Caffeine: what you need to know about the product that causes excitation of the cerebral cortex. Characteristics of the main processes in the cerebral cortex

Nervous processes in the cerebral cortex. Types of braking. First and second signal systems

The coordination of the functions of the cerebral cortex is carried out due to the interaction of two main nervous processes - arousal and braking. By the nature of the activity, these processes are opposite to each other. If the processes of excitation are associated with the active activity of the cortex, with the formation of new conditioned nerve connections, then the processes of inhibition are aimed at changing this activity, at stopping the excitation that has arisen in the cortex, at blocking temporary connections. But one should not assume that inhibition is a cessation of activity, a passive state of nerve cells. Inhibition is also an active process, but of an opposite nature than excitation. Braking provides the necessary conditions for restoring their performance. Sleep has the same protective and restorative significance as inhibition, which has spread widely to a number of important areas of the cortex. Sleep protects the cortex from exhaustion and destruction. However, sleep is not a stop of the brain. I. P. Pavlov also noted that sleep is a kind of active process, and not a state of complete inactivity. During sleep, the brain is resting, but not inactive, while the cells that are active during the day are resting. Many scientists suggest that during sleep there is a kind of processing of information accumulated during the day, but a person is not aware of this, because the corresponding functional systems of the cortex that provide awareness are inhibited.

The cerebral cortex is affected by a variety of signals coming both from outside and from the body itself. IP Pavlov distinguished two fundamentally different types of signals (signal systems). Signals are, first of all, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. I. P. Pavlov called these various visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory, olfactory stimuli first signal system. It is found in humans and animals.

But the human cerebral cortex is also capable of responding to words. Words and combinations of words also signal to a person about certain objects and phenomena of reality. Words and phrases I. P. Palov called second signal system. The second signal system is a product of human social life and is unique to him; animals do not have a second signal system.

1.4 Methods of scientific and psychological research

Methods of scientific and psychological research called a set of techniques and operations aimed at studying psychological phenomena and solving various scientific and psychological problems.

According to L.M. Fridman, methods of scientific and psychological research are divided into:

On the non-experimental, describing a particular feature of an individual or a group of people. Non-experimental methods include: observation (self-observation), questioning, interviewing, conversation, analysis of performance results;

- diagnostic methods, which allow not only to describe certain mental characteristics of a person or group of people, but also measure them, give them qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Diagnostic methods include: testing, scaling, ranking, sociometry;

- experimental methods including natural, artificial, laboratory, field, ascertaining and formative experiments;

- formative methods, which allow, on the one hand, to study psychological characteristics, and on the other hand, to implement educational and educational tasks.

Questions for self-control

1. What is the subject of modern psychology?

2. What are the stages in the development of psychological science?

3. Why did psychology have its own subject of study at each stage of its development?

4. What was the originality of views on mental phenomena in ancient times?

5. What are the main ideas of ancient Greek philosophers about the soul?

6. Why did the ideas of R. Descartes serve as an important factor in the formation and development of scientific paradigms in psychology?

7. Who was the founder of scientific psychology? Prove it.

8. What is the subject of psychology from the point of view of classical behaviorism? What is the essence of this theory?

9. What are the main directions of development of domestic psychology?

10. Describe the main branches of psychology.

11. Expand the relationship of psychology and other sciences.

12. What was the name of the first method of scientific research in psychology and what methods were used in pre-scientific psychology?

13. What methods of scientific and psychological research are used by modern psychologists? What are the possibilities of these methods?

14. What are the main psychological schools that appeared at the turn of the

third and fourth stages of development of psychology? What are their main characteristics?

15. Expand the scientific understanding of the human psyche.

16. Give a comparative analysis of the first and second signal systems.

17. Expand the understanding of the reflex as the main mechanism of higher nervous activity.

18. What do you understand by the functional asymmetry of the brain?

19. What are the main functions of the psyche. In what forms does it appear?

20. Describe the basic principles of division of the human nervous system.

The complex nervous processes that take place in the cerebral cortex of the cerebral hemispheres follow fairly simple patterns from the point of view of the spread of the nervous process from the primary focus to adjacent adjacent areas. Nervous processes are excitation and braking .

Distribution of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex

1. Irradiation

The flow of excitation that came into the cortex from the subcortical structures initially excites a small area of ​​the cortex - a primary focus of excitation appears. Then the excitation covers neighboring areas near the primary focus and the area of ​​excitation of the cortex expands. The focus of excitation of the cortex increases in size. This phenomenon is the excitation irradiation shown in the figure below.

2. Concentration

3. Induction

Induction - this is guidance opposite condition compared to the primary focus.

The key point here is the concept "opposite " . Remember this - and you will not be confused with induction. Also remember that induction is called by the end state, not by the initial state. Those. if the final state is excited, then the induction is positive (+), and if it is inhibited, then the induction is negative (-).

4. Dominant

As applied to the dominant word "domination" means two things: 1 - suppression of other areas of excitation, that is, their inhibition, 2 - "interception" of excitation from other areas and the use of this "foreign" excitation in their own interests, that is, to enhance their own excitation. The dominant focus has such capabilities due to the fact that, firstly, it implements spatial positive induction, inducing inhibition on neighboring areas of the cortex, and secondly, it has an increased sensitivity to excitation, since it is already initially constantly in an excited state, and precisely therefore, even a weak additional excitation is superthreshold, amplifying for it.

Thanks to: Nadezhda Pogrebnyak for help in creating animated diagrams of nervous processes in the cerebral cortex.

First of all, about the most important, perhaps, about "mechanization" in nervous activity. Our central nervous system is able to assimilate, "remember" its own reactions. If some signals about constant or frequently recurring circumstances come to the body once, twice, thirdly, and in each case it answers the same, stereotypically, then in the cells of the cerebral cortex from such training a certain functional system of conditioned reflexes will develop - a moving "drawing" from excited and inhibited cells. This is a dynamic stereotype. IP Pavlov defined it as "a well-coordinated and balanced system of internal processes" and attached great importance to it. Anyone who has had a chance to train in any kind of physical exercise knows how gradually the difficult becomes easy. Moreover, familiar work, even more difficult than new work, is easier to do.

The “economic expediency” of a dynamic stereotype can be clearly seen from such an experience. This experience is very simple. A soft call is heard, and in response, a person must make the simplest movement - press a button. During the experiment, he is given an electroencephalogram - the biocurrents of the brain are recorded. This study is reminiscent of the well-known electrocardiography - recording the biocurrents of the heart. Only in this case, the object of study - the brain and the "tentacles" of the device are applied to the head. A man sits in a kind of helmet.

So, the biocurrents of the brain, accurately reflecting the degree of activity of its different parts, showed that at the beginning, when the task was new for the subject, the excitation covered many areas of the cerebral cortex, it, as if stumbling in the dark, turned on the light everywhere, looking for the right path. And then, when the experimental person got used to the task and he developed a solid conditioned reflex - to press the button on the bell, the biocurrents registered the excitation of only two zones - auditory and motor.

For nerve cells, using a dynamic stereotype is the easiest job. This pattern should determine our line of conduct in relation to the nervous system in many life situations.

The normal activity of the nervous system depends on how clearly, timely and painlessly the processes of excitation and inhibition alternate, or, in other words, how the physiological laws of nervous activity are carried out.

Excitation and inhibition are not separated from each other by an "iron curtain". On the contrary, they constantly interact with each other, not only replacing each other, but also influencing the strength and prevalence of the opposite process.

The degree of their interaction is an indicator of the state of the nervous system. Here is an athlete, not yet very experienced in fighting at important competitions, which gather thousands of spectators and attract the attention of the press, radio and television, goes to the start. How many thoughts, conflicting feelings overcome him at this tense moment. Self-confidence, the desire to win - otherwise what kind of athlete is he! - increase his rise, and at the same time, the excitement of an unusual situation, an assessment of the capabilities of strong rivals, which for the first time you feel close, elbow to elbow, naturally disturb a person.

How will the athlete perform? In many ways, the result depends on whether his nervous system can cope with the “starting fever”. Sometimes such an inevitable excitement absorbs all the energy of an athlete, and at a distance, in the sector where he jumps, puts the shot or takes off on gymnastic equipment, he acts sluggishly, stiffly. Having failed to slow down excitation that was harmful in this case, the central nervous system "allowed" the inhibition of many centers, including those involved in the performance of a sports exercise.

But then an experienced fighter, seasoned in many sports battles, went to the start. He, too, does not remain indifferent to the sight of the stands crowded with spectators, to the whole solemn and exciting atmosphere of big competitions. He, too, is excited. But the nervous system has already learned relatively easily to suppress harmful excitation, to inhibit unwanted reactions. Therefore, an experienced athlete, as a rule, does not have a “starting fever”. On the contrary, at the start he has the greatest mobilization of forces. It activates all the processes in the body necessary for a successful performance.

Of course, even experienced athletes are not immune from surprises that can occur due to incorrect reactions of the nervous system when the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition is disturbed. Therefore, coaches pay great attention to the volitional training of athletes, training, strengthening not only the muscles, but also the nervous system, its ability to coordinate the processes of excitation and inhibition.

It often happens that prolonged excitation without any apparent reason is replaced by inhibition. If, for example, the participants of the competition went to the start, but for some reason it was postponed, then after a while the starting excitement in the less persistent ones is replaced by indifference. And in such a state, you will not show good results.

Each of the processes occurring in the central nervous system is capable of generating its opposite. Why is this happening? At the culmination of excitation, the opposite inhibitory process, according to the laws of higher nervous activity, is located around the zone of excitation. It can cover large areas, including the initial focus of excitation. Then it goes out, subsides.

Such a "struggle of centers" is observed very often. But, of course, not always any extraneous stimulus or internal opposite process interrupts the course of nervous activity and imposes on it a different direction. It depends on the comparative strength of both stimuli, on the speed of propagation of the nervous processes in the brain.

The "struggle of the centers" often comes down to the fact that one dominant focus of excitation, the so-called dominant, predominates in the brain. Such leadership can continue for quite a long time. And all this time, the rest of the various stimuli that come to the central nervous system collide with the dominant. The weak and average support and strengthen it, and only the very strong are able to extinguish the main focus of excitation. The dominant can be a boon for the nervous system, or it can be evil. Therefore, in the arsenal of means for balancing nervous activity, there must also be those that influence the stable, dominant focus of excitation.

IP Pavlov noticed a very important regularity in the activity of the nervous system: as the strength of stimulation increases, so does the reaction, but not infinitely, but only to a certain limit. Further, the increase in the reaction stops and obvious signs of inhibition develop. He called such inhibition prohibitive.

Nerve cells. - the only ones in the body that are not restored and not replaced. The strength of the cell has been exhausted - and it will cease to function, it does not exist. This is a fatal process. So that it does not come, outrageous inhibition comes to the rescue of the cell. When the irritation turned out to be unbearable for the cell of the cerebral cortex, beyond the maximum, and its tension exceeded the limits of its functional capabilities, an inhibitory process spreads in it, it seems to get a respite.

A person “falls asleep” from fatigue, an athlete develops overtraining phenomena from improper exercises, “false starts” knock the ground out from under his feet - all this is a reflection of transcendental inhibition, which developed as a response of the nervous system to unbearable excitation.

Conditioned reflexes - the main method of interaction of the organism with the outside world, a tool for its adaptation to a changing environment - have the ability to fade away, erase, leave the stage without a trace when they have fulfilled their role, making room for the formation of new neural connections. If a person is used to having dinner, say, at 12 o'clock, then by this time he will be hungry. And if the lunch time moves, say, by 2 hours, then at first the appetite will still appear by 12, but after a while at 12 you will no longer want to eat, and soon the appetite will begin to come at the new “allotted” time - by 14 hours. This change occurred because at 12 o'clock the conditioned reflex ceased to receive reinforcement, and at 14, on the contrary, it was systematically and constantly reinforced.

If the nervous system did not have this quality, it would be overloaded with many useless skills. And overload, as you know, does not contribute to good productive work. If once learned remained in the nervous system forever, then it would be impossible for a person to improve in various fields of activity. True, if a gymnast's mistake in performing an exercise is fixed, often repeated, it is required to temporarily stop performing any element of the movement so that the unnecessary conditioned reflex fades, and then master a new one. Relearning is always harder than relearning.

The nervous system protects itself from excitation "for nothing". It responds to almost every slight irritation not with excitation, but with inhibition. This inhibition is preventive, thanks to it our body is spared "from the fuss", excessive restructuring. At the same time, prophylactic inhibition under the action of weak stimuli serves as a training exercise for nerve cells, since it increases their stability.

Of course, in a small book it is impossible to analyze in detail, “to the last screw”, to the smallest reaction, the intricacies of the work of this most complex, perhaps the most complex diversified economy on earth. Yes, this is not part of our task. After all, the purpose of this book is to show a person that he can rule over himself, to acquaint him with some methods of training the nervous system. Therefore, in describing the processes that take place in the cerebral cortex and in the peripheral nerves, we have schematically focused only on the main ones that are of decisive importance for our influence on the state of the nervous system.

In life there are different people - mobile and slow, balanced and excitable, people with strong and weak nerves. All these individual characteristics are ultimately determined by how quickly the processes of excitation and inhibition alternate in the nervous system, how much they balance each other, and, finally, how strong these processes are.

All these three qualitative indicators of the activity of the nervous system are essential. Doesn't a strong nervous system, capable of withstanding extreme irritations, give its owner invaluable advantages? Doesn't a person who is able to suppress his impulses at the behest of reason achieve much by this alone? And doesn't the golden mean between hasty fussiness and slow-witted slowness bring wonderful results?

Regulation of nervous activity is a process of excitation and inhibition in the CNS. Initially, it occurs as an elementary reaction to irritation. In the process of evolution, neurohumoral functions became more complex, leading to the formation of the main divisions of the nervous and endocrine systems. In this article, we will study one of the main processes - inhibition in the central nervous system, the types and mechanisms of its implementation.

Nervous tissue, its structure and functions

One of the varieties of animal tissues, called nervous, has a special structure that provides both the excitation process and the activation of the inhibitory functions in the central nervous system. Nerve cells consist of a body and processes: short (dendrites) and long (axon), which ensures the transmission of nerve impulses from one neurocyte to another. The end of the axon of a nerve cell contacts the dendrites of the next neurocyte at places called synapses. They provide the transmission of bioelectric impulses through the nervous tissue. Moreover, excitation always moves in one direction - from the axon to the body or dendrites of another neurocyte.

Another property, in addition to excitation, occurring in the nervous tissue, is inhibition in the central nervous system. It is a response of the body to the action of an irritant, leading to a decrease or complete cessation of motor or secretory activity, in which centrifugal neurons participate. Inhibition in the nervous tissue can also occur without prior excitation, but only under the influence of an inhibitory mediator, such as GABA. It is one of the main transmitters of braking. Here you can also name such a substance as glycine. This amino acid is involved in enhancing inhibitory processes and stimulates the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid molecules in synapses.

I. M. Sechenov and his work in neurophysiology

An outstanding Russian scientist, the activity of the brain proved the presence in the central parts of the nervous system of special complexes of cells capable of inactivating bioelectric processes. The discovery of centers of inhibition in the central nervous system became possible thanks to the use of three types of experiments by I. Sechenov. These include: cutting sections of the cortex in different areas of the brain, stimulation of individual loci of gray matter by physical or chemical factors (electric current, sodium chloride solution), as well as the method of physiological excitation of brain centers. I. M. Sechenov was an excellent experimenter, making ultra-precise cuts in the area between the visual tubercles and directly in the frog thalamus itself. He observed a decrease and complete cessation of the motor activity of the limbs of the animal.

So, a neurophysiologist discovered a special type of nervous process - inhibition in the central nervous system. We will consider the types and mechanisms of its formation in more detail in the following sections, and now we will once again focus on this fact: in such departments as the medulla oblongata and visual tubercles, there is a site called the inhibitory, or "Sechenov" center. The scientist also proved its presence not only in mammals, but also in humans. Moreover, I. M. Sechenov discovered the phenomenon of tonic excitation of inhibitory centers. He understood by this process a slight excitation in the centrifugal neurons and the muscles associated with them, as well as in the nerve centers of inhibition themselves.

Do neural processes interact?

Studies by prominent Russian physiologists I. P. Pavlov and I. M. Sechenov proved that the work of the central nervous system is characterized by the coordination of reflex reactions of the body. The interaction of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system leads to a coordinated regulation of body functions: motor activity, respiration, digestion, excretion. Bioelectrical processes simultaneously occur in the nerve centers and can consistently change over time. This ensures the correlation and timely passage of response reflexes to signals from the internal and external environment. Numerous experiments conducted by neurophysiologists have confirmed the fact that excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system are key nervous phenomena, which are based on certain patterns. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

The nerve centers of the cerebral cortex are capable of distributing both types of processes throughout the entire nervous system. This property is called irradiation of excitation or inhibition. The opposite phenomenon is a reduction or limitation of the area of ​​the brain that propagates bio-impulses. It's called concentration. Scientists observe both types of interactions during the formation of conditioned motor reflexes. During the initial stage of the formation of motor skills, due to the irradiation of excitation, several muscle groups simultaneously contract, not necessarily participating in the performance of the motor act being formed. Only after repeated repetitions of the formed complex of physical movements (skating, skiing, cycling), as a result of the concentration of excitation processes in specific nerve foci of the cortex, all human movements become highly coordinated.

Switching in the work of the nerve centers can also occur as a result of induction. It manifests itself when the following condition is met: first, there is a concentration of inhibition or excitation, and these processes must be of sufficient strength. In science, two types of induction are known: S-phase (central inhibition in the central nervous system enhances excitation) and negative form (excitation causes the process of inhibition). There is also sequential induction. In this case, the nervous process is reversed in the nerve center itself. Research by neurophysiologists has proved the fact that the behavior of higher mammals and humans is determined by the phenomena of induction, irradiation, and concentration of the nervous processes of excitation and inhibition.

Unconditional braking

Let us consider in more detail the types of inhibition in the central nervous system and dwell on its form, which is inherent in both animals and humans. The term itself was proposed by I. Pavlov. The scientist considered this process to be one of the innate properties of the nervous system and singled out two types of it: fading and constant. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Suppose there is a focus of excitation in the cortex that generates impulses to the working organ (to the muscles, secretory cells of the glands). Due to changes in the conditions of the external or internal environment, another excited area of ​​the cerebral cortex arises. It produces bioelectrical signals of greater intensity, which inhibits excitation in the previously active nerve center and its reflex arc. Fading inhibition in the central nervous system leads to the fact that the intensity of the orientation reflex gradually decreases. The explanation for this is as follows: the primary stimulus no longer causes the process of excitation in the receptors of the afferent neuron.

Another type of inhibition, observed both in humans and animals, is demonstrated by the experiment carried out by the Nobel Prize winner in 1904, IP Pavlov. While feeding the dog (with the fistula removed from the cheek), the experimenters turned on a sharp sound signal - the release of saliva from the fistula stopped. The scientist called this type of inhibition transcendental.

Being an innate property, inhibition in the central nervous system proceeds according to an unconditional reflex mechanism. It is quite passive and does not cause the consumption of a large amount of energy, leading to the cessation of conditioned reflexes. Constant unconditional inhibition accompanies many psychosomatic diseases: dyskinesias, spastic and flaccid paralysis.

What is a releasing brake

Continuing to study the mechanisms of inhibition in the central nervous system, let us consider what one of its types is, called an extinguishing brake. It is well known that the orienting reflex is the body's reaction to the impact of a new extraneous signal. In this case, a nerve center is formed in the cerebral cortex, which is in a state of excitation. It forms a reflex arc, which is responsible for the reaction of the body and is called the orientation reflex. This reflex act causes inhibition of the conditioned reflex that is taking place at the moment. After repeated repetition of an extraneous stimulus, the reflex, called indicative, gradually decreases and finally disappears. This means that it no longer causes inhibition of the conditioned reflex. This signal is called the fading brake.

Thus, external inhibition of conditioned reflexes is associated with the influence of an extraneous signal on the body and is an innate property of the central and peripheral nervous system. A sudden or new stimulus, for example, a pain sensation, an extraneous sound, a change in illumination, not only causes an orienting reflex, but also contributes to the weakening or even complete cessation of the conditioned reflex arc that is active at the moment. If an extraneous signal (except for pain) acts repeatedly, inhibition of the conditioned reflex manifests itself less. The biological role of the unconditional form of the nervous process is to carry out the body's response to the stimulus that is most important at the moment.

Internal braking

Its other name, used in the physiology of higher nervous activity, is conditioned inhibition. The main prerequisite for the emergence of such a process is the lack of reinforcement of signals coming from the outside world with innate reflexes: digestive, salivary. The processes of inhibition in the central nervous system that have arisen under these conditions require a certain time interval. Let's consider their types in more detail.

For example, differential inhibition occurs as a response to environmental signals that match in amplitude, intensity, and strength to the conditioned stimulus. This form of interaction between the nervous system and the surrounding world allows the body to more subtly distinguish between stimuli and isolate from their totality the one that receives reinforcement by an innate reflex. For example, to the sound of a call with a strength of 15 Hz, supported by a feeder with food, the dog developed a conditioned salivary reaction. If another sound signal is applied to the animal, with a strength of 25 Hz, without reinforcing it with food, in the first series of experiments in a dog, saliva will be released from the fistula to both conditioned stimuli. After some time, differentiation of these signals will occur in the animal, and saliva from the fistula will cease to be released from the fistula to a sound with a power of 25 Hz, that is, differentiation inhibition will develop.

To free the brain from information that has lost its vital role for the body - this function is precisely performed by inhibition in the central nervous system. Physiology has experimentally proved that conditioned motor reactions, well fixed by developed skills, can persist throughout a person's life, for example, skating, cycling.

Summing up, we can say that the processes of inhibition in the central nervous system are the weakening or cessation of certain reactions of the body. They are of great importance, since all reflexes of the body are corrected in accordance with the changed conditions, and if the conditioned signal has lost its value, then they can even completely disappear. Various types of inhibition in the central nervous system are basic for such abilities of the human psyche as maintaining self-control, distinguishing stimuli, and expectation.

Delayed type of nervous process

Empirically, it is possible to create a situation in which the body's response to a conditioned signal from the external environment manifests itself even before exposure to an unconditioned stimulus, such as food. With an increase in the time interval between the onset of exposure to a conditioned signal (light, sound, for example, metronome beats) and the moment of reinforcement up to three minutes, the release of saliva to the above conditioned stimuli is more and more delayed and manifests itself only at the moment when a feeder with food appears in front of the animal. The delay in response to a conditioned signal characterizes the processes of inhibition in the CNS, called the delayed type, in which its duration corresponds to the delay interval of an unconditioned stimulus, such as food.

The value of inhibition in the central nervous system

The human body, figuratively speaking, is "under the gun" of a huge number of factors of the external and internal environment, to which it is forced to react and form many reflexes. Their nerve centers and arcs are formed in the brain and spinal cord. The overload of the nervous system with a huge number of excited centers in the cerebral cortex negatively affects the mental health of a person, and also reduces his performance.

Biological basis of human behavior

Both types of activity of the nervous tissue, both excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, are the basis of higher nervous activity. It determines the physiological mechanisms of human mental activity. The doctrine of higher nervous activity was formulated by IP Pavlov. Its modern interpretation is as follows:

  • Excitation and inhibition in the CNS, occurring in interaction, provide complex mental processes: memory, thinking, speech, consciousness, and also form complex human behavioral reactions.

In order to compose a scientifically substantiated mode of study, work, rest, scientists apply the knowledge of the laws of higher nervous activity.

The biological significance of such an active nervous process as inhibition can be determined as follows. Changing the conditions of the external and internal environment (lack of reinforcement of the conditioned signal by an innate reflex) entails adequate changes in the adaptive mechanisms in the human body. Therefore, the acquired reflex act is inhibited (extinguished) or disappears altogether, as it becomes inappropriate for the body.

What is a dream?

IP Pavlov in his works experimentally proved the fact that the processes of inhibition in the central nervous system and sleep are of the same nature. During the period of wakefulness of the body, against the background of the general activity of the cerebral cortex, its individual sections covered by internal inhibition are still diagnosed. During sleep, it radiates over the entire surface of the cerebral hemispheres, reaching the subcortical formations: visual tubercles (thalamus), hypothalamus, and limbic system. As the outstanding neurophysiologist P.K. Anokhin pointed out, all of the above parts of the central nervous system, responsible for the behavioral sphere, emotions and instincts, reduce their activity during sleep. This entails a decrease in the generation coming from under the crust. Thus, the activation of the cortex is reduced. This provides the possibility of rest and restoration of metabolism both in the neurocytes of the large brain and throughout the body as a whole.

The experiments of other scientists (Hess, Economo) established special complexes of nerve cells that are part of nonspecific nuclei. Excitation processes diagnosed in them cause a decrease in the frequency of cortical biorhythms, which can be regarded as a transition from an active state (wakefulness) to sleep. Studies of such areas of the brain, as well as the third ventricle, prompted scientists to the idea of ​​​​the presence of a sleep regulation center. It is anatomically related to the part of the brain responsible for wakefulness. The defeat of this locus of the cortex due to trauma or as a result of hereditary disorders in humans leads to pathological conditions of insomnia. We also note the fact that the regulation of such a vitally important for the body process of inhibition as sleep is carried out by the nerve centers of the diencephalon and subcortical amygdala, fencing and lentiform.

Brain. Instructions for use [How to use your capabilities to the maximum and without overload] Rock David

Too much excitement is bad

Too much arousal can be even more of a problem than not enough. According to a study of 2,600 British workers, half of the participants happened to see one of their colleagues brought to tears by nervous overload, and more than 80% admitted that they had heard threats and pressure during their work. People everywhere experience information overload, which is usually understood as too much stimulation of the nervous system with too many thoughts and ideas at the same time. Paul experienced the dark side of overexcitement when he missed a turn on his way to a meeting and panicked.

Overexcitation means that there is too much electrical activity in the prefrontal cortex. To reduce arousal, you may need to reduce the amount and speed of information passing through your mind. If you feel like you can't think, it's helpful to write down your ideas to get them out of your head. If your mental scene does not need to hold all the information at the same time, in general there will be less activity.

Another strategy is to engage other large areas of the brain, which in turn tend to "turn off" the prefrontal cortex. For example, you can focus on the surrounding sounds; this activates the areas of the brain involved in the perception of sensory information. You can also take some physical action - for example, go for a walk; while oxygen and glucose rush to more active areas of the brain, such as the motor cortex. In general, if one part of the brain is overexcited, this problem can sometimes be solved by activating another part. Of course, you can say much shorter: “If you are overexcited, go for a walk,” but it is useful to understand why it works.

Overexcitation does not only come from negative experiences like fear or anxiety. It can also be associated with more positive experiences, such as excitement or lust. Lovers often "lose their heads" and commit a lot of follies under the influence of the moment. According to one study, the brain of a lover has much in common with the brain of a person under the influence of cocaine. Dopamine is sometimes called the "drug of desire". Too much dopamine when a person becomes "drunk with excitement" is exhausting too.

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Sexual Excitation There is a problem associated with the characteristic tension of sexual excitability, the solution of which is just as difficult as its importance for the understanding of sexual processes is enormous. Despite the prevailing differences of opinion in psychology on this subject,

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Second most powerful word JAMES: We all make mistakes that we later regret. We trade good jobs for bad ones. We buy a house and then sell it at a loss. We lose a lot of money. We cheat or betray our spouses, and then we lose family, children and property

From the book The world is on edge: the spring is unclenched the author Lukyanov Fedor
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