Raising and training a husky - rules and basic principles, advice from cynologists. Husky training at home Husky 7 months education

At this age, the puppy forms an emotional contact with the owner. All exercises are aimed at creating strong relationships, forming a sense of security in a puppy, including him in a "pack" - a family.

Team "COME!" before placing a bowl of food or giving a treat. In the game they called, stroked, let go.

Command "SIT!" At any opportunity. It is better to perform ten times during the day than to train for half an hour in a row (this applies to any commands).

Any games she likes (with a ball, with a toy, searching for a bone). It is useful to give something tasty to sniff and cover with the palm of your hand. Team "LOOK!". She has to figure out how to get a tasty treat from under your hand. Or hide your hands behind your back.

At this age, the puppy forms an emotional contact with the owner. All exercises are aimed at creating strong relationships, forming a sense of security in a puppy, including him in a "pack" - a family. Basic training is carried out after 6 months.


  1. Team " TO ME!» before placing a bowl of food or giving a treat. In the game they called, stroked, let go.
  2. Team " SIT!» At any opportunity. It is better to perform ten times during the day than to train for half an hour in a row (this applies to any teams).
  3. Any games she likes (with a ball, with a toy, searching for a bone). It is useful to give something tasty to sniff and cover with the palm of your hand. Team " LOOK FOR!". She has to figure out how to get a tasty treat from under your hand. Or hide your hands behind your back.
  4. Talk to her more in a calm low voice, but without cooing intonations.

On the street:

  1. Allow her to interact with pet dogs. Don't stop sniffing.
  2. Important! In a safe place, let go of the leash, call her from time to time (so that you touch the collar) and let her run again. Don't put her on a leash right away. If the puppy is passionate about something, then he does not hear the owner. Gotta get her attention crouching and knocking on the ground with keys, a pebble, throw up a glove. You can run away from her, hide behind a tree (so that she can see it). Never chase a dog in order to catch it. This is the key to the flawless execution of the command " TO ME!". And never scold your dog after it has approached you.
  3. Make sure you don't mess up. If you grabbed something, you can throw a tin can with pebbles into it (loudly ringing), or take it out of your mouth with your hands, shake it by the scruff, cursing. Team " IT IS FORBIDDEN!».
  4. Pick her up as little as possible. Now it's better not to do it at all.

“At the same time, when building an emotional contact with a puppy of the age of fears, it should be borne in mind that all the stresses and experiences of this age are fixed in the psyche very firmly and for a long time. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right degree and form of expression of sympathy for the puppy in a stressful situation, so as not to increase unpleasant emotions by what the puppy may take for manifestations of confusion and uncertainty of the owner. Such factors that increase stress in a puppy include, first of all, the high tone of the owner's (hostess) voice and singsong, cooing intonations - for a person, both serve as an expression of sympathy and consolation. Much more effective are such forms of consolation as patting the puppy on the side of the shoulder blades, pressing it sideways to the owner's leg, and covering the back of the nose from above with the palm of the hand with a slight squeeze between the fingers and the base of the palm on both sides. These gestures of the owner most closely echo the species rituals expressing support and patronage from the elder.

One of the common specific situations, which at this age should be avoided by all means, is lifting the puppy in your arms in such a way that its back is pressed against the owner's chest, and the tummy is open outward. At the same time, all vital organs are not protected, which dogs always instinctively protect from any dangers from the outside. It is especially harmful to take the puppy out of the door in this way, when the transition to the open space is critical, or to “protect” him in this way from a dog that has run up. Often such inept handling of the puppy by the owner becomes the cause of irresistible cowardice in an adult dog.

This is a quote from the book of Natalia Dmitrievna Krivolapchuk, a well-known St. Petersburg zoopsychologist. I was lucky to learn from her. I advise you to purchase her books "A Dog That Loves" and "A Dog That Shouldn't Be Feared". There are many subtleties that you will not find in other authors.

SHMAKOVA Natalia Mikhailovna

Psychologist, member of the Guild of Psychotherapy and Training

Co-owner of the Siberian Husky kennel "Silver Wind".

In the photo: Siberian Husky - Eshka: at 2 months and 5 months (classes on the site). Photo: Tatyana Solodtova.

Huskies were bred as a breed of sled dogs, distinguished by endurance and excellent working qualities. They pulled teams in Siberia and the Far East, from there they were brought to Alaska and conquered the North of America, where they quickly overtook local sled dogs in popularity. These hard-working animals are still indispensable in harsh conditions, but they have spread around the world as companion dogs. American breeders worked on the exterior of the husky, and today it is a very attractive outwardly breed - a muscular and graceful dog of medium size, has a thick coat, erect triangular ears and incredibly beautiful almond-shaped eyes.

The most common eye color is blue, but brown is common, eyes of different colors are acceptable. By nature, the dogs are friendly and energetic, they are completely human-oriented, good-natured, suitable for a family with a child. They will find a common language with large animals, but small ones - cats, rodents, are considered as prey. A dog can be kept in an apartment, the absence of a smell from wool and drooling simplifies maintenance, but regular physical activity is necessary, otherwise unspent energy is spent on destroying the house.

How to toilet train a Husky?

1. Toilet in the house

Puppies up to 6-7 months old cannot control physiological processes, their mother takes care of them, and in the house these responsibilities fall on the owner. Until the end of quarantine after vaccination, babies are not taken out into the street, so they are taught to walk on a diaper or a newspaper. During the puppyhood of the dog, it is better to remove all carpets from the floor, otherwise it will be a favorite place for “wet things”. It is better to place the tray or newspapers in a place that the Husky has chosen himself, if it is a toilet, then you will have to leave the door open, providing free access. If the puppy regularly walks in a place where it is strictly forbidden, try spraying a special spray there that repels the smell or put a bowl, the dog will not shit near his food. Bed newspapers should be changed regularly, the puppy would rather make a puddle on the floor than go to a dirty toilet. If the puppy is unfamiliar with the diaper, he will not immediately understand its purpose. You can train a dog by limiting its space to a room or a fence, completely covered with diapers. It is worth releasing a pet after he went to the toilet, be sure to praise him and give him a treat. Gradually reduce the number of diapers to one, by which time the puppy will understand where to do his business, and he does not need to be locked up anymore.

2. Outside toilet

When it comes time to walk a puppy, the owners are faced with such a problem - he walks for an hour or two, but he still goes to the toilet at home.

There are several tips on how to deal with this, something will definitely suit you:

Take a scented newspaper from the house to encourage the puppy to pee.
Bring him to the place where other dogs have made a toilet so that he understands what is expected of him.
To endure the baby immediately after eating or sleeping, he will not be able to endure for a long time and goes outside.
Always praise and give treats, but do this after the process has been successfully completed, otherwise you will scare away.
Do not punish the puppy for puddles at home, because he is small, huskies up to 8 months old can go to the toilet at home if there is a long interval between walks.

How to train a Husky?

Simple commands: “Come to me”, “Search”, “Sit”, “Walk”, etc. can be practiced at an early age, in the form of a game. When calling your pet, say "Come", hide a toy or treat, and practice the "Search" command. Do not rely on instant understanding, repeat the lesson several times a day, achieve fulfillment. We must not forget about encouragement and change words, for example, “Search” - “Find”, “Sit” - “Sit down”, this will confuse the puppy. Training surrounded by other dogs will benefit the pet, because huskies are used to working in a pack. If you could not cope with the stubborn temper of your dog on your own, contact professional trainers.

Huskies are extremely active creatures by nature, they are excellent companions and guards. Due to the overly cheerful nature of the dog of this breed, they need careful training and education. From early childhood, puppies are taught discipline, taught basic commands, while being properly punished or, on the contrary, encouraged. If you skip this stage of training, the animal will create a lot of trouble for its new owners. Consider the important aspects in order, give practical recommendations.

How to punish and reward huskies

Dogs of this breed are dominant by nature, they prefer to keep the situation in their paws. Even a small puppy can notice that he is being pampered, and he will begin to enjoy it with great pleasure. Cunning does not oblige the owner to punish the pet, but, unfortunately, one cannot do without harsh measures. Educational work is carried out if the owner repeatedly notices that his four-legged friend is showing unreasonable aggression towards other dogs.

It is also not uncommon for a pet to have a negative attitude towards its owner, without objective reasons for such behavior. Very often the dog sticks its curious nose where it doesn't belong, this option also involves partial punishment, since the animal can harm itself.

Do not try to punish huskies with physical labor, animals of this breed do not understand such manipulations. To begin with, try to convince the puppy of misconduct, using a decisive and stern voice. In cases where the pet does not understand, take it by the scruff of the neck and shake it, hold the body with your hands. If these methods of influence have not borne fruit, press the animal to the floor, wait until the dog stops moving. You must show in every possible way that the leader of the pack is alone.

With regards to rewards, treat the animal with a treat for a job well done. Initially, you need to encourage the pet in this way, and then you can move on to verbal praise. It is important to understand that kind words should be spoken in an affectionate, non-shrill voice, since huskies do not perceive squeaking sounds. Stick to the distinction between intonation when giving orders and timbre when praising.

Important Husky Training Rules

  1. As practice shows, the period from 2.5 to 3 months is considered to be the optimal age to start training a husky. Some owners start half a month earlier, it all depends on personal preference.
  2. As mentioned earlier, huskies are great companions, but at the same time they are extremely stubborn and proud. You may think that the pet is stupid, but this is far from the case. The puppy learns the world, he is stubborn, does not want to obey due to age. To outsmart the dog, keep him entertained and reward him with treats.
  3. Most of the mistakes that new husky owners make are permissiveness of the dog. That is, the owners let the dog get away with many dirty habits, as a result of which the animal begins to consider itself the main one in the family. This should not be allowed, otherwise the dog will be difficult to train. An authoritative family member, the most strict, is chosen as the owner of the husky.
  4. As soon as you brought the dog to a new home, come up with a nickname for him, the puppy will get used to it quickly enough. Call your pet by name every time after waking up in the morning, speak in a quiet and gentle voice that inspires confidence. Gentle stroking when feeding will also help to remember the name: put a bowl of food in front of the pet, call its name and stroke it on the back, behind the ear. You will need 3-5 days until the dog is fully accustomed to the name.

  1. Collar. Puppies don't like being collared, but it's necessary. Starting from 2 months, teach your pet to use this device, make sure that the dog does not take it off. Always treat the animal with a treat, if possible, distract the husky with exciting games or a walk, the latter option is preferable. Later, the pet will begin to associate putting on a collar with pleasant moments, and will turn his neck himself without resisting.
  2. Leash. It must be shown immediately after complete adaptation to the collar. Attach a leash, walk around the apartment, fun and playful. It is not uncommon for a puppy to refuse to follow its owner. Lure him with a treat: step back the entire length of the leash, put a treat on your hand and wait for your pet to come up. Gradually move across the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, perform simple actions three times a day, luring the puppy along. You don't need to pull the dog forcibly, otherwise you will increase the duration of the training by a few more days.
  3. Muzzle. Teaching a pet to a collar and leash is much easier than to a muzzle. In most cases, all dogs are horrified at the sight of such ammunition. For the first week, 3 times a day, put a treat in the muzzle, then slowly put it on the dog. After the puppy eats the treat, remove the uniform and repeat the steps after 5-6 hours, as soon as possible.

Huskies are clean creatures, they quickly get used to the order. As soon as you bring the puppy to a new home, give him a certain place (a zone of free walking) in which he can move around. Protect restricted areas with children's toy fences, or keep your pet in a cage for a while so that he does not harm himself.

Team "Come to me!"

Call the dog by name, then say the command "Come!" joyful voice. As soon as the puppy begins to move in your direction, cheer him on "Well done, to me, to me!". Treat your pet with a treat, stroke, scratch behind the ear. Treats and a friendly attitude are your main assistants, huskies will like this approach.

There are times when an animal does not want to approach the owner even at the sight of a treat. Try to jump away from him, supposedly effortlessly, while constantly repeating the command “Come to me!”. If you move far enough away, the puppy will get scared and run to his protector automatically. Do not forget to praise and treat your pet at the moment when he is next to you.

As for the “Next!” command, everything is quite transparent here: keep the pet next to you on a leash so that it is on the left side. Constantly repeat "Nearby, well done!", Give a treat, do not let it pull you forward.

Huskies are overly selfish, temperamental and proud. In the case of this breed, literature on the technique of training service dogs will not help you, you need an individual approach and constant patience. An important role is played by the timbre of the voice and intonation of the owner. Give orders clearly, but with bass, loudly, slowly. Remember to be persistent, but as a rule, Huskies are more likely to respond to a request by ignoring orders.

Video: training a 3-month-old husky puppy

The Siberian Husky belongs to the factory specialized sledding breeds, bred with the participation of aboriginal Far Eastern dogs. The breed is actively used by sedentary coastal tribes, represented by the Yukagirs, Kereks, Asian Eskimos and the Primorsky Chukchi.

The Far Eastern dog is perfectly adapted for captive keeping, and also very easily withstands severe frosts, but it cannot be in the open sun for more than an hour and a half, due to the peculiarities of the coat. It is for this reason that the aviary in the local area should be located in some shading..

The dog kennel requires special attention. The roof must be with a slight slope, which will allow the pet to jump up and rest. In winter, a sufficient bedding of hay or dry straw is laid inside.

The area of ​​​​the enclosure should not limit the free movement of the dog, otherwise the pet may develop hypodynamia. As a fence, it is not recommended to use a painted chain-link mesh, which is easily gnawed by an animal and can cause injury. To protect against precipitation, a canopy must be installed that does not violate natural air ventilation.

Aboriginal sled dogs of the Far East are one of the most ancient breeds. Currently, the Siberian Husky has gained great popularity as a companion dog and show breed, and is often kept in apartment conditions. The main advantage of apartment keeping is the ability to be in constant contact with the dog and involve it in the life of the household, which is especially important for such a sociable breed as the Siberian Husky.

Proper upbringing and training allows a pet to behave extremely carefully even in a limited area. The main unpleasant moment in apartment maintenance is the molting of a pet, the duration of which is often three weeks. The Siberian Husky sheds a couple of times a year. During this period, the dog completely loses all of its undercoat. If the animal is kept year-round in warm conditions, in the absence of a pronounced change of seasons, molting occurs year-round, but is not too noticeable.

No less problems are the ability of dogs of this breed to actively gnaw on any objects. The interior, wires and shoes suffer especially from the teeth of playful and very inquisitive husky puppies. It is for this reason that it is very important to start raising a pet from an early age, as well as provide him with a sufficient number of special toys.

It is interesting! When kept in an apartment, the animal is given a fairly cool place, on which a dense and convenient litter is laid for hygienic processing. If the dog lies on the bare floor, then long-term non-healing bedsores often form.

Optimal conditions of detention

Lack of free space and physical activity, as well as malnutrition and hereditary predisposition, can significantly reduce the life expectancy of a pet.

On average, the Siberian Husky lives for about fifteen years, but in order for the animal to maintain excellent health throughout this time, it must be provided with a full range of walking and food, education and training.

Walking Siberian Husky

The owner of a husky must adhere to the basic rule - never leave your untrained pet for a walk without a leash and supervision in any unfenced areas. When choosing an activity for a walk, you need to take into account the temperament and physical capabilities of the dog. Very well suited for winter walks are dog sledding and iskijoring, which also belongs to sledding sports, but involves the use of skis. You can also do weight pulling - competitions for pulling goods over a distance, walking and cycling,.

Important! As practice shows, the Siberian Husky is not a water dog at all, so any activities with such a pet in a natural and artificial reservoir will initially be doomed to failure.

When choosing the type of physical activity during the walk, you need to remember some breed features that any Siberian Husky has. Up to a year, all the joints, ligaments and bones of such a pet are not fully formed, therefore they are easily damaged. Small puppies should not be allowed to run up steep stairs on their own due to the risk of tearing the groin and shoulder muscles. Running long distances with pets under three months of age is strictly contraindicated. Harness running without load can be started from the age of nine months.

Dog diet and nutrition

When compiling a diet on your own, you need to correctly determine the main type of nutrition and take into account all the features of metabolic processes. For feeding such a dog, you can use ready-made industrial dry food or natural food. The Siberian Husky has a digestive system that perfectly absorbs fatty and high-protein meats, which is due to a protein-fat metabolism that is atypical for other dog breeds.

When choosing ready-made feeds, preference should be given to high-quality mixtures produced under proven brands and intended for medium-sized dog breeds. Such feeds are completely balanced in their composition, as well as optimal in nutritional value. It is advisable to feed a puppy and a young dog up to a year with dry granules soaked in water or meat broth. Husky is transferred to food for an adult dog from the age of ten months.

The basis of a natural diet should be 75% meat products, including beef, veal, lamb, rabbit and poultry. Such products are given to the pet raw, but scalded with boiling water, as well as boiled, cut into small portions. Offal and boiled lean sea fish, deboned, also benefit. It is important to remember that the Siberian Husky does not have chewing teeth, so minced meat should not be fed to dogs of this breed.

A natural diet must necessarily include vegetable crops, represented by carrots, spinach, beets, lettuce, pumpkin and zucchini, cucumbers. Vegetables should be given grated, raw or fresh, seasoned with vegetable oil. Of the cereals, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice cooked in meat, vegetable or fish broth are best suited. Approximately 10% of the diet should be sour-milk low-fat products.

Education and training

Husky training is the basis for the trouble-free keeping of such a breed at home. The Siberian Husky is by nature a very energetic and active pet, which from a very early age needs not only proper training and education, but also discipline. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a dog that is completely uncontrollable and completely insubordinate to the owner's commands.

It is interesting! As practice shows, the training process is especially difficult for inexperienced and novice husky owners, so it is advisable to entrust such events to experienced cynologists.

The breed has a difficult character, which can significantly complicate the educational process. It is generally accepted that the Siberian Husky is quite difficult to train because of a very independent disposition, as well as intelligence and closeness to wild wolves at the genetic level.

It is very important to start raising and training a pet as early as possible, immediately after the puppy has passed the period of adaptation to new conditions of detention. Basic commands that are required for training: “Place!”, “No!”, “Next!”, “To me!”, “Sit!”, “Lie down!” and "Voice!".

Care and hygiene

A dog from a very early age must be taught to conduct an examination, as well as to such basic procedures as bathing, cutting and combing. Any Siberian Husky has a very thick and rather heavy coat, so the annual molt when kept in an apartment can, with improper care, very quickly turn the entire room into a solid “fur rug”. A pet needs to be combed out regularly with a special comb with wide teeth, as well as a massage brush or a brush with long bristles.

The Siberian Husky is a very clean and completely self-sufficient breed, therefore, as a rule, there are no problems with care. It is important to remember that between the husky's toes there is a fairly long and thick coat, which is designed to protect the paws from freezing in conditions of very severe frosts.

However, housing maintenance implies the obligatory shearing of this wool. It is also necessary to regularly brush your teeth or purchase special chewing bones, examine and clean your ears and eyes, and trim your nails.

For the Husky breed, upbringing, training and care are somewhat different from the standard ones. The point is in the characteristics of the character of this dog. How to competently approach the process and what nuances should be taken into account - read on.

Are Huskies trainable?

Yes - Huskies can be taught anything. If you do it right.

The catch is that huskies are a strong willed breed. These dogs are known for their stubbornness and extraordinary intelligence. And their intelligence can be directed against the owner. The pet will regularly check your power and test the established rules.

Huskies live by the laws of the pack, so they need a leader. Firm, consistent and fair. The owner must be the leader. And this is the main rule, without which the pet itself will take on the role of leader.

For this reason, it should be clear: training begins from the day you bring the puppy into the house. And it's not just teaching teams.

If you are not confident in your abilities, you can always take a husky training course. If you decide to do it yourself, follow the rules below.

How to train a husky: basic postulates

In general, training should be built on three pillars:

  • discipline
  • subsequence
  • patience

This mode is most successful for the psychological comfort and health of the dog. So it will be easier for her to adapt to new conditions and accept a new family.

So, how to raise a husky: training tips:

1. The owner is the leader

You can show your leadership like this:

  • When playing with a pet, complete the process first - just remove the toy;
  • If you return home and the pet does not meet you, do not call or look for him. This is how he "tests" you. Mind your own business, and the dog will come to you;
  • Be consistent in following any rules.

Remember, leadership is in the little things.

2. Everything on schedule

All these actions of the dog must take place at the same time:

  • meal
  • waking up and going to sleep
  • training
  • play and walk
  • taking a bath

And other everyday and not only actions.

3. No physical or psychological abuse

Never hit a husky - it is regarded by him as disrespectful. Never raise your voice - this is regarded as weakness and fear. Speak firmly and confidently.

Also, do not allow isolation - the dog should be in the circle of loved ones.

4. Training - daily

Education, training of a husky is a step-by-step process. If you are training your dog, do it every day at the same time.

Husky: training and education in the early days

Education should begin from the first days of the puppy's stay in the house.

1. We accustom to the owner

Demonstrate who is in charge in the house, from the very first days:

  • The owner is always the first to enter the room;
  • The host determines when to finish the game or when it's time for a walk;

2. We teach to nickname

It's simple:

  • Call the puppy by name while petting or playing with it;
  • Call your pet to the bowl before feeding him;
  • Call him to you before you play with him or give him a treat.

After 2-4 days, the husky will remember his name.

3. Set discipline

Husky dog ​​training should be strictly. Without discipline, the dog may not recognize the leadership of the owner and will begin to establish its own rules. That's why:

  • Give your dog a specific spot. And never change it;
  • Feed the dog also only in one designated place;
  • Don't let the husky on the couch or bed;
  • Do not allow the pet to move freely around the rooms. Especially at first. To this end, you can settle the dog in a large cage and from time to time let it out “for a walk” - for 10-30 minutes. Simple children's fences are also suitable. But by no means a separate locked room - Huskies have a hard time with isolation.
  • Determine your bedtime. The dog should go to bed at the same time. This is not only disciplined, but also good for health.

Initial Husky Puppy Training: A Step-by-Step Plan

How to properly train a husky is an ambiguous question. But here is one of the most successful training plans:

1. Directing behavior

Training can begin only after the puppy has learned two important words: “you can” and “you can’t.” This is the first thing he must learn. Of course, they can be replaced by any other. For example, "yes" and "no".

Include the following aspects in your training:

  1. Appropriate tone of voice: a cold hard “no” and an affectionate soft “yes”.
  2. Body language and facial expressions: with encouragement - smile and lean towards the dog, with disapproval - look at the puppy strictly from top to bottom with a "cold" facial expression.
  3. Accompanying actions: for example, pat the puppy behind the ear during praise.

Such training should begin from 2-3 months.

2. We train to the collar

To accustom to the collar should be from 2 months.

The first time you put a collar on a puppy, make sure that he does not take it off. You can distract your pet from the collar with a game or, for example, a treat.

It is better to start accustoming to the collar right before the walk. This will create a connection in the puppy's brain: "collar with leash = walk." Now the collar will be associated with the pet with something pleasant that will smooth out his feelings.

3. Leash training

Remove the leash only when the pet is already used to the collar.

While walking, just attach the leash and try to walk at least a few steps like this. Important: the puppy must walk either next to or behind you.

You can use a treat by calling the puppy to follow you. Be sure to pet your dog and give him a treat after he walks 2-3 meters with you.

4. We teach to muzzle

Do the following:

  • Put a treat in the muzzle before putting it on the puppy;
  • As soon as the dog eats it, remove the muzzle;
  • Reward your pet with a game or simply praise by petting.

The sooner you start muzzle training, the better.

5. Learn the command “to me”

Call the dog by name and immediately say the command. While the dog is walking towards you, also say “Come to me” several times. After that, be sure to praise your pet.

If the process is difficult, you can use a treat or a toy. There is a second option - move away from the cheek a short distance. He will most likely want to come over.

5. Learn the command "near"

For this command, take a leash. It is better to carry out training during a walk.

Attach the leash to the collar and tighten it slightly so that the dog is at your leg. Say the command and take a few steps, keeping the husky close by.

Important: Do not pull too hard on the leash. This can cause pain to the pet and even injure him.

Do the "procedure" several times. While the pet is walking next to you, say the command several times in a row. If the puppy resists, tug on the leash slightly and continue with the exercise.

How to Train an Older Husky Puppy

The most suitable time for training is 2-3 months. And how to train a husky puppy for 2 months, 5 or even 9? Similar.

Even if your husky is 5 months old, training a pet should be no different from training a puppy. The same applies to very adult dogs that are already several years old. The only thing is that the process can take longer. But the sequence and principles remain the same.

Instead of a conclusion: the nuances and secrets of training

The principles of how to properly train a husky puppy are considered. But it is important to take into account the nuances:

  1. To make the training process faster, conduct it in the form of a game;
  2. Try to use treats less often as a reward. Give preference to verbal praise, play, or petting;
  3. Do not play with the Husky with household items like rags and children's toys;
  4. Stop aggressive behavior immediately. Even the slightest manifestation of it is unacceptable.

Be consistent, fair, and don't deviate from the rules you set. And the dog will respond with love and gratitude.

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