Documents for animals to travel abroad. What documents are needed to transport animals? How to get there or features of road life

In the practice of our company, it is not uncommon for clients to seek advice on traveling to Europe with pets. The EU has quite strict transportation regulations, so incorrectly executed documents or vaccinations that were not done on time can ruin your entire trip. Today we will talk about how to properly import animals to Europe and what veterinary documents to have.

What do you need to know when preparing for a trip?

Many holders of a residence permit in Europe or a second citizenship spend a lot of time in the EU and at the same time do not want to part with their pets. Indeed, any dog ​​or cat may not be able to bear several weeks or even months of separation from the owner/mistress. The only way out is to take them with you. Besides, individual people participate regularly in international exhibitions animals.

If all the conditions of the EU directives regarding the importation of animals are met, then no problems will arise. By the way, it is useful to study the information on the official website of the European Union, to familiarize yourself with the Rules for the transport of pets. However, it should be remembered that in some European countries there are special conditions which you also need to be aware of.

In addition, if an outbreak of a virus, infections occurs in one of the countries, the rules can be tightened up to the complete suppression of the movement of animals in the EU. These requirements will have to come to terms, they are temporary.

Important! In the EU, there are regulations of the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission 576/2013 and 577/577 on the transport of pets, which entered into force on 12/29/2014. There is no tax on the importation of pets for temporary stay in the EU.

What documents are needed to transport a dog or cat?

In preparation for travel, you must obtain a European Veterinary Passport for your animal. With it, you will be able to travel freely throughout the Schengen area (of course, if you have issued a residence permit for one of the countries as a foreign investor), including the UK, without the need to go through quarantine.

To obtain a document, you must come to a veterinary clinic that has the appropriate license.

Important! Up to 5 animals per accompanying person can be brought into the EU at the same time. The exception is participation in exhibitions. In this case, it is necessary to have a written confirmation of the registration of animals for participation.

Documents for a dog for export to Europe

To travel to Europe it is necessary that the dog:

  • a microchip of the ISO 11784 or 11785 standard (EU requirement since 2011) was implanted under the skin on the neck;
  • there was confirmation of a timely vaccination against rabies (no more than 11 months and no earlier than 21 days before crossing the border);
  • there was a veterinary certificate of form No. 1-vet (can be obtained at your regional State Veterinary Station at least 5 days before the trip)

It is necessary to chip the animal before vaccination, otherwise the vaccination will have to be done again!

The veterinary certificate must be exchanged for an international veterinary certificate Form No. 5a. The procedure is carried out at the border veterinary control point immediately before passing customs (for example, at the airport or border crossing point for cars).

All documents must be in English.

Important! Failure to comply with these requirements will automatically result in your pet being placed in quarantine upon arrival in a European country. So be careful with your collection. required documents or leave it to qualified professionals.

Documents for a cat for a trip to Europe

The list of documents for cats is less extensive. You will also need a veterinary passport and a health certificate form No. 1-vet. Cats must be transported in shipping containers, and the possibility of transportation in the cabin or a special compartment must be checked with the carrier.

Many of our clients ask to clarify what documents are needed to transport a cat by plane. You will not be required to provide any additional documents to those already listed.

14 EU countries with special rules for importing animals

Above are general recommendations for traveling with animals within the EU. However, in some countries in Europe there are additional or special rules for the transport or keeping of pets. Most often they relate to the timing of vaccination against rabies (in different countries they are different).


Malta has some of the toughest conditions. To import any animal, you need to submit an application to the Veterinary Service and obtain permission from the director 5-6 weeks in advance. During this period, you need to carry out the necessary vaccination.

In the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation, you need to get a certificate stating that there have been no cases of rabies in the area where the animal lives for 6 months. Rabies vaccination is done not less than 30 days and not more than 6 months before export.

It is permissible to travel with an animal only directly from the country of export (for example, Russia). The Maltese Veterinary Service must be notified 7-10 days in advance of the date of arrival of the animal. On weekends and holidays, the import of animals is prohibited.


Puppies from 15 weeks of age are allowed to be imported (rabies vaccination at 12 weeks of age plus 21 days for immunity).


Additionally, confirmation of the prevention of echinococcosis (tapeworm) will be required.

Great Britain

3 months before entering the UK, you need to take a blood test of the animal for the presence of antibodies to the rabies virus. If you are traveling with a dog from Malta, Finland, Norway, Ireland, deworming can be omitted.


At the customs of Hungary, you need to present a veterinary certificate, which is received at least 8 days in advance. The document must contain information about the veterinary examination of the animal, about vaccinations against plague and rabies, and also that there were no rabies infections in the area of ​​20 km in the place where the animal was kept for 3 months.


To enter Greece with a pet, you need a veterinary certificate, which was issued no later than 10 days before arrival in the country. Rabies vaccination is given no earlier than 15 days and no later than 12 months before arrival.


Rabies vaccination is done no earlier than 20 days and no later than 11 months before arrival.


Rabies vaccination must be carried out no earlier than 30 days and no later than 12 months before arrival.


Vaccination against rabies is carried out no earlier than 30 days and no later than 12 months before crossing the border.


Rabies vaccination must be done no earlier than 21 days and no later than 12 months.


The veterinary certificate is only valid for 3 days, so you need to get it no later than this period before you cross the border.


Rabies vaccination required at least 30 days and at least 12 months prior to entry. Additionally, they require a mark of vaccination against distemper (for dogs), infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis.

You can import no more than 3 animals per person at the same time. It is prohibited to import any animals under 3 months old. Also, you will not be able to come to France with your favorite pit bull, the mastiff.


Vaccination against rabies is not earlier than 15 days and not later than 6 months.


For Switzerland, rabies vaccination not earlier than 30 days and not later than 12 months.

How to import poultry to Europe?

Yes, it is also possible to travel with feathered pets around Europe.

  • For 10 days, the bird is vaccinated against bird flu AI and kept during this period in quarantine. Another option is to document the keeping of birds in isolation for 30 days in the territory of the Russian Federation
  • Not earlier than 3 days before doing a blood test for the presence of antigens or the H5N1 genome
  • It is necessary to issue a veterinary certificate, which is valid for 10 days (mostly)
  • The bird must have a European Veterinary Passport

Important! European directives do not regulate the importation of other types of domestic animals (ferrets, rabbits, etc.), therefore this moment you need to check directly with the representatives of the country where you are going to enter.

The cost of keeping an animal in Europe

It should be taken into account that keeping your pet in Europe will be somewhat more expensive, because in the EU countries there is a so-called animal tax.

The pet tax in Europe ranges from 15 to 700 euros per year, depending on the country and the animal itself. Potentially cost the most dangerous breeds and large animals. It's about about taxes on dogs, cats can still live in the EU for free.

Spaniards pay the least for keeping dogs - 15-35 euros per year, Swedes - about 50 euros. For the Dutch, one dog costs about 60 euros, but getting a second one will cost 85 euros. Swiss taxes can be classified as average in size - dog breeders pay about 100 euros per year. The most expensive to keep dogs in Germany. Large and dangerous breeds can cost more than 600 euros.

However, it should be borne in mind that this tax should be paid when the dog lives permanently in the country. There is no taxation for temporary importation.

Important! In Austria, Switzerland, Germany and a number of other countries, the owner on walks is obliged to clean up after his pets "waste products". Otherwise, it may be subject to administrative offense. Therefore, stock up on scoops and packages.

kennel "Shernika"

You are going on a trip abroad and decide to take your dog with you. What you need to know and have in order not to overshadow the trip at the last moment.

Rule 1

First of all, the animal must be vaccinated against rabies, and preferably against viral diseases, no later than 30 days before the scheduled date of travel.

Rule 2
The fact of vaccination must be reflected in the veterinary passport of the animal and in the journal of the veterinary clinic. Based on these data, it will be necessary to obtain an export certificate. Therefore, we do not recommend vaccinating yourself.

Rule 3
To export an animal from Russia, only a rabies vaccination is required. Contact the embassy of the host country to clarify the conditions for importing animals.

Rule 4
To import an animal into the EU countries, it must be microchipped and handed over additional analysis blood for antibodies to rabies.

The microchip must comply with ISO 11784 or ISO 11785. For more information about the chipping procedure and about the chips, see or

In Moscow, the chipping procedure can be done at the following veterinary clinics:
"Pervomaisky veterinary center" Lilac b-r, d. 8A, tel. 164-8966
"Center" Tsvetnoy b-r, 11, building 1, tel. 9216565
"MiV" 1st Nagatinsky pr., 5, building 1, tel. 111-3038
"Gemini" Aviaconstructor Mil st., 2, building 1 (Zhulebino), tel. 704-08-88
"Movet" Vasilisa Kozhina st., 23, (Fili), tel. 142-0105, 142-01-04
"Obereg" Ilimskaya st., 3, building 3, (metro station Altufievo), tel. 909-0047
"Amulet" Prishvina st., 22, (m. Bibirevo), tel. 505-6055
"Zoovet" 2nd Magistralnaya st., 16, (m. Polezhaevskaya), tel. 259-23-46
"Chance" Butlerova st., 5a, (metro station Kaluzhskaya) tel. 338-17-00
"Junior" Lithuanian boulevard, 7, "Hanoi" (Yasenevo) tel. 426-53-22

Determination of the presence of antibodies to rabies must be carried out in an accredited laboratory. There is no such laboratory in Moscow, so this can be done in Finland. For analysis, a blood sample must be sent to Finland at the Veterinary and Food Board A blood sample is taken no earlier than 30 days after vaccination and no later than three months before departure.

Rule 5
To export an animal, you must obtain a certificate form No. 1vet at the animal disease control station at your place of residence. The certificate is valid for 3 days. Check in advance at the clinic whether a passport with vaccination marks is enough or if you need to provide an animal for examination.

Rule 6
At the border, form No. 1vet changes to form No. 5vet.

Rule 7
For dogs traveling abroad, it is necessary to obtain a Certificate of absence of breeding value, which can be obtained:
SCOR 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya st., 24, tel. 250-9949, 250-4611
RKF pr-kt Mira d. 106, e 2, entrance from Grafsky lane, tel. 682-6837

Rule 8
Transportation of an animal on an airplane is carried out in a special plastic container in the luggage compartment. Paid at the rate for excess baggage based on the actual weight of the animal together with the container and in accordance with the applicable rates. Some airlines allow the carriage of animals in the cabin (the weight of the animal must not exceed 8 kg), so when buying a ticket, do not forget to reserve a seat for your pet.

Veterinary services at airports:
Sheremetyevo-1 tel. 578-6244
Sheremetyevo-2 tel. 578-7653
Domodedovo tel. 967-8396
Vnukovo tel. 436-8363

Rule 9
When transporting animals by rail, the following rules apply:

For transporting animals to Western European countries

It is allowed to carry small pets (cats, birds) on account hand luggage if they are placed in the respective means of transport. Transportation of dogs is allowed in any class, i.e. in class I and II (no more than 2 dogs per compartment), while the passenger is obliged to pay for all seats in the compartment, as well as, additionally, for the carriage of a dog 1/2 of the ticket price for travel in a class II carriage (as a child class II .).

It is forbidden to transport dogs by rail to Norway, Sweden, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia (or in transit through these countries). dogs aggressive breeds not allowed to be transported to or in transit through Germany.

Category 1 (highly dangerous, breeding and import prohibited): 1. American Staffordshire Terrier 2. Pitbull Terrier 3. Staffordshire Bullterrier 4. Bullterrier 5. Mastino Napolitano 6. Mastino Espanol 7. Bordeaux Dogge 8. Dogo Argentino 9. Fila Brasileuro 10. Romischer Kampfhund 11. Chinesischer Kampfhund 12. Bandog 13. Tosa Inu

Category 2 (dangerous, import restricted): 1. Akbas 2. Berger de Brie (Briard) 3. Berger de Beauce (Beauceron) 4. Bullmastiff 5. Carpatin 6. Dobermann 7. Estrela-Berghund 8. Kangal 9. Kaukasischer Owtscharka 10 Mittelasiatischer Owtscharka 11. Sudrussischer Owtscharka 12. Carakatschahn 13. Karshund 14. Komondor 15. Kraski Ovcar 16. Kuvasz 17. Liptak (Goralenhund) 18. Maremmaner Hirtenhund 19. Mastiff 20. Mastino de los Pirineos 21. Miekhalitic Owar 23. Pyrenaenberghund 24. Raffeuro do Alentejo 25. Rottweiler 26. Slovensky Cuvac 27. Sarplaninac 28. Tibetanischer Mastiff 29. Tornjak

List for Berlin: 1. American Staffordshire Terrier 2. Staffordshire Bullterrier 3. Bullterrier 4. Tosa Inu 5. Bullmastiff 6. Doge Argentino 7. Dogue de Bordeaux 8. Fila Brasileiro 9. Mastin Espanol 10. Mastino Napoletano 11. Mastiff 12. Pit Bull

In the Palatinate there is no list at all, a dog of a certain size and weight is considered dangerous.

The list of breeds in Bavaria is the same as in Berlin.

For the Land of Brandenburg, the following are considered dangerous: American Pitbull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Bullterrier, Staffordshire Bullterrier und Tosa Inu. Alano, Bullmastiff, Cane Corso, Dobermann, Dogo Argentino, Dogue de Bordeaux, Fila Brasileiro, Mastiff, Mastin Espanol, Mastino Napoletano, Perro de Presa Canario, Perro de Presa Mallorquin und Rottweiler.

Dogs are allowed to be transported only in direct carriages.

For transporting animals to Finland

Dogs and small pets are allowed.

Transportation of dogs is allowed in class I and II cars, not more than 1 dog per passenger. The passenger is obliged to pay for all seats in the compartment. If all the paid seats are occupied by the passengers following with him, then an additional 50% of the cost of an adult class II ticket will be charged for the carriage of a dog according to an additional payment receipt. If at least one of the paid seats is not occupied by passengers, then an additional fee for the dog is not charged.

For transportation of animals to China, Mongolia, Korea, Vietnam

The passenger has the right to carry small pets with him, if it is not prohibited veterinary regulations. Animals are transported as hand luggage (cats, birds, etc.) at the rate of 20 kg per piece.

Dogs are transported for a fee. Transportation of dogs is allowed only in class II carriages, no more than 2 dogs per compartment, while the passenger is obliged to pay for all seats in the compartment, as well as additionally for the carriage of a dog 1/2 of the cost of a ticket for travel in a class II carriage.

In the absence of railway the opportunity to provide a separate compartment for the transport of animals, such transportation is not allowed.

You will need

  • - veterinary passport;
  • - veterinary certificate according to the form No. 1;
  • - certificate of absence of breeding value;
  • - brand or microchip;
  • - carrying;
  • - baggage ticket.


To transport an animal within the CIS, you will need a veterinary passport and a certificate in form No. 1. All vaccinations must be noted in the veterinary passport. It is obligatory that the vaccination was carried out not earlier than one year before the trip and not less than 30 days in advance. A form one certificate can be obtained from the state veterinary station. It should contain information that yours is healthy at the time of the examination, and that she does not have helminths. The certificate must be issued no earlier than three days before the trip.

If you are exporting dog in the EU, then in addition to the above, you will need a certificate stating that the animal is not breeding. You can get it in the central club service dog breeding, the club of the All-Russian Council for Hunting Dog Breeding or the club of the Federation of Amateur Dog Breeding, depending on. Also, your pet must have a brand or microchip, information about which will be indicated in the veterinary passport. The certificate in Form No. 1 must be translated into English or other languages ​​and certified.

Ask about the rules for transporting animals with the airline you plan to use. Most often, small aircraft weighing up to eight kilograms are allowed on planes. Dogs must be in a special carrier. Larger ones must travel in the hold and are charged the same as luggage. Passenger animals must also be carried in carriers, and a special baggage ticket must be purchased for them.

When planning a trip, be sure to read the rules for bringing animals into the country you are going to, as well as the rules of the countries through which you will be transiting. For example, the import of fighting animals is prohibited in Germany, and in order to import an animal into Australia, you must obtain permission from the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service. If you familiarize yourself with the list of necessary documents in advance, you will be able to transport your animal without any problems.


  • transportation of animals across the border
  • Transportation of a dog across the border of Ukraine

Academician Vladimir Igorevich Arnold, a man who had unique, non-standard views on education, published the book “Tasks for Children from 5 to 15 Years Old” in 2004. Here is what the author tells about the history of the appearance of this book: “I wrote down these tasks in Paris in the spring of 2004, when Russian Parisians asked me to help their young children acquire a culture of thinking that is traditional for Russia, but far surpasses all Western customs.” According to V.I. Arnold, the culture of thinking is most of all brought up by early independent thinking about simple, but not easy questions, like the following task “How to transport through the river?».


Check out the condition number 9 from the collection "Tasks from 5 to 15 years."
The wolf, the goat and the cabbage must be transported by the peasant through the river in a boat, but the boat is so small that he can carry one of three loads. How to transport all three loads (leave the wolf with the goat, and the goat with the cabbage) through the river?

The next race, the man must take the cabbage to the other side.
But he should not return back alone, but put a goat with him in the boat. A goat cannot be left with cabbage on the other side. But according to the condition of the problem, nowhere is it said that the peasant cannot transport his "

Dog - best friend person. Of course, she does not like it when her beloved owner goes on a trip without her. But there is a way out - taking the dog abroad with you. In many countries of Europe and the world, these animals are loyal, which makes it possible to safely place them in hotels or visit public catering places with them. But before you go to distant countries, you need to collect special documents for your dog and provide her with a comfortable flight/relocation. About it will be discussed in this article.

Documents required for transporting a dog across the border

First, let's get acquainted with the list, which will show what documents for a dog to travel abroad are needed:

  • international veterinary passport
  • veterinary certificate form No1
  • international certificate form 5a

Now we need to consider each document separately, which we will do in the next part of the article.

International Veterinary Passport

Most important document in the life of your pet. He talks about his external signs, health, vaccinated and performed operations. Ideal option it is considered to issue such a passport after the first vaccination. If you bought a pet older than two months from other owners, then it is possible that the passport has already been made. Be sure to clarify this point, because this will confirm that the dog has already been given the main vaccinations for its health.

But what to do after buying an animal from incompetent people who did not provide for the establishment of a passport?

If your pet has not yet acquired this document, then you can apply for it at the nearest veterinary clinic. Next, the owner of the dog fills in the following data:

  • the name of the animal;
  • date of birth;
  • coloring;
  • chip number (15 characters) or information about a special branded tattoo.

IMPORTANT! Stamp tattoos are special designs that contain a set of letters and numbers on the body of an animal. For any thoroughbred individual, this is a must. It allows you to prove the owner's rights to the dog. But it should be understood that they will not be enough for a trip to the EU countries. Be sure to implant the chip.

A chip is a small implant that is implanted into your pet's skin. Chipping can be done at any veterinary clinic. With this you will be able to: find an escaped animal, take it abroad and process required documents. Another chip will allow you to enter your dog into a database that is distributed throughout the world.

Recall that all this is filled in by the owner of the animal. But to indicate the presence of vaccination and made medical operations need a veterinarian to sign, date and seal.

Treatment of dogs from lice and other insects is possible at home. Therefore, you yourself can enter data about these actions in your pet's passport. It will be enough to indicate the name of the medicine and the current date. We continue to consider further documents for a dog for traveling abroad.

Veterinary certificate form No1

Another piece of paper you need for your pet. It is issued in state veterinary clinics absolutely free of charge. To receive it, you must present:

  • veterinary passport;
  • dog
  • dog owner's passport;
  • having a chip or tattoos.

But the veterinary certificate is valid only on the territory of the Russian Federation within 5 days after issuance. So don't put off planning your travel date.

International Certificate Form 5a

Without it, you will not be able to make a trip to the EU countries. Issued directly by plane or before the train on the basis of:

  • veterinary certificate form No1.;
  • your international passport;
  • chip or tattoo.

Sometimes you may need a document on the analysis for the presence of antibodies to rabies viruses (check this point for each individual country). Usually the process of obtaining this certificate takes about 10 days, which requires planning in advance for this examination.

Traveling with a dog

We have reviewed the paperwork required for legal dog travel. But now we have to sort out the issues of transportation and return of these animals to their homeland.

Taking a dog across the border by plane

Flying your pet on an airplane is a complicated procedure, because each airline may impose its own requirements for this.

When buying a ticket, specify the fact that you are transporting a dog with you. You will most likely have to pay extra for it, as for additional baggage. There are two ways to accommodate animals on board the aircraft:

  • in the main part of the plane with other passengers;
  • in a special section for animals.

Each airline has its own list of allowed pets. Dogs in most cases are included in it. To transport it in the cabin of an aircraft, you must meet certain requirements:

  • the weight of the cage with the animal must be less than 9 kg;
  • it is allowed to transport no more than 4 pets at the same time;
  • the cages should have such shapes that the dog could easily stay there and stand up to his full height;
  • cage dimensions should not exceed 115 cm (length + width + height). How to measure a dog

Some airlines do not carry dogs that weigh more than 9 kg. But if they are still transported, then the animal ends up in a special heated compartment of the aircraft. Here, too, some requirements must be met:

  • feed and drink before the flight;
  • the dog must be put on a special muzzle (without it a fine is imposed) and placed in a cage;
  • leave the leash in the cage, but do not put it on the dog.

Do not forget about the quarantine for animals in individual countries. Customs officers can take your dog away for a certain period of time. Be sure to find out about quarantine activities currently underway in the country you want to visit.

Transporting a dog across the border by car

No less complicated than the previous process. But if you still decide on such a trip with a pet, then consider the following points:

  1. Before a long trip, the dog needs to be walked, fed and watered.
  2. Food. The longer the trip, the more it is required. Pay attention to dry food, because it does not deteriorate at all and does not attract the attention of insects. Stock up on water and a container from which your pet will drink.
  3. Provide stops for 10-15 minutes every 2 hours. The pet needs time to do its business and move a little away from the difficult move.
  4. If your dog is not able to sit still, then it may be worth considering special devices for her. For example, a cage or a special belt will be able to fix your animal on for a long time trips.
  5. Heat in the car. Do not open windows so that the pet can ventilate. Any small pebble is capable of flying off and hitting it, which can lead to death. Most the best option- air conditioner. Remember to water your dog often and don't leave it alone in the car.
  6. Cold. It will be enough to turn on the heater and keep the windows closed.
  7. If your dog is having problems with urination, then you should take action.

You should not take your dog on a road trip without taking care of these things. Remember that your life and the life of your dog is the most important thing.

Requirements of some countries regarding the importation of animals into them

Apart from the basic rules that are common to most countries, some states have their own unique laws regarding the possibility of bringing animals into their territories and staying within their borders. They are as follows:

  • Australia. In advance, a special agency called the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service must give permission. Without it, it is impossible to call in with a pet on the territory of the continent.
  • Austria. Given country requires only the MVS, while a certificate of vaccination is not necessary. When importing, you must provide a veterinary certificate.
  • Argentina. A foreigner needs to have with him the MVS of the required sample, which was endorsed by the consul. In addition, a certificate of vaccination is required. There is a special fee of about $10 for the move.
  • Bolivia. In the MVS must be a mark of vaccination against rabies.
  • Brazil. When entering the country, only MVS is enough.
  • Hong Kong. If the pet is less than 4 months old, only a veterinary examination is enough. After this period, you must receive the MVS.
  • Egypt. Puppies under 3 months old cannot be brought into the country according to the internal laws of the state. After the deadline, it is important to receive the MVS.
  • India. This state requires a certificate of veterinary control at the airport. If it is not there, the animal will be sent to quarantine for 2 to 7 days.
  • Iceland. In addition to the MVS, it is also worth obtaining a permit to import an animal from the Ministry of Economy and National Economy.
  • Spain. In addition to a veterinary certificate, the pet must undergo an examination procedure. This does not apply to small dogs and cats whose age does not exceed 3 months.
  • Italy. Veterinary passport every pet must have with an indication of the vaccination against rabies. At the same time, the period of its implementation is not earlier than 20 days before entry and not later than 11 months. Each dog must additionally have a leash and a muzzle.
  • Luxembourg. In the MVS, the child must be vaccinated against rabies. It should be carried out no earlier than one month before crossing the border and no later than 1 year.
  • Malta. The quarantine regime for all animals and birds is six months, except for pets imported from the European Union. The cost is from 4 to 15 euros for one day. It is prohibited to bring dogs and cats into the country.
  • Saudi Arabia. To the territory given state the importation of most birds is completely prohibited. Pigeons, parrots, ducks, chickens, geese and many other representatives of the animal world, it is believed that they can harm the country.
  • USA. In this country, it is necessary for an animal to issue a veterinary certificate with complex vaccine including rabies. As a quarantine period, a fixed period of 1 month. Its cost corresponds to the price from 150 to 500 dollars. for all days.
  • Tunisia. In addition to a veterinary certificate and a complex of various vaccines, a vaccination against Kare's disease is also needed.

MVS is an international veterinary certificate (passport), which is considered the main document of the animal when crossing the state border. Without it, entering any of the countries is simply unrealistic. But in many states, this certificate is not enough, so it is important to prepare for the move as carefully and carefully as possible. In addition to the above features of the importation of animals into the territory of countries, there are also quite a few other conditions of other states.

Returning a dog home from abroad

The prompt return of your pet is only possible if there were no outbreaks during your stay infectious diseases. This must be confirmed with veterinary service the country that has become your place of residence.

A small summary

Taking your favorite animal with you to other countries is a great option. But do not forget that before you go on a trip, you need to draw up a list of special documents. Also, choose an airline in advance that will transport your pet without any problems. Have a good trip.

As soon as the time comes to get ready for vacation, the question immediately arises of how to be with your beloved dog. And many are wondering if it is possible to go? Yes, you certainly may! After all, many breeders and owners of champion dogs often travel abroad with their dogs to visit exhibitions.

Main difficulty taking a dog abroad- this is the need to draw up and collect documents necessary for the veterinary service at the border and customs.

Documents for exporting a dog abroad

So, in order to bring a dog across the border, the following documents are required:

1. Veterinary book international standard . It is better to immediately issue such a book so that it contains all the vaccination marks, the dog's name (according to the pedigree), the owner's full name, address, as well as the brand number (if any) and the microchip number. Entry into Europe of animals without a microchip is FORBIDDEN! Microchips must be of ISO 11784 standard. In non-European countries, a stamp may be sufficient (for purebred animals).

2. Veterinary certificate standard pattern according to the form No. 1. This certificate is issued in the state veterinary clinic (State veterinary district department, only it issues such a certificate, not a single private veterinary clinic does not have the right to issue it), 3 days before the date of departure, you go to the state veterinary department and receive this certificate. It states that the dog is vaccinated against infectious diseases, including rabies. The rabies vaccination must be done no later than 30 days before receiving the certificate, otherwise it will simply not be given to you.

Based on all these data, you will be given a certificate that must be certified by the state veterinary administration, ask the veterinarian. clinic where it can be done.

This certificate at the border will be exchanged for an international certificate, according to which you will pass the veterinary control in the country of arrival. On the way back, you must obtain a similar certificate in the country of arrival.

3. Help from cynological organization(RKF) for purebred dog . Help about what dog taken abroad, will not harm Russian dog breeding, that this is not the only representative of the breed (or the only standard) and his departure will not lead to the extinction of the breed from the country.

All of these documents must be completed in English.

Transportation of dogs abroad by plane

First, when buying a plane ticket, notify the airport staff that you take your dog with you to get her a seat on the plane. For example, according to the rules of the Aeroflot company, up to 4 dogs can be in the cabin. If your dog weighs less than 9 kg, then it will be allowed to be transported in the cabin, but in a special carriage (you will have to buy it in advance). When you check in for your flight, you must pay for the travel of the animal, calculated as the price for excess baggage, in the amount of the weight of the animal, at the first class fare (even if the dog travels in the luggage compartment).

The luggage compartment for transporting animals is a heated compartment separated from the luggage by a wall. Animals are transported in special containers rigidly fixed on the floor. The dog's cage should be 10 cm higher than the sitting dog's head and long enough to allow the dog to lie down with its front paws extended and turn freely.

In addition, there must be water in the container (best of all, a drinking bowl fixed on the wall). At your request, the veterinarian can give the dog an injection with a sedative before boarding.

The dog must be wearing a comfortable collar and an unfastened leash must be left in the box.

But for dogs in the cabin required condition- muzzle. And for any breed and size.

Do not forget about the rules of the host country. Many countries have restrictions on the importation of animals or special requirements to the passport. Check them out before your trip.

And the most important thing is dog quarantine upon arrival abroad. For example, in Cuba and Thailand, the quarantine is 14 days, in the USA - 1 month, in Sweden - 4 months, but in the UK and Cyprus - the quarantine is as much as 6 months.

Quarantine is mandatory for all imported animals and is paid by the owner ($150-600). The animal will be in a special customs office at the airport. Get ready for it.

  • dog must be walked
  • got drunk
  • no need to feed the dog
  • Place an absorbent pad on the bottom of the box
  • provide the dog with water for the entire period of the flight
  • If the dog is agitated and nervous, have the veterinarian give her a sedative or sleeping pill.
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