Ligament injury treatment. How to treat and how long an ankle ligament rupture heals: first aid rules and useful tips for victims. The main signs of a sprain

At various injuries ligaments, there is a violation of the integrity of the connective tissue, which acts as a connecting element between the bones and significantly strengthens the joints. As a rule, ligamentous tissue is located around the joints, thereby strengthening the joints.

With traumatic mechanical impact, shock or excessive physical load, the ligaments can be partially damaged or completely torn. Most susceptible negative impacts and the knee joint is most often affected. A doctor can diagnose a rupture or sprain using special techniques, after which he will prescribe necessary treatment. Self Therapy at home, as a rule, does not bring the desired result and most often leads to the development of complications.

All bundles human body in medicine, it is customary to divide into three groups:

  • strengthening joints;
  • inhibiting movement;
  • guiding movement.

Subspecies are also classified: internal - those that are localized in joint capsule and covered with a synovial membrane, external - which are located outside the capsule.

Severity of sprain

Regardless of the injured place, it is classified according to severity:

  • The first is stretching - the ligamentous fibers are partially torn due to injury, while maintaining the overall integrity of the ligament. Such an injury is vernacular name"stretch", although the ligaments do not have elasticity and cannot be stretched. This injury is characterized by mild pain and moderate swelling. There are no bruises or hematomas. Movement and support in the joints are partially limited.
  • The second - anguish - is torn most of ligament tissue. Damage to the fibers of the ligaments with hemorrhage is characterized by severe swelling and bruising. When moving, there is severe pain, which limits activity. In some cases, instability of the damaged joint is expressed.
  • The third - rupture - is accompanied by severe pain, large bruising and swelling. Joint instability is diagnosed.

The reasons

Ligament injuries are the most common cause mechanical damage. With excessive physical exertion, one or more ligaments are overstretched and torn. Such injuries are often received by athletes and people whose life rhythm is very active and is associated with constant movement and great physical exertion.

With an unnatural deviation of the lower leg, the lateral ones are stretched and damaged. When the lower leg deviates outward, the ligaments can tear or tear completely, this often happens when the lower extremities are twisted. Deviation inwards leads to injury to the external lateral ligaments, and outwards - to the internal ones. This results in dysfunction ankle joint.


Ligament injury is characterized by pain in the injured joint, which increases with movement, and swelling. The severity of these symptoms depends on the severity of the injury. The doctor, conducting palpation, notes the pain localized in one place. Bruising and bruising may appear two to three days after the injury.

If happened complete break ligamentous tissue, the symptoms will be very painful. In such cases, the victim needs urgent medical care. Movement of the injured limb is difficult timely treatment hemarthrosis may occur.

Negative or anguish disappear after one to two weeks, if there is a gap, soreness will accompany movements for up to a month or more. The main signs of ligament damage are:

  • pain in the area of ​​the injured joint;
  • puffiness;
  • violation of blood supply;
  • violation of the outflow of lymph;
  • functional disorders;
  • the presence of hematomas and hemorrhages.

Methods of treatment

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will definitely diagnose the damaged limb using methods such as ultrasound and MRI. Be sure to distinguish a fracture or dislocation from a sprain or torn ligament. The doctor can do this most accurately and without errors by additionally assigning an x-ray of the damaged area of ​​the body to the patient. Typically, a tendon injury has visible differences with fractures and dislocations.

Treatment of incomplete ligament injury is performed in medical institution in the Department of Traumatology. Patients are advised to keep the limb at rest, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed, the limb must be given an elevated position. Also, the damaged suglob is immobilized with a bandage. For the first 24 hours, cold compresses should be applied to the injury site, ice can be used. On the third day, you can make warm lotions.

When moving, a tight bandage is applied to the injured joint. elastic bandage which immobilizes the joint and protects damaged ligaments from re-injury. When the limb is at rest, the bandage must be removed so that the blood can circulate freely - this contributes to rapid healing. If you leave the limb wrapped up all night, this will disrupt the blood supply and provoke a significant increase in edema.

Severe soreness can be reduced with special painkillers, prescribed, for example, "Analgin", "Ketoral", "Ketanov". The active therapeutic course lasts, on average, 1-2 weeks and depends on the degree of damage. Full recovery A torn ligament occurs, on average, after 3 months.

If a complete rupture of the ligament occurs, the victim must be hospitalized to the nearest emergency room. In the trauma department, the injured limb is immobilized, given an elevated position, painkillers and physiotherapy are prescribed. Depending on which place was injured, treatment can be performed both conservatively and operational method. Surgical intervention to restore the ligament is usually carried out as planned. However, in particular severe cases surgery may be needed immediately. After surgical operation patient passes rehabilitation period without fail.

Folk remedies

Before use folk methods treatment of sprains, you must always consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of your actions.

Most famous recipes that received a lot of positive feedback:

  • Pour 0.5 teaspoon of crushed roots and branches of barberry into an aluminum bowl and pour a glass of milk. Put on a slow fire, boil for 25-30 minutes. Remove from heat, insist 15 minutes, strain. Drink 1 teaspoon three times a day.
  • 3 teaspoons of cornflower inflorescences pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Wrap in a towel, leave for 1-2 hours. Strain, take orally 75 ml three times a day.
  • Finely chop 3 tablespoons of elecampane root, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, remove the root from the water, apply evenly on a gauze bandage and apply to the affected area in the form of a compress.
  • Grate onion, mix with sugar in a ratio of 1:10, make compresses lasting 5 hours from the resulting mixture. After this time, change the compress.
  • Fold gauze in 2-3 layers, soak in well-heated milk and apply to the injured area. Place a layer of cotton wool and compression paper on top. After cooling, the gauze is moistened again, the bandage is applied as it was originally done.


Recovering from an injury also plays an important role in a full recovery. During the rehabilitation period, it is recommended to perform special exercises that strengthen and promote the restoration of ligaments. good effect provides a massage that increases blood circulation in the injured area and, as a result, improves metabolism.

plays an important role in recovery good nutrition. At first, it is impossible to give strong physical exercise, as this can lead to re-injury of the ligaments that have not yet strengthened.

Hello, Dear friends! In this article, we will talk about the most common injury - ligament injury knee joint . About bruises, sprains, ruptures of the ligaments of the knee joint. I advise you to read the article about. Now that we know what and where it is, we can move on.

Sprain and rupture of ligaments

In our everyday life there are two not very pleasant, but so familiar expressions. They are especially familiar to athletes and those who are more or less actively involved in sports.

It " sprain" and " ligament rupture».

Sprain is a very common type of injury. Stretching usually occurs when sudden movements in the joint, exceeding its normal amplitude. Most often, the ligaments of the ankle and knee joints are stretched.

In fact, the concept sprain' is not entirely correct. The ligament consists of having greater strength, limited elasticity and the ability to stretch, otherwise the ligaments would not be able to hold our joints. Ligaments hold the bones in the correct position and direct movement in the joints. Therefore, when they break, the correct operation of the joint, its mechanics, is disrupted.

Based on this, stretching- it's always torn ligament. Simply, either these are microscopic tears - with a slight stretch, or these are tears of individual collagen fibers ( tear) - with an average degree of injury, or it gap the entire ligament severe injury. When stretched and torn, the functions of the ligament are not violated.

Breaks can also be divided into two types:

  • Traumatic tears . Tears resulting from the application of force in a direction exceeding the range of motion (jumps, bumps, falls, sudden movements, heavy lifting). The most common injuries are ruptures knee ligaments, ankle ligaments and shoulder ligament ruptures.
  • Degenerative tears . These tears are the result of wear and tear of the ligaments and tendons due to aging. Such gaps occur in old age. With age, the blood supply to the ligaments is disrupted, they become weaker and unable to withstand the previous loads. Very often in the cavity of the joints, in old age, growths formed by the deposition of calcium crystals, bone growths, which are called osteophytes (popularly known as salt deposition), begin to appear. They can injure ligaments, destroy cartilage, replacing it, disrupt correct work internal structures joint, which leads to destruction ligamentous apparatus.

And all these problems are a direct result of wrong image life, defective and malnutrition, desiccation of the body due to lack , insufficient motor activity. Old age is approaching earlier and earlier. Unfortunately, the age limit is shifting more and more towards young age more and more young people suffer from similar problems. That's why I didn't give a specific age: someone is active and healthy at 70, someone is already falling apart at 40. Hospitals are overflowing with middle-aged people who are already changing their joints to artificial ones. That's the statistics. Such is the bitter truth. I hope that you are still completely healthy and, most likely, do not notice such problems. I, having problems with a damaged joint (so far only due to an injury), notice a lot of young and middle-aged people limping, with twisted, abnormally positioned joints, and already with a stick. The need to change something in my life has come. It is necessary for each of us to realize this before it is too late, as soon as possible. And I hope my knowledge and advice will help you in this. But sorry, I digress.

Fortunately, ligaments have a high regenerative (restorative) ability, in most cases allowing them to grow together on their own even after a complete rupture. This applies more to traumatic ruptures.

There are many ligaments in the knee and in any other joint and they can grow together. They adhere to the skin blood vessels and with sufficient nutrition grow together, which cannot be said about the cruciate ligaments. But, as they say, trauma is different. With a serious injury, a complete rupture of the lateral ligament can also occur, and only a doctor, after conducting an appropriate examination, can determine the degree of its rupture. AT serious cases may require surgery and surgery to reconstruct the lateral ligament.

Ruptured cruciate ligaments of the knee joint

Let's take a closer look at trauma. cruciate ligaments. Like any other, cruciate ligaments are prone to stretching (micro tears), partial tearing (tear) and complete tear. How to act in such cases?

There is nothing tragic about microfractures. After standard actions: rest of the leg, cooling, some time of rest, ointments, everything should return to normal.

The problem is that you won't feel the extent of the tear and will most likely ignore your injury.

Therefore: upon receipt of any injury, it is necessary to carry out a number of the above actions: just in case. Believe me, it's better to be a little suspicious and save your health than to face more big problems, and they, with the wrong subsequent actions, will not be slow to come.

If you begin to experience unusual, unusual sensations, pain does not go away, shoots, stabs, burns, pulls, etc., immediately go to the doctor and find out the cause.

If a torn ligament occurs ( incomplete break) and You already know it for sure, You can live on, but at the same time remember that the strength of your ligament is already less, it may not withstand the previous loads. Imagine a rope: when it is new, smooth, whole, it can withstand, for example, 300 kg. But if this rope is already old, frayed, having bottlenecks with protruding threads, then it is better to limit yourself to 100 kg, it will no longer withstand 300.

And of course, a broken rope ( complete tear of the ligament) grow together on its own, under no circumstances will it be able to, its ends have scattered in different directions and hang out on their own.

If, with a partial rupture of the ligament, you yourself must choose what to do and how to live on, so as not to tear it and, if possible, strengthen it, then with a complete rupture, if you want to restore the ligament, only surgical intervention is necessary. In short, "cut to hell without waiting for peritonitis." Joke.

Mechanism of cruciate ligament rupture

Let's look at the mechanisms for breaking ligaments, which are given in the official medical literature. Depending on which movement was done incorrectly and with unacceptable force, it depends which ligament will be injured or torn. But this is so, for general information. If only we knew when and how it would happen!

  • Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament : occurs when the lower leg is flexed and the back of the knee joint is subjected to force;
  • Rupture of the posterior cruciate ligament : occurs with a sharp extension of the knee joint or a direct blow to the lower leg with a bent leg;
  • Rupture of the external lateral ligament : most often happens if you stumble sharply on an uneven surface or when you twist your leg (this can lead to dislocation of the ankle and foot);
  • Rupture of the internal lateral ligament : occurs in the same cases as the previous injury, however, the lower leg should deviate outward.

Ligament ruptures often occur when the leg is twisted while walking. Damage is manifested by sharp pain, swelling, limitation of support and movements. With complete ruptures, excessive joint mobility occurs.

Tears occur with a strong direct blow to the knee or sharp turn torso with a fixed leg. At the time of injury, sharp pain, sometimes there is a feeling of "dislocation" of the lower leg to the side, anteriorly or backwards. The knee joint swells, increases in size. Possible bruising. Movement is limited.

Quite often, with injuries, several types of ligaments are damaged at once. It's already enough serious injury, which may be accompanied articular hemorrhage (hemarthrosis) and damage and suggesting more long-term rehabilitation, or an operation and rehabilitation (already special), and not just “heal in a month”.

Types of cruciate ligament rupture

Ligament ruptures are very diverse. Most often, the cruciate ligament is torn in the middle. The ligament can come off at the point of attachment to the bone along with a small fragment of bone, or with a large fragment of bone, then this is called fracture of the intercondylar eminence. This greatly complicates the subsequent treatment.

If a ligament is torn off from a bone with a small bone fragment, then with a quick surgical intervention, such damage can be easily eliminated: in a special way stretched and screwed into place. But when it's done promptly. If you do not consult a doctor, then the ligament will gradually atrophy, shrink, degrade - it will be impossible to sew it on. That is why it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and establish the extent of the injury. I will give as an example, a break Achilles tendon. The operation on it should be carried out immediately, literally in the first hours after the injury. Time cannot be missed.

If it is established by the doctor that a rupture of the ligament has occurred, then time does not matter here. Most likely, on the contrary, they will advise you to wait for a while until the knee calms down, the swelling subsides and the accompanying injuries heal, only then you can proceed with the operation. But even here we should not delay the solution of this problem.

Ligament breaks are common combined. The most severe are injuries with rupture of both cruciate, both lateral ligaments and the joint capsule. This leads to looseness of the knee joint and to the loss of the ability to walk with this leg. When the cruciate ligaments are torn, sharp pain occurs. Bleeding into the joint (hemarthrosis) occurs. The joint increases in size. The symptom of "balloting" of the patella is revealed.

In our case, balloting is when the patella cup begins to move more than usual, easily shift, oscillate. This is especially noticeable if there is fluid near or around the patella. That is, when, after an injury, the joint is swollen and swollen, fluid begins to accumulate there.

Often there is not an isolated rupture of the cruciate ligament, but the so-called " unhappy triad" or " Turner's triad".

The unfortunate triad- this is a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament, a rupture of the internal (collateral tibial) lateral ligament and a rupture of the internal (medial) ligament.

However, it also happens that for some patients the very moment of injury may go unnoticed. Only later does a feeling of instability and looseness appear in the knee joint. It depends on your type of building and other individual characteristics.

Symptoms of knee ligament ruptures

With microfractures (stretching) and partial tear ligaments assigned conservative treatment- rest, immobilization, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. With such an injury, severe sharp pain usually occurs, the knee swells, but the movements are familiar and there are no unnatural sensations, since the function of the ligament is not disturbed. The main thing is not to tear the ligament completely. But you must know for sure that you have a partial ligament injury. This can only be determined by a traumatologist-orthopedist after appropriate manipulations and examinations. If after an injury, after a few days, your knee is swollen and sore, do not put off a visit to the doctor.

It is possible that you belong to the type of people who suffered a torn ligament very easily and painlessly, but this does not change anything.

The following are the symptoms that occur when a ligament is completely torn:

  • Sharp pain in the knee area;
  • Enlargement of the knee joint due to edema;
  • Feelings of numbness or tingling of the injured area are possible;
  • Crack (click) during injury;
  • Cracking, clicking or crunching in the joint after injury is also possible;
  • Limited movement of the joint or their complete lack of control;
  • Inability to transfer body weight to a sore leg;
  • Pain in the joint, both during movement and at rest;
  • Mobility (balloting) of the patella (patella);
  • Feeling of instability in the joint (as if the inside of the bone is moving to the side) - the most obvious sign of a rupture of one of the cruciate ligaments of the knee joint.

In addition to the above symptoms, of course, individual, specific signs, which are characteristic for each individual case of rupture and each individual person. We are all different.

You can describe and general symptoms with ruptures of other ligaments of the knee joint: lateral or patellar ligaments, but I will not do this. With strong and unbearable pain accompanying a ligament injury, you must immediately leave your knee alone and stop any activity.

In this case, the doctor should do the diagnosis; from you only peace, cold, you can put on an elastic tightening bandage before the first visit to the doctor.

Well, it remains here to tell how I felt and what happened when the ligament ruptured with me.

The first mistake in my case: when you feel that your legs are tired and you are not able to effectively perform any physical exercises- it's better to stop. You don't have to force your body. The mechanism of injury in my case is standard. When jumping with a turn, when landing, the legs came earlier than the torso, there was a rotation with a fixed lower leg. The ligament could not withstand such a load.

There was a loud click and a sharp pain.

There was that same sensation of “dislocation” of the lower leg to the side.

Literally a minute later, the pain disappeared, I was able to stand up and even tried to do something with my foot (the second mistake).

Here I felt that inside the knee joint the bone seemed to be shifting, moving to the side.

After 15 minutes, the knee was already very sore, it began to swell, stepping on the foot became very painful. But I made it home on my own.

In my case, there were no bruises, hemorrhages in the joint (hemarthrosis). The joint after a while calmed down and even returned to normal (visually).

Of course, a little later, realizing that my knee was not all right, I went ... to the emergency room. But that's a completely different story. I just still don’t understand where these unfortunate doctors come from, who don’t understand a damn thing. Even with clear sign instability that I mentioned, I was told that everything is in order, the knee is calm.

But later, regular jumping out in the joint began with various movements(when the elevator jerks, you know our elevators, during awkward turns, with sudden movements). I felt that my joint was not stable. When jumping out (displacement) in the joint, pain arose, the surrounding ligaments and tissues were damaged, then swelling and excess fluid.

What to do when ligaments are broken?

Let's summarize. First aid for sprains and rupture of ligaments is:

  • Providing immobility damaged part of the body. You need to move as little as possible.
  • To the injured area apply an ice pack. Thanks to this procedure, blood will not flow so quickly into the damaged area, as a result of which edema subsides and the pain will subside.
  • In case of damage to the joint of the arm or leg, it is desirable elevate the injured limb. It also slows down blood flow.
  • For severe pain, you can take painkillers.
  • As soon as possible going to an orthopedic traumatologist.

All the best, don't worry!

The ankle holds the entire weight of the human body, so it is often damaged. Not only athletes, but also ordinary people Quite often they are faced with ankle sprains.


The ankle joint is formed by three bones - the tibia and fibula, the talus of the foot. The ligamentous apparatus, consisting of three groups of connecting strands that fix the bones among themselves, ensures the functionality of these joints. Their stability is supported by ligaments, somewhat limiting mobility. They also regulate rotation, abduction and adduction of the foot.

More often than others, the veins that run along the outer ankle are stretched. What causes an ankle sprain, how long does the healing phase take, and what methods can be used to quickly cure an ankle sprain?

Causes of damage

In the first place among the causes of ankle sprains, doctors call the tucking of the leg, when the ankle moves sharply outward, and the heel tucks inward. This situation is familiar to all lovers high heels. If this injury is accompanied by a crunch or crack, then this means a complete rupture of the ligament or damage to the bone.

Partial or complete rupture of the ligaments can occur while running or when walking on uneven terrain, while playing sports.

Most of the breaks are due to household injuries, not sports ones. So, ankle sprain is mainly due to:

  • falls;
  • a sharp turn of the foot when running or walking on an uneven surface;
  • a blow to the leg that provoked the foot into an unnatural position.
  • constant stretching of the muscles and ligaments that fix the joint - if a woman often twists her leg in high-heeled shoes, it will not be difficult for her to stretch or tear her ankle ligaments;
  • Athletes pumping all muscle groups, but forgetting about the muscles of the lower leg and foot;
  • high arch of the foot;
  • weak ligamentous apparatus due to a congenital cause;
  • obesity;
  • connective tissue pathology;
  • arthrosis of the ankle;
  • flat feet, clubfoot;
  • anomaly in the development of the skeletal system.

Stretch classification

When spraining the ankle ligaments, depending on the type of damage, 3 degrees of injury are distinguished, each of which is characterized by its own signs of ankle sprain:

  1. 1 degree - the fibers of the ligaments delaminate. In the ankle, at the site of injury, a bump, swelling may appear. The victim limps.
  2. Grade 2 - the ankle is swollen, there is a hematoma, the patient experiences severe pain, walks with difficulty.
  3. Symptoms of an ankle sprain of the 3rd degree indicate a complete rupture of the ligaments. The injury is accompanied by severe edema with extensive hemorrhage and hemarthrosis or fever. A strong pain syndrome does not allow you to stand on your foot or take a step, but the foot is unnaturally mobile.


Symptoms of an ankle sprain may indicate that the muscles have been stretched or torn:

  • severe pain in the joint area, which prevents the foot from moving in full;
  • swelling in the joint;
  • bruises formed over him.

X-rays of the joint will show if the joint has dislocations or broken bones. About whether the ligaments and muscles are stretched or torn, experts judge from the complaints of the patient and visual inspection and estimates of range of motion. But this does not mean that if symptoms occur, you should not consult a doctor and take an x-ray of the joint. Sometimes the fracture is so small that it cannot be detected in any way other than x-rays. And the tactics of treating fractures are significantly different from the tactics of ankle sprains.

Ankle sprain, the symptoms are as follows:

  • pain arose immediately after sprain, intensified by night;
  • when the muscles are stretched, the edema increases within three days;
  • movements in the area of ​​the ankle ligaments become gradually more limited due to swelling and pain;
  • palpation of the joint causes pain, with the most painful area- fossa, which is the place of rupture maximum number ligament fibers and is indicative of an ankle sprain.

If during the injury a click or crunch was heard, and then it became impossible to move the foot, this indicates a fracture accompanied by a sprain of the ligament.

The presence of signs of damage depends on the severity of the injury and whether the patient had similar injuries before.

First aid

What to do with an ankle sprain? If damage occurs, then first aid for ankle sprains should be provided immediately and competently. After all, it depends on how long the injury heals.

So, what to do with an ankle sprain:

  • you must immediately remove shoes or socks so that they do not exert pressure;
  • with these injuries, the injured joint requires complete rest.

If your ankle sprain happened on the street, it is advisable to ask passers-by to help. Don't walk home on your own and wait for everything to go away. Need to call ambulance. Before the arrival of the medical team, it is necessary to apply a fixing bandage. With the help of a home-made or ready-made splint or an elastic bandage, the joint is immobilized. If the pain is unbearable, then it is better to use a plank to fix the foot - it is much easier to bandage it to the lower leg.

With moderate pain, a tight bandage can be dispensed with. It should be applied crosswise, capturing the heel and part of the lower leg. If the fingers turn white or become numb, then the leg is too tight.

Further, in order to stop the pain and prevent the development of edema, cold should be applied to the damaged area. It can be ice, a water bottle, or a wet rag. But such compresses should not be abused, you can freeze soft tissues.

It is desirable to give the injured limb an elevated position. To do this, you can put a homemade roller under it.

To eliminate acute pain, an analgesic is allowed.


Treatment for an ankle sprain begins with a diagnosis. Before treating an ankle sprain, the doctor prescribes a series of studies.

  1. X-ray is one of the main methods for detecting a fracture or sprain. It is a mandatory study for these injuries and is performed both in direct and lateral projection.
  2. Ultrasound is additional research and can be prescribed for both edema and hemarthrosis. Also using this method an experienced diagnostician can also detect torn ligaments.
  3. MRI is used only in severe cases to determine measures surgical intervention. This method shows the joint in more advantageous projections. MRI is the "gold standard" in the diagnosis of a combination of ligament rupture, syndesmosis and bone elements.

After the patient has been diagnosed, the doctor, based on the symptoms, and the treatment is effective, and explains to the victim how to cure an ankle sprain, how long the therapy lasts and what kind of recovery may be needed.


Having received qualified assistance traumatologist or surgeon, the treatment of ankle sprains continues at home.
The following at-home ankle sprain treatment is considered conservative and is only permitted in stage I or II.

  • Treatment at home on the first day after injury is regular cold compresses. Do them 5-6 times a day for 15 minutes, no longer.
  • Also, the treatment of an ankle sprain at home is based on fixing it with an elastic bandage or bandage in the form of a sock with an open heel and toe, or with a plaster cast. Before going to bed, the bandage is removed, and the bandage is worn for 10 days. Such a period will not lead to negative consequences.
  • When treating the ankle at home, the injury site must be lubricated with anti-inflammatory NSAID ointments. This remedy used even if the child is injured. They relieve inflammation and have an analgesic effect.
  • An ankle sprain in a child, as in an adult, while maintaining swelling or bruising, is treated with ointments that improve blood circulation.
  • The first days after the injury, the victim's leg should be in an elevated position. The tumor, thanks to this, will pass faster and the pain syndrome will decrease.

Fixation of a damaged joint requires compliance with a number of requirements, which will help the patient to get back on his feet faster.

How to fix the foot

An injured ankle needs fixation and complete unloading for seven days. Fixatives - bandage or tape should not be left for more than 3 hours. They should not be tight, otherwise close to damaged tissues vessels will be compressed.

Taping a joint with a sprain should be performed as follows:

  • The victim should be laid down.
  • His feet are at a 90° angle.
  • Vaseline lubricates the instep of the foot and put on it depreciation two pads, covering the entire damaged area.
  • After that, 4 strips of teip are wrapped around the lower leg, overlapping them.
  • From the next 3 strips create a "stirrup" that overlaps the lower bandage.
  • "Stirrup" is closed with 7-8 overlapping turns from top to bottom towards the foot.
  • The foot is wrapped with 3 strips of teip, fixed on the instep, taken across the foot to the sole, and brought under the heel.
  • The tape is wrapped around the heel and fixed in the part of the ankle where the instep was fixed. The strip is cut off.
  • The heel is fixed by applying a new tape across the foot and passing it through the sole.

The rule for applying an elastic bandage to the ankle:

  • Moving in a circle, form the beginning of the bandage slightly above the ankle;
  • Covering the heel with a bandage, they grab the foot twice;
  • Next, the bandage is moved with cross-shaped movements: from the foot to the lower leg and again to the foot;
  • Once again, returning to the shin, they cover the ankle several times and fix the bandage.

Having received an injury such as a torn ankle ligament, treatment folk remedies prevent inflammation in soft tissues and they will heal faster.

Folk remedies for stretching are allowed to be used only after the permission of the attending physician. How to treat trauma?

If we talk about how to quickly cure a sprain, then the following folk remedies are the most effective:

  • To restore joint mobility, it is recommended to do onion-salt compresses. The peeled onion is passed through a meat grinder and mixed with 1 tbsp. salt. The mixture is applied to the ankle, wrapped with gauze on top. Keep such compresses all night.
  • Can be used to relieve pain foot baths. They collect in the pelvis warm water and add a little sea ​​salt, dry mustard or turpentine. Baths are done 2-3 times a day for 15 minutes.

With damage Stage III the victim needs surgery, as a complete rupture of the ligament or its separation from the bone has occurred. At this stage, ankle sprains cannot be treated at home. Target surgical intervention consists in restoring the continuity of the ligament with the help of a tendon and bone suture.

After the operation was performed, the victim must wear a plaster splint for one month. Also during this period, the patient is given conservative therapy to improve blood circulation in lower limbs and enhancement of regeneration processes.

For this purpose, venotonics are used, as well as medicines that expand the lumen of the arterial vessel. In addition, data medicines reduce postoperative edema.

Important! Is it possible to walk dowry pathology? If it doesn’t hurt, then doctors are allowed to walk, otherwise orthopedists and traumatologists do not recommend overloading the ankle and advise using crutches. What is the recovery time after an ankle ligament injury? It depends on the type of damage and the condition of the victim.


Rehabilitation for trauma severe nature allowed from 4 days. Such early start allows, prevents joint stiffness and muscle atrophy.

exercise therapy

Exercise therapy for ankle sprains will accelerate the recovery of the ankle ligaments after sprain. Physical gymnastics in this case, curative and should not be complicated. They do it without tension of the ligaments:

  • Good performance is given by flexion-extension of the ankle with a slight weight. And also the rotation of them.
  • Moving around the room, while the toes should be bent, unbent and touched with them.
  • Careful kneading from heel to toe and back.
  • grab the leg of the chair with your toes and pull it towards you.

Physical education aimed at strengthening the ligamentous apparatus should be performed after about 3 months, depending on the severity of the sprain.

  • Every day, for 6 months, you should walk on your toes for several minutes.
  • Walking on the inside and outside feet.
  • Flexion and extension at the joint.
  • Circular rotations.
  • Jogging on sand, small pebbles.
  • Walking on heels.
  • Rope jumping.
  • Fixation of both feet with rubber with an attempt to rotate, flexion and extension, adduction and breeding.
  • Roll the bottle with your feet.
  • Picking up small objects from the floor with the toes.

Also during the recovery period, patients are prescribed swimming and exercise on a stationary bike.


I start massage for sprains from 2-3 days, if the damage is not complicated. The effect of massage promotes the outflow of exudate and resorption of subcutaneous hemorrhages, accelerates the fusion of veins.

Physiotherapy treatment

Physiotherapy is prescribed to reduce pain, in combination with exercise therapy and massage. For ankle sprains, physiotherapy includes laser treatment, paraffins, diadynamic therapy and UHF. Magnetotherapy is used to accelerate lymphatic drainage and increase vascular tone.


A person understands how important the function of the legs in his life is only after injury. The question immediately arises - how long does an ankle sprain heal?

Mild degree heals - 15 days. Average degree- three weeks. Severe stage - from three to six months.

The rate of recovery is affected by the provision of first aid, correct diagnosis and therapy, compliance with all doctor's prescriptions.

Important! Most backfire sprains with an inattentive attitude towards it, this is looseness of the joint and the likelihood of its repeated injuries.

Do not delay with the diagnosis and treatment of the disease!

Sign up for an examination with a doctor!

From an anatomical point of view, it has the most complex structure. And such an idea of ​​​​nature is quite amenable to a logical explanation. After all, it is on this part of the leg that a very important - supporting - function is assigned, with which the joint perfectly copes. But if everything is so good, then why is ankle ligament injury a diagnosis that traumatologists often make to their patients?

Anatomical structure of the ankle

The ankle joint is formed by the talus and the bones of the lower leg and has a block shape. The angle of its mobility during extension and flexion reaches 90°. Both on the outside and on inside it is reinforced with ligaments. The internal, which in medicine is known as the deltoid or medial, connective tissue of the ankle is located from the medial ankle towards the heel, talus and externally, its shape is as close as possible to the triangle.

But as for the external ligaments of the ankle joint, there are three of them. All of them come from, while two of them are attached to the talus and one to the heel. It is because of their location that they are called the posterior and anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments.

Age characteristic feature of this supporting joint is its mobility. Moreover, in adults, it is more mobile towards the plantar surface, in children - towards the back of the foot.

Is an ankle injury a problem for athletes or an ailment that awaits anyone?

Do not think that damage to the ligament of the ankle joint is a problem only for athletes who subject their body to great physical exertion. After all, from total of patients of traumatologists who were diagnosed with such a diagnosis, only 15-20% were injured during training. Classify the rest age group, occupation or gender is simply impossible. And this is quite logical, since any person can stumble, make a sharp wrong movement, twist his leg, or simply unsuccessfully jump off the step.

Quite often, the ankle joint is also diagnosed for modern “fashionistas”, for whom beauty is much higher on the list of priorities than convenience and health. They choose shoes based not on comfort and proper fixation of the foot, but on price, heel height, color or fashion trends. Such improperly selected accessories of a woman's wardrobe, suitable for a handbag, dress or eye color, often cause an injury, the name of which, according to medical terminology, - damage to the ligament of the ankle joint.

As for children, they suffer from this disease also not that rare. After all, little fidgets are in constant motion. In addition, their joints and bones are not yet fully developed, so they are easy to injure.

Who Should Beware of Ankle Injuries?

Damage to the ligaments of the ankle joint is not always the result of injuries only. In 20-25%, as evidenced by medical practice, the causes of the disease, doctors call the anatomical predisposition and chronic diseases. Most often, trauma to the connective tissues is recorded in people with high supination, or arch of the foot, with different lengths of the limbs, as well as in those who suffer from weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, muscle imbalance and various neuromuscular disorders.

Therefore, everyone who is included in this risk category should be especially careful when choosing shoes, clearly dose physical activity on musculoskeletal system.

first degree

Depending on the severity of damage to the connective tissues, the disease is divided into three main degrees. The first, and easiest, is the rupture of single fibers, which does not violate the stability of the joint. In this case, the victim experiences pain of low intensity, which can be removed with analgesics in the form of tablets and ointments. At the site of injury, there may be a slight swelling, but there are no manifestations of hyperemia.

Clinical manifestations of the second degree of injury

If a person has damage to the ligaments of the left ankle joint (or right) of the second degree, the symptoms will be more vivid. The patient experiences severe pain, skin slight bruising and bruising appear. Such a partial does not violate the stability of the joint, but a person with an injury practically cannot walk.

Symptoms characteristic of the third degree of damage

The third degree of injury to the connective structures has the right to be called the most severe. After all, such damage to the ligaments of the right ankle joint (or the left - it doesn’t matter) implies a complete rupture of all fibers without exception. characteristic symptoms are acute pain of a high degree of intensity, impaired motor function, as well as instability of the joint itself. In addition, subcutaneous hemorrhages of various sizes immediately appear at the site of injury, to which severe swelling joins after a while.

Should I refuse medical care?

Despite the fact that the first two degrees of injury to the ankle ligaments do not belong to the category of severe and do not require specific treatment, a doctor's examination will not be superfluous. After all pain medium intensity, swelling and hyperemia are symptoms not only of connective tissue damage. Such clinical picture it is also characteristic of cracks and fractures of bone tissues, the treatment of which is best carried out under the supervision of doctors. Therefore, it is so important that the specialist clearly diagnose the injury and prescribe the appropriate course of therapy.

We also note that even if a person has a partial injury to the ligaments of the ankle joint, he needs to consult a professional - this will speed up the recovery process. Therefore, regardless of the degree of trauma to the connective tissues, you should not refuse professional medical care.

First aid for torn ankle ligaments

If a crunch or crackle was heard during damage to the connective tissue, there is practically no doubt that the ligament fibers have ruptured. Besides, in this case any movement that the victim tries to make is accompanied by acute pain, and swelling or bruising immediately appears at the site of injury. To improve the patient's condition before the doctor examines him, it is necessary to properly provide first aid to the victim.

First, immediately immobilize the injured limb. The patient should be seated, and it is better to lay so that the ankle is above the level of the heart. This position will allow, if there is a complete damage to the ligament of the ankle joint, to prevent internal hemorrhage.

Secondly, in the area of ​​damage should be done cold compress Better yet, use ice cubes. Then the victim is given an anesthetic drug and decide how to deliver him to the nearest emergency room. If damage to the ligaments of the ankle joint (symptoms described above) is accompanied by severe hyperemia, unbearable pain and extensive swelling, it is better to call an ambulance. Doctors will immediately put a splint on the leg and take the patient to the hospital, where they will conduct a complete diagnosis.

Treatment of first degree ligament injury

An injury of this severity usually does not require drug treatment. The main essence of the process is to fix the damaged joint and take painkillers, if needed. In other words, a patient diagnosed with a first-degree ankle ligament injury can continue to lead a normal life. However, doctors during the recovery period recommend, if possible, reduce physical activity, and apply a tight bandage to the damaged joint.

As a rule, after 10-12 days there is a complete recovery.

How are second-degree ligament injuries treated?

Treatment of injuries of the second degree of severity will take much longer than a sprain. In addition, during this period, the patient should not only limit physical activity, but also undergo a course of complex therapy, which will help to recover more quickly after such a violation as damage to the ligaments of the ankle joint. The consequences of the disease, with strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations, will not disturb the patient, but self-treatment in such situations can cause many problems, and even after a few years a person will not be able to forget about the injury.

As a rule, with a partial tear of the connective tissue of the ankle, a plaster splint is applied to the patient for 3 weeks, fixing the leg. For removal pain syndrome prescribe an anesthetic in tablet form. This may be one of the drugs such as Nurofen, Ibuprofen or Ketorol. From the third day of treatment, physiotherapy procedures can be connected to speed up the healing process.

Ligament injuries of the third degree: features of therapy

You should know that if the doctor has determined that the patient has a complex injury to the ligaments of the ankle joint, the treatment will take at least 5-6 weeks. It should also be said that it is carried out in a hospital, as it requires surgical intervention, in which torn connective tissues, pump out blood from the joint, after which the drug "Novocain" or other similar drugs are injected into its cavity.

After surgery, a cast is applied to the patient's leg for 3-5 weeks and a course of drugs is prescribed that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. From 3-4 days of treatment in complex therapy include physiotherapeutic procedures that improve blood circulation at the site of injury and stimulate protective functions organism as a whole.

Sequelae of ankle injuries

It is wrong to say that damage to the ligaments of the ankle joint (photos of damaged areas posted on stands near the traumatologist's office scare many patients, which is quite understandable) is always fraught with serious complications. After all, the treatment started on time and compliance with all the doctor's prescriptions allow you to completely restore the connective tissues. Exceptions are those cases when patients ignore the recommendations of specialists or are treated on their own, exclusively with the help of funds. traditional medicine. The consequence of such carelessness and irresponsible attitude to one's health most often becomes instability of the ankle joint. And this can cause re-injury to the connective and bone tissues.

Therefore, before treating damage to the ligaments of the ankle joint, the patient must clearly understand that from compliance medical advice during the period of therapy and rehabilitation depends on his health.


The most frequently damaged areas are external ankle ligaments. This occurs with awkward movement, when walking on an uneven surface, when the foot is tucked inward and bent in the direction of the sole. In this case, the ligament between the talus and fibula or a ligament between the calcaneus and fibula.

There are three degree of damage to the ligaments of the ankle joint:

  • First degree of damage - if torn off or torn individual fibers ligaments. Such damage is often and incorrectly called a ligament sprain, although in fact the ligaments cannot be stretched.
  • The second degree is a partial tear of the ligament. In this case, a significant part of the ligament is torn, but this does not lead to loss of ligament function.
  • The third degree is a complete rupture of the ligament or separation of the ligament from its place of attachment.

At the first degree ankle ligament injury the patient complains about severe pain when walking, probing the ligament or ankle joint. Edema and swelling appear in the area of ​​attachment of the ligament. When walking, the patient feels pain, but the function of walking itself is not disturbed. The second degree of damage or partial rupture of the ligament is characterized by the spread of edema to the anterior and outer surface feet. Pain during probing is severe, especially at the site of torn ligament. Walking can be difficult due to pain limitation of movement in the ankle joint, which is further aggravated by movement.

With the first and second degree of damage to the ligaments of the ankle joint on x-rays do not detect deviations.

With the third degree of damage to the ligaments of the ankle joint, the patient is disturbed by severe pain when trying to step on the injured leg. Edema, swelling and hemorrhage are pronounced and spread over the entire surface of the foot, even capturing its plantar part. Walking is very difficult and very painful.

With a complete detachment of the ligament, sometimes a piece comes off along with the ligament bone tissue to which the ligament is attached. This area of ​​the bone is visible on the x-ray.

As a first aid for damage to the ligaments of the ankle joint, a tight pressure bandage is applied and cold is applied over it. This helps stop bleeding at the ruptured site and reduce swelling and movement of the ligament. In the first degree of damage, it is recommended to wear pressure bandage for up to 2 weeks. After two or three days from the moment of damage, physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed (alternating magnetic field, baths, paraffin and ozocerite applications, massage). Recovery occurs in two weeks. With the second and third degree of damage to the ligaments, severe pain usually occurs, which requires anesthesia. The most effective is the introduction of a 1% solution of novocaine or a solution of novocaine with alcohol into the rupture area.

With partial rupture of ligaments impose a plaster splint for a period of at least 10 days. prescribe physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises during which the splint is removed. Recovery usually occurs within 3 weeks.

With the third degree of damage to the ligaments of the ankle joint when the ligament is completely torn from its attachment site, the patient must be hospitalized in the trauma department of the hospital. A closed joint is applied to the joint gypsum bandage for two weeks. Then the bandage is modified so that it can be removed during physiotherapy procedures, massage.

Treatment in this case lasts about one month. After a ligament injury, the patient must wear an eight-shaped gauze bandage or a special ankle support for two months to prevent re-rupture at the site of ligament healing.

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