Expansion of the external subarachnoid spaces in an adult. Effect of atrophic hydrocephalus on the subarachnoid space

The subarachnoid space is the distance between the soft and arachnoid membranes of the head and. The second seems to “close” its surface. From above, it is protected by an additional layer of the endometrium, through which it communicates with other tissues using the subarachnoid membranes. They are shaped like vessels and consist of several reservoirs where circulation takes place. cerebrospinal fluid.

In the subarachnoid space, the fluid is called cerebrospinal fluid, it is responsible for the following functions:

  1. Nutrition and brain protection.
  2. A medium for the exchange of useful substances that come from the blood and must enter the body.
  3. Connection channel between nutrients and nerve cells.
  4. Promotes contractile activity heart, the functioning of the respiratory system, etc. Allows the human body to maintain the selected position.

Norm and extension

What is the expansion of subarachnoid convexital spaces? This means that the norm is determined only when the amount of liquid is about 140 ml. If there is an expansion of the interhemispheric fissure, there is pathological condition. The disease does not manifest itself in adults, it is inherent in newly born children and older babies.

The expansion of the subarachnoid space in infants can be diagnosed due to injury during childbirth or the formation of abnormalities associated with the development of the brain. this factor in the development of pathology is quite common.

In order to understand what character such an increase has - moderate or significant, babies are prescribed an ultrasound examination. This helps to find abnormalities and determine the state of the subarachnoid convexital spaces.

The expansion comes in several degrees of severity:

  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy.

At the first degree, the expansion is small: a maximum of 1-2 mm (the norm is 0). With an average, the gap can reach 4 mm, and with a heavy one, it can go beyond this mark.

If an enlarged subarachnoid space is suspected in an infant, it is necessary to consult a neurosurgeon and a neuropathologist. Usually, hydrocephalus is diagnosed in babies under one year old. In this case, there is an increase in the interhemispheric fissure, which can be seen in the frontal lobes.

The ventricles of the brain at the same time have a moderate or minor character extensions. Quite often they are fully consistent with the established norm. The cerebrospinal fluid inside the space is solid, which is evident from the results obtained with the help of diagnostic measures.

Hydrocephalus can be benign or malignant. In the first case, it passes by the second year of a child's life. Uneven expansion space indicates that the CSF is not properly distributed in the cavities. Therefore, there is an increase in the gap between the ventricles, the pressure inside the skull increases.

If the subarachnoid space is expanded unevenly due to inflammation or tumors, then the cause of the disease is determined more quickly. They provoke pathological processes or infections, which are accompanied by inflammation and increased fluid production inside the cavity.

Reasons for expansion

The detection of this pathology is focused on establishing the causes that cause deviations from the norm in the amount of fluid. The main ones include:

  1. The presence of infectious diseases affecting the central nervous system.
  2. Education small tumor in the cerebrospinal fluid or in the cavity.
  3. Getting injured. or hematomas.
  4. Inflammation of the sinuses.
  5. Manifestation of intoxications, which have chronic. Such substances that can cause such poisoning include: arsenic, alcohol, lead, derivatives of reactive inflammation accompanying.

The disease is characterized by signs or development of hydrocephalus. Sometimes pathologies such as subarachnoid arachnoiditis, leptomeningitis are diagnosed, in which the soft and arachnoid membranes of the brain become inflamed, the cavities are unevenly expanded.

Signs and diagnosis of pathology

If the baby has signs of the disease, then self-medication is not worth it. Symptoms for each child are individual, but make up big picture only a specialist is capable of developing the expansion of space.

It was found that the most common manifestations of the disease are such signs as:

  • development of irritability to light and auditory factors;
  • persistent headache;
  • dizziness, nausea and vomiting;
  • memory impairment (in adults);
  • increased drowsiness and fatigue;
  • large skull (in babies).

At the beginning of development, the disease may not manifest itself at all, so it is usually detected already in the second or more late stages. Symptoms occur in direct proportion to the type and type of skull deformation.

The severity of the pathology can be determined using traditional ways skull examinations:

  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • computed tomography;
  • neurosonography;
  • to exclude the formation of tumors;
  • ultrasound examination of the brain.

The results show what a tumor can be in space, make it possible to see the layers of the brain structure, to trace the growth dynamics of formations. Based on this, a decision is made regarding the use of a particular therapeutic technique.

The treatment is carried out by a neurologist, who may invite a neurosurgeon or other brain specialist for consultation. Therapy is aimed at, first of all, removing the cause of inflammation. As a result, the subarachnoid space should return to the parameters that the norm provides.

First, the doctor prescribes medications that should fight infectious pathologies(sinusitis, otitis, etc.), which can lead to infection of the cavity in the brain. If observed high blood pressure inside the skull, then special medicines are prescribed to reduce it and normalize the condition.

The therapy is complex and includes useful material(the main place is occupied by vitamin B) and various antibacterial drugs. All medicines are selected based on individual characteristics patient.

Babies under 3 years old are usually prescribed the following drugs:

  • Asparkam or Diarcarb to remove excess liquid in the skull;
  • Pantogam or its analogues to improve the trophism of the brain and cerebrospinal fluid.

For older children or adults, many more medications are included in the treatment. These can be drugs that can relieve pain or spasms, as well as different types barbiturates, saluretics, glucocorticosteroids, vasoactive substances and solutions containing plasma substitutes.

Drug treatment is carried out simultaneously with a visit to the physiotherapy room. Complex special exercises It is aimed at relieving symptoms, ensuring active metabolism in the body, and normalizing the nutrition of brain tissues. Usually such methods are medicines plus physiotherapy- enough to successfully fight the disease and make positive predictions. In some cases, when medications are ineffective, surgery may be performed.

hydrocephalus in medical practice characterized as dropsy in the brain. This state indicates excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the cranial cavity.

Normally, there is a constant circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. The substance in the spinal cord and brain is washed on all sides by a clear, colorless liquid, which has various properties, the main ones being the protection and provision additional food. The external circulation of CSF in the brain occurs between the vascular and pia maters throughout the entire surface of the hemispheres and cerebellum. This surface is called the subarachnoid space. AT cranial base under the brain there are several more areas of accumulation of fluid. They are called tanks. These sections are interconnected in different directions, form the CSF subarachnoid space in the brain and connect to a similar surface in the spinal cord.

The latter does not provide for a system of channels and a protective-trophic system of cells. subarachnoid space in the spinal cord back roots has a dense frame, consisting of fibrous fibers intertwined with each other. It should be noted that plexuses are present only here. The lateral subarachnoid space has no formations between the dentate ligament and the posterior roots. In front, between the soft and arachnoid membranes, there are collagen beams that do not create obstacles for the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

Atrophic hydrocephalus is a trauma-initiated passive process of replacing brain matter that is decreasing in volume with cerebrospinal fluid. The condition is characterized by simultaneous and usually symmetrical enlargement of the ventricles. At the same time, the basal cisterns and subarachnoid convexital spaces are dilated against the background of the absence of periventricular edema.

Atrophic hydrocephalus is based on a diffuse process of an atrophic nature. Demyelination due to primary brain damage leads to a decrease in both gray and

The first manifestations of atrophic hydrocephalus can be detected after two or four weeks after TBI. Subsequently, either a long progression of the process or its stop is noted.

Experts classify mild, moderate or severe form diseases.

In the first case, a moderate one is noted, in which a slight expansion appears in the subarachnoid grooves and crevices - by one or two millimeters, as well as in the ventricular system.

Average degree the disease is characterized by more significant changes - an expansion in the subarachnoid grooves and crevices by three to four millimeters. In addition, a widespread decrease in density in the brain tissue of a moderate nature is possible.

The severity of the disease varies significant expansion in the ventricular system (CVI more than 20.0), in the subarachnoid grooves and crevices - over four millimeters. In addition, there is a generalized decrease in density in the brain tissue.

It should be noted that the morphological expression and clinical manifestations atrophic hydrocephalus are not parallel.

Accurate diagnosis performed using CT and MRI. Simultaneous and symmetrical expansion of the subarachnoid space, combined with an increase in the cerebral ventricles, the absence of periventricular edema, no doubt, speaks in favor of atrophic hydrocephalus.

On the early stages development of the disease, it is often possible to form sufficient and stable compensation for the patient's condition. However, at the stage of the disease, which has gone far, the prognosis is very unfavorable.

The subarachnoid space is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Total liquor is from 120 to 140 ml. Above the large furrows and crevices of the brain are tanks - areas where the amount of cerebrospinal fluid is especially large.

The prognosis is often favorable two years of age the subarachnoid space and the ventricles of the brain return to normal by themselves, as if the disease “outgrows”. But don't count on it. This violation threatens to lag behind in development, so it is necessary.

A neurologist prescribes treatment. It includes B vitamins and other drugs, as well as antibiotics if the disease was caused by an infection.

Extension for a file, this is about the same as the tag on the luggage that we check in at the airport. The loading crew, even if they mix something up, can unambiguously determine by this tag which plane the luggage should be loaded into. Similarly, the operating system must transfer the file to the application assigned the extension used in the name when you double-click it. If the extension is removed or malformed, it will inevitably cause file processing problems.


Changing the file name can be canceled in hot pursuit. If you removed or changed the extension in the "Explorer" and did not close the application window after that, press the "hot keys" Ctrl + Z. This combination is assigned to the undo function last action. If you press this combination again, the penultimate action will be canceled, etc. In this way, you can "roll back" the situation to the moment when the file still had the desired extension.

If you only want to return the display of file extensions in Explorer and on the desktop, do this through the folder options settings. To display the corresponding component operating system in Windows 7 and Vista, open the main menu of the system - press the Win key. Type "dad" on the keyboard and click on the "Folder Options" link in the top line of the search results, or just press Enter.

In the settings window that determines the display of folders, go to the "View" tab and in the list of settings under the inscription "Advanced options" find the line "Hide extensions for known file types". Uncheck the checkbox for this line and click OK.

If you need to re-add an erroneously deleted file extension, the steps described above will also have to be done if the display of the full name of this object is disabled in the settings. Then right-click on the desired file and select "Rename". Go to the rightmost character of the name (press End), put a period and type the desired extension. It will be fixed in the file name when you press the Enter key.

To restore an extension whose writing has been lost forever, you will have to use additional programs. You can recognize the file format by opening its code in a hex editor - for example, in Cygnus Hex Editor (http://softcircuits.com/cygnus). However, this requires some skills in working with file code. Other applications try to do this automatically - try, for example, Windows File Analyzer (http://mitec.cz/wfa.html).

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Symptoms of left ventricular dystrophy

With dystrophy, a decrease or thinning of the wall occurs. Therefore, deterioration occurs throughout the body.

Quite often, patients experience weakness and weakness. Often there are interruptions of the heart in the form of arrhythmias.

In the patient's blood, perhaps a decrease in hemoglobin and the development of anemia.

Pain and discomfort in the region of the heart accompany almost every patient.

AT severe cases edema of the lower ones appears, palpitations and a decrease in blood pressure become more frequent.

The development of myocardial dystrophy leads to a disruption in the work of other organs and systems in the body. This suggests that this pathology leads to various diseases one or more organs.

without treatment and proper observance diet and rest, the development of a condition close to heart failure is possible.

Left ventricular dystrophy during physical overexertion can lead to hemorrhages and necrosis in the heart muscle. This may present with bradycardia and hypotension. In untrained people, strong loads during myocardial dystrophy can lead to toxic damage to it. Myocardial dystrophy leads to coronary insufficiency with foci of necrosis in the muscular layer of the left ventricle.

In case of malnutrition, for example

The subarachnoid space is a cavity between the arachnoid and soft meninges head and spinal cord. This space is filled with CSF or cerebrospinal fluid. The fluid is involved in protecting and nourishing the brain.

What is the subarachnoid space? The subarachnoid space contains up to one hundred and forty milliliters of cerebrospinal fluid, which flows from the brain through openings in the fourth ventricle.
Its maximum is contained in the tanks of space, which are located above the large cracks and furrows of the brain.

The subarachnoid space is divided by the dentate ligaments and the cervical septum, which are fixed.

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The reason for the expansion of the subarachnoid space

Local expansions of the subarachnoid space are a signal of disturbances in the normal circulation of CSF. This may be due to trauma, tumors, or infectious diseases of the central nervous system. Undoubtedly, such a condition requires direct consultation with a neurologist or neurosurgeon and appropriate examinations.

The fact is that very often the expansion of the subarachnoid space is a symptom of hydrocephalus or increased intracranial pressure.

The set of signs of external benign hydrocephalus in children of the first year of life is an increase in subarachnoid spaces, which is most noticeable in the zone of the poles. frontal lobes, while the ventricles of the brain can be only slightly dilated, or have normal sizes. At the same time, the contents of these spaces have dense cerebrospinal fluid, which is observed on MRI, CT, and neurosonography. If this is benign hydrocephalus, then in most cases it resolves by two years of age.

Expansion of the subarachnoid space

The expansion of the subarachnoid spaces occurs in conjunction with an increase in head circumference and protrusion of the fontanelles, and a delay in the timing of their closure.

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A noticeable expansion of the subarachnoid space may also indicate arachnoiditis or leptomeningitis, in which the soft and arachnoid membranes of the brain become inflamed. This can be the result of trauma, infection, and a number of other influences. This pathology is detected by ultrasound.

The cause of arachnoiditis can be, chronic intoxication, for example, lead, alcohol, arsenic, reactive inflammation when slowly developing tumors and encephalitis.

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Common symptoms of arachnoiditis:

  • headache, which is stronger in the early morning, sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting,
  • dizziness,
  • general fatigue,
  • irritability,
  • sleep disturbance.

In treatment, the main thing is to eliminate the source of infection, for example, sinusitis or otitis media. For this, antibiotics are prescribed in therapeutic doses.

With regard to the life of the patient, the prognosis is usually favorable, only posterior arachnoiditis is dangerous. cranial fossa with occlusive hydrocephalus.

Expansion of the subarachnoid space: the essence of the diagnosis, development, manifestations, how to treat, prognosis

The expansion of the subarachnoid space is often recorded according to the results of ultrasound of the brain of babies or MRI in adults. This change may be subtle or very noticeable, as in the case of hydrocephalus. In all cases, such a phenomenon requires consultation with a neurologist, finding out the causes and resolving the issue of treatment tactics.

Expansion of the subarachnoid space is not an independent disease. It occurs in response to traumas suffered in the past, anomalies of embryonic development, is characteristic of infections and tumors of the brain and its membranes. In fact, it is a reflection of many pathological processes inside the skull, so the treatment in each case varies.

The conclusion about the expansion of the subarachnoid space is often faced by parents of newborn babies, who had an ultrasound scan at the maternity hospital and found deviations. As a rule, mothers and fathers do not know how to react, where to run and what to expect from pathology in the future. Answers to their questions should be given by pediatric neurologists, who observe such children especially carefully.

Expansion of the subarachnoid space on an MRI

Symptoms of an enlarged subarachnoid space include a number of neurological manifestations, signs of hydrocephalus, possible focal symptoms with tumors. Select the main and strictly characteristics impossible, as well as making a diagnosis clinical picture. Extras only instrumental examinations help to shed light on the essence of pathology.

To better imagine what the subarachnoid space is and how it expands, you need to remember the main features of the structure of the brain and its membranes. So everyone knows that central authority nervous system is in cranium. Many people remember that on the outside it is covered with shells that protect and nourish the nervous tissue.

The outermost is hard shell brain adjacent to the bones of the skull. It is extremely dense and provides mechanical protection against damage. The pia mater lies on the surface of the brain vascularized, and between it and the solid - arachnoid (arachnoid), which, due to the close relationship, are often combined into a single whole - leptomeninges.

Under the arachnoid and above the pia mater is the subarachnoid space, in which cerebrospinal fluid circulates. Excess CSF is absorbed by the arachnoid membrane containing connective tissue cells, fibroblasts, glial elements and forming special trabeculae (outgrowths) that reabsorb excess fluid.

Normally, the relationship between the soft and arachnoid (arachnoid) membranes is quite close, and the cerebrospinal fluid between them contains no more than 140 ml. The fluid circulating in the space between the shells provides cushioning to the brain, as well as nutrition, bringing useful and taking away from nerve cells exchange products.

In pathology, the distance between the shells increases, the fluid becomes larger, and MRI shows an expansion of the corresponding intershell space, and the changes can be both local and diffuse.

Reasons for the expansion of the subarachnoid space

Causes expansion of the subarachnoid space can be either congenital factors so acquired negative influences. In the first case, pathology can be detected in infants, in the second, people of all ages suffer, but those born without pathology of the brain and its membranes.

The expansion of the subarachnoid space can lead to:

  • Inflammatory processes in the brain and its membranes - meningitis, both infectious and non-infectious;
  • Carried over in the past;
  • Congenital malformations of the central nervous system;
  • and membranes, regardless of the degree of malignancy;
  • under the membranes of the brain;
  • Edema syndrome.

Inflammatory processes on the part of the membranes and the brain itself cause the formation of adhesions inside the skull, which impede the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, resulting in an expansion of not only the ventricular system, but also the subarachnoid space. Spikes are especially pronounced after meningococcal infection, with tuberculosis and syphilitic lesions.

AT acute stage inflammatory process characteristic changes occur inside the skull, consisting in an increase in vascular permeability, the release of the liquid part of the blood and inflammatory cells into the intercellular space, edema, and an increase in the production of cerebrospinal fluid. In this phase of inflammation, the membranes of the brain are full-blooded, thickened, and the subarachnoid space is expanded.

Neoplasms of the brain and membranes, as the volume increases, begin to compress the intershell space, disrupting the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. At the same time, it is possible as local extension subarachnoid space, and diffuse hydrocephalus. Such changes cause not only malignant, but also benign tumors, limited in their growth by the hard bones of the skull.

Moderate diffuse expansion of the subarachnoid spaces is possible with edematous syndrome against the background of pathology of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, hypoalbuminemia with liver damage, starvation. In more rare cases it is provoked by lead poisoning, arsenic, chronic alcohol intoxication.

The described changes often occur in adults, while in children the first place among the causes is birth defects development of the brain and trauma in childbirth, leading to impaired circulation of fluid in the skull, hydrocephalus and expansion of the intershell spaces.

At severe injuries and defects, there is often an increase in the volume of the lateral ventricles of the brain and atrophic changes in nervous tissue due to compression by excess fluid. With benign hydrocephalus, an increase in the subarachnoid space is possible, for the most part- in the projection of the frontal lobes, while the ventricles can maintain normal or close to them sizes.

In the early childhood, in infants, the expansion of subarachnoid convexital spaces (from the side outer surface brain) occurs in parallel with the growth of the diameter of the head, while the bulging of the fontanel can be noticeable when severe hydrocephalus.

Symptoms of expansion of subarachnoid spaces

In children and adults, the pathology manifests itself differently. So, in children of the first year of life, signs such as:

  1. Negative reaction to noise, medium-strength sounds, light;
  2. Frequent regurgitation;
  3. poor sleep, anxiety;
  4. Strabismus, different pupil diameter;
  5. Head growth that does not correspond to age;
  6. Bulging and slowing down of overgrowth of the fontanel;
  7. Meteosensitivity, anxiety when the weather changes;
  8. Startle, tremor of the chin, arms or legs.

As you can see, the symptoms are rather non-specific. They may be more likely to indicate hydrocephalus with intracranial hypertension against the background of expansion of the subarachnoid space. According to these signs, it is impossible to put accurate diagnosis, however, they should be the reason for an immediate visit to a neurologist or pediatrician.

In adults, one of the main symptoms of the expansion of the subarachnoid space is headache, which is quite intense and long. Often, patients complain about severe dizziness and nausea, inability to perform work duties, weakness, restlessness, anxiety.

Cranialgia is especially pronounced early in the morning, may be accompanied by vomiting, dizziness, hypersensitivity to light, sounds. During the day, patients are often drowsy, at night they cannot sleep, or sleep is restless and intermittent. The increase in headache, its pulsating character, the appearance of vomiting at the height of pain - characteristic symptoms increasing intracranial pressure.

Diffuse expansion of the subarachnoid space and an increase in the volume of the lateral ventricles will sooner or later cause atrophic and dystrophic changes in the cerebral cortex, which will manifest itself as symptoms encephalopathy- Decreased memory and attention, impaired vision, intelligence. Vegetative symptoms often join in the form of tachycardia, pressure surges, unmotivated anxiety, and even fainting.

Motor disorders are more typical for the cerebellar localization of the pathology. In this case, among the symptoms, unsteadiness and uncertainty of gait, dizziness, coordination disorders and fine motor skills are possible.

Constant fatigue, recurring bouts of severe headache, inability to sleep normally disrupt emotional condition patients who may become irritable, anxious, prone to depression. Secondary changes in the brain disrupt the ability to work and limit active life.

brain compression in subarachnoid hemorrhage

Uneven expansion of the subarachnoid space is possible after past injuries, operations on the brain, with tumors that locally compress the membranes of the brain and cerebrospinal fluid. In this case, focal neurological symptoms are observed in the form of disturbances in sensitivity, speech, hearing, etc. O severe course pathology says convulsive syndrome or epilepsy.

Depending on the width of the intershell space, light (expansion by 1-2 mm), moderate (up to 4 mm) and severe (over 4 mm) degrees of expansion are distinguished. To a certain extent, such a division is conditional, especially with uneven or local changes in CSF spaces.

The described symptoms usually occur in severe variants of the pathology, severe hydrocephalus and intracranial hypertension. Most often, mild and even moderate degrees of impairment are manifested only by periodic headaches, fatigue, and.

Diagnosis and treatment of expansion of subarachnoid spaces

Diagnostics pathology suggests comprehensive examination including examination, general clinical blood tests and instrumental methods- ultrasound, computed tomography and MRI, the results of which are compared with the characteristics of the symptoms, after which it will be possible to talk about the nature of the treatment.

One of the main methods of examination of infants is neurosonography- Ultrasound of the brain. It takes about a quarter of an hour, is painless and harmless, and is widely available both in maternity hospitals and in ordinary clinics. Ultrasound is possible due to the large open fontanel, through which the subarachnoid spaces are well visualized. The result of the study is interpreted by the neurologist or pediatrician who prescribes the treatment.

CT and MRI usually performed on adult patients. These studies are expensive, require fixation of the body in space, which is difficult to achieve in infants, a CT scan suggests x-rays which is harmful to babies. In addition, in adults, ultrasound will not provide the required amount of information, so it is more expedient for them to prescribe tomography. If there is no other way out, and the baby needs an MRI, then it will be performed under anesthesia.

For hydrocephalus, they can prescribe cisternography- X-ray contrast study of cerebrospinal fluid spaces, and if you suspect vascular pathology- angiography. In addition to the neurologist, the patient can be consulted by a psychotherapist, neurophysiologist and other specialists. General and biochemical analyzes blood, urinalysis are necessary to rule out pathology internal organs, which could lead to a violation of liquorodynamics.

According to the result of ultrasound or tomography, the attending physician will see the expansion of the interhemispheric fissure and subarachnoid space, and then proceed to treatment. The question of the nature of the therapy of expanded spaces is entirely determined by the root cause of the pathology, because the expansion itself is only one of the signs that cannot be eliminated without treating the underlying disease.

In the absence of symptoms of pathology, the child is monitored with a consultation with a neurologist and neurosonography every 3 months, courses of vitamins, pantogams, and magnesium preparations can be prescribed. Adults with asymptomatic expansion of the subarachnoid space are shown only dynamic observation and annual MRI.

Treatment may include:

  • Purpose antibacterial drugs- at infectious lesion the brain and its membranes;
  • The use of B vitamins for children early age- D for the prevention and treatment of rickets;
  • Diuretics;
  • Vascular and nootropic drugs(pantogam, cavinton, cinnarizine);
  • anticonvulsant therapy;
  • Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs - nimesulide, ketoprofen, ketonal;
  • Anticancer drugs.

Treatment is always individual in nature, prescribed for a long time, includes medications, physiotherapy, psychotherapeutic assistance.

Given that the subarachnoid spaces are dilated in hydrocephalus and intracranial hypertension, it is considered pathogenetically expedient to prescribe diuretics - diacarb, mannitol, etc., which help to remove excess fluid and normalize the volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the skull. They can be used in parallel with vitamins, vascular means and nootropics.

With severe severity of pathology conservative treatment may not bring the expected result, and then specialists are forced to resort to shunt operations in which excess cerebrospinal fluid is drained through special catheters into the chest or abdominal cavity. As a rule, shunting is performed for occlusive hydrocephalus with a significant expansion of the cavities of the ventricular system.

In adults, the expansion of the subarachnoid spaces is diagnosed quite rarely, often asymptomatically, and therefore requires only dynamic observation. With symptoms of encephalopathy and vascular disorders, nootropics are indicated, vasodilators, vitamins.

The prognosis for the expansion of subarachnoid spaces depends on the cause of the pathology and the degree of circulatory disorders. Timely detection and elimination of the disease leads to a cure or a significant improvement in well-being, and normal physical and mental development. Benign hydrocephalus may spontaneously disappear by the age of two.

About questions prevention expansion of the subarachnoid space in babies should be considered future mom already on early dates gestation. Available infectious processes should be eliminated if possible even before conception, and the entire period of gestation should be regularly visited by a doctor and undergo an ultrasound scan. In childbirth, injuries should be avoided by following the instructions of the staff of the maternity ward.

After childbirth, it is important to carefully monitor the growth and development of the baby, visit a doctor, and if suspicious symptoms appear, do it without delay. Parents usually try to protect their children from stress, injury and other adverse conditions which can adversely affect the brain. To prevent the expansion of the subarachnoid spaces, adults should avoid skull injuries and visit a therapist at least once a year in order to diagnose a pathology that can cause brain disorders.

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