How to start training a puppy? Service dog breeding. All About Favorite Dogs Dog Training Tips

Training is necessary for any dog: small and large, young and old. Training will not only teach your dog to behave well, but it will also help you strengthen your relationship. In addition, training will make the dog understand what he can and cannot do, so that he will always respond to your commands and stay safe. For example, if a dog runs away, your team can protect it from being hit by a car.


How to prepare for training

    Buy treats that your dog likes. Take small treats with you - they will allow you to reward the right action without worrying about the weight of the animal. Some dogs, especially Labradors and Beagles, become very obedient when they see food. Set aside a small amount of dry food as part of your dog's diet and use it to encourage the right action.

    Choose a place where nothing will disturb you. The dog should listen to you, not watch other dogs. If you are just starting to train your dog and don't know how he will react, keep him on a leash. This way you won't have to yell to get her attention if she decides to step aside. Gently pull the dog towards you.

    • Once your dog has mastered the basic commands, you can practice elsewhere. Exercising in busy areas will be helpful as it will teach your dog to obey you no matter what happens around you.
  1. Try to keep your workout short at the beginning. It is enough to exercise with the dog twice a day for 10-20 minutes. Remind your dog of commands at other times as well: tell him to "sit" before eating or "sit" when you need to take the leash.

    • All dogs have different lengths of time they can remain alert, just like humans. However, some breeds are more trainable, which means they can focus. These breeds include the German Shepherd, Border Collie, Labrador Retriever, and hunting dogs.
  2. Don't expect your dog to make quick progress. Even an older dog can be taught new tricks, but it takes more time. Don't expect an adult dog to pick things up like a puppy during socialization. But don't be discouraged if progress is slow. Stick to your plan and your efforts will pay off.

    Teach your dog the "come" command. Start training your dog in a small space so the dog can't get too far away from you. When she turns to you, show her that she needs to come to you. Click the clicker, praise her, and give her a treat. Repeat until the dog understands what to do on command. Use the command when calling the dog to feed it and in any other situations.

    Teach your dog to go to the toilet outside. If the dog is not walkable, you will have to start over and teach the dog like a puppy. Walk and play with your dog, then take him to a crate or small space (the dog needs to love his crate). Take your dog outside every hour. When he sits down, say "toilet" and when the dog is done, give him a treat. Walk your dog in the morning and at night. Over time, the dog will learn that the easiest way to get a treat is to wait until the walk.

    • If the dog does not have time to reach the street, do not scold him. Clean up after the dog, wipe the place with an enzyme product so that there is no smell on the floor and so that the dog does not decide to return to this place. Do not use common household products, especially those with ammonia, because ammonia is found in the urine, and this product can increase odor.
  3. Teach your dog the "fu" command. Wait for the moment when the dog takes something in his teeth (but not his favorite toy). Let the dog take it in his teeth, and then offer a treat in return for the thing. When your dog drops the item on the floor, give him a tasty treat. To get a treat, the item must be on the floor. As soon as the dog opens its mouth, say "fu", then click the clicker and give the treat. Continue with the dog as you would with other teams.

    • When the dog remembers the command, start using it in all situations where you don't want the dog to eat or chew on something. Praise your dog when he turns his attention to you.
    • During training, remove the item from the dog if it gets in his way. But if the dog takes something in its mouth, especially if it is a dangerous object, press the base of the jaw on both sides with your fingers and praise the dog for releasing it from the mouth. Don't force your dog to drop the item, unless it's a dangerous item (medicine, something sharp).
  4. Teach your dog not to climb on furniture. If your dog climbs on the couch or jumps on you without your permission, tell him to stop in a stern voice and praise him if he obeys you. If necessary, push the dog down from the furniture. If the dog jumps on you, make a menacing sound and put your knee forward to prevent the dog from jumping. You can attach a leash to the collar and safely pull your dog off the furniture. Do not talk to the dog until it is on the floor.

    Teach your dog not to jump on people, even if he is very happy with them. Use treats and the "no" command. If this does not help, install a compressed air tank with a motion sensor near the furniture. The air will stop the dog if he decides to jump on the furniture.

Dog features

    Remember that you are training an adult dog that has been through a lot. As a rule, training a dog takes a lifetime, and it is not uncommon for training to continue even if the dog is many years old. But if you've adopted an older dog from a shelter or noticed that your dog has been misbehaving lately, you'll need to decide how exactly you'll train your pet.

Having bought a puppy, many newly-made owners do not think about the fact that he needs to be educated. Sometimes the size of the dog or its ingenuous disposition speaks in favor of the fact that it will grow by itself and will not cause any inconvenience to anyone. However, puppy training implies safety not only for others, but also for the dog itself.

For training a pet, age, breed or temperament does not matter. In the wild, socialization begins with the first independent steps, and only this factor helps animals survive in their natural habitat. Teaching a puppy dog ​​training skills at home is not difficult at all if you do everything right and show patience.

It is necessary to start training a puppy from the moment he appeared on the threshold of a new home, unless, of course, this is a 2-week-old baby. As soon as the dog begins to take food and defecate on its own, its psyche is fully ripe for the perception of the simplest rules of behavior. Of course, this does not mean that a puppy at the age of one month should know all the basic commands, but the basics of education can be started already at this age.

Speaking about the start time of training, one cannot fail to mention the optimal age of the puppy at which it can be picked up. The fact is that the formation of behavioral characteristics occurs with the participation of the mother and littermates: it is dogs, and not people, who lay the foundations of socialization that will help in later life, and will be especially useful when training a dog by a person.

It is advisable to bring a puppy into the house no earlier than 2.5 - 3 months. By this time, young dogs have a stable psyche that allows them to calmly accept the new conditions of existence. They are vaccinated, trained in the basic skills of early socialization and already have an understanding of constellations and concepts of priority.

This age is just the best for a successful start in school. Earlier dates will be more like “grinding in” to a new habitat and obtaining primary information about the house and its residents, accustoming to a nickname, and the start of study will stretch for a period until the dog can leave the house.

Training begins at home, but as the commands are mastered, it is continued on walks. Puppies learn with pleasure, because they have an inquisitive mind and a passion for games, but the wrong approach to training, intolerance and misunderstanding of the simplest behavioral factors in dogs can nullify all efforts.

Methods used in training

Approaches used in training differ depending on several factors:

  • dog temperament;
  • the nature of the owner;
  • breed features;
  • environmental influences (external stimuli);
  • puppy age.

Despite the differences in behavior, character, attitude to work and the degree of trust in people, any dog ​​can (and should) be taught the rules of behavior in society.

The main training methods used for puppies:

  • Mechanical: implies bodily contact with a dog (does not mean physical assault!). This includes jerking the leash, working with the dog's body and other tactile actions.
  • food. Works well for puppies with a predominance of reactions to food. The treat works as a reward for the completed command, which further reinforces the dog's reflex to perform the action. However, we must not forget that the dog must subsequently follow the commands without food reinforcement. This method works only to consolidate part of the skills.
  • Game. This method of training is good because the pet perceives the study as fun, and the commands are worked out with an absolute positive. The essence of the method is to make training an exciting process by reinforcing reflexes to execute commands through the game.
  • Imitative. The method works great when training a puppy in a group. Dogs are genetically tuned to adopt the experience of fellow tribesmen, and "peeped" and "overheard" actions are quickly fixed. A good example of imitative training is herding dog training, when puppies observe experienced dogs from childhood and learn from their experience.
  • Complex or contrast. This is the main method of training puppies, the essence of which is a combination of different ways of reinforcing reflexes and practicing skills.

Read also: How and what to feed Shih Tzu: rules for feeding puppies and adult dogs

It is important for the owner to measure the degree of influence on the dog so as not to reinforce an undesirable reaction to the order. This mainly refers to the mechanical method of training: especially emotional pets in the process of work begin to distrust the trainer or owner, lose interest in learning, which can complicate the relationship between the owner and his pet.

It should be understood that despite the fact that dogs are extremely smart and quick-witted, their learning skills are reinforced through the development of reflexes.

Competent training can achieve amazing results, and disrespect for the dog and impatience are often the root cause of its isolation, cowardice and inadequate behavior.

Obedience in training at home

Aspects of obedience include teaching the puppy how to behave in the house and on the street. Primary socialization involves the definition of territorial division and acquaintance with objects and people, the assimilation of rules and boundaries of what is permitted, as well as prioritization. Obedience skills must be instilled in dogs from the first minute of their appearance in a new family.

Obedience and learning commands are closely related. Basically, obedience is training. The primary skills that a dog acquires in a new family are the ability to recognize its name, toilet training and the lifestyle of the owners. Also, the puppy is taught the commands “place”, “no”, “fu” and taught. This is followed by more complex commands - “sit”, “lie down”, “near”, “to me” and others.

Obedience of a dog is achieved due to the trouble-free assimilation of commands given by a person (owner or instructor) in order to control the behavior of the pet and ensure safety, both for the dog and for the people around it.

The socialization of a young dog goes in several directions:

  • The puppy determines its status, distinguishes its own kind from other creatures and learns priority, where he and other puppies are a pack, the leader in which is the owner and members of his family.
  • With age, the development of self-esteem, character and personal qualities is formed.
  • A little later, the puppy learns to understand the difference between “us” and “them”, and at this stage it is extremely important that the initial socialization is successfully completed.

Developing obedience skills is a long process. It starts from the very first day the dog appears in the house and can last as long as the owner wishes. Modern training includes not only a general obedience course, but also many other useful and amazing “branches” of training, such as water rescue or dog freestyle.

Almost all the details of the methods that the owner initially follows in order to raise an obedient dog are eliminated as the skills are consolidated. It is sometimes surprising to watch how a pet catches every glance of the owner and executes commands, the messages to which are difficult to discern from the outside: it seems that the dog reads the owner’s thoughts and performs exercises “telepathically”. This is the highest degree of achievement of obedience skills, an “excellent” rating, which can be put on both the dog and its owner.

Basic Commands Every Dog Should Know

Before proceeding with the description of the main commands, it is necessary to pay attention to the general points for training of any kind.

The principles are:

  • The puppy must be healthy. Lethargy and poor health are incompatible with training.
  • Training is not carried out on a full stomach: it has been scientifically proven that after a hearty meal, the dog's brain "sleeps" and cannot actively work.
  • Training should correspond to the condition, age and experience of the pet: the first lessons are given in an extremely dosed way so that the puppy does not overwork and lose interest.
  • Until the previous command has been worked out, it is impossible to move on to the new one.
  • Physical violence is unacceptable: instead of a dog that knows its worth and accepts the rules of the human community, the owner risks getting an evil and cowardly creature, which is much more difficult to re-educate than to give the basics of obedience.
  • You need to teach a puppy with an understanding of its natural features: with all your desire, it is unlikely that you will be able to make a guide from or, because genetically some breeds have completely different properties. But the general course of obedience is available to everyone without exception.
  • With the right approach, the dog gets pleasure from the training process and works with dedication. The key to success will be endurance, patience, based on love for the pet.

Puppies are like children. Each with its own character, degree of resistance to stress and desire to explore the world. Kids grow up, but the skills acquired in childhood remain at the level of reflexes.

And, just like in people, the received upbringing will help in communicating with other members of society, it will be a guarantee of safety and mutual friendliness between a dog and a person.

Read also: We teach the dog the "Stand" command: training methods and basic mistakes


This is one of the first commands a puppy is taught. It is necessary for a dog - to determine a recreation area where no one will interfere with it, and for a person - in order to ensure their own peace. The owner determines the place in the house for the puppy, but it happens that the dog chooses it herself. If the owner has no complaints, the place for the puppy is fixed. In any case, the sunbed should not be located on the aisle and near drafts, as well as where the pet is potentially inconvenient (kitchen, bathroom).

Teaching is carried out at the moment when the puppy has eaten or played enough and is going to sleep. At the moment when he falls asleep, they take him to the bed and say:. Repeated repetition of the lesson will lead to the fact that the dog will develop a reflex: where it is cozy, calm and safe - its nest.

You can not fix the team with food, putting delicious treats on the bedding or placing a bowl of food. Rest and eating areas are not identical.

"To me"

One of the commands, the execution of which should be brought to automatism. In the future, the skill can repeatedly save the pet's life.

Puppies are curious: even the slightest hint that the owner wants to communicate with him will cause a desire to run up. And if, in addition, the puppy is waiting for a treat, the lesson will become one of his favorites. The command is reinforced by voice, the puppy is waiting for treats, praise and affection. To get your puppy interested, you can squat down and hold out your hand with a treat. Subsequently, the sweets are removed, and the joy of the owner and praise remain, as the highest reward.

If in a situation where the puppy, despite all efforts, does not approach the owner, "attempt to escape" can help. The owner needs to pretend that he is running away - very often this method provokes the pet to catch up with the owner. Treats should be ready.

Team development begins at home, where the puppy has much less "irritants". When the team is fixed, the training is continued on the street, initially on a long leash. The puppy must learn until he starts running to the owner in any situation, regardless of distractions.

"Fu" and "No"

- these are commands of an absolute and temporary prohibition on certain actions or deeds. The degree of seriousness is chosen by the owner himself: for example, for one owner, biting hands and grabbing legs can be considered a temporarily unacceptable game, while for another it is a taboo. How the dog recognizes the command depends on the intonation of the owner's voice.

Actions such as spoiling things, picking up food that has fallen from the table from the floor (and after everything that the dog tries to swallow on the street), jumping on passers-by are unacceptable and must be stopped immediately by the “Fu” command. If an undesirable action has a time limit, the “No” command is given.

How to teach a puppy the right behavior

When the puppy has done something unacceptable (for example, chewing on slippers), say “Fu!” clearly and sharply. and select an item. Next is to distract the baby with the game. Distraction is a good way, but the puppy is not always under control. You should not bring it to a situation where the dog has nothing to do, and it spoils things: the pet should have a lot of toys, and all “annoying” factors should be removed from sight.
The “Sit” command followed by “Fu” is a good opportunity to confuse the little bully and set him up in a different way.

It is important to understand: the puppy does not pursue malicious intent and does not harm on purpose. All undesirable (from the point of view of the owner) actions are just a way to get to know the world and find your place in society.

During the period of personality formation, the owner will have to be patient and not get angry. Physical punishment is also unacceptable. An active life with long walks and adequate physical activity will help to avoid empty pastime with slippers in your teeth.

A categorical ban on unwanted actions should not be carried out time after time: the puppy needs to learn that there will be no concessions, and he will not be able to try again. The main thing is the inevitability of the lesson.

Team "Fu": it is forbidden to take food from outsiders

It is impossible to ignore such an aspect of people's behavior as the desire to treat someone else's dog with a treat, despite the protest from the owner. Arguing is sometimes pointless, so it's best to teach your pet to never take food from strangers.

It is best to engage in dog training in special courses. But not everyone has this opportunity. Therefore, you have to take on the matter yourself. But don't worry. Dogs are intelligent animals and are easy to train with the right approach. What and how to do - read below.

Puppy training: where to start?

Before you demand something from a dog, you need remember a few simple rules:

  • Study the character of your pet. All dogs are different, each needs an individual approach to improve the effectiveness of training.
  • Clearly define the tasks that the dog must perform in the lesson.
  • Develop certain gestures and signals that your dog must obey. In no case do not change them during the learning process.
  • Reward each achievement of your pet with a small piece of treat.
  • Try to make the activities interesting for the dog. Play with her during breaks.
  • Dogs get tired too. Don't delay the lessons.

So that the dog obeys you and is easily trained, you need to befriend her. Your pet must trust you and not be afraid of anything. If you achieve this, then you can not worry about training. It will be all plain sailing.

Basic dog training methods

  1. Teaching with voice. This method is the best known. You need to teach your dog to respond to the sound of your voice. The pet must understand - if you said something, then your team must be followed by some action. Do not forget that dogs are good at distinguishing intonations. Practice your voice. When you give the command, he should be even, calm and unemotional. Do not change the intonation for commands, then the dog will get used to it and will understand that he must obey when you speak in this particular tone. Never yell at a dog, otherwise you will get the opposite effect of what you want.
  2. Training using a clicker. A clicker is a keychain with a clicking button. The click lets the dog know that he did exactly what he needed to do. To do this, you need to reinforce each click with a treat, then the pet develops a positive reflex to the clicker. This method prohibits the application of punishment. If the dog fails to execute the command, then you need to wait for the moment when he does everything right, and praise him with a click and a treat.
  3. Force training. If you decide to train your dog in this particular method, be sure to learn how to use the stimulus correctly. As an irritant, a jerk by a leash is usually used. In no case should the jerk cause harm to the dog! If the dog does not obey you when performing the command, then first make a light jerk. If it still doesn't work, then increase it until the pet completes the command. You don't need to make a big push. But too much softness will not bring results. You have to be tough, but not cruel. And don't forget about encouragement.

What is included in the obedience course

Basic training includes basic commands such as "to me", "near", "fu", "sit", "lie down". It is needed so that you can control the dog in any situation.

Also, the basic course is aimed at developing the skills necessary for further teaching the dog more serious commands that will make a real protector out of your friend.

Basic commands:

  • "To me". The most important command that allows you to keep your pet away from other dogs, cats and people. Also eliminates the need to catch up with a runaway dog.
  • "Place". This command is useful when you want the dog not to interfere and sit quietly in his corner, for example, if you are cleaning.
  • "Ugh". The pet should not chew foreign objects and skirts of women passing by. So this command is vital.
  • "Beside". Any dog ​​should be able to walk correctly next to the owner. Without this command, you simply cannot get out into the street for a walk: the dog will not let anyone pass.
  • "Walk". When you give the command, let your pet off the leash. It is better to do this in a place where an uneducated dog will not harm anyone.
  • "Sit" and "lie down". Usually used when traveling by public transport. Or when the dog has to wait a long time for you.
  • "It is forbidden". Don't let your dog bark, beg for food, or snap at you for no reason. This command is needed in such cases.
  • "Face". Any dog ​​will always protect its owner. But she can draw the wrong conclusions and try to attack the wrong person. Train your dog to protect you when needed.

Getting Started with Dog Training

First of all the dog is accustomed to the place. They do it at home, of course. We also teach the pet the “come to me” command when we call him to eat. Be sure to call him by his nickname, he must respond to her. After that, at home, we teach the dog the commands “sit”, “lie down”, “fu”, “no” and others.

Problems usually arise when the pet goes outside. If he obeyed you at home, then outside his walls he, drugged by sudden freedom, can behave unpredictably. In general, dog training at home and on the street are two different things. At first, you definitely can’t do without a leash.

Time for training you can choose any, the main thing is that it is not hot outside. Stock up on plenty of treats, take water, and find a quiet spot to keep your dog as little distracted as possible.

The first lessons should last no more than half an hour, gradually increase their duration to an hour or an hour and a half. Spend no more than twenty minutes learning one command, otherwise the pet will get bored. Let the dog walk for a bit and move on to the next one. Try to mix the order of learning teams every day - this has a positive effect on the effectiveness of training.

  • Before you start training your dog outside, let him familiarize himself with the area. So she will feel calmer, and training will go easier.
  • It is also helpful to let the dog run before the activity. Tired, she will concentrate better on commands, which will greatly simplify the learning process.
  • No need to repeat the command five times in three seconds, otherwise your pet will be confused.
  • Make sure that all commands are carried out with pleasure and without fear. If you notice that the dog is frightened, then most likely you were being unnecessarily strict. Stop training to let your pet calm down. The next day, start again, making everything a little softer.
  • Gradually complicate the situation. The dog should obey you not only in a quiet place, but also in case of unforeseen situations.
  • Make sure that the dog obeys all family members.

Video about dog training at home

Other questions, such as when and how to apply a strict collar or how to deal with your pet's aggression towards other dogs, you can discuss with our readers. Share with us your experience dog training!

Some teams need to be taught from the first days of their appearance in the house. As a rule, these are household commands, like “Place” or “Toilet”. There is also a very important word "No". Other commands are not so important for your comfortable living together, but are also desirable. Required for the "Place" commands with the designation of the place by the object, "Next" and "Sit". All of these commands are best taught around the age of 4-. Remember that when teaching your puppy commands, a systematic approach is important, that is, you should exercise regularly, perhaps several times a day.

Consider the condition of the puppy.
Before you teach your puppy commands, let him sleep. A lethargic and sleepy animal will poorly understand your speech and get confused in actions. Puppies, like small children, cannot concentrate on the same thing for a long time. In addition, the puppy should not be very hungry, otherwise he will run around and be distracted by every smell. But he also should not be too full. Otherwise, the incentive to work and fulfill your orders for treats will disappear.

How to teach a puppy to commands.
Sit command. Loudly repeat this word in a commanding tone every time the puppy sits spontaneously. Then give the command, and lightly press your hand on his pelvis so that he understands that he needs to lower himself to the ground. When the puppy sits, repeat the command with your voice, and then praise him and give him a treat.
The sit command is basic, after it is fixed, and from a sitting position, the dog learns the “Lie down”, “Tumble” and “Crawl” commands in the same way, with a treat it is necessary to draw the trajectory of the dog’s movement through the air. The “Next” command should be taught with a leash. Do not pull it strongly or pull it to the distance allowed for you, while repeating the command loudly enough. If the dog moves away from you, pull the leash, if it walks nearby - give a treat, gradually try to let it off the leash, when the animal tries to leave - hold on to the collar. Don't forget about treats. The "Place" command should be taught to the puppy from the first days of conscious life. Take it to the place on your hands. Constantly saying the command. Take the puppy with a toy in his place, praise if he stayed there and did not follow you. After that, replace the carrying on the hands with a leash, if the dog copes and does not resist, then send it to the place with your voice.

Techniques for teaching basic commands to puppies.

If you have been dreaming about a puppy for a long time, and suddenly become the owner of a soft and plush animal, you should think about the socialization of the animal. This means that the dog needs to be trained in certain skills, this will help eliminate aggressive or overly active conduct.

In general, from the moment the baby was brought into the house. Initially, it is worth educating the dog, explaining to her where to go to the toilet, and what not to do. There are many problems with toilet training a puppy. The dog should get used to what time you walk it. Try to take your dog outside at the same time every day.

As for training, it is worth teaching the dog commands and gestures from the age of three months. By this time, the dog should know where his place is and not shit at home.

There are two approaches to training:

  • Punishment
  • promotion

The reward doesn't have to be a treat. You can just pet the puppy, praise him and play with him. Don't punish your dog often. To understand if the dog learned the lesson after you punished the dog, look at him. If the puppy lowers its head and adopts a submission pose, then all is well. If the dog grins and is indignant, it is worth continuing to punish the dog.

You can’t beat a puppy, if you want to punish, express your displeasure in a strict voice. You can take the dog by the scruff of the neck and lift it up. Express your dissatisfaction in a harsh voice. After that, put the dog on the floor and send it to its place. Do not punish the dog for anything, or 2 hours after Skoda. In this case, the dog will not be able to understand why he is being punished, and will grow up aggressive.

The first principles of training:

  • Train your puppy on a collar and leash
  • Get used to the nickname
  • Teams: place, come to me, fu

What treat to give a puppy during training?

As a treat, you should use a product that you do not give your dog often. That is, it should not be dry food. It is best if it is something sweet, for example, biscuit cookies, drying. It is also allowed to give small pieces of sausage. Do not overfeed your pet with harmful products. Remember, what is used for training should be rare in the dog's diet.

As soon as the puppy was brought into the house, 5-6 days after adaptation, put a collar on the dog. He can pull it together and whine. Don't give in. You can remove the collar only before going to bed. Attach the leash the next day. The puppy can grab the leash with his teeth and try to pull it out of his hands. Do not give in, despite the discontent of the puppy, take him out for a walk on a leash.

If your puppy is 1.5 months old, he has successfully mastered his nickname, got used to the leash and collar, it's time to teach him the simplest commands. There are several command blocks in total. Approximately 3 months are given for each block. That is, in 90 days the dog must master all the commands from the first block.

List of commands from the first block:

  • To me
  • Place

This is a fairly common command that can be mastered as soon as the puppy has learned the simplest commands and obeys them unquestioningly.


  • Take a treat and call the puppy. Let the treat sniff and gradually, slowly lift the treat above the dog's nose.
  • After that, as the yummy rises, the dog will have to sit down on his own. You can help the animal a little by patting its bottom.
  • Then say "sit" and praise the dog, pet it and give it a treat. The command is considered learned when the dog quickly executes it and sits down as directed. At the same time, he does not get up until the owner says.

How to teach a puppy at home the “sit” command: training and gestures

The order of learning is similar to the “sit” command. However, the principle itself is different.


  • Grab a treat and give a friend a sniff
  • Now slowly lower the yummy, put it on the floor, but don't let the dog eat it
  • Press down on your dog's shoulder blades until he lies down. Give me a treat and praise

How to teach a puppy at home to the “down” command: training and gestures

It is not difficult to teach a dog a command. However, there are certain rules to be aware of. You should be especially careful on the street when the dog picked up something and brought it to you. Do not immediately select the prey and shout at the animal. It is necessary to say “fu”, even before the dog grabs some nonsense.


  • As soon as you notice that your pet is misbehaving, shout "fu" and take the dog away.
  • You need to prevent the action, it is better to do this before committing an offense. Beating the dog after and screaming is not worth it.
  • This also applies to the toilet, it is not necessary to punish the dog 2 hours after the Skoda, he will not understand why he is being scolded. As soon as you see at home that the dog is going to be naughty, pull him away.
  • If the dog chews on slippers, take them away and punish the dog. Shout "fu" and chastise the animal. You need to get your pet to hang its head and assume a guilty pose.

The nuance is to teach the dog not to pick up anything on the street, because it can be a poisoned piece of bait. To do this, put a piece of treat in front of the dog, he will try to grab and eat it. But your task is to prevent this. Shout fu and slap lightly in the face. You can also use a fly swatter or rolled up newspaper. Next, repeat the procedure until the dog learns to ignore the treat. Then take a piece and give it to the dog from your own hand.

How to teach a puppy at home the “fu”, “no” command: training and gestures

The team is easy to teach, it will allow you to keep the dog in sight and instantly return him to you.


  • Conduct a lesson after a walk, when the dog is a little tired. So he will be more willing to follow commands.
  • After that, when the dog is at a distance, call him by name and give him a treat. Say "to me". Clap the dog.
  • Gradually move away from the dog, that is, you need to increase the distance between the animal and yourself. Now shout the name and "to me." Show a treat. Give it to the dog and praise it.

How to teach a puppy at home the “come to me” command: training and gestures

How to teach a puppy at home the “voice” command: training and gestures

This command is rather complicated to master and optional. Dogs that are engaged in patrol or search service are required to bark on command. That is, the dog gives a voice when he finds something or when he sees a stranger approaching a person.

The easiest way is to teach the “voice” command to dogs with a sanguine or choleric psychotype. Such dogs tend to bark a lot, but it is necessary to teach the dog to be quiet and bark only when necessary. It is considered a sign of lack of training if the dog barks for no reason. The video shows how to quickly teach the dog the “voice” command.

VIDEO: Teaching the "voice" command

This is one of the very first commands that a dog must learn. Don't let your dog sleep anywhere. This is especially true of the hostess's bed. As much as you love your dog, you shouldn't let him sleep on the bed.


  • The “Place” command is mastered immediately after the puppy enters the house. You must bring the puppy to his mat, lay down and say "place".
  • In the evening, you will see that the puppy goes to bed where it is convenient for him. Take the puppy in your arms and take it to the mat. Say "place" in a low voice.
  • You should not put food there, in this case, the principle of encouraging food should not be used. The dog may misunderstand you.
  • Over time, the dog may begin to carry food to this place. Therefore, the associations "place" and food should not be.

How to teach a puppy at home the “place” command: training and gestures


  • After saying "nearby", with the help of a leash, bring the animal to your left leg, at the same time slapping it with your left palm, and position it so that its head touches your leg.
  • When he is in this position, give the puppy a treat. It is critical for a service dog to follow this command, bypassing the owner in a circle in a clockwise direction, so it will be easier for her to take the right place.
  • Help the dog with this leash. A mongrel can not be taught to bypass the owner in a circle. She should just walk up and stand on the left side.

How to teach a puppy at home the “near” command: training and gestures

How to teach a puppy at home the “give paw” command: training and gestures

The command is optional and has no special value or meaning. Teaching a dog is pretty easy. Watch the video for more information on how to teach a dog to give a paw on command.

VIDEO: Command "give paw"

The "fetch" command is performed in combination with the "give" command. The dog must learn to obey you. For this home, when the dog is playing with his toy, say "give" and pull the toy. For the dog to give it to you, distract him with a treat. After that, when the dog releases the toy, praise it.

Next, you should teach the dog to give you a bowl of food without resistance. This is a kind of indicator of "who is the boss in the house." Remember, you are the master and do not let the dog command you. When the dog is eating, take the bowl from him. If the dog resists, growls and grins, press on his shoulder blades, pressing him to the floor. Do not release the pressure until the dog stops growling and baring his teeth.


  • Most often, the command is carried out on the street and after the dog has mastered the “give” command. You need to take a stick or your favorite toy and throw it away, shouting “fetch”. The instinct of the dog will tell you that it is worth grabbing the object.
  • Call the dog to you and on command “give!” make him release the object from his mouth. Give treats and praise.
  • The training of service dogs follows approximately the same algorithm, only they are looking for a certain object. Small dogs are usually not trained in the "fetch" command.

How to teach a puppy at home the fetch command: training and gestures

How to teach a puppy at home the “stand” command: training and gestures

The command to stand or lie down is a way to develop endurance in a dog. That is, do not get up from the specified position without a specific command and action. Initially, you need to teach the dog to lie down. The command is given when it is necessary to force the dog to spend 5-10 seconds in a stationary state. You must press on the pet's shoulder blades or back while repeating the command. Ideally, the dog should be able to lie down or sit or stand for up to 30 minutes. More details in the video.

VIDEO: Teaching the “stand” command

How to teach a puppy at home the command "face": training and gestures

This is one of the most responsible and complex teams. Ideally, you should achieve complete obedience and submission from the dog. When the pet stops resisting, gives you a bowl, does not growl, bring a stick for a walk, and gives it back, you can start learning the “face” command. This command is required for guard breeds or guards.

It is worth starting training at the age of 10-12 months. This is best done in a training center that has special costumes and bondages. You must understand that after giving the command, the dog can harm another person, so all responsibility lies with you. More details in the video.

VIDEO: Team "fas"

Any owner of a four-legged friend should understand that not all dogs are well trained. It depends on the temperament of the dog and the breed. For some, it’s enough to say the command once and the dog does it, while someone needs tedious and constant training.

The best trained German Shepherd and Caucasian. These breeds themselves are very smart and ready to serve the owner. Smaller breeds, such as Yorkies or Spitz, are the hardest to teach teams. The nervous system of such dogs is excitable, so you have to spend a lot of time and effort to train the dog.

Simple enough with poodles and labradoodles. All dogs should be taught commands from a certain age. Three months of age is considered ideal. But learning the simplest skills should be done from the moment the puppy is in your home. Commands vary depending on the breed of dog. It is not necessary for such dogs as a Yorkie or Spitz to learn the “voice” command. But as practice shows, these dogs love to bark constantly and just like that. Therefore, so that barking does not annoy you, and you want a restrained pet, it is still worth teaching the “voice” command.

It is not enough to get a dog and enjoy a plush friend, you need to spend a lot of effort and time on adapting the dog in society.

VIDEO: Dog training

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