Alcohol causes aggression causes. The way to combat alcoholism and manifestations of aggression. How to behave during the aggression of a husband

There is hardly a person who has not met in his life the last few hours of a pretty drunk. Suffer primarily women, whose husband is addicted to the glass, and children.

Causes of alcohol aggression

Repeatedly conducted studies have shown why the drunk behaves aggressively towards others and the world around him. There is no single reason for changing the behavior and attitude of a drunk. There are three major factors that affect mood.

  • Poisoning and killing nerve cells exposure to the consequences of being in the body of ethyl alcohol.
  • Oxygen starvation of body cells, in particular neurons, due to the hypoxic effects of alcohol.
  • The poisoning effect of ethanol decomposition products, in particular acetaldehyde. It is poorly soluble in water and increases osmotic pressure, causing swelling of the limbs and, as a result, compression of the nerve endings.

These three factors cause oxygen starvation and the death of neurons, which leads to an inadequacy of the perception of the world by an alcoholic. He becomes more aggressive in relation to most life situations. In theory ethanol inhibits the activity of the area of ​​the cerebral cortex responsible for the simplest behavioral reactions, which includes alcohol aggression. It follows that a drunken man shows aggression due to the physiology of his own brain, if this assumption of scientists is correct.

Other part scientific community believes that aggression was the norm in the behavior of great apes. And with the intake of alcohol, a person becomes more like an animal than a civilized individual, his predatory instincts appear. Ethanol, it turns out, lowers the representative of the species Homo sapiens to the lower species of mammals.

Additionally, alcohol increases testosterone levels and excites nervous system leading to more aggressive behavior. A drunk person often causes a feeling of aggression in a non-drinking person, in particular, in relation to himself. A sane person, seeing what the one who has taken a fair amount of alcohol is doing, is kindled with a desire to inflict physical injury on him.

Aggression at drunkenness is divided into several types:

  • physical - violence against other people, animals and objects;
  • verbal - verbal humiliation and insult;
  • indirect - the search for what / whom an alcoholic can take out his excited state;
  • altruistic - obsessive protection of oneself or others from a perceived danger;
  • auto-aggression - the so-called "knee-deep sea" state, when a drunk person is looking for dangerous adventures on his own head, knowing that they are very likely will damage him (driving a car).

Based on statistical data, most manifestations of physical violence occur in people who are closed, offended, fraught with multiple problems or suffering from something.

Get rid of this behavior

According to statistics, men are more likely to show a hostile attitude towards everyone and everything. This, combined with much more physical force, which increases after drinking, brings great trouble to the family of the addict, even if the alcoholic returns home drunk very rarely.

Whatever one may say, aggressiveness brings only negativity to the family, and relatives of the drinker are forced to endure physical and moral humiliation, lack of peace in the house, sometimes leave it, taking the children, until the husband sobers up. Appealing to law enforcement agencies in such cases, as a rule, does not bring much sense, and sometimes even aggravates the situation.

What to do if the husband often returns from work drunk, why do all family members suffer? This is the most pressing problem of families where an alcoholic lives. If you need to get rid of the consequences of something, you should determine the cause of their occurrence and eliminate it. Considering that if the theory that aggression in alcoholism is normal physiological phenomenon, here to fight the very hostility of the drunk is the worst solution available.

So that the husband stops causing physical pain, verbally humiliate, seek adventure with an outcome that does not bode well, did not drive a car after a few glasses, you need to get rid of the source that puts him in such a state. These are alcoholic drinks and the very conditions and reasons for their admission.

Aggression after alcohol arises due to. If you remove the pathogen, then the problem will disappear. It's not easy to get rid of alcoholism. This addiction is akin to drug addiction, with the difference that instead of narcotic substances ethyl alcohol is taken.

Ethanol, by the way, a few decades ago, before the collapse of the USSR, was listed as a potent drug, excitatory, then - paralysis of the nervous system. Hence the corresponding - addiction, which is accompanied by withdrawal.

We found out that alcohol aggression is eliminated by refusing to take intoxicating drinks, and in any doses, a decrease in the volume or degree of alcohol consumed will not positively affect the situation. And the narcotic effect of ethyl alcohol will not allow the drinker to quit so easily, despite the fact that the alcoholic himself firmly believes that he is able to stop drinking at any moment, if he has the desire to do so. What to do in such cases?

First you need to have a conversation with the drinker. If the husband refuses the offer, they will help here medications combined action sold on the Internet. They will not only reduce cravings for intoxicating drinks, but also accelerate the removal of toxins from the body and relieve drug addiction from ethyl alcohol.

In no case should you start a conversation with an addict who exhibits alcohol aggression when he is drunk. It is better to wait until the person goes from drinking and comes to his senses, begins to think sensibly. Otherwise similar actions likely to provoke a new family scandal. Great solution there will be a psychologist's house call: a man will not have to be forced to visit a specialist, and he is unlikely to be able to refuse a dialogue with him.

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Ethanol is considered toxic substance that adversely affect the functioning of the brain. It disrupts the exchange of neurotransmitters, which leads to changes in behavior. Aggression after drinking alcohol is a fairly common occurrence, and if drinking becomes regular, then the degree of anger increases. As a result, over time, a person goes into this state more easily and faster. That is why alcohol intake is closely associated with verbal abuse, violations public order crimes, domestic violence. There are also more suicide attempts or self-harm attempts - this is the result of the manifestation of auto-aggression (directed at oneself).

Statistics compiled by WHO show that almost 85% of all murders and 50% of rapes are committed by people while intoxicated. The degree of anger increases in everyone: men and women, young people and older people, because our brains are generally arranged in a similar way.

Psychiatrists distinguish the following types of aggression inherent in people in a state of intoxication:

  • Verbal- the desire to offend, "spill mud" on others. A person's speech changes, an angry tone appears, he begins to speak louder, scream, curse words even if they are not typical for everyday communication.
  • Physical. This includes attacks of any kind, with and without weapons, on other people, animals.
  • Straight- an overt manifestation of anger, physical or verbal. A person can crush and break everything around. More often seen in men.
  • Indirect. A person is partly aware of the reason for his behavior, but tries to justify it by directing anger at a specific person, an object that is supposedly dangerous for him.
  • Autoaggression. The direction of anger at oneself, the desire to inflict damage on oneself, for example, in the form of cuts. This also includes reproaches regarding their own behavior, suicide attempts. It happens more often in women.
  • Altruistic. A drunk person has a heightened sense of justice, he seeks to "save" someone from danger, most often invented. However, instead of good, such a person harms others.

So, the manifestations of increased malice are varied. These are not only attempts to cause direct harm to others. If you look closely, in the behavior of almost every person in a state of intoxication there are certain signs of aggression.

The behavior of alcoholics is unstable, there is inconsistency, a split in thoughts and actions: today he is ready to stop drinking, and tomorrow he has already changed his mind. Now he loves the whole world - the next minute he screams and throws furniture. In a state of intoxication, he raves about greatness and omnipotence - in a hangover he is ready to trample himself. It is difficult to guess how an alcoholic will behave in the next moment, so attacks of aggression are unexpected and lightning fast.

Causes of increased aggressiveness in a state of intoxication

Researchers have several theories trying to explain why aggression and drinking are linked. One of them says that alcohol changes the way the brain works. The functioning of the areas responsible for the control of behavior is inhibited. These areas are located in the cerebral cortex, they are the “youngest” and appeared with the development of society and personality. When the signals coming from them are suppressed, deeper, subcortical zones come to the fore.

The situation is exacerbated if a person suffering from alcoholism has serious psychical deviations. In this case, only a psychiatrist can cope with it.

The person begins to respond external stimuli, without monitoring the situation and not controlling oneself: accidentally pushed - push in response, but harder. It seemed that they looked wrong - hit or insult, because it's unpleasant.

Another theory explains the emerging anger by the general inhibition of all thought processes. In a state of intoxication, a person's assessment of the actions of others is most often inadequate. It reduces the amount of attention, the speed of signal processing and switching focus between different objects. As a result, a person can regard any movement in his direction as potentially aggressive and tries to protect himself by attacking first.

There are many more theories, each of which explains the reasons for the behavior of a drunk person in its own way, but these are the most popular. However, not all drunks increase their aggressiveness for no reason; for this, other provoking factors are also needed, in addition to alcohol itself.

Factors that increase the likelihood of destructive behavior

There are a lot of such factors, but the main one is constant drunkenness. A person who drinks occasionally and a little bit is less likely to show aggression, even if he is very drunk.

With regular alcohol consumption, the GM cortex suffers very much. Against the background of constant intoxication, it is depleted. This leads to the gradual degradation of a person's personality, the loss of morality and all higher "superstructures". At the same time, irritability and malice appear after 1-2 glasses of alcohol. Therefore, almost all alcoholics are aggressive.

Other prerequisites for aggression:

  • Postponed traumatic brain injury, brain dysfunction, microstrokes. Initially unhealthy brain tissues that are in a state of ischemia are more susceptible to alcohol intoxication;
  • Mental illness. With such pathologies, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, but not everyone follows this rule. Aggression in an alcoholic with a split personality, aggravated paranoia or depression, most often results in murder / suicide;
  • personal background. If a sober person has a bad character, is prone to impulsive actions, then these qualities will become aggravated when drunk;
  • Problems in personal life or at work, severe stress. Here is created vicious circle- problems cause a desire to drink, but a drunk person only aggravates his life difficulties. Jealousy or resentment is perceived more acutely. Therefore, stress must be dealt with in other ways.

The mechanism of development of aggressiveness

An increase in the level of aggression in alcoholism is associated with the stages of the disease. At healthy person a dose of alcohol first causes excitement and a powerful feeling of euphoria, because under its influence endorphins, “pleasure hormones,” are released. When the phase of inhibition comes, the person usually falls asleep.

Already at the first stage of alcoholism, the period of euphoria is sharply reduced (the body is accustomed to permanent reception alcohol and no longer responds to it properly). Therefore, the drunkard gradually increases the dose in order to achieve desired effect but under toxic effect ethanol begins to change the work of the brain, there is irritability, irascibility, impulsivity, and self-control falls.

At the second stage, another problem appears - pronounced abstinence. A person feels physically ill, and this also increases aggressiveness. There is a constant agonizing desire to drink, which overshadows all other impulses. To alleviate the condition, the alcoholic is applied to the bottle, but this no longer gives a feeling of euphoria. After all, he remains angry and annoyed all the time, even when sober.

The state of pronounced abstinence is characterized by such affects as sharp inexplicable outbursts of rage, anger over a minor cause.

Alcoholic in the family

Violence occurs in 40% of families where one spouse abuses alcohol. If both husband and wife are alcoholics, the figure reaches almost 100% (apparently, this is due to unconscious mutual provocation). Usually violence affects children and women (wives, mothers).

Family members do not feel safe because the alcoholic's behavior is unpredictable. They live in constant tension, wondering how the day will go. Children in such families grow up neurotic, downtrodden, insecure or prone to antisocial behavior. An aggressive alcoholic in the family destroys not only his own life, but also oppresses those close to him.

Such people are characterized by the following forms of behavior:

  • sexual promiscuity;
  • delusional behavior (delusions of jealousy, persecution, etc.);

  • cynicism and insensitivity to the suffering of relatives;
  • cruelty, the desire to cause pain, both moral and physical;
  • psychological manipulation, blackmail.

How to behave during a fit of aggression in a drunk

What to do if an alcoholic shows aggression while drunk? First and foremost, protect yourself. It is recommended to leave the house, although this is not always possible. Other options: securely close in the room, ask the neighbors. When a person is in such a state, it will not work to agree with him.

Psychologists advise finding and keeping a helpline close at hand social center, a shelter where you can go away for a while. In such places, in addition to accommodation and food, they provide psychological support family members of an alcoholic.

If a drunk person prevents you from leaving the house, you should try to gently distract him, switch attention (in last resort, you can offer another drink). Under no circumstances should you:

  • to argue with a person, to make a fuss;
  • raise your voice;
  • move sharply and quickly;
  • show your fear and weakness;
  • try to hit back.

It is better to behave calmly, agree with everything he says, promise to fulfill any request.

The second step can be performed only once you are safe - call for help. In the presence of hallucinations, delirium-like behavior, a specialized psychiatric team and the police are called. If there is only aggression, the police alone can handle it.

Do not be afraid of the consequences of such an act, it will be much worse if an alcoholic causes real physical harm to others or to himself.

In many cities there are hotlines, when they call, social service employees offer an algorithm of actions, give advice on where to turn for help.

Methods that don't work

A ban on alcohol will not help to cope with an alcoholic. Attempts to hide money, break a bottle, lock the door are acts of aggression from the point of view of a person who is painfully wanting to drink. He will answer the same.

It is not necessary to convince an alcoholic of the need for treatment when he is drunk. In this state, a person is not critical of himself and does not realize the extent of the problem. Sometimes alcoholics, who are not aggressive when drunk, agree that it is time to stop drinking, but only until the onset of withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, at first it is worth trying to relieve an acute condition (“dripping”) in order to discuss further plans with a completely sober person.

Concealment of beatings, attempts to “cover up” an alcoholic in front of the authorities so that he does not lose his job are criminal - a person will quickly realize that his behavior will go unpunished.

In no case should you supply an alcoholic with money or alcohol out of pity or in the hope that he will drink and become kinder. With the next hangover, aggression will return in an even more acute form.

What to do next

There are two ways to get rid of an aggressive alcoholic in the home - voluntary or involuntary treatment. In the first case, a person is sent for treatment to a public or private drug treatment clinic.

The advantage of the first option is free help. Minus - a person will be registered, which will lead to certain restrictions (ban on driving a car, inability to hold certain positions) for a period of 3-5 years.

The second option is good because diseases are treated privately, without registration and in comfortable conditions. The downside is it's expensive.

If a person categorically denies the problem and does not want to be treated, the task becomes more complicated. Forced treatment requires a court decision, it will take a long time to obtain it. Strong arguments are required - you will have to record every case of violation of the order, beatings, calling a district police officer or a police squad. Registration in a temporary residence center is also proof of insane behavior. With the facts collected, it is necessary to apply to the court for the appointment of compulsory treatment.

How to remove aggression during the rehabilitation period

Often relatives of an alcoholic hope that after the start of treatment, the problem of aggression will disappear by itself. However, this does not happen. On the contrary, the character of a person deteriorates even more, the behavior becomes unbearable. Narcologists call this post-alcohol depression.

A person in this state feels depressed, emptiness, feels flawed, sick. At night, there are panic attacks, suffocation, sleep is disturbed. At the same time, the reaction to any trifle is inadequate and vicious. acute condition lasts from 3-4 days to several weeks.

Treatment is most successful when a person undergoes it voluntarily and is focused on the result. But breakdowns and bouts of aggression will be sure. You can’t cope with post-alcohol depression on your own, giving up alcohol is very difficult.

Visible results are provided by medical support at the first stage. To help relieve aggression in an alcoholic:

  • tranquilizers;
  • antipsychotics (with symptoms of a mental disorder);
  • antidepressants
  • sedatives;
  • hypnotic;
  • supportive drugs (dietary supplements, vitamins, nootropics, folk remedies).

It is recommended to undergo a course of psychotherapy (individually or in a group). In the classroom, psychotherapists teach you to enjoy life without alcohol, to establish new social connections, to relieve stress with simple psychological tricks. Hypnosis, coding, and other methods are often used in treatment.

Auxiliary methods of treatment - acupuncture, acupuncture, manual, physiotherapy. They help to overcome the state of apathy, depression more easily, normalize the state of the nervous system.

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Very often, relatives of an alcoholic are faced with the fact that a calm, good-natured person, having taken a certain amount of alcohol, becomes aggressive, starts to make a fuss, and may resort to assault.

Alcoholization is a fertile ground for the implementation of aggressive actions. This is due to the disinhibitory effect of alcohol, due to the fact that a person who is in a state of intoxication is unable to adequately control his behavior. Alcohol intake leads to a decrease in prognostic functions, the development psychopathological disorders which in turn leads to behavior change.

Aggression is understood as behavior that is aimed at causing psychological or physical harm, up to the destruction of the object that caused the attack of aggression.

Aggression occurs as a response to stress, physical or psychological discomfort, a state of frustration. Aggressive behavior may pursue the goal of raising one's own status, at the expense of self-affirmation.

It is customary to distinguish the following types of aggression: physical, verbal, direct, indirect, instrumental, altruistic, auto-aggression.

  • Physical aggression is expressed by the use of physical force.
  • Verbal aggression is manifested verbally.
  • Indirect aggression is directed at a hostile person in a roundabout way.
  • Direct aggression is directly directed against someone or something. Instrumental aggression is a means to an end.
  • Altruistic aggression is aimed at protecting others from someone else's aggressive actions.
  • Auto-aggression manifests itself in self-accusation, self-abasement, inflicting bodily injury up to suicide

The German psychiatrist G. Ammon developed the concept of three forms of the implementation of aggression, closely related to personality traits and intrapersonal qualities of the individual. These include:

  • a constructive form that is socially acceptable, expressed in the ability of an individual to resist harmful influences.
  • destructive form associated with violation of moral and ethical standards, deformation and destruction of relations with others. With this form, there are deviant and delinquent behavioral components. Important role play personality disorders (psychopathological, sociopathic, etc.)
  • Deficit form of manifestation of aggression. This form of aggression is characterized by low level social activity, insufficient development of behavioral skills.

Modern research suggests that alcohol-related aggression is the result of a complex interaction between sociocultural and individual biological factors. The presence and severity of aggressive manifestations in a state of intoxication depends on the following factors:

The presence of at least one of the above factors in a person, when drinking alcohol, increases the risk of malice, anger, increased conflict, impulsive actions. Increases the risk of developing aggressive behavior.

Appearance unmotivated aggression in a state of intoxication should be considered as a reason to stop drinking alcohol, if it is impossible to do it on your own, you should seek drug treatment.

Aggression while intoxicated common problem faced by relatives and friends of a person who has gone over. Not only with alcoholism, but also with a simple excess of one's norm, a person is not able to be aware of the emotions directed at the people and events that surround him. This affects the adequacy of the perception of what is happening. In this connection, the question arises, how to calm a drunk aggressive person. Alcoholic aggression is accompanied by problems with self-esteem, a number of mental pathologies, problems in the work of the central nervous system. All this is manifested due to intoxication that appears when alcohol poisoning organism.

Before giving an answer to the question of what to do with aggression after alcohol, it is worth understanding why similar condition. To date, the scientists who are at the head of the study of the issue have verified the theory that ethyl alcohol is an aggression-causing factor. This is due to its ability to directly affect the human psyche. y. Depending on the stage that alcohol intoxication has reached, a man or a woman does not have stability in terms of character. A person does not keep a word, actions and emotions speak for themselves.

After people overcome a certain barrier in drinking, a person is covered with euphoria, which is expressed good mood and easy attitude to everything. However, very little time passes, and you come to aggression in alcoholics or people who have simply gone over with a drink. At such a moment, a person can become completely uncontrollable. By this moment, euphoria has already dispelled its calming effect, it is replaced by an irritated state, often developing into despair and anger. Such persons are prone to aggression and may raise questions.

At such moments, if aggression is not overcome, a person becomes dangerous not only for himself, but also for others, especially for the family. You can often hear a phrase from wives that the husband drinks and beats. This state is what we are talking about. In a state when aggressiveness awakens in a person, he remembers the accumulated for a long time resentment.

The triggered attack of aggression can also be based on injuries that a person has suffered earlier. Is it a concussion or a series of mental disorders. It is difficult to exclude aggression here. Conflicts and threats constantly haunt those around a person who cannot stop drinking.

Alcohol causes aggression more often when a person is in the third stage of intoxication. There are cases when the patient is looking for a means of liberation from this condition, but at the same time it is still not as easy to calm him down as we would like.

The reason for this behavior is the withdrawal syndrome, which has a tremendous impact on the human psyche and the effect is by no means sedative. When taking a certain dose of alcohol, a person gets rid of aggressiveness. But if you use it excessively, hostility and aggression return. It is important to understand that a situation where a husband drinks every day and becomes aggressive can happen to anyone, even those women who are married to "God's dandelions" when they are in a sober state.

Types of aggression

To know how to calm a drunk person, it is desirable to understand what kind of aggression we are talking. They study the behavior of people who prefer to drink and beat not only narcologists, but also psychiatrists who sedatives and help you choose. More often, several types of aggression are distinguished:

  • physical;
  • verbal;
  • straight;
  • indirect;
  • altruistic;
  • autoaggression.

The greatest danger is physical and direct forms of aggression. As part of physical form aggression is manifested in the form of the use of force against others. If we are talking about verbal expression, then the person simply becomes personal and begins to pour insults.

With a direct form of aggression, a person begins to openly show an attitude, he is not able to control anger. Terrible Consequences after drinking alcohol occur in this case. An indirect form is understood as an attempt by a person to take out anger on a specific person or group of people, while he has an awareness of his actions.

The altruistic form suggests that an intoxicated person is trying to protect another from a threat, whether real or imagined. At such moments, you can encounter a heightened sense of justice. Self-aggression is understood as a type of aggression directed at oneself. At such moments, people are close to committing suicide.

According to Günther Ammon, a German psychiatrist, every type of aggression is a kind of defensive reaction person. After the next dose, barriers are erased that help to adequately assess the surrounding situation. To protect itself from others, the human brain chooses the easiest way - attack first.

More often, aggression in a state of alcoholic intoxication affects persons suffering from a lack of communication, who do not have a full-fledged family. The danger is represented by persons with personal and work problems.

Factors of aggression

To determine how aggressive a person can be while intoxicated, you need to pay attention to some factors, one of which is the absence or presence of alcoholism. More often, people who do not experience such problems drink alcohol only on holidays, while the amount of it is moderate.

Such individuals are less likely to form aggression. Even in a state where severe alcohol intoxication is manifested, they remain calm in relation to others.

When it comes to chronic alcoholics, they often show incontinence, especially after drinking. Anything can be expected from such persons, including crime. Alcoholism leads to the destruction of a person's personality, which forms certain prohibitions, barriers to normal behavior. As a result, there is no question of any moral norms.

In addition to alcoholism, doctors distinguish additional factors that can lead to aggression. it past trauma head, the presence of mental illness, quarrelsome nature, excessive impulsiveness. Worth categorizing potentially dangerous people persons suffering from depression who are prone to deviant behavior even when sober.

Most people adhere to adequate behavior in a state of intoxication and are incapable of aggression. But with people prone to unforeseen actions and deeds, you should be careful at a joint party. If a person does not listen to the arguments, only a doctor can help him.

What to do

With constant communication with a person capable of aggression while intoxicated, people risk their own health, and sometimes life. Relatives of alcoholics often fall into this category. Everyone uses their own solution to the problem. Someone just leaves, someone tries to find a path to the aggressor, someone involves the police to protect themselves and their families in times of danger.

However, everyone who has encountered a similar problem at least once is looking for an answer to the question of how to remove dependence from a person and thereby eliminate the manifestation of aggression. It is important to understand that the factor of aggression is directly alcohol intoxication, which means that in order to resolve the issue of aggressiveness, it is necessary to resolve the issue of alcohol abuse.

Alcoholism is a terrible and progressive disease that can be classified as drug addiction. A person develops a pathological craving for alcohol over time. withdrawal syndrome while a kind of narcotic withdrawal.

In most cases, alcoholics simply do not understand why they need to give up alcohol, being under the illusion that he can quit on his own if he wants to. In such cases, it is difficult to try to deal with the problem. When the alcoholic is not aware of it and does not make efforts to recover, difficulties arise. Attempts to influence such a person become the cause of another scandal.

In this regard, carry out preventive talks It is possible only at the moment when a person is completely sober and able to adequately analyze the situation that has developed. You will have to wait a long time, but only in this state will a person be able to more or less understand what is required of him.

The effect in this case is the work with a psychologist. A professional helps the patient understand what is in front of him serious problem that threatens the future. If a person behaves aggressively while drinking alcohol, it is necessary to first consult a doctor.

Necessary treatment

Before choosing a treatment, you should seek the advice of a specialist. Without this success can not be expected. In some cases, conversations help to understand each other and come to some kind of conclusion. However, it happens that the agreement to restrain oneself is violated the very next day, as the patient is applied to the bottle. In this case, aggression and alcohol intoxication are repeated from time to time. Therefore, it is important that awareness of the problem comes to the alcoholic directly.

At the same time, consultation with a doctor is required, which will help in the selection proper treatment, assign a specific course. In this case, it is important to pay attention to several factors. The choice of a doctor in this matter occupies a dominant position. To date, many drug treatment clinics so there are plenty to choose from. Give preference to a doctor who tries to find an approach to each patient. In the future, such a doctor will help in bringing to the correct life path, which will lead to the refusal of alcohol.

As soon as the doctor is selected and the first consultations are held, a program is drawn up in which the treatment of the patient is signed and further prevention. When choosing a complex, specialists take into account everything from the age and experience of an alcoholic, ending with a number of tests that tell what condition the patient's body is in.

Since medicine does not stand still and is constantly evolving, the amount of time spent on treatment is reduced. A few sessions are enough to defeat the attack. The patient after them already decides on the need to normalize his life. The effect of such procedures lasts a long time, so you will forget about aggression. Already after the first sessions, patients forget not only about aggression, but also about drinking alcohol.

Don't underestimate the support of loved ones. For a faster and more effective course of treatment, the participation of the family in it is required, it is desirable to involve close friends as well. With the help of such support, a person can be limited from temptations and supported in difficult times. It is important that the doctor, in a conversation with the patient, outlines an action plan, listing point by point what goals the patient will have to achieve. On this kind of map, new tasks, the priorities of the patient are marked, and what has already been completed is removed. It is important that the drinker has a state when there is simply no desire to drink.

When choosing a clinic, pay attention to places with good reviews on the Internet, or ask friends for recommendations. You should not go to clinics with a bad or incomprehensible reputation, even if they are much cheaper there.

When a husband drinks and is aggressive, family life becomes unbearable. The nature of an alcoholic is unstable and explosive, any little thing can piss him off and induce him to dissolve his hands. In a state of intoxication, he becomes uncontrollable. All households adjust to the mood of the alcoholic, trying to predict his actions and not fall under hot hand. Children at the sight of a drunken father hide in the corners so as not to run into screams and beatings. The house is full of fear and anxiety. The situation is aggravated by the progression of alcoholism. The binges are getting longer, and the alcoholic is getting angrier and more intolerant.

If, then it is important for the husband to take timely measures.

How to behave during the aggression of the husband?

The correct behavior of the wife when dealing with an aggressive spouse will help to avoid moral and physical injuries, as well as maintain control over the situation.

At the sight of an angry spouse, you should try not to show your fear to him. Fear is a provocateur of anger and aggression, it feeds the alcoholic. In families where drunkenness and violence are chronic, the woman's personality is deformed. It is almost impossible for her to keep her cool in a critical situation. But you need to make an effort on yourself and hide emotions.

You should not notice his behavior and not show discontent. Despite the screams, nit-picking and provocations, you need to calmly go about your daily business. With such behavior of the wife, the husband will cease to be the center of attention of the family. Sometimes alcoholics behave aggressively, trying to assert themselves. They like that everyone is afraid of them and depends on their mood. There is no need to defiantly ignore the aggressor. This will make him even more furious. You need to talk calmly and peacefully.

You should not argue with a drunken husband and try to convince him of something.

In a state of intoxication, a person is not able to adequately perceive the situation. He will only become more angry, and in the morning he is unlikely to remember the events of yesterday. The wife is just wasting her energy.

Although children often suffer from the aggression of fathers, many alcoholics try not to take out emotions on their offspring, especially young ones. Therefore, it makes sense to move to the children's room if the husband is scandalous. With children, he will behave calmer and will not touch his wife.

To calm an irritated spouse, you need to switch his attention to what is of interest to him. You can invite him to watch a football match or play computer game with kids.

If the wife is sure that the husband will not use force, he can be stopped by a sharp and categorical answer. For example, to demand not to speak in such a tone or to behave more quietly. You need to speak firmly, confidently, with self-esteem. The non-standard behavior of the wife will puzzle the brawler and stop him for a while. After a cooling phrase, you should pause and continue the conversation in a peaceful, calm tone, transferring it to the everyday mainstream. This will allow the woman to take control of the situation.

Why do drunken husbands become aggressive?

Aggressive behavior drinking husband usually caused by exposure to alcohol. As alcoholism develops, a man's behavior changes. If on early stages he experiences a surge of strength and euphoria when intoxicated, then after the development of dependence, alcohol causes aggression, rudeness and irritability in an alcoholic. How more people drinks, the tougher, more ferocious and despotic he becomes. This needs to be understood by the wives of alcoholics who hope for a change for the better. After all, many alcoholics, when sober, become sweet, loving spouses. They sincerely repent of their deeds and swear on their knees that this will not happen again. It is more pleasant for a wife to believe her husband, because she does not want to destroy the family and deprive the children of their father.

Alcoholism is a disease. Ethyl alcohol (a component of alcohol) accumulates in the body and destroys it. Ethyl alcohol has a major effect on the brain and nervous system. Even if low-alcohol drinks, over time he develops alcoholic psychosis. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, an alcoholic develops hallucinations, fear, panic and anxiety, as well as hatred and aggression. It seems to him that he is surrounded by enemies and ill-wishers, and his wife is cheating and making cunning plans. The destruction of the psyche will continue as long as the alcoholic drinks. Damage internal organs, which causes ethyl alcohol, only accelerates the process of personality degradation. Therefore, it is possible to stop the aggression of a drinking spouse only if he stops drinking.

How can I get my husband to stop drinking?

A drinking spouse usually understands well where and how he can behave. A person can control a lot. The behavior of the husband largely depends on the reaction of his wife. Therefore, the wives of chronic alcoholics are considered codependent. They support the husband's desire to drink, often without realizing it.

For a husband not to drink alcohol, he must understand that his wife will never put up with his addiction. By her behavior, a woman must constantly demonstrate her negative attitude towards alcohol. You can not show weakness and encourage drinking sometimes, "on holidays." You should not reward a glass of alcohol for the work done.

It is advisable not to keep alcoholic beverages at home and to abandon the habit of celebrating various minor events with a drink.

You should not justify the antics of a drinking husband to others and solve his problems. He himself must be responsible for his actions.

No need to create comfortable conditions so that the husband drank with drinking companions at home. Such "friends" should not hesitate to be driven away. Any contacts of the spouse with drinkers should cause a strong rejection in the wife. If a man values ​​his family, he will begin to avoid them himself.

There is no need to feel sorry for the drinking spouse, hiding from him his "exploits" in a drunken state and downplaying the damage caused to him. Do not keep secret and the state of his health. An alcoholic must know about himself everything impartial.

A man should form a stable association of alcohol consumption with unpleasant events: conflicts in the family, health problems, difficulties at work or quarrels with friends.

We need to find any way to captivate her husband an interesting activity. If a man has a hobby, it should be encouraged. An enthusiastic person rarely drinks alcohol.

The sooner a spouse begins to fight her husband's addiction, the more likely it is to stop the development of alcoholism, save the family and the health of all its members.

If the husband drinks every day and goes into binges, it is necessary health care. In this case, you need to convince the alcoholic to see a doctor.

How to reduce the aggression of a spouse?

It occurs more often in men who are prone to violence. Such men already in the early stages of alcoholism terrorize their wife. The tendency to aggression is evidenced by the desire of the husband to control his wife in everything. He does not trust her, considers her a weak, weak-willed person, unable to answer for her actions. A despotic husband does not respect his wife and does not consider her wishes. He quickly "explodes", loses his temper. Easily offends his wife, even while in good mood. The tyrant never admits his guilt and considers others to be guilty, especially his wife. He is aggressive, rude and disrespectful to others. A man does not show sympathy and does not feel sorry for his wife.

To warn aggressive behavior an abusive spouse, you must not allow yourself to be humiliated from the very beginning of their relationship. Husbands treat their wives the way she allows them to. Insults should never be tolerated. A woman must protect her dignity and demand respect. At the first attempts of violence, the wife must be given a tough rebuff: to threaten with a divorce, division of property or calling the police.

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