A small umbilical hernia in an adult what to do. Umbilical hernia in adults: symptoms, causes, treatment. Signs of an umbilical hernia in an adult

Man, on the one hand, is the crown of nature, and all the achievements of civilization directly or indirectly testify to this. The human head and hands are the organs that created our world. But, freeing his hands for work, and taking a vertical position of the body, the person sacrificed a lot.

For example, due to upright walking, the load on the spine has increased, a disease such as osteochondrosis has appeared. And the vertical position of the abdominal cavity and the load on the hands contributed to an increase in pressure in it.

The abdominal muscles are not equally dense everywhere: sometimes weak spots form between the bundles, into which the peritoneum protrudes, and the nearby contents rush behind it: an intestinal loop. We are talking about hernias of the white line of the abdomen and umbilical hernia. Weak spots of the abdominal wall are also lower: they form inguinal and femoral hernias.

How dangerous is the appearance of such a formation as an umbilical hernia? What does it look like, and how to deal with it?

Umbilical hernia - what is it?

An umbilical hernia is a pathological formation in which the peritoneum with the abdominal organs adjacent to it is carried under the skin, under the influence of internal pressure, in case of weakness of the umbilical ring. The navel in Latin is umbo, and the umbilical hernia is therefore called umbilical.

  • A characteristic symptom is a decrease in protrusion, or complete disappearance (spontaneous reduction) in the supine position.

The frequency of occurrence with this localization is approximately 6-10%. More often it is observed in women giving birth, as well as in the rural population, due to greater physical activity.

How is an umbilical hernia arranged?

Any hernia, including an umbilical hernia, consists of three parts: a gate (“weak spot”), a bag (which is visible from the outside), and the contents that, having penetrated through the gate, are in the bag. In the case of an umbilical hernia, it may be a greater omentum, or, worse, loops of the small intestine.

The prediction depends on the behavior of the content. For example, with prolonged protrusion, the occurrence of pain, deterioration of health, it is possible that the contents of the bag simply become dead.

Therefore, any attempt to correct such a hernia will lead to the development of peritonitis, which is fraught with death. This condition, in which urgent surgery is needed, is called an incarcerated hernia.

Why does a hernia occur?

The main producing factor is congenital or acquired stretching of the umbilical ring, which constantly increases with increasing intra-abdominal pressure: this occurs, for example, when crying in children, and during spontaneous, especially prolonged labor in women.

Predisposing factors for the development of an umbilical or umbilical hernia in adults are:

  • with habitual constipation;
  • with abdominal type of obesity;
  • with weakness of the abdominal muscles;
  • with cicatricial postoperative changes in the umbilical region;
  • with frequent pregnancies;
  • due to pronounced physical stress, for example, when lifting weights;
  • with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases: asthma, coughing fits;

It is easy to guess that there are only two factors: this is the weakness of the umbilical ring, combined with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. This mechanism is universal for all hernias: femoral, inguinal, and white line of the abdomen.

What does an umbilical hernia look like? Like a rounded protrusion in the umbilical region. Unfortunately, the appearance does not say anything about the contents of the bag and its condition. Previously, before the advent of ultrasound, it was difficult to guess about this.

For example, auscultation of a hernia with a phonendoscope was used. If an intestinal loop got into the bag, and its condition did not cause concern, then the sounds of peristalsis and rumbling were heard. But if the intestine "fell silent", then this sign could indicate its necrosis.

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia in adults with its uncomplicated course are as follows:

  1. A protrusion appears in the umbilical region, first with an increase in pressure, and then more often. With a horizontal position, the hernia is often reduced;
  2. When an increase in pressure occurs (lifting weight, coughing, sneezing, emptying the intestines), pain occurs that characterize the “squeezing” of the contents through the ring. Patients "with experience" during physical exertion wear a special bandage, or even hold the navel with their fingers to prevent the hernia from growing;
  3. With the progression of the process, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, increased peristalsis, and rumbling may disturb. This is due to the fact that the promotion of the food bolus through the small intestine to the area of ​​the hernial ring, and further difficult.

If an umbilical hernia occurs, what should I do? First of all, you need to watch her, avoiding excessive tension in the abdominal muscles.

Wearing a special, well-fitting bandage can prevent the appearance of a hernia, and a special umbilical hernia patch can also be used for this purpose.

But, all these measures are similar to the behavior of a person guarding a barrel of gunpowder among burning candles. As the great connoisseur of the human soul and doctor Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote, “if a gun hangs on the wall, then it should shoot.” This is exactly what happens with a hernia, and not necessarily with an umbilical one.

They have an insidious property to become complicated and infringed at the most inopportune moment of time: in the forest, on a hunt, far from civilization and air ambulance, or from communications.

Therefore, the reduction of a long-existing formation is not only a useless undertaking, but can also be dangerous. Treatment of umbilical hernia in adults without surgery is impossible: the state of "cure" will last until the next trip to the toilet.

Yes, there are special types of hernias, such as internal hiatal hernia, in which, in most cases, conservative treatment is indicated, which is very successful. But there is a special biomechanics of the occurrence of a hernia, and, in addition, there are no symptoms of obstruction, and infringement is extremely rare. Therefore, the only “set and forget” treatment is the removal of the umbilical hernia.

Which doctor to contact for testing and treatment? This should be a polyclinic surgeon who will give a referral for hospitalization and surgical treatment.

They operate in any department of "clean" surgery, which is not only in the city, but also in any central district hospital. The operation of hernia repair belongs to the section of abdominal surgery, or surgery of the abdominal organs.

About hernia surgery

In fact, illiterate people say so. No "removal" occurs, since there is nothing to remove, except for excess skin and subcutaneous tissue. The intestinal loops are inserted into the abdominal cavity (provided that they are fully viable), then the main stage of the operation is carried out - the plastic of the hernia gate, that is, the strengthening of the umbilical ring, and then the excess skin sac is eliminated.

The fact is that the skin has managed to stretch for a long time, and it will not always be able to straighten out without wrinkles. In any case, a small scar near the navel is completely invisible after the operation.

It is important to understand that it is necessary to operate on an umbilical hernia "on a cold", that is, among full health. Of course, you don't really want to do this, but you need to.

How do you know that the hernia is strangulated and need urgent help?

Complications and signs of infringement of a hernia

Urgently call an ambulance, or go to the nearest surgical hospital on your own if:

  • nausea, vomiting appeared, health worsened;
  • the noises of intestinal peristalsis disappeared, there was no stool and gas discharge, bloating appeared;
  • the temperature has risen, or the pain has sharply increased (not only in the umbilical region, but, in general, in the abdomen or in the groin).

Also, a situation is considered a dangerous harbinger when the formation, which was usually easily and independently reduced lying down, stopped doing it.

For obvious reasons, you should not try to do this by force, but call an ambulance and go to the hospital lying down. If you stand up, you can completely infringe on the contents.

It is known that the intestinal loop, which has a torsion of the mesentery with the adductor artery, already needs resection after a few hours, since it dies. This causes intestinal obstruction, which after a few hours is complicated by peritonitis.


With timely access to the surgeon in a "planned" manner, the person recovers. As a rule, relapses do not occur, there is no cosmetic defect left. The operation does not last long, "they don't get into the stomach."

Basically, the surgeon performs all the work by doing plastic surgery of the umbilical ring. After discharge from the hospital, you can forget about the bandage, and about all the restrictions.

Instead of a conclusion

An umbilical hernia in adults, the symptoms and treatment of which we examined, is considered by doctors to be a “non-serious” operation. But in the event that the patient neglected the planned herniotomy, and ended up on the operating table already in a state of collapse and shock, with intestinal obstruction, fecal vomiting and diffuse peritonitis, then his chances of not only recovery, but also survival are rapidly falling.

Therefore, in order not to create problems for yourself, do not listen to those who offer "recovery without surgery." Your health is only in your hands.

There are several types of hernias located in the abdomen (epigastric, inguinal, femoral). But the umbilical hernia is considered the most common, due to the weakness of the connective tissue of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, the complete absence of muscles and subcutaneous tissue (fat) in the umbilical ring. Up to 10% of the population are susceptible to the development of this pathology, most of which are women.

An umbilical hernia is a pathological condition in which the organs and tissues of the peritoneum protrude through a gap in the umbilical ring and the formation of an unaesthetic, rather large mound or tumor in the umbilical region.

The hernia consists of three components:

1 Hernia gate- a hole formed in the connective tissues through which a part of the tissue or organ falls out.

2 hernial contents- an organ or part of the subcutaneous tissue, which, under the action of intra-abdominal pressure, has advanced through the hernial orifice.

3 hernial sac- tissues covering the hernial contents and forming a protrusion similar to a tumor.

The reasons

An umbilical hernia occurs if the balance between the pressure exerted by organs and physiological fluids on the walls of the peritoneum and the ability of the muscles of the abdominal wall to withstand this pressure is disturbed. Or other factors appear that contribute to an increase in the load on the muscles of the peritoneum. In adults, there are several reasons leading to the occurrence of an umbilical hernia:

1 Congenital feature of the structure of the umbilical ring. Normally, the umbilical ring in newborns is open and closes only by 2-3 years. But it happens that the connective tissue is weak, the hole cannot be completely healed, and a small hole remains, which is invisible in childhood. Over time and under the influence of other factors, the hole may gradually expand.

2 hereditary pathology. The most rare cause, but in some cases there is an inherited underdevelopment of the connective tissues of the body due to a lack of mineral trace elements and vitamins to release the required amount of collagen.

3 Pregnancy. For 9 months, the tissues of the abdomen of a pregnant woman are stretched, and the growing child puts pressure on the walls of the uterus and other organs, thereby increasing intra-abdominal pressure. Women with multiple pregnancies and a large amount of amniotic fluid are at risk for prolapse of an umbilical hernia. The situation can be aggravated by constipation that often occurs during pregnancy and heavy prolonged attempts during childbirth.

4 Overweight or obesity. An increase in fat masses in the abdomen leads to stretching and weakening of the abdominal muscles, as well as an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Most often, the problem of excess weight occurs due to malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, which can be a decisive factor for the formation of an umbilical hernia.

5 Diseases that cause sudden jumps or a constant increase in intra-abdominal pressure. These diseases include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with difficulty in defecation and respiratory diseases that cause a strong and frequent cough. wall of the abdominal cavity.

6 Heavy lifting or improper exercise. If you start lifting any weights abruptly and without additional preparation, this can lead to a jump in intra-abdominal pressure and the formation of a hernia.

7 Operations on the organs of the abdominal cavity. A hernia can occur at the site of the postoperative suture if the patient violates the doctor's recommendations for rest.

8 Injuries. Rupture or violation of the muscular corset and connective tissues can lead to the formation of a gap in the umbilical ring and hernia prolapse.

9 Sudden weight loss. Due to the rapid decrease in body weight, which can be caused by a serious illness or the wrong approach to nutrition (starvation, exhausting diets), metabolic disorders and muscle weakening occur. Including the abdominal muscles that support the umbilical ring suffer.


During pregnancy, you must carefully monitor the condition of your abdomen (the navel and white line) and strictly follow all doctor's prescriptions, because the growing belly of a pregnant woman is the most common cause of umbilical hernia, which affects up to 70% of all women.


An umbilical hernia appears gradually and goes through two stages in its development: free (or reducible) and irreducible. Each stage has its own characteristics:

1 Reducible hernia is detected immediately, because it can be seen and felt as a small rounded swelling at the navel, which disappears in the supine position and appears when the abdominal muscles are tense. At this stage, the hernia does not cause any discomfort, only occasionally slight pains can be felt when coughing and pushing.

2 irreducible hernia increases in size, does not disappear in a horizontal position, which indicates the formation of adhesions and compaction of tissues. Visually, the hernial sac changes: it becomes edematous and acquires a reddish tint. The patient begins to be disturbed by pain, the nature of which depends on which organ has entered the hernial contents and whether the inflammatory process has begun. If there is an intestinal loop inside, then the patient will be disturbed by constipation, nausea, vomiting and other problems in the digestive tract. If a part of the bladder is found in the hernial contents, then the patient will have difficulty and painful urination.

Photo of an umbilical hernia in an adult male.


At first glance, diagnosing an umbilical hernia is easy and simple, because you can see and feel it yourself. But other serious diseases also have a similar appearance - tumors of the hypodermis (subcutaneous tissue), secondary manifestations of cancerous tumors of the stomach, and deviations in the development of tissues in the navel region. To be sure of the correctness of the assumptions and to know the exact diagnosis, you need to seek help from a surgeon who will conduct a number of necessary studies:

  • Review and conversation. During the examination, the patient will need to take a standing and lying position. Before the examination, you need to remove clothes to the waist so that the surgeon can make sure that there are no other hernial protrusions in the abdomen. The doctor palpates the umbilical region, while asking the patient to strain or cough in order to understand the changes that are characteristic of a hernia. During the conversation, the surgeon finds out all the circumstances that will help prescribe the most effective treatment: does the patient have any close relatives who have been diagnosed with a hernia; whether there have been previous operations on the abdominal organs; are there any other changes in the general condition of the body and in the work of the gastrointestinal tract; determines the time and circumstances of the appearance of a hernia; whether (and how often) pain is present.
  • Ultrasound examination (abdominal). Ultrasound is prescribed in order to determine the size of the contents, whether any organ is present in the hernial sac, whether there are seals and fusions of connective tissue.
  • Herniography. The patient is given anesthesia, then a contrast solution is injected with a needle, they are asked to roll over on their stomach and strain or cough so that the solution penetrates the hernial sac. Then X-rays are taken. This study is carried out in order to determine which organ has entered the hernial contents, if the doctor has any doubts. Sometimes this diagnostic method is replaced by radiography of the stomach and duodenum using a contrast fluid (in this case, barium sulfate is given to drink).

In rare cases, the doctor also prescribes computed tomography and endoscopic examination of the stomach.

If a small tumor appears in the navel area, you should immediately contact a specialist for diagnosis.


The only effective way to completely get rid of this pathology is an operation that should not be postponed, since there is a high probability of infringement, which threatens with serious consequences and a more expensive and complex healing process. None of the methods described in traditional medicine can guarantee the complete elimination of a hernia. A contraindication to surgery can only be the presence of an infectious disease, which can become a risk of even greater harm to the patient's health.

According to the method of carrying out the operation, they are divided into those that are carried out in an open way and in which endoscopes with devices for visual control of the operation are used (laparoscopic operation).

The open method consists in cutting the necessary sections of the umbilical region to access the hernial sac. The duration of such an operation is about 30 minutes and may vary depending on the complexity of the situation.


The video shows the operation of removing an open umbilical hernia, which is performed by the surgeon using the author's technique.

The operation using endoscopes is performed without serious tissue injury (which greatly simplifies the rehabilitation period), several small incisions are made to insert the endoscope into the abdominal cavity. Endoscopes have surgical instruments and optical devices that allow you to control the process from the inside. The duration of the operation is 10-15 minutes.

The operation is carried out in three stages:

I An incision is made in the tissues to provide access to the hernial contents.

II The hernial sac with contents is excised or reduced.

III Fixation (or suturing) of the hernial ring. Suturing is carried out by two methods: tension - after reduction, the bag is sutured with the patient's own tissue, non-tension - the gate is sutured using a synthetic mesh implant with a margin, which creates an additional barrier and helps prevent recurrence until the hernia is completely restored and cured. Most surgeons prefer the tension-free method of suturing, because the inserted implant does not cause discomfort to the patient and guarantees a positive result of the operation.

Operation price

When calculating the cost of the operation, the complexity and urgency of the operation, the method of implementation, the quality of the materials used, and the qualifications of the operating specialist are taken into account. Prices are indicated in rubles.


Clinic of practical medicine (multiprofile center




Clinic "First Surgery"




OAO "Medicine"




St. Petersburg

SM Clinic




Hospital of the Holy Great Martyr George




Abia Medical Center









Clinic "Dune"




Center "Serdolik"




Additional Information!

In public medical institutions, the cost of the operation is covered by the CHI policy.

Treatment without surgery

According to most doctors, the treatment of umbilical hernia without surgery is impossible and no other treatment method can be considered effective. However, if the operation is contraindicated for any reason (the patient has a confirmed diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, there is a cancerous tumor, heart failure or pregnancy), then it remains to hope for proven folk remedies to get rid of the hernia forever.

The most famous folk remedy for umbilical hernia is considered to be applying to the umbilical region and fixing a copper coin. This method of treatment will be effective only for children under 3 years of age, in whom the umbilical ring has not yet completely closed and it is possible to set the hernial contents, and the opening will naturally overgrow. In adults, a hernia occurs due to the appearance of a hole that can only be removed surgically.

  • Decoction of plakun-grass(strife loosestrife). A decoction is prepared from 1 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed leaves, infused in 500 ml. boiling water and take 50 ml. everyday. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks.
  • Oak leaf tincture and red wine (in any proportion). The course of treatment is 2-3 months.
  • Compress of thick and sticky oatmeal which is boiled in water. It is necessary to form a ball from the porridge, which is applied to the previously reduced hernia and kept for 2 hours. The course of treatment is not less than 10 days.
  • Compress from 1 tbsp. tablespoons fresh nettle leaves and 1 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, which must be covered with plastic wrap.
  • Rubbing sea buckthorn oil into the navel for two weeks, 3 times a day.
  • Pine gum compress, which is applied to the umbilical region and pressed, after setting the tumor.
  • Onion compress. The onion must be baked in the oven, then half attached to the hernia and pressed tightly with a scarf or belt. It is necessary to keep the compress for 3 hours a day for a month.
  • Compress from 1st. spoons of bee propolis and 1 cup of alcohol, which is infused for a week, then 100 ml are added. melted butter. Apply to the umbilical region and periodically check that this mass does not get inside the navel.

The most implausible and ineffective method of treatment can be considered umbilical hernia conspiracies. Such a pseudoscientific method of treatment cannot be chosen as the main one and exclude any others, because its effectiveness has not been confirmed and, according to all the laws of logic, is impossible.

Alternative methods of treatment can significantly alleviate the general condition of the patient and have some positive effects, even if the umbilical hernia is in the free stage.


After the operation, the patient expects a long period of rehabilitation (from 1 month) according to strict and mandatory rules:

  • Wearing a bandage. The bandage is a wide belt, with a pad-like seal on the inside, which must be applied to the hernia and the bandage should be fastened tightly. This device helps to avoid strangulation of the hernia, as well as to support the muscles of the abdominal cavity after surgery. Occasionally, the doctor advises wearing a patch for getting rid of a hernia or rehabilitation after surgery, because it is less effective than a bandage.
  • Taking medications to relieve pain and prevent complications.
  • Refusal of physical exercises and any stress on the abdominal muscles.
  • Compliance with a special diet.



In the video, the surgeon talks in detail about what rules must be followed when performing any exercises for people with a predisposition to umbilical hernia, as well as what type of massage will be useful during the fight against the disease.

To prevent the formation of an umbilical hernia, any exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles are suitable. If a hernia has already formed, then it is necessary to perform a set of exercises that exclude additional stress on the navel area:

  • Breathing exercises that are borrowed from yoga practices.
  • Twisting the press with slow turns.
  • Raising the pelvis from the supine position.
  • Raising the chest from the supine position.
  • Various rotations of the body.


Before performing any exercise, you should consult a doctor so as not to aggravate the course of the disease with complications. After the operation, exercises can be done only after one month.


The occurrence of an umbilical hernia is directly related to the weakening of the abdominal muscles and excess body weight, therefore, for preventive purposes or during the treatment of a hernia, it is necessary to follow a certain diet that will help get rid of the problem much faster.

If dieting is necessary to keep the body in shape, then you should select the products and the way they are consumed in consultation with a specialist who will help you create a menu that meets the needs of your body.

If an umbilical hernia has appeared, then proper nutrition will help relieve symptoms and increase the effectiveness of medical procedures. You must adhere to the following rules:

  • exclude heavy food: fried meat, confectionery and bakery products, canned food, spicy seasonings;
  • exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, coffee, strong tea;
  • eat fractionally (5-6 times a day in small portions);
  • give preference only to thermally processed products.

If the patient has already undergone an operation to remove a hernia, then he needs to improve the general condition of the body, adhering to the following dietary rules:

  • for several days after the operation, try to eat only liquid food, which will not provoke the formation of constipation;
  • exclude marinades, smoked meats, spicy dishes;
  • exclude fruit juices;
  • add protein to your daily diet.

At first glance, an umbilical hernia is a simple and understandable disease that is detected independently, but it must be treated according to the recommendations and under the supervision of a specialist. If you use the available information, respond in time and follow all the doctor's prescriptions, then the cure will be complete and quick.

(Total 6,875, today 2)

The navel is the weakest place on the front wall of the abdomen, as there is no fat and muscle tissue. For this reason, this area is ideal for the development of a hernia.

When the internal organs enter the film, which consists of connective tissue, the condition is characterized by their bulging through the expansion of the umbilical ring. At first, a hernia of the navel does not cause much discomfort to a person and it is easy to set it in place, however, such methods help only temporarily.

If the pathology becomes advanced, it threatens the patient with peritonitis and / or death.


Regardless of the age category, umbilical hernia is the result of two factors:

  • defect in the anatomical structure of the navel ring;
  • increase in intra-abdominal pressure, leading to stretching of the tissues of the abdominal wall.

Both factors are interrelated and are considered decisive in the formation of pathology if they overlap.

Pathological protrusion of an umbilical hernia is diagnosed in both adults and children, while an umbilical hernia occurs in every fifth child of the first year of life, and in premature babies this figure almost doubles. The advantage of early age is the possibility of the disappearance of pathology in the development of the muscular system.

Unfavorable environmental background, infectious diseases during pregnancy can cause pathologies of connective and muscle tissues in newborns. After birth, rickets and malnutrition, constipation, excessive gas formation and associated colic, prolonged crying or coughing can lead to weakening of muscle tissue.

Recently, statistics have seen an increase in incidence rates in adults. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle, overweight or sudden weight loss, all kinds of injuries and postoperative sutures. Sometimes the causes of a hernia can be the following:

  • diseases of the abdominal organs (cirrhosis of the liver, prostate adenoma);
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the patient has constant constipation.

The abdominal wall also weakens in pregnant women, especially when bearing a fetus with a large weight. In adult men, muscle weakness can be provoked by excessive physical exertion, the pursuit of a muscular body, when strength exercises are resorted to on their own without consulting a fitness instructor, or the number of loads is not respected.

Most often, an umbilical hernia is found in pregnant women and women who have already given birth, people who are obese and those who do hard work and play sports, not knowing about the weakness of the abdominal wall.

In the list of risk factors: serious chronic respiratory diseases, accompanied by prolonged coughing, frequent constipation, problems with urination. Various injuries and anatomical deviations in the structure of the umbilical ring can provoke the appearance of a hernia in the umbilical region.

Congenital abnormalities of the umbilical ring. After the birth of a person, the umbilical ring is scarred and closed. This is the norm, but there are deviations. If full scarring has not occurred, a small hole remains. Over time, this can lead to the expansion of the ring and the subsequent development of an umbilical hernia.

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious physician.

Pathological protrusion of the abdominal organs is called a hernia. Among these diseases, protrusion of the navel takes third place.

The symptoms of an umbilical hernia for an adult and a child are no different, so diagnosis, as a rule, is not difficult. Pathology looks like a hernial sac that sticks out through the umbilical ring.

At first, such a protrusion may be small, but when the disease enters an advanced stage, the hernia causes severe discomfort to a person.

An umbilical hernia most often develops in men over 40 years of age.

Types of umbilical hernias

Umbilical hernias in adults can be divided into 2 types.

1. Reducible (free). With reducible umbilical hernias, the contents of the protrusion easily disappear in the peritoneum as soon as the patient takes a horizontal position. This is possible in the early stages of the disease, when the hernia is just beginning to appear. If you do not deal with the treatment of umbilical hernia, it can go into the next variety.

2. Irreducible hernia. It is characterized by the inability to set the protrusion inside the ring. This is due to the fact that the adhesive process begins, in which the hernia tissues fuse with the hernial opening. This happens with neglected umbilical hernias, which can be a serious threat to the health and life of the patient, since there is a high probability of serious complications.

There are congenital and acquired umbilical hernias. In the first case, a congenital hernia can be diagnosed immediately after birth. It is caused by the fact that the umbilical opening in the baby does not have time to fully form. An umbilical hernia in adults is usually acquired in the course of life.

Abdominal hernias are divided into congenital and acquired. The first includes fetal umbilical pathologies. Acquired defects include both childhood diseases and adults. Pathology is divided into direct and oblique hernias of the navel. In the first case, the formation of a defect is associated with thinning of the fascia, transversely attached to the umbilical ring.

With a direct orientation, the hernial sac enters the subcutaneous tissue through the umbilical ring. If the hernia is oblique, then the protrusion is formed under or above the navel, passes through the gap between the transverse fascia and the white line of the abdomen, and only then exits through the ring. According to the criterion of miscibility, hernias are classified as irreducible and reducible. The first option is infringement.

Umbilical hernia in children

An umbilical hernia is one of the most common diseases in children in the preschool years. According to statistics, it is diagnosed in every fifth child.

An umbilical hernia in children can also be congenital (as a result of developmental anomalies leading to a delay in the formation of the anterior abdominal wall with prolapse of internal organs) and acquired (inflammatory diseases of the bronchial tree, whooping cough, phimosis contribute to the development, leading to increased intra-abdominal pressure).

Causes of umbilical hernia in children

The main causes of hernia include:

  • defect of the umbilical ring, if the edges are too hard;
  • high intra-abdominal pressure;
  • uncovered vein of the navel and undeveloped abdominal muscles - as a rule, in infants up to 1.5 years;
  • if the baby started walking early (up to a year), a hernia may appear in an upright position;
  • hysterical crying, coughing;
  • diseases that reduce muscle tone: rickets, malnutrition;
  • heredity.

Up to 1 year, it is necessary to try to keep the hernia in a constant reduced state, while simultaneously performing strengthening exercises for the anterior abdominal wall (massage, a complex of special gymnastics), increasing the chances of spontaneous closure of the defect in the aponeurosis.

Before each feeding, the baby should be laid out on the tummy, which reduces the air content in the stomach and reduces the risk of a significant increase in intra-abdominal pressure after feeding.

Treatment of umbilical hernia in children

Treatment of umbilical hernia in children under 5 years of age is carried out with the help of strengthening therapy:

  • massage for umbilical hernia;
  • physiotherapy;
  • to prevent infringement, the child is put on a bandage.

If the conservative methods used were ineffective, then the baby is prescribed surgical treatment, leading to a complete recovery.

In children after 5 years, surgical treatment is carried out: reduction of the hernial contents into the abdominal cavity in combination with strengthening the umbilical ring (suturing with special sutures, setting up a supporting structure in the form of a grid). If the hernial sac is infringed, it is opened, the viability of the contents (for example, the intestine) is assessed, and the abdominal wall defect is sutured with its strengthening.

Umbilical hernia patch

A patch for umbilical hernia is used in children, mainly up to 1 year old. Currently, a number of special non-allergenic plasters for children of various companies are being produced.

Applying a patch is possible only after complete healing of the umbilical wound (normally after 7-14 days). Parents should understand that the infection of the umbilical ring with connective tissue can only occur if the hernia does not go beyond the hernial orifice.

The use of a patch in adults is ineffective even with very small hernia sizes.

Umbilical hernia in newborns

Umbilical hernia in adults

In the presence of such an ailment as an umbilical hernia in adults, treatment without surgery is almost impossible, even despite the fact that today this disease has been studied very well. Nevertheless, the problem of prevention, as well as the prevention of this disease, is still, unfortunately, very acute.

Meanwhile, a relapse can lead to a serious limitation of the physical activity of an adult, the patient's quality of life worsens. In particular, this applies to patients of retirement and pre-retirement age, as well as women who are going through the postpartum period.

If any sign of this disease appears, you should immediately contact a specialist.

In the presence of such a disease as an umbilical hernia in adults, home treatment, as mentioned above, is almost impossible. But there are some methods that are worth trying nonetheless. Patients with such an ailment speak positively about such a method as strengthening the abdominal walls with the help of a special massage or thanks to special therapeutic exercises.

You can seal the umbilical hernia with adhesive tape, but this should be done with extreme caution. This can lead to skin irritation, which, in turn, can lead to infection.

Experts assure that with such a disease as umbilical hernia in adults, treatment without surgery is almost impossible. Therefore, it is important to know when to do without surgery. The operation is done in cases where it is required to completely remove the umbilical hernia in an adult. Before the procedure, the patient receives general anesthesia.

Very often sounds such a diagnosis as an umbilical hernia in adults. Treatment, reviews of the effectiveness of which may vary, most often consists of surgery. Therefore, if alternative methods do not help, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

An umbilical hernia is a disease that is characterized by a divergence of the muscles of the abdominal cavity and a protrusion of the tissues of the peritoneum through the umbilical ring. According to statistics, most women suffer from umbilical hernias, since often the weakening of muscle and connective tissues is associated with pregnancy. The disease also affects men who are overweight and obese.

An umbilical hernia is one of the most common pathologies of the body. Among the known hernias of the abdomen, this violation takes the third place.

The deviation is associated with dysfunctions of the umbilical ring. This is the weakest and most vulnerable place on the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity.

There is no fat in the umbilical cavity, it is not protected by muscle tissue, therefore, this place is ideal for the localization and development of a hernia.

The condition is characterized by the protrusion of internal organs through the navel ring. The protruding organs are in the hernial sac, which is a thin film of connective tissues.

At first, the hernial protrusion may be insignificant, it is enough for a person to slightly press on it and set it in place. It is not painful or dangerous, but such actions help temporarily.

It is better not to get involved in self-elimination of the problem and immediately proceed to a more radical treatment with the participation of a doctor. When the disease passes into an advanced stage, the umbilical ring grows, which leads to an increase in the size of the hernia itself.

It expands, protrudes and causes discomfort.

An umbilical hernia in adults is an emotionally complex disease. Pathology is always noticeable and conspicuous by its unattractiveness.

It changes the natural contours and shapes of the abdomen. You can hide under clothes, but you can’t hide the defect in the bathhouse, on the beach or in the pool.

Pathological protrusions in adulthood are not only an aesthetic defect. In adults, umbilical hernia is much more difficult than in childhood.

The progression of the disease leads to severe complications. Let's try to figure out what the essence of the disease is and what is the degree of its seriousness.

A protrusion in the region of the umbilicus. The most characteristic and well-marked symptom of an umbilical hernia. It can be of various sizes. Sometimes the protrusion is barely noticeable, in the prone position it is not visible at all. And sometimes very big.

If you put your fingers on the protrusion and cough slightly, strain, you can feel a characteristic push.

Which doctor should I contact with an umbilical hernia?

Association with pregnancy

According to statistics, in women, a hernial protrusion in the navel area most often appears during pregnancy. This is facilitated by a change in the position of the internal organs in connection with the growth and development of the fetus, as well as a rather strong jump in intra-abdominal pressure, which play a significant role in pathogenesis.

During pregnancy, when many drugs, and even more so surgical treatment, are prohibited, it is necessary to carefully choose approaches to therapy. After all, pinching a defect can lead to miscarriage and loss of a baby, which no expectant mother wants.

What to do if there is pain in the umbilical hernia during pregnancy? First of all, it is necessary to consult with your doctor! Only he will be able to fully assess the situation and decide what measures are best taken in a particular case.

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia

An umbilical hernia is a specific disease that for a long time can practically not manifest itself. Many patients accidentally pay attention to the fact that a bulge has formed in their navel area, which at first completely disappears with light pressure.

However, as the disease progresses, a symptom such as pain may appear. It is she who often makes patients see a doctor, as they simply do not know what to do with it, and how dangerous this condition is.

In fact, even with a fairly advanced umbilical hernia, pain is not such a common complaint. Compared with lesions in the lower back, for example, pain may be an exception in general, but an exception indicating serious danger, which cannot be said when a lumbar defect is detected, for which exacerbations are not uncommon.

The fact is that with hernias of the back, the spinal cord is often pinched, and the muscles also spasm, which explains the appearance of an unpleasant sensation. With a defect in the navel, in principle, muscle spasm does not occur, and therefore pain appears only if there is a clamping of the organs that are in the hernial sac. And this is a rather dangerous situation.

As the disease progresses, patients also often complain of digestive problems. There may be, for example, complaints of bouts of nausea or vomiting, which do not bring noticeable relief.

A change in appearance, an increase in the size of the navel, its protrusion forward are the main manifestations of an umbilical hernia.

The initial stage of the disease is characterized by protrusion of the navel, when the patient's body is in an upright position, when a person lies down, the navel acquires a normal size and shape. Usually a hernia is not accompanied by pronounced symptoms, rarely contributes to a deterioration in well-being. Accompanying the disease may be signs such as:

  • indigestion;
  • aching pain in the abdomen;
  • feeling of heaviness in the navel;
  • nausea.

One of the most common surgical diseases is an abdominal hernia, which forms on the anterior wall of the abdomen.


An umbilical hernia in adults is one of the diseases whose diagnosis does not cause problems. Pathology is always visually noticeable, a person can independently see and feel it. If a deviation is detected, at least a doctor's consultation is required. It is better not to postpone a visit to a specialist, the duration and effectiveness of treatment will depend on this.

To accurately determine the presence of an umbilical hernia, an ultrasound is prescribed. With the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the nature of the protrusion is clarified.

If necessary, an x-ray examination of the contents of the hernial sac is carried out after the introduction of a special contrast agent into the abdominal cavity. Through this method, it is determined which part of which organ is located in the hernial protrusion.

A study of the gastrointestinal tract is also carried out, which makes it possible to detect concomitant diseases and possible complications. Such measures also help to differentiate umbilical hernia from tumors.

The following examination methods are carried out:

  • gastroduodenoscopy;
  • radiography of the digestive tract;
  • a blood test, through which it is possible to detect the presence of an inflammatory process.

An umbilical hernia is visually visible, so differential diagnosis does not cause problems. A person can feel the presence of a defect in the abdominal cavity on their own.

It is impossible to postpone a visit to a specialist, otherwise there is a risk of infringement, after which only surgical removal of the umbilical protrusion will be required. Diagnosis begins with an examination, during which the attending physician or pediatric surgeon, if the child is consulted, feels the anterior abdominal cavity, looks at what the defect looks like, determining the size of the hernial sacs and the presence of an inguinal hernia.

After a conversation to identify symptoms to confirm the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed additional studies:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • herniography;
  • radiography with contrast;
  • gastroduodenoscopy 12 of the duodenum and stomach.

To diagnose the development of an umbilical hernia, a man needs to consult a surgeon. During the initial examination, examination and palpation of the umbilical ring area in the patient's supine and sitting position, the doctor may suspect the presence of an umbilical hernia. With a strangulated hernia, a sharply painful, unreduced protrusion is observed.

To confirm the diagnosis, a number of instrumental studies are used:

  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs and the umbilical region, due to which the divergence of the muscles of the anterior abdominal line is revealed and sections of the internal organs in the hernial sac are detected;
  • herniography (X-ray examination with contrast, which allows you to see the size and contents of the hernial sac).

If an umbilical hernia is the result of a pathology leading to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, the attending surgeon, if necessary, refers to a consultation with a gastroenterologist, internist, oncologist.

Treatment approaches

In the presence of such a disease as an umbilical hernia in adults, treatment with folk remedies is possible only if it is not complicated and there are no serious contraindications.

These include any acute disease or exacerbation of any chronic problems, severe ailments of the cardiac and vascular systems, respiratory organs, as well as early pregnancy.

What to do if a diagnosis of "umbilical hernia in adults" is made? Treatment with folk remedies, reviews of which are completely different, involves procedures that are easy to do on your own.

Another very common folk remedy used in the treatment of this disease in adults is a camphor oil compress. Patients claim that it has a beneficial effect directly on the bulge area itself.

In order to prepare such a compress, you need to take the usual camphor oil, which is sold in any pharmacy. As an alternative, you can use pine resin, but it must be prepared in advance.

Pine resin or camphor oil is melted in a water bath, and after it cools, it is necessary to mold small rounds from the resulting mass. It must be applied to the bulge, previously lubricated with camphor oil, and fixed with a plaster.

In the presence of a disease such as umbilical hernia in adults, treatment with folk remedies (copper penny in particular) is very common. Not everyone knows about its beneficial effects on the body, so they forget about this method. But people who have tried this method speak of its effectiveness.

You need to make a tight binding. To do this, you need to take a five-kopeck coin (preferably an old sample), wrap it with a soft cloth and apply it as tightly as possible to the umbilical hernia. After that, it should be fixed with adhesive tape or a bandage. This procedure should be done for three days.

Patients say that an integrated approach and patience help to get rid of such a diagnosis as umbilical hernia in adults. Treatment, photos of patients confirm this, it turns out to be effective.

The main treatment for umbilical hernia in adults is surgery. If the patient has no contraindications to surgery, then the hernia can be removed in several ways.

1. Tense hernioplasty. During the operation, the surgeon sews up the edges of the umbilical hernia, tightening the muscles and connective tissue.

2. Relaxed hernioplasty. The surgeon uses a special mesh with which the tissues of the abdominal cavity and the navel are strengthened.

Tension hernioplasty today is characterized by a large number of complications and a more difficult recovery period. Since the suture remains after the operation, it can be very painful for a long time.

A recurrence of the disease may develop. According to some data, the recurrence of umbilical hernia with strained hernioplasty develops in 10% of cases.

It is necessary to be very careful about the recovery period. After such an operation in adults, heavy lifting and heavy work should not be done for a year in order to minimize recurrence and the secondary appearance of symptoms of the disease.

An umbilical hernia can also be treated with a more gentle surgical option with a minimum of possible relapses of the disease. This is an unstressed hernioplasty.

The advantage of such an operation in the treatment of umbilical hernias is a shorter postoperative period, as well as the possibility of full-fledged physical activity 3-4 months after the operation. If this surgical method is combined with laparoscopy (when the surgeon does not make a large tissue incision, but performs manipulations through 3 small holes), then recovery takes a minimum period in adults.

There are many traditional medicine recipes that are used for umbilical hernia. Of course, they will not replace surgery, but they can be used along with wearing a bandage, in the process of preparing for surgery and in the period after surgery to prevent relapses.

Propolis compress. 1 st. l.

dried propolis pour 200 ml. alcohol.

Infuse for 7 days, shaking the contents daily. When the tincture is ready, take 100 grams of homemade butter, melted in a water bath, and 2 tbsp.

propolis tincture. From the resulting substance, make a warm compress on the area of ​​​​the umbilical hernia and around it.

Make sure that the contents of the compress do not get into the navel. After the compress is absorbed into the skin, wipe it with cold water.

Sea buckthorn oil. Rub sea buckthorn oil into the umbilical hernia. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the hernial sac. The number of procedures - twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, the number of days is not limited. The umbilical hernia should strengthen and not progress.

Up to 5 years, an umbilical hernia is not operated on, since there is a possibility of self-closing of the defect. In order to cure umbilical hernia in children, general strengthening therapy, massage of the hernial ring, physiotherapy exercises are recommended. In adults, the treatment of umbilical hernia is carried out only surgically in a hospital.

The initial stage of a hernia of the navel is perfectly treated with folk methods. The complex of measures is reduced to the correction of nutrition, massage, applying lotions, compresses, taking herbal decoctions, infusions. The most effective folk recipes:

  1. Ointment. Melt 50 g of butter, then pour in 1 tsp. propolis tincture. The mixture must be mixed and applied to the sore spot in the form of a compress. The healing ointment must be kept all night, and in the morning the navel area should be washed with warm water, after which an iodine grid should be made.
  2. A decoction of rhubarb root. To prepare it, you will need a glass of crushed raw materials, which must be filled with water to cover the mass. Then the composition is put on a very small fire and simmered for 6 hours. Ready broth is taken in a glass 1-2 times a day until the disease goes away.
  3. Shepherd's purse tincture. Fill a glass bottle with chopped grass, then fill the container with vodka to the top. The mixture should be in a cool dark place for 10 days. The finished tincture is taken three times a day for half a teaspoon until the condition improves.

Surgical therapy

The most modern and effective therapy for umbilical hernia is hernioplasty, in which the hernial defect is repaired.

The choice of a specific technique is carried out by the surgeon individually, based on the size of the hernial protrusion, the state of the muscular and ligamentous skeleton of the abdominal cavity, the development of complications, as well as the age and presence of concomitant chronic diseases of the man.

  • tension hernioplasty, that is, the elimination of a hernial defect and strengthening the anterior wall of the abdomen with the help of the patient's own tissues;
  • tension-free hernioplasty using artificial mesh implants.

According to medical observations, synthetic protective meshes more effectively prevent relapses, that is, protrusions of internal organs in the future.

According to the method of gaining access to altered tissues, open and laparoscopic operations are distinguished. Open - these are common surgical interventions, when the surgeon makes an incision in the skin with a scalpel, removes the hernial sac, and sets the organs inside.

The choice of tactics for the treatment of umbilical hernia depends on the form of the disease, the presence of complications, contraindications and the general condition of the patient.

In children under 7 years of age, defects in the umbilical ring, as a rule, disappear, therefore, in patients of this age category, treatment of an uncomplicated umbilical hernia is not required, and expectant management is justified.

When is surgery needed?

The first week after the operation, the patient is in the hospital, after which the stitches are removed and the bandage is prescribed for another 1-2 months, since during this period the skin in the umbilical region is still not elastic enough. With severe pain in the first days after surgery, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

After discharge, it is important for the patient to adhere to a diet and diet in order to exclude constipation that provokes a recurrence of a hernia.

The patient should forget about physical activity and sports for a year, especially if the method of tension hernioplasty was used. In the case of tension-free hernioplasty, this period is reduced, but in any case, physical activity should be introduced gradually under the supervision of a doctor.

If an operation has taken place in children, then their rehabilitation is faster. It is only required to ensure that there are no injuries and excessive tension of the abdominal wall (constipation, prolonged coughing or crying, excessive tension), because the goal of postoperative rehabilitation is to avoid recurrence of the disease.

What medicines to take for umbilical hernia in adults? How to cope with pain syndrome, and can it be done at home?

Most often, the danger is the defect that is large. This is explained by the high probability of pinching. If pinching has occurred, then it is impossible to relieve pain with an umbilical hernia at home, a mandatory visit to the doctors is necessary. The best option for solving the problem in this case is a simple surgical intervention that will solve the problem once and for all.

In general, contrary to popular belief, the most optimal way to deal with a hernia of the umbilical ring is surgery, which will eventually be shown to any patient sooner or later.

It is important to remember that in an adult patient the disease cannot go away on its own, in any case, he will need an operation, and it is better to carry it out as early as possible in order to avoid possible complications. With children, things are somewhat different.

There is always a chance that the baby will outgrow the pathology, and therefore they are shown invasive intervention only if, nevertheless, the organs in the hernial sac have been infringed. The main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

If the hernia of the navel, accompanied by pain, has been successfully operated on, the recovery of the patient will not take so much time.

    • adhere to bed restmaking only short-term walks, but gradually increasing their duration;
    • wear a special bandage,which is designed to reduce the likelihood of recurrence of the disease, as well as speed up the healing process of sutures;
    • drink antibacterial drugs prescribed by a doctor,which is necessary to prevent the development of infection;
    • regularly do dressings of the postoperative wound.

The first few days after the operation, the patient is in the hospital. You can get up the next day, increasing the time of walking every day. Immediately after the operation, it is recommended to put on a bandage and wear it for several months to facilitate the healing of the stitches.

A few days after the operation, if there are no complications, the patient is discharged. On average, 2 weeks after the operation it is necessary to make dressings. You need to take a course of antibiotics to prevent infection.

After removing the stitches, wearing a bandage is mandatory. Depending on the type of operation, intensive loads and heavy lifting are prohibited for a period of several months to a year.

At first, a special diet is shown, the bark is based on sparing nutrition. You need to eat small portions and often. All food that can cause bloating and constipation is excluded, in order to avoid an increase in intraperitoneal pressure.

An umbilical hernia can be eliminated spontaneously only in children under 4-5 years old. In adults, this defect is removed, since the umbilical ring is not able to return to its previous forms.

Even wearing a bandage for a long time will not save you. Such pathologies are not treated with pills, compresses and diets.

It is possible to restore normal forms of the abdomen and eliminate the umbilical hernia in adults only by surgery. The best time for surgery is the stage when the hernial protrusion is still being reduced.

Operations to eliminate umbilical hernias are called hernioplasty. The choice of the type of operation depends on the size and anatomical features of the hernial formation, the condition of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, the general condition of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases. Before any operation, the patient undergoes a thorough examination.

In modern herniology, vast experience has been accumulated in delivering patients from umbilical hernias, regardless of their size. Giant, recurrent, complex hernias are safely removed using a variety of defect repair techniques.

This area of ​​medicine is actively developing and is considered very promising. The level of treatment improves markedly, which allows us to make optimistic predictions about the effectiveness of radical treatment.

The essence of the operation

In all cases, when prescribing an operation, the choice of the pathology removal method is determined individually. The goal of the doctor is to remove the hernial formation and exclude relapses with the least intervention in the body.

If there is no infringement, the operation is carried out as planned. It does not require special preparation of the patient and is quite easily tolerated. The doctor examines the patient, appoints an examination and the date of hospitalization.

Tension hernioplasty. Tension surgery uses your own tissues to strengthen the navel ring.

They are pulled, this is done to close the detected defect. To access the hernial sac, the specialist makes an incision.

If the bag is small, it is eliminated by immersion in the abdomen. If the hernia is large, it is removed.

After that, the umbilical ring is strengthened with neighboring tissues and stitched. One of the disadvantages of this surgical method is the high probability of recurrence, in 10% of patients there is a repeated hernia.

Tension-free hernioplasty. In cases where tension-free hernioplasty is performed, the umbilical ring area is strengthened with special synthetic meshes. An incision is also required during the operation. The rehabilitation period lasts no more than a month, relapses are rare.

Laparoscopy. Laparoscopic operations are known and widely used.

This is the safest way to eliminate pathology, which surgeons have been using for over 20 years. Among the main advantages of this type of hernioplasty is the absence of scars after surgery, minimal trauma, and a low likelihood of developing postoperative adhesions.

Operations require special medical equipment and experienced trained doctors. Hernioplasty is performed through a puncture in the abdomen, without incisions.

To strengthen the umbilical ring, the surgeon uses a mesh implant. Rehabilitation after surgery is reduced in time, the patient recovers faster.

The indication for surgery is the very presence of a hernia.

The operation is contraindicated in patients with a large hernia, suffering from pulmonary and heart failure. This is primarily due to the fact that the reduction of hernial contents can lead to even greater dysfunction of these organs. Other contraindications for surgical treatment are:

  • pregnancy;
  • advanced age of the patient.

In this case, the treatment consists in limiting physical activity and wearing a special bandage. Emergency surgery is performed only with strangulated hernias.

During a planned operation, the surgeon gains access to the hernia, excise the hernial sac, immerses the internal organs back into the abdominal cavity and performs tummy tuck. Hernioplasty can be performed both according to the classical method using the patient's own tissues, and using allografts.

The implant is a synthetic hypoallergenic mesh material used to close the hernial opening. Over time, it grows into the patient's tissues and prevents the hernia from reappearing.

The probability of such a recurrence after surgery is no more than 1%.

Activities after removal of the umbilical hernia

After surgical treatment of an umbilical hernia, the patient must wear a special postoperative bandage, the use of which can reduce the load on the sutures.

An umbilical hernia is a disease in which physical activity contributes to the patient's speedy recovery - but they must be strictly dosed, and their level should correspond to the patient's condition.

Getting out of bed is allowed on the day of surgery, walking and running are recommended on days 10-14, while strength training and weight lifting can be prescribed no earlier than 27-31 days even after low-traumatic surgical interventions.

The use of a bandage for umbilical hernia

An effective treatment of an umbilical hernia is provided by a bandage that can prevent the appearance of unwanted bags inside a person. It is prescribed for sprains, weakening of the muscles of the abdominal cavity.

The bandage is used for the purpose of prevention and has its own significant advantages:

  1. The bandage relieves pain symptoms and improves the period of the disease.
  2. It can be worn for a long time without harm to health.
  3. The bandage reduces the diameter of the umbilical ring, which contributes to the closure of the hernial space.
  4. It is selected individually, according to the parameters of the patient's figure.
  5. The bandage is invisible when worn, the applicator is attached to the hernial sac, the bandage is put on and fixed.

The bandage is prescribed after the operation, it can be freely bought at every pharmacy at an affordable price. Consists of elastic material and performs the role of reliable fixation.

Pregnant women are also shown a bandage for umbilical hernia, an effective design allows you to wear the device for a long time and not experience significant discomfort.

The bandage can cause irritation, especially in the summer. To prevent this, it is necessary to remove the product every two to three hours and give the body a little rest. To improve the effect when wearing a bandage, it is worth doing a massage of the umbilical cord area, performing it yourself under the supervision of a specialist.

Possible Complications

An umbilical hernia is a disease that is quite capable of leading to the development of serious complications.

First of all, they remember, of course, such a problem as infringement of the hernial sac. This is one of the most dangerous complications, since during the infringement, the organs that are in the defect zone stop receiving blood. Because of this, the development of their necrosis is possible.

The condition always requires immediate surgical intervention, and the doctor during the operation must examine not only the contents of the hernial sac, but also the nearest free organs. This is necessary to make sure that no circulatory disturbances that are invisible to the eye have occurred.

Inflammation of the umbilical hernia is a slightly less dangerous pathology. With it, various irritating factors lead to a negative reaction of the body, but the operation is not always required. Sometimes the situation can be resolved with medication.

The protrusion becomes dense, and when you touch it, a person experiences pain.

The organs located in the hernia can no longer be put back into place.

Inflammation of the organ located in the hernial sac. This is accompanied by swelling, pain, redness in the navel.

The temperature rises and the general condition of the patient worsens. All these dangerous symptoms characterize the incarcerated condition of the umbilical hernia, the most severe form of the disease.

The most frequent and dangerous complication of umbilical hernia is its infringement in the hernial orifice.

A strangulated hernia is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • it is not possible to set the umbilical hernia;
  • change in the color of the hernial formation;
  • increased pain in the area of ​​the protrusion;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • deterioration in general condition and fever.

The presence of the above symptoms is a direct indication for emergency surgery.

An umbilical hernia can be complicated by intestinal obstruction, inflammation of the contents of the hernial sac, rupture of the hernia, infringement of the contents of the hernial sac, which, in turn, can cause gangrene and death.

With timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, the prognosis is favorable. In the absence of the necessary treatment, the prognosis worsens, the risk of developing complications of an umbilical hernia increases.


Prevention of umbilical hernia in adults is very important with a genetic predisposition to the disease. In this case, you need moderate physical activity, maintaining a normal weight. It is worth downloading the press to strengthen muscle tissue. To avoid constipation, you need to eat right.

Prevention of hernias of the umbilical ring is also important for pregnant women. To do this, you must wear a special bandage or underwear for pregnant women. This measure prevents unnecessary stress on the muscles and connective tissue of the abdomen. Also, women need to remember about moderation in physical activity and not to lift weights.

Proper nutrition also plays an important role in the prevention of umbilical hernia, as it implies an established stool and the absence of regular constipation. An umbilical hernia can quickly develop against the background of constant tension of the peritoneum due to constipation.

Preventive measures in relation to the prevention of the formation of an umbilical hernia are aimed at eliminating the possible influence of producing factors. If you are in an increased risk group for the development of an umbilical hernia, it is necessary to periodically undergo preventive examinations by a surgeon with the passage of an ultrasound and x-ray examination.

  • normalization of body weight;
  • cough treatment;
  • constipation treatment;
  • dosed lifting and carrying weights.

To make the manifestations of a hernia less pronounced and not require surgical intervention, you should lead a healthy lifestyle. Each person, regardless of age and the presence of pathology, should focus on the following measures:

  • monitor body weight;
  • lift only heavy weights;
  • regularly train the abdominal muscles;
  • pregnant women to wear a bandage;
  • timely treat diseases that can cause high intra-abdominal pressure;
  • newborn children to do massage and gymnastics.

Prevention consists in maintaining normal muscle tone of the anterior abdominal wall and preventing an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

  • regular physical exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles;
  • refrain from excessive physical exertion and heavy lifting;
  • maintaining normal body weight;
  • timely detection and adequate treatment of diseases of the digestive system and respiratory organs;
  • careful implementation of the recommendations of doctors regarding the restoration of habitual physical activity during surgical interventions on the abdominal cavity.

After the age of 50, it is advisable for a man to visit a surgeon annually to detect an umbilical hernia at an early stage of development. When the first symptoms appear, it is also important to contact the surgeon, who will determine the amount of necessary therapeutic measures. This will not only preserve health, but also avoid dangerous consequences.

There is no specific prevention of umbilical hernia.

In order to prevent the development of umbilical hernia in women during pregnancy, it is recommended:

  • timely elimination of pathologies that contribute to the development of umbilical hernia;
  • wearing a bandage during pregnancy;
  • preventing weight gain;
  • strengthening the abdominal muscles;
  • balanced diet.

In order to prevent the development of complications of an existing umbilical hernia and recurrence of the disease after treatment, patients are recommended to undergo massage and physiotherapy exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, as well as avoid excessive physical exertion, which causes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

megan92 2 weeks ago

Tell me, who is struggling with pain in the joints? My knees hurt terribly ((I drink painkillers, but I understand that I am struggling with the consequence, and not with the cause ... Nifiga does not help!

Daria 2 weeks ago

I struggled with my sore joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And for a long time I forgot about the "incurable" joints. Such are the things

megan92 13 days ago

Daria 12 days ago

megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) Well, I'll duplicate it, it's not difficult for me, catch - link to professor's article.

Sonya 10 days ago

Isn't this a divorce? Why the Internet sell ah?

Yulek26 10 days ago

Sonya, what country do you live in? .. They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their margins brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. Yes, and now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs, furniture and cars.

Editorial response 10 days ago

Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is really not sold through the pharmacy network in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently, you can only order Official site. Be healthy!

Sonya 10 days ago

Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then, it's OK! Everything is in order - exactly, if payment upon receipt. Thank you so much!!))

Margo 8 days ago

Has anyone tried traditional methods of treating joints? Grandmother does not trust pills, the poor woman has been suffering from pain for many years ...

Andrew a week ago

What kind of folk remedies I have not tried, nothing helped, it only got worse ...

  • Every time, lifting weights and not following a healthy lifestyle, people do not think about the consequences, one of which is an umbilical hernia. The pathological process begins with the fact that some organs begin to fall under the skin through the umbilical ring. This is due to hypertrophy of the abdominal muscles. In this case, one of the main provoking factors is increased pressure in the abdominal cavity.

    Note! The disease occurs regardless of age, but statistics show that women who have given birth are most often at risk. This is explained by the fact that during childbirth, due to strong attempts, the muscles of the peritoneum are very weakened, and, consequently, the umbilical ring.

    Muscles begin to atrophy due to increased pressure on the umbilical ring. Among the main factors provoking an umbilical hernia are the following:

    • congenital pathology, which provides for weak muscles and connective tissue;
    • too weak abdominal muscles;
    • lack of physical charging;
    • overweight and sudden weight loss;
    • increased physical activity;
    • frequent weight lifting;
    • abdominal trauma;
    • high levels of fluid in the body, which begins to accumulate;
    • abdominal surgery;
    • frequent flatulence;
    • a small amount of time between pregnancies;
    • frequent cough in chronic lung diseases.

    Attention! If in infants this pathology is congenital, then in adults, in most cases, it is an acquired disease.

    How to recognize: the first signs and symptoms

    In addition to physical discomfort, a navel hernia delivers a huge amount of unpleasant emotional sensations, since the pathology is very difficult to hide. Even more or less, you can cover the hernia with loose-fitting clothes, but what to do when summer is approaching and it's time for the sea and the beach. Such a formation on a naked body will always attract attention, so it is necessary not to delay, but to start timely treatment.

    If we talk about physical sensations, then this is, first of all, pain. Every time a person coughs or sneezes, his abdominal cavity tenses up and there are severe pains in the navel. The initial stage is not characterized by pain, because its appearance indicates that the pathology is becoming serious.

    In the absence of timely therapy, the patient may experience nausea and vomiting, and then stool disorders. These signs occur when a patient has a large hernia with a narrow gate.


    Self-diagnosis can be done very quickly. If, when examining the abdomen in the navel, a person notices a protrusion of a spherical nature, then you should immediately go to see a doctor. When the patient is in a supine position, the pathology will not be visible, on the contrary, when the muscles of the abdominal cavity tense up, for example, during a cough or an active conversation (cry), the protrusion is shown outward.

    Such mobility of the pathology will be observed only in the first stages of the disease, then the adhesive process begins, which fixes the hernia. In this case, the symptoms will depend on the rate of development of the pathology and its size. The individual characteristics of the patient are also very important, since a formation with a diameter of about five centimeters may not bother one person at all, and cause terrible discomfort to another. Soreness in this case depends on which organs fell under the pathological process, as well as on the level of pain syndrome.

    Symptoms of a hernia with infringement (large sizes of the umbilical formation):

    1. Acute pain in the navel area, when a person strains the muscles of the peritoneum, the pain becomes unbearable.
    2. The skin begins to redden in the umbilical zone, and after a while it acquires a bluish tint.
    3. The attacks of nausea are so strong that they very often end in vomiting.
    4. Lack of appetite.
    5. Upon pinching of organs, loose stools can be observed.

    This is dangerous! Compressed tissues may suffer from necrosis, as a result, an inflammatory process and peritonitis will develop. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to delay the treatment of a hernia.


    If there are prerequisites for the development of an umbilical hernia, then it is worth going for a diagnosis. First, the surgeon examines the patient, after palpation in different positions (standing, lying), the doctor can make a diagnosis, but this information will not be enough to prescribe further treatment, so the patient is sent for additional accurate examinations.

    Type of diagnosticsWhat information about hernia does it provide?
    Ultrasound procedureThis diagnostic method provides data on the size of the umbilical formation, what is contained in the bag and the presence of adhesions. Ultrasound is performed only in the supine state
    Tomography (computer)It is carried out in case of mild symptoms. Thanks to the three-dimensional image, the doctor can accurately examine the pathologically vulnerable internal organs
    HerniographyIf the surgeon has doubts about the accuracy of the diagnosis, then the patient is sent for an additional special study. It is carried out by filling the abdomen with a radiopaque substance. When it enters the hernial sac, staining of the affected area occurs. Thus, all the nuances of an umbilical hernia can be examined in detail on an x-ray
    FibrogastroduodenoscopyIf the doctor needs a more informative picture of the state of the digestive tract, then this research method is used. The procedure is carried out using an endoscope. The tube of the device is inserted into the digestive tract through the mouth

    Attention! At the appointment with the surgeon, it is important not to forget to report all the details of how you feel, namely, whether pain is present, whether heartburn is observed, how long ago the protrusion was detected.

    How to cure without surgery?

    The main worrying question for people who have discovered an umbilical hernia. As it turned out, it is necessary to treat a hernia only by an operative method. However, if the patient has found a pathology, but there are contraindications for surgery, then you can seek help from an unconventional treatment method to avoid complications.

    Treatment with phytotherapy

    One of the most widely used methods is phytotherapy. To do this, take the main medicinal herb called loosestrife loosestrife (better known under the popular name plakun-grass). The grass is crushed to make one tablespoon of raw materials, and poured with boiling water (500 ml.). After the decoction has been infused for an hour, it can be taken as a medicine in 50 ml. daily for two weeks (if there is no positive effect on the body, you should consult a doctor). Patients with umbilical hernia noted a significant improvement in well-being, as well as restoration of the functionality of the digestive tract.

    How does a copper penny help?

    Often one could hear from grandmothers that a hernia was treated with a copper penny. This method can only be applied to children.

    1. First of all, a compression bandage is made. For this, a nickel is taken, wrapped in a soft cloth and applied to the affected area. This is fixed with adhesive tape.
    2. The procedure should be carried out regularly for three days to achieve the desired effect.

    Camphor oil against hernia of the navel

    Camphor oil compresses can save you from discomfort with an umbilical hernia, and sometimes completely eliminate it. To prepare a compress, you need to heat the oil, then cool it and mold a small ball for two hours. Then the diseased umbilical region is lubricated with oil and a molded ball is applied to it. You can fix it with a patch. Carry out until the protrusion disappears, if this does not happen after a few weeks, then competent medical assistance is needed.

    Video - Umbilical hernia: treatment with folk remedies

    Oatmeal and hernia

    Porridge is necessary for the external method of application. This will require a small amount of oatmeal, which should be boiled until thick so that it is possible to fashion a ball. Then, according to the same principle as with camphor oil, oatmeal is applied to the place of protrusion for a couple of hours. The duration of the application of this method of treatment takes about ten days, after which the patient will begin to observe significant improvements.

    The effectiveness of onions in umbilical hernia

    Another way to improve the condition is an onion compress. To carry out the manipulation, you do not need to squeeze out the onion juice, just bake the vegetable in the oven and cut it in half. Attach one of the halves to the sore navel and firmly fix it with a handkerchief for three hours. Such compresses will need to be carried out for one month, but the result will justify itself.

    Video - Treatment of umbilical hernia in adults without surgery: reduction, laser


    One of the serious complications of an umbilical hernia is its infringement. Basically, it occurs due to increased physical activity or during sneezing, the abdominal muscles tense up and the hernial protrusion is infringed.

    Thanks to the bandage, you can hold weakened muscles. Under the pressure created by the bandage, the hernial protrusion cannot leave the abdominal cavity.

    Bandage therapy guarantees a significant improvement in muscle tone. Consequently, the hernial sac cannot come out through the umbilical ring. In addition, the bandage is an excellent prophylactic device that prevents hernial infringement. The duration of wearing a bandage for the purpose of therapeutic therapy is prescribed by a doctor.

    Application of hernia patches

    Patches are a convenient method of treating hernial formation. But it is worth paying attention that for adults it is used extremely rarely. Mostly patches are used to treat a hernia in children. The duration of treatment is one month. One of the most popular hernia patches is Porofix, Chicco.

    The use of exercise therapy

    A hernia of the navel occurs due to weakened muscles, so exercise therapy during home therapy should become an integral part. With the help of special exercises, you can quickly strengthen muscles and increase tone. Physical therapy is especially recommended after surgical treatment, a set of exercises can be combined with manual therapy, then the effectiveness of treatment will increase significantly.


    Symptoms of an umbilical hernia can be expressed in varying degrees: from barely noticeable and appearing only in certain situations to permanent and causing significant discomfort.

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    Massive giant formations are rare today. Most patients turn to a doctor (surgeon) in a timely manner, who removes the hernia with a simple operation. And in some cases, conservative treatment is enough.


    The protrusion is the main, and in many cases the only symptom of a hernia of the navel. Visually, the protrusion of the abdominal organs through the umbilical ring looks like a bulging of the navel, which can have various sizes: from a pea to a watermelon.

    In the initial stages, the protrusion is present intermittently, appearing only with a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure (when lifting weights, exerting pressure on the press, coughing, when straining during constipation, in children - when crying). When the action of provoking factors stops, the hernia spontaneously reduces.

    In the future, in adults, if untreated, the bulging of the navel becomes permanent, straining or increasing in size with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure (in children, over time, this hernia can completely disappear by itself).

    • In the prone position, an unimpaired umbilical hernia of small size can be easily set by slightly pressing the fingers on the formation - it goes back into the abdominal cavity without resistance. With large formations or with a very narrow umbilical ring, the protrusion can be irreducible, remaining with maximum relaxation of the abdominal press and causing constant discomfort, especially when walking and exercising.
    • The skin over the protrusion is thinned, blood vessels are visible through it. When exiting as part of a hernia, the loops of the small intestine through the stretched, thinned skin of the navel, you can see the contours of the intestine and its contractions.
    • To the touch, a protrusion of a soft-elastic consistency, if there are intestinal loops inside the hernia, rumbling and transfusion are felt under the fingers.
    • When the protrusion is repositioned with the fingers, a peculiar popping sound is often noted (this is the sound of bursting water bubbles).

    Extension of the umbilical ring

    The expansion of the umbilical ring and a decrease in the tone of its walls are the symptoms that the surgeon determines when examining the patient.

    Normally, the umbilical ring is quite dense and narrow, and the finger inserted inside it rests against the walls and cannot pass into the abdominal cavity. With a hernial formation, the ring expands, which is clearly visible after the reduction of the formation, the tone of the navel decreases, and the tip of the index finger can be inserted through the ring.

    Hernial protrusion in the umbilical region is not always accompanied by pain. But with a narrow umbilical ring or large formations, the exit of the hernia may be accompanied by cramping pains in the navel. Pain symptoms can be observed not only in the protrusion, but also throughout the abdomen, back, lower back, spine.

    More often they are fickle, pulling in nature, not too intense, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, rumbling in the stomach.

    Acute severe pain in the abdomen, which has arisen against the background of an umbilical hernia, always requires the exclusion of a possible infringement.


    Constipation occurs with large formations with a relatively narrow umbilical ring. In such cases, the intestinal loops that have left the abdominal cavity are intertwined, squeezed, and the movement of food through them is difficult.

    And constipation causes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which leads to an increase in the size of the protrusion and makes it difficult to reduce it - a vicious circle is formed.

    Nausea and vomiting

    Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, flatulence are also noted in patients with large irreducible formations.

    With small protrusions, these symptoms are absent. Nausea and vomiting are intermittent, occur some time after eating or after exercise.

    In the presence of indomitable vomiting, it is necessary to exclude the infringement of the hernia.


    Even if the symptoms of the pathology are subtle and practically do not bother you, visit a surgeon, because, regardless of the size of the formation, dangerous complications may occur.

    You can also be mistaken in assuming that you have a hernia - some other diseases have similar symptoms.

    The doctor will confirm or refute the diagnosis, decide on the need for surgery and the timing of its implementation, or recommend measures for conservative treatment.

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    How to get rid of an umbilical hernia and its symptoms?

    Incomplete closure of the umbilical ring in newborns or high loads in adults lead to such a common disease as an umbilical hernia, erroneously called an umbilical hernia. This disease is characterized by the exit of the organs of the abdominal cavity through the umbilical ring. The omentum and part of the intestine often change their anatomical position, which, in case of complications of protrusion, lose their function, lead to severe intoxication, which can be fatal. For some patients, such a disease does not pose any danger, it can be cured at home by wearing a bandage and strengthening the abdominal muscles, but for other people with congenital anomalies, an umbilical protrusion can be deadly. The first symptoms of an umbilical hernia are very easy to notice, it manifests itself visually as a bulging of the navel, and other less obvious signs join this manifestation: high fever, dyspepsia.

    Umbilical hernia clinic

    Manifestations of a protrusion in the navel are visually noticeable and cause the patient an unpleasant feeling of heaviness, sometimes the stomach hurts and the digestive function is disturbed. An uncomplicated hernia proceeds favorably, the integrity and functionality of the organ that has entered the hernial sac is preserved, but this does not always happen. A severe course of a hernia is possible in case of non-compliance with the prevention of complications, then the stomach increases, the body temperature rises, general weakness appears, the navel does not return to its place, and all this indicates a possible infringement of the organ.

    1. The protrusion of the navel is the main and constant sign of the disease, as soon as it disappears, the person recovers completely. The protrusion of the navel is easily reduced on its own when a person assumes a horizontal position or presses on the navel with his fingers. When the hernia is reduced, a characteristic gurgling sound is heard. When an umbilical defect cannot be reduced, the disease is automatically considered life-threatening and surgical treatment must be performed;
    2. The appearance of discomfort in the defect area, the stomach hurts a little, but this phenomenon is not always present. The protrusion and the stomach often hurts when physical activity is performed or after a heavy meal;
    3. Violation of the intestines: the patient may experience constipation, nausea with vomiting, while the stomach hurts a lot. If at the same time only accompanying symptoms are treated, the disease will not allow to get rid of them, only aggravating the manifestations. Symptomatic treatment is effective only after the hernia has been repaired, and the defect can be removed by surgery.

    These symptoms are typical for an uncomplicated hernia, but in case of infringement, the patient begins to suffer greatly, there are pronounced dysfunctions of the organs of the abdominal cavity.


    The manifestations of a strangulated hernia can be life-threatening, because as soon as one or two of the following signs appear, you need to see a doctor.

    1. Sharp diffuse pain, while the abdominal cavity is affected, both the affected area and the back hurt. Increased pain occurs with an increase in intrauterine pressure, which is typical for coughing, physical activity, constipation and during pregnancy. The subsidence of pain occurs only with complete rest, but not always, more often this symptom can be eliminated only after the treatment of the protrusion by the surgical method;
    2. Violation of the function of nearby organs of the abdominal cavity and chest: tachycardia, dyspepsia, difficulty breathing, lowering blood pressure;
    3. Spasmodic pains in case of accession of intestinal obstruction, not only the stomach hurts, but also in the groin and thighs;
    4. Single vomiting, which in case of intestinal obstruction becomes permanent, in severe cases, fecal masses are observed in vomiting;
    5. Violation of urination, gas retention, the appearance of blood in the urine, which must be immediately treated surgically.

    Important! Prolonged infringement of the hernia leads to phlegmon of the hernia sac, then symptoms of edema and redness of the skin in the affected area join, the stomach hurts a lot, severe intoxication of the body begins, which must be treated immediately.

    Accompanying illnesses

    Let us consider in more detail the common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract present with an umbilical hernia:

    1. Intestinal obstruction is a common occurrence when part of the intestine is infringed in the hernial sac. This condition is characterized by a complete or partial cessation of the movement of feces through the intestines. It is manifested by profuse vomiting with feces, frequent contractions of the intestines, gas and stool retention, diarrhea with blood. The patient becomes pale, the stomach swells, but only on one side;
    2. Necrosis of the pinched organ - tissue death begins immediately after the cessation of normal blood circulation in the affected organ. It is manifested by frequent urge to defecate, weight loss, severe vomiting, increased heart rate, lower blood pressure, general weakness and severe abdominal pain. There is also dry skin and oral mucosa;
    3. Peritonitis - occurs in case of perforation of a pinched organ, the patient must be treated immediately to exclude a lethal outcome. It is manifested by severe inflammation of the organs of the abdominal cavity, the skin is pale, the patient is covered with cold sweat, the face changes, a “mask of suffering” appears, the person takes the forced position in order to relieve the severe pain a little, which cannot be removed without medical help.

    Important! All the presented conditions are life-threatening and require surgical treatment, otherwise death occurs.


    Radical treatment of umbilical protrusion is possible by the method of tension and tension-free hernioplasty.

    Performing the operation according to two main methods:

    • tension hernioplasty - for suturing the hernial sac, the surgeon uses the patient's natural tissues, stitching the tendons and muscles;
    • tension-free hernioplasty - suturing the hernial defect is carried out with synthetic tissues, which significantly reduces the risk of recurrence.

    Important! After suturing a hernia with one’s own tissues, the sutures often break and the disease recurs, therefore it is rational to treat the patient in this way only if there are contraindications to other treatment options.

    Relapse prevention

    Before getting rid of an umbilical hernia by surgical treatment, doctors try conservative therapy, which is more often used for young children. An uncomplicated hernia can be gradually reduced while wearing a supporting bandage, while the stomach and the hernia itself are protected from aggressive external influences. The patient needs to follow a therapeutic diet to prevent constipation and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as visit the pool, treat hernia with physiotherapy methods and gradually get rid of concomitant diseases that cause most of the unpleasant symptoms.

    Hernia pain: when to see a doctor

    A hernia is a pathology associated with the exit of internal organs outside the normal anatomical cavity. The disease is very common among people of all ages. The most common are abdominal hernias, in which the abdominal organs protrude either into the chest cavity or under the skin of the anterior abdominal wall. The main symptom accompanying this disease is pain. A hernia hurts in different ways, depending on the location and degree of development.

    Such a formation consists of a hernial ring, a sac and contents. The gate is a pathologically formed opening through which the organ exits. The bag is formed by the tissues of the cavity covering the formation, and the hernial contents are those organs that extend beyond the abdominal cavity. On the abdomen, hernial contents are usually intestinal loops.

    Characteristics of pain syndrome in hernia

    Hernia pain varies depending on many factors. Even patients with two identical lesions will experience pain of varying intensity. Without additional research methods, the exact presence of a hernial formation cannot be determined, but a disease can be suspected.

    Pain increases with coughing, straining, defecation and other processes that lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

    An incarcerated hernia is manifested by dull, aching pains in the abdomen, which are relieved when the patient assumes a prone position. This happens because in the supine position, the anterior abdominal wall relaxes and the formation goes back. And if the hernial protrusion is infringed, the pain will be acute, cramping, not going away with the relaxation of the abdomen.

    What are the symptoms associated with hernia pain?

    When a hernia of the abdomen hurts, the patient additionally notes the following symptoms:

    • If the protrusion is external, then a formation appears, which is either reduced or remains under the skin. Since most often the hernia gates on the anterior abdominal wall are weak spots (groin area, umbilical ring, midline), it is there that the formation is localized.
    • If the contents of the strangulated hernia are intestinal loops, the patient notes symptoms of intestinal obstruction: abdominal cramps, gas and stool retention, and bloating. Intestinal obstruction develops suddenly with infringement of the intestine.
    • When the contents of the hernial sac are intestinal loops, patients report symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, belching, constipation, bloating).
    • With a hernia, a violation of the general condition appears. Patients complain of decreased ability to work, lethargy, sleep disturbance and decreased appetite.

    Hernia treatment

    What to do if a hernia hurts? Of course, immediately consult a doctor. After all, prolonged compression of the organs leads to impaired blood circulation and the development of necrosis and peritonitis.

    Peritonitis is an infection of the abdominal cavity. Pathology requires emergency care, otherwise the patient dies. Therefore, if there is a protrusion, you should not hesitate, you should immediately go to the hospital and decide on the tactics of treatment.

    Symptoms of peritonitis develop suddenly. Patients note:

    • Sharp diffuse pain, which is localized first in the affected area, but after a while spreads to the entire abdomen
    • Temperature increase by degrees
    • Nausea, vomiting
    • Tension of the anterior abdominal wall
    • Increased heart rate and drop in blood pressure.

    Treatment of hernial protrusion consists in the use of surgical intervention. In no case should you try to correct the formation yourself, as you can achieve an aggravation of the condition. Conservative measures can help only for a while, for example, be used before surgery, and can also be used in people with contraindications to surgery. Among the conservative measures for the treatment of an external hernia, a bandage is used, which creates back pressure and does not allow the abdominal organs to go out under the skin.

    Surgical intervention is aimed at strengthening the weak point of the anterior abdominal wall.

    Various access techniques are used, which are selected individually for each patient. Laparoscopic surgery is preferred, since it does not create an additional weak spot through which the hernial protrusion can also subsequently exit.

    Patients with a history of hernia should follow these recommendations:

    • Do light exercises to strengthen the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall
    • Do not lift heavy objects
    • Avoid strenuous exercise
    • When coughing, try to get rid of a cold as soon as possible
    • Avoid prolonged standing.

    It is not uncommon for patients with a treated hernia to relapse. Therefore, the above instructions are important for each person, regardless of how well the treatment was carried out.

    On the video - a discussion of disc herniation and back pain:

    Umbilical hernia in adults - symptoms, treatment and consequences

    Pathological protrusion of the abdominal organs through the umbilical ring in medicine is classified as an umbilical hernia. Such a protrusion can significantly decrease in size or even disappear if the person is in a horizontal position. Most often, umbilical hernia is diagnosed in women.

    Causes of an umbilical hernia

    The disease in question is acquired, provoked by a divergence of muscle fibers along the white line of the abdomen - this condition can just appear for various reasons.

    According to statistics, the following factors can provoke an umbilical hernia:

    • chronic constipation;
    • pregnancy;
    • malignant and / or benign tumors in the abdominal cavity, characterized by rapid growth;
    • obesity;
    • excessive physical activity;
    • ascites

    These conditions lead to a weakening of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus - holding the abdominal organs in a normal position becomes almost impossible and they protrude through the umbilical ring. It is noteworthy that the size of the hernia can be completely different - from 1 to 20 cm and even more.

    Note: in most cases, the umbilical ring with the disease in question expands by no more than 10 cm, everything else is considered an exception. If the hernia is small, then the omentum protrudes through the umbilical ring, if the hernia is large enough, then both the omentum and intestinal loops protrude through the ring.

    Some experts suggest that umbilical hernia in adults has a genetic predisposition. However, such a theory has not been proven, so taking it seriously or not is “purely voluntary”.

    Symptoms of an umbilical hernia

    An umbilical hernia can have intense and somewhat "blurred" symptoms - it depends on some factors:

    • whether there are adhesions in the abdominal cavity;
    • the general health of the patient;
    • the size of the umbilical hernia;
    • whether there is an infringement of the hernial sac.

    At the very beginning of the development of the disease in question, the patient does not experience any inconvenience, embarrassment or pain at all. The only thing that immediately attracts attention is a slight protrusion in the navel, but they do not attach any importance to this - the protrusion does not bother and disappears as soon as the patient assumes a horizontal position, and pregnant ladies completely take it as a feature of their condition.

    In some cases, the omentum bulges so strongly that it overlaps the umbilical ring. Such a hernia never changes in size, and the disease itself proceeds without pronounced symptoms.

    Note: if the omentum begins to pass through the dilated muscles, then the hernia greatly increases in size, is characterized by severe manifestations.

    If the disease in question progresses, then adhesions begin to form in the abdominal cavity - this prevents the reduction of the hernial sac. In this case, any movement, tension, straining leads to disruption of the functioning of the intestine. The patient begins to complain of chronic constipation and persistent nausea, regardless of the time of eating. This condition is especially difficult for women during pregnancy and with existing obesity - a growing belly puts pressure on the muscles of the abdominal wall, which provokes a deterioration in the patient's condition.

    Possible Complications

    No matter how long the disease in question develops, it can lead to the development of the following complications:

    Of course, such complications are not necessary - many patients live with an umbilical hernia for years and do not worry about this, but you need to be prepared for any development of events. Most often, the infringement of the hernial sac is fixed - a complication is quite serious. Firstly, this condition provokes a cessation of blood circulation in the strangulated organ (omentum or intestinal loop), its tissues simply die off. Secondly, the infringement of the hernial sac is always accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process in the omentum, peritoneum or intestines. Thirdly, if there is an infringement of the tissues of the peritoneum, then the patient develops acute peritonitis.

    Infringement of the umbilical hernia occurs even with minor physical exertion - for example, when coughing, after sneezing, laughing, or against the background of chronic constipation. It is noteworthy that the considered type of complication always begins acutely, suddenly and is characterized by the following symptoms:

    • in the umbilical region, the patient has a sharp, powerful pain;
    • the hernial sac becomes hot and tense to the touch, it cannot be set;
    • nausea, vomiting, headache, fever develop rapidly - all signs of general intoxication of the body.

    Note: the appearance of signs of infringement of the hernial sac is a reason to immediately seek professional medical help. Usually, in this condition, surgical treatment is performed, but only a specialist can determine the specific methods and scope of procedures.

    Treatment of umbilical hernia

    First of all, you need to understand which doctor to contact if you suspect an umbilical hernia. Such a specialist is a surgeon - he will conduct the necessary examinations and make an accurate diagnosis. But you will also need a consultation with a gastroenterologist and a nutritionist - these specialists will help get rid of chronic constipation, excess weight.

    Surgical intervention is recognized as the only method of effective treatment of umbilical hernia in medicine. Yes, there is a lot of information on the therapeutic treatment of the disease in question - the hernia is reduced. But you need to understand that such events in almost 100% of cases lead to the development of complications.

    Before the doctor prescribes the surgical treatment of an umbilical hernia, the patient will have to undergo a full examination - treatment can be delayed with diagnosed heart failure, during pregnancy, against the background of exacerbated chronic diseases. If there are no interfering factors, then the specialist will offer the patient several methods of surgical treatment of the disease in question:

    1. Tension hernioplasty. In this case, the plastic is performed according to the Mayo and Sapezhko method, only local tissues are involved. The surgeon sutures the umbilical ring in two layers in two directions (transverse and vertical). If the patient is diagnosed with obesity, then during the surgical intervention, the specialist removes excess adipose tissue.

    Disadvantages of tension hernioplasty - the rehabilitation period is long, there is no guarantee that the umbilical hernia will not recur.

    1. Plastic surgery with mesh implants. The surgeon uses in his work "patches" - special materials that are inert to the internal tissues of the human body. This mesh is placed above or below the umbilical ring, and can be used even in the treatment of large hernias. According to statistics, plastic surgery with mesh implants is characterized by a short recovery period and a low percentage of the likelihood of recurrence (within 1%).

    Note: these two methods of surgical treatment of umbilical hernia can be performed either with classical penetration into the abdominal cavity, or with the help of laparoscopy. Local anesthesia is used as anesthesia, but if the surgical intervention is performed in the classical way, then the patient is given general anesthesia.

    Recovery after surgery

    Of course, much depends on the general condition of the patient, on how professionally the operation was performed. But as a rule, the recommendations of doctors in the recovery period come down to the following:

    • on the same day, almost immediately after surgery, the patient is allowed to get out of bed;
    • it is necessary to wear a special bandage - it will reduce the pressure on the seam;
    • on the second and subsequent days, physical activity should gradually increase;
    • the duration of the use of a special bandage will be determined only by the doctor - this device cannot be removed without his permission;
    • through the days the patient is allowed to make short runs, do the simplest exercises as part of the exercise;
    • lifting weights, any power loads to the patient are allowed only 30 days after surgery, even if the laparoscopic method of surgical treatment was used.

    How to treat an umbilical hernia in pregnant women

    According to statistics, the pathology in question is most often diagnosed in women during pregnancy. But this does not mean that doctors will prescribe surgical treatment - stress and drugs that are used for anesthesia are unlikely to have a beneficial effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus. What to do for pregnant women with a diagnosis of umbilical hernia:

    • constantly wear a special bandage - it will be prescribed by a doctor, selected in size;
    • be constantly observed by the surgeon - he will be able to set the optimal time for surgical treatment of umbilical hernia;
    • use compression or support underwear as recommended by the attending physician.

    It is believed that the optimal time for surgical treatment of umbilical hernia will be 6-8 months after childbirth. By the way, during his work, the surgeon can eliminate the defects of the abdominal wall that formed during the period of bearing a child (for example, stretch marks), excess adipose tissue.

    Prevention of umbilical hernia

    To prevent the development of the condition in question, clear preventive measures must be observed. These include:

    • abdominal muscle training - you can do physical exercises on the press every day, which will lead to building and strengthening muscle mass;
    • weight control - obesity is one of the causes of umbilical hernia, so you need to adjust your diet and lifestyle in time if you find extra pounds;
    • refusal to lift weights and excessive physical exertion - of course, this does not apply to professional athletes;
    • during the period of bearing a child, wearing a special bandage should be mandatory.

    It should be remembered that an umbilical hernia at the beginning of its development, when complications are not yet present, is quite easily and simply treated surgically. Modern medicine offers fairly non-traumatic surgical interventions, which are distinguished by a short rehabilitation period and the absence of any complications.

    Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

    Symptoms of umbilical hernia in adults, photo, treatment

    An umbilical hernia is a disease that is characterized by a divergence of the muscles of the abdominal cavity and a protrusion of the tissues of the peritoneum through the umbilical ring. According to statistics, most women suffer from umbilical hernias, since often the weakening of muscle and connective tissues is associated with pregnancy. The disease also affects men who are overweight and obese.

    Umbilical hernias in adults can be divided into 2 types.

    1. Reducible (free). With reducible umbilical hernias, the contents of the protrusion easily disappear in the peritoneum as soon as the patient takes a horizontal position. This is possible in the early stages of the disease, when the hernia is just beginning to appear. If you do not deal with the treatment of umbilical hernia, it can go into the next variety.

    2. Irreducible hernia. It is characterized by the inability to set the protrusion inside the ring. This is due to the fact that the adhesive process begins, in which the hernia tissues fuse with the hernial opening. This happens with neglected umbilical hernias, which can be a serious threat to the health and life of the patient, since there is a high probability of serious complications.

    There are congenital and acquired umbilical hernias. In the first case, a congenital hernia can be diagnosed immediately after birth. It is caused by the fact that the umbilical opening in the baby does not have time to fully form. An umbilical hernia in adults is usually acquired in the course of life.


    The disease occurs due to various factors. The most important of them are the following:

    • genetic predisposition.
    • Weakening of the muscles of the abdominal wall.
    • High intra-abdominal pressure.

    If one of your close relatives had this disease, then you also have a predisposition to it. With a genetic predisposition to an umbilical hernia, you must carefully protect yourself from excessive tension in the abdominal muscles, sudden lifting of weights, and also keep your weight within normal limits.

    The next important cause of umbilical hernia is the weakening of the muscles of the peritoneum. There are many factors that lead to weakening of tissues and the manifestation of symptoms of the disease:

    • pregnancy;
    • overweight and obesity;
    • excessive sharp loads on the press;
    • the absence of any load on the abdominal muscles;
    • abdominal trauma;
    • abdominal surgery.

    High intra-abdominal pressure, as the cause of an umbilical hernia, can be caused by such factors:

    • persistent cough;
    • regular constipation;
    • intense, too much physical activity;
    • the process of labor activity.

    A particular cause of the disease in women is pregnancy after 30 years. Pregnancy generally shows all the weaknesses of the body, and after a certain age, risk factors increase. During pregnancy, it is important to be observed by a surgeon in order to begin treatment of an umbilical hernia at the first symptoms.

    Symptoms of an umbilical hernia in adults

    In the first time after the onset of the disease, a bulge appears in the navel, which is easily reduced. In more advanced cases, an umbilical hernia in adults ceases to retract into the umbilical ring.

    The following symptoms may develop: soreness, prolapse of internal organs into the opening of the abdominal ring. In the early stages of an umbilical hernia, you may notice pain in this area, which only appears during sneezing and coughing.

    Also, the patient may be disturbed by pain in the stomach and lower abdomen, nausea. These symptoms are especially acute during physical exertion, with a strong cough and in all other cases when intra-abdominal pressure rises.

    A special symptom of the disease are regular constipation. They arise due to the difficulty in passing feces through the intestines, since part of the intestine falls into the umbilical opening.


    An umbilical hernia in adults is dangerous with possible complications. First of all, a pinched hernia. It occurs when the contents of the hernial sac are trapped in the hernial opening. This complication is characterized by acute pain, vomiting, nausea, fever. A patient with a pinched umbilical hernia needs urgent medical attention.

    Inflammation of the umbilical hernia. This complication occurs in case of infection of the hernial sac. As a result, a purulent process develops, which can threaten inflammation of the entire abdominal cavity. Symptoms of inflammation of an umbilical hernia in adults: fever, nausea, vomiting, weakness, acute pain in the area of ​​​​the hernial sac and in the abdomen.

    Stagnation of feces in the umbilical hernia - coprostasis. This complication develops slowly and is characterized by constipation, abdominal pain, which manifests itself more and more every day, and the hernial sac is filled with a pasty mass. Coprostasis occurs due to impaired intestinal motility and a sedentary lifestyle.

    If there are symptoms of complications with an umbilical hernia, namely

    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • temperature rise;
    • acute pain in the abdomen;
    • acute pain in the region of the hernial sac;
    • diarrhea or lack of stool for several days, then you need to urgently seek medical help for the treatment of umbilical hernias.

    Treatment of umbilical hernia

    The main treatment for umbilical hernia in adults is surgery. If the patient has no contraindications to surgery, then the hernia can be removed in several ways.

    1. Tense hernioplasty. During the operation, the surgeon sews up the edges of the umbilical hernia, tightening the muscles and connective tissue.

    2. Relaxed hernioplasty. The surgeon uses a special mesh with which the tissues of the abdominal cavity and the navel are strengthened.

    Tension hernioplasty today is characterized by a large number of complications and a more difficult recovery period. Since the suture remains after the operation, it can be very painful for a long time. A recurrence of the disease may develop. According to some data, the recurrence of umbilical hernia with strained hernioplasty develops in 10% of cases.

    It is necessary to be very careful about the recovery period. After such an operation in adults, heavy lifting and heavy work should not be done for a year in order to minimize recurrence and the secondary appearance of symptoms of the disease.

    An umbilical hernia can also be treated with a more gentle surgical option with a minimum of possible relapses of the disease. This is an unstressed hernioplasty. The advantage of such an operation in the treatment of umbilical hernias is a shorter postoperative period, as well as the possibility of full-fledged physical activity 3-4 months after the operation.

    If relaxed hernioplasty is combined with laparoscopy (when the surgeon does not make a large tissue incision, but performs manipulations through 3 small holes), then recovery takes a minimum period in adults.

    Postoperative period

    The first few days after the operation, the patient is in the hospital. You can get up the next day, increasing the time of walking every day. Immediately after the operation, it is recommended to put on a bandage and wear it for several months to facilitate the healing of the stitches.

    A few days after the operation, if there are no complications, the patient is discharged. On average, 2 weeks after the operation it is necessary to make dressings. You need to take a course of antibiotics to prevent infection.

    After removing the stitches, wearing a bandage is mandatory. Depending on the type of operation, intensive loads and heavy lifting are prohibited for a period of several months to a year.

    At first, a special diet is shown, the bark is based on sparing nutrition. You need to eat small portions and often. All food that can cause bloating and constipation is excluded, in order to avoid an increase in intraperitoneal pressure.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    There are many traditional medicine recipes that are used for umbilical hernia. Of course, they will not replace surgery, but they can be used along with wearing a bandage, in the process of preparing for surgery and in the period after surgery to prevent relapses.

    Propolis compress. 1 st. l. dried propolis pour 200 ml. alcohol. Infuse for 7 days, shaking the contents daily. When the tincture is ready, take 100 grams of homemade butter, melted in a water bath, and 2 tbsp. propolis tincture. From the resulting substance, make a warm compress on the area of ​​​​the umbilical hernia and around it. Make sure that the contents of the compress do not get into the navel. After the compress is absorbed into the skin, wipe it with cold water.

    Sea buckthorn oil. Rub sea buckthorn oil into the umbilical hernia. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the hernial sac. The number of procedures - twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, the number of days is not limited. The umbilical hernia should strengthen and not progress.

    Field horsetail and hernia. Brew these herbs with boiling water and drink like tea in the treatment of umbilical hernias. Course of treatment: drink one herb for 2 weeks, then another for 2 weeks.

    A decoction of clover. 1 tbsp crushed clover grass pour a glass of boiling water. Strain the infusion an hour after brewing. Take a third cup three times a day before meals.

    Oak tinctures. Make a tincture of young branches, leaves and acorns of oak on red wine in a free proportion. After doing warm compresses in the umbilical hernia. The course of treatment is 2-3 months in adults, when treating children, consult your doctor.

    Nettle leaves. Gather fresh nettle leaves, wash and chop. Mix the crushed leaves with fat sour cream. Make a compress by covering it with polyethylene on top. The course of treatment is unlimited.

    The cinquefoil is silvery. Take 1 tbsp. l. chopped cinquefoil, pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse until cool, strain. Take a quarter cup 4 times a day.


    Prevention of umbilical hernia in adults is very important with a genetic predisposition to the disease. In this case, you need moderate physical activity, maintaining a normal weight. It is worth downloading the press to strengthen muscle tissue. To avoid constipation, you need to eat right.

    Prevention of hernias of the umbilical ring is also important for pregnant women. To do this, you must wear a special bandage or underwear for pregnant women. This measure prevents unnecessary stress on the muscles and connective tissue of the abdomen. Also, women need to remember about moderation in physical activity and not to lift weights.

    Proper nutrition also plays an important role in the prevention of umbilical hernia, as it implies an established stool and the absence of regular constipation. An umbilical hernia can quickly develop against the background of constant tension of the peritoneum due to constipation.

    All these factors will reduce the risk of an umbilical hernia in adults and subsequent problems with treatment and surgery. Consult a doctor at the first symptoms of a protrusion, as a prolonged period of illness can lead to serious consequences.

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