Interesting and unusual facts about sports and athletes (18 photos)

Everyone understands that it is impossible to live without physical activity. Reasonable loads bring only health. But what happens in a professional sports environment?

Dangerous sports

Playing professional sports is becoming more and more dangerous. The load is constantly growing, along with it, the number of injuries is increasing. What sports are considered dangerous?

martial arts. Dangerous with large amounts of damage. 65% of injuries in boxers occur in the fingers and elbow or shoulder joints. In 18% of cases, the face is injured. CNS damage has been reported. In wrestling, 70% of injuries are injured knees, 13% of cases are fractures, dislocations, and 4.5% are severe bruises. The better the athletes are prepared for the fight, the less the risk of injury.

In basketball players, injuries occur more frequently during sudden stops and jumps, rapid angular accelerations, and physical contact with other players. 20% of basketball players get knee injuries in a season. The famous never recovered after several knee surgeries and left the big sport.

Athletes are more likely to be injured in contact play. They also happen during training. Notable soccer players who have sustained open fractures during matches include Eduardo Da Silva, David Bast, Alan Smith and Luke Nills.

Gymnastics. Typical injuries in female gymnasts are leg injuries. They account for 60% of cases. Men are more likely to injure their hands. If they fail to perform exercises on the crossbar, rings or a horse, they get dislocations, sprains and fractures.

extreme sports

Those who consider life without extreme insipid, endanger their lives. Sports to be extremely careful with:

Jumping from high objects holds the record for the number of deaths. Jumpers are not afraid of terrifying overflights in the mountains (73% mortality), flights over long distances from skyscrapers. And they film it all on video. Sports are great fun, but not safe. Extreme Dean Potter miscalculated the trajectory and died.

The athlete is highly dependent on weather conditions. The incorrect behavior of the take-off at the start sometimes leads to the deviation of the aircraft from the given trajectory due to strong wind. This causes injury or death to the athlete.

(protracted). Tangled slings or strong winds, pressure drops become risk factors. Novice skydivers jump with an instructor who insures the athlete.

Diving enthusiasts in underwater caves know the figure that warns against frivolous behavior in this sport. 8 thousand deaths per year - such statistics. With a lack of oxygen, it is more difficult to surface to the surface than in simple diving. We have to find a way out of the cave, and it's not easy.

In addition to the risk of being covered by a big wave and not getting out of there alive and unharmed, there is also the danger of getting into the teeth of a shark. There are 3 deaths per 100,000 surfers per year.

Statistics report 1 death per thousand motorcyclists. Racers die not only from accidents. Due to the huge speed up to 300 km / h, they experience physical and mental stress, which negatively affects their health.

Athletes who refuse insurance devices when conquering peaks are subject to serious consequences. The sad statistics are supplemented by athletes who suffered from hypothermia, collapses or avalanches.

Rafting on the river also does not always end well. The high speed of the river, cold water, bare stones, whirlpools lie in wait for rafting people. On the dangerous routes of Altai, every second athlete dies.

Top Expensive Sports

Those who play sports professionally know that this activity is not cheap. After researching sports competitions, in which a lot of money was invested, its most expensive types were found out:

"Formula 1". A unique car that helps win a race is expensive. The price consists of the cost of the karting itself, the motor for the spare, tires, and the rider's equipment. To participate in world-class races, investments of one million euros are required. There are no sponsors here.

Here, finances are needed to purchase a sailing vessel, which costs from 500 thousand rubles and more. Participation in amateur regattas also requires investments. Races in America's Cup cost athletes a million euros.

The cost consists of the cost of buying a thoroughbred horse and its veterinary care, training a rider to race, blacksmith services and renting a room.

Top highly paid athletes

The work of athletes is titanic. How is it evaluated? According to the Sunday Times, the magazine that conducted the research and compiled the rankings, the highest paid athletes on the rungs are:

Gold (first) place at. The American golfer has won over a hundred tournaments. His net worth is almost $870 million.

Silver gets. The German Formula 1 driver is a world star and a wealthy man. He is only $40 million behind Tiger Woods.

And Michael Jordan completes the top three. On account of his record - a victory for the season in 72 matches. Five times he was recognized as the most valuable basketball player in the National Association. He earned $515 million from his victories.

Interesting from history and modernity about sports and health

There are many interesting facts about various sports and their impact on human health. Here is some of them:

  • Sport as a mass activity came into the life of our society at the end of the 19th century and remains so to this day.
  • At the beginning of the 19th century, tug of war was part of the program of the Olympic Games.
  • Boxing was officially recognized as a sport in 1900.
  • 40% of fights finished by knockout in the first round.

  • Nearly a third of NBA players have tattoos.
  • England is the birthplace of baseball.
  • Table tennis appeared at the end of the 19th century as an entertainment of high English society. Now everyone can play it.
  • The most powerful blow with a force of 1 ton was at.

  • A ping pong ball weighs 2.5 grams.
  • In checkers, there are only 7 variants of the initial move, and in the first 10 moves - 170 septillions (170 and 24 zeros).
  • Checkers was invented before chess. In terms of popularity, they are still not inferior to each other.
  • There are 336 grooves in a golf ball.
  • - the fastest man in the world.

  • The speed of a shuttlecock in badminton reaches 270 km/h.
  • The only country that has participated in every World Cup is Brazil.
  • Running strengthens the body, improves the functioning of the heart and lungs, so this sport is given great attention. For children, it is a mandatory view in physical education lessons.
  • According to research, listening to music increases the effectiveness of training.
  • The Detroit Free Press claims that 68% of hockey players have lost at least one tooth on the ice.

  • Hockey puck speeds up to 160 km/h. It poses a danger even to a protected athlete.
  • Americans spend about $600 million a year on golf balls.
  • The largest number of push-ups in one set - 10,507 times.
  • Song Mingmin is the tallest basketball player at 2.36m.

  • The English Wembley Stadium was built exclusively for games, training is prohibited there.
  • The most primitive bowling alley was created in Egypt around 3200 BC.
  • The bowling pin can fall at a deflection of 7.5 degrees.
  • In classical wrestling there is no draw, there must always be a winner.
  • Vitaly Shcherbo won 6 gold medals at the 1992 Summer Olympics, 4 of them in one day.

  • The sum of the numbers of opposite faces of a die is always equal to 7.
  • A football player runs an average of 10 km per match, and during his career he can run about 300,000 km.
  • The longest game of Monopoly lasted 1,680 hours.
  • Hurling is a team game of Celtic origin. It is played on grass with clubs and a ball.

Sports develop a person's desire to win and temper the spirit. And reasonable caution and the use of protective equipment in extreme situations saves lives.

Sports Quotes

    To become a champion, you must be able to lose.

    The winner is not the one who is stronger, but the one who is ready to go to the end.

    It is much easier to become a champion than to hold this title and live with it all your life.

    Martial arts always begin and end with politeness.

    If you're in the box and don't know what to do with the ball, just score a goal, and after the match we'll figure out what could be done with it - Bob Paisley

    A great football player must simultaneously see the ball, 10 of his partners, opponents and a blonde or brunette in the stands in the seventh row.

    Spain play with beauty, Italy with passion, Germany with performance, Holland with geometry, and only the English Championship mixes it all up.

    Exercise can replace many medicines, but no medicine in the world can replace exercise.
    Alfred Musset

    Gymnastics, physical exercises, walking should firmly enter the daily life of everyone who wants to maintain working capacity, health, a full and joyful life.

    The basketball court is the place where I can forget about all my problems.
    Baron Davis

    Physical education should be given as much attention as mental education.

    I believed then, and still believe, that no matter how much work a person has, he should find time for exercise, as he finds it for food. Mahatma Gandhi. My life

    If you do - only what is easy... You will always be weak...

    The saving force in our world is sport - the flag of optimism still flies over it, here they follow the rules and respect the enemy, regardless of which side wins.

    If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick.

How much does the lightest and heaviest ball weigh?

    table tennis - 2.5g

    squash - 24g

    golf - 46g

    tennis - 57g

    tamburello - 82g

    polo - 130g

    cricket - 145g

    baseball - 150g

    field hockey - 160g

    volleyball - 270g

    beach volleyball - 270g

    rugby - 420g

    handball - 450g

    football - 450g

    basketball - 600g

    bowling - up to 7260g

Table tennis players are the luckiest of all: every time they strike a ball with a racket, they transport a sports projectile weighing no more than two and a half grams to the second half of the table. Among the most famous sports, the table tennis ball is the lightest.

The reverse record is held by a bowling ball: well-developed musculature is required to lift such a ball. Physical strength is needed to make an accurate and at the same time strong throw at pins set at a distance of a little less than 20 m from the player. It is worth clarifying that the mass of balls and balls corresponds to generally accepted parameters. For a soccer ball, this value is from 410 to 450 g.


Interesting facts about the soccer ball

    In 1872, the English Football Association set the standard for soccer balls. The circumference of the ball should be 27-28 inches (68-71 cm) and weight 368-425 grams. It is interesting that the size of the ball has survived to this day, and the weight in 1937 was increased to 410-425 grams and has remained unchanged since then.

    In the final match of the 1930 World Cup, the national teams of Argentina and Uruguay could not agree on which ball to play for a long time. We decided to play the Argentine ball in the first half, and the Uruguayan one in the second. Interestingly, losing 1:2 after the first half, the Uruguayans were able to turn the tide of the game with “their” ball and won 4:2

    In ancient times, in games somewhat reminiscent of football, the following were used as a soccer ball: skulls of animals or people wrapped in leather, bladders of cattle or pigs.

    Since 1970, Adidas balls have been played at the world championships. For each world championship, the company develops a new unique ball.

    Naturally, the first soccer ball appeared in England - the birthplace of football. But it is curious that at present the descendants of the first manufacturer of soccer balls are making balls for another national sport - rugby.

    After Spain won the 2010 World Cup, the ball played in the final was sold at auction for $78,808.

    In 1999, the Brazilian Rivaldo was recognized as the best football player in the world. Having received the Golden Ball prize, he sawed it into 60 parts, attaching a silver plate with his name to each. The athlete distributed these original gifts to those whom he considered involved in his success: teammates, coaches and even a cleaning lady in the stadium locker room.

    80 percent of today's soccer balls are made in Pakistan, with most of them in the city of Sialkot.

    Scientists have created a soccer ball that can generate and store electricity when hit. It is planned to sell it in poor countries. After all, after playing such a ball for only 15 minutes, you can charge your phone from it.

    An interesting fact is that the official balls of the World Cup often bore names related to the culture of the host country. So, for the World Cup held in 1986 in Mexico, a ball called Azteca was created - on the black panels of this ball there were decorations in the form of Aztec patterns. The matches of the World Cup, held in 1990 in Italy, were played with the Etrusco Unico ball - both the name itself and the heads of Etruscan lions remind us of the ancient Etruscan people who lived on the territory of modern Italy.

    A soccer ball consists of 32 panels - 12 black pentagons and 20 white hexagons.

Interesting facts about football goals

    Interestingly, the first football goal was a rather primitive structure: two wooden posts without a crossbar. A goal was counted if the ball flew between the posts at any height, which, of course, gave a lot of reasons for controversy.

    Since 1866, it has become mandatory to use a rope stretched between the posts and limiting the height of the gate, this has prevented many conflicts.

    In 1875, at the initiative of the Sheffield Football Association, a rule was adopted requiring the installation of a rigid crossbar on the goal. In the same year, the size of the football goal was finally approved.

    According to the rules of football, a standard goal must have a width of 7 meters 32 centimeters and a height of 2 meters 44 centimeters. It is difficult for non-English people to understand: why such accuracy? But for the people of Albion, it's simple: 8 yards wide and 8 feet high.

    In 1890, John Brodie from Liverpool, the owner of a fishing net company, proposed using his products not only for fish, but also for catching footballs. Having received a patent for his invention, Brodie began to offer a football net to English clubs. It is a known fact that one of the strongest clubs of that time, Bolton Wanderers, paid him 6 pence. For the first time in an official match, the net was used on March 23, 1891 in a match between the teams of the North and South of England. A few years later, the football net began to be used everywhere. The Football Association of England bought it at a price of 3 pounds 6d 12 shillings apiece. After the death of John Brodie in 1934, one of the streets of Liverpool was named after him - Brodie Avenue. The company "Brodi" is still engaged in the manufacture of football nets. Experts note its strength and durability. Each grid of this company consists of 25,000 nodes.

Interesting facts about football goals

Here are some interesting facts about football goals that will be of interest to real fans, and not only:

An amazing game took place in 1957, when Charlton Athletic lost 1-5 to Huddersfield Town thirty minutes before the end of the match, with only ten people in the team. The Charlton fans had already resigned themselves to defeat and were ready to go home, but luck, as usual, is a capricious lady. As a result, “Charlton Athletic” not only bounced back, but also defeated the opponent with a score of 7:6, setting a record.

According to FIFA, the fastest goal belongs to the Australian football player Damien Maury of the Adelaide City team, who scored it in 1995 during a meeting between the teams Adelaide City and Sydney United 3 minutes 67 seconds after the start of the match.

The fastest international goal was scored by David Gualtieri of San Marino in 1993. It took him just 8.3 seconds to score against England in a World Cup qualifier.

The world championship record was set in 1982 and held for 20 years. In the World Cup match between the national teams of England and France, the footballer of the English team scored a goal in the 27th second of the meeting. In 2002, a player from the Turkish team named Hakan Shukur broke the old record by scoring a goal in the 11th second of the game.

In 1885, the Scottish club Bon Accord set a record for scoring when they won the game with the Arbroath team with a score of 36: 0.

In European cup tournaments, Dutch Ajax set the record for scoring with a 14-0 UEFA Cup match against Luxembourg in 1984.

England's Liverpool won the 2004/2005 Champions League final against Milan of Italy after losing 3-0 at first.

The strongest kick in football.

The strongest kick in football belongs to Lukas Podolski, one of the best players in the German national team. Although Podolski plays for the German national team, it is easy to guess from his name that he himself is a native of Poland. Lukas was born on July 4, 1985 in the former territory of Upper Silesia. Lucas' parents were directly related to the sport.

Lukas' father played in 1980 for the Szomberki football team, with which he achieved the Polish championship title, and his mother played for the country's handball team. After Lucas was born in the Podolsky family, a couple of years later the family decided to move to Germany. At first they lived in Bergheim, and then moved to Pulheim, where Lucas spent his childhood.

Craving for football began with Podolsky since childhood. Lucas showed great promise, which did not go unnoticed by the media. So, in 2003, interest in his personality increased dramatically. Podolsky was recommended to the coach of the Polish national team Pavel Yanas, but he refused to take a promising football player into the squad. Then Lucas decided to play for the German national team, besides, at that time, German football representatives became interested in him. Rumor has it that when the coach of the German national team Rudi Feller saw the game of Podolsky, he was so impressed that he immediately invited him to the national team.

Podolsky's first game for the German national team took place in 2004 in a match with the Hungarian national team. That year for Lucas was not particularly fruitful, but already in 2005, Podolski was among the main players in the team and, moreover, reached the top three players in Europe. In 2006, according to FIFA, Lukas Podolsky was noted as the best young player of the World Cup. And according to the results of Euro 2008, he was among the best players in the tournament.

world record punching power It was set by Lukas Podolski at the 2010 World Cup, where the ball's speed and power surpassed the previous record holder, Roberto Carlos, who was able to hit the ball at 198 km/h. In Lucas, this figure was 201 km / h.

World Football:

Argentina footballer Martin Palermo in 1999 at the Latin America Cup in a match against Colombia did not score 3 penalties in a row. In the end, Argentina lost 0-3.

    Which country has won the most World Cups?

            Answer - Team Brazil (5 times).

Which football club has won the most Champions League (including the Champions Cup)? The answer is Real (Madrid) and he did it 9 times.

Where and in what year was the first World Cup held?

Answer - In 1930 in Uruguay.

Which team won the first FIFA World Cup?

Answer - Uruguay national team

Russian Oleg Salenko scored 5 goals in one match at the 1994 FIFA World Cup. In that match, the Russian national team beat Cameroon with a score of 6: 1. At the moment, this record has not been broken.

The fastest goal in the history of the European Football Championships was scored by Russian Dmitry Kirichenko. It happened at Euro 2004 in a match against Greece, in which our players won with a score of 2: 1.

Croatian Robert Prosinečki, currently coaching Crvena Zvezda, is the first and only footballer to score goals in the World Cups for various national teams. At the 1990 World Cup, he scored a goal for the Yugoslav national team, and at the 1998 World Cup - for the Croatian national team.

Russian football:

Viktor Onopko played the most matches for the Russian national football team. He played 109 games with our national team from 1992 to 2004.

Vladimir Beschastnykh scored the most goals in the Russian national football team (26 goals).

Dmitry Kirichenko scored the most goals from penalties in a row in the Russian Football Championship. His result is 21 goals. This series has been going on for 9 years since 2000.
* This record was recorded in September 2009.

The biggest score in the history of the Russian football championships (premier league) is 9:3. Petersburg Zenit beat Dynamo Moscow in 1999 with this score.

The most devastating victory in the elite championship of Russia was won by the capital's Lokomotiv. Railroaders thrashed Uralan 9–0 in 2000

Interesting facts and incidents of football

The greatest number of ridiculous stories, incidents probably happened in the history of football. It will take a very, very long time to tell about everyone. Here are some examples.

Brazilian football defender Pinheiro holds the title of "record holder for scoring goals in his own net." He scored ten goals for his team in just one season.

The most fair judge was recognized as the Englishman Melvin Si4lvestre. During the game, the attacker of one of the teams repeatedly pushed Sylvester on purpose and, in the end, hit him hard. The enraged judge hit and dropped the attacker on the lawn, calmly showed himself a red card and left the field.

Footballer from Brazil Giovane Elber during one of the matches was punished with a yellow card in the first half for talking with the referee. For the second half, he appeared, specially sealing his mouth with red tape.

The longest match lasted August 1-3, 1981 65 hours 1 minute. Two teams from Ireland fought for the championship.

A few days before the start of the 1966 FIFA World Cup in England, the cup was stolen from a public display. The police took part in the search, but the cup was found 7 days later in the bushes of a London garden by a dog walking past with its owner. The victory was won by the England team and it was decided to invite the dog to the banquet; she was allowed to lick the team's plates.

What are the rules for three-way football?

Danish artist Asger Jorn came up with three-way football back in the early 1990s. It is played simultaneously by three teams on a hexagonal field, and the teams' gates are placed on the sides of the hexagon through one. The winner of the match is not the team that scored the most, but the team that missed the least. The author considered the main idea of ​​creating such a sport to be the destruction of the traditional bipolar confrontation in football and giving the game a more philosophical approach. Today, three-way football matches are usually unsystematic and timed to coincide with festivals, exhibitions, or major political events.

Which football player once played

in the FA Cup final with a broken neck?

In the 1956 FA Cup Final, Manchester City goalkeeper Bert Trautmann was injured 15 minutes before the end of the match after a Birmingham striker kneed him in the neck. However, Trautmann decided to continue the game and helped his team to defend the winning score. After continuing in pain for several days, he was x-rayed, and it turned out that he played out that match with a broken neck.

Interesting facts about basketball

James Naismith, a teacher in Springfield, Massachusetts, is credited with inventing basketball in 1891. The first "hoops" were actually just peach baskets, and the first bindings were made from wire.

The game became an official Olympic event at the Summer Games in Berlin, Germany in 1936.

The National Basketball League (NBL) and the Basketball Association of America (BAA) merged after the 1948-49 seasons to become today's National Basketball Association (NBA).

The Boston Celtics have won the most NBA championships (16), including seven in a row from 1960 to 1966.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who played 20 seasons in the NBA, scored the most points with 38,387.

On March 2, 1962, Philadelphia center Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 points in one game against New York.

Michael Jordan, who retired in January 1999 but returned to the league in 2001, has earned more points (5,987) in the playoffs than any other player.

The tallest basketball player in the world is Sun Mingming (China), zetra, height - 236 cm, and weight - 152 kg.

What was not allowed to the first basketball players?

The first rules of basketball only allowed passing or throwing the ball into the basket, and dribbling did not appear until a few years later. Also in the beginning basketball players threw the ball into the peach baskets, which had a bottom, and each time it was necessary to climb a ladder to get the ball out.

Interesting facts about volleyball

Volleyball is the only sports game where the main task of the team is to throw the ball in such a way that it touches the floor of the court on the opponent's side. When playing volleyball, teams do not compete for time, the result is important. On the playing field, each team member has his own specialization.

There are many varieties of volleyball, branching off from the main sport. These are mini-volleyball, beach volleyball, park volleyball, kertnball, pionerball. In kertball, unlike regular volleyball, the net is replaced by a solid fabric, which reduces the visibility of the opponent.

Volleyball is believed to have been played for the first time in a Young Christian Association college. On February 9, 1895, a physical education teacher, William J. Morgan, challenged his students to compete in throwing a basketball camera over a tennis net. The net was installed at a height of 197 cm. Morgan did not limit the number of his wards in each team. Thus, William Morgan is the founder of volleyball.

The Russian debut of volleyball took place on June 28, 1923. It was a friendly match between students of the Moscow Film College and students of the Higher Artistic and Technical Workshops.

In 1983, over a hundred thousand spectators attended a friendly match between the national teams of the USSR and Brazil. It was a real record for the attendance of volleyball competitions. The game was played at the Maracana Football Stadium (Rio de Janeiro).

At the 1894 Olympics, Brazilian volleyball players used the jump serve to great effect. Thanks to this technique, the Brazilian men's team took second place at the time. Since then, the jump serve has become very popular and has taken root in volleyball.

The International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) was founded in Paris on April 20, 1947. Today it is the world's largest sports organization, uniting more than two hundred countries.

Interesting facts about badminton

Badminton is the most popular sport after football.
The highest speed of the racket is 300 km. in hour.
Since 1992, Asian players have won 42 of the 46 Olympic medals.
1.1 billion people watched the first Olympic badminton tournament on television.

During the game, the ball is bounced about 400 times.
The shortest match was 4 minutes while the longest match was 124 minutes.
The International Badminton Federation was formed in 1934 and now has 148 member states including England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
The Chinese originally played their version of badminton called Ti Zian Zhi. They didn't use rackets, they used their feet.

The Duke of Beaufort hosted parties on his Badminton estate in 1873. His guests were invited to play a game of badminton - and thus the game of badminton was born.
The Kansas City Museum is home to the world's largest badminton - 48 times bigger than normal.

Interesting facts about running

Running strengthens the body, stimulates the work of the heart and lungs. Running is one of the most effective means of maintaining health in old age. If you are running, then there is a special device - a pedometer, it will not only count the number of steps and speed of movement, but even show the number of calories burned. Here are some interesting facts about running:

1. A rhinoceros runs slower than a man who is overtaken by a kangaroo, who in turn is overtaken by a zebra. The gazelle is faster than the zebra, but the champion, the cheetah, will overtake it. These are just average speed estimates.

2. Once Dr. Gabe Mirkin, who wrote The Book of Sports Medicine, asked a hundred leading runners if they would agree to try on themselves the action of a magic pill that will provide them with Olympic gold, but at the same time kill them in a year. Imagine that more than 50% of those surveyed agreed.

3. In the XVII and XVIII centuries. in England they held "races of eccentrics." Sometimes the king watched these entertainments, in one of these races two people participated, each of them had one wooden leg. The participants of another race were a man on stilts and an ordinary runner. Somehow, a runner was given the task of running an 11-kilometer track in one hour, but at the same time he carried a 25-kilogram basket filled with fish on his head.

4. In 1984, the Haitian runner Dieudonne Lamothe, who participated in the marathon in Los Angeles, came to the finish line 78th, that is, last. Lamotte said that this was a remarkable result for him, since henchmen of the dictator "Baby Doc" Duvalier promised to kill him if he did not reach the finish line.

5. Two of America's greatest female athletes were once seriously ill. Barrier Gail Divers suffered from Graves' disease and almost lost both feet. However, the disease receded, and she received Olympic gold in 1992. In 1960, at the Olympics in Rome, Wilma Rudolph, who specialized in short distances, received three gold medals in athletics. Consider that as a child she suffered from polio and was a very sickly child who was predicted by doctors to be disabled. However, her mother and self-confidence worked wonders.

6. Bill Bowerman, who was a track and field coach at Oregon State University in the US, wanted to develop a new running shoe. To create a suitable relief on the sole, he tried to melt polyurethane in an ordinary waffle iron. Later, Bowerman formed a company with Phil Knight called BlueRibbonSports, where he applied this idea in production. A little later, this company was renamed NIKE. A bronze statue of Bowerman can now be seen on the campus of the University, which stands on the working surface of a waffle iron.

This incident happened a few years ago at an annual US track and field event called the Penn Relays.
Student Alicia Follmer ran for the Stanford University team. And on one of the circles, Alice fell at full speed with her whole body onto the treadmill. By the way, the treadmill was far from being made of fluff, and the speed was very high.
After this fall, Alicia was far behind her rivals, but, according to her, she had an adrenaline rush from the pain and she finished in the medals.

Interesting facts about skiing

The oldest skis on earth are kept at the Swedish Ski Museum. Their age is about four thousand years. In appearance, these are ordinary narrow boards with ends bent up.

Skis have been used for sports purposes in Russia since 1895, when the Moscow Ski Club was organized.

Sports skis reached 3 meters or more, ski poles were longer than the height of the skier.

Interesting facts about figure skating

A lot of interesting facts are known about such a sport as figure skating.
The oldest skates made of horse bone were found near Odessa, on the banks of the Southern Bug.
The name "skates" came from the fact that the front of the likeness of modern blades was traditionally decorated with a horse's head.
Skates appeared in Russia thanks to Peter I. He also came up with an original way of attaching blades to boots.
The German poet Wolfgang Goethe admired the beauty of figure skating.
Figure skating was a hobby of the English writer Walter Scott. It was he who organized amateur competitions among fans of speed skating.
On the pages of Leo Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina" there are often scenes describing figure skating. The writer often visited skating rinks, and then transferred his impressions to the pages of the novel.
Lieutenant of Artillery Robert Jones is the author of the "Treatise on Skating", which describes all the figures known at that time. The treatise is the first set of rules for figure skating.
Cropped skirts in the costume of figure skaters appeared in the 19th century. inspired by Princess Mary.
In the era of black-and-white televisions, commentators described the colors of the figure skaters' costumes on the air.

Interesting about curling

Curling is a fairly new sport in our country. That is why our team unknowingly made mistakes at first, but this is just at first. One of our athletes says that after the first competition, we realized that we didn’t know a lot. The base, of course, was given to us. But maybe we misunderstood something. It helped that we were welcomed with open arms at the tournament. Competitors were good-natured. The girls in the locker room explained to us how to do what is best, and even helped us directly at the competitions. So, the rivals approached us, prompted what was possible and what was not. Sometimes, you set some kind of task, but according to the rules it is prohibited. For example, the first four stones in the end are the so-called defenders ("guards"). Teams place them near the house as barriers to enemy stones. And you stand in the house and see that there are stones nearby that interfere with you. So at first we tried to knock them out, but you can’t do it according to the rules. For this, your stone is removed from the game. Then, of course, they understood the essence of the claims and first began to place defenders, and then move them into the house.

In Australia, unknown thieves stole a refrigerator with granite stones for curling. At the time of the theft, the car was in a secure parking lot near the ice arena in Melbourne, reports the BBC. According to the police, the attackers, who were going to steal a truck of alcohol, mixed up the cars. 58 expensive curling stones were stored in the back - more than a third of the total stock of this inventory in Australia. As a result of the loss, the training of many Australian curlers was disrupted. It is estimated that there are about 150 granite curling stones in Australia today, each weighing about 20 kg and costing about $400. To find a replacement, it will take at least $23,000, the authorities say. According to the athletes themselves, the stolen stones, despite their value, are practically useless in everyday life: they can only prop up the door or put them in the living room as a coffee table.« They can sell them to Canadians, but they have their own stones,” suggested Australian curler Paul Meissner. Australian authorities urged thieves to be conscious and return stolen sports equipment to athletes.

Interesting facts about muscles

Classes in the gym will teach us to work on our body. Correctly distributing the load on the muscles, we achieve the desired result. Do not forget about the hands and wrists. Carpal expanders are designed to train the muscles of the hands and wrists, which do their job perfectly.

Below are some interesting facts about the muscles that you may not yet know.

  • · The human body consists of more than four hundred muscles. All of them perform their strictly defined functions. Muscle tissue accounts for up to 40% of the total human weight, i.e. This is an average of 20-30 kg.

    For their work, the muscles use the chemical energy released by the cells during the splitting of molecules. Muscles require 20% to 40% of all chemical energy produced to work.

    In the human body, muscles or groups of muscles are separated from each other by fascia, i.e. film. Fascia is a connective tissue sheath that protects muscles from unnecessary friction between themselves, limits the displacement of muscle groups to the sides. The gluteus maximus muscle is the largest. Its length is 20 cm. The stapedius muscle is the smallest, its length is 1.27 mm. The tongue is the strongest muscle, but the fastest are the muscles that perform blinking. The jaw muscles located on the molars can develop a force of up to 72 kg. Those over 40 lose up to 2% of their muscle mass annually.

    Up to 25% of all muscles are concentrated on the face and neck of a person, thanks to which our facial expressions are so diverse and eloquent.

    ·According to French neuropathologists, a crying person sets in motion 43 muscles of the face, while laughing only 17 muscles. Just talking to each other, we include in the work up to 100 muscles of the chest, neck, tongue, jaws and lips.

    · You will be interested to know that after a muscle load, the triceps recover faster than other muscle groups, unlike the muscles of the lower back, which recover the slowest. Exhausting exercise can increase body temperature up to 40 ° C. It should be noted that after training it will take about two days for the muscles to fully recover. The abdominal muscles after childbirth are able to recover within two to three years.

How to pump muscles at home or in the gym

Before starting classes, you need to learn a number of rules for yourself, build an action plan and set certain goals. Let's try to consider the main questions that each of us may have.

Workout at home or at the gym?

For those who decide to take care of themselves, the question often arises, where is it better to do it? Is it worth it to spend money on classes in the gym or can you study at home with the same success? Let's try to consider all the pros and cons of exercising at home and in the gym, we will figure out where it is better and how to pump muscles correctly.

Let's start with homework. The bulk of home exercises are usually simple, basic movements. It all depends on the availability of different simulators and dumbbells. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to equip a “home” gym well, so many useful, isolated exercises disappear due to lack of equipment and space. The pluses include the fact that you do not have to travel or go somewhere. Roughly speaking, wake up and do it, any day, any time. It is certainly convenient. But there is another problem - the lack of motivation for classes. Usually, over time, interest fades, and it becomes a real problem to force yourself to study. Then the simulators will simply stand idle ..

Major muscle groups

There are over six hundred individual muscles in the human body, but in learning the basics of bodybuilding, we only need to know a few of them.

Generally, bodybuilders divide the body into the following main categories or muscle groups:

shoulder girdle

rib cage

biceps and triceps

forearms (arms from elbow to hand)

thighs and buttocks

leg muscles

But for the real formation and development of all important parts of the body, you need to subdivide these muscle groups in even more detail:

back - the length and width of the latissimus dorsi (the latissimus dorsi), the power and musculature of the middle back, the development of the extensor muscles of the spine in the lower back;

shoulder girdle - size and fullness, development of all three processes of the deltoid muscle (anterior, posterior and lateral), trapezius muscles;

chest - pectoralis major and minor, chest volume, relief of the lateral muscles of the body, serratus anterior, intercostal muscles;

biceps - upper and lower biceps; total length, height and power of the muscle;

triceps - the development of all three processes of the triceps muscle, relief and isolation, density and massiveness;

forearm - development of flexor and extensor muscles of the forearm, muscle ligaments at the elbow bend;

quadriceps femoris and gluteal muscles - the development of all four elements of the quadriceps, the clarity of their separation; thigh girth; adductor muscles of the inner thigh;

hamstring muscles - fullness and scope of the biceps femoris; development of adductor muscles of the thigh; isolation between the biceps muscle and the processes of the quadriceps muscle;

abdominal press - upper and lower rectus abdominis, external oblique abdominal muscles;

leg muscles - gastrocnemius muscle (gastrocnemius) and soleus muscle (soleus) ...

Most push-ups

Meet: this is Andrey Kostash, a 7-year-old student of one of the Kyiv schools. Andrey is the author of the national record, having wrung out from the floor in one approach the maximum number of times from all previously recorded.

Guess how many times this boy managed to push himself off the floor in 2 and a half hours?

According to the Ukrainian news agency UNN, the number of push-ups is 4 thousand! And after Andrei was awarded the corresponding diploma from the expert of the national registry, the record holder said that he was a little tired and would not mind eating.

Sport is not only health, but also the desire to be better, to move forward. Sport also does not stand still, it develops and progresses along with humanity. New heroes appear, new records are set - both personal and team. The most interesting, fantastic and curious facts remain in the history of sports, in the memory of all fans, in our memory. We offer you some interesting facts and statistics in sports.

1. Boxing was legalized as a sport only in 1900.

2. The only country that has participated in all the World Cups is Brazil.

3. The youngest player in NHL history to score 50 or more goals and 100 or more points in a season and the youngest player to be named "Most Valuable Player" at age 19 was Wayne Gretzky in the 1979-80 season.

4. Contrary to a well-known misconception, in judo there are not 10, but 12 dans. True, not a single person was awarded the eleventh dan, and the twelfth was awarded to only one person - the founder of judo Dhigaro Kano.

5. In 1936, a hockey goalie mask was first used in Berlin by Japanese goalie Tanaka Hoima.

6. Of the 51 matches held by Mike Tyson in the professional ring, he finished 21 by knockout in the first round (40.8%).

7. The mass of the ball for playing table tennis is 2.5 grams.

8. Winners of the Stanley Cup are awarded a copy of the cup, and the original is stored in the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto.

9. After being hit by a professional volleyball player, the ball can fly at speeds up to 130 km/h. And with the help of a hockey player, the puck can reach speeds of up to 160 kilometers per hour.

10. Approximately 30 percent of NBA players have tattoos on their bodies.

11. The fastest goal in the NHL was scored in the third second of the game.

12. According to research conducted by the Detroit Free Press, 68 percent of professional hockey players have lost at least one tooth on the ice.

13. The final game of the 1976 European Football Championship was Franz Beckinbauer's 100th game for the West Germany team.

14. Most of all matches for the Russian national football team were played by Viktor Onopko: 109 games in the period from 1992 to 2004.

15. The Vatican national football team has played only one international match in its history - with the Monaco team, which ended in a draw with a score of 0:0.

16. Most often won the Champions League, including the Champions Cup Real Madrid (Madrid) - 9 times.

17. The tallest basketball player in the world is center Sun Mingming (China). His height is 236 cm, weight is 152 kg.

18. In the first ten moves in chess, there are 170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ways to play.

19. In 1936, at the opening of one of the table tennis tournaments, Pole Alex Enrlich and Romanian Panet Farkas played one ball for 2 hours and 12 minutes.

20. The youngest athlete to win a national championship was Jamaican Jay Foster. This happened in 1958. At that time he was only 8 years old.

Tennis, swimming, volleyball, etc. The main thing is that sport is not just a pastime, but a part of life. In this article, we have selected the most interesting sports facts that you should enjoy.

1. American athlete George Eiser won 7 medals in 1904 in just the same day. Three of these medals were gold, two silver and one bronze. Everything seems to be nothing, but this athlete was disabled. Instead of his left leg, he had a wooden prosthesis, but this did not prevent him from competing with ordinary perfectly healthy athletes and even defeating them.

2. On November 13, 1985, the captain of the Danish national football team, Søren Lerby, played a World Cup qualifying match against the Irish national team. After the match, he immediately boarded a plane to Germany and played another match, but this time for his club Bayern in the German Cup.

3. After Canadian Terry Fox had his leg amputated (due to bone cancer), he decided to run a charity marathon, which he called the Marathon of Hope. The goal of the marathon was to run all over the country and raise money for the fight against cancer. In total, he was able to run on a prosthesis for a little less than six months (143 days), after which the disease began to progress and he eventually died. But he was able to achieve his goal, namely to collect at least $ 1 from every Canadian. This was collected in the region of $ 24 million, and the population of Canada at that time was about 24 million people.

4. In 1999, the captain of one of the Australian football teams, Harry Hawking, changed his name to Whiskas. He signed a contract with a well-known cat food manufacturer, since his club at that time had practically no funding. Thus, when commentators called his name in a match, Whiskas was unwittingly advertised. True, it was not so long, and then Harry regained his name again.

5. Over the years of his basketball career in the NBA, Shaquille O "Neal scored more than 25,000 points in total, but only once in all the time he managed to score a three-pointer.

6. At the international shooting tournament in 2012, the winner's cup went to an athlete from Kazakhstan. But at the cup ceremony, it was not the official anthem of Kazakhstan that was played, but the anthem of Kazakhstan from the parody film Borat about a Kazakh reporter. It turns out that the organizers downloaded this anthem by mistake, since they did not know how the real anthem sounds, and downloaded the first music that came across, which was given to them by the search query “Anthem of Kazakhstan”.

7. In 2008, an octopus named Paul, a predictor of the outcome of football matches, appeared at the German Aquarium. The essence of the prediction was that two containers with the same food were placed in an octopus in an aquarium, but on each of the containers a flag of a certain country was pasted. Which container Paul chooses, that country should have won. Thus, the clam correctly guessed the outcome of 4 out of six matches of the 2008 European Championship, and absolutely correctly guessed all the matches involving the German national team at the 2010 World Cup, and even correctly guessed the final match Spain - Holland.

8. It turns out there is a card game, which is also a sport. This is a sports bridge. In this variant of the bridge, victory due to luck is excluded, since the same situation with the same cards is played on different tables by different participants. Then the results of the games are compared and who played better, so a random win is excluded.

9. In 1976, Canada was the host country for the Olympic Games. And it was the first and so far the only time when the host country has never taken a single gold medal.

10. No one is ever given the number 23 by Manchester City Football Club in England. Marc-Vivien Foet, who died of a heart attack during the 2003 Confederation Cup semi-final, played under this number. In the same way, the number 17, under which he played in these teams, was withdrawn at Lyon and Lance. Marc-Vivien was also awarded a silver medal posthumously.

11. In 1936, the hockey team came out with an all-Canadian squad.

12. When Michael Jordan was a schoolboy, he was kicked out of the school basketball team with a "crash".

13. In 1966, the football team reached the quarterfinals, but lost the World Cup itself. After the loss, all players except the attacker were sent to the camps.

14. It turns out that the name of the game Golf is not just a name, but an abbreviation. GOLF- Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden, which roughly translates - Only for gentlemen (gentlemen) - ladies are prohibited.

15. The most powerful blow still belongs to Muhammad Ali. The force of his blow was approximately 1 ton.

16. American Olympic champion swimmer Mark Spitz was famous for his mustache. Once, the coach of the Soviet swimming team asked him if his mustache was preventing him from swimming. To this question, Mark joked that the mustache, on the contrary, drives away excess water from his mouth, making the body more streamlined. At the next swimming competition, Mark was surprised to see all the Soviet swimmers with mustaches.

We bring to your attention a selection of the most interesting facts from the world of sports. Sometimes unbelievable, but nevertheless true!

1. In checkers, only 7 options for the first move are possible.

2. In the Sea Battle game, ships occupy 22 cells out of 100.

3. The most popular sport in cinema is boxing.

4. Boxing was only legalized as a sport in 1900.

5. Approximately 30 percent of NBA players have tattoos on their bodies (on average in America, 4 percent of residents have tattoos).

6. In 1958, Jay Foster won the Jamaican National Table Tennis Championship. At that time he was only 8 years old.

7. Of the 51 matches held by Mike Tyson in the professional ring, he finished 21 by knockout in the first round (40.8%).

8. How many chess knights can be placed on a chessboard so that they are not under attack from each other? Answer: 32.

9. In the football championship of the State of the Vatican such teams as "Telemail", "Guards", "Bank", "Library", "Team of Museums" play.

10. During the 1896 Olympics, gymnastics included: long jump, pole vault, rope climbing, shot put, etc.

11. The slowest speed in sports was recorded on August 12, 1889 - 1.35 km / h. This sport was tug of war.

12. According to research conducted by the Detroit Free Press, 68 percent of professional hockey players have lost at least one tooth on the ice.

13. The first ever Olympic champion in 776 BC. was a certain cook from Elis named Koreb.

14. The longest recorded game of the game "Monopoly" lasted 1680 hours (more than 70 days).

15. A soccer ball consists of 32 panels - 12 black pentagons and 20 white hexagons.

16. The chess term "gambit" comes from the Italian expression "dare il gambetto" - "trip".

17. Immediately after impact, the speed of a golf ball is 270 km/h.

18. A bowling pin is only 7.5 degrees off for a fall.

19. In 1900 - 1920 tug of war was an Olympic sport.

20. Americans spend about 1,500,000,000 hours a year playing Tetris.

21. The sporting term hat-trick comes from a custom in the game of cricket. If the player managed to successfully throw the ball three times, then he was awarded a brand new hat (English hat - hut).

22. Contrary to a well-known misconception, in judo there are not 10, but 12 dans. True, not a single person was awarded the eleventh dan, and the twelfth was awarded to only one person - the founder of judo Dhigaro Kano.

23. The oldest person to win an Olympic medal was Oskar Swan, who placed second in the shooting competition at the 1920 Olympics in Sweden. Then he was 72 years old.

24. In a chess game lasting 40 moves, 1.5 by 10 to the 128th degree of game development options are possible. This exceeds the number of atoms in outer space.

25. In 1477 in England, Edward IV banned the game of cricket, as it interfered with archery practice.

26. The final game of the 1976 European Football Championship was Franz Beckinbauer's 100th game for the West German team.

27. Among the champions in all sports, the age of champions in billiards is the largest - an average of 35.6 years.

28. For the first time, a hockey goalie mask was used in 1936 in Berlin by the Japanese goalie Tanaka Hoima.

29. In 1936, at the opening of one of the table tennis tournaments, Pole Alex Enrlich and Romanian Panet Farkas played one ball for 2 hours and 12 minutes.

30. At the entrance to the center court of Wimbledon, R. Kipling's lines are written: "... And if you meet with Triumph and misfortune, you will be able to treat deceptions anyway ..."

31. Team USA (!) at the XXX Chess Olympiad in Manila: Irina Levitina, Elena Akhmylovskaya, Anna Akhsharumova, Esfir Epshtein. Coach - Alexander Ivanov.

32. In a sumo fight, the winner is the one who makes the opponent touch the floor with any part of the body - knee, arm, head ... or forces him to leave the ring.

33. The British racehorse "Humorist", who won more than one prize at the derby of the 20s, it turns out, should not have run at all. An autopsy performed after her death showed that she had only one lung.

34. In the 1979-80 season, at age 19, Wayne Gretzky became the youngest player in NHL history to score 50 or more goals and 100 or more points in a season, and the youngest player to be named "Most Valuable Player in the League."

35. In June 1963 in Britain, the ball sent from the serve by the English tennis player Michael Sangster flew at a speed of almost 248 km / h. It was the most powerful serve ever recorded in world tennis.

36. In ancient Greece, if the duel of fisticuffs dragged on, then with the consent of both rivals, the judge appointed ... climax (!) - strengthening. By lot, one of the fighters had to take the blow without hiding. If he survived, then he beat himself, and so on until the complete victory of one of the rivals.

37. Previously, the card suit of spades was called shovels, clubs and wines; the suit of worms - with hooves; the suit of a tambourine - boots and calls, and clubs - acorns.

38. On June 24, 1989, Sarunas Marciulionis became the first Soviet basketball player to sign a 3-year contract with the NBA club (“Golden State Warriors”).

39. The rules of horse racing state that the length of the name of a racing horse should not exceed eighteen letters. Names that are too long are cumbersome to record.

40. In the charter of an Australian golf club, it is written that if the ball hits a kangaroo, then it is necessary to play on as if nothing had happened.

41. Hurling is Irish grass hockey.

42. The length of the billiard cue is 142.5 centimeters.

43. Checkers are older than chess.

44. Baseball originated in 1700 in England.

45. Wembley Football Stadium in England was created only for games, training is prohibited there.

46. ​​Billiards is the seventh most popular sport in the US.

47. After being hit by a professional volleyball player, the ball can fly at speeds up to 130 km/h.

48. There are 170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ways to play the first ten moves in chess.

49. The average age of women participating in the Summer Olympics is 20 years.

50. In ice hockey, there are two goaltending schools - butterfly and stand-up.

51. The sum of the numbers on opposite sides of a die is always 7.

52. Until 1850, golf balls were made of leather and stuffed with feathers.

53. The number of positions in the game of go is 1076 times greater than in chess.

54. The mass of a table tennis ball is 2.5 grams.

55. The fastest goal in the NHL was scored in the third second of the game.

56. Only two countries in the world have participated in all the Olympic Games.

57. It takes an average of 48 to 100 turns to solve a Rubik's Cube puzzle.

58. The number of possible combinations of the first four moves in chess is 318,979,564,000.

59. Brazil is the only country to have participated in every FIFA World Cup.

60. Americans spend about $630 million a year on golf balls.

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