I dreamed that my husband was drinking. What is the dream of a drunk man acquaintance. Wash drunken husband

Excessive addiction to alcohol now will not outrage anyone - it has begun to be taken for granted, as an integral and therefore understandable part of the hard modern life.

The problem of the family is the problem of society

However, if at the level of society this problem does not bother anyone too much, then at the level of the family everything is completely different. Alcoholism disrupts the microclimate in the family, corrupts children and significantly strains. Some ladies are so afraid of the appearance of such a problem in their cell of society that their drunken husbands come to them even in a dream. Waking up in a spouse, he will immediately begin to check if there are any alcoholic vapors in the breath of his beloved husband sweetly snoring next to him. Not finding anything suspicious, she resentfully leans back on the pillow and decides to introduce it in the family in the morning.

The green serpent stings both in a dream and in reality

But experience, as practice shows, is still worth it. Such a dream is most often a bad omen, but not always associated with alcohol problems. What a drunken husband dreams of can turn out to be his drinking bouts in real life, and even treason. The serene sleeping face of a husband may seem innocent and completely harmless, but in fact he could be overtaken by unforeseen difficulties at work that he forgot to tell his wife about. Restless sleep, drunken husband - all the prerequisites for another scandal! Sometimes after this, quarrels are observed in families, provoked either by some trifle or a similar problem. It is almost impossible to say exactly what a drunken husband is dreaming of, but this dream rarely portends something good. Seeing such a nightmare, the wife may expect financial problems or suspect the difficult state of mind of her faithful. It is not worth rushing to conclusions, but at least just paying attention to this dream is still necessary.

The main thing is not to look for hidden meaning where there is none.

It may seem that drinking alcohol does not always lead to disastrous results. Sometimes, after all, at fun drinking parties, people find useful acquaintances, about whom one can say “I drank with him,” and therefore by all means expect any help from them. There is an opinion that such events only bring people together, in a record short period of time they make them spiritually, ideologically, and in any way in general, making them almost the most bosom comrades. So in a dream there may be such exceptions. What a drunken husband dreams about can only mean the proximity of some kind of festive feast that a woman constantly thinks about. These thoughts may be caused by her excitement about choosing the right dress, which she talks about so often that it even appears to her in her dreams, in company with her tipsy husband. Therefore, you should pay attention to the situation in which you saw such a dream. A drunken husband who funny dances unique dance steps in your nightly dreams definitely does not portend anything but fun.

Dreams come from childhood

This dream often means a repetition of real life pictures and experiences associated with a spouse's bad habit. The dream interpretation writes that such a dream often predicts various troubles, quarrels and unrest for you. The dream book does not advise interpreting dreams that completely repeat what is actually happening, since they often reflect past memories and various troubles associated with the spouse’s bad habit.

If such behavior is not characteristic of your spouse, then the dream book writes that the dream in which you had a drunken dream means illness or illusion for him. To understand such dreams, you should pay attention to the unexpected appearance of such plots. This is what a drunken husband dreams of most often.

Victim of vice

If you are currently married and your spouse periodically comes drunk, then the dream book writes that dreams with his drunkenness mean his mental discord and suffering. Pay attention to how much his behavior in a dream in this state is convicted of life. Usually drunk people who are rowdy dream surprisingly calm, and vice versa.

If you dreamed of a spouse who gets drunk only on holidays and behaves scandalously and inadequately, suspiciously calm over a glass of vodka or a glass of wine, then the dream book writes that such a dream means your desire for him to change or predicts positive changes in life. Most likely, his life will be beautiful, full and interesting, or he himself will change his environment and behavior, at least he will try to do it.

If in a dream your spouse drinks a glass after a glass, then the dream book writes that he has a hard time in his soul and he suffers, but hides this from loved ones. Try to understand such a person, then, perhaps, the reason why he drinks will become clear. It is possible that he is aware of his behavior, but does not know how to correct it. Show gentleness and kindness, try to listen to him.

What is the dream of a drunken husband who fell into a hole, an abyss or crashed in a car? Most often, as the dream book writes, such dreams show your fears about his behavior and troubles in this state. But, if you had such a dream unexpectedly, expect trouble or news if your husband has already become just an ex for you. It is possible that he will lose his job, will worry about it, or actually get into an accident while drunk.

What is the dream of seeing a drunken husband of the deceased in a dream? The dream interpretation writes that often such behavior means that it is worth remembering in the temple. If your ex-husband began to scandal, rowdy and quarrel with you, then such behavior means that you will soon have a quarrel with his relatives and friends. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon be embroiled in an unpleasant trial and conflict.

If you dreamed that your ex-husband was rowdy while intoxicated, then such a dream means trouble for you or that he has not come to terms with his position. In some cases, such a dream predicts a meeting with him or news about him. If in a dream your ex-husband is in the house and breaks lamps, dishes, then such a dream means jealousy and a desire to return to you.

To kick him out or not to let him into the house at all is a favorable sign. This means that you will not succumb to his aggressiveness. But, if you dreamed of a former spouse who calmly drinks wine and vodka in the house, then such a dream often means his repentance and tears, great experiences. Sometimes such a dream is a sign of depression or illness. But, if your ex-spouse drank a little and behaved cheekily, in a state of excitement, then such a dream means falling in love or a creative upsurge.

The one who did not take drops in his mouth

If your current or former spouse does not have a penchant for alcoholism and only drinks a glass of champagne for a holiday in life, then seeing him drunk is a bad sign. If it was a mild degree of intoxication, when he becomes active and talkative, then the dream book writes that such a state means a lack of intelligence, a state of euphoria and falling in love. Sometimes such a dream means a new stage in your romantic relationship. If this is a former spouse, then most likely he will appreciate and love you again, and relations will improve.

If your husband began to get drunk to a state of insensibility, then the dream book writes that he is actually tormented by depression or illness.

Drinking glass after glass means suffering and worries about your own guilt. Sometimes such a dream means that he wants to return or is worried that you left him.

But sometimes such a dream means unrequited love and his feelings about it.

If your calm spouse began to fight drunk and behave aggressively, then the dream book writes that such a dream means his preoccupation with some idea, which later turns out to be an illusion. Often a dream means that his feelings are heated to the limit, but due to his upbringing, character and temperament, he does not show this. To get hit by a drunken husband - to great worries for him.

If you dreamed of a drunken husband

As a rule, a drunk person dreams of sad news. It is important who the person is to you in reality. For example, why is a drunken husband dreaming? If your spouse abuses alcohol in real life, these may be echoes of your experiences. Another interpretation has a dream if the missus leads a healthy lifestyle.

Sleep predictions

Any person, the field of awakening, picks up a dream book if the dream that you had has puzzled you. It is worth considering those symbols that are most vividly seen.

Sleep interpreters

In the first dream book you come across, you may not find the desired interpretation. Since your dream may differ from generally recognized visions. We offer some of the most popular interpreters of dreams.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller, seeing a drunken husband in a dream is a bad sign. The misunderstanding in the family has reached a critical point, and the explosion is about to happen.

In a dream, the husband came home heavily intoxicated - subconsciously you do not respect him, and perhaps even despise him for certain actions.

A tipsy spouse can mean trouble in business, in the financial sector. Now it is desirable to refrain from risky transactions and offers.

If you dreamed of a drunken husband

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Freud, in his predictions, generalized all drunk people into one category, without singling out anyone separately. To see a drunk person in a dream promises illness. The only amendment is that the closer this person is to you, the more difficult the course of the disease will be.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Such dreams reflect your current state, and do not carry any message for the future. Your relationship with your spouse is not going through the best of times, a conflict is brewing. One of you needs to be softer, otherwise you will get a divorce instead of a truce.

Old dream book

For a woman to see her husband drunk - something undermines your strength, feeds on your life energy.

Predictions for women

Such a dream does not benefit either marriageable girls or family ladies who have long been married.

A drunken husband before the wedding is a bad sign

When a girl before the wedding sees how the future spouse came to their house drunk - a negative prediction regarding the future married life. Most likely, it is worth postponing the wedding and re-examining your relationship. According to dream books, married life will not be happy.

For a married lady to see an unfamiliar drunken man in a dream is a reckless act, which you will soon regret very much.

For a girl to see a future spouse screaming at someone while intoxicated, and even more so if he beats a person, to a difficult life together. Your future chosen one has a nasty, explosive character.

In a dream, we stumbled upon an ex-husband or boyfriend under the vapors of alcohol - a person yearns for you, he probably needs your help.

Actions in a dream

Both a drunk person and you yourself can do different things in a dream that will affect the interpretation.

What did the drunk spouse do

Perhaps you dreamed that the drunken spouse peed himself, in which case you will not find an exact interpretation in the dream book. You can try and combine into one symbol: alcohol and urination. The latter prophesies joy and fun. You need to remember your emotions during this vision:

  • if you had fun - soon your married life will get better, you just need to look at things easier and bring a little humor to your home;
  • experienced anger, despair - some of your spouse’s statements can lead to a big scandal.

Quarrel with spouse

If there was a fight with a drunken husband

A noble dream book assures that beating a husband in a dream is a sign of new acquaintances and meetings.

A drunken spouse is trying to beat you - conflicts will occur in the family, you will be the culprit. A quarrel will break out due to your wrong behavior or careless words.

Swearing with a drunken husband, breaking dishes - he is threatened with health problems.

If in a dream you were just going to beat your missus, but didn’t do it, your spouse will have trouble, and it’s your fault.

Bury a husband

Of course, a dream in which the husband allowed himself too much is unpleasant, and can leave an unpleasant aftertaste. But it is even worse to see a funeral, or a dead husband in a coffin. What is the dream of a dead husband, what does such a dream mean?

For the correct interpretation of sleep, it is worth clarifying a few points:

  • cause of death;
  • death was quick or prolonged.

A spouse who died a natural death means a certain secret

A drunken familiar dead man is a signal, always be sober-minded, make important decisions only in this state. If the deceased died quickly and painlessly - the secret is not great, most likely, these are trifles that do not need your participation.

The deceased spouse agonized for a long time - the spouse is hiding something terrible, perhaps if you can talk to him, listen to him, your relationship will take on new facets.

Husband who died as a result of murder

  • To see a dream in which the husband becomes deceased, due to the actions of familiar people, means that you are having a difficult period in a relationship. Be gentle, do not provoke quarrels.
  • A husband who died through the fault of a stranger promises trouble at work to the faithful.
  • The spouse of the deceased in the coffin is good luck, but only if you did not experience grief in a dream.

Other interpretations

Husband alive or dead

Another thing is if you dream of a former, deceased husband in reality in a drunken state. Especially if the deceased came to your house.

Some dream books believe that a drunk dead person comes just to remind himself. It is worth going to church, to the cemetery, to remember.

A drunken dead man comes to your house and starts beating you? In your life there were ugly deeds for which you did not suffer an answer, most likely the time of reckoning has come.

In a dream, you accidentally stumble upon a drunken ex-husband, a dead man in reality - good luck in business. But, if at the same time he does not act in the best way, the dream warns you against abstaining from such acts in reality.

Why did the vision dream

Summing up, we can say what a drunken husband dreams of - to conflicts in the family. An ex-husband in a state of intoxication means that he would like to return the relationship, and needs your support.

As in reality, in a dream it is not very pleasant to watch the picture when you come home drunk, but the fact that such a dream is not a threat, but a warning is comforting. Just be careful, don't bring external problems home, and everything will be fine.

Your mark:

Why is a drunken husband dreaming? If the dream is not connected with the real events of the family's life and the man's drunkenness, it prophesies unpleasant events. However, the details of the interpretation directly depend on the features of the plot of the picture seen in a dream. Let's consider the details.

Folk interpretation of dreams about a drunken husband

  • Seeing a non-drinking husband drunk in a dream predicts his illness or intoxication with illusions. If in reality the husband drinks only on holidays and at the same time behaves violently, a dream with a calm drunk husband may reflect a desire to change his behavior. A woman in reality suffers from drunken antics and with all her heart wants her husband to behave adequately.
  • See how in a dream man drinking potion with glasses, denotes his inner spiritual experiences. A person seeks to hide them from loved ones, hide them in the depths of his soul. The subconscious of a woman signals a disorder in the soul of her husband. In reality, such a man may also begin to drink heavily to drown out mental suffering.
  • The dream in which drunk husband got into an accident or fell into a pit, portends trouble at work. Perhaps the man will soon be fired, or he will be laid off. Trouble is inevitable. Also, a dream can have a direct meaning, so warn your spouse not to drive a car in the near future.
  • Drunk dead husband means nothing. You should order a memorial service in the church, bring a commemoration to the grave, light candles for the repose. If the deceased husband started a quarrel in a dream, in reality you may expect a scandal with his living relatives.
  • Seeing drunk ex-husband- he has not come to terms with the divorce and wants to meet. Perhaps the meeting is just around the corner, or you will hear from him. A dream in which the former destroys the house speaks of his desire to return to his ex-wife and live together.
  • Ex-husband drinks alcohol in your house? So he is remorseful. The man regrets the divorce and wholeheartedly wishes the restoration of family relations. Most likely, one of these days will make itself felt.

Interpretation of dream books

Miller's dream book considers this plot a bad omen: it portends a family conflict. The situation was heating up gradually, matured and requires resolution. Conflict is inevitable, be prepared.

If a woman sees her husband very drunk, subconsciously she does not respect him. Miller also warns that such dreams can be visited by a woman on the eve of major purchases. Should refrain from purchasing.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer sees in this plot an overdue conflict or trouble. Moreover, the dream is not a foreshadowing of the conflict, but its reflection. You should make concessions in order to prevent the development of a conflict situation. Also, a drunken spouse in a woman's dream may be a reflection of her fears of a despotic person.

Freud's dream book believes that dreams with drunk people dream of illness. The more familiar the drunk in a dream, the harder the disease will go.

Modern dream book warns: a woman expects waste or loss of money. They can cheat in a store, steal a wallet or use a credit card. If you are considering investing in a project, change your mind immediately.

An ex-husband in a drunken state does not carry a negative meaning: this is an echo of memories of a past unsuccessful life in a creative way. However, if the former drunk broke into the house, the dreamer will face problems in the financial and business sphere. This may be a reprimand from the authorities, the intrigues of colleagues, or the failure of the project.

Seeing a dead husband drunk is not forgiving him past grievances. It is worth burying insults with a person, stop tormenting your soul.

Family dream book warns: to quarrel with a drunken husband in a dream - to conflicts in reality. This is a warning dream: if conflict is allowed to develop, it can lead to divorce. It is better to give in and not notice the quarrel than to risk breaking up the relationship. Seeing a drunken husband in the company of drinking companions is a dreamer's illness.

The aggressive behavior of a drunken husband in a dream requires the intervention of his wife: he fell into a bad company, it is necessary to rid him of this society. If this is not done, divorce is inevitable. If a young wife saw her husband drunk in a dream immediately after the wedding, scandals should be expected.

Worldly dream book believes that a drunken ex-husband is dreaming for a reason: a man is ready to come with a confession and reconcile, but is afraid to take the first step. Often such a dream can warn that the ex-husband needs the participation of a woman in his life. A man feels bad without his wife, the world collapsed.

Seeing people mocking a drunken husband is a problem in life. A black streak of failure awaits the dreamer. Seeing a drunken husband in a dream all the time - he has problems that he is trying to hide. It is necessary in a confidential conversation to find out what worries him.

Seeing her dead husband drunk several times indicates that the woman still remembers him and cannot come to terms with the loss. If he offended her during her lifetime, it is worth forgiving all insults and living a new life. Until you let go of resentment, you will not be able to meet a new man worthy of living together with you.

Why is a drunken husband dreaming? The interpretation depends on the nature of the man. If he likes to indulge in alcohol, the dream reflects the woman's daytime experiences about this. There is no point in interpreting this dream. If a man drinks on holidays, and in a dream he appears in a drunken state, the alarm should be sounded.

First of all, you need to find out if a man is hiding his problems from his wife? However, when clarifying this issue, you should not run into a conflict, because a man can perceive the question as an interrogation. If a misunderstanding has matured in the life of the spouses and a wall of indifference has arisen, the image of a drunken husband is a reflection of the realities of real life.

A late husband in a dream is not a harbinger of misfortune. Usually the dead come to sleep if they need the support of the living. Order a service, put funeral candles, read prayers - this will help the soul of the deceased and calm yourself. Sometimes the dead dream simply of a change in the weather.

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    It is written there, see drunk human in dream- to a strong experience. If this husband who came home drunk, then soon she will be betrayed and betrayed by her husband. It happens that a complete stranger dreams, but drunk human. This dream predicts lies and deceit. You can also turn to Azar's dream book for help. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    Drunk husband in your dream is an unfavorable sign. Dream can talk about his possible illness or a difficult state of mind. In our dream book you can find out not only about what you dream of dreams about drunk husband, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what see drunk husband in dream in Miller's online dream book. Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    In his opinion, all such dreams- a portent of the disease, and the more familiar the dreaming person, the more serious the disease should be expected. In general, Miller and Freud, analyzing dreams independently of each other, came to similar conclusions: see in dream a person in a state of intoxication is definitely a bad sign that does not bode well. Why dream drunk husband- Wanderer's dream book. Read completely

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    Husband Husband deceased husband Mistress husband Husband gone. See husband Husband changes Husband on the other beat husband. Husband goes to another Naked husband kiss with husband Ex-wife husband. In our online dream book you can find out not only what it means drunk husband in dream but also see the interpretations of others dreams. In addition, we suggest looking at the dream books of Vanga and Nostradamus, downloading Miller's dream book - perhaps it is in it that you will find the meaning sleep « drunk husband".Read completely

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    See in dream drunk husband in your company, which means that in the future we should expect illness. Such an interpretation is dream, about drunk husband, which in reality is far away. A dream in which a drunk appeared husband girlfriends or sisters - this is an omen that in the future he will have problems at work. If you see drunk husband in a crowd of people - this is a symbol that he was in bad company. Read more

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    See in dream drunk husband often means financial problems in the family. This is a warning that in the near future you should not get involved in adventures and make any deals if there is even the slightest risk of losing the achievements you already have. To answer the question of what dreams drunk the male, as already mentioned, it is worth first of all to pay attention to how the person who dreamed of such dream, in society and in the team.Read completely

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    See stranger drunk- an unpleasant meeting, a forced presence at the celebration. If a in dream you saw drunk people: in reality you will encounter a whole bunch of problems that will have to be addressed immediately. drunk the male husband See in dream someone close to you drunk Read completely

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    See in dream drunk husband can't bode well. Dream may promise problems with the financial condition and therefore in the near future it is not recommended to make serious decisions in business or in investing in any business. You should beware of adventurers and leave risky money transactions for later. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    If anyone will see in dream drunk in dream see wife drunk- improvement; see drunk husband- quarrel. Esoteric dream book. to be yourself drunk- to an illness due to negligence: a cold, an injury, a contagious disease. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    See in dream stranger drunk, then this promises a meeting that is not very favorable, or it will be a visit to some place, some event that causes only negative emotions. The woman dreamed drunk the male This is exactly what you need to pay attention to and beware of. If a woman dreamed the male and he was drunk, this means that her future husband will be a person who is not able to control his own emotions and he is capable of small and large meanness. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-mira"

    For what see in dream drunk. Most often dream in which you seen drunk person is unfavorable. If drunk the male dreamed of a woman, then her future husband turns out to be a person who does not control his emotions, capable of meanness. You seen in dream drunk a woman? In reality, you should refrain from drinking alcohol, otherwise the consequences can be the most unpredictable. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    See in dream his husband drunk- a harbinger of fraud in the field of finance. It is better for the time being to refuse to participate in any transactions, no matter how profitable they are, and it is not recommended to get involved in adventures. But also dream, in which he appears in the title role drunk husband, can only be a reflection of reality.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    Also dream in which the girl sees drunk a stranger, may mean that trouble or danger awaits her. Anyway, seeing in dream drunk, it is necessary in reality to be careful and prudent. A dream in which a person drunk so much so that he cannot stand on his feet and falls, means a coming illness. If a seen in dream drunk the male your husband or a relative, a dream may be a sign of problems in the family. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonmir"

    Very often drunk husband in dream serves as a reflection of your concern about similar events in reality. This is not surprising, because we often dream about what we think about or what we often see. If a girl saw in dream drunk his young man, this means that scandals and all sorts of meanness on his part are possible. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    If anyone will see in dream drunk- this means a person who has enriched himself through the forbidden, through crime and bloodshed. in dream- have a quick breakdown of affairs; see wife drunk- improvement; see drunk husband- quarrel. Ukrainian dream book. If you dream that drunk- then you will get sick or worry about something. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "junona"

    if drunk the male dreamed of a woman - it means her future husband will be a man of uncontrollable, unbridled passions, which will cause her a lot of grief. See in dream drunk other people - means that you are just as frivolous about the behavior of your colleagues. Such soy warns you against possible complications: you should calmly perceive someone's insinuating flattery and not lose your head.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Why dream drunk husband. If you saw drunk husband then this dream, predicts various misfortunes that can happen to you in different areas of life. For example, there may be problems in the family: perhaps your spouse is a very sensitive and quick-tempered person, so it is not easy to find a compromise with him. To the record: Dream Interpretation see yourself in a wedding dress.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    See in dream drunk other people means that you are rather frivolous about the behavior of your colleagues. If you do not change your attitude towards them, complications await you. Do not lose your head, take other people's flattery and sycophancy more calmly, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.Drunk- If anyone will see in dream drunk, this means a person enriched by the forbidden, by crime and bloodshed. Jewish dream book of Azar. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Why dream Drunk in dream: get drunk - dreams in which you think you are drunk, always portend illness or at least a slight malaise. This is one of the universal dreams, which has no modifications depending on the specific psychology of the dreamer and his personal associations. Old grandmother's dream book. Why dream Drunk: Get drunk in dream- disorder of affairs; drunk wife see- to success in business; drunk husband(for a woman) - to a quarrel, failure. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    See in dream drunk other people means that you are rather frivolous about the behavior of your colleagues. If you do not change your attitude towards them, complications await you. Do not lose your head, take other people's flattery and sycophancy more calmly. If drunk the male dreamed of a woman - it means her future husband will be a man of uncontrollable, unbridled passions, which will cause her a lot of grief. Read more

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    Why dream see drunk in dream. The interpretation of the dream in which you see drunk person, depends on who you dreamed about in this form. If a in dream drunk you yourself, which means that in reality you will meet with friends or acquaintances about the good news. I am glad that there is hope. alla. will my husband. Julia. cut off the head of the annaconda.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    Why dream drunk familiar in dream. See familiar person drunk in your dream - to an unpleasant meeting. Also dream may portend an uninteresting event that you need to attend. If in a dream drunk one of the children, then your hopes for profit will not come true. For woman see in dream drunk husband- to conflict.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "lovushka-snov"

    If you see drunk in dream husband or someone you know, then dream portends a quarrel with this person. Talk with drunk in dream- such dream portends that you will be able to get the information you need from the right person, knowing that he is not distinguished by restraint in conversations. expel drunk from your home in dream- such dream means that you will get rid of the person who disclosed information about you that should not be made public.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

    See in dream Drunk dream book. unfavorable dream in which you see myself drunk. it is a sign that you will soon fall into recklessness. indulging in all serious, you will lose your good name, destroy peace and happiness in the family. if drunk the male dreamed of a woman - it means her future husband will be a man of uncontrollable, unbridled passions, which will cause her a lot of grief. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream Interpretation Husband drunk dreamed of what is dreaming in dream Husband drunk". Dreamed Husband drunk, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why you are dreaming Husband drunk in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dream in which you see myself drunk- unfavorable. It is a sign that you will soon fall into recklessness. Indulging in all serious, you will lose your good name, destroy peace and happiness in the family. If a drunk the male dreamed of a woman - it means her future husband will be a man of uncontrollable, unbridled passions than See myself in dream drunk- means weakness and inability to find a solution to the problem. See in dream drunk- you are faced with a difficult problem that needs to be addressed immediately.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "eva"

    Help explain dream. I saw in dream former husband drunk so much so that he could not get through the door, he fell all the time. For what? # 76479097. There is a second option - drunk from love, but this is hardly your case drunk usually do not fall. Think if there were (former husband) an emotion or situation that can be associated with seen drunk bm?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "zonasnov"

    So, see in dream your friend, who, to put it mildly, went overboard, means that this very friend can give you a lot of trouble. However, he himself can get into a difficult situation, it is quite possible that something bad will happen to one of his family members. Drunk husband, in principle, very bad, but if he and in dream in such a deplorable state, then you cannot avoid problems in all directions.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    Interpretation (meaning) sleep Drunk. Drunk human see in dream- be prepared for an accident. If you dreamed drunk husbanddream may mean that a certain person whom you consider your friend is doing meanness to you. Drunk father or drunk mother in dream may mean that if you are busy looking for your place in life, then it will soon come to an end.

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