effect, that is, it does not reduce the ability of brain cells to transmit nerve signals. Also, the drug does not affect the blocking of 5-HT M2 (S M2) receptors, Zodak has practically no antiserotonin effect.

    1. The drug has an anti-allergic effect that prevents the occurrence and facilitates the course of the disease.
    2. The therapeutic effect of the drug is antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect.
    3. The drug prevents the migration of inflammatory cells, inhibits the release of mediators that are involved in the inflammatory process.

    The drug reduces the permeability of capillaries and relieves spasm. Indications for use of the drug: the drug is prescribed for hay fever, itchy allergic dermatoses, rhinitis (runny nose caused by allergies), conjunctivitis, urticaria and Quincke's edema.

    Important! Instructions for use for children informs that the drug is allowed for use by babies from 1 year old.

    Scheme of application and dosing regimen

    How to give to children? The drug is dissolved in a large amount of water before use. Dosage of the drug according to age:

    • a child from 1 to 2 years old is given 5 drops several times a day;
    • babies under 6 years of age are prescribed 10 drops of the drug 1 time per day, or divide this dose into 2 times, that is, 5 mg at a time;
    • children under 12 years of age are prescribed 20 drops 1 time per day (or 1 scoop, but take 2 times a day);
    • adults are recommended to use 20 drops of the drug 1 time per day.

    How to take the drug? You can take the medicine at any time, regardless of the meal. How many days to take the drug? The drug is recommended to be used until the symptoms disappear completely. The duration of application is determined precisely by their disappearance. In severe allergic reactions, the remedy is taken for several weeks or even months.

    Contraindications for use and side effects

    Children's drops are forbidden to prescribe to babies who are not yet one year old. The drug should not be given if there is a sensitivity to one of the components of the drug. Before the complex treatment of allergic reactions with Zodak drops, it is imperative to conduct a test and monitor the reaction of the child. If after 24 hours there are no side effects listed below, or a rash, then the remedy can be used to treat the disease. Contraindications to the use of the drug:

    • you can not use the product while breastfeeding;
    • it is not recommended to use the drug when carrying a child, it is prescribed in isolated cases when treatment without Zodak is impossible;
    • children's age up to 1 year.

    The drug should be taken with caution in renal and hepatic insufficiency. The drug should not be given to a child if there are such abnormalities as cough, bronchospasm.

    The most common side effects include dizziness, flatulence, abdominal pain, drowsiness, rash, urticaria, and angioedema. With a negligent attitude of doctors, an overdose may occur, as a result of an incorrect prescription of the application regimen. Overdose is manifested by dehydration, rectal bleeding, heart failure, fever, high blood pressure and nosebleeds.

    In addition, the child becomes a little lethargic, complains of pain in the back and a severe migraine.

    How to replace the Zodak?

    If the medicine for some reason does not fit, consult a doctor for the appointment of another drug. The following analogues are considered no less effective: Agistam, Tsetrin, Edem, Tsetrilev, Filtrum-sti, Psilo-balm, Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin, Advantan, Dermadrin, Primalan, Elocom, Levocitirizine, Eridez, Alergomax, Fribris, Kromoglin, spray bris, Nazarel, Flixonase, Nazarel, Epinephrine, Parlazin, Histaglobulin, Pipolfen, Zilola, Allergiz, Histafen, Alergil, Clarivit, Lysorm, Allergofit, Fencarod, Alersis, Lomilan, Lycegrass, Desal, Peritol, Eslotin, Fenistil, Oraleir, Loratadin, Claritin .


    Composition, description, release forms

    Zodak drops go on sale in pharmacies in small bottles of 20 milliliters. Each milliliter is approximately twenty drops medicinal product.

    Depending on the appointments made by the doctor, each mother can estimate how long one bottle will last for her.

    Medicine is clear sometimes with a slight yellowish tint. The active ingredient in it is cetirizine dihydrochloride.

    To an uninitiated person who has never suffered from allergies, this name says little, but experts know it well as a drug that quickly gives relief to the patient, preventing the development of allergic symptoms in the future.

    Among the excipients that make up the Zodak:

    Many mothers also know about the existence of Zodak syrup. and often wonder: why not replace the drops with a sweet syrup that is more pleasant for the baby.

    When writing a prescription, the doctor must take into account this and other features of the drug.


    The range of use of Zodak drops is quite wide.. It is prescribed to young patients with diagnoses that are usually of an allergic nature:

    For mothers, this is a radical solution to the problem when the baby combs itchy skin to blisters and blood. and does not give in to any persuasion not to do so.

    But an infection can get into the wounds and lead to even more serious, difficult-to-treat diseases.

    Is it possible and what is the treatment of adenoids in children without surgery? Look for the answer to the question in our article.

    What can be given if the child has a stomachache? Our publication will tell about it.

    Read about the symptoms and causes of atopic dermatitis in a child in this article.


    Main contraindication This is too young a patient. Zodak should not be given to children who are not yet a year old.

    Doctors warn: the use of medicine for the smallest children can lead to the so-called sleep apnea (stopping breathing for a few seconds in a sleeping baby).

    That is why, if the doctor still prescribes Zodak drops for children under one year old, he must control the intake of the drug himself, and you must clearly remember the instructions for use recommended by the doctor.

    If the baby has abnormalities in the functioning of the liver- this is also a good reason not to prescribe this medicine to him.

    How the drug works

    Zodak brings long-awaited relief to the patient in twenty minutes or half an hour after taking it. In full, the positive effect occurs in about an hour and a half.

    A single dose is usually enough for one day. From the kidneys, the drug is excreted in the urine after twenty hours.

    Experts note that even if the patient is forced to take the drug for a long time, the active substance does not accumulate in the body and does not harm him.

    The mechanism of action of the Zodak is reduced approximately to the following: the drug, getting into the blood, reaches the histamine receptors that provoke the occurrence of allergic symptoms, and blocks their activity.

    As a result, all negative manifestations become weaker or disappear altogether, in addition, immunity to various allergens is formed in the body.

    For a small patient, this means that his delicate skin stops itching and itching, tears stop welling up in his eyes, swelling of the nasal mucosa and larynx subsides.

    Dosage at different ages, acceptable frequency of administration

    As already noted, this drug not intended for patients younger than one year.

    How many drops of Zodak to give a child? For children of a different age, the dose is calculated exactly:

    How to use

    The bottle is made with safety in mind: to open the lid, press firmly on it, and then unscrew it in the opposite direction of the clock hands.

    After use, do not forget to return the lid to its “original position”, otherwise an inquisitive baby can get to the medicine and make trouble.

    The instructions for use of Zodak drops for children recommend before use, dissolve the drug in a small amount of water.

    Their intake absolutely does not depend on the moment of eating, that is, whether you give it before or after breakfast will not be of fundamental importance.

    Babies are allowed to give the Zodak without diluting it in water: just put it right in your child's mouth.

    If you discover your mistake when the time for your next dose is near, follow the schedule you have adopted, but do not double the dose due to the missed- give the drug exactly as much as you usually give at one time.

    If you are not sure that you remember the doctor's recommendations well, read the instructions for use children's drops Zodak - it always contains methods of admission.

    However, do not change the dosage determined by your pediatrician in any case.

    Note to moms: what is chronic adenoiditis in children and how to treat a child? Let's ask the doctor!

    You can learn about the treatment of acute tracheitis in children from this article.

    Instructions for the use of Suprastin antihistamine tablets for children are presented in our review article.

    Special instructions, interaction

    Regardless of how well or poorly Zodak is combined with other drugs, do not combine anything yourself without consulting your doctor. You can easily make a mistake and harm your child.

    Besides that Zodak is not advised to combine with drugs such as Theophylline, Warfarin and a number of sedatives, you may come across some new ones (for example, advised at a pharmacy or one of your friends took them), which also turn out to be "undesirable neighbors." Let your doctor make the responsible decisions.

    And one more necessary warning (well, if unnecessary, because we are talking about children and adolescents): drops should not be taken with alcohol.

    Overdose and side effects

    As a rule, patients do not have problems, but individual characteristics of the organism can still play a role and then side effects of the medication:

    All this is a reason to contact a pediatrician..

    If an overdose has occurred as a result of some oversight, it is necessary take traditional measures in such circumstances: wash the stomach, give the patient activated charcoal or some other sorbent.

    And the symptoms of an overdose are as follows:

    Average prices in Russia

    How much do drops for Zodak children cost in pharmacies in the country? Average price - 210 rubles for a 20 ml bottle.

    However, you can buy medicine cheaper, in some pharmacies the price of Zodak children's drops is about 190 - 200 rubles.

    Storage and holiday conditions, expiration date

    You can buy medicine at a pharmacy without presenting a prescription, although, of course, a pediatrician should prescribe it to a child.

    Drops can be stored for two years(do not confuse with syrup, it can be stored longer - three years).

    What is a Zodak

    Means of the 2nd generation - the drug Zodak has a prolonged effect, due to which the duration of the action of the main component increases. The medication shown in the photo eliminates the manifestations of allergies due to the active substance - a selective blocker of peripheral H1 receptors. It is indicated for use during an exacerbation of seasonal allergies, and even with a chronicle of this type of disease. Even if you drink the drug for a long time, there will be no problems with the central nervous system (drowsiness or depression).

    Composition of the Zodak

    The main active ingredient - cetirizine dihydrochloride, acts against the body's negative reaction to stimuli in the early (histamine-dependent) and late cellular phase. Under the action of the substance, histamines undergo a process of release from different cells (fat, basophils, etc.). Zodak - instructions for use describe the composition of different forms of release - the drug is popular, here is its composition:

    Release form

    Zodak is available in 3 different types of the drug: tablets, drops, syrup. Zodak drops or a syrup remedy are more suitable for children. The latter option has a banana smell and taste, which makes it pleasant and healthy to take. Adults can choose Zodak tablets, which are more practical: a person, knowing in advance that he may be exposed to an irritant, will be able to take the medicine in any situation. Below is a table of release forms and their features:

    Zodak - indications for use

    The drug is effective against seasonal allergies, in the treatment of diseases with an established diagnosis, including manifestations of allergic reactions. The remedy is taken at the first symptoms associated with the body's response to stimuli of various origins. The doctor prescribes Zodak for symptomatic therapy, for diseases such as conjunctivitis, year-round allergic rhinitis. List of symptoms and diseases that Zodak helps with:

    • urticaria common or with fever (chronic idiopathic urticaria);
    • swelling of the mucosa;
    • chronic or seasonal allergies;
    • sneezing
    • allergy to flowering plants (hay fever);
    • cough;
    • itchy dermatoses of allergic origin;
    • angioedema.

    For kids

    It is allowed to take an antiallergic drug in the form of tablets for children from the age of 6 years. It is strictly forbidden to take such a remedy as the Zodak, for children under one year old. Information about the ban on newborns is indicated as contraindications to the medication. If there is an urgent need to take a drug of similar action, the doctor prescribes to the child an analogue with a similar active substance, which is allowed for children under one year old. You can take drops or syrup for a child after a year in the dosages indicated in the instructions or prescribed by a doctor.

    For adults

    For allergic symptoms, an allergist may prescribe Zodak to adults. The convenient form of the drug in the form of tablets does not cause discomfort throughout the day. Anywhere you can drink 1 tablet with a glass of water, this will help get rid of the manifestations of food or other allergies. Adult patients should remember that you can not combine the drug with alcoholic beverages. The drug Zodak does not work after drinking alcohol.

    Is it possible to Zodak during pregnancy

    It is impossible to take Zodak during pregnancy, the remedy is prohibited during lactation and pregnancy. The antiallergic drug Zodak is an antihistamine drug, and in the first trimester, taking any means with a substance that suppresses the action of free histamine is prohibited. After the onset of the second trimester, in severe cases, the doctor may prescribe Zodak. The danger of taking the medication is that any antihistamines adversely affect the fetus.

    How the Zodak works

    Histamine is a biogenic substance that is involved in the development of reactions to allergens. The active ingredient inhibits the release of histamine due to the property of blocking nerve endings (H1 receptors). The Zodak is most effective at the initial stage of interaction with the allergen. The drug reduces the permeability of capillaries (small blood vessels), which protects against the development of bronchospasm. Doctors advise taking Zodak from allergies in advance, at the first suspicion of penetration of an irritant.

    Zodak drops - instructions for use for children

    A pediatric allergist or pediatrician can reliably determine the cause of a child's hypersensitivity in response to stimuli. The specialist prescribes the remedy in the form of drops in a convenient bottle, which will not allow children to spill the medicine. One bottle contains 10 mg of the active substance - cetirizine, under the influence of which the chains of allergies are blocked, and the symptoms disappear. Zodak's instructions for use state that the medication should be dissolved with water (5 ml) and drunk. The tool has the following effects:

    • anti-exudative;
    • decongestant;
    • antipruritic.

    How long can a child take Zodak

    The instructions for use say how many days Zodak can be taken by children. From the general recommendations, it can be distinguished that the medicine should be taken at the same time every day, trying not to miss a dose. The duration depends on the form of release and concomitant disease. The instructions for use of the drug contains a table in which you can find out the course of treatment. Therapy can be from 5 to 7 days, in some cases up to a year, with breaks between doses.

    How to take Zodak drops for children

    You can take the remedy regardless of the meal. The required dose of the drug is dissolved in water. Zodak for newborns is not used. Parents who are faced with allergic reactions of children after a year are interested in the question of how many drops of the Zodak to give the child: the doctor can answer it. After reading the information about Zodak drops - instructions for use are available - you can find out that the correct dose and time of taking the drug depends on the age of the child:

    1. From 1 to 2 years: 5 drops twice a day (2.5 mg each).
    2. From 2 to 6 years: 10 drops 1 time (5 mg each) or 5 drops 2 times (2.5 mg each).
    3. From 6 to 12 years: 20 drops in 24 hours (10 mg each) or 10 drops (5 mg each) twice.
    4. Over 12 years old: 20 drops (10 mg each), in the evening.

    Zodak - instructions for use for adults

    Eating does not affect the absorption of the drug into the body. If the instructions for use say that the remedy is taken once a day, then it is better in the evening. With a two-time intake of the drug, it is consumed at 9 am and 9 pm, at regular intervals. The medicine in the form of tablets should not be crushed, but should be drunk with plenty of water. If a dose is missed, then it cannot be combined with a new one. Instructions for use Zodak states that patients with impaired kidney and liver function should take a reduced amount.

    How to take Zodak for adults

    The three forms of the drug should be taken differently due to the fact that the concentration of the substance in tablets, syrup or drops is not the same. After taking the drug begins to act after 20 minutes. After 60 minutes, the highest effect occurs, 0.3% of cetirizine binds to blood proteins. Annotation of the Zodak says that the duration of the healing property lasts 24 hours. Due to these features of the drug, when taking it, you must refrain from driving a car and doing things that require concentration. The instructions for use indicate the following dosage of Zodak for adults:

    • tablets: 1 dose of 1 tab. (10 mg/day);
    • drops: 1 dose of 20 drops (10 mg);
    • syrup: 1 dose of 2 scoops.

    Side effects

    Zodak - instructions for use states that in case of an overdose, the development of side effects is noted - in most cases it is well tolerated by patients. There are rare side effects, but they are transient. If any of the following signs of an overdose occur, the stomach should be washed, activated charcoal should be taken, and symptomatic therapy should be carried out. Instructions for use indicate such side effects of the Zodak:

    • skin itching;
    • hives;
    • angioedema;
    • rash;
    • dyspepsia;
    • problems with the digestive system;
    • dry mouth;
    • sedation or drowsiness;
    • headache;
    • migraine;
    • increased fatigue;
    • excitation;
    • dizziness.


    The shelf life of an open vial is two weeks. Exclusively under the supervision of a physician and with great care, the drug is used for chronic renal failure of moderate and severe severity. Dosage adjustment is required depending on creatinine clearance. If the patient is elderly, then when taking it, a decrease in glomerular filtration is possible. In addition to pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, there are other contraindications of the Zodak:

    • sensitivity to the components of the drug;
    • drops can not be used for infants, syrup up to 2 years, and tablets - up to 6 years;
    • alcohol intake (lack of compatibility);
    • taking drugs with a depressant effect on the central nervous system.
    • non-allergic cough;
    • impaired renal function;
    • severe liver disease.

    Zodak Price

    Before buying the drug, you should consult a doctor who prescribes the dosage according to the instructions. How much does a Zodak cost? The price depends on the manufacturer and the place of purchase in Moscow or St. Petersburg. You can buy at a pharmacy kiosk or order at an online pharmacy with delivery at a reduced cost. Table of approximate prices for an antihistamine against allergies:

    Analogues of the Zodak

    Substitutes for any drug are divided into 2 types: absolute and relative. The first are those that contain cetirizine dihydrochloride in their composition. When looking for analogues of Zodak, attention should be paid to the content (dose) of the active ingredient. Be sure to read the instructions for use. The same components in the composition of ointments and tablets do not mean an identical method of application. Relative substitutes are similar to this drug in terms of mechanism of action. The absolute analogues include the following names of drugs:

    • Letizen;
    • Zyrtec;
    • Parpazin;
    • Cetrin;
    • Allertec;
    • Zincet;
    • Alerza.

    Among the relative and cheap analogues are:

    • Nasonex;
    • Tavegil;
    • Avamis;
    • Suprastin;
    • Vibrocil;
    • Galazolin;
    • Nazivin;
    • Tizin.

    Video: Zodak Express

    Anfisa, 33 years old

    I have been taking the drug for 5 years with every spring exacerbation. In April, flowering begins, nasal congestion, runny nose and dry cough. To alleviate my condition, I take the medicine according to the instructions (20 drops diluted with water). Many pharmacies sell drugs at a discount.

    Dmitry, 29 years old

    Each season, the flowering of poplars and other trees begins. I have coughs, sneezes and puffy eyes. Zodak helps to remove unpleasant symptoms. I took this drug according to the instructions: 1 tablet per day. The tool helps in 20 minutes, but for a full recovery it is worth taking a course.

    Indications, contraindications, side effects Zodak

    Indications for the use of the Zodak

    Contraindications for the use of Zodak

    • you have intolerance to any of the components of the drug;
    • you are breastfeeding;
    • You are pregnant;
    • child under 6 years of age.

    Of course, as with any medication, you should consult before using the medication, because people with kidney failure should reduce the dose of the drug. When using the drug in the elderly, glomerular filtration may decrease, as well as in people with chronic liver diseases. Therefore, in all of the above cases, it is better to consult a doctor before taking it.

    Side effects from the use of the Zodac

    Side effects from the use of the drug are rare, as the body reacts normally to the Zodak. However, you may notice:

    • dry mouth, headaches, drowsiness, irritability, anxiety, confusion, depression;
    • some allergic reactions (rash, swelling, itching).

    Overdose when consumed

    Often there are cases of drug overdose. Patients in this case suffer from tachycardia, headaches, urinary retention. This happens if you drink more than 50 mg of cetirizine per day. In this case, there is no antidote, an overdose of activated charcoal is treated.

    How long can I use Zodak tablets and drops

    Zodak is a fast-acting drug. It can be used for both seasonal and year-round allergies.

    • Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed a standard dose - 1 tablet, or 20 drops per day. It is preferable to use the Zodak in the evening, since it is then that histamine is released.
    • Children from 6 to 12 years old are advised to use 10 drops in the morning and evening, with an interval of 12 hours.
    • Children from 2 to 6 years of age are advised to use 5 drops in the morning and evening, with an interval of 12 hours.
    • Babies from 1 to 2 years old need to apply 5 drops 2 times a day.

    Some patients need an individual dosage of the drug. For example, the elderly, or people with impaired kidney or liver function. You need to use the drug every day at the same time. If you suddenly missed a dose, try to drink the Zodak as soon as possible so as not to knock down your regimen.

    During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Zodak is contraindicated. It can pass into breast milk and harm the baby. Also, this agent crosses the placental barrier, so it can seriously harm the embryo.

    Zodak: application for children

    Zodak can be given to children to treat seasonal, year-round allergies or any other allergic reactions. Before using this remedy, it is best to consult a doctor who examines the child, makes all the necessary tests, and only then prescribes the right dose. Usually, children from 1 year old are given 2.5 mg of cetirizine twice a day.

    Elderly patients should be careful when taking this drug, because many elderly people suffer from kidney failure, or various chronic kidney diseases. Most often they have to lower the usual dose of application by half.

    The composition and medicinal effect of the drug Zodak

    In small doses, the drug has neither anticholinergic nor antiserotonin effect, and also has almost no sedative effect. The drug begins to act 20 minutes after application, in some patients the effect of the drug is observed after an hour. After applying the Zodak, its effect lasts 24 hours.

    This drug is used regardless of the meal. Although some doctors advise drinking it 1 before or an hour after a meal, because this way it will act on the body faster. Children over 12 years of age and adults may take 1 tablet once a day. With prolonged use of the drug, it is advisable to use it at the same time.

    Children from 6 to 12 years old use the drug in the morning and in the evening, half the standard dose. Zodak can be used for children from 6 months, but in this case it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe the right dose of medication for you. Cetirizine is rapidly absorbed by the body, and therefore begins to act actively in less than an hour after ingestion. 2/3 of the drugs are excreted by the body unchanged through the kidneys.

    The drug Zodak can be safely used in conjunction with other drugs, since no interactions of the active substance - cetirizine with other drugs have been previously established. Although the use of Zodak together with theophylline may reduce the clearance of cetirizine. This drug should be stored out of the reach of children, at a temperature of 10 to 25 degrees. According to the instructions, the expiration date of the Zodak is 3 years from the date of manufacture, which is indicated on the package.

    Comparative characteristics of Zodak, Zirtek, Claritin and Fenistal

    If you have a choice between using the drug Zodak and Zirtek, then first of all, carefully look at the instructions for use that accompany the drugs. They are identical, except for some excipients, but they do not play a special role, because it is the main component, cetirizine, that acts in both products. The Zodak is a complete analogue of Zirtek, it is simply produced in the Czech Republic, and it is several times cheaper, which is also a plus, since in this case there is less chance of buying a fake.

    In the case of a choice between Zodak and Claritin, everything depends on the characteristics of the human body for which the drug is selected. Zodak is a second generation Zodakm, and it does not have such a pronounced effect as Claritin (a third generation drug). Also, Zodak can cause such a side effect as drowsiness.

    Very often, when choosing an antihistamine for a child, doctors opt for Zodak. This is due to the fact that the dosage of the active substance in it is less than in Claritin, and it also needs to be applied only once a day. But, if the use of the Zodak does not give the desired result, it is worth switching to Claritin.

    For adults, doctors recommend using the drug Claritin, because it is more concentrated. Of course, each organism is individual, and therefore it is better to choose a drug according to your own feelings, because one can help you, and the other has no effect at all.

    Zodak or Fenistil? Both products are great for use for children, it all depends on the child's body, how exactly he perceives the antihistamine Zodak. Fenistil for use is produced in the form of a gel and drops for oral administration, this is a first-generation drug that copes well with any allergic reactions, various skin inflammations, soothes itching and relieves redness. Fenistil gel will help with insect bites. Drops can be applied to children from one year, three times a day.

    Analogues of the drug Zodak

    The Zodak has a lot of analogues. In all the presented preparations, the active substance is cetirizine. But among the analogues, the Zodak can be distinguished for the fact that it has a very high bioavailability in comparison with similar agents. Many allergy sufferers prefer Zodak because it is quickly absorbed by the body and relieves all allergy symptoms. Also, mothers love the Zodak very much, because it is safe, and also comes in several forms - drops, syrups and tablets. The first two forms of release are perfect for babies.

    Like many drugs, unfortunately, Zodak also has a drawback - a very high price when compared with analogues, perhaps this is due to the fact that the drug rarely has side effects after use, because he is trusted to treat the most important thing - our children. But, of course, each person is individual, and therefore, when choosing an antihistamine, you should rely only on the reactions of your body.

    Here is a small list of Zodak analogues:

    • Allertec;
    • Zetrinal;
    • Analogue Zodak - Zirtek;
    • Letizen;
    • Parlazin;
    • Analog Zodak - Cetirizine;
    • Tsetrin.

    The first antihistamines were developed over 60 years ago and had a long list of side effects, often there was dryness in the throat and nasopharynx, urinary retention, etc. They had a short-term effect and quickly became addictive.

    Distinctive features of modern antihistamines, which include Zodak, are:

    • long-term effect with no addiction;
    • rapid relief of an allergic reaction;
    • no sedative effect;
    • food-independent medication.

    Forms of release and composition of the drug Zodak

    Cetirizine is the main component of the drug, which is one of the leaders among histamine blockers. The active substance is considered the most potent selective peripheral H1 receptor antagonist. The medication is presented in the form of tablets, syrup and drops.

    1. The syrup is available in the form of a colorless, transparent suspension, which may have a light yellow tint. Comes with a measuring spoon.
    2. The tablets are white in color, on one side of the oblong pill is a vertical strip in the middle. Tablets are packaged in a blister (7, 10 pcs.).
    3. Drops - transparent, colorless or light yellow liquid. Produced in dark glass bottles of 20 ml. In the box, in addition to the bottle and instructions, there is also a dropper cap. The liquid has a light banana flavor.

    Action of active substances

    Cetirizine has an anti-exudative, antipruritic and anti-allergic effect of prolonged action. When used in a therapeutic dose, no antiserotonin, sedative and anticholinergic effects are observed.

    Thanks to the active substance, histamine H1 receptors are blocked. Cetirizine at an early stage stops the allergic reaction and helps to alleviate the course of the disease. The substance prevents the migration of inflammatory cells and reduces the ability to release mediators that are involved in the late stage of an allergic reaction. The remedy, by reducing spasm of smooth muscles and capillary permeability, prevents the development of edema in the tissues.

    The action of cetirizine provides significant relief in allergic rhinitis. The substance helps to eliminate skin hyperemia and effectively acts in the fight against cold urticaria.

    A dose of 5 to 60 mg shows linear kinetics. After a single dose of 10 mg of the substance, a noticeable effect is observed in the period from 20 to 60 minutes and lasts a day.

    The level of the active ingredient in plasma is a maximum of 300 ng / ml. It does not affect the absorption of warfarin by plasma proteins. The half-life is 10 hours, about 2/3 is excreted in the urine unchanged. Eating food does not affect the amount of absorption of cetirizine, but the rate of the process decreases.

    Indications for prescribing for a child

    Children's doctors use the Zodak in the treatment of the following diseases in children:

    • any type of urticaria (including idiopathic);
    • hay fever;
    • bronchospasm;
    • itching with dermatitis and chickenpox;
    • eye inflammation, conjunctivitis;
    • runny nose of an allergic nature, which is observed seasonally and year-round;
    • angioedema.

    An antihistamine drug is used for allergic reactions of the body of various etiologies.

    Sometimes the agent is used to reduce the risk of unwanted conditions when vaccinating a child, although there is no such information in the instructions.

    The Zodak contains no glucose, so it is acceptable to take it to children with a history of diabetes. Due to the prolonged action, the drops make it possible to almost completely get rid of the manifestations of allergies.

    Method of use and dosage

    The decision on the advisability of using the Zodak in therapy is made only by a specialist. The dosage and duration of treatment is calculated depending on the form of allergy, the age of the patient and the severity of the disease.

    For the treatment of children older than 12 months, doctors recommend using syrup or drops, and for adults, all forms of release are suitable. The adult daily dose is 1 tablet or 20 drops (10 mg of cetirizine) or 2 tablespoons of syrup (10 ml).

    The drug is contraindicated for the treatment of women in any trimester of pregnancy. Breastfeeding mothers will have to stop breastfeeding if taking Zodak. For people with various diseases of the liver and kidneys, control and adjustment of the amount of the drug will be required.

    Can Zodak be used to treat babies?

    At what age are babies allowed to take the drug? The annotation to the medication contains information that the Zodak categorically cannot be used to treat newborn babies from 0 to 12 months.

    This is one of the contraindications of this antihistamine. Reception is unacceptable due to the fact that adverse reactions of various etiologies may occur, therefore, if it is necessary to use an antiallergic agent, it is better to purchase another drug of a similar effect.

    The most common antihistamine drug prescribed for children from 1 month old is Fenistil. It is worth noting that only a doctor will be able to choose an analogue with a similar effect that can be taken by infants.

    Dosage and route of administration for children older than 1 year

    Children need to strictly follow the dosage that is indicated in the instructions or prescribed by a doctor:

    • For the smallest children (after a year), it is more convenient to drink funds in the form of drops or syrup. Up to two years, a child can take 5 drops or 5 ml of syrup, dividing this amount into two doses. Before use, you can dilute the medicine with a small amount of water.
    • Preschool children (2-6 years old) are prescribed up to 10 drops twice a day or 5 ml of syrup once a day. On the measuring spoon there are special divisions that allow you to pour the product up to the 5 ml mark.
    • Children of primary school age (6-12 years old) are shown 20 drops once a day or 10 ml of syrup (2 scoops), if desired, you can divide the required amount into two doses. Starting from the age of six, the child is allowed to take Zodak in the form of tablets - ½ tablet twice a day.
    • For adolescents (over 12 years old), the therapeutic dose of Zodak liquid forms is the same as for children over 6 years old. As for tablets, from this age one tablet is prescribed once a day. It should not be chewed, but should be swallowed whole and washed down with plenty of water.

    Children over 12 years of age are allowed to take the drug in tablet form.

    If the next dose is missed, then the next dose does not need to be increased. The effectiveness of the drug is not related to the use of food.

    Contraindications for admission

    After opening the vial, the Zodak drug is allowed to be used for no more than two weeks. Despite the safety of the tool, strict restrictions for some categories of people still exist:

    • children under one year old;
    • pregnant and lactating women;
    • people with individual intolerance to cetirizine and other substances that make up the Zodak.

    In addition, contraindications are:

    • severe liver and kidney disease;
    • bronchospasm, non-allergic cough;
    • alcoholism;
    • simultaneous treatment with drugs that depress the central nervous system.

    Side effects and overdose

    With a correctly calculated dosage, side effects are quite rare and are predominantly transient. Despite this, some patients still complain of short-term dizziness, indigestion, dry throat, nausea and fatigue.

    In case of intolerance to one of the components of the Zodak, urticaria or skin rashes with itching may develop.

    Side effects from the use of the drug are identical to the reactions of the body during an overdose. In case of an overdose, it is necessary to stop taking the medicine, wash the stomach, drink activated charcoal, and possibly carry out symptomatic therapy.

    The main side effects that may also indicate an overdose:

    • headache;
    • overexcitation, lethargy, nervousness;
    • severe dizziness;
    • loss of strength and drowsiness;
    • dyspepsia;
    • rash;
    • drying of the nasopharynx;
    • vomit;
    • urinary retention;
    • digestive problems;
    • angioedema;
    • tremor of the lower and upper extremities;
    • tachycardia.

    An overdose of the drug can cause headaches and drowsiness. How many days can I take an allergy remedy?

    How long can the drug be treated? How long the therapy will last - the doctor will determine, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the patient, as well as the type of allergic reaction. Usually the course of taking the drug is 7-10 days, but in difficult cases it can exceed 12 months.

    People suffering from chronic rhinitis of allergic origin or idiopathic urticaria are shown the longest use of the remedy - for 1 year. Doctors noted that the use of the drug can significantly improve the quality of life of patients suffering from chronic forms of allergic diseases.

    For the treatment of children with seasonal allergic rhinitis, you will need to take the medicine for 2-4 weeks, and the treatment of adults will take 3-6 weeks. In the complex therapy of asthmatic conditions of allergic origin, the Zodak is sometimes used for 6 months.

    How much does Zodak cost and what are the analogues of the drug?

    To date, there is a fairly large selection of antihistamines, but not many can compete with Zodak in terms of their bioavailability and safety of use for babies. That is why the Zodak is the most recommended remedy in pediatrics.

    Analogues of the drug Zodak can be divided into two conditional groups - absolute and relative:

    1. Absolute analogues that contain dihydrochloride in the composition of cetirizine. This group includes drugs: Cetiresin DS, Allertec, Parpazin, Rolinoz, Cetrin, Letizen, Zincet. The method of application of the drug and the dosage of the active substance of these drugs can vary significantly.
    2. Relative analogues that contain a different active substance, but have a similar mechanism of action. The most popular of them: Vibrocil, Avamis, Galazolin, Nazivin, Tizin, Suprastin, Fenistil.

    One of the few drugs that can be taken by newborn babies is Fenistil (it is allowed for babies from the first month of life). The active substance - dimethindene maleate - effectively blocks H1-histamine receptors, like cetirizine, but unlike Zodak, Fenistil has a sedative effect. At the same time, due to the calming effect, Fenistil is better suited for young children than the Zodak, which can cause overexcitation.

    Unfortunately, one of the disadvantages of the Zodak is the high price. This is due to the fact that the drug quickly has a therapeutic effect without unpleasant side effects. The cost of a medicinal product depends not only on the form in which they are produced (tablets and liquid), but also on the place of sale. The average cost of Zodak drops (20 ml) is 190-220 rubles, syrup - 180-210 rubles per bottle, blister pack of tablets (7.10 pcs) - 130-150 rubles. Zodak tablets are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

    Zodak represents

    antihistamine that eliminates the manifestations of allergic reactions in children and adults. In fact, the Zodak is a cure for


    It does not have a pronounced sedative effect, and therefore allows a person to simultaneously get rid of the manifestations of hypersensitivity reactions and remain active. Zodak is used to treat allergic

    runny nose

    Conjunctivitis, urticaria, atopic dermatitis or bronchial asthma.

    Varieties, names, composition and forms of release

    Currently, there are two types of the drug on the domestic pharmaceutical market - these are Zodak and Zodak Express. These varieties have a very significant difference from each other, which at first glance may seem insignificant.

    So, the composition of all Zodak dosage forms includes cetirizine as an active substance, and levocetirizine is included in Zodak Express. At first glance, it may seem that the substances cetirizine and levocetirizine are not too different from each other, since the second is a variation of the first. From the standpoint of formal logic, this is true, but in practice this is fundamentally wrong, since the properties of cetirizine and levocetirizine differ quite significantly from each other. Let us consider in detail the differences between cetirizine and levocetirizine.

    So, cetirizine is a typical organic compound having a certain configuration in space. The fact is that organic substances are not flat, as in the chemical formula on paper, they are voluminous and have a certain orientation in space. For example, a glucose molecule can have an orientation in space in the form of a long chain, on the sides of which carbon groups and oxygen depart in different directions. This chain can be connected by its final atoms, forming a hexagonal rounded structure. In this design, carbon groups and oxygen move up and down relative to the chain location. Similarly, the cetirizine molecule has its own specific and rather bizarre configuration in space (see Figure 1).

    Picture 1– Model of the cetirizine molecule.

    The cetirizine molecule has a long chain and two cyclic sections extending in different directions (hexagonal rings). On one of the cyclic sections of the molecule there is a powerful COOH group, which, in fact, determines the activity of the entire compound. This COOH group can be located to the right or left of the chain. Accordingly, when COOH is located on the right, they speak of a dextrorotatory isomer of cetirizine (R-form), and the presence of COOH on the left is a levorotatory isomer (L-form). The solution usually contains a mixture of R- and L-forms of cetirizine in equal amounts. But only the R-form of cetirizine has therapeutic activity, as a result of which only half of the entire substance in the tablet or solution “works”.

    Levocetirizine is a solution of only R-forms of cetirizine, purified from L-forms. Therefore, levocetirizine has a much more powerful therapeutic activity and effect compared to cetirizine, in which only half of the "working" molecules. This is the fundamental difference between cetirizine and levocetirizine and, accordingly, between Zodak and Zodak Express. That is, Zodak Express is more efficient than Zodak.

    Zodak Express is available in a single dosage form- Tablets for oral administration. BUT Zodak is available in the following three dosage forms:

    • Tablets for oral administration;
    • Drops for oral administration;
    • Syrup for oral administration.

    As mentioned above, all three forms of Zodak contain cetirizine as an active substance, and Zodak Express contains levocetirizine.

    Tablets Zodak are covered with a white shell, have an oblong shape and a risk for dividing into halves on one side. Available in packs of 7, 10, 30, 60, 90 or 100 tablets.

    Drops and syrup for oral administration are a clear solution, colored light yellow or colorless. Drops are available in 20 ml bottles, equipped with a special dropper for convenient measuring of the required amount of solution. The syrup is available in 100 ml bottles with a measuring spoon.

    Tablets Zodak Express have a biconvex oblong shape, covered with a white shell and provided with an engraving in the form of the letter "e" on one side. Available in packs of 7, 20 or 28 tablets.

    Dosages of Zodak

    Zodak Express is available in a single dosage - 5 mg of the active substance in each tablet.

    Tablets, syrup and Zodak drops are also available in one dosage. So, tablets contain 10 mg of cetirizine, drops - 10 mg / ml, and syrup - 5 mg / 5 ml.

    Therapeutic action

    Zodak and Zodak Express have the same type of therapeutic effect, but in the second type of the drug it is more pronounced and powerful. So, both varieties of the Zodak are H1-histamine receptor blockers, and therefore are also often called simply histamine blockers or antihistamines.

    This means that Zodak varieties block the work of histamine receptors, which is why histamine cannot bind to them and cause a cascade of biochemical reactions that cause manifestations of allergic reactions, such as swelling, itching, redness, rashes, etc. The fact is that, regardless of the type of allergy, the final stage in the development of its clinical manifestations is precisely histamine. After all, any allergen, once in the body, causes a cascade of reactions that lead to the production and release of a large amount of histamine into the tissues and bloodstream. And then it is histamine that, provoking other cascades of biochemical reactions, leads to the formation of edema, itching of the skin, rashes, dilation of blood vessels, etc.

    That is, it is histamine that is the substance that causes the development of various manifestations of allergic reactions, regardless of their cause. But histamine can only trigger allergy symptoms when it binds to histamine receptors on certain cells. If these receptors are blocked, then histamine will not be able to contact them and will not provoke the development of manifestations of allergic reactions. Zodak, blocking histamine receptors, prevents histamine from binding to them, which prevents the development of allergy manifestations.

    After 2 to 3 days after production, histamine is destroyed, and the allergic reaction, in fact, completely stops. If after that the allergen does not enter the body again, then the allergic reaction will no longer develop.

    Thus, Zodak is a powerful anti-allergic agent that prevents and alleviates the course of allergic reactions that have already developed, relieving itching, reducing swelling and the severity of skin rashes. In the recommended therapeutic dosages, the drug does not cause a sedative effect, so it can be taken by workers or students. In addition, an important advantage of the Zodak is the lack of addiction to the drug, even against the background of a long course of administration.

    The effect of the drug appears 20-60 minutes after ingestion and lasts throughout the day.

    Indications for use

    Zodak and Zodak Express are indicated for use in the treatment and prevention of the following conditions and diseases:

    • Seasonal or perennial allergic rhinitis;
    • Seasonal or year-round allergic conjunctivitis;
    • Allergic dermatoses (rashes, spots, etc.) with skin itching;
    • Pollinosis (hay fever);
    • Hives;
    • Quincke's edema;
    • As part of the complex therapy of atopic dermatitis, eczema and bronchial asthma.

    Instructions for use Let's consider the rules for using each dosage form and variety of the Zodak separately.
    Zodak tablets - instructions

    Tablets can be taken regardless of food, that is, at any convenient time. A whole or half tablet should be swallowed without chewing, biting or crushing in any other way, but with clean non-carbonated

    For any type of allergic reaction, the Zodak is used in the same identical dosages, which differ only for people of different ages. So, adolescents over 12 years old and adults are recommended to take Zodak 10 mg (1 tablet) once a day. Children aged 6-12 years are given either 1 tablet (10 mg) once a day, or 1/2 tablet (5 mg) 2 times a day, in the morning and evening. Zodak tablets should not be given to children under 6 years of age, as they cannot be dosed accurately. For children under 6 years of age, syrup or drops are recommended.

    It is advisable to take Zodak tablets at the same time every day. If the next tablet of the drug was accidentally missed, then you should immediately drink it as soon as such an opportunity arises. However, if after skipping the next pill, almost a day has passed and the time for taking the next dose of the drug is approaching, then you should take only one pill without doubling the dosage.

    People suffering from renal insufficiency should adjust the dosage of Zodac based on the value of creatinine clearance (CC), determined by the Rehberg test or calculated using the following formula:

    This formula calculates creatinine clearance for men. To calculate CC for women, you simply need to multiply the value obtained by this formula by 0.85.

    Zodak dosages for people of any age suffering from renal insufficiency, depending on the amount of creatinine clearance, are as follows:

    • CC more than 80 ml / min - take the Zodak in a standard dosage of 10 mg (1 tablet) once a day every day;
    • CC 50 - 79 ml / min - take Zodak 5 mg (1/2 tablet) 2 times a day, morning and evening daily;
    • CC 30 - 49 ml / min - take Zodak 5 mg (1/2 tablet) once a day daily;
    • CC 10 - 29 ml / min - take Zodak 5 mg (1/2 tablet) once a day every other day;
    • CC less than 10 ml / min - you can not take the Zodak.

    In the presence of violations of the liver, Zodak should be taken in the usual, standard dosages. If the patient does not tolerate standard dosages, then they should be halved and take 5 mg (1/2 tablet) once a day.

    Elderly people (over 65 years old) who do not suffer from renal or hepatic insufficiency should take Zodak in the usual dosage, that is, 10 mg (1 tablet) once a day. If an elderly person suffers from renal or hepatic insufficiency, then the dosage is set according to the rules in force for these diseases. That is, with liver failure in an elderly person, the Zodak dosage either remains standard or is halved if the drug is poorly tolerated. In renal failure in an elderly person, the dosage is set based on the value of creatinine clearance.

    The duration of the drug varies depending on the speed of disappearance of allergy symptoms and can range from several days to months.

    Zodak drops - instructions for use

    Drops are intended for use in children from the age of 1 year and adults. Drops can be drunk regardless of food, that is, at any convenient time. Before taking, the drops should be dissolved in clean still water, and not swallowed in pure form. To do this, pour water into a small container (for example, a glass, a tablespoon, etc.) and measure the required number of drops directly into it.

    When dosing the drug, it must be remembered that 20 drops approximately correspond to 1 ml, and since the concentration of the solution is 10 mg / ml, it means that 20 drops contain 10 mg of the active substance. It is on the basis of the ratio of 10 mg of the active substance in 20 drops that the milligrams of the drug required for administration are converted into the number of drops.

    For example, a person needs to take 7.5 mg of Zodak. To calculate how much it will be in drops, we make up the proportion:

    10 mg - 20 drops

    7.5 mg - X drops, from where X \u003d 20 * 75/10 \u003d 15 drops

    By substituting your values ​​into this proportion in the second (bottom) line, you can calculate how many drops any amount of the active substance corresponds to.

    The dosage of Zodak is the same for various types of allergic reactions and diseases, and differs only for people of different ages. So, Zodak drops should be taken in the following dosages depending on age:

    • Children aged 1 - 2 years- take 2.5 mg (5 drops) 2 times a day;
    • Children aged 2 – 6 years- take 5 mg (10 drops) once a day or 2.5 mg (5 drops) 2 times a day;
    • Children aged 6 – 12 years- take 10 mg (20 drops) once a day or 5 mg (10 drops) twice a day;
    • - take 10 mg (20 drops) once a day.

    It is better to take Zodak drops in the evening hours. If drops are prescribed twice a day, then they should be taken in the morning and evening.

    Elderly people (over 65 years of age) should take Zodak drops at normal adult dosages unless they suffer from kidney or liver failure.

    People suffering from kidney or liver failure should take Zodak drops at half the age-appropriate dosage.

    The duration of Zodak's use is determined by the rate of disappearance of allergy symptoms and the elimination of the causative factor. Therefore, in case of a single allergic reaction, the drug is taken until the symptoms disappear within a few days, and in severe diseases of an allergic nature, this is done for weeks or even months.

    Drops Zodak are available in bottles equipped with a cap with a safety device that does not allow children to open it. To open the vial, firmly press the cap down and turn it counterclockwise. Closing the vial is done by simply screwing the cap clockwise.

    Zodak syrup - instructions for use

    The syrup can be taken regardless of food, at any convenient time. This dosage form is intended for use in adults and children over 2 years of age.

    Measuring the required amount of the drug is made with a special spoon attached to the bottle with syrup. To do this, pour syrup into a spoon to the mark and drink it in its pure form, if necessary, drinking water or other non-carbonated drink (for example, compote, tea, etc.).

    The dosage of Zodak syrup is the same for various types of allergic reactions and diseases, and differs only for people of different ages. So, Zodak syrup should be taken in the following dosages depending on age:

    • Children aged 2 – 6 years- take 5 mg (1 scoop) once a day or 2.5 mg (1/2 scoop) twice a day, morning and evening;
    • Children aged 6 – 12 years- take 10 mg (2 scoops) once a day or 5 mg (1 scoop) twice a day, morning and evening;
    • Teenagers over 12 and adults- Take 10 mg (2 scoops) once a day.

    Elderly people (over 65 years of age) who do not suffer from renal or hepatic insufficiency should take Zodak syrup at the usual adult dosage.

    People suffering from kidney or liver failure should take the syrup at half the dosage for their age.

    The duration of the course of therapy with Zodak syrup varies and depends on the rate of disappearance of allergy symptoms and the normalization of the condition. So, with a single allergic reaction, the syrup is used for several days until the symptoms disappear completely. If the allergen acts constantly (for example, plant pollen during the entire warm season), or a person suffers from a serious allergic disease, then the syrup is taken for a long time, for weeks or even months.

    Syrup Zodak is available in bottles equipped with caps with safety devices that protect them from accidental opening by children. To open such a cover, you need to strongly push it down and turn it counterclockwise in this position. To close the vial, the cap must simply be carefully screwed in a clockwise direction.

    Zodak Express - instructions for use

    Tablets are intended for use by children from 6 years of age and adults. Tablets are swallowed whole, without chewing, without cracking or crushing in other ways, but with a small amount of non-carbonated water. The drug can be taken regardless of food, that is, at any convenient time. It is advisable to take Zodak Express tablets every day at the same time in the evening.

    The dosage for children over 6 years of age and adults with various types of allergies is the same and is 5 mg (1 tablet) once a day.

    Elderly people over 65 years of age who do not suffer from renal or hepatic insufficiency should take Zodak Express at the usual dosage, that is, one tablet once a day, daily.

    People of any age suffering from liver failure can also take Zodak Express at the usual dosage. But if a person suffers from renal and hepatic insufficiency at the same time, then the dosage should be adjusted according to the rules adopted for renal failure.

    In renal insufficiency, the dosage of Zodak Express depends on creatinine clearance, which is determined by the Rehberg test or calculated by the following formula:

    CC (creatinine clearance) = serum creatinine concentration mg / dl ((140-age in years) * body weight in kg) / 72

    This formula allows you to calculate the creatinine clearance for men. To calculate the value of QC for women, you need to multiply the number obtained by this formula by 0.85.

    Dosages of Zodak Express for people suffering from renal insufficiency, depending on creatinine clearance, are as follows:

    • CC more than 50 ml / min - take 5 mg (1 tablet) once a day daily;
    • CC 30 - 49 ml / min - take 5 mg (1 tablet) once a day every other day;
    • CC less than 30 ml / min - take mg (1 tablet) once a day every two days.

    For children with impaired renal function, the dosage is selected individually, based on the above adult doses, depending on the CC value.

    The duration of the use of Zodak Express tablets can be different and is determined by the rate of disappearance of the symptoms of an allergic reaction. For example, with one-time allergic manifestations, Zodak Express is taken for several days until the symptoms disappear, after which it is stopped. If an allergic reaction develops again after a while, then Zodak Express is also resumed and continued until the symptoms disappear. If Zodak Express is used to treat severe allergic diseases or year-round allergies, then the drug can be taken continuously for up to six months.

    Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    Zodak and Zodak Express are contraindicated for use in



    Since they can negatively affect the growth and development of the fetus or child. The drug penetrates into

    breast milk

    Therefore, if necessary, take the Zodak should transfer the child to artificial milk mixtures.

    special instructions

    Zodak drops do not contain sugar, so people with diabetes can take them. The syrup contains 1.5 g of sorbitol in one measuring spoon (5 ml), which corresponds to 0.25 XE.

    During a long period of taking Zodak, it is necessary from time to time to do a complete blood count and determine the activity of AST and ALT. If the indicators differ too much from the norm, then Zodak should be stopped.

    Influence on the ability to control mechanisms

    Zodak and Zodak Express may cause CNS depression with


    Therefore, while taking these drugs, you should abandon any activities that require a high speed of reactions and concentration.


    An overdose of Zodak and Zodak Express is possible and manifests itself with the same following symptoms:

    • Drowsiness;
    • lethargy;
    • Excitation;
    • Weakness;
    • fatigue;
    • Headache;
    • Irritability;
    • urinary retention;
    • dry mouth;
    • Constipation;
    • Restlessness alternating with drowsiness (in children).

    For the treatment of an overdose, it is necessary, first of all, to wash the stomach and take a sorbent (for example, activated charcoal, Polysorb, Polyphepan, Filtrum, etc.). After that, symptomatic therapy is carried out, aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of vital organs and systems. The use of hemodialysis to accelerate the removal of excess drug from the body is ineffective.
    Interaction with other drugs

    Taking Zodak or Zodak Express with theophylline at a dosage of 400 mg per day slows down the excretion of the first drug, so its antiallergic effect lasts longer.

    In sensitive individuals, Zodak or Zodak Express may increase the effect of alcohol on the CNS, although experiments have shown that neither cetirizine nor levocetirizine increases the severity of the effects of alcohol on the CNS.

    Zodak for childrenGeneral provisions and rules for choosing a dosage form

    Zodak in the form of drops is approved for use by children from the age of one year. Zodak syrup can be given to children from two years old, and tablets only from 6 years old. If the child has learned to swallow tablets and the risk of suppression is low, then you can give the usual Zodak in tablet form from the age of two. However, it is better to refrain from using tablets for children 2 to 6 years old, preferring syrup or drops. Zodak Express tablets are strictly contraindicated up to 6 years.

    This means that a child aged 1 - 2 years should be given Zodak only in the form of drops. A child aged 2 to 6 years can be given the drug in the form of drops or syrup. In this case, the choice of dosage form is determined mainly by the taste preferences of the child. For example, if a child calmly and without refusal takes drops or syrup, then he should be given the Zodak in this form.

    A child over 6 years old can be given Zodak in any form - tablets, drops or syrup. In this case, the choice of dosage form is also determined by the preferences of the child and the characteristics of the functioning of his gastrointestinal tract. If the child swallows the pills well, and they do not cause nausea or other unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract, then you can give him the drug in this dosage form. If it is difficult for the baby to swallow pills, then Zodak should be given to him in the form of syrup or drops.

    Use in children under one year old

    children under one year old can be given Zodak in the form of drops, despite the fact that the official instructions indicate that the drug should be taken only from 1 year old, since the medicine is quite safe. However, this should only be done when necessary and with caution, as


    Zodak strongly depresses the central nervous system, provoking

    Therefore, during the entire period of application of the Zodak in a child under one year old, his breathing, heartbeat and general condition should be monitored. If the child's condition worsens or he develops swelling a few hours after taking the drops, the drug is immediately canceled.

    Experienced pediatricians recommend that infants do not give drops inside, mixing with milk, water or mixtures, but instill in the nose. With this method of using drops, the risk of developing side effects is reduced, and the strength of the action is quite sufficient to stop the manifestations of an allergic reaction. Pediatricians recommend instilling one drop of the Zodak solution into each nasal passage twice a day.

    If the parents decide to give Zodak drops inside, then the following dosages established for children of different ages should be observed:

    • Children under 3 months- give 2 drops once a day;
    • Children 3 – 6 months- give 3-4 drops once a day;
    • Children 6 – 12 months- Give 5 drops once a day.

    Drops are optimally mixed into baby food or milk at the very beginning of feeding. To do this, 5-10 ml are set aside from the total volume of food prepared for feeding, drops are mixed into it and the child is allowed to eat first. When the baby eats the first portion of food with medicine, he is given the rest of the mixture or milk.
    Zodak - instructions for use for children

    Tablets, syrup or drops can be taken regardless of food, that is, at any convenient time. It is optimal to give the Zodak to children in the evening. If you need to take the drug twice a day, then this should be done in the morning and evening.

    Tablets must be swallowed whole, without biting, chewing or crushing in other ways, but with a small amount of non-carbonated water. Before taking the drops, dissolve with a small amount of water, and drink the syrup in its pure form.

    The dosage of Zodak for children is determined solely by their age and does not depend on the type or severity of the allergy. Dosages of various forms of drugs for children of different ages are shown in the table.

    Child's age Dosage drops Zodak Dosage of syrup Zodak Dosage of Zodak tablets Dosage of Zodak Express
    1 – 2 years 5 drops 2 times a day Do not apply Do not apply Do not apply
    26 years 10 drops once a day or 5 drops twice a day 1 scoop of syrup 1 time per day or 1/2 scoop 2 times a day 1/2 tablet 1 time per day Do not apply
    6 – 12 years old 20 drops once a day or 10 drops twice a day 2 scoops of syrup once a day or 1 scoop twice a day 1 tablet once a day or 1/2 tablet 2 times a day
    Over 12 years old 20 drops once a day 2 scoops of syrup once a day 1 tablet once a day 1 tablet once a day

    Children suffering from renal insufficiency should reduce the recommended age dosage by half. For children suffering from liver failure, the dosage of the Zodak is selected individually, if necessary, reducing it by half relative to the standard for their age.
    Side effects

    Zodak and Zodak Express can cause the same following side effects from various organs and systems:

    1. Gastrointestinal tract:

    • dry mouth;
    • Symptoms of dyspepsia (flatulence, heartburn, belching, constipation, diarrhea, etc.);
    • Abdominal pain;
    • Nausea;
    • Hepatitis;
    • perversion of taste;
    • Anorexia;
    • Swelling and inflammation of the tongue;
    • Increased salivation;
    • Thirst;
    • Vomit;
    • Rectal bleeding.

    2. Central nervous system:

    • Headache;
    • Dizziness;
    • Drowsiness;
    • fatigue;
    • Excitation;
    • Migraine;
    • Aggression;
    • hallucinations;
    • Depression;
    • confusion;
    • Suicidal thoughts;
    • convulsions;
    • Paresthesia (feeling of running "goosebumps", numbness of the limbs, etc.);
    • Dyskinesia (dysmotility of internal organs, for example, bile ducts);
    • Dystonia;
    • fainting;
    • Tremor;
    • Tiki;
    • memory impairment;
    • Ataxia;
    • Hyperkinesis;
    • Dysphonia (loss of voice);
    • Myelitis;
    • Paralysis;
    • Ptosis.

    3. Allergic reactions:

    • Skin rashes;
    • Angioedema;
    • Hives;
    • Skin itching.

    4. The cardiovascular system:

    • palpitations;
    • Tachycardia (pulse more than 70 beats per minute);
    • Arterial hypertension;
    • Heart failure.

    5. Respiratory system:

    • Dyspnea;
    • Rhinitis;
    • Pharyngitis;
    • Nose bleed;
    • Polyps in the nose;
    • Cough;
    • Sinusitis;
    • Bronchitis;
    • Bronchospasm;
    • Increased sputum production in the bronchi.

    6. Skin, soft tissues and bones:

    • Myalgia (pain in the muscles);
    • Arthralgia (joint pain);
    • Arthritis;
    • arthrosis;
    • Backache;
    • muscle weakness;
    • Dry skin;
    • Rash;
    • Furunculosis;
    • Dermatitis;
    • Eczema;
    • Hyperkeratosis;
    • Erythema;
    • Increased sweating;
    • Alopecia (baldness);
    • Hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth);
    • seborrhea;
    • Photosensitization.

    7. Sense organs:

    • Visual disturbances (blurring, double vision);
    • Pain in the eyes;
    • Glaucoma;
    • dry eyes;
    • Hemorrhage in the eye;
    • Hearing loss;
    • Noise in ears;
    • Deafness;
    • Violation of the sense of smell;
    • Perversion of taste.

    8. Urogenital system:

    • peripheral edema;
    • enuresis (urinary incontinence);
    • urinary retention;
    • blood in the urine;
    • Polyuria (excretion of more than 2 liters of urine per day);
    • Decreased libido;
    • Pain during menstruation;
    • intermenstrual bleeding;
    • Uterine bleeding;
    • vaginitis;
    • Pain in the mammary glands.


    • Vertigo;
    • Increase in body weight;
    • Increased appetite;
    • Increased activity of AsAT, AlAT, alkaline phosphatase and GGT;
    • An increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood;
    • Asthenia;
    • Thrombocytopenia (the number of platelets in the blood is below normal);
    • Malaise;
    • Fever;
    • Chills;
    • Tides;
    • Dehydration;
    • Lymphadenopathy;
    • hemolytic anemia.

    As a rule, the Zodak is well tolerated, and side effects occur very rarely and are transient, that is, they completely disappear soon after the drug is discontinued.

    Contraindications for use All dosage forms of Zodak and Zodak Express are contraindicated for use if a person has the following conditions or diseases:

    • Severe renal failure, when CC is less than 10 ml / min (only for Zodak and Zodak Express tablets);
    • Galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome (only for Zodak and Zodak Express tablets);
    • Age under 6 years (only for Zodak and Zodak Express tablets);
    • Age under 2 years (only for Zodak syrup);
    • Age less than a year (only for drops);
    • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • Individual hypersensitivity to any components of the drug;
    • Bronchospasm with cough;
    • Porfiry.

    In addition to the indicated absolute contraindications for use, there are also relative ones, in the presence of which the drug can be used, but with caution and only under medical supervision. Relative contraindications to the use of Zodak include the following conditions or diseases:

    • Chronic renal failure of moderate and mild severity;
    • Old age (over 65 years old);
    • Chronic liver disease (only for tablets).

    Zodak - analogues

    In the domestic pharmaceutical market, Zodak has two types of analogue drugs - these are synonyms and, in fact, analogues. Synonyms of Zodak are preparations that also contain cetirizine as an active substance, and Zodak Express, respectively, containing levocetirizine. Analogues of Zodak and Zodak Express are all antihistamines containing other active substances, but having the most similar spectrum of therapeutic activity. And since the Zodak belongs to the II generation of antihistamines, other drugs belonging to this generation will be its analogues.

    Synonyms of Zodak and Zodak Express are given in the table.

    Analogues of Zodak and Zodak Express are the following antihistamines:

    • Alerpriv tablets;
    • Allerfex tablets;
    • Bexist-sanovel tablets;
    • Gifast tablets;
    • Dinox tablets;
    • Kestin syrup and tablets;
    • Clallergin tablets;
    • Clargotil syrup and tablets;
    • Claridol tablets and syrup;
    • Clarisens tablets and syrup;
    • Claritin tablets and syrup;
    • Clarifer tablets;
    • Clarotadine tablets and syrup;
    • Lomilan tablets and oral suspension;
    • Lomilan Solo lozenges;
    • LoraGeksal tablets;
    • Loratadine tablets and syrup;
    • Lotharen rectal suppositories;
    • Peritol syrup and tablets;
    • Rapido capsules;
    • Semprex capsules;
    • Telfadin tablets;
    • Telfast tablets;
    • Feksadin tablets;
    • Fexo tablets;
    • Fexofast tablets;
    • fexofenadine tablets;
    • Fenistil drops, capsules and gel;
    • Erolin tablets and syrup.

    Six months ago, the pediatrician always prescribed Fenistil and Suprastin during colds or before vaccinations. Now more and more often you hear about the medicines "Cetirizine" or "Zodak" (drops). and adults in some cases gives different recommendations. Let's consider them in more detail.

    The drug is a clear or light yellow solution in a dark bottle and carton. These drops are prescribed when a child or adult:

    • permanent or seasonal conjunctivitis;
    • allergic rhinitis;
    • skin allergic rashes;
    • angioedema;
    • hives.

    Dosage for children and adults

    The drug for children and adults prescribes to be diluted in a small amount of water before use, for example, in a tablespoon. It is better for children to drink sweet compote or tea later.

    Twice a day should be applied:

    • five drops for children from one to six years;
    • ten drops for preschoolers and younger students (six to twelve years old).

    Once, preferably in the evening, no more than twenty drops are taken:

    • children from twelve years old;
    • adults.

    These data are written in the instructions, but the number of drops is prescribed by the doctor, who takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease.

    Do not give medication to children under one year old, pregnant and lactating mothers. Without a doctor, do not take people with chronic renal failure and the elderly. This is due to the fact that cetirizine in this category of persons is not excreted after five to ten hours, but after fifteen to thirty hours.

    The drug "Zodak" (drops): instruction. For children and adults with kidney or liver disease

    If a person has renal failure, then the intake of drops is halved. For example, one-year-old babies and children under six years old, two and a half drops, schoolchildren under twelve years old, five drops each, and adolescents and adults - no more than ten drops. With liver disease, you can not use more than ten drops per day. Elderly people with healthy kidneys can leave the recommended dose in the instructions (twenty drops). However, please note that the number of days of taking this remedy is prescribed by the doctor.

    Stored in the refrigerator for about three years, the drug "Zodak" (drops for children). The price of the drug is not more than two hundred rubles. So this is the most economical medicine. In addition, these drops can be given to people with diabetes, as they do not contain sugar in their composition. But during treatment, you can not drink alcohol, theophylline and drugs that depress the central nervous system.

    The drug "Zodak" (drops for children): instructions for the behavior of adults in case of an overdose

    With self-treatment or ignoring the doctor's prescriptions, an overdose is possible. Characteristic symptoms (severe headaches, tachycardia, fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, urinary retention, lethargy) may appear when consuming fifty milligrams (about one hundred drops) on the day of admission. In this case, call an ambulance. Specialists will wash the stomach and prescribe Do not leave the remedy in the public domain if there are children in the house.

    Thus, without a doctor's prescription, do not buy the Zodak antiallergic drug (drops) in pharmacies. Instructions for children and adults describe a number of side effects from the digestive system, the nervous system. Perhaps the appearance of allergic individual reactions.

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