Digital hearing aid which is better rated. How to choose a hearing aid: expert advice. The best pocket hearing aids

Why do some hearing aids cost 3,000-5,000 thousand rubles, while others cost 50, 70 thousand and even more?

Many people think that expensive hearing aids are “stuffed” with additional unnecessary options that you can perfectly do without. But this is not at all the case. It's all about the possibilities that hearing aids can provide to their user.

Our healthy, well-hearing ear does many things that are imperceptible, but very valuable to us - it has its own compensatory mechanism for smoothing out sharp traumatic sounds, is able to separately track several simultaneous sound signals, localize the sound source, and much more. And when a person's hearing is reduced, then along with hearing, compensatory mechanisms also disappear.

Therefore, in order to get as close as possible to how our real healthy ear hears, a hearing aid must not only provide adequate gain in frequency response, but also recreate all the sound processing that our ear previously performed.

So, a brief digression into the possibilities that premium hearing aids have in order to make sounds as natural and comfortable as possible, and speech intelligibility is excellent.

Noise reduction system.

We live in a very noisy world. Cars pass by, we hear a lot of voices on the street, office equipment makes noise at work, and someone has a machine or a drill, and even at home we have a refrigerator, a washing machine and a lot of other various equipment. Not to mention the subway. Base segment hearing aids are not capable of distinguishing between noise and human speech, they will simply amplify the sound on the audiogram. Therefore, devices that do not have a noise reduction system should not be expected to be intelligible in a complex, polyphonic and noisy environment. They are not made for this. But the Premium hearing aid recognizes the noise by its monotonic amplitude and calculates the noise-to-speech ratio of the useful signal. That is why such a device allows you to communicate in any, even the most difficult sound environment and does not limit its owner in any way. And at the same time, you can not completely remove the noise from your life. We must hear danger signals in order to respond in time: a car drove up behind us - we must hear it, a kettle whistled in the kitchen - we must hear it ... Premium hearing aids will not save us from noises - we must hear them and respond to them , but will make them more comfortable, softer, and most importantly - these noises will not prevent us from analyzing the speech of the interlocutor well. Each hearing aid manufacturer has its own “recipe” for processing sound in noise. But all of them are aimed at the perception of human speech - as the most important of all sound signals.


Our ear perceives sounds in a certain range of sound frequencies. When we examine hearing and perform pure tone audiometry, this is done at several fundamental frequencies, and as a result, we get an audiogram. An audiogram is a curve that shows how well we hear at different frequencies. Hearing loss is not at all like vision loss, which is indicated by one main indicator - for example, -5 or +2. In the vast majority of cases, hearing loss in people is heterogeneous, that is, for some frequencies (for example, for low, dull sounds), a person hears well, and for other frequencies (for example, for high whistling sounds) there is a large decrease. Thus, the audiogram reflects the type and degree of hearing loss. It is clear that you need to compensate for different frequency loss in different ways. Premium class hearing aids are able to give the individually necessary amplification in great detail over the maximum number of frequency bands, and provide digital sound processing (compression) in the same bands. And if the hearing aids of the basic segment have 2, 3 or 4 compression channels, then the Premium class hearing aids have 10, 12, 15, 16 and even 20 channels. As a result, the amplification of the hearing aid becomes extremely targeted, and its sound is as natural as possible.

Eliminate the effect of "feedback", (whistling)

In the event of hearing loss, the hearing aid provides the wearer with the individual sound amplification needed. And if you pick up any device and turn it on, it will whistle - this is how its work to amplify the sound is manifested. But as soon as we install it in the ear, the whistling stops - because now all the sounds that the device amplifies fall into the ear canal. But in some cases, hearing aids of the basic segments are able to “whistle” even when they are in the ear. Needless to say, this creates a certain discomfort for the user and attracts the attention of others. There are many reasons why hearing aids whistle in the ear, mostly due to leaks in the earmold or in-the-ear housing, as well as the high power of hearing aids designed for severe hearing loss. It is not always possible to provide the necessary tightness - although inserts for behind-the-ear and in-the-ear devices are made according to an individual cast of the auditory canal, our ear is still not static, it is mobile due to the proximity of the mandibular joint and temporal muscles. Just at these moments - when a person is talking or turning his head - there is a feedback effect, and the hearing aid whistles. Premium class hearing aids solve this problem in the most elegant way: they have built-in special systems to eliminate the feedback effect, so you can easily use the phone, wear a hat and not limit yourself in movements and facial expressions, without fear that the device will whistle at the very inopportune moment and attract attention. Moreover, with the advent of feedback elimination systems in such advanced devices, it became possible to leave through ventilation in the earpiece or body of the device in case of severe hearing loss, which is impossible in devices of the basic segment. Through ventilation allows our ear to "breathe", reduces sweating in the ear canal and provides comfort in the perception of one's own speech when using a hearing aid.

Special types of hearing aid configurations.

Long gone are the days when a hearing aid was a bulky, easily soiled pink device that occupied the entire behind-the-ear area. And although such a behind-the-ear configuration has not yet lost its relevance as the most practical, now there are already in-the-ear and deep-canal hearing aids. This means that the entire hearing aid is placed deep in the ear canal and becomes completely invisible to others. High technologies have made it possible to significantly reduce the size of the main components of the hearing aid (speaker, microphone, microcircuit), but at the same time it retains all the capabilities of a modern digital device and provides high sound quality. The case of such devices is made according to an individual cast of the ear canal and is made of a special skin-colored otoplasty material. Therefore, hearing aids for in-the-ear and deep-canal configurations can be safely classified as Premium.

Active speech extraction system.

A speech recognition system is a special algorithm for detecting human speech and extracting it from background noise. This system is only available on premium digital hearing aids. The hearing instrument's processor continuously analyzes the signals from all frequency channels and automatically reduces the gain when there is no speech and increases it when speech appears. There are also more sophisticated algorithms that increase the intelligibility of sounds of a strictly defined frequency, such as whistling and hissing. The operation of these algorithms is effective for the languages ​​they are targeted at. For example, if a European uses a hearing aid tuned to Japanese, then with all the quality of this device, speech will become louder, but no more intelligible. Premium hearing aids are able to take into account such nuances and allow you to achieve speech intelligibility in conditions where other hearing aids may not be able to cope with it.

Important little things:

Effective protection for microphones and receivers

The most dangerous "enemy" of all hearing aids is water. Like any speaker system, hearing aids, even premium ones, are vulnerable in wet environments. If our skin didn't evaporate moisture, hearing aids would last for decades! But since everything is different and any device deteriorates from skin fumes and weather conditions, the life span and high-quality clear sound of the hearing aid is limited. And, consequently, the owner of such a device is also limited - you can’t go to the pool with it, you can’t do active sports when the skin sweats either ... Even in hot weather, you have to “be on the alert” and pay a lot of attention to prevention and careful care of the hearing aid.

Premium hearing aids not only care about sound quality, but also about long-term safety and long service life - after all, such high technology should be well protected! Here, nano-coating of cases, nano-sulfur filters that repel water, a special anatomical design and even special developments come to the rescue - moisture-proof membranes that let sound into the microphone of the device, but do not let water through. Such a wonderful novelty was released by Siemens and is called Aquaris. In such a device, you can go in for active sports, swim in the pool and no longer worry that moisture can ruin it.

"smart microphone": directivity

Good hearing is not only a clear perception of surrounding sounds, but also good speech intelligibility in noise. We have already talked about the active noise reduction system, but this is far from the only way to distinguish the interlocutor in the crowd. The presence of two microphones in Premium class devices allows you to create a directivity vector that actively captures the sound information we need. Thanks to the joint work of two microphones, you can hear the interlocutor not only in front of you, but also from behind, which is impossible in the devices of the basic segments.

Small size + big power

There is a direct dependence of the sound strength of the hearing aid on its size. It turns out that only a large apparatus with high power can provide sufficient amplification for a large hearing loss. Do you really have to come to terms with the fact that a powerful hearing aid is bound to be big? Not at all! Premium hearing aids come in a variety of configurations that combine small size with large sound output. One of these configurations is called RIC - "receiver in the ear". At the same time, only a microphone and a microcircuit are located in the behind-the-ear miniature case, and the “speaker”, as one of the large parts of the hearing aid, is located in the ear canal itself. The result is a significant reduction in the size of the case and the complete absence of the “feedback” effect so often found in high-power hearing aid models. A striking example of this type of configuration is the Pure hearing aid from Siemens, the perfect combination of practicality, small size and high power.

Eliminating Wind Noise Hearing aid wearers have always had to put up with this problem, and even wearing superior hearing aids with good noise-cancellation has not eliminated the discomfort of being outdoors in windy conditions. Now, thanks to the collaboration of two microphones and their nano-protection, this problem is solved! Wind noise is successfully recognized when analyzing the received signal and is damped by digital sound processing.

…when both work in sync Nature gave man two ears to work in sync. Due to the distance between them, the sound arrives first in one ear, then in the other, depending on the direction of the sound. This means that when sound enters the other ear, the sound pressure will change slightly. Further - our brain registers and processes this information, allowing us to determine the direction of the incoming sound. Naturally, two ears cope with this task better than one. Hearing loss affects the ability to understand speech and locate sources of sound around us. If a person has hearing loss in only one ear, it can most often be corrected with a single hearing aid. If a person has a hearing loss in both ears, the best result is almost always achieved with two hearing aids. Binaural prosthetics (the so-called compensation for hearing loss with two devices) has clear advantages over monaural. Using two hearing aids improves the hearing in each ear of the wearer and provides the following benefits:

Improve speech intelligibility in noisy environments

Facilitating the localization of the direction of sounds (ototopic)

Improving the quality and character of sounds It has long been known that stereo music sounds more pleasant than mono music. Therefore, in case of hearing impairment in both ears, of course, the most optimal hearing compensation is achieved with the help of two hearing aids. In Premium hearing aids, binaural hearing aids have reached perfection - now, like ears, hearing aids also communicate. Instantly and permanently. This process takes place completely wirelessly. The result is an increase in the distance of comfortable speech perception, synchronous switching of listening programs, ototopic, comparable in quality to the perception of sounds by the auricle and excellent intelligibility in a difficult noisy environment.

Help with tinnitus

Hearing loss is often accompanied by endogenous tinnitus (tinnitus). The use of a hearing aid, to some extent, masks tinnitus by recreating a rich and vivid sound picture of life. But tinnitus is very insidious - it disturbs a person, mostly in silence. Here, special listening modes come to the rescue - for example, Widex developed the ZEN program, which generates relaxing tones according to a certain algorithm. This unique program plays harmonic tones in a random sequence, thus creating a melody that never repeats. Listening to this program in silence shifts the user's attention from tiresome and annoying vascular noises to relaxing music. ZEN is a real SPA for your hearing!

Possibility of using additional accessories. Wireless technologies.

Most of us, using our mobile phone, computer or even TV remote control every day, take wireless communication for granted. For hearing aid users, however, this technology is relatively new, and is especially relevant for patients with severe hearing loss. With the help of assistive devices that are compatible with hearing aids, it has become possible to push the boundaries of sound comfort even further. Users can now enjoy the benefits of not only instant wireless communication between two hearing aids, but also convenient connection to TV, phone and music playback devices, as well as convenient wireless hearing aid selection and adjustment. We live in a world saturated with information. Mobile, instant, always offering something new: information, entertainment, communication. Premium hearing aids now allow you to wirelessly communicate with other devices such as your mobile phone, audio system, TV and even PC for a more complete experience.

Wireless communication with your mobile phone.

Now talking on a mobile phone has become even easier. Accept an incoming call using the button on the special remote control. You will hear the voice of the interlocutor in stereo quality (binaural) in hearing aids. Leave your mobile phone in your pocket. Chat more!

Wireless connection to your TV.

Enjoy optimal audio sound when watching your favorite DVD as well as any TV program. No more background noise, acoustic distortion and feedback! Sound is sent directly to your hearing aids. No more arguing over loudness.

Wireless connection to your favorite music.

Now there are no more obstacles between you and your favorite music. Wireless technology sends the sound of an audio system or MP3 player directly to your hearing aids in stereo quality. Your hearing aids become next generation headphones!

Of course, it is impossible to list all the advantages of Premium class hearing aids in one article, but we have noted the most important of them, without which it is impossible to get closer to the sound of the surrounding world, which a healthy normal hearing ear can give.

The most frequently asked questions about premium devices.

1. What famous brands make premium hearing aids?

Currently, every branded hearing aid company has a Premium category in its lineup. Of course, the technical developments and capabilities they provide may differ, so it is important to clearly articulate your needs and expectations from a hearing aid in order to decide on such a variety. An audiologist will help you make the right choice.

2. Where can I buy premium hearing aids at which audiology center?

Now almost every hearing center has a complete range of hearing aids, which includes simple hearing aids of the basic segment, and more advanced hearing aids of the middle price category, and, of course, the Premium class. It should be noted that when buying a hearing aid, you also acquire the skills of an audiologist who will provide the necessary adjustment of the device in the future, and an engineering service that is responsible for warranty service and post-warranty technical support. Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing a hearing aid center where you will purchase a hearing aid, focusing not only on the price of the device, but also on the qualifications of audiologists, as well as the availability of a technical service center.

3. Does it mean that the most expensive hearing aid will be the best one to compensate for any hearing loss?

No, it doesn't. All people are very different, and their hearing loss is also different. In general, hearing aid is an exclusively individual process. Therefore, even a Premium class device needs to be chosen correctly. It is necessary to listen to several variants of such Premium devices, and taking into account the type of hearing loss, the degree of hearing loss, individual characteristics and wishes, make a choice.

Hearing aids are a group of medical electronic devices designed to correct the volume of ambient sounds perceived by a person in case his natural hearing is reduced. Usually, the appearance of a problem is associated with old age, but in fact, hearing loss can be congenital or develop as a result of various mechanical, acoustic injuries, complications of a number of diseases, or the consequences of taking certain medications. The use of such devices allows you to lead an active lifestyle, not to fall out of society.

Currently, there are several main types of these compact medical devices at the location of localization:

  • intracanal;
  • intra-ear;
  • behind the ear;
  • Pocket.

All of them have undoubted advantages and certain disadvantages, therefore, in each case, they are selected individually to consult with a specialist in audiology. Such equipment is produced by specialized companies that, over decades of work on the world market, have introduced many high-tech solutions to create comfortable, functional, aesthetic models.

The best of them are:

  1. widex. Founded in 1956 in Denmark, the family-owned company today distributes state-of-the-art hearing aids under the eponymous brand in more than 100 countries. The manufacturer occupies the 6th place among the largest competitors with a product share of about 10%. Its enterprises are located not only in Denmark, but also in Estonia.
  2. Phonak. The Swiss company has been dedicated to hearing problems and advancing new technologies for over 70 years. As part of the Sonova Group holding, the company consistently offers innovative new products, entire lines for adults and children, the possibilities of which determine the development of this market segment in the near future.
  3. Oticon. Another Danish "monster" in the medical technology segment, with a history of almost 115 years. It is one of the top three manufacturers in the world and is considered the first to produce a fully digital as well as an automatic device.

The best in-the-ear hearing aids

In-the-ear devices are technically advanced models that are quite compact, located at the beginning of the ear canal without causing discomfort, and are able to compensate for the symptoms of hearing loss up to 80 dB. In addition, they are practically invisible from the outside, which makes them popular especially among young people and middle-aged people.

4 Widex Clear 330 C3-XP

Maximum resource intensity
Country: Denmark
Average price: 85,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The reputable company offers an in-the-ear hearing accessory that is in demand by every person whose hearing loss is grade II or III. The 10-channel model gained popularity thanks to the new, more advanced C-ISP platform, enhanced by Widexlink wireless technology. The latter expands the boundaries of communication through the ability to easily connect to a smartphone, TV or multimedia.

Of the useful options, users are attracted by the presence of 4 basic acoustic programs in the device, additional Zen for relaxation and advanced settings for individual correction. When paired with a hearing device, the working potential of the device increases. The built-in speech amplifier will make your stay in a noisy environment pleasant. The owners also refer to the advantages of a large resource of the power source - 140 hours.

3 Phonak Virto Q70-13

Small and natural sound
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 90,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The digital type in-the-ear model has gained recognition due to its compact size, excellent compatibility with the ear canal configuration, and wide functionality. Special technical solutions cause blocking of wind noise, fast adaptation to changing conditions of the sound environment. The ZoomControl navigation system easily tracks the direction of the sound source and transmits it in a natural way, without distortion.

The high quality of communication is also ensured by suppressing feedback. Without increasing the volume, you can hear the speech of the interlocutor clearly, even when you are in a crowd. This is due to the activation of the diffuse noise technology Stereozoom. Hearing accessory is equally useful for children and for the elderly. Its moisture-proof body is quickly addictive, does not cause discomfort during prolonged wear. The common ZA13 mini-battery is used as a battery.

2 Oticon Opn 1 312 2.4G NFM 85

High-tech equipment
Country: Denmark
Average price: 42500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The in-the-ear device from an old company with solid experience in this product segment is suitable for mild to moderate hearing impairment. This innovative development received a faster sound processing platform, resolution in 64 frequency channels allows you to feel confident in any company or at work when communicating with several colleagues at once. Powerful noise reduction system OpenSound Navigator effectively combats ambient sounds, creating a comfortable environment.

Thanks to special technology, the perception of quiet speech and individual sounds is improved by 20%, which the owners of the devices in the reviews attribute to the undoubted advantages of the model. The manufacturer also took care of protection against excessively loud noises. The sound indication system helps to draw attention to the low battery charge in a timely manner, which is designed for 50-60 hours of continuous operation. It is possible to control the device through a smartphone application.

1 "Assistant RM-505"

The best solution for I degree of hearing loss
Country: Russia (produced in China)
Average price: 2300 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The leader of this category received a lot of good feedback from the owners, since the well-thought-out streamlined design of the case does not cause discomfort when placed in the ear, and is not afraid of mechanical damage. A large selection of earbuds included in the set helps to achieve better contact with the outside world. The integrated battery is designed for up to 45 hours of continuous operation when fully charged using a special device.

Of the useful options, the developers have provided a toggle switch that controls the operating mode and a volume control. The rustling of leaves in the wind and the sounds of the voices of loved ones will acquire clarity, the necessary purity and power. This type of hearing aid is most convenient for a person who wears glasses, since the absence of behind the ears eliminates contact with the temples. Advantages of the model: The set includes 5 pairs of different size ear tipssimple wired chargerprotective case, strap and cleaning brush. The disadvantages includeon long trips, dependence on the mains.

The best behind-the-ear hearing aids

This direction has long been mastered by manufacturers and is a classic. But even here there is always something to choose from in an innovative format, especially since the behind-the-ear part of the devices has become almost invisible in many cases. The technical component is in the continuous introduction of new technologies.

4 Istok-Audio Vityaz

Ideal for grade IV hearing loss
Country Russia
Average price: 5000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Due to the fact that all component parts are produced at Russian enterprises, the quality of devices and the price remain the most attractive. Elderly users with severe hearing impairments are satisfied with the low weight of the model, but at the same time with high power, ease of use and maintenance. Analog sound has no feedback and is well detailed. You can select the desired volume level and operation mode.

The undoubted advantages are a reliable assembly of the device, a maximum gain of up to 81 dB and the ability to quickly replace the battery. The appearance of the design is aesthetic, the housing is ergonomic flesh-colored. All basic settings can be made conveniently from the outside. Advantages are usually transparent sound-conducting tube 3 trimmers, FM compatible,4-level volume control. The device has3 modes of operation set with a switch. It is important thatthe battery compartment is locked if necessary.

3 Phonak OK! M 050-0900-01

Unique audio technology
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 6000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The high-quality hearing device is developed on special technology. It integrates borrowed and "interpreted" in its own way, the AudioSet sound amplification system. Largely due to it, a good effect of the perception of surrounding sounds is achieved, which is based on the automatic suppression of extraneous noise and the prevention of feedback. The device is easy to use, and its only drawback is its too conspicuous appearance.

Product advantages - development is based on efficient audio technology, observedactive suppression of extraneous noise and feedback,reliable body. Causes negative emotionsdark body color, which clearly stands out when worn.

2 AXON V-185

Maximum customer demand
Country: China
Average price: 1000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Not the most powerful hearing aid, but given the cost, its functionality is quite attractive. The device is conveniently attached to the ear, without causing negative emotions, it is hardly noticeable due to the skin color. The kit includes 3 pairs of durable soft eartips that are easy to care for. The transitional part of the design contains a microphone, which provides a generally high-quality perception of sounds both indoors and outdoors. When talking on the phone, you must individually select the optimal distance, otherwise extraneous noises or whistling are possible.

The device control unit is located on the behind-the-ear housing. Users appreciate the presence of a volume control, an on / off slider that saves battery power. The supplied AG13 battery is provided here. Among the advantages of the model, which scored good marks in the reviews of the owners, usually indicate a weight of 8 grams, a reliable sound amplifier, and a hard mini-case that is easy to carry.

1 Siemens Digitrim 12XP

Best Sound Clarity
Country: Germany
Average price: 9500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Siemens Digitrim 12XP is one of the best hearing aids in its price range. Everything is explained quite simply: taking care of human health is one of the priority issues, so the production of low-quality products is an unaffordable luxury. The device brilliantly compensates for III, IV degree hearing loss, and in terms of sound purity and the level of extraneous interference, it could compete with the most expensive models. Its configuration is done manually, without the participation of third-party software.

The automatic noise reduction system works almost flawlessly. Instrument operation does not require installation of additional software and configuration through hardware, all settings are made manually. The disadvantage of the modelcase material requires very careful handling.

The best in-ear hearing aids

The model range of this type has enormous competitive advantages: the device is absolutely invisible from the outside, attracts with its minimal size, perfectly preserves the naturalness of speech, and does not create distortions. Modern technologies and materials guarantee safety during deep intracanal use of mini-techniques.

4 Siemens Intuis CIC

Minimum price per category
Country: Germany
Average price: 17,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The digital programmable device is indicated for use in hearing loss I and II degree. The product is ergonomically designed to fit neatly in the ear canal without irritating it. The case is protected by a special nano-coating from moisture, ear secretions and dust. Therefore, the owner of the device is always confident in the reliable operation of such equipment, regardless of weather or other adverse conditions. The use of anti-phase feedback suppression technology improves the quality of the speech stream.

The devices of this line are characterized by 4-channel compression, which allows you to fine-tune the entire spectrum of sounds from quiet to loud. The noise reduction system in the model is present, and is considered quite effective. For microphones, 4 individually configurable work programs are provided at once. The battery life is designed for approximately 4-5 days in the active phase.

3 Phonak Virto Q50-10 NW

Quality build
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 54,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The manufacturer classifies this device according to the “Standard” type, endowing it with a whole range of possibilities. First of all, with the help of such a device, you can conduct a high-quality dialogue on the phone - without distortion, extraneous noise. In addition, the signal transmitted immediately to two ears is well received in a wide range of frequencies, including high ones. An elderly or young person becomes socially active, it is easier to navigate in a changing sound environment.

The 12-channel device is equipped with UltraZoom technology, which allows you to instantly isolate speech from background noise. At the same time, unpleasant sounds are suppressed, as is feedback. Built-in optimized ventilation minimizes occlusion. The Virto Q series model, thanks to the QuickSync system, allows you to set similar settings on another hearing aid with one click on the software button or volume.

2 Oticon INO CIC

Best model with memory
Country: Denmark
Average price: 25,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The main distinguishing feature of the device is the high build quality, which ensures the reliability of its operation and a trouble-free long period of operation. The development belongs to the basic line and is intended to compensate for hearing loss I, II degree. The proprietary Rise 2 platform contributes to good detailing of the speech stream. Among the positive aspects, the owners of the device highlight dynamic feedback suppression, adaptive directivity, and noise reduction.

The small dimensions of the housing allow it to be comfortably placed directly in the ear canal. All the functionality declared by the manufacturer is carried out in full, although additional options are clearly not enough.

Among the advantages feedback suppression system DFC 2,the presence of an automatic regulator of addiction,provided artificial intelligence AI,memory option. The disadvantages include equipmentwith just one user program.

1 Widex Mind 220 M2-CIC

Efficient programmable tuning
Country: Denmark
Average price: 49,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

For those diagnosed with I-III degrees of hearing loss, the digital device has become a guide to the half-forgotten world of bright and rich sounds. According to reviews, users often install it when attending social events: lectures, conferences, concert or exhibition programs, etc. Each elderly or young person can set up the installed channels and programs individually in a matter of seconds without much difficulty.

Built-in noise reduction system, the ability to adjust the volume will help you feel confident in any environment. The positive side is the dual signal processing, which clearly identifies the entire spectrum of sounds. 5-channel mode and the ability to activate 3 installed programs, along with a continuous work cycle of up to 125 hours, are considered unconditional advantages in reviews, as is the presence of a voice message generator SmartSpeak. Among the minuses are called not very convenient installation / removal of the power supply and the high cost of the device.

The best pocket hearing aids

This type is not as common on the market as the previous ones, however, contrary to some statements about the inattention of manufacturers to it, it can be argued that the rumors are clearly exaggerated. Currently, powerful and very convenient models are being produced, not only analog, but also digital. They are easy to use, the design is quite modern, and the replacement of batteries is comfortable even for an elderly person.

3 Zinbest HAP-40

Stealth, decent equipment
Country: China
Average price: 950 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

This is a great solution for an elderly person and all members of his family. Such a sound amplifier is equipped with 3 pairs of earbuds of different sizes at once, so everyone will quickly choose the best option for themselves. The device as a whole is light (19 grams) and compact (42x9 mm), fits neatly in the hand, in the pocket of trousers, on the belt with the help of a special clip. The flesh color of all elements makes them hardly noticeable to others.

A bright plus is the presence of a wheel on the case for adjusting the volume. Moreover, it is located in a recess to avoid spontaneous rotation. The device amplifies sounds at a distance of up to 20 meters. Therefore, it can be worn not only indoors. The cord that connects to the ear tips is 1 meter long, which does not restrict movement, while at the same time there is no sagging. To the negative points, some users refer to the placement of the microphone on the body of the structure. However, the sound quality is quite good, the maximum gain reaches 50 dB. Please also note that AAA batteries are not included in the kit.

2 Axon F-28

Stylish design
Country: China
Average price: 1600 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The original outwardly analog device resembles an audio player with a more practical twisted cord connecting the body of the device with an earmold. Smooth movement of the volume control allows you to make the sound pleasant to listen to. Simple functionality and low price make the technique attractive for use.

Advantages of the model - sound increase up to 50 dB, availabilitya spectacular ear insert with a comfortable silicone tip (in a set of 3 types of different sizes), a clip for wearing, a hard case. Received negative feedbackWeak battery that doesn't last long.

1 Xingma XM 999E

Best case ergonomics
Country: China
Average price: 1100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

When purchasing a pocket portable device, it is important that it is not bulky, large in thickness, and does not have sharp corners. All these requirements are met by a device that is more suitable for an elderly person, who is less mobile compared to young people. The model is presented in a modern plastic mini-case, its finishing material is pleasant to the touch, retains heat well, and the entire control unit is unobtrusively placed on the side panels.

Soft ear tips are easily selected according to the size of the auditory canal and are fixed without any problems, without creating inconvenience during movements. A remote receiver, a directional microphone, a special volume control, noise reduction, a compact clothespin for attaching the case to clothes are the advantages that users repeatedly highlight in reviews. Thanks to the switch, the speaker is separately tuned for low or high frequencies in the range of 300-4500 Hz. The operation of one AAA little finger battery, which is not included in the set, is calculated on average for a month.

Thanks to modern technological advances, people with hearing impairments have an excellent opportunity to clearly hear the speech of other people and other sounds. To solve your problems, you can choose a quality hearing aid. Moreover, world brands offer many reliable models.

Principle of operation

Inside the device is a microphone that captures sound waves. After that, they enter the converter - this element recognizes sounds and makes them louder.

Then they go to the built-in speaker. This component of the apparatus is responsible for the transformation of electrical signals into sound waves. Thanks to these processes, concentrated sound does not enter.

Today there are quite a few varieties of such devices. However, electronic devices are the most popular - they can adjust to the noise level. The undoubted advantage of such devices is the ability to amplify waves of various frequencies.

The photo shows the point of placement of different types of hearing aids in the ear


According to the technology of processing sound signals, all hearing aids are divided into two groups. These include the following:

  1. analog devices. Their work is based on a fairly simple principle: they amplify all sounds without focusing on human speech and suppressing extraneous noise. This type of device is considered obsolete. Their only advantage is their low cost.
  2. . Such devices are considered modern. They are perfect for people with hearing impairments of varying degrees. This type of device differs from analog devices in appearance and the ability to correct hearing. The main task of digital devices is to amplify sounds and separate extraneous noise.

Hearing aids differ in power, design, number of channels and other parameters. Depending on the location, the device can be of the following types:

  1. - according to reviews, they are considered the most affordable type of device. The main part of the device is located behind the ear, while a wire with special inserts is inserted into the ear canal. Such devices have many varieties, so a specialist should select them.
  2. - must be made to order, taking into account the anatomical features of the structure of the ear. Such devices are localized inside the auricle, and therefore occupy almost all of its space. The undoubted advantage is ease of use and the ability to regulate sounds.
  3. - they are placed inside the ear canal. Therefore, the device must completely repeat its shape. These devices are made individually after making a cast of the human ear. They are very compact, light in weight and practically invisible to others.
  4. Pocket devices - are considered not the most popular type of hearing aids due to their large size. However, they are often prescribed to elderly patients who, due to their age, cannot use small devices.

Rating of the best hearing aids

Can only a doctor based on the results of the diagnosis. However, the rating of the most popular devices includes such devices:

  1. Phonak VirtoQ90 nano. This premium fixture is made by a Swiss company and can be used for compensation. This in-ear device is invisible to others. With its help, a person can clearly perceive speech. At the same time, all extraneous noise is blocked.
  2. Widex Mind 330. This development of Danish scientists is suitable for people with various hearing losses. The basic principle of operation is considered to be a double signal conversion system. Thanks to the presence of an adaptive program, the device instantly adapts hearing to external conditions.
  3. Bernafon Chronos 5 CP. This Swiss behind-the-ear device belongs to the middle class of devices. It can be used to compensate for hearing impairment of medium and high levels. Speech clarity is achieved using a special channelless technology - Bernafon.
  4. Bernafon Inicia 3. The Swiss device helps to correct hearing at 2-. This device belongs to the economy class category and has a channelless digital processor. It helps to capture sounds in audiologically complex disorders.
  5. Phonak Cassia microP. This Swiss device is designed to restore hearing of average and. In the manufacture of the model, the technology of a high-speed microprocessor is involved. The device is included in the category of automatic devices.

What is the difference between hearing aids, see our video:

To find the best hearing aid, you need to consult a qualified audiologist. The specialist will recommend a high-quality device, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the wishes of the patient.

Not every elderly person with a hearing impairment uses a hearing aid. Meanwhile, this is the only real opportunity to return to normal life and feel comfortable again both at home and in the city - for example, on a noisy avenue. Unfortunately, the environment unfairly attributes age-related decline in intelligence and interest in life to many elderly hearing-impaired people. After correction, signs of impaired social adaptation disappear or are significantly smoothed out.

The most important detail: the hearing aid is prescribed exclusively by an experienced audiologist, who first of all conducts audiometry. There are so many models on the market that one cannot do without the help of a hearing care professional who takes into account individual characteristics.

How are hearing aids for the elderly different from regular ones?

  • they are focused on the lifestyle of an elderly person;
  • simple and convenient to use (for example, the battery does not need to be changed too often);
  • made taking into account the financial capabilities of the pensioner (the most expensive models automatically disappear);
  • the absence of "extra" functions (it is unlikely that for an elderly person the ability to connect to an iPhone is fundamentally important).

So, there are many hearing aids. Which to choose? Sufficiently powerful, reliable and comfortable, of course. Some older people are convinced that hearing aids can impair hearing. But if the choice of hearing aid was made correctly, no changes for the worse will occur. Another common misconception that is typical for people of age: “I hardly go out anywhere, so I don’t need a hearing aid.” In fact, it is also very important to hear the speech of loved ones clearly again and stop turning on the TV “to the fullest”.

Is it possible to order an inexpensive device from Aliexpress for an elderly relative? Yes, but with great care. Models from China are really cheap, but the question is how long such a device will last.

Types of hearing aids for the elderly

Analog hearing aids

They are still in demand, since the price for them is now low (there are models even for one and a half thousand rubles). The main disadvantage of such a device is that it amplifies not only speech, but also extraneous noise. This is quite unpleasant, especially at first, when the brain is just starting to get used to new conditions. Putting up with echoes and whistling in the ears is sometimes problematic.

Advantages of analog devices:

  • their price is lower than that of any digital models;
  • many hearing-impaired people have got used to analog devices, everything suits them;
  • power is sufficient for an elderly person.

Digital hearing aids

A modern digital device is a minimum of unwanted sounds. The digital converter makes speech clearer, and suppresses “left” noise. Almost all users note clean sound after individual tuning. There are many additional features (such as wireless, TV streamer, mini microphone and remote control).

Do these devices help with tinnitus (that's the "official" name for the constant, annoying ringing, squeaking, or buzzing in the ears) that often accompanies the aging process? It depends on the model. The patient should be sure to warn the doctor about such symptoms. There are a lot of digital hearing aids that successfully cope with this problem (the tinnitus masker function). Sometimes a person feels the difference almost from the first hours of wearing the device, and sometimes the "internal" tinnitus disappears gradually.

Behind the ear hearing aids

Consider behind-the-ear models. What are their pros and cons?


  • simplicity, reliability, durability, convenience;
  • relatively low price with sufficient power;
  • the ability to easily configure the device;
  • Batteries "live" for a long time (10 - 30 days).

What disadvantages do users most often complain about?

  • behind-the-ear hearing aids often make glasses feel like a hindrance;
  • some types of physical activity are problematic (for example, morning exercises or yoga);
  • others see that you are wearing a hearing aid.

Most often, such devices are really visible to strangers, but you don’t need to worry about this: people who have come out of adolescence are not embarrassed about glasses? The visibility or invisibility of the device is an indirect factor, well-being is much more important.

In-the-ear hearing aids

Such models are now very popular, but not among the older generation (their prices are quite high). The following types of such devices can be distinguished: conch, channel, mini-channel and deep-channel.

  • in-the-ear hearing aids are barely noticeable or almost invisible;
  • are made according to individual measurements, do not constrain;
  • successfully suppress external and internal tinnitus.
  • high prices, especially for the smallest models;
  • it is not always easy for an elderly person to independently configure the device;
  • batteries are weak.

What should an elderly person do with an in-the-ear (and any other) hearing aid before visiting the pool, bath or sauna? Be sure to remove it: water ingress, as well as humidity and high temperatures, adversely affect the operation of the device. However, there are already waterproof models that can withstand even a long stay under water.

Pocket hearing aids

Now they are gradually fading into the past. Even elderly patients of hearing care specialists choose such devices quite rarely. The disadvantage of devices of this type is their size (especially in comparison with compact in-ear devices), as well as various household inconveniences. There are enough advantages: high power, which helps to compensate for especially serious hearing impairments, ease of operation (even if the fingers constantly tremble or are affected by arthritis).

The best hearing aids: rating of models

So what are the best hearing aids? What devices do Russians prefer to buy for themselves or for their elderly relatives?

Recall that prices depend on the type of device and on the specific model.

Hearing aid reviews

Unfortunately, there are no universal models, but not only the recommendations of the doctor, but also the reviews found on the Internet will help you choose a good hearing aid. We have selected a few typical ones.

“Hearing has deteriorated relatively recently. I am 60 years old, I worked for a long time in production in a noisy workshop. I chose a modern hearing aid to not only hear others better, but also to hear the annoying ringing in my ears worse. He spat on invisibility, preferred the behind-the-ear option, it is quite powerful, not very expensive and simple. The series is called Risound Wear, the model costs about 30 thousand. So far, everything is fine, it has adapted completely.”

Alexander Evgenievich Khromov

“Grandma said that the Siemens Motion hearing aid does not run out of batteries as quickly as the previous one (it takes one in two weeks). And she did not find any shortcomings, which is great. Grandmother is disabled (disability is not associated with hearing loss, her hands do not obey well), so for her we purchased a model with simple settings. I got used to it quickly, about a week, it seems. We do everything according to the instructions, everything has been working for almost six months already. The device is removed at night and before taking a shower.

Nikita Belyaev

“For a long time I wanted to buy for my mother (79 years old, severe sensorineural hearing loss) a normal hearing aid, not the cheapest. The old one was so-so: its only advantage is the battery and charger, and not batteries, which leave at a cosmic speed. Mom's friend with the same problem advised Phonak Bolero. They listened to the advice.

Pure sound! Very good clarity. Automatic settings. In her mother's old apparatus, she said, at times there was a sound like from a rain barrel. I got used to the new hearing aid quickly, there are no complaints, on the contrary, she smiles and jokes that she is now ready to eavesdrop on her granddaughter's chatter with her friends.

Svetlana T.

“The sound quality of the ReSound Verso is satisfactory. Granny was afraid that the small in-the-ear hearing aid would fall out every now and then (and be sure to get lost), but the doctor was able to quickly dissuade her. Indeed, this Risound serves the conscience, all the characteristics are satisfactory. I remember how my beloved grandmother literally cheered up before her eyes when she realized that she now hears what she had almost forgotten: the sound of a woodpecker during a walk in a nearby forest park, the voice of a beloved guide (unfortunately, he is very quiet, even healthy people tense up at a short distance , although the person in question is knowledgeable and generally wonderful). Good quality, thank you".


Where to buy an inexpensive hearing aid for the elderly - addresses in Moscow

Moscow is a lot of specialized stores with the widest range, the only thing that can confuse you is the price. Buying budget hearing aids for the elderly is real. It is better to find inexpensive models on the Internet in advance, and make the final choice on the spot. Remember that even the cheapest hearing aids make life much easier for the hard of hearing.

When deciding where to buy a hearing aid for an elderly person, be guided not only by location, but also by reviews on the Internet. Ideally, the store should be combined with a diagnostic center. This is very convenient for a person of age, there is no need to move around Moscow once again.

Addresses of stores "I Hear":

  • Moscow, Strastnoy Boulevard, 4, building 1, 2nd floor, office-68B (1-3 minutes from metro station Chekhovskaya, Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya)
  • Rostov-on-Don, Kommunistichesky pr. house number 20

How can a retiree get a free hearing aid?

Did you know that hearing aids are available for free? This is not a myth. In Russia, there is a state program aimed at improving the quality of life of low-income deaf people.

What steps should be taken?

  • medical examination and determination of the degree of hearing loss;
  • if the patient is a pensioner and has hearing loss of the third or fourth degree, then the head physician issues a referral to the ITU;
  • passing medical and social examination (ITU);
  • obtaining a hearing disability and inclusion in an individual rehabilitation program (IPR) indicating the necessary characteristics of the hearing aid.

Further, there are two ways for pensioners: you can get a device in a state institution, or you can purchase it yourself and write an application for the required monetary compensation. True, the money will not be returned immediately (within thirty days), in addition, you will have to collect a package of documents, keep sales and cash receipts, present a doctor's opinion and more.

Hearing aids for the elderly with various hearing impairments - a return to normal life (if the device is correctly selected). Thanks to the excellent choice of budget models, you can save up for a good device even from retirement.

As the body ages, many functions are impaired. The work of the hearing organs is no exception. Hearing loss is quite common in older people. To cope with this problem and normalize the quality of life, you can use hearing aids. It is important to remember that only a doctor can prescribe this device.

Hearing aid indications

The main symptoms that confirm the need for a hearing aid in an elderly person include the following:

  1. Loss of the ability to respond normally to high frequency sounds that were previously heard without much problem.
  2. Age-related processes that lead to a narrowing of the ear canal. They can also provoke thickening.
  3. The appearance in the ears of extraneous sounds that provoke discomfort.

At the same time, there are some contraindications that are a significant limitation to the use of such devices:

  • problems with motor skills of the hands;
  • eczema of the dermis of the auditory organs;
  • dysfunction.

In addition, experts categorically prohibit the use of such devices for patients who have convulsive or epilepsy. Contraindications are any pathologies that can provoke a sudden onset of seizures or uncontrolled activity.

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