Modern nootropic drugs in ophthalmology. What are nootropics? New generation drugs

For many years, specialists from various fields related to medicine have been trying to create a remedy that relieves the effects of nervous overexcitation and exhaustion. Modern life exposes the human nervous system to endless overloads. The most susceptible organs are the first to suffer: the brain and nervous system. The consequences of such an impact on a person are manifested in the deterioration of memory, the development of cardiovascular diseases, and the decrease in the cognitive capabilities of the individual. The way out of the situation was the emergence of nootropic drugs.

Many patients ask, nootropic drugs - what is it? These are modern medicinal psychotropic drugs that improve the mental activity of the human body, making the brain more resistant to various influences on it, even as a result of traumatic brain injuries.

Description of the problem

The body cannot independently cope with constant adverse effects, such as the environmental situation worsening from year to year, stress, physical and mental overstrain, negative phenomena in political and economic life. Difficulties associated with poor brain function and disorders of the nervous system are characteristic of different age categories. In young children, these are the consequences of frequent birth injuries, oxygen starvation even in the womb or during childbirth.

During schooling, study loads increase, posture changes, and hormonal changes begin in adolescence. All this negatively affects cerebral circulation, the general condition of the child, and the psycho-emotional state. The unstable psyche of the child sometimes fails. The adult population has even more difficulties. Diseases, such as osteochondrosis, thrombosis, all kinds of injuries, tumors, are added to life's difficulties and troubles.

In older people, the body is very "worn out", so the resistance to external factors is minimal. The likelihood of strokes, atherosclerosis, neoplasms increases. To solve such problems, nootropic drugs have been created.


The modern term "nootropic" has, oddly enough, a very ancient origin. His homeland is Ancient Greece. Literally translated, "the desire to think." Among the Greeks, indeed, there were many unique thinkers-philosophers. They valued wisdom and willingly shared their knowledge with the youth.

In nature, there are substances that can be called the original nootropics - this is the substance choline, which is found in a lot in foods such as fish, eggs. After eating a meal rich in protein, serotonin is produced in the brain, which is responsible for a good mood, pleasure, and a sense of the joy of life. The brain starts to work better.

The first artificially created nootropic appeared in the 60s of the 20th century in Belgium and became a real discovery in medicine. It was well-known today in different countries under different names, the nootropic drug Piracetam. Having received positive results after using a nootropic drug, scientists did not stop at this remedy alone. Developments have continued in many countries and are ongoing. Currently, in the group of nootropic drugs, there are several dozen drugs that have passed clinical trials and a dozen are being tested.

The action of drugs

The main task of nootropics is to influence the elements by which nerve cells communicate with each other. All these neurotransmitters must be actively working, which is not always the case. Sometimes there are situations that interfere with the movement of cells. Nootropic drugs give them activity, making it easier for the brain to work. The most rapidly destroyed and slowly restored cells are nerve cells. Nootropic drugs help protect them, provide oxygen and increase blood flow to the tissues.

Nootropic drugs contain substances that activate the process of biosynthesis of RNA and protein compounds in the human central nervous system. They are accelerators of energy processes in the cellular processes of the nervous system, help reduce the number of free radicals, as a result of which they neutralize the negative effect of oxidants. Nootropic drugs help optimize the removal of polysaccharides, which means they improve metabolic processes in the body. They are responsible for the formation of phospholipids and proteins in neurocytes, strengthening their membranes.

Important! By improving blood microcirculation and metabolic processes in brain cells, nootropic drugs work only in tissues with pathologies and do not affect healthy ones. In a word, nootropic drugs are suitable for both sick people for treatment and healthy people for health promotion.

Among this type of nootropic drugs, there are those whose effectiveness is still doubtful. Research on them is ongoing, but drugs are actively used. For example, the nootropic drug Phenotropil. Found application in sports as a stimulant of strength for athletes. Given that doping is banned in the sports world, some pharmaceutical companies are releasing a nootropic drug under other names.

Expected effect

Based on the action of nootropic drugs, the expected effect is primarily associated with an increase in the cognitive capabilities of the body. It is not for nothing that nootropic drugs are called “cognition stimulants”. The human brain under the influence of nootropic drugs becomes more active and receptive to learning new things, memory improves, speech capabilities develop. In addition, the body receives additional sources to strengthen the immune and nervous systems.

Moreover, nootropics help burn fat. It has a particularly positive effect on children and the elderly. In children, creativity, intellectual activity are increased, and learning opportunities are enhanced. In older people, nootropic drugs restore mental impairment.

Human life is very important these days. The world does not stand still and requires the same from a person: mobility, endless movement. If the body is exhausted, a person feels constant weakness and lethargy, he cannot lead an active lifestyle, falls out of the general flow. This further depresses the psyche of the individual. Nootropic drugs have such a necessary anti-asthenic effect, making a person an active participant in the hectic modern life. They have a neuroprotective effect, i.e. they regulate metabolic processes.

In modern science, there is no single established opinion regarding the effects of nootropics on the body. There are many positive opinions and many negative opinions. No medicine can be a complete panacea.

Nootropics won't make anyone smarter or save them from exams. It would be amazing if a pill could modify an intellect that doesn't exist. In addition to treatment, there must also be diligence. The effect of each nootropic drug is very individual. Someone says that the new remedy helped a lot, while another claims that the nootropic drug was pointless. Much depends on the organism, the type of human activity, his attitude to life and many other factors. You can argue endlessly about what nootropics can do. Time will show the truth. One thing is certain, nootropic drugs will help overcome certain difficulties. To accept them or not, to believe or doubt, depends on the patient.

In the United States and some Western European countries, nootropics are not treated as medicines. In the scientific literature in the West, nootropics are called "cognitive enhancers" and are classified as dietary supplements. Although, they are used very actively.


There are many types of nootropic drug classifications. Each is based on a specific criterion. Let's look at two main ones.

Among nootropic drugs, drugs of the old and new generations can be distinguished (according to the time of study and production). The nootropic drugs of the old generation include the previously mentioned Pirocetam derivatives. They are called "racetams". Here you can call "Etiracetam", "Isacetam", "Oxiracetam" and many others. They have a wider scope.

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, many new, more effective nootropic drugs were created. The most popular of them are Phezam, Noopept, Selank, Phenylpiracetam. These nootropics, unlike the previous ones, have a narrower effect and do not solve all problems at once. They contain 2 or more complementary substances. Plant extracts and plant extracts are added to them.

Nootropic drug " Phezam"expands blood vessels, improving cerebral circulation, stimulates the activity of the brain departments responsible for hearing and vision. Helps to quickly restore the vital functions of the brain after a stroke.

Nootropic drug " Noopept» restores memory and enhances cognitive abilities. Normalizes the activity of the autonomic nervous system. The nootropic drug has a withdrawal syndrome.

Nootropic drug Selank» improves mood, raises vitality, relieves anxiety and stress.

« Phenylpiracetam» is perfect for stroke survivors.

Nootropic drug vitrum memory”is a vitamin complex designed for older people with mental disabilities. Available in capsules.

Nootropic drug "Etiracetam"

Since the late 90s of the last century, US medical institutions have begun to use a completely new nootropic drug with antiepileptic effects. In the early 2000s, the drug appeared in Russia. According to Wikipedia, this remedy has nootropic activity.

There is another classification of funds, according to which they can also be divided into 2 groups: “true” nootropic drugs that have one, classic effect, improving memory and speech. And "neuroprotectors" with a whole range of effects.

Indications for use

Initially, nootropic drugs were used only to treat senile problems, since it was believed that the brain does not work as it should only in mature years. Over time, having studied their impact in more detail, the scope has expanded significantly.

Nootropic drugs are prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • decline in mental and physical capabilities;
  • weakening of the ability to think;
  • memory impairment and decreased concentration;
  • infections affecting the nervous system;
  • aging processes;
  • violation of speech functions;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • enuresis;
  • effects of toxic substances on the brain;
  • ophthalmic diseases (glaucoma, retinal pathology);
  • dizziness, migraine;
  • epileptic disorders;
  • chronic alcoholism.

Interesting! Nootropic drugs were part of the mandatory neurostimulants for preparing Soviet cosmonauts for flights.

Nootropic drugs are actively and effectively used in pediatrics to treat the following disorders in children:

  • delayed speech development;
  • mental retardation;
  • birth lesions of the central nervous system;
  • deviations in the development of the psyche;
  • increased level of anxiety;
  • attention deficit disorder.

Contraindications for use

Speaking about the use of nootropic drugs, as well as other drugs, one cannot but answer the question of how dangerous these drugs are and whether they are harmful.

The negative impact of nootropics has not been recorded. Although, like any medication, nootropic drugs can have side effects. Some patients had an individual reaction to the drug, expressed in sleep disturbance at night, daytime sleepiness, allergic reactions, reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, and jumps in blood pressure. Some nootropic drugs can cause a state close to alcohol intoxication. Most side effects occur with long-term use of drugs or overdose. To eliminate such effects, it is enough to stop taking the nootropic drug.

Do not prescribe nootropic drugs to patients with the following developmental features:

  • individual intolerance to individual components of the nootropic drug;
  • serious violations of kidney function;
  • hemorrhagic stroke in the acute period;
  • hereditary degenerative diseases of the central nervous system;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Release form

Nootropic drugs can be produced in tablets and capsules for taking with liquid, sublingual tablets (glycine), injection solutions, syrups (pantogam), solutions for oral administration. Most of them have a dual option: tablets and injections. What to choose depends on the characteristics of the body, the course of the disease, the patient's personal predilection and the doctor's prescriptions.

Admission rules

Taking nootropic drugs should not be uncontrolled. Any medicine can become poison. This must be remembered. Before taking a nootropic drug by mouth or injecting with a nootropic drug, a consultation with a doctor is required. Since the scope of nootropic drugs is wide, you can consult with specialists from a wide variety of medical professions: therapist, cardiologist, neurologist, pediatrician.

More often than others, psychiatrists and narcologists work with nootropic drugs. Appointment made, further on sensations. The medicine has gone, we continue treatment with nootropic drugs. Not accepted by the body, stop taking.

Important! The therapeutic effect of the use of most nootropic drugs does not occur immediately. They have a cumulative effect.


Nootropic drug Piracetam. Until now, it is one of the most popular means. The nootropic drug is produced in two dosage forms: tablets and injection solution. Well normalizes metabolic processes in the brain, which means it helps to improve memory. This is one of the cheapest nootropic drugs in this group. Piracetam can be called "ambulance" for the removal of alcohol syndrome.

Pros of a nootropic drug:

  • protects the brain from oxygen starvation and stress;
  • helps with increased mental stress.

Minuses: Cannot be used for cerebral hemorrhage and renal failure.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine, Neurovin)

Nootropic drug can be in the form of tablets and injections. It is actively used in ophthalmology and neurology. The nootropic drug improves hearing acuity well.


  • universal means of a wide spectrum of action;
  • well tolerated by persons of any age.

Minus the nootropic drug: when administered intravenously, it is administered very slowly.


The main active ingredient of the nootropic drug is hopantenic acid. Available in the form of syrup with cherry flavor. It has been successfully used in the treatment of many disorders in children.

Pros: It combines a light stimulating effect and a mild sedative effect. Minus one, not recommended for violations of kidney function.


Is it easy to guess that simple nasal drops can improve the mind. But in this case it is. The nootropic drug Semax is administered intranasally, due to which it quickly overcomes the blood-brain barrier and acts for 24 hours. Virtually no side effects.

Phenibut (Noobut, Bifren)

A nootropic drug can be in the form of tablets, powder, capsules. Fights memory impairment, normalizes sleep, relieves anxiety. Indispensable during travel suffering from "seasickness".

The negative side of the nootropic drug: enhances the effect of alcohol


The nootropic drug comes in the form of sublingual tablets. Especially popular with young students. The main "folk" assistant, which has a very low price, but is able to compete with the most expensive nootropic drugs. It is a purified amino acid, a building material for protein. It is well tolerated by everyone and in any situation when the brain is “tired”. It has no side effects and there is no overdose.

The downside of a nootropic is that it's not strong enough.


Tablets for adults, suspension for children. The nootropic drug improves learning abilities, corrects behavioral functions.


The nootropic drug has an anti-amnestic character, improves mood. It does not have a cumulative effect, it begins to act after the first dose. Beneficial effect on vision.

Minuses: May increase blood pressure. Nootropics are expensive. It is released in pharmacies by prescription. Not suitable for treating children.

There is one effect of a nootropic drug that is difficult to define as negative or positive. Phenotropil suppresses appetite. On the one hand, it's good. You can fight overweight and obesity. But, on the other hand, the desire not to gain extra pounds can end in anorexia.


The nootropic drug eliminates depressive manifestations, helps to cope with negative environmental factors.

Flaws: dispensed by prescription. May cause side effects: insomnia, increased appetite.

The release form of the nootropic drug is capsules. The main property is to increase the ability to learn. The price is quite high.


A big plus of the nootropic drug is that it helps to get rid of alcohol intoxication. It helps to overcome speech disorders. The nootropic drug has an average price, it is quite affordable for consumption.


The nootropic drug is administered intravenously. Helps to fight severe intoxication of the brain. The price is not great.

The nootropic drug is a combination of the well-known "Pirocetam" and "Thiotriosalin".

Properties of drugs

These are the main medicines presented on the Russian medical market.

How not to get confused in such a variety and get exactly what is right for a particular person? First, a mandatory consultation with a doctor. Secondly, there is no absolutely universal nootropic drug. It is important to understand what exactly needs to be done. You need an antidepressant, so Acephen will do. Interested in the cumulative effect, buy the nootropic drug Nootropil, aka Piracetam. For children, Glycine is safe with a good sedative effect. It will be best of all to contribute to the elimination of memory gaps "Phenotropil". Several actions are combined by the nootropic drug "Semax".

Prospects for Nootropics

Scientists believe that nootropics have a great future. They will be able to influence the most complex object of study, the human brain. Its possibilities are huge and beyond. Humanity, even now, does not yet know everything about the possibilities of the brain. If you expand his abilities, maintain efficiency throughout his life, then you can create a person of the future with opportunities that we can only dream about and read in fantastic works.

The body and brain will be able to do what is not yet possible. The gray matter is formed within 18 years and only then begins to work with full dedication. The time of its active activity is very short. When scientists understand why this happens and can control these processes, then the superman will appear. Whether this is a fantasy or really feasible, time will tell.

Nootropics (Greek noos mind + tropos direction)

The main N. page used in medical practice is piracetam, which chemically is a cyclic analogue of γ-aminobutyric acid (). N.'s properties with. some other analogs of GABA also possess, for example, aminalon, pantogam, and a number of drugs belonging to other classes of chemical compounds (acephen, pyriditol, etc.).

Along with nootropic activity, drugs of this group also have other pharmacological properties. For example, piracetam, pantogam, and aminalon show some anticonvulsant activity, while pyriditol has antidepressant and sedative properties.

N.'s mechanisms of action with. little studied. It is established that N.'s stimulating influence of page. memory and learning are mainly due to their effect on metabolic processes in the nervous tissue. So, it is known that many N. with. stimulate tissue, increase the turnover rate and enhance the utilization of glucose by brain cells. Most of N. with. have antihypoxic properties. N.'s ability with. to improve energy processes in the nervous tissue is one of the main reasons for increasing the resistance of the brain to hypoxia and toxic effects on it under the influence of drugs of this group. Caused by some N. with. an increase in cerebral blood flow, apparently, also plays a role in the mechanisms of their action on the processes of memory, thinking, and learning. Obviously, for this reason, some drugs (for example, cavinton, nicergoline), which mainly improve, have nootropic activity.

Apply N. with. mainly in violation of memory, attention, speech, etc., caused by vascular diseases of the brain (atherosclerosis, chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, stroke), craniocerebral trauma, intoxication (for example, alcoholism), in the recovery period after suffering neuroinfections and mental insufficiency (mental retardation) and oligophrenia in children. Along with this, individual drugs from among N. s. prescribed for other indications. So, piracetam is sometimes used as a corrector for the side effects of neuroleptics (see Antipsychotics) and other psychotropic drugs, tk. it weakens the mental, neurological and somatovegetative disturbances caused by them. Pantogam is used for Jacksonian epilepsy, hyperkinesis, parkinsonism, a clonic form of stuttering in children and as a corrector for neuroleptic syndrome that occurs during intoxication with antipsychotics. Pyriditol can be included in the complex therapy of neurotic disorders and depression with symptoms of lethargy, adynamia. Acephen is sometimes used for neurotic, hypochondriacal and asthenoilochondriac conditions, diencephalic syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Side effects in certain drugs of the N. group with. manifests itself differently, although for many of them the most characteristic signs of this action are increased, anxiety and. Along with this, piracetam can cause dyspeptic disorders and coronary insufficiency, aminalon - dyspeptic disorders, fever and fluctuations mainly in the first days after the appointment of this drug. The side effect of pantogam is manifested mainly by allergic reactions from the skin (skin) and mucous membranes (allergic and conjunctivitis). Pyriditol can cause nausea and headache, and in children, psychomotor. The side effects of acephene are characterized by the appearance of anxiety and fear. In patients with paranoid and hallucinatory symptoms, acephene may cause an increase in them.

General contraindications for use for the N. group with. in no. to the use of aminalon and pantogam have not been established. Piracetam is contraindicated in acute renal failure and pregnancy, pyriditol - with increased convulsive readiness, epilepsy and psychomotor agitation, acephen - with infectious diseases of the central nervous system.

The main N. pages, their doses, methods of application, forms of release and storage conditions are given below.

Aminalon(Aminalonum; synonym: gammalon, ganevrin, etc.) is prescribed orally (before meals) for adults at 0.5-1.25 G 3 times a day, for children, depending on age - in daily doses from 0.5 to 3 G. The duration of the course of treatment is from 2-3 weeks to 2-6 months. Release form: tablets of 0.25 G, coated

Acefen(Acephenum; synonym: analux, cerutil, meclofenoxate hydrochloride, etc.) are used orally at 0.1-0.3 G 3-5 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 1-3 months. Release form: tablets of 0.1 G, coated. Storage: list B; in a dry, dark place.

Pantogam(Pantogamum) is taken orally after 15-30 min after meal. Adults are usually prescribed 0.5-1 G, children - 0.25-0.5 G appointment. Daily dose 1.5-3 G(adults) and 0.75-3 G(children) are divided into 3-6 doses. The course of treatment is 1-6 months. Repeated courses of treatment are carried out in 3-6 months. Release form: tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 G. Storage: in a dry, dark place.

Piracetam(Pyracetamum; synonym: nootropil, pyramem, etc.) is used orally, intramuscularly or intravenously. At the beginning of treatment, the drug is administered orally at 0.4 G 3 times a day and increase the dose to a total daily dose of 2.4-3.2 G and more. Upon reaching the therapeutic effect, the daily dose is reduced to 1.2-1.6 G. For children under 5 years of age, the drug is prescribed orally, usually at 0.2 G for admission, from 5 to 16 years old - 0.4 each G 3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is from 2-3 weeks to 2-6 months. Repeated courses of treatment are carried out after 6-8 weeks. Intramuscularly or intravenously, the drug is administered first in daily doses of 2-4 G, then in daily doses of 4-6 G. Release form: capsules containing 0.4 G drug; tablets 0.2 G, coated; 20% solution in ampoules of 5 ml. Storage: list B; in a dry, dark place.

Pyriditol(Pyriditolum; synonym: encephabol, pyritinol, etc.) is administered orally after 15-30 min after meals for adults 0.1-0.3 G at the reception, children - 0.05-0.1 G 2-3 times a day. Daily doses for adults 0.2-0.6 G, for children 0.05-0.3 G. At the beginning of treatment, the drug is taken in smaller than average doses. The course of treatment is from 1-3 months to 6-8 months in adults and from 2 weeks to 3 months in children. Repeated courses are carried out in adults after 1-6 months, in children after 3-6 months. Release form: tablets of 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 G, coated. Under the name "Encephabol" the drug is produced at 0.1 G in a dragee and in the form of a syrup containing 0.1 G in every 5 ml, in vials of 200 ml. Storage: in a dry, dark place.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical Encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic dictionary of medical terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

See what "Nootropics" are in other dictionaries:

    - (nootropics) (from the Greek noos mind and tropos turn, direction), lek. in va, selectively stimulating the functions of the brain and increasing energy. body potential. N. p. are able to accelerate learning processes, improve memory and mental ... ... Chemical Encyclopedia

    I Psychotropic drugs (Greek psychē soul, consciousness + tropos turn, direction; synonymous with psychopharmacological drugs) drugs that affect mental functions, emotional sphere and behavior. Distinguish the following ... ... Medical Encyclopedia

    I Anti-alcohol drugs drugs that reduce or eliminate the effects of alcohol or the consequences of its use. Among P. with. distinguish between sobering drugs and drugs for the treatment of chronic alcoholism. AT… … Medical Encyclopedia

    - (from the Greek psyche soul and tropos turn, direction; psychopharmacological agents), lek. in VA, affecting ch. arr. on the psychic body functions. Unlike some other groups of lek. cf. (e.g., narcotic analgesics, ephedrine, ketamine and its ... ... Chemical Encyclopedia

    - (ZHNVLS) a list of medicines approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for the purpose of state regulation of prices for medicines. The list of vital drugs covers almost all types of medical care, ... ... Wikipedia

    Check neutrality. The talk page should have details... Wikipedia

    Nootropics or nootropics, they are also neurometabolic stimulants, substances taken to improve mental abilities. The term "nootropic" is derived from the Greek. νους reason and τροπή I turn, I interfere, I change. It was introduced in 1972 to describe ... ... Wikipedia

    Nootropics or nootropics, they are also neurometabolic stimulants, substances taken to improve mental abilities. The term "nootropic" is derived from the Greek. νους reason and τροπή I turn, I interfere, I change. It was introduced in 1972 to describe ... ... Wikipedia

    Nootropics or nootropics, they are also neurometabolic stimulants, substances taken to improve mental abilities. The term "nootropic" is derived from the Greek. νους reason and τροπή I turn, I interfere, I change. It was introduced in 1972 to describe ... ... Wikipedia

    Pathological conditions caused by exposure to toxic substances (industrial poisons) in production conditions. Industrial poisons are a large group of toxic substances and compounds that are used in industry as a source ... ... Medical Encyclopedia

Nowadays, new generation nootropic drugs are used to stimulate the brain and protect nervous reactions, the list of which is so impressive that it takes several pages. Basically, these are complex remedies consisting directly of a nootropic component and auxiliary substances that improve the nutrition of nerve cells - amino acids, vitamins,.

How do new nootropics differ from old ones?

People have been using nootropics for a long time and don't even know it. For example, the simplest nootropic - choline - is found in eggs, meat, fish and seafood. By eating food rich in animal protein, we stimulate the production of the hormone serotonin, which is not only responsible for the feeling of pleasure, but also has a beneficial effect on neural connections. The brain begins to work more actively, memory and thought processes improve. The simplest nootropics also include coffee, green tea, nicotine, amphetamines. These are the so-called stimulants of brain activity. The well-known vitamin B6 and Glycine tablets also belong to this type of remedy, they improve metabolic processes in the spinal cord and brain.

In the middle of the 20th century, there was a strong leap forward in the field of studying the work of the brain. The following types of nootropic drugs have been developed, studied and classified:

  • reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitors;
  • vasodilators and metabolic enhancers;
  • stimulants;
  • racetams.

There is another classification based on the origin of the main active substance and its functions, but it is quite complex and confusing, and therefore only of interest to physicians. In addition, racetams are mainly used in therapy today. This is the basis of new generation nootropic drugs. Racetams are chemical structures derived from pyrrolidine. Here is a short list of the most popular drugs in this category:

  • Piracetam;
  • Oxiracetam;
  • Etiracetam;
  • Aniracetam;
  • Pramiracetam;
  • Nebracetam;
  • Nefiracetam;
  • Isacetam;
  • detiracetam;
  • Dipracetam and others.

Unlike natural stimulants, these drugs have a very precise effect on certain areas of the brain, which allows them to be used not only to improve memory and intelligence, but also in the treatment of strokes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. These are the most effective nootropic drugs.

Latest Nootropics

Since the latest products are combined, they combine new generation racetams and excipients. Such modern nootropic drugs are very popular, such as:

  • Diapiram;
  • Orocetam;
  • Yukamen;
  • Thiocetam;
  • Apik;
  • Binotropil.

Most often, patients who have had a stroke are prescribed Phezam. This medicine is a combination of piracetam and cinnarizine. This antihistamine improves blood circulation in the brain and strengthens the walls of even the smallest blood vessels. Many consider it the best nootropic drug. We agree with this statement, but we want to note that other means have shown themselves very well. In addition, almost all nootropic drugs have few contraindications and side effects, which greatly facilitates the appointment and use.

It is better for elderly patients to give preference to the latest combination drugs. But young people seeking to improve brain function can buy any racetam and supplement it with regular exercise and proper nutrition. The effect will be no worse, since the body reacts to moderate physical activity with the release of serotonin and other hormones that have a beneficial effect on neural connections and the nervous system as a whole.

Nootropics are drugs designed to speed up the metabolism in the cells of the nervous system and increase mental performance. First of all, they are intended for people suffering from neurological diseases (stroke, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, and others). In such cases, drugs prevent the destruction of diseased cells and stimulate them to work at the level of healthy ones.
A side effect of nootropics is the stimulation of mental activity. People taking nootropics perceive and remember information better, think more efficiently and are less prone to stress and mental stress. Due to this property, medicines are popular not only among patients, but also among people who wish to improve their ability to think.

Pramiracetam is a powerful member of the racetam class of drugs. It has a beneficial effect on human cognitive functions:

  • improves short-term and long-term memory;
  • accelerates thought processes and internal dialogue inside the human head;
  • increases the level of motivation, and also helps to bring thoughts and goals to the end;
The positive effect of the drug can persist for several months after the end of the course. Pramiracetam is recommended for people who want to improve their cognitive abilities, increase motivation to achieve life goals, reduce mental stress and gain clarity of thought.
The negative features of the drug include its individual side effects for each person:
  • nausea and abdominal pain;
  • pain in the head.

9. Sulbutiamin

Sulbutiamine - vitamin B1, soluble in fat, has a wide range of positive characteristics:

  • the drug accelerates oxygen in the body;
  • copes well with depression;
  • improves coordination and fine motor skills of movements;
  • enhances alertness and concentration.
The drug normalizes the level of dopamine in the body, nitrogen metabolism, improves the general condition of a person. It is also actively used in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Negative side effects of the substance include possible sleep disturbances and mood swings. However, they occur with individual intolerance or dosage violations.

Hydrafinil is a substance of the Eugoric class, which has a strong invigorating effect.

The main purpose of the drug is to increase energy and overall vigor. It also has a number of other effects:

  • enhances attention and learning;
  • increases the intensity of mental activity;
  • speeds up reflexes.
Taking the drug will be an excellent solution for those who suffer from drowsiness and lethargy, are engaged in active mental work, and need to quickly study large amounts of information.
The drug has a number of side effects that occur when the conditions of admission are violated:
  • skin rashes;
  • pain in the head;
  • sleep problems.


The full name is 5-hydroxytryptophan. The drug, due to its ability to naturally increase the content of serotonin in the body, is the most effective and safe alternative to classic antidepressants. 5-hydroxytryptophan, unlike antidepressants, acts specifically on the level of serotonin, and not on melatonin and neurotrophic factors.
The medicine also has a beneficial effect on human sleep and fights insomnia. It is suitable for people who want to overcome stress and anxiety - depression without the use of potent antidepressants.

There are only 2 side effects of the drug - excessive drowsiness and nausea that occur when the conditions for taking the drug are violated.


DMAE (stands for dimethylethanolamine) is a drug consisting of organic compounds present in fish. Characteristics of the drug:

  • increases life expectancy;
  • improves the performance of the liver;
  • positively affects the psycho-emotional mood;
  • used in the prevention of intellectual - mnestic disorders.

The course of taking the drug is recommended for people who want to increase their overall level of health, psycho-emotional state, mindfulness and memory. Also, the drug is suitable for people who practice lucid dreams.
If the dosage is too high, the following consequences may occur:

  • confusion of thought;
  • hyperactivity and difficulty falling asleep.

5. Aniracetam

Aniracetam stands out among other representatives of the racetam class with its features, including:

  • stimulation of the overall performance of the body;
  • a beneficial effect on the emotions and creative thinking of a person;
  • effective fight against stress and depression.

After completing the course, a person has a long-term improvement in social adaptability. A person thinks more clearly, can remember more information. Aniracetam is an excellent choice for creative, socially active people who work with a lot of information and are prone to mood swings. There are only two negative effects - abdominal pain and skin rashes.

Fasoracetam is a drug originally developed to treat Alzheimer's disease. Later, it was also used as an effective prevention of dementia, an antidepressant and a tranquilizer.

Nootropic properties include:

  • significant effect on receptors responsible for long-term memory;
  • increasing mindfulness and learning;
  • maintaining clarity of mind and orderliness of thoughts.

Fasoracetam works for a long time and does not lose its effectiveness. The list of side effects contains:

  • the possibility of an allergy;
  • pain in the head;
  • nausea and vomiting in overdose.

Nootropic drugs include a large group of psychotropic drugs that help a person get rid of numerous effects on his nervous system. The newest nootropics are devoid of many of the dangerous side effects that were characteristic of the first generation of medicines, and are considered quite safe.

Modern nootropic drugs (neurometabolic stimulants) or simply nootropics are a large group of drugs that have such an effect on the brain when its mental functions improve. As a result, the action of these drugs activates the thinking and memory ability (cognitive functions), increases the resistance of the brain to the influence of negative exogenous factors - lack of oxygen, polluted atmosphere, toxins, stress and emotional overload, traumatic impact. In other words, they have an important ability to reduce neurological deficits.

The basic principle of action of nootropics is based on their active participation in the metabolism and biological energy of neurons, and is also carried out by influencing the mediators of neuroprocesses in the brain. In particular, they increase the level of adenylate cyclase in nerve cells and accelerate the production of ATP, which significantly affects cellular energy. The effect on the production of RNA and some protein substances leads to an acceleration of plastic processes in the nervous system.

As a result of a series of metabolic transformations, serotonin is released, which is a catalyst for intracellular potassium and calcium ions. Adenosine triphosphoric acid helps maintain the rate of metabolic processes in oxygen deficiency, which reduces the risk of oxygen starvation. Finally, nootropics optimize glucose utilization.

The best nootropics can have the following effects:

  1. Stabilization of membranes due to the normalization of phospholipid and protein synthesis, as well as streamlining the structure of membrane cells.
  2. Antioxidant capacity as a result of slowing down the formation of free radicals and lipid oxidation.
  3. The antihypoxic effect is due to a decrease in oxygen consumption.
  4. Neuroprotection is characterized by an increase in the resistance of neurons to the action of aggressive exogenous factors.
  5. Improving blood microcirculation by improving the penetration of red blood cells through the vascular walls and blocking the production of platelets.
  6. Improving electrophysiological patterns, which provides easier signal transmission between the hemispheres, increasing the level of wakefulness and the power of the EEG of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. This ultimately leads to the optimization of integrative brain function.
  7. Optimization of the control of cortico-subcortical processes, information exchange between brain regions, formation of a memory imprint. These effects provide an improvement in mindfulness, mental response, memory, perception of information, and contributes to an increase in intelligence and cognitive functions.

When are nootropics prescribed?

Neotropic drugs were developed to correct brain dysfunctions and were intended mainly for the elderly. The development of pharmacology in this direction has made it possible to significantly expand the capabilities of nootropics, which makes it possible to use them in various branches of medicine (neurology, psychiatry, pediatrics, surgery, gynecology, etc.).

  1. Dementia of various types, incl. in Alzheimer's disease, vascular and senile pathologies.
  2. Cerebrovascular pathologies of a chronic nature.
  3. Syndrome of psychoorganic defeat.
  4. Post-traumatic syndrome caused by circulatory disorders as a result of damage to the skull.
  5. Severe intoxication.
  6. Diseases caused by the penetration of neuroinfection.
  7. Deviations of the intellectual-mnestic, asthenic, depressive nature.
  8. neurotic disorders.
  9. Dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system.
  10. Chronic alcoholism and associated pathologies such as encephalopathy, abstinence.
  11. Lagging mental development.

A child, like an adult, in some cases needs psychotropic therapy. Nootropic drugs for children are recalled in pediatrics with amino acid deficiency, leading to a deterioration in protein synthesis and, in general, to a violation of metabolic processes. The reasons for the appointment of such funds are the following circumstances - a significant lag in the mental and speech development of the child; a noticeable deviation in mental development; signs of congenital, perinatal disorders of the nervous system; cerebral paralysis; pronounced signs of attention deficit disorder.

Neotropics of the new generation cope well with some other diseases that are affected by processes occurring in the brain. According to the decision of a specialist, nootropics can be used in such conditions:

  1. Elimination of manifestations of neuroleptic syndrome. Hopantenic acid, Pantogam and other drugs can be used.
  2. Treatment of stuttering and hyperkinesis. The drug Phenibut is effective.
  3. In case of violations in the urinary organs, Pantogam may be prescribed.
  4. Glycine helps fight chronic insomnia.
  5. For migraines, Pyritinol or Semax is recommended.
  6. Such an unpleasant phenomenon as motion sickness and "seasickness" can be treated with Phenibut.
  7. Complex therapy of ophthalmic problems often includes the use of Nicotinoil.

When Problems Might Occur

Nootropics also have contraindications in circumstances where their use can cause negative consequences. They can not be taken with individual intolerance to the main active substance or any additional ingredient of the drug; severe course of renal failure, both in acute and chronic form; at the acute stage of hemorrhagic stroke; congenital chorea of ​​Hettington associated with a degenerative lesion of the central nervous system. Only in exceptional cases is it possible to prescribe drugs to pregnant women and nursing mothers. With extreme caution, nootropics are given to young children and only after reaching 1 year.

New nootropics are fairly well tolerated by patients. However, individual reactions are possible in the form of such side effects - the appearance of an incomprehensible anxious feeling; temporary insomnia at night and craving for sleep during the day; irritability; jumps in blood pressure; dyspeptic disorders; allergic reactions of various kinds. In elderly people, when taking nootropics, in rare cases, cardiological problems are recorded, in particular, heart failure.

What are the drugs

The list of nootropics includes many drugs divided into groups that differ in chemical composition, direction, and mechanism of action. The following main categories are distinguished.

Stimulators of metabolic processes in neurons:

  1. Based on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). The main representatives are Phenibut, Picamilon and Aminalon. Hopantenic acid is considered an analogue.
  2. Compounds based on pyrrolidone (racetam). The most common drugs are Piracetam and Phenylpiracetam. Derivatives such as Aniracetam, Oxiracetam and Pramiracetam may be prescribed.
  3. Pantothenic acid derivatives - Pantogam.
  4. When using the active substance dimethylaminoethanol, Acefen and Centrophenoxine are produced. Popular drugs such as Phenotropil and Meclofenoxate have gained popularity.
  5. Preparations containing amino acids and peptides. The most famous are Glycine, Actovegin, Biotredin and Cerebrolysin. Popular neuropeptides - Noopept, Semax, Selank. Polypeptides include Cortexin, Cerebramin.

Drugs to reduce the effects of hypoxia. The best remedy is hydroxymethylethylpyridine succinate.

Nootropics with the effect of vitamin-like substances or adaptogens. These include funds based on folic and succinic acids, vitamins E and B15, ginseng root. Idebenone stands out in this category.

Preparations for the normalization of the state of blood vessels (vasotropes). They help to get rid of cerebral problems. Stand out - Instenon, Cinnarizine. Vinpocetine may be prescribed.

Memory improvement is achieved using nootropics of the following subgroups:

  • cholinomimetic and anticholesterase drugs - Amiridin and Choline;
  • hormonal type drugs - Corticotropin, ACTH, as well as a number of drugs related to endorphins and enkephalins.

A significant difference in the effectiveness of nootropics is found when considering such a feature as the time of their development. Older designs or first-generation drugs continue to be used, but they have an increased risk of side effects. These funds are mainly derivatives of Piracetam - most of the racetams.

The most popular drugs

Currently, depending on the type of psychogenic deviation, first and second generation nootropics are used, as well as tools from the latest developments. You can make an indicative list of the most popular nootropic drugs:

  1. Piracetam or similar products (Lucetam, Nootropil). The form of introduction into the body - tablets for oral administration, intramuscular injections and intravenous droppers. The most characteristic effects are the normalization of metabolic processes and blood circulation. Given that Piracetam belongs to the first generation of drugs, side effects such as an increase in platelet levels, leading to a deterioration in blood clotting, can be expected.
  2. Pramiracetam is available in tablet form. Although it belongs to the old developments, it has high cognitive properties, which helps to improve memory. Possesses sedative abilities. Can be used for a long course of therapy. The drug should not be taken in renal failure.
  3. Cavinton. Analogues are Neurovin and Vinpocetine. In addition to neuralgia, this drug is recommended for certain ophthalmic pathologies and hearing problems. The course of admission is quite long - 2-7 months. During the acute phase of the disease, it is administered by injection, and as the disease weakens, the transition to tablets is made.
  4. Phenibut. You can use its analogues - Bifren and Noobut. Release form - tablets, powder for injection solutions, capsules. This nootropic is effective for increasing mental response and physical performance, relieving stress, getting rid of anxious feelings and phobias, and improving sleep quality. It is prescribed for hypoxia. Useful when traveling on water, because. eliminates the effect of pitching. The course of treatment lasts 30-40 days. The drug should not be taken simultaneously with sedative drugs and sleeping pills.
  5. Hopantenic acid (often sold under the name Pantogam). It is recommended to reduce the excitability of a motor character. A positive effect is detected within 25-30 days after the start of administration, but the full course can be 5-6 months.
  6. Glycine. Best known as an anti-stress drug. Helps to relieve excessive excitability and irritability. It has a pronounced sedative effect, and also contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the body.
  7. Cerebrolysin. It is used for serious lesions of the central nervous system, incl. useful in Alzheimer's disease. It is most often administered by injection, and is most widely used in the treatment of post-traumatic syndrome and the consequences of a stroke.
  8. Encephabol. It can be prescribed for both adults and children, in the latter case, a suspension with additives that improve palatability is used. The drug belongs to strong neuroprotectors and antioxidants with high cognitive abilities.

Drugs of the latest generations

Pharmacology around the world is taking active measures to improve nootropics, resulting in more effective and safe drugs. The following nootropics have gained popularity:

  1. Phezam - is used to normalize the blood supply to the brain, improve protein metabolism and energy. It has vasodilating properties.
  2. Phenylpiracetam - necessary in the period after stroke rehabilitation. Often used to improve memory, concentration, to eliminate convulsive phenomena.
  3. Noopept is especially effective for normalizing cognitive brain functions, eliminating anxiety and phobias, and chronic headaches of a neurogenic nature.
  4. Selank - helps to relieve stress surges, eliminate the needy state. It increases the mental reaction, fights apathy and a gloomy mood.

In child psychiatry and pediatrics, nootropics also find their rightful place. For babies, these drugs are available in the form of granules for making syrup or in the form of ready-made syrup. The most characteristic appointment for cerebral, encephalopathic disorders, as well as a significant lag in intellectual development and lack of memory. For children, stimulant drugs such as Picamilon and Cogitum can be recommended, as well as drugs with a sedative effect - Cortexin and Phenibut.

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