24 lunar days. Lunar birthday

24 lunar day is the day of male energy. During this period, we practically do not succumb to the call of the heart, we are ruled by reason. Previously, this day was associated with phallic cults. So today is a good time for intrigues, intimacy and conception of a child.

Symbol of the day - bear.

What will the 24 lunar day give us?

The 24th lunar day is as active as the previous one, but, unlike the twenty-third, it is completely devoid of aggression. There is neither randomness of energy flows, nor mental stress. No, this day is very joyful and even festive.

Everything negative and heavy, inherent in the 23rd lunar day, disappears, and only purified and unclouded energy remains. This is a great period for creativity: you can not only create works of art, but also successfully demonstrate them. Presentations, exhibitions, concerts and creative evenings are very successful.

On the twenty-fourth day, people are complacent: apparently, the fatigue of the previous lunar day affects. It's time to relax your mind and body! If you did offend or inconvenience someone the day before, this is a good time to apologize.

The day is very calm and mild: there is no mood to quarrel, but there is no strength to rejoice. Everyone wants only warmth and peace. The best thing is to get together in a small company, talk, listen to music, watch a good movie. Mass events in this complex energy day are contraindicated.

How to behave - actively or passively? This you can decide for yourself, because now it does not have special significance. Astrologers believe that if you go on a trip on this day, it will certainly be successful and enjoyable.

This is a great day for learning, gaining new knowledge, in a word, for everything that requires the application of intelligence. The thought process is activated, the power of concentration increases. On this day, many problems can be solved if you manage to think and analyze everything well. This is a very good time to start sowing, as it is associated with fertility.

According to the Vedic lunar calendar, this day is considered the most favorable for the start of construction. This day should be the starting point for any fairly large-scale project. Yes, in Ancient Egypt It was on this day that the pyramids were laid.

It is advisable to think about this day in advance. If you are going to move somewhere, then by this day the “engine” should already be repaired, lubricated and running. We all know the saying: "The trouble is the beginning." The twenty-fourth day is one of the few in the lunar cycle when the beginning does not seem like a disaster.

The energy barrier needed to start a new business is minimized. If for some reason you are not ready to start an important business, then spend the day quietly and calmly. No wonder the symbol of the day is the bear: now he is in hibernation, but will wake up very soon.

Mystical influence of the day

A very powerful day. It's good to do heavy physical labor or intensify your workouts.

Time to use the transformation of male sexual power. You can start building your own temple.

The 24th lunar day is associated with the awakening of the forces of nature. It is believed that a revelation can descend on a person or an awakening of great power occurs in him. If he does not know how to use it, he will pay for it. A generational curse is being realized.

Influence social

The social impact of the day is good, but not great. Do not use pressure on the interlocutor in communication, and rude jokes and cynicism are also contraindicated.

Household influence

The day is bad for traveling, idleness, sadness. Good for starting new businesses, especially for building a house, and for working in the garden. The day is associated with construction: you can build houses, lay foundations, temples.

In general, the fundamentals further lead to the active use of reserves. On this day, the “bear” punishes rapists and sadists.

Medical influence

The day often brings healing, but can give intractable, full of suffering disease. As a rule, the affected area is enlarged or there is hypertrophy of the function. Day of subjugation of physical nature. You can engage in treatment, prepare medicines, strength physical exercises, yoga are recommended.

The day is favorable for awakening and transformation sexual energy¹; this is the day of the cult of all the gods of fertility, the day of union, conception, but you can’t abuse sexual practices - otherwise you won’t get into trouble: they should be dealt with only according to a strictly defined program.

This day should be actively used to strengthen one's own health, increase the spiritual level.

Impact on those born

are born very strong people, often thoughtful, “out of this world”, endowed with talents in various fields.

Effect on conception

Morality and clumsiness great strength, the rudeness of a kind man, but a smart and honest person, they are waiting for the soul that will come to you on this day. A good appetite, the love of others, but long-term illness can lie in wait for your child. Protect him from laziness.

stones- black jasper, airy obsidian, malachite, blue jade, grossular.

What will the 24 lunar day bring to your business?

Whatever you do today - everything will be successful, except, of course, immoral acts. Any event - renovation in the office, signing a contract, hiring a new employee - everything will go well, but for this you need to maintain good spirits and in no case put pressure on the situation.

If you suddenly feel that the business you have undertaken, which is called "does not work", it is better to leave it, now is not the time to implement your idea. But most of all, on the twenty-fourth day, operations in the intellectual sphere are successful - planning, calculations, accounting operations, working with archives, generating new ideas, creating projects, and so on.

It is useful to conduct advanced training courses, training of working personnel in new methods and methods of work.

How successful will the marriage be?

The twenty-fourth lunar day is ideal for weddings and marriages, especially for those who dream of having many children. This period is favorable for creating a family by people whose worldview is based on high spiritual values. In particular, this applies to those families where the god Shiva is worshipped.

How does this day affect health?

In these lunar day can be carried out as active training with large quantity various exercises, including the joint work of all muscle groups, as well as meditative exercises, such as yoga. It all depends on you how well you feel.

On the 24th lunar day, any health problems rarely occur, and if they do, they are usually minor and pass quickly. Harmful factors for your body on this day - smoking and alcohol.

Should I have sex on this day?

Today, sex is very welcome, and the amount of it is not limited. As mentioned above, the twenty-fourth lunar day is associated with fertility, so making love is not only possible, but necessary. Good and long sex on this day is excellent prophylactic from many diseases. Sex today is healing!

What do dreams tell?

The dreams that visited you during this period speak of potential creative forces that need to be realized. A correctly interpreted prediction of the twenty-fourth lunar day will tell you the directions, the paths along which creative energy should be directed to achieve harmony and well-being.

Some astrologers claim that the images of dreams today reveal to a person the secrets of his past lives. This is the reason for the fact that one of the symbols of these lunar days is a bear, personifying the clan, tradition, previous generations.

How is the esoteric aspect manifested?

Some Shaivite schools conduct Shiva Puja on this day and perform various religious practices related to the worship of Shiva. Often this day is used for acquisitions, teachings, receiving initiations and blessings from saints and gurus³.

Practice of the day: Working with trees

On this lunar day, it is good to ask for energy and strength from a pine tree.

If you thought that after yesterday, the 23rd lunar day, you would be tired and lose strength, this is not so. Because the 24th lunar day is also active, but it has one advantage: there is no aggressiveness and militancy in the energy of this day. Today is just a great time for accomplishments and achievements, for any deeds to which the soul lies. And everything that is planned will turn out in the best way.

This is a calm, harmonious and pleasant time, which is useful and good for everyone. People are a little tired and do not want to fuss, it is important for each person to apologize and forgive others, to correct mistakes. This time can be used in different ways: it is good for rest, and for work, and for creativity. general characteristics time like this:

  • His symbol is a bear.
  • The lucky number is six.
  • Colors - shades of yellow, also golden.
  • The element of the day is metal.
  • Lucky stones are jasper and malachite.
  • Lucky day is Wednesday.
  • The direction of the day is west.
  • Shape - oval.
  • Angel - Tisal.

This angel is the patron of love and happiness, he gives the keys to all doors, reveals the secrets of happiness and harmony. All the energy of today is literally aimed at making each person a little happier!

The most important

In order for 24 lunar days to help you become happier, it’s not enough just to live them, you need to know what wave to set yourself up for and what to devote this day to. Let's see what the lunar calendar says about this!

1. Spend the twenty-fourth lunar day in rest or active actions? This is the choice of each person, and the calendar does not give strict recommendations in this regard. Listen to your condition. It is very important today not to resist internal vibrations and not to force yourself. If you feel a surge of energy and are ready to do something actively, you want to work and achieve something, then go ahead!

Do not sit still, but work, do, overcome. If in the morning you want to do something creative, unusual and even unusual, then the Moon tells you so. You can also relax, do something passive and pleasant.

2. This day is not indicated for mass events and gatherings, especially noisy ones. The energy is not aggressive, so you should not go to big concerts, sports, gamble and listen loud music. But you can visit a cinema or go to a play, a museum, enjoy art objects. An ideal day for everything new, especially new knowledge. You can listen to or watch a lecture, attend a master class, a seminar, learn something, listen wise people. This will be beneficial.

3. On the twenty-fourth lunar day, creative people will be lucky, because, as the lunar calendar describes, today the energy of the moon is directed to creative processes, and they will be successful. Holding exhibitions, reading your poems, demonstrating your own achievements in art today is very good, it will be a great success. Yes, and create, create something - is also shown, you will feel inspired and be able to create a unique creation.

4. Although moon month ends, it is the twenty-fourth lunar day that is good for new beginnings and deeds. If you are ready today, start something new. Don't plan, just start! The first step in any new business, from planting flowers to laying the first brick of a house or starting a new business, will lead to future success. And you will have the strength to bring what you started to a victorious finale!

5. If you feel passive today and do not want to communicate with anyone, this is not bad, just stay at home. And better - go to the bosom of nature, if possible. Today is good for meditation and simple contemplation, so look for something beautiful, static, sublime. Think about the harmony of everything in life, feel yourself important part vast universe. You may even hear a voice from above, feel something, understand, recognize.

What is it good for, what is it not for?

The lunar calendar will tell you whether a haircut is good on the 24th lunar day, whether it is worth planning a wedding, and what people born at this time are like. This and more can be learned and applied to make your day productive.

1. Activity and learning new things are useful in work. A great day for students and everyone who improves their skills. It is today that you will become more successful and professional if you read books in your field at your leisure, listen to lectures, try to learn and study something new. Today it is impossible to leave the mind and intellect without work.

2. Communication with people on the twenty-fourth lunar day will benefit, bring joy and pleasure, only if you show kindness and sincerity. It is impossible to press, manipulate, lie during this period. Also, you can not make fun, make fun of anyone, show aggression or irritability. If you feel hostility towards someone, keep silent, better - do not communicate, wait until it passes.

3. This is a good time for healing, today the energy of the moon will help you heal. Worth doing any wellness procedures, as well as prevention, do not forget about health: harden, walk, breathe air, carry out unloading, cleansing, fasting. But there is a harmful and fatty foods, drinking alcohol and so on - you can’t, it’s dangerous today.

4. This is the time of the birth of unusual people, a little out of this world. Such people from birth are unique and special, they differ from everyone, they live in their own world. Very talented and even unique, they will not live a boring and useless life and will achieve great success. They have talents in various fields, they are interesting, they can do a lot and are very strong in spirit.

5. Perfect day for a wedding! Any couple will be perfect if they get married on this lunar time. There will be children in the family, the family will be big, strong and very happy, all its members will be attached to each other, family values will be very important, and the bonds will become strong. Perfect time for marriage!

6. Haircut will bring strength and add activity, give a sort of energy boost.. Hair will be healthier and stronger, it will stop falling out, but it will grow much more slowly. Hair coloring today is shown only in dark shades, and it is better to refuse lightening, because it will deprive you of strength and protection.

What do dreams say today

Every dream necessarily means something, but depending on the calendar lunar cycle interpretations change. What do dreams say today, and should we believe their meanings?

1. Almost every dream of this period indicates the amount of strength and energy that has accumulated and does not come out. In fact, dreams indicate how and what needs to be implemented. Every person has a reserve of energy that needs to be released, and your dream will show whether you are using this reserve correctly.

2. In addition, today's dreams can indicate the path that is worth going: where to invest strength and direct creative energy and potential. Advice can be given or even an indication of what is best to do, what to do in order to achieve maximum happiness and success.

3. Today you need to decipher your dreams very carefully, while relying on intuition. They are not easy, and in order to understand what this dream means, you will have to use your brains, connect your imagination, listen to yourself. You will definitely catch the advice, and consider whether it is worth listening to it? Maybe this is the key to something better for you?

May today's lunar day bring you new happiness and benefit, becoming another good day in your destiny, and the lunar calendar will contribute to this! Author: Vasilina Serova

On the 24th lunar day, the soul rejoices and strives to rise to the stars. The body is full of energy, and in the heart there is joy and exultation. The stars promise success and prosperity to those who persevere in their pursuit of a goal.

Description of the twenty-fourth lunar day

The characteristic of the 24th lunar day is the creation, the destruction of old stereotypes.

These days do not carry negativity or aggression. The tension of the previous day subsides, chaotic throwing and irritability disappear. This is a happy and positive day. All the anxieties of the past day go away, leaving behind cleansing and unclouded energy.

On this day, all creative people experience a spiritual uplift. Intuition sharpens, the world is again filled with bright colors. I want to create and create again. All events related to art are held with great success. The concert halls are overcrowded, the exhibitions are crowded.

The day has a calm, enveloping aura. I don’t want to argue, to prove my case, repentance and a desire to apologize for past grievances come.

On this day, I want warmth and comfort. There is no desire to attend mass events, it pulls you to sit in your favorite chair and watch an old soulful movie. What to choose today - action or laziness? It's up to you to decide. On this day, large-scale changes are not expected and it does not matter how you decide to spend it.

The 24th lunar day is suitable for self-improvement. Education, search for information necessary for work is welcome. Everything related to intellectual work benefits your business. On this day, thought processes are accelerated, and attention is focused precisely on important and necessary things.

Features and properties of this day

Talismans and symbols:

  • the symbolism of this day is a bear, a cave, a cyclops;
  • astrologers rank malachite, blue nephrites, grossulars, obsidian as stones-mascots;
  • element - metal;
  • the main colors are saffron, honey, amber, orange.

Any business started today will lead to a good result. Set yourself up for success and believe in yourself.

What should you do today to be successful?

The main condition for achieving the goal is careful preparation and planning. All the small and painstaking work done on the 24th lunar day can launch a large-scale and grandiose project. Your success will be even more significant if you take care in advance to have all necessary information and "tools".

Lunar relations on the 24th day

The twenty-fourth lunar day is one of the most successful for communication and networking. If you have planned important negotiations with partners - be sure to appoint them on the 24th day. The moon today favors those who can listen to the interlocutor, follow the conversation with interest and conduct a dialogue on an equal footing. Therefore, at any meeting, try to be extremely attentive and friendly.

This is a bad period for manipulating people, pushing through their ideas and aggressive behavior. You just can't take something by force. But sincerity, honesty and openness will work wonders.

Today is the day when you can improve relations in the family and with relatives, if there were disagreements and misunderstandings. Calmly discuss issues that concern you, share your concerns, find common ground in the conversation. You don't have to sort things out. Start with a clean slate, forgetting past grievances and disagreements.

Relationship building and sex

On the 24th lunar day, they are perfect for a marriage ceremony. The life of the spouses will turn out well. Healthy children will grow up in the family, husband and wife will become each other's support. It's almost perfect time for marriage.

On this day, it is especially good to marry those couples who knew each other. for a long time. Such a union will be happy and strong. However, young people will have to think about material stability, since they are unlikely to be limited to an only child. And raising children is expensive.

Sex on this day can give you a real unity of the spiritual and physical plane. On this day, you can fantasize, experiment, realize your secret desires. All this will allow you to feel incredible bliss and connect even stronger with your partner.

conception of a child

Characteristics of people born on the 24th lunar day

The day is very unusual people. They are unique from birth, different from other children and live in a "parallel universe". They almost always possess numerous talents, are inquisitive and have an iron will. Such people live interesting and active lives and almost always achieve their goals.

Astrologers have a joke that "twenty-fourth children" already from birth have good manners and after their birth they do not cry, but simply thank the midwife. Such children do not need parental care and upbringing. They know everything and can do everything. Give them a fork and a knife instead of a bottle and they will show you how to use them.

AT school years"twenty-fours" bathe in the rays of glory and adoration. These are the constant excellent students, the joy of teachers and, oddly enough, the favorites of classmates. Children born on the 24th lunar day do not need to seek anyone's love, she finds them herself.

Despite the fact that the "twenty-fourth people" look and behave oddly, society listens to them. These are smart and erudite people having deep knowledge and well-developed intuition. Not surprisingly, they can already earn their first million by the age of thirty.

Those born on the twenty-fourth lunar day often do charity work. They are kind and merciful people who cannot indifferently pass by human misfortunes and troubles. It is very important to protect them from scammers and schemers, otherwise they will go too far in their generosity.

What do dreams mean on the 24th lunar day

Dreams on the 24th lunar day often show how important it is for you to maintain a balance of energy balance. All the energy that has accumulated for past period- wants to get out.

If you expend your strength in reasonable portions, gradually, without straining, you may dream of a predator lazily basking in the sun. It can be either a bear or another large animal.

If today in a dream you see a jumping squirrel or a hare, your actions are chaotic, not effective and unpromising. Plan the day in advance, prioritize correctly, analyze your actions.

Rituals of the 24th lunar day

Rituals today should be focused on bringing happiness into your life. On this day, the male sexual energy is very strong. Take advantage of this and perform a ceremony to increase your attractiveness in the eyes of your loved one. However, there is one indispensable condition - your chosen one must be in a relationship with you for a long time.

It is impossible to do love spells or rituals aimed at married people on these lunar days. Everything that concerns the family, the Moon guards. On these positive days, envy, greed, selfishness and heartlessness should not be released. Everything you wish for others today will come back to you like a boomerang.

The twenty-fourth lunar day is an auspicious day to start a new life. On this day, you should discard all fears and move forward towards the intended goal. Esotericists say that this time is suitable for abandoning the old and destroying everything unnecessary, as well as for creating something new.

The moon on the 24th lunar day gives a person a powerful boost of energy. If you send it to a "peaceful channel", then you can achieve good results at work or in the garden. However, not everyone will benefit from it. Some people, due to an overabundance of energy, will want to go on an adventure or gamble. You should not commit rash acts, as they can lead to unpredictable consequences. With an excess of energy, it is better to go for a run, visit gym Or find another way to spend it.

General characteristics of 24 lunar days:

  • Energy of the day: passive day.
  • Symbol of the day: bear.
  • Element of the day: metal.
  • day stone: , .
  • Color of the day: golden and shades of yellow.

The characteristic of 24 lunar days is as follows: the day of the beginning of new business. If the energy is overflowing these days, then you can “move mountains”. However, some people may lack it. AT this case it is recommended not to plan anything grandiose, but it is best to relax. Sleep will make you feel better. If your strength has left you while walking in a park or forest, then you need to find a pine tree and lean against it. It will give you vitality.

On this day, in no case should children be left alone. They will also be overwhelmed with energy, which can push them to crazy deeds and pranks. This can end badly, so children on the 24th lunar day should always be kept in sight.

These days do not feel the tension and hostility of the past day. Despite the energy, the 24th lunar day brings peace and tranquility. The mood is usually good. No hostility or aggression.

However, noisy festivities are not recommended on this day. This is due to the fact that the previous day was difficult and today there will be no strength left for this kind of festivities. On these days you can meet with friends, but in small company. You can go to nature or spend this day with your family.

If you have been planning any construction for a long time, then this is the most right time to start it. It will go well if you properly prepare for it. There is a version that it was on this day that the famous Egyptian pyramids were erected.

This day is an auspicious day for creative people. On the 24th lunar day, you can realize yourself in the chosen field. In addition, this is the right time to create a masterpiece.

The day is suitable for self-development. The energy of the moon stimulates mental activity and all the information received on this day is better absorbed. In addition, concentration increases and memory improves. On this day, a solution to any problem that has long haunted can come.

The 24th lunar day is a time for increasing libido in men and women. On these days, the fair sex will increase the charm, and the stronger sex will become more courageous. However, these days are considered the days of male energy.

The day is suitable for working on the ground. You can uproot trees and dig beds.


On this day, you can do any household chores. All of them will argue and will not adversely affect human health. You can plan for this time repair and redevelopment of housing.


Pathologies rarely occur on the twenty-fourth lunar day, but even if an illness occurs, it will quickly recede and will not cause much harm to the body.

Weak spots are the rectum, epidermis and liver. On this day, you can carry out their therapy and cleaning. In addition, it will be useful water procedures, in particular, a visit to the steam room will positively affect the work of the whole organism.

If there is physical weakness, then you should sleep. Full sleep will help restore strength.

24 lunar days are suitable for unloading days or therapeutic fasting. If this is not possible, then you just need to abandon the fatty and so-called junk food as well as from drinking alcohol.

work, money, business

A description of the twenty-fourth lunar day would be incomplete without mentioning work. This day is suitable for starting any business. They will subsequently bring good profits, and each of the undertakings will end with a resounding success.

The day is good for business, construction and trade. You can make deals and build business relationships.

These days you can deal with financial matters. All money matters will be successful.

The day will be especially successful for creative people. It is today that they can create a real masterpiece that can bring them world fame.


This lunar days esotericists should be given Special attention. On the 24th lunar day, they acquire new knowledge and wisdom.

On these days, you can arrange fortune telling. You can tell fortunes on topics that relate to the near future. It should be remembered that fortune-telling shows only a scenario. You can change them if you choose a different path. On these days, divination on fire will be especially reliable.


24 lunar day is a favorable day for hair procedures. Cutting hair on the 24th lunar day will give a person a powerful boost of energy. Thanks to this procedure, vitality and activity will increase.

Cut your hair on this day if you want to slow down their growth. In addition, thanks to this procedure, the curls will stop falling out and become thicker. On this day, you can stain, but only in dark shades. AT light colors makeup is not recommended, as this can deprive a person vitality and weaken defensive forces organism.

Characteristics of people born on the 24th lunar day

People born on the 24th lunar day are unusual and unique. They say about them: "Not of this world." This lunar birthday gives a person different talents. On this day, musicians, artists and actors are born.

Such people achieve great success in life. In whatever race they are born, they will become highly developed people. People born on this day have strong spirit and purposefulness.

Dreams on 24 lunar days

Dreams that were dreamed on the 24th lunar day indicate the amount of accumulated energy and creativity. They suggest how best to implement it. The dream will tell you how to properly spend energy and in what direction it should be directed.

In addition, a dream shows a person Right way which he needs to follow. It can show an activity that a person should pay attention to in order to become happier.

It is possible that in dreams today the answer to a question of interest will come. On this day, dreams need to be able to correctly decipher. This can help a person solve an existing problem.

You can use a dream book to decipher dreams, but it is better to rely on your own intuition. This will help you understand how to act in a given situation. On this day, a dream should definitely be remembered, since this can be a very important message.

24 lunar day is one of the most better days lunar cycle. Thanks to these days, you can change your whole life for the better.

24 lunar days - the time of creation and activity. On this day, new beginnings and love dates work well.

Affairs. All undertakings of the day are doomed to success. Do not be afraid to take on the most complex and controversial projects - the Moon will contribute to their brilliant completion. They will bring good luck and current routine affairs. But it is better to take advantage of the enhanced energy of the day and resolve all ambiguous and risky issues.

Job. good time to increase activity at work. You can take on new projects or complete current ones - any activity will be successful. The day is good for communication. Therefore, ask advice from colleagues, communicate with superiors, look for business partners and investors. This is a great time to change jobs.

Housework. Favorable period for any housework. Repair, rearrangement of furniture, cleaning will be easy and will not leave you tired. You can throw away old unnecessary things - this will clear the energy space of the house. It is recommended to involve relatives and friends in housework. Joint work will bring together and strengthen family relationships.

Money. On this day, reason prevails over feelings. Therefore, you can safely carry out any financial transactions - the risk of failure is minimal. This is a suitable period for investing, concluding financial contracts, lending, large purchases. A good time to operate in the financial markets. When making spontaneous transactions, there is a high opportunity to get a large profit.

Love, relationships. 24 lunar days are suitable for any communication, including love dates. During this period, you can safely arrange romantic meetings, establish new relationships or renew old ties. This is the time for love and sex. intimacy will protect against many diseases and give an additional boost of energy.

Communication. The day is suitable for any communication. Communication with friends and family will give good mood and new ways of looking at the world. Conversations with unfamiliar people will be easy, bring the necessary information and grow into the right connections. At work, it is good to engage in joint activities, listen to the advice of colleagues.

Travels. On this day, any travel is undesirable. It's connected with increased risk accidents and thefts on the roads. You should not go on both long and short trips for work or leisure. It is better to reschedule a business trip or vacation for another time to avoid negative consequences.

Haircut and hair care. On day 24 lunar calendar undesirable to cut. Haircut can worsen general state health. You can change the color of your hair - coloring will favorably affect the overall energy of the day. It is advisable to choose dark shades. Experimenting with hair on this day is not recommended.

Beauty and health. 24 lunar day is a neutral time to visit a beautician or a beauty salon. During this period it is useful to do exercise, yoga. It is important not to overexert yourself to avoid exhaustion. It is not recommended to overeat and drink alcohol. It is advisable to adhere healthy eating. You can arrange an unloading day.

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