What information do you need to rest in a sanatorium. What documents are needed in the sanatorium? Who draws up a health resort card

Dear parents! The information below will be updated for 2020 at a later date. The above list meets the requirements for the 2019 summer wellness campaign.

Reminder for parents sending children to a health camp

Dear parents, in order to ensure the safety of children's holidays, we conduct a mandatory medical examination before departure.

The following documents are required to leave a child on vacation:

1. ORIGINAL identity document of the child (up to 14 years old - birth certificate, over 14 years old - passport).

2. COPY of medical insurance policy.

3. A medical certificate from a polyclinic with a stamp of a medical organization or on its official letterhead, filled out by a doctor indicating his last name, first name, patronymic, date of issue of the certificate, certified by his personal signature and seal of the medical organization.

4.Certificate of vaccinations ( form 156/u-93) or a card of preventive vaccinations ( form 063/y), if information about preventive vaccinations carried out is not indicated in the certificate of form 079 / y.

Recall that part of the vaccinations are given to schoolchildren during the period of study. Vaccination information is kept in the school medical office. Get more information about vaccinations in advance!

Children who have a medical exemption for health reasons from preventive vaccinations, or whose parents (other legal representatives) have filed a refusal to vaccinate their child, provide, respectively:

  • certificate of medical withdrawal indicating the reason for the medical withdrawal (issued in any form with a stamp of a medical organization
  • or on its official letterhead, issued by a medical worker indicating his last name, first name, patronymic, date of issue of the certificate, certified by his personal signature and seal of the medical organization)
  • or issued in a medical organization indicating the last name, first name, patronymic of the medical worker, certified by his personal signature, seal of the medical organization.

5. Information about tuberculin diagnostics.

The results of the Mantoux test, Diaskintest (indicated in the certificate 079/y or in 156/y-93, 063/y ) valid for one year from the time the sample was taken/tested (for example, if children arrive at a health camp on June 1, 2018, then the result must be received no later than June 2, 2017!). For children not vaccinated against tuberculosis, suffering from a chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, respiratory organs, receiving immunosuppressive therapy, the results of Mantoux / Diaskintest valid for 6 months from the moment the sample was taken/tested.

Children who have not undergone tuberculin diagnostics (Mantoux test, Diaskintest) are admitted to a children's organization if there is a conclusion from a phthisiatrician about the absence of tuberculosis.

In relation to a person under the age of 15, informed voluntary consent to medical intervention is given by one of the parents or other legal representative, a minor over 15 years of age gives informed voluntary consent to medical intervention on his own.

In the absence of these certificates, the child during the medical examination will be denied admission to an organized group of children before boarding a transport to go to a recreation and health organization!

For adults:

1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federationor military ID.

2. Sanatorium-resort card 072u/04 o Formed no more than 1 month ago. It is issued free of charge at the clinic at the place of residence, upon presentation by the patient of a ticket to a sanatorium or boarding house, after passing all the necessary tests and conducting the necessary medical examinations. Obtaining a health resort card includes the following procedure:

Consultation of a general practitioner (as well as, possibly, narrow specialists - a neurologist or a surgeon, if treatment of the musculoskeletal system is expected;

Gastroenterologist, when it comes to the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.);

Clinical blood test;

Clinical analysis of urine; - ECG with interpretation;

FLG (does not give up if there are results of the last FLG not more than 1 year old);

Gynecological consultation for women.

If necessary, the health resort card can also be issued in the health resort itself, but as a rule it takes from 1 to 2 days, during which treatment cannot be provided.

3. Purchased ticket. When registering with a travel agency, you must be issued a power of attorney for a spa voucher, or a travel voucher certified by the seal and signature of the manager (director).

4. Medical insurance policy.

For kids:

  • The original birth certificate of the child (under 14 years old).
  • Certificate of epidemiological environment not more than 10 days old.
  • Certificate (certificate) of vaccinations.
  • Purchased voucher or referral from an insurance organization (you can book a voucher in advance and then redeem it on the spot).
  • Sanatorium-resort card not older than 1 month.
  • Medical insurance policy.

Addressed to the chairman of the sanatorium-selection commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Komi with the request of the head of the unit.

  • Certificate for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium treatment (f. No. 070 / y, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 15, 2014 No. 834n) for the employee himself and his family members indicated in the report. Medical certificates for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium treatment must be issued by a medical organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or a medical organization of the state, municipal healthcare system. If the certificates are provided by a medical organization of the state or municipal healthcare system, then it is also necessary to attach extracts from medical records containing data from clinical, instrumental and laboratory studies on the profile of the disease and comorbidity, recommendations on the need for spa treatment, signed by the chairman of the medical commission and certified by the seal medical organization;
  • Copies of documents (certificates, certificates, marriage / birth certificates of a child) confirming the right to benefits.
  • Pensioners:

    • Application addressed to the chairman of the sanatorium selection commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Komi Republic.
    • Certificate for obtaining a voucher for spa treatment (f. No. 070 / y, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 15, 2014 No. 834n) for the pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and his family members indicated in the application. Medical certificates for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium treatment must be issued by a medical organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or a medical organization of the state, municipal healthcare system. If the certificates are provided by a medical organization of the state or municipal healthcare system, then it is also necessary to attach extracts from medical records containing data from clinical, instrumental and laboratory studies on the profile of the disease and comorbidity, recommendations on the need for spa treatment, signed by the chairman of the medical commission and certified by the seal medical organization;
    • A certificate from the pension department, in which the citizen is on pension, indicating the place of service at the time of dismissal, the reason for dismissal, length of service (including on a preferential basis), the presence of disability;
    • Copies of documents (certificates, certificates) confirming the right to benefits.

    Employees and Federal Government Civil Servants:

    • Application addressed to the chairman of the sanatorium-selection commission (х It is obligatory to provide guidance on the merits of the application!)
    • Help for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium treatment
      from the attending physician (f. No. 070 / y, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 15, 2014 No. 834n) to the employee himself or the FGGS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A medical certificate for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium treatment must be issued by a medical organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or a medical organization of the state, municipal healthcare system. If the certificate is provided by a medical organization of the state or municipal health care system,
      then it is also necessary to attach an extract from the medical record containing data from clinical, instrumental and laboratory studies on the profile of the disease and comorbidities, a recommendation on the need for sanatorium treatment, signed by the chairman of the medical commission and certified by the seal of the medical organization.
    • Certificate from the place of work about the position held.

    Documents must be submitted to the FKUZ "MSCh MIA of Russia for the Republic of Komi" (polyclinic, 2nd floor, office No. 22) no later than a month before the start of the quarter in person or at the address: 167011 Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar, st. Kutuzova 9.

    Reports and applications are considered by the sanatorium-selection commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
    in the Republic of Komi quarterly, in the first decade of the month preceding the quarter. Applicants are notified of the results of consideration in writing, by telephone, by e-mail.

    For ticket purchases and additional information, please call tel. 28-21-96, office 22.

    employees, military personnel:

    • service card (officer's identity card);
    • documents (certificates, certificates) confirming the right to benefits;
    • ).

    List of documents to be submitted upon admission
    to the sanatorium-resort organization of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

    pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

    • the main identity document (passport);
    • pensioner's ID;
    • documents (certificates, certificates) confirming the right to benefits (certificate from the relevant department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,
      in which they are on pensions, indicating the place of service at the time of dismissal, the reason for dismissal, length of service at the time of dismissal (including on a preferential basis, the presence of disability);
    • health resort card f. No. 072 / y (certificate of health when sent to the health department);
    • voucher (when returning the tear-off coupon to the voucher is subject to return at the place of receipt of the voucher ).

    It is necessary to have original documents.

    List of documents to be submitted upon admission
    to the sanatorium-resort organization of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

    employees, FGGS:

    • the main identity document (passport);
    • compulsory medical insurance policy;
    • a certificate from the place of work confirming their status;
    • health resort card f. No. 072 / y (certificate of health when sent to the health department);
    • voucher (when returning the tear-off coupon to the voucher is subject to return at the place of receipt of the voucher ).

    It is necessary to have original documents.

    Applicants to the sanatorium

    hfamilies of employees, military personnel, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
    (including children aged 14-18) must have:

    • the main identity document (passport);
    • compulsory medical insurance policy;
    • documents certifying a family relationship to an employee, serviceman; in the event that the submitted documents do not show a relationship to an employee, serviceman, pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - confirming this or another document (certificate);
    • sanatorium and resort card f. No. 072 / y (for children No. 076 / y) or a certificate of health when sent to the health department;
    • voucher (when returning the tear-off coupon to the voucher is subject to return at the place of receipt of the voucher ).

    Children from 4 to 14 years old:

    • compulsory medical insurance policy;
    • birth certificate;
    • health resort card f. No. 076 / y or a health certificate when sent to the health department;
    • analysis for enterobiasis;
    • the conclusion of a dermatologist about the absence of contagious skin diseases;
    • a certificate from a pediatrician or an infectious disease specialist confirming that the child has not been in contact with infectious patients at the place of residence, in a kindergarten or school (for children under 15 years old);
    • a certificate for visiting the pool (if any);
    • children aged 18-23 years - a certificate from the place of study;
    • disabled children - the ITU conclusion on the establishment of the appropriate disability group;
    • family members of an employee, serviceman, pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, who are dependent on him, additionally submit a certificate of cohabitation, a copy of the court decision establishing the fact of being dependent.

    It is necessary to have original documents.

    Sanatoriums exist so that people suffering from certain diseases can improve their health. Having decided to go to a sanatorium, consult with your doctor, he will help you choose the right medical institution, taking into account all concomitant diseases.

    To take a course of recovery in a sanatorium, you must have a sanatorium card with you, but if you do not have one, then an extract from the medical history will do. Based on the data noted in these documents, you will be prescribed a complex of medical and recreational procedures. Often sanatoriums offer their services for issuing a spa card, it is convenient and fast, but it costs money. The sanatorium, which has a certain specialization, also has all the necessary equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of a specific group of diseases. Until the health resort card is issued, the doctor cannot prescribe the necessary treatment for the vacationer.

    Who draws up a health resort card

    The sanatorium card is a medical document that must be attached to the voucher when going to a sanatorium for treatment. You can issue it both in your clinic at the place of residence with a local doctor, and by contacting a private clinic or in the sanatorium itself. Take your ticket with you if you already have one, or let your doctor know where you are going.

    The procedure for issuing a health resort card

    You will need to pass:

    • therapist
    • the attending physician with whom you are registered (this may be a cardiologist, neuropathologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist, etc.)
    • fluorography
    • electrocardiogram (the doctor must decipher it)
    • take a general blood test
    • general urine analysis
    • women undergo a gynecologist.

    The attending physician may prescribe other additional examinations, which should be completed so that the doctor who will lead you to the sanatorium has a complete picture of the course of the disease.

    When all the necessary examinations have been completed, the attending physician fills out health resort card, signs it, after which it must be certified by the head of the clinic and the chairman of the clinical expert commission (CEC).

    Having bought a ticket, make sure that you have an insurance policy.

    Documents needed to settle in a sanatorium


    It is necessary to issue a spa card in advance, since it is valid only for 2 months.

    In order to be placed in a room, you must provide:

    • civil passport (birth certificate for children)
    • voucher for treatment in a sanatorium
    • health resort card or an extract from the medical history
    • insurance policy.

    If you are interested in what documents are needed for a child's sanatorium, then you will also need a certificate of vaccinations and epidemiological environment.

    Issuance of a health resort card for a child

    If you are sending a child to a sanatorium, then you need to contact a pediatrician who, together with a sanatorium card, will issue a certificate of epidemiological environment and vaccinations. You should know that the certificate of epidemiological environment is valid for only three days, and if you are late for the sanatorium, then the child will not be accepted with an expired certificate.

    Ask questions in the comments to the article and get an expert answer


    • the passport
    • ticket (voucher)
    • compulsory medical insurance policy

    To kid:

    • birth certificate/passport
    • ticket (voucher)
    • health resort card (if the voucher includes treatment)
    • compulsory medical insurance policy
    • information about vaccinations
    • epidemiological information

    Some sanatoriums also require an analysis for enterobiasis and a certificate from a dermatologist about the absence of contagious skin diseases.

    What is a voucher?

    A voucher (voucher) is a document that indicates the dates of arrival and departure, your reservation number and account, according to which the tour was paid, your data and room category. The voucher must be presented to the accommodation staff upon check-in along with other documents.

    Is it possible to go to a sanatorium without a sanatorium-resort card?

    Without a health resort card, you can go to a health resort, but treatment will not be provided.

    Is it possible to be treated in a sanatorium without accommodation?

    A similar service is provided, but not in all sanatoriums. Such a ticket is called a course. It gives the right to treatment and meals at the resort without providing a room.

    What tests are needed for a sanatorium?

    Before a trip to the sanatorium, a sanatorium-resort card is issued. At the same time, the following analyzes and studies are carried out:

    • general analysis of blood and urine,
    • fluorography results,
    • for women - the conclusion of the gynecologist.

    You can learn more about how to apply for a spa card in ours.

    What is a health path in a sanatorium?

    Terrenkur is a method of sanatorium-and-spa treatment, which provides for dosed physical activity in the form of walking tours. Terrenkur develops endurance, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs, stimulates metabolism, and nervous activity. In the sanatorium, it is carried out according to the doctor's prescription.

    What is a resort profile?

    This is an important criterion when choosing a medical institution. The profile of the sanatorium is the specialization of the resort in the treatment of certain groups of diseases (diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the cardiovascular system and the circulatory system, diseases of the respiratory system, etc.). Sanatoriums are narrow-profile and multi-profile.

    What is speleotherapy in a sanatorium?

    Speleotherapy is a non-drug method of treatment, a kind of climatotherapy. Speleotherapy is used to treat patients with bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases, hypertension, joint diseases. Treatment is carried out in special rooms, the walls of which are lined with salt tiles.

    What is a pump room in a sanatorium?

    A pump-room is a special structure, a pavilion, arranged above a well of a mineral spring or next to it for dispensing drinking mineral water. Often, a pump room is arranged in special galleries. The pump room is designed for drinking treatment.

    At what age are children accepted?

    In most sanatoriums, children are accepted for treatment from the age of 4 years inclusive. Without treatment, children of any age are accepted.

    Can you bring a dog to the resort?

    Living with dogs and other pets in the sanatorium is strictly prohibited, as the sanatorium is primarily a medical institution.

    What is the difference between sanatoriums and boarding houses?

    The sanatorium has the status of a medical institution, which has its own medical base (highly qualified doctors, physiotherapy rooms, natural factors). Boarding houses are bases of rest of the increased comfort. Usually they are located in the resort area: on the shore of a reservoir, or in a forest area. Boarding houses offer health services, but they, as a rule, are not included in the price of the tour and are paid separately.

    What is included in the ticket to the resort?

    The ticket price includes:

    • accommodation,
    • food,
    • treatment as prescribed by a doctor (if the voucher includes treatment).

    Various leisure activities, rental of sports equipment, movie screenings, etc. may also be included. The full list depends on the specific resort, so it is necessary to clarify.

    What is the difference between a sanatorium and a sanatorium?

    Both the sanatorium and the dispensary are medical institutions. In the sanatorium, for the treatment of patients, natural healing factors (mineral water, therapeutic mud, climatic features, etc.) are mainly used. Dispensaries, as a rule, do not have their own natural healing factors.

    What is checkout time?

    The checkout time is the period of time during which the arrival and departure of vacationers takes place. So, if the time is 12:00/10:00, this means that the settlement starts at 12:00, and you need to leave before 10:00.

    Is it possible to go to a sanatorium just to relax without treatment?

    Yes, you can. Sanatoriums, in addition to medical vouchers, offer vacation vouchers, which include accommodation, meals and leisure activities.

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