Sothis online single natal chart. Individual birth horoscope

Astrology is a science that studies the interaction between planets, stars and personal qualities of a person. With the help of a natal chart, one can explain the nature of a person and make a forecast of his future. Learn how to read a natal chart to gain valuable information about yourself.


Part 1

Learn your zodiac sign

    Find your zodiac sign. The outer ring of the zodiac chart is divided into 12 houses. One of them includes your date of birth. The section that contains your date of birth determines your zodiac sign. There are 12 signs of the zodiac, and each of them reveals different character traits. Determine the sector you belong to to find out your sign.

    Find out the meaning of your zodiac sign. Astrologers say that the sign of the Zodiac affects the personal qualities of a person. For example, a person from the air element is a passionate, lively, ambitious and sociable person. Any Internet user can find data on the Internet about the features of his character in accordance with the zodiac sign. In addition, you can purchase a book about the zodiac signs online or at a bookstore, or borrow it from the library. Such literature will help you better know yourself, based on your personal zodiac sign.

    Understand what exactly affects the correct interpretation of your zodiac sign. It should be borne in mind that the sign of the Zodiac is only a small component of the natal chart. For its correct interpretation, many nuances must be taken into account. A complete deciphering of the natal chart involves taking into account all other components, such as houses and planets. This information depends on where and when you were born.

    Part 2

    Interpret at home
    1. Find an ascendant. The ascendant is a very important part of the natal chart and rises on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. The rising sign will let you know the placement of houses on your map.

      Familiarize yourself with the first six houses. Each house indicates a different aspect of a person's life. Your natal chart is influenced by the sign that rules this or that house.

    2. Learn about the last six houses. In addition to those already listed, there are six more houses. To decipher the natal chart, it is necessary to determine the location of the houses, as well as calculate the planets and zodiac signs that dominate them.

      Part 3

      Uncover the meaning of the planets
      1. Determine the location of the planets. The planets that pass through different houses of your chart affect its decoding. They are presented in the form of different symbols and scattered throughout the map.

        • The sun is depicted as a circle with a dot in the center. The moon has a crescent-shaped crescent.
        • Venus is the female symbol and Mars is the male. Mercury is represented in the form of a male symbol, but with two small lines projecting from the top circle.
        • Jupiter is represented as a symbol that resembles the number 4, and Saturn is the number 5.
        • The symbols of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have rather intricate configurations. Uranus looks like an inverted female symbol with four lines, two on each side, that curve outward in the opposite direction. Neptune looks like an inverted cross with two lines on each side that curve upward. Pluto is a kind of combination of Neptune and Uranus. It is a female symbol pointing upwards, with two lines on each side that curl upwards.

Many people want to know a little more about their lives than is possible. To do this, they turn to fortune-tellers, psychics or astrologers.

However, some things can be done independently without resorting to the help of specialists. It's about creating personal natal chart. It is a diagram that can show events in a person's life or describe his character.

What it is?

Otherwise, the natal chart is called a cosmogram. For many centuries it was believed that human life is directly affected by position of the stars. It forms certain events, helps to add up the character of a person and his future destiny.

There is an opinion that at the time of the birth of a person, the stars in the sky are arranged in a certain way. It is believed that no two constellations are exactly the same. Thus, it turns out that the life of each person is unique.

Visually, the natal chart resembles a diagram with many bizarre signs. The ability to decipher them helps to predict events for a certain period of time, find out which character traits prevail in a person, or build a compatibility chart for partners.

Knowledge in the field of astrology opens up great opportunities if used correctly. A personal horoscope based on a natal chart may include:

  • Forecast of events for a certain life span;
  • Career activity in which a person can get the most success;
  • Identification of character traits;
  • The degree of vital activity;
  • Predisposition to certain diseases;
  • Material values;
  • Potential Relationship Difficulties with others;
  • The role of family values ​​in human life;

Independently with decryption

Deciphering the natal chart is not difficult if you have an idea about its main aspects. The natal chart is a circle. Inside, it is divided into circles, which, in turn, are divided into component parts. Houses are considered the main elements of the natal chart.

Exists 12 types of houses, each of them is responsible for a certain vital area. In each house, a certain sign of the celestial system can appear, starting with rams and ending with fish. Knowing the characteristics of each house, it is already possible to add up a general picture of a person and his life.

But there are other aspects of the natal chart that allow you to get the most advanced knowledge. For the most accurate decoding of the natal chart, you need to familiarize yourself with the location on it solar system planets.

No less significant in the interpretation of the card is the ascendant and descendant. They are opposite elements of the natal chart. The ascendant is the ascending degree, and the descendant is the opposite.

By date of birth

To make the most accurate natal chart, you need some information about the person. The date of birth is taken as the basis with the most accurate time. The place where the person was born is also taken into account. With the help of verified sources, the width and longitude of this place are established.

The most convenient option make a natal chart- use special counters or programs. They work automatically. As a result, a schematic representation of the map emerges. On individual resources, you can find a transcript of a personal horoscope.

However, experts say that programs can not always give a truly correct answer to some questions. Therefore, the best solution is ask for decryption to a specialist or to carry it out independently, having received a certain knowledge base in this direction.

Designation of houses

Each house of the natal chart has an individual characteristic. The most basic thing a person needs to know in order to get the big picture is the designation of each house.

The first house is responsible for the personal qualities of a person and his appearance. The second house fully characterizes level of material stability. The third house contains information about relationships with others.

The fourth house is considered a symbol of family traditions. It tells about the connection with the ancestors and the relationship with the parents. The fifth house reveals the creative side of the personality. The sixth house indicates degree of health.

The seventh house, like the third, includes relationships, but in this case we are talking about the business area of ​​\u200b\u200bcommunication. This may include work connections, friendships, social activities, etc. The eighth house marks the boundary between life and death.

in the ninth house is the philosophy of man's views on the surrounding reality. The tenth house is a person's career, his ambitions, skills and plans. The eleventh house includes any collective activity and indicates the place of a person in it.

The twelfth house is all that goes beyond reality. This includes religion, psychic abilities, spirituality, etc.

At their core, houses carry basic information about a person. They point to the main events and reveal the inner potential, helping to most correctly realize oneself in life. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of houses when deciphering a natal chart.

The zodiac sign makes up only 50% of your personality. The remaining 50% cannot be found out by reading general horoscopes. You need to make an individual horoscope. Today, many people and Internet services provide such a service for money. I will teach you to do it yourself and absolutely free of charge, so that you will soon do it yourself. you can earn on it. But this is not the most basic advantage of knowing astrology. First of all, it will allow you to become practically a psychic: it will help you to know yourself and those around you more deeply, understand your psychological problems, find out your life calling, arrange your personal life, predict the future and answer the questions:
About love:
- What will my husband (wife) be like?
- Where will we meet?
- When will I get married?
- What is the best date for the wedding?
- Why am I unlucky in my personal life and how can this be changed? Do I have the Crown of Celibacy?
About children:
- How many children will I have?
What kind of relationship will I have with them?
- When is the best time to give birth?
- Will I have problems with pregnancy? Am I barren?
What is the best way to raise my child?
About money:
- Will I get rich in this life and how to achieve this?
- In what area of ​​activity will financial success await me?
- What will be the dollar rate in a week? ( yes, yes there is a section of financial astrology (see, which can predict Forex, many astrologers got rich this way)
About career:
- In which direction should I develop?
- What are my talents and abilities?
- What is stopping me from building a career?
About Compatibility:
- Do I like this person?
- Can I trust him with money?
- Are we sexually compatible?
- Will I marry this man?
- What qualities in me irritate him and how to deal with this irritation?
- Is it a reliable partner for me?
- Does my partner have a violent inclination?
Is love possible between us?
- Why do I have such a relationship with my parents?
About health:
- What diseases can threaten me in this life?
- Which treatments are most effective for me?
- When is the best time to have surgery?
- What should be feared?
- How long will I live?
- What is my karmic task and how to realize it?
- What awaits me tomorrow?
- Where can I find the lost item?
- Is it worth it to start this business and what will be the result?
and many many others.
But in order for you to be able to answer all these questions over time, I will need your maximum patience and attentiveness.

To make an individual horoscope, it is enough to know date, time and city ​​of birth person. Based on this data, a publicly available computer program will build a Natal Chart. The natal chart is the basis of any horoscope. The basis of the Natal Chart is the Zodiac Circle and the symbols on it, denoting the planets and signs of the zodiac. Learn these symbols by heart:
figure 1.1.

To better understand what is a natal chart, let's imagine the Solar System as a circle (pizza - top view). As you remember from the school geometry course, the circle = 360 degrees. Let's divide it into 12 equal sectors (30 degrees each) and assign each sector to one of the 12 zodiac signs. This is the zodiac circle. The sequence of signs on the circle does not change, that is, after the Aries sector, there is always the Pisces sector, after Pisces, Aquarius, and so on.
There are 8 planets in the Solar System (not counting ours), the Sun, the Moon and other celestial bodies. Each of them has a certain influence on the Earth, and therefore on its inhabitants. The closer the planet, the stronger the influence. The strength and sphere of influence also depends on the astronomical (physical) data of the planet. All the planets are constantly moving around the Solar System, and therefore around our circumference, shaking from sign to sign (sector to sector). The farther the planet is from the Sun, the slower it moves, therefore the slower it moves around the Zodiac circle. Depending on its position (in one or another Sign of the Zodiac) relative to the Earth, the planet can increase, decrease or completely lose its influence on people and their lives. These provisions are repeated, therefore, to facilitate the interpretation of the influence of the planets in them, the Zodiac Circle, the Signs of the Zodiac, and then the Natal Chart were invented.
The word Natal comes from the Latin Natalis - birth. A natal chart is drawn up at the time of a person's birth in order to determine his character, capabilities, talents, life prospects and tasks, as well as the difficulties that he will face in this reincarnation.
Choose here under the heading "Standard card" A single card. On the page that opens, enter your date, time (seconds optional) and city of birth. Click "calculate" and see what your Natal Chart looks like.
figure 1.2.

Components of the Natal Chart which will be taken into account when deciphering the symbols (see Fig. 1.1) and compiling an Individual Horoscope:

  • Planets in the Signs of the Zodiac. The natal chart shows in what degree of which sign of the zodiac at the time of your birth this or that planet was located. The correct interpretation and comparison (synthesis) of all these provisions, which we will learn in subsequent chapters, will give you answers to all the above questions. The sign in which the Sun fell on the map (see Figure 1.2) gives you the main qualities of character - this is actually your main Zodiac Sign. The signs that other planets have fallen into no less affect different areas of your life and character. For which sphere this or that planet is responsible, we will consider in the next chapter.
  • Aspects of the planets. On the map you see black and red lines (see Figure 1.2) - these are the so-called aspects, they show how and at what angle the planets influenced each other at the time of your birth, they are also of great importance when compiling a horoscope. I will talk about them in the third chapter.
  • Horoscope houses. Another component of the Natal Chart is the houses, indicated by Roman numerals on the outside of the circle (see Figure 1.2). There are 12 of them, like signs, they also do not change their sequence, and just like the planets, each house has its own sphere of influence. AS, DS, MC, IC are the most basic (angular) houses of the horoscope (1st, 7th, 10th and 4th respectively). More about it in the fourth chapter.
  • Degrees of planets and houses. They show how much this or that planet or house is "mired" in this or that Sign of the Zodiac. If the planet turned out to be close to the border of signs, then the properties of both of these signs will be taken into account.
  • The direction of the planet's orbit. It is usually direct (correct), but sometimes it can become retrograde(reverse, reverse). The main qualities of the planet, the element and the sign that it will patronize at this stage of its movement depend on this. I will just tell about this in the next chapter.
If you do not know the time of birth, such a kata will be called cosmogram and is considered not quite complete, since it does not take into account the influence of houses. In more detail, why a map without houses is considered inferior, I will tell in the fourth chapter.

Individual horoscope online (free)

On this page you can build your individual birth horoscope (natal chart) online and get its computer interpretation for free. The interpretation of the horoscope, which you will receive by filling out the form below, can be considered the first approximation to the full interpretation of the individual horoscope.

To study your personal horoscope in more detail, you can sign up for a consultation with an astrologer, who will carefully examine your natal chart and draw up your astropsychological portrait, tell you about the strengths and weaknesses of your character. You will receive comprehensive information on how to use the potential of your personality to the maximum.

Now on the page you see the "Actual horoscope" - a map with the position of the planets at a given time for Moscow.

To build a birth horoscope (natal chart) enter your name, date and time of birth. The page defaults to setting the time in GMT (Universal Time) mode. If you are entering a local time of birth, be sure to toggle the checkbox to "local" time. Do not forget that the accuracy of the time of birth is very important for an individual horoscope! Permissible approximation - plus or minus 5 minutes.

Select from the list the country, region and city where you were born. You do not need to enter anything in the longitude and latitude boxes, they are filled in automatically! If your locality is not on the list, you can choose the city closest to your place of birth, but the horoscope will not be as accurate. Next, click the "Create Horoscope" button.

The "Natal horoscope" with your birth chart will appear on the page. To get a free full interpretation of your individual horoscope, select "Interpretation" from the "Horoscope" drop-down menu.

Please be careful not to make mistakes when entering data.

> Natal chart online

What is a natal chart? This is a personal horoscope created from birth information (date, time and place). With it, you can learn about the karma of each, as well as about the inclinations, opportunities and expected circumstances that may affect the path of life. When compiling a natal chart, you decide on a cosmogram. It displays the arrangement of planets in the zodiac circle and houses. And already according to this information, the horoscope itself is deciphered.

Online program for calculating the natal chart

How to calculate a natal chart

This is a unique program that allows you to find out detailed information about yourself. That is, by entering data on the place, date and time of birth, you will receive details about your character, inclinations, positive and negative qualities, and even look into the future.

How to use the card?

For a beginner who is not familiar with all the intricacies of astrology, compiling a natal chart may seem like a super task. In fact, everything is much simpler. To get the full picture, you only need to enter your name, gender, date of birth and time. As for the latter, this is an important point. Of course, it's great if you know exactly when you were born. But if you do not have such information, then put 12:00:00 (and next to it in the column, check the box for the exact time, only the date or + a few hours). Specify the country, region and city below, then the latitude and longitude will be filled in automatically.

Natal chart with decoding. Rice. one

Next comes the parameter column. In the "Horoscope" always start with the "natal" column. Only after its creation, you can do event-based, etc. On the right you see "aspect colors". Just put the colors you want in the columns that interest you. This will make it easier to see the final diagram.

Problems arise in the "House System" because newcomers who have not encountered them do not know which one to choose. This is not surprising, because even professional astrologers disagree on which of them is the closest to the truth. You can read more about these systems online, or find out which ones your favorite astrologers prefer. And you can start with the "cosmogram", which is placed in the last columns. Its charm is that it is able to describe the psychological potential, point out the strengths and weaknesses of the inner world and give a lot of other useful information.

Natal chart with decoding. Rice. 2

When everything is ready, click on "Create Horoscope" and get your card. Now how do you read it? Everything is pretty simple. By hovering the mouse cursor over the planets to which the lines are drawn, you will discover their meaning for you.

Natal chart with decoding. Rice. 3

But in order to get a complete picture, you just need to hover over the Horoscope, and all the necessary information will open there: Description of the card, Table, Psychological porter, Horoscope of professions, etc. You just need to open what interests you and read the information.

Natal chart with decoding. Rice. four

Natal chart with decoding. Rice. 5

Below are the coordinates and status of the planets with explanations.

Natal chart with decoding. Rice. 6

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