What date is 19 lunar day. Lunar birthday

Symbolic correspondence: 7th - 18th degrees of Scorpio.
Action: defeat.
Names: spider, web.
Social impact:
The period is difficult and rather dangerous - a satanic day. The moon is already in decline, so many sorcerers have chosen this day for their magical and black deeds. This day is dangerous with poisoning, spiritual dope, splitting of consciousness. Entangled in some kind of vice, a person can easily fall into the diabolical network spread around. You have to be very careful with new ideas, trends that you learn in the 19th lunar day, - most likely, it will be a seduction.
Household influence: Neutral for everyday affairs, bad for new or complex cases. Bad for marriage. Good for walking, traveling alone.
Mystical influence: day of black magic operations, temptations, illusions. Day of singles, creative people. We must cry, repent, pray.
This day for everyone is associated with astral purification, i.e. with a moral cleansing of the soul, conscience: it is useful to think about your actions, at least mentally repent, get rid of lies, pride, other people's thoughts, from devilish illusions. It is useful to sit by the fire (in ancient times they jumped over the fire), light a candle and go around a room, apartment, house with it; It is better, of course, to light a lamp.
Medical influence: Critical for the mentally ill. For a sick person on this day - bad, sluggish, long sickness. Lots of poisoning. Vulnerabilities in the human body on this day are the appendix, sigmoid colon.
The day is also associated with creativity: a spider is a person who can oppose himself to everyone - a creator, an individualist, a loner who will show the rise of creative thought, but, most likely, will be punished by fate for pride.
Impact on born: It is unlikely that fate will be kind, especially for the sinful or the proud. Loneliness. The exception is harmony, righteousness and, as a result, longevity. Lots of drunkards.
On this day, in the worst case, people are born insidious, cunning, flatterers, skillfully weaving their networks, or losers, or creators - loners, not understood by the world. However, you can significantly reduce or even completely get rid of the negativity of the 19th day if you cultivate high moral qualities in yourself and in life you will be a selfless, modest person who brings goodness and light.
Effect on conception: An extraordinary magnetic attraction will be owned by those born on this day. Vitality, risk, diligence, honesty and justice, but loneliness and isolation.
Meditations: fire, waterfall, pure water. Human.
Signatures: jet, morion, bloodstone, chrysolite.
Stones - labradorite, gaganite, morion, bloodstone, chrysolite, uvarovite and green garnet.

A. Zaraev. "Interpretation of Lunar Days

First half of L.d. favorable and allows, thanks to patience and diligence, to achieve the patronage of the authorities, as well as to attract funds from richer partners to your business. L.d. favorable for resolving the issue of increasing salaries, improving financial standing thanks to partners. Increased sexual potential, a certain magnetism in actions, charm and onslaught. However, in the second half of the day, excessive activity or pressure can do a disservice. cunning, cunning, and negative energies, energy-information infection can cause illness or cause serious problems in the next L.d.

"Birthdays" of the Moon by Albert the Great

The day is dangerous. Should not go to it. Do not visit people who are drunk. It's better to stay at home. Diseases are not dangerous. Dreams soon come true. Children are neither evil nor rogues.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about every day. Lunar calendar."

The symbol of this day is "Network" and "Spider". There is a process of astral cleansing, moral cleansing of the soul and conscience. On this day, you need to repent, think about your actions and get rid of excessive pride. People who are engaged in their spiritual development on the 19th lunar day have the opportunity to distinguish their thoughts from other people's thoughts. Very often we think not with our own thoughts and about what is not characteristic of us. For example, a friend needs to send her child somewhere for the summer, and you ask her: "Where will you send your child?" It's not your problem, you caught her thought, she was just thinking about it. On the 19th lunar day, you should try to think only about your problems.
On this day, it is necessary to clean the apartment, the house. It is favorable to cleanse the house with fire, it is good to light a lamp, a candle, sit next to a candle, but one must take into account the position of the Moon in the sign. If the Moon is in a fiery sign, then you need to clean the house in another way, for example, with incense, enclose sacred objects room to pray. In any case, on this day we must clean ourselves and the place where we live.
On the 19th lunar day, it is necessary to clean the intestines and rectum. There is a process of astral purification, and it must begin with physical body, then do the cleansing procedures of the astral body. It is necessary to get rid of negative emotions, anger, envy, irritation. If a person is clean, then the people who are next to him on this day will also be cleansed.
On the 19th lunar day, it is favorable to eat round vegetables, cabbage and potatoes. On this day, you can not eat everything long, i.e. carrots, zucchini, cucumbers.
You can’t swear on this day, show pride, you must avoid the bites of bloodsuckers. You can smear yourself with something so that no one bites.
You can not repay debts and borrow, as the symbol of this day is a spider, a network. On this day, a net is thrown over a dirty person, and the process of capturing souls is going on. If a person is not cleansed, then he will react to the resonant dirt, and may be caught. On this day, you can’t conclude contracts, you can’t allow yourself to be entangled. As a rule, there are often many offers on this day. We must try not to do this ourselves, so as not to throw a net on another person. If you do not work on yourself, then on this day you can get stuck in astral mud, which will be very difficult to get rid of.
The navel is associated with the 19th lunar day. Through the navel, penetration into our subtle bodies, every unclean thing. If on this day you feel pain or heaviness in the navel, then you are in the astral network.

Navel release
On the 19th lunar day, you need to make chopping movements around the navel with the edge of your right hand. Then mentally tie your navel again, place it inside yourself, and not outside. Thus, you will cut off unnecessary contacts, this will be the cutting of those networks that were thrown earlier. If you do this every month, then you will not have heavy temptations.
The rectum, appendix and sigmoid colon are associated with the 19th lunar day. An attack of appendicitis that day is also a bad sign. If you have constipation or an attack of appendicitis, then this means that you carry a lot of harmful thoughts in yourself, and you are not all right with your soul. Thus, we are given to understand that we need to deal with these issues.
People born on the 19th lunar day are of two types. The first, walking on the higher path, are single wrestlers with a pure soul. Often they are not accepted in life, they behave differently from other people, they are not understood by them. They bring light and goodness to the world, which can only be seen by such pure souls. A dirty person usually represents the world in the form of an accumulation of sewage. The best people The 19th day are the bearers of the ideals of light and goodness. And this must be taken into account in communication.
People who follow the low path are very cunning, love to plot, take pleasure in intrigues, and always try to drag others into their networks.

You can and should do, eat:
- Grenades
- Potato
- Round vegetables
- Get rid of unnecessary things
- Light up your home
- Cleansing the stomach and intestines
- Purify yourself with fire
- Learn astrology
- Construction of astral protection
- Get rid of other people's thoughts, illusions, lies
- Show independence
- Ablution, visiting the bath
- Break free from oppression, dependency, networks
- Get rid of envy, malice
It is impossible to do or it is necessary to refrain, do not eat:
- make marriages
- Being bitten by insects
- to repay debts, to borrow
- make promises

Symbols of the day: spider, web, web

Day Stones: labradorite, agate, morion, hematite, chrysolite, green garnet

Description of the day

The nineteenth lunar day is one of the demonic days of the month. It is considered heavy and dangerous. This is a magical time when the influence from outside is very strong and unfavorable. Therefore, ideally, it is better to spend it calmly, but not in solitude. You can’t communicate with drunk people (and drink yourself), go out somewhere (it’s better to stay at home), stay in dark rooms, communicate with strangers and unpleasant people, make acquaintances.

Nevertheless, the first half of these lunar days is favorable. Thanks to patience and diligence, we have a chance to achieve the patronage of the authorities. If you are looking for support or sponsorship for your business, this can also be done today. First half of the 19th lunar day suitable for solving career issues and salary increases, improving financial situation thanks to partners. During these strong hours, sexual potential increases, people show charm, however, it can be quite assertive and aggressive.

The second half of the 19th lunar day is no longer so favorable, it is because of it that the day is considered rather bad than successful. In the evening hours, we are especially harmed by excessive activity and self-confidence, deceit and cunning, deceit and intrigue. The manifestation of these qualities can cause illness or cause serious problems on the next lunar day.

Haircut on this day

Today it is not recommended to do a haircut - it can adversely affect your health. Hair coloring is best done using natural dyes - this will help to establish contact with your business partners and colleagues. It is recommended to make the hairstyle simpler, this will give you more strength and attract energy.

Gardening on this day

The nineteenth lunar day is great for activities on the site. The roots of plants still continue to strengthen, therefore minor damage leaves or stems will not cause any harm to the plant.

The nineteenth lunar day is one of the most conflicting in everything lunar month. This is a very stressful time. Often, one careless word or glance is enough to find yourself in the center of a conflict that will lead to very serious consequences.

Sometimes the 19th lunar day is considered an exam of our endurance and strength, and if we do not pass it, we can easily lose everything that was achieved in the previous lunar days. In other words, on this day we must prove to fate that we really deserve all the benefits that are given to us or that we claim.

Be prepared that you will have to answer the question of whether what you have is really important to you and whether you are ready to defend it. Maybe everything that you consider valuable is actually just fun? In this case, the 19th lunar day will help you stop this game.

If recently we got what we wanted, then today we can face provocative situations when we have to fight for our property, do everything to save it. And the difficulty is that the already mentioned negative qualities and skills: cunning, lack of control, hardness of heart - you have to put it away.

Only tolerance and mercy are able to serve faithfully today.

Suitable and ready to possible problems ability to quickly and competently respond to emerging obstacles.

Features of the day

The strength of the 19th lunar day is that it makes some people even stronger, and others only weak-willed and weak. But everyone is entitled to a chance. Today you will have opportunities to deal with anxieties, fears and concerns. You only need one thing - to look at life realistically, to see some situation without embellishment.

It is especially important on this day to avoid self-deception. If your conceit turns out to be inflated, you will not be able to cut the vicious knot of deceptions and failures for a long time. Don't act rashly today. One reckless act can nullify all previous efforts.

Do not succumb to provocations and do not provoke others yourself.

There are no random and empty events on this day, everything that happens is of great importance. Remember: how you behave, so will they do to you. After all, one of the first rules of humanity says: "Treat others the way you want to be treated." The 19th lunar day seems to have been specially created in order to approve this law.

If today you do not think about others, do not take into account their feelings * refuse to help, deceive, then do not be surprised when, in just a couple of days, you will be deprived of help and support. The only one who will be to blame for this is yourself. You create a certain standard, and you can only change it in the next lunar month. And then without a guarantee, because it is not a fact that your efforts will be crowned with success in such a difficult matter.

If you are not working today, did not intend to go anywhere and do not know what to do, then it is best to start cleaning. Today you can clean and wash everything that comes to hand, and throw away everything you don't need. Distinguishing “unnecessary” from “necessary” will be easy: everything that you have not used for a year or more is wasting space in your home.

Although the European tradition considers the 19th lunar day dangerous and unfavorable, according to Tibetan astrologers, this day is favorable for any undertakings, travel, marriage, acquisitions.

Description of the day: dark, gloomy, full of negativity. On the 19th lunar day, we have the opportunity to cleanse ourselves, as all the negativity comes out.

19 lunar day - characteristics of the day

Symbols of the day: Spider, Web.

Bookmark thoughts: I easily let go of all the burden of accumulated negativity and leave my past behind. Today I am completely cleansed so that I can easily continue my path to happiness.

The 19th lunar day is, first of all, the day of getting rid of everything unnecessary and obsolete: the burden of the past, unnecessary relationships, old wounds and grievances, long unresolved problems, etc. Today it is recommended to throw garbage out of everything: from the house, from the head, and most importantly - from your life. The 19th lunar day is extremely difficult and stressful, because the cleaning period is always accompanied by not the most pleasant sensations.

The symbol of the day, the Spider, reminds us that we ourselves are the weavers of our own destiny and must take responsibility for everything that happens in our lives. But someone else's web can be a trap for us. On the 19th day of the moon, it is easy to become a victim of deception and manipulation. To protect yourself from negative impact day, actively use fire (candles, a fire, a fireplace), it drives away bad energy and clears the space. On the 19th lunar day, it is recommended to limit your social circle. People today are prone to nervousness and aggression. Do not enter into gossip and do not succumb to someone else's influence. Today it is better to spend the day in solitude and calm.


On the 19 lunar day, you should not start anything. This is not the right time to change jobs.
It is possible to negotiate, but it is not recommended to conclude agreements. The day is unfavorable for any financial transactions, working with money, selling / buying real estate. You can not borrow, pay debts. 19 lunar days carry various deceptions and dangers, do not enter into adventures and do not make risky decisions. It is recommended to engage in creativity, science, art.


In terms of relationships with people, now is a very provocative and difficult time. It is best to limit your circle of contacts. Today it is easy to become a victim of manipulation and deceit. During this period, the conflict situations, avoid quarrels and disputes, it is better not to find out anything today.


On the 19th lunar day, it is recommended to carry out cleansing procedures, to fast. Today, the appendix, rectum, and intestines are especially vulnerable. Diseases of this period are not terrible, but can be delayed. The day is dangerous with injuries and poisoning. On the 19th lunar day, the human psyche especially suffers. Nervousness and susceptibility to stress increase. At the end of the day, it is recommended to take a shower to wash off the negative energy of these lunar days.


Today's haircut will be very favorable. It will help to “cut off” the negativity and some illnesses. But the hair will not grow quickly.


Dreams on the 19th lunar day are not prophetic, but can be purifying in nature.

Goal of the day

Say goodbye to the past, use the energy of the day to cleanse at all levels.

  • Be careful today: the day is full of deceit and manipulation.
  • Clear the space around you, your body and your thoughts from negativity.
  • Limit your social circle, it is recommended to give preference to solitude.
  • Be the weaver of your destiny, as the symbol of this day is the Spider.

The 19th lunar day is a day of negative and heavy energy. This is a period of testing the soul for restraint and a positive attitude. Today it is very easy to spoil your karma if you respond with aggression to aggression.

Affairs. Don't take on new projects. It is advisable to engage in routine current affairs or plan future activities. It is better to postpone all collective affairs until a more favorable time. On this day, it is good to relax, especially in nature.

Job. The day is suitable for solving ordinary tasks and issues. It is not recommended to start new projects, especially if their success depends on a group of people. During this period, conflicts, differences of opinion are possible, so it is worth postponing the start of a large-scale business to another time. Minor work nuances can be discussed with superiors. With a change of place of work, it is better to wait. This is a good time for solo business trips.

Housework. Auspicious day for a little cleaning, decorating rooms, rearranging small pieces of furniture. It is not recommended to engage in larger-scale activities due to the low energy of the day - they may not have enough strength. It’s good to come up with and make a decor element with your own hands today. Such decorations will bring positive energy into the house.

Money. Small transactions with money are allowed: small purchases, mini-loans. It is better to transfer significant financial expenses. It is especially not recommended to manipulate large sums cash - theft is possible.

Love, relationships. It is not recommended to conflict with your soulmate on this day. After all, the relationship then will have to be restored for a long time. To do this, be patient in the dialogue, do not provoke quarrels yourself and do not give a reason to start them. If you do not feel the strength in yourself for "peaceful" behavior - stay alone and do not communicate with anyone.

Communication. Unfavorable day for communication. Better to spend it alone. During this period, latent aggression may appear, and any conversation runs the risk of developing into a serious test of relations. You should not meet new people, touch on difficult topics for conversation. Emotions will "overflow", and not everyone can restrain them.

Trips. During this period, the Moon patronizes travelers. Therefore, you can safely go on any trip - for work or for leisure. The journey will be easy and leave positive memories. If no travel is planned for this time, take a spontaneous day trip outside the city to nature.

Haircut and hair care. day 19 lunar calendar- unfavorable time for a haircut. It can cause illness. It is recommended to dye your hair only in a color close to natural. It is undesirable to experiment with a hairstyle. It is better to simply comb your hair and leave it loose.

Beauty and health. On the 19th lunar day, any cleansing procedures for the face are favorable. On this day, it is recommended to minimize physical exercise. It is allowed to arrange a small "holiday for the stomach" - cook and eat favorite dish. You can drink alcohol in moderation.

Name - "Spider", "Network", "Satanic Day".

The day of karmic trials and purification of the soul, turns a person to morality and conscience. Next to a person with a pure soul, other people will also be cleansed. It is useful to think about your actions, get rid of lies, pride, other people's thoughts (since we often think not with our own thoughts and about what is not characteristic of us) and obsessions. You should turn to your conscience and, at least mentally, sincerely repent of your mistakes, learn from them. It is useful to sit by the fire, light a lamp, go around the house with a candle. But you need to take into account the position of the Moon: if the Moon is in a fiery sign, it is better to clean the house in a different way - light incense, surround it with a lighted object, read prayers, etc. Day of astral cleansing of human subtle bodies. It is useful to apply the "flows" technique. Favorable for creativity. People say that "Spider-Man" is a loner who can be capable of taking off creative thoughts. It is best to stay at home on this day, or be alone in nature. If this is not possible, reduce, if possible, your communication with other people and postpone making important decisions. Dangerous and hard day. Having become entangled in any connections, vices, deeds, a person can more and more plunge into this karmic "network". You can not borrow and repay the debt on this day ("debt network"). You have to be very careful with all the new trends and ideas and undertakings that you learn about on these lunar days. This may be a simple deception. It's easy to be tempted. You should not offer other people something new either - you can get confused in your obligations. The day is dangerous with spiritual dope, splitting of consciousness, poisoning of the flesh and feelings. You need to try to get rid of negative feelings: resentment, anger, envy, irritation, etc. It is bad to swear and show pride. These days can be chosen by magicians for black magic actions, so people should be attentive to any outside influences. Envy and slander can greatly complicate your communication with people and slow down (if you are their source) your spiritual development. One should refrain from any undertakings, obligations, signing contracts, since the danger of fraud or big complications in the future is extremely high. There may be quarrels with children, acquaintances, even with pets. Sometimes disagreements return former friends or previously unresolved issues and cases: it means that you can try to solve them again, showing prudence. You can’t get married on this day and go to visit with alcohol (misfortunes may be attracted). A particularly difficult day for weak people they may need care and spiritual support. But if a person is an egoist and opposes himself to everyone - he will be punished for pride, sometimes - precisely in the 19th ld.

Health- vulnerable places in the human body on this day are the appendix, rectum and sigmoid colon. From the 19th l.d. the navel and the energy center Hara ("spool") are connected. If on this day you feel pain or heaviness in the navel, it means that you have fallen into the "astral network", since through this channel any evil spirits can settle into our subtle bodies. An attack of appendicitis or constipation on this day - bad signs. They make it clear that it's time to cleanse the soul and body, that you carry a lot of harmful thoughts. Purification of the Flesh (physical) body of a person will contribute to the purification of the Navier (astral) body. On these lunar days, the intestines and rectum are cleansed. It is useful to help the Flesh body of a person by communicating with the elements of Nature. Diseases of this day right attitude, are not dangerous and soon pass.

Nutrition- on this day, it is favorable to eat round vegetables (for example, cabbage, turnips, potatoes), fasting is favorable, or at least a lighter diet than usual. Although it is on this day and similar ones, even pure people are drawn to try products with the qualities of “tamas” (darkness, ignorance), that is, dead or narcotic. It is important to resist temptation and pass the test.

Conception - conceiving a child on this day, you risk. He will have an amazing personal charm and attraction, but life will be closed and lonely. If you attract a high Soul, the child will be distinguished by great honesty, humanity and justice. At worst, it can be a selfish heartthrob and a sadist. incarnated warrior will be distinguished by great vitality, the ability to self-heal, a tendency to take risks (but he can be cruel and not capable of mercy), weighing will be distinguished by great diligence (but the question is - will he be kind and generous to others?). Be very attentive to each other on this day - any negative manifestation of feelings increases the risk of attracting a low soul.

Birth - on this day, highly moral souls can be born, bringing goodness and light to the world, modest, capable of self-sacrifice. But they will be lonely, because only people who are pure in heart and soul will be able to understand and appreciate them. Single creators can be born, living a special life and hardly understood by anyone. In the worst case, insidious, cunning, but smart people are born - skillfully weaving their webs and enjoying their intrigues and intrigues. People from weak character they will just become losers. The parents of the child of this day of the Moon should nurture in him the best, bright traits of his character and teach him to cope with negative manifestations human nature. The most important thing will be to develop not the mind (a developed mind will be given to a child from birth), but kindness, modesty, decency, mercy and other best human traits inherent in High Souls.

dreams- may soon come true, especially if the dream is repeated after three days. But often on this day there are empty dreams. Dreams scare us, you can’t take them to heart, it’s advisable to forget quickly, think about something good.

stones- Labrador, jet (Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn), morion (Cancer, Aries):approx. Vedana: Attention! Morion is not suitable for any of the living people, be careful with this stone, it was used earlier by magicians to leave this world. Living people, having this stone, will die; hematite (Cancer, Scorpio), chrysolite (Pisces), uvarovite (Sagittarius, Leo), green garnet (Aquarius, Scorpio).

Day of deception. It is better to stay at home and not talk to anyone even on the phone. It is believed that only "vampires" are active on this day. Do not conclude family unions. It is dangerous to poison oneself or accidentally poison someone with food or spiritual deception. Relationships cannot be sorted out. Beware of drunks and liars. We are rewarded for our pride. The day of our delusions and mistakes. You can't make decisions. It is useful to sit with a candle or with a lamp.

20th lunar day

Name - "Eagle-vulture", "Eagle with a crocodile tail" (this name denotes the combination of the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius). The sign of Sagittarius indicates the presence of the energy of Jupiter: it is no coincidence that the eagle is found in many coats of arms, including the Russian one. The eagle is an image of a spiritual (religious) feat. The last trine.

Serious and interesting day: time of spiritual transformation, overcoming doubts, ascension, knowledge of cosmic laws. After the day of purification of the soul and thoughts, the transformation of a person begins. If the day before a person was able to cleanse his body, feelings and thoughts, he can gain clairvoyance on this day of the moon, learn cosmic laws. The best day for spiritual insight, it is good to study the sacred texts. But spiritual rites (practices) are best performed under the guidance of the Teacher. It is good to be at home, to do household chores, family, customs of your people. But social activities can also be very successful: new business, trips, communication, overcoming the machinations of ill-wishers. New offers related to business expansion may appear that will improve your financial situation (for example, offers from foreigners). Favorable communication with superiors and public figures. Acceptance Day important decision and getting rid of doubts. The day of man's victory over himself.

dangers twentieth day of the moon: pride and arrogance, malice and obnoxiousness. Difficult day for those who did not conduct self-purification the day before, who do not engage in their own self-improvement. It is better for such people to do simple household chores on this day. If you do not fully own the energies of the day, it is better not to start any business, as they can get out of your control. Especially when you are not confident in your abilities, because then the work you started can be transformed into a completely different one.

Health- a very important day for health, it is called the "Circle of Life" by healers, since all energy connections in the human body are involved. Organs associated with this day human body like blades and top part back (where the eagle has wings), as well as the peritoneum. The heart center Anahata (Persian) is connected with these lunar days. Misuse energies of the day can lead to an increase in pressure and even to loss of consciousness, there may be numbness of the hands and pain in the shoulder blades, discomfort in the back (as if you are carrying a stone on your back or someone is sitting on you). Numbness of the neck or some part of the back may be a sign that a person is living the wrong way. On this day, you should not treat extrasensory if you do not have a lot of experience - it is easy to become exhausted, giving away too much of your own life force, and the consequences of treatment can be unpredictable. You can not strain your eyesight, the illness of this day may be delayed.

Nutrition - On this day, even meat-eaters should refrain from eating animal food. The lighter, cleaner and fresher your foods are, the better you will feel. This day is favorable for fasting or for a fasting diet.

Conception - a child conceived on this day will constantly try to achieve the impossible and know everything. Whether this will succeed or not depends on the level of development of the parents and on the qualities and abilities with which they attract new soul into their family and how they raise their child, as well as the character of the child himself. Either transformation and spiritual achievements await him, or anger and other base traits of character will prevail, then there will be falls and the collapse of hopes. A lie for such a person will be seductive, and therefore dangerous, since it is equal to spiritual suicide. Parents on the day of conception should not lie. But it’s better not to risk at all on this day, since the energies of the previous “satanic day” still have their influence.

Birth - a person born on this day lives in constant expectation of a flight, he is prone to astral travel (in Navi's body). The people of this day of the moon are very different. The best of them are ascetics who sacrifice themselves for the cause. They live in anticipation of a feat and their hour (like people of the 14th year of life), they are able to learn cosmic laws and feel these possibilities in themselves: they have been preparing for something great all their lives. The worst of those born on this day are people who want to rise above others at any cost (selfish, proud, family tyrants, dictators of society, and others). Often they are sure that they know everything, they can carry a false idea, blindly believing in it and deifying themselves, that is, they become false teachers. If the level of development of parents allows, they will dedicate their whole lives to ensuring that their child with bad temper and with an evil disposition, nevertheless, cultivated in itself the best features and moral values. To have such parents for children born on this day of the Moon is a great happiness, a gift from Heaven.

dreams- unreliable, but can come true (especially if in the morning there will be bad weather). On this day, many can manage to “order” a dream for themselves at will.

In a dream you are able to decide serious problems, make long journeys in the subtle world. Day lucid dreaming . You can dream of a distant friend and say what we cannot say in life.

stones - red jasper (Virgo), rock crystal (Aries, Leo. Virgo), jadeite (Virgo).

Overcoming doubts, finding a core in the soul and in life. Longing for flight, for lofty thoughts and ideals. Dedication to problem solving. Strengthen the home, take care of sick and needy relatives. Find the spiritual core of love. Sexual Energies seething, creative also. A great opportunity to see everything from the height of an eagle. Assess the situation, understand what needs to be corrected. Everything will work out, you just need strength. Feel free to deal with everything. Decision Day. But you can't be proud!

21st lunar day

Name - “Horse”, “Horse herd”, “Chariot”, “Day of winged horses” - these horses carry a chariot on which the planets of the day sit. IN Ancient Greece- "Day of Pegasus", on which Perseus ridden Andromeda. This is the "Day of Mitra" - an astral warrior who sacrifices himself, defeats his base beginning and melted it into a highly spiritual one. Mithra kills the bull - the image of darkness and the abyss. While the bull is alive, it is a danger, but destroyed, it becomes the material from which Mitra creates new worlds. Mitra, sitting on a horse and killing a bull (darkness) - the image of the victorious Yarila-Sun. This is the day of all Centaurs, that is, mounted warriors (in Ancient Rus' they were calledPolkans- "semi-horses").

The day of courage, courage, voluntary sacrifice, renunciation of property, perseverance in achieving the goal, the ability to achieve victory, as well as the fearless movement forward upwards. Day of restructuring, activity, creativity, sports(best of all - on the run). Day of the astral army, chivalry, quixoticism. For each person there is an opportunity to become better, to show their best qualities, favorable for overcoming bodily and spiritual infirmities. There is a transformation inner peace person, you can engage in self-esteem and change (purify and enlighten) your carnal nature. You need to be completely clean (bodily and mentally), honest and fair. On this day, you can make a promise of fidelity, take responsibility; it is favorable to engage in affairs related to the performance of one's own duty. People are advised to "stalk into herds" - to conduct common classes, make joint trips and travels. It is on this day of the moon that you can change the type of activity, move to a new job, hit the road. New opportunities may arise associated with rethinking the past and successful plans for the future. Friends and employees on this day are honest and ready to provide selfless help. You can improve your relationship with them. The day is favorable for making proposals, as well as for achieving success or agreement. Creative and sexual possibilities increase. The intuition and ability of foresight are aggravated, the will is strengthened. Successful for trade and economic affairs, procurement of products for storage. What is lost on this day will soon be found. This day is best spent fresh air, in work and exercises for the body, in fun with loved ones and friends. It is good to wear light-colored clothes, especially white or golden colors.

On this day, you can’t lie, break oaths (and it’s better to never give them to anyone at all), leave the needy without help, be dirty, indulge your whims, laziness and selfishness. Not a very good day for prayer activities. It's not good to be alone on this day. It is worth paying more attention to the negative assessment of your words and actions by other people, maybe they are right. Even if you are sure that you are right, think: what reason did you give for such an assessment? Are you flattering yourself by deceiving yourself?

Health- day associated with hematopoietic system, in particular - with the liver. On these lunar days, you need to cleanse the blood. Loads on the liver are contraindicated, it is better to strengthen and nourish it. It is advised to engage bodily exercises- so you can get rid of infirmities and diseases. It is good to walk this day on snow, on water after rain, on dew, on mowed grass or just on clean land - this will give additional vitality. It is necessary to be in the fresh air as much as possible, to breathe clean mountain or forest air, it is good to be in the wind. Bathing in cold water will contribute to the transformation of the inner nature of man. The day is favorable for healing. It is connected with the energy center Sahasrara (Thousand Petal Lotus) - a spring that is responsible for communication with the Cosmos, cosmic energies and the spiritual egregor of man. It is favorable to focus on the "Lotus" and reflect on what information and what forces we receive through it from the Cosmos. If a person is not engaged in self-improvement and does not change, this leads to violations of the liver (even to hepatitis) and to blood diseases (including a deterioration in its composition and a change in the blood group).

Nutrition- it is good to drink on this day herbal infusions and decoctions that will help purify the blood, as well as help the activity of the liver (for example, a decoction of chicory and dandelion roots). It is good to eat carrots, beets, cranberries, mountain ash, pomegranates.

Conception - on this day, both the soul of a fighter for justice or a warrior, and a blind fanatic can be attracted. best qualities this person can become - a sense of duty, honor, justice, the desire for exploits and chivalry. Dangers will constantly lie in wait for him, but patience and diligence will help in overcoming them. A person must be kind, otherwise cruelty and rudeness will overcome him. And the soul of the poet can also be attracted.

Birth - the best of the people of this day are fighters for justice, honest and pure knights, people strong-willed, defenders of the weak (warriors and knights). Born vesyu (farmer, craftsman, family man) will be distinguished by diligence and creativity, patience and restraint. In the worst case, blind proud people can be born on this day, who do not notice anything and no one in their desire to achieve the goal. For the sake of this, they can "trample" others and go "over the corpses." Selfishness will be justified by them lofty goals and high words, they are unlikely to notice that they have become indomitable scoundrels. Parents should teach their child to direct their forces and energy to constructive, noble goals, to teach them to fight against destructive manifestations of selfhood (which are in the nature of every person and are called “yaytsehore”). This becomes possible if the parents themselves lead moral image life, setting an example with their actions, and are ready to learn together with their child from a worthy teacher.

dreams- dreams of this day mean nothing or are false. Don't give them much importance.

stones- pyrite, zircon (Aries, Aquarius), aventurine (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo), obsidian (Capricorn, Leo, Sagittarius).

Giving up something for the sake of the future. A set of internal energy in one of the ways that we recommended. The best day to change something in life. Invite guests. Exchange experience. It's good to work together in big company. Good to shop. Connection of energies, their multiplication, accumulation. Great day for love. The development of loyalty to the cause, constancy. It is good to get together in groups, to discuss common problems. Successful transition to new job. Don't do anything alone.

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