Outline of the lesson on the world around (senior group) on the topic: Traveling around the Crimea. Implementation of the regional program "Crimean wreath" in the pedagogical process

MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 9 "Fire - bird" of the municipality of the city district of Simferopol

Republic of Crimea


integrated lesson using folk games

in mixed age group No. 4

with the Crimean Tatar language of instruction

"Crimea multinational"

Prepared by:

teacher Ametova G.R.



Target. Continue to acquaint children with the traditions, customs, rituals, folk games of the Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar peoples.

Pay attention to what is common, similar, unifying in traditions.

To cultivate respect for people not only of their own nationality, but also for other peoples inhabiting Crimea.

Continue to learn to coordinate movements with the text, consolidate the skills of orientation in space.

To cultivate dexterity, speed, endurance, communication skills.

Create an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect.

Equipment. Woodpecker hats and swallows for outdoor games, hoops, audio recording of music (of different nations), grain, coins, coal, motanka dolls, a blue bead.

The song is about Crimea. Children come in national costumes.

Child: Our native Crimea, our native Crimea

Gathered peoples brotherhood.

And everyone is happy to say now

A heartfelt hello to all. (in three languages)

Educator: Children, there is an amazing peninsula on earth, which is inhabited by peoples of different nationalities. Each nation has its own language, symbols, traditions and customs. For all of us, this peninsula is the Motherland, the place where they were born and work, where our parents and friends live. Have you already guessed what we are talking about?

Children: This is our Crimea.

Educator: And who will say what our Crimea is?

Children: Fairy tale, magical, sunny, marine, beautiful, bright, green, etc.

Educator: Correctly. We live in the Republic of Crimea. It is part of Russia. The main wealth of Crimea is its people; many, many different peoples live on the peninsula. They have different names, different customs and traditions. Look at the map of the peninsula and remember what nationalities live in Crimea?

Children: Russians, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, Armenians, Jews, Greeks, Germans, Bulgarians, Karaites, etc.

Educator: Indeed, our Crimea has become a home for many people. And they all want to live in peace and friendship.

Child: Even if there is little space

Still, we are not crowded here.

Together we are one family

All nations are friends here.

Educator: Well done! Today we will talk about some of the peoples living in our common home, next to us: the Crimean Tatars, Russians and Ukrainians. And it doesn't matter that people speak different languages, it is important that we, in Crimea, live together, one big family with our own traditions, customs and rituals. Guys, who knows what a tradition is?

Child: Traditions are the rules that are followed in the family, they are passed on from the older generation to the younger.

Educator: Guys, who will tell us about the customs of the Crimean Tatars?

Child. I know the customs of the Crimean Tatar family. In these families, children kiss the hand of their parents, grandparents as a sign of respect for their elders.

Educator. And when they fulfill the request of the elders, they are told "Live longer than me."

Child. Much to be regretted

What is now forgotten

As a token of love and respect

Kissing hands.

Educator. Who else will add what other customs the Crimean Tatars have?

Child. On the third birthday of a child, the mullah reads a prayer and whispers the name of the child three times in his ear. A blue or blue bead is tied to the hand to protect the child from the evil eye.

Educator. Good custom, good tradition. And for each nation, folk holidays and festivities were considered traditions. At these festivities, people competed in strength, dexterity, and ingenuity. Do you remember what these games were called?

Children. Folk Games.

Physical education instructor. So I want to offer you to play the folk Crimean Tatar game "Aydynyz Balalar".

Child. Togerekke tez - tez turynyz

Oinin bashlayik.

Children stand in a circle and say the words:

Aydynyz balalar

Boo (child's name)

Ortamyzga alaik.

Onet Yapsa Bizde Oney

Ep birlikte yapayik.

Children repeat the movements of the child they have chosen.

(children in Russian costumes come out)

Educator. - What customs can you tell us about?

Child. In Russia, a long time ago, when a baby was bathed for the first time, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers put coal, grains and coins in a basin of water.

Educator. - And why do you think they put these things in a basin of water?

Child. - When they put the coal, they said - get used to the warmth of the house.

And when they put the grains, they said, always be full.

When they put coins, they said, always be rich.

Educator. And, of course, always healthy. What do you think you need to do to be healthy?

Child. Temper, do exercises, walk in the fresh air and play different games.

Child. We know many Russian games

We are happy to play with them.

Physical education instructor. And I suggest you play the Russian folk game "Swallow and the Bees".

Russian folk game "Swallow and bees"

(Children run in all directions, imitating the flight of bees, the presenter says the words)

Bees fly, honey is collected.

Zoom, zoom, zoom

Zoom, zoom, zoom - 2 times.

The swallow will rise and catch the bees.

(children in Ukrainian costumes come out)

Children. Good morning, ini taemo

Educator. - What do we remember about customs and rituals in Ukrainian families?

Child. At the birth of a child, they made a doll - a motanka - a “baby”. This doll looked like a baby in swaddling clothes. She was placed in a cradle to the baby, so that she would protect him from the evil eye, protect his sleep, and protect his health.

Child. And I know that a doll was a talisman for the home and family. In the head, which was used to hide a coin, grain and wool of a sheep for prosperity and family comfort. For harmony in the house, a motanka - beregina, a cross was necessarily wound on the face. Such a doll was hung or placed in a corner, from the side of the sunrise.

Educator. Guys, pay attention that dolls - motanok do not have a face. Because it was believed that if a motanka doll has a face, then an evil spirit can move into it.

Physical education instructor.

To our sacred

Druz i in calling,

Together with him i mi today

AT i let's play the group.

And I’ll call it “Woodpecker”

Ukrainian folk game "Woodpecker".

Children. Walk the woodpecker through the granariesi, shukae grain of wheati.

Woodpecker. Maine inot alone, whom I want, that ini zmu.

(Children are looking for a mate).

Educator. Guys, today we got acquainted with the traditions, customs, folk games of different nationalities. The main thing is that we live in peace and harmony.

Child. You take care of the wisdom of the peoples,

Live together in friendship and joy,

Always be famous for the friendship of peoples,

Native city and native land.

Educator. Let the friendly peoples be a big family

glorify you,


Physical education instructor. (slide 19)

A colorful island named Crimea

There is a wonderful place in the world.

Tatar, Greek, Armenian, Karaite

Everyone lives here together.

Guys, what do I have in my hands?

Children. Wreath.

Look at the beautiful flowers in this wreath. All different: blue, yellow, red… and they are all woven into one single whole.

Love each other,

Be friendly

As in this wreath - these flowers!

The children go to the music. (song "Together friendly family!")

MBDOU No. 30 "Birch"

Control lesson

in the middle group

Traveling in Crimea

Middle group teacher No. 3

MBDOU No. 30 Afanasyeva O.M.

Simferopol 2014

Travel across Crimea

To the music of V. Shainsky “Smile”, children enter, greet the guests.

Educator: Guys, we live in a wonderful picturesque place. What is it called?

Children: Crimea.

Educator: Look at the map of our peninsula. What does Crimea look like?

Children: On the plane. On a big fish, on a bird, on a cross.

Educator: What cities of Crimea do you know?

Children's answers

Educator: We are always happy to receive guests. How do they get to us?

Children: They come by planes, come by ships, come by trains and cars.

Educator: Why are they going to Crimea?

Children: Sunbathing, swimming in the sea, eating fruits, drinking mineral water, smearing with healing mud, climbing mountains, admiring nature.

A boy enters to the music, with a “sun” mask.

Educator: The sun came out and warmed us up. What color is it?

Children: answer.

Educator: What else is yellow?

Children: Sand, banana, lemon, starling nose, autumn leaf, etc.

Children sit down and lay out numbers, from one to ten.

Educator (guesses a riddle).

What kind of yellow lumps are mincing after a mother-quack

You guys recognized them, but it's ......

To the music of "Chick-chick, my chickens," children dressed as chickens enter.

Educator: See who is in the middle, who is on the right, who is on the left?

What are the names of the mother and father of a chicken?

Children's answers

A chicken child shows a paw, the children count how many fingers he has in front, behind, how many legs he has, how many chickens in total, raise the corresponding figure.

Educator: Guys, in our Crimea, in addition to yellow sand, there are also meadows and forests. What color are they, what else is green? What else is green?

Children: Forest, leaves, grass, crocodile, cucumber, etc.

We have wonderful gardens with fruits and vegetable gardens in Crimea, let's go there.

Before us are two paths of flowers: one is narrow and long, the boys must go along it, the other is wide and short, the girls choose it.

Children choose the appropriate path and follow it, uttering a chants, accompanying it with rhythmic exercises.

Children: Let's go to the forest for raspberries

Picking sweet berries

The sun is high

And a path in the forest

Sweet you are mine

berry raspberry

At the end of the path, the children pick up a raspberry, on the back of which vegetables or fruits are depicted.

This is what we have harvested in our garden.

It's time to make preparations.

We will cook borscht from vegetables, and jam from fruits.

Children pronounce the names of vegetables and fruits and put vegetables in a pot and fruits in a jar.

Educator: Let's go to the forest with you now. How should one behave in the forest?

Children's answers

Sounds like a recording of birds chirping. Children walk through an imaginary forest.

Educator: Try to find out whose bird voices you hear now?

Educator: invites the children to sit down and make birds.

Two children choose an image of birds, separately add migratory and non-migratory, naming them.

Educator: And here is the meadow. You are tired, let's sit down. Children sit down, put on "magic glasses", and say their cherished desires to the singing of birds.

Educator: well in the forest, but it's time for us to move on, to the blue water. What reservoirs do we have?

Children: Rivers, lakes, the Black and Azov seas.

Educator: Lays a blue cloth.

D / and "Say a polite word - step over the river."

D / and "Catch a fish in the river."

Educator: Finally we reached the sea.

Educator: He puts on the captain's cap to the music, a marine physical minute takes place.

Educator: This is how beautiful and wonderful our Crimea is. We will definitely travel along it further. In the meantime, it's time for us to return to our kindergarten.

The journey is over.

Purpose: to expand the knowledge of children about their native land, about the Crimean peninsula. To form children's ideas about the history of the Crimea. Formation of an understanding of the responsibility of each person for the prosperity and well-being of the native land in which you live. To acquaint with the history of the ancient cities of Crimea. To develop cognitive activity, the desire to learn as much as possible about the Crimea. To promote the development of horizons, imagination, curiosity, observation, memory. To cultivate a sense of patriotism, pride in one's own land, interest in the past, love for one's native land. Material: map of the Crimea, illustrations of the ancient cities of the Crimean peninsula, cut pictures of finds during excavations.

GCD progress

“The children got up, stood in a circle, a friend on the left and a friend on the right.” Guys, let's hold hands, smile to each other and say hello.


Good morning, the birds sang, Good people get out of bed, All the darkness is hiding in the corners,

The sun rises and goes on business Good morning to all of us and guests! Let's smile at each other.

Children today we have an extraordinary journey ahead of us. And where we will travel, you will find out if you guess the word. And to guess it, solve the examples and correctly arrange the letters.

K - 4-3 R - 6-4 S - 7-4 M - 8-4

Educator: We will travel correctly along the Crimean peninsula. Guys, each person has his own wonderful, wonderful corner on earth - the place where he was born. Crimea is our home. Living in your native land is happiness!

No wonder it is called sunny Crimea!

The merry sun is shining over him!

And in the sky such a blue above him

What's spinning, spinning head!

Clouds float, sway a little,

They lean on the mountains.

There they sleep quietly over the steeps,

And at night they become clouds. (L. Kondrashenko)

caregiver : Crimea is an amazing land with a bright and glorious history, which is deeply rooted in the past.

Once upon a time, our Crimean land was deserted, with rich fertile lands, with a mild climate. This could not but be noticed by the first ancient people who settled on the Crimean land. They called this people - Taurians, hence the first name of the Crimea - Taurica.

Tauris and Cimmerians, Scythians and Greeks, Sarmatians and Romans, Goths, Huns, Avars, Bulgarians, Khazars, Slavs, Pechenegs, Cumans, Karaites, Mongols and Crimean Tatars, Italians and Turks lived in Crimea in different historical periods.

The ancient people who settled on the Crimean land about a hundred thousand years ago went hunting, fishing, raising bees, raising livestock and farming.

The land of Crimea has experienced many bright events, migrations and conquests. Some peoples came to this region, others disappeared, and with them the names of cities and the name of Crimea changed - Tavria, Taurida.

A lot of time has passed since then. Crimea has become an invaluable treasury of cultural monuments of many peoples. "Crimea - "Museum under the open sky""

Educator: Do you guys know what a "Museum" is?(children's answers)

Educator: yes - this is an institution where valuable works of art, objects and documents of cultural, scientific, historical significance are stored, studied and exhibited for display.

Open-air museum- any museum in which valuables are exhibited outdoors. Such museums include sculpture parks, miniature parks, museums of aviation, military equipment, transport, museums of structures. Historical buildings are not just separate exhibits, but form an interconnected complex, that is, entire cities, villages, fortresses. Visitors can visit there and get an idea of ​​the history of the area.

We know about that distant past from historians studying the history of the emergence of Crimea, from archaeological excavations. During excavations, archaeologists found clay tablets, according to which they found out that the cities of Crimea had other names.

And now I propose to go to some cities of the Crimea and visit the “Open Air Museum”.

Phys. minute "We're going."

Educator: And the first city we came to is Ancient Chersonesus, repeat. Now it is the city of Sevastopol.

Tauric Chersonesus - can be called "Museum under the open sky". Translated from the ancient Greek language means "peninsula", and this name is not surprising, because the settlement was located on the Heracleian Peninsula of Crimea. (shows on the map).

In 1783, 16 bells were brought from the city of Taganrog to Chersonese. All of them ended up in different churches of the city. Some of them, including this bell, were given to the monastery of St. Vladimir in Chersonese.

Unfortunately, all the bells were destroyed, and this one was called the "Misty Bell". He gives sound signals during bad weather and fogs, warning sailors about the proximity of the coast.

The foggy bell, St. Vladimir's Cathedral, the ruins of Christian dwellings are some of the most famous monuments of Sevastopol.

Educator: Did you like it?

Phys. minute "We're going."

Educator: And the next city we came to is Ancient Panticapaeum, repeat. Now it is the city of Kerch.

Panticapaeum means “fish route”, because there have long been fish factories here, even in this city he minted coins, which soon became the main monetary unit of the kingdom.

The whole city was surrounded by a powerful system of stone fortifications, these fortifications were called « Bospor Fortress. It is located on Cape Ak-Burun. The fortress was built to protect the southern borders of the Russian Empire.

In the vicinity of the city there was a necropolis (cemetery). It consisted of mounds under which the Scythian leaders who lived in the city are buried. The barrows still make up one of the most striking sights of the Kerch environs. The most popular burial mound is Kul-Oba or Golden, or Tsarsky.

Over time, Panticapaeum gets the name Karsha, or Charsha, which means market in translation. Then - Korchev, and now - called Kerch.

Educator: You are interested? Then we go further.

Phys. minute "We're going."

Educator: And the next city we came to is Ancient Naples, repeat. Naples is translated as "new city". It was the capital of the Scythian state. Scythian kings lived here. Now it is the city of Simferopol, which is also the capital of Crimea.

The ruins of the ancient city of Scythian Naples today represent the historical and archaeological reserve of Simferopol. There are guided tours. The buildings dug out of the ground represent the exposition of the Open Air Museum.

Educator: Interesting? Then let's play.

Didactic game "Finds of archaeologists".

Purpose: to instill interest in the historical past of the native land.

Material: image of various objects, consisting of 4-8 fragments.

Game progress:

Children collect a picture from fragments: antique amphoras, various household utensils.

Educator: tell me where all the finds that were found during the excavations are stored?

That's right - in museums and tourists, visiting them, learn a lot of interesting things about the past of our peninsula.

Crimea, with its colorful landscapes, fabulous nature, healing and clean air, gorges, waterfalls, caves, attracts many people. Crimea is a pearl, "an open-air museum".

Educator: Guys, why do people go to Crimea? (children's answers).

It is true that to get acquainted with the sights of Crimea, visit the ancient and cave cities - Chufut-Kale, Mangup-Kale, Eski-Kermen. Let's repeat the names of these cave cities. (show on the map)

caregiver : Guys, you know that Crimea is multinational. Representatives of 175 nationalities live on the peninsula. Each of these peoples has its own customs, traditions, national culture, language, differences in clothing, and celebrations.

All peoples are so different, but they have one common home. And this house is called Crimea. Our Motherland is with you.


Motherland is a big, big word!

Let there be no miracles in the world,

If you say this word with soul,

It is deeper than the seas, higher than the heavens!

Educator: Love and protect your native land. Be proud of your history. And in order for our Crimea to flourish, it is necessary to strengthen the friendship and unity of all peoples living on the Crimean land. You need to know your history and protect historical monuments. It is necessary not to destroy and break, to protect and build.

So our journey around the Crimean peninsula ended. Did you like it?

Summary of the lesson:

What was the name of Crimea many centuries ago? Taurica

What ancient cities have we visited today?

Why is Crimea called the "Open Air Museum"?

(museums showing examples of architectural structures outside of institutions)

Why do tourists like to visit Crimea? (interesting here)

Let's say what our Crimea is. (sunny, beautiful, interesting, mysterious, magical, beloved)

Well done, guys, today you all listened carefully, and learned a lot of new and interesting things.

Whoever wants can come up and take a closer look at the sights of the cities that we talked about today.

Theme: Mountainous Crimea


To expand, enrich, deepen the knowledge of children about the region in which we live, about the Crimea;

To form a sense of patriotism by comprehending the concept of "Motherland";

To form ideas about the Crimean mountains and caves;

Consolidate knowledge of the legends of the Crimea;

To fix the rules of behavior in nature - a forest, a cave;

Develop coherent speech of children, teach how to build sentences correctly, use epithets in speech;

Create a positive emotional mood;

To cultivate a sense of love and pride for the native land, the desire to protect it;

Material for the lesson: map of the Crimea, illustrations of the Crimean mountains, illustrations of the Crimean caves.

Lesson progress:

Children enter the hall and sit on the chairs in a semicircle, greet the guests.

Educator: Today I want to start our lesson by reading a poem. Listen carefully.

This land is wonderful, where the blue of heaven is,

Blue sea and green forest

Brook ringing and cheerful thunder,

This is the smell of bread, this is the father's house

Motherland is our native side,

You are the best country on the planet.

Teacher: What is this poem about? What is the name of the country in which we live, our Motherland?

(children's answers)

Child: We have one Fatherland,

Vaughn is called Ukraine.

About Ukraine - native land

You know and remember.

Educator: Ukraine is a big country, our big motherland. What is the name of our little

Motherland, our native land? (Crimea, Autonomous Republic of Crimea)

What is the name of our hometown? (Alushta)

Child: Our town is small

Yards with flowers.

Smells like the sea native land

Sultry winds.

Educator: The most native place on the globe for each of us is Crimea. Ours live here

parents, friends, you yourself were born here. Crimea is amazing and fabulous. With the word "Crimea" people associate the hot sun, warm sea, inviting mountains, bright sunny colors of the magnificent Crimean nature. Since ancient times, the Crimean peninsula has attracted people with a mild climate, a wonderful combination of steppes, valleys, sea, mountains, rich flora and fauna. People from all over the world want to visit here. The Crimean land is small, but it gladly welcomes guests, because its owners are hospitable people - Ukrainians, Russians, Crimean Tatars ... What is another name for us - those who live in Crimea? (Crimeans)

Educator: Yes, we are Crimeans and Crimea is our home. Many poets and writers admired the beauty of Crimea, wrote poems and stories about Crimea.

Let's listen to poems about Crimea that our guys know.

Child: Crimea is our Motherland, remember this!

Do not spare your soul for her sake,

Let this green island

Peaceful, kind sun rises!

Child: Crimea is a health resort and this is a miracle garden,

Crimea is fruits and sweet grapes,

Crimea is the sea and heavenly places,

Crimea is a cool beauty of the southern mountains!

Child: Krim is the blue black sea,

Krim - ce skele, lіs i burn,

Krim - licorice grapes

A beautiful and fluffy garden!

Child: The world is beautiful at any time of the year

Caresses the sun's gaze or bad weather

On the rocks the waves are beating, the ferocious sea is far

Snowdrops bloom, almonds on the slopes of the mountains

Gorgeous forest, beautiful mountains

Garden flowers, endless expanses ...

Educator: And what proverbs and sayings do you know about your native land?

Children: At the native edge of the garno yak in paradise.

The native land is an earthly paradise.

There is no more beautiful country in the world than ours.

Everywhere is good, but home is better.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

The native side is the mother, and someone else's stepmother.

Educator: Let's take a look at the map of Crimea.

Why is Crimea called a peninsula?

What seas is Crimea washed by? Show on the map.

What can you say about the Black Sea? What can you say about the Sea of ​​Azov?

What was the name of the Crimean peninsula before? (Tavrida, Tavrika)

What else is there on our beautiful peninsula? (Forests, rocks, rivers, lakes, caves, mountains, animals, plants, etc.)

Sounds audio recording "Noise of the forest"

Teacher: Let's have some rest. Hold hands, stand in a circle, close your eyes for a moment and listen to the sounds of the forest.

Hello forest, dense forest full of fairy tales and wonders

What are you talking about with foliage, dark, stormy night?

What do you whisper to us at dawn, covered in dew and silver?

Who is hiding in your wilderness: what kind of beast? What bird?

Open everything, do not hide it, you see - we are our own!

Educator: So you and I ended up in the forest, in the Crimean forest.

Why does the forest grow in the Crimea only in the mountains? (Trees love moisture, coolness, and in the Crimea it is very hot in summer and trees can only escape from the heat in the mountains.)

Educator: The Crimean mountains are very beautiful and picturesque. They are represented by several mountain ranges - External, Internal and Main. The Crimean mountains are steep on the southern slopes and gentle on the northern slopes. The mountains have flat tops, which are called "yayla" - plateau-like summer pastures in the mountains, they are treeless, but they have a huge variety of herbs and flowers.

What Crimean mountains do you know? (children's answers)

Now let's learn a little about each mountain.

Ai-Petri (photo show) is the most beautiful mountain of Crimea, a symbol of the Southern coast. It is characterized by sheer rock walls, sometimes stepped, but all difficult to access. Therefore, climbers love to conquer this mountain. The northern slope is more gentle, covered with forest. Ai-Petri protects the coast from cold northern winds. The top of this mountain is covered with snow all winter. Yalta is located at the foot of the mountain.

Demerdzhi (show photo). The slopes of Mount Demerdzhi are dotted with bizarre stone sculptures, reminiscent of either people, or fantastic animals, outlandish birds, but most often towers, columns, pillars, mushrooms. In the evening or at night, the figures amaze with their fantastic outlines. Therefore, this slope of Demerdzhi is called the Valley of Ghosts. There are more than a hundred such stone "ghosts" here. On the south side of the mountain, one of the weathered figures resembles a woman's head. Demerdzhi is also called Mount Kuznets. Why?

What legend do you know? (children's answers)

Mount Kostel (photo show) is located on the southern outskirts of Alushta, behind the Working Corner. In ancient times there was a fortress on its top, therefore the mountain is called “Kostel”, which means a fortress, but now there is nothing left of it.

Babugan (photo show) is the highest massif of the Crimean mountains. On Babugan-yayla is the highest point of the Crimean mountains - Mount Roman-Kosh. Babugan-yayla is a nature reserve.

What is a reserve?

The reserve is a specially protected area, an inviolable piece of land where rare and valuable species of animals, plants, natural, cultural and historical monuments, etc. are preserved and protected.

Ayu-Dag or Bear Mountain (photo display) is so named for its obvious resemblance to the formidable owner of the forests, it is seen as a beast inclined towards the sea.

Child: Bear Mountain lies to itself,

Nose covered with paw

And the kids are walking by

The clubfoot is not terrible!

The mountain will not roar

Even though her name is Bear!

Educator: Why does the poem say that children are walking near the mountain? (At the foot of the mountain there is an international children's camp "Artek")

Bear Mountain has a unique flora and fauna. There are plants that do not grow anywhere else in the world. Ayu-Dag is a natural reserve.

What legend about Bear Mountain do you know? (Brief retelling of the legend)

Karadag (photo show) or Black Mountain was a volcano many years ago, here you can find many different minerals and semi-precious stones. Karadag is a state reserve, located between Sudak and Feodosia.

What legend about Karadag do you know? (Brief retelling of the legend)

Chatyr-Dag (photo show) resembles a giant tent, which is the reason for the name - often called Palat-mountain, Tent-mountain, a whole cave country is located here.

The audio recording "Noise of the forest" sounds

Teacher: Now let's have a rest. Close your eyes and imagine yourself as snow covering a mountaintop. Snowflakes slowly swirl, fall. But then the sun warmed up, each snowflake opened its eyes and smiled at the sun, smiled at each other. And then the snow began to melt, turning into droplets, drops merge into jets, jets into streams. And streams ran from the mountains.

(children perform movements, at the end they sat on chairs)

Educator: Water is very strong, it erodes everything - sand, clay, stones, limestone, expands and deepens cracks. Water has been doing this work for many centuries, and caves have formed in the Crimean mountains.

What is a cave? A cave is an underground cavity, a space that has an entrance, the dimensions of which allow a person to enter the cave, has its own climate, its own air temperature, air humidity, its own system of rivers, lakes, its own flora and fauna. They lack lighting.

What caves in Crimea do you know? (children's answers)

Educator: The Marble Cave is one of the five most beautiful caves in the world. It welcomes visitors with huge halls with bizarre forms of formations, the rarest types of crystals.

The Red Cave (Kizil-koba) is one of the largest in the Crimea. This is a whole system of galleries, wells, underwater lakes.

Thousand Head Cave. Why is it called so? What legend do you know about her? (Brief retelling of the legend)

Educator: Guys, you know well the rules of behavior in nature, in the forest. What do you think, what rules of behavior must be observed in the cave?

Do not throw garbage, do not throw anything into underground rivers, lakes;

Do not stray far from adults, follow the guide's recommendations;

Do not touch the walls with your hands, do not write anything on the walls, do not hit the walls;

Don't run, don't scream;

Do not kindle a fire;

Nothing can be taken out of the cave - a bad omen;

Do not touch, do not interfere with the sleep of bats;

Do not stick your arms, legs, head into various crevices;

Walk strictly on fenced paths;

Educator: Caves are formed for a very long time and their parts, components are very vulnerable, they cannot be restored. Therefore, we need to strictly observe the rules of behavior in the cave in order to preserve these natural monuments.

Guys, you have homework. Tell parents, grandparents at home the rules of behavior in the caves and why they must be observed.

And I want to finish our lesson with the words of the famous Russian writer Mikhail Prishvin: “For a fish - water, for a bird - air, for a beast - forest, steppe, mountains. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson for children of a group preparatory to school.

Topic of the lesson: "Our magic Crimea".

Program content: to reveal the knowledge of children about the geographical position of the Crimea, about the seas washing the peninsula, about the inhabitants of the Black and Azov Seas, to form ideas about the Crimea as a great place for recreation and health promotion; to consolidate the knowledge of children about the Crimean resort towns: Feodosia, Sudak, Alushta; introduce the hero city of Sevastopol; clarify knowledge about the international children's center "Artek"; continue to learn to coordinate nouns with adjectives in gender, number, case, answer questions, select words-definitions; develop cognitive activity, create a positive emotional mood; to cultivate a feeling of love for the native land, respect for nature (the sea); to systematize children's knowledge about the capital of Crimea.

Dictionary: peninsula, capital, amazing, magnificent, fertile, charming, excursion; Feodosia - art gallery, I. K. Aivazovsky, A. Green, port of Yalta; Sevastopol - Monument to the lost ships, national glory; marine life: katran, dolphin, crab, jellyfish, needlefish, sea urchin, horse mackerel.

Material: a map of Crimea, folders with sights of cities: Feodosia, Sudak, Alushta, Yalta, Sevastopol, illustrations "Sea inhabitants", pictures for coloring "Sea inhabitants"; didactic material for the game "Decipher the intended word by the first sound."

Lesson progress:

1). Conversation about the Crimea.

Educator: Now I will tell you a legend about the origin of the Crimean land. Many years ago there were only seas on the planet. But then the sea began to worry, the water began to seethe, boil, waves rose, land appeared from under the water, a small piece of land that had this shape. (Show map of Crimea). There were mountains, rivers, waterfalls, steppes and valleys. Over time, trees, herbs, flowers, shrubs grew on this land, animals and birds appeared. So the most beautiful corner of the Earth appeared on the planet. Children, did you guess what this fabulous land is called? (Crimea).

Educator: That's right, guys, we'll talk about the Crimea. What is the name of our peninsula on which we live? (Crimean Peninsula).

Educator: Why is it called a peninsula? (Because it is washed by the seas on three sides).

Educator: Look at our Crimean Peninsula on the map. It really is. What is the name of the peninsula? (Autonomous Republic of Crimea).

Educator: Our Crimea is an amazing land. Both the guests and the Crimeans themselves love him. Our peninsula is fabulously beautiful. To convey their impressions of what they saw, poets living in the Crimea create many lyrical poems. I will read you an excerpt from a poem written by A. S. Pushkin.

Who has seen the land where the luxury of nature

Oak forests and meadows revived

Where the waters rustle and sparkle merrily

And the peaceful ones caress the shores.

Where on the hills under the gentle vaults

Gloomy snows do not dare to lie down?

Tell me, who saw the land more charming? ... Educator: What words did A. S. Pushkin describe the Crimea?

Reading a poem by I. Korobkin about the Crimea.

Crimea is a health resort and this is a miracle garden,

Crimea is fruit, it is sweet grapes.

Crimea is the sea, these are heavenly places,

Crimea is a steep height of the southern mountains.

Crimea is a fairy tale, looked into the eyes.

2). Simferopol is the Crimean capital.

Educator: There are many cities in Crimea. And the main city is located in the center of the peninsula. This is the capital of Crimea. What's the name of this town? (Simferopol).

Educator: What does the name of the city of Simferopol mean? (Translated from the Greek "Sympho" - I collect, "polis" - the city.).

Teacher: Why do you think they call it that? (All people who come to Crimea first come to Simferopol, and then leave for other cities and regions of Crimea).

Educator: I suggest you tell about the cities of your native Crimea. Imagine that you are guides, during our travels we will visit resort towns, get acquainted with their sights. Everyone will have a map guide. (Children read poetry).

Our main city is Simeropol.

Southern beauty - white capital,

Above Salgir, the willow looks in the mirror.

He is famous for his good disposition and is proud of people

Simferopol is my city, the Crimean capital.

Simferopol - the heart of Crimea,

City of heart and warmth.

Southern city, how beautiful you are,

This is my homeland!

(Showing a folder with photos of the city of Simferopol, a short story).

3). Acquaintance with Feodosia.

Educator: And now we will go to the eastern part of the Crimea. We are located in the city of Feodosia.

Physical education minute: an outdoor game "We are going, we are going, we are going to distant lands."

Educator: Theodosius - God-given beauty of the earth is primeval,

Golden sand at your feet. A young tree reaches for the sky.

A bunch of grapes shines with the sun, it will enchant the night with the aroma of roses.

The beauty of the earth, given by God, Theodosius is a desirable daughter.

Aivazovsky warmed by the heart, and sung by the verses of poets.

Educator: In this city, you should definitely visit the gallery of I. K. Aivazovsky. This artist lived in Feodosia, did a lot for the city, built a station and a railway. He loved the sea very much. Ivan Konstantinovich painted a lot of pictures about the sea. There is a house-museum of Alexander Grin (writer) in Feodosia. For six years he lived in Feodosia, wrote many interesting stories "Scarlet Sails", "Running on the Waves", "Golden Chain".

4). Sudak is a fortress city.

Fizkultminutka: relaxation gymnastics to the music.

Educator: Let's close our eyes and imagine that the warm sun is shining on us, it warms us. Its rays glide over our faces, shoulders, arms, backs, legs. But now the sun is gone. Open your eyes.

Educator: The further south we move, the more mountainous the coast becomes. These are the mountains that blocked the sun for a moment. Look at the fortress (Show picture).

Educator: This fortress is a symbol of the city of Sudak. What can you tell about this city? (Children's statements).

Educator: Sudak is located in the Sudak Valley. On all sides it is surrounded by picturesque mountains. There are health resorts and sanatoriums. Grapes grow in the Sudak Valley. The freshness of the Black Sea, grape berries help people improve their health and go home tanned, healthy and happy. Hear how modern poets describe the city of Sudak in their poems.

*Pike perch crowned with the crown of the fortress, keeping the mysteries of bygone centuries.

On the Black Sea, on the Sea of ​​Eternity, caresses the pebbles off the coast.

I live enjoying you, I breathe your beauty.

Well, how not to be proud of you, you are my dear Sudak.

What bays, mountains, beaches, such clear water,

We should always be proud of such nature, where we live.

Educator: I suggest traveling further.

Dynamic pause: I walk, walk, walk, I don't sit still.

I run, I run, I run, I can't move without movement.

5). Wonderful Alushta.

Educator: The city of Alushta is on our way. What can we tell about Alushta.

(Children's statements).

Educator: Translated from Greek, "Aluston" is a draft.

No Alushta without a rotunda

And tall cypresses

And chestnuts and large fragrant magnolia flowers.

In the lush color of roses and the lovely Primorsky Park is buried

And the trolley bus drives downhill to the Rabochy Corner.

Educator: Alushta is a health resort, there are many sanatoriums, boarding houses and rest houses where people from any corner of our country can relax, improve their health, improve their health. Alushta has unique monuments of nature, history and culture. (Children's story about the sights of the city of Alushta).

Educator: Crimean reserve, Aluston fortress, Professor's corner, monument and museum of S. Sergeev - Tsensky, Aquarium, "Crimea in miniature", rotunda on the embankment, monuments to partisans and heroes of the Second World War, local history museum and a tank - a monument in honor of the liberation of Alushta on April 15 1944 - these are the sights that can be seen in Alushta. So, we send to travel to Yalta. The mountain is right in front of us. What does she look like? And what is it called? (Answers of children).

Educator: Bear-mountain lies to himself, covers his nose with his paw,

And the children walk nearby, the clubfoot is not terrible.

After all, the mountain will not roar, even though its name is Bear.

6). Children's health center "Artek".

On the coast of the Black Sea, near the Bear Mountains, there is a children's health center "Artek", where children from all over the world have a rest. Children in Artek swim, sunbathe, go hiking, hold competitions, dance, play. And most importantly everyone is friendly.

In the south, by the Black Sea, there is a cheerful kingdom of children.

About the sea in the vast expanse, perky songs sound.

It cannot be compared with azure, all other seas are blue.

In all cities and capitals, there is a rumor about Artek.

Do you know what friendship is? (Answers of children).

Educator: Remind sayings and proverbs about friendship.

One for all and all for one.

There is no friend - look for, but found - take care.

Die yourself. And save a friend.

Strong friendship cannot be spilled with water.

Friend is known in trouble.

Educator: In Artek they like to play different games. Let's play the game "We are funny guys."

7). Legendary Yalta.

Educator: The next city, which is located on the Black Sea coast, is Yalta.

This city is Yalta. Look buddy

Sunny skies, yellow sand.

A strong wave hits the concrete side!

She invites us to visit.

Educator: Do you know the legends about Yalta? (Telling the legend by children).

Educator: A long time ago a ship set off from Greece. The ship has been at sea for many days. The sailors were tired, they had run out of drinking water. The waves carried them further and further. And then one morning the sailors saw a wonderful shore in the distance.

Yalos, Yalos! the sailors shouted. The ship landed on the shore. The Greeks really liked it here. And they began to build a city on the shores of the friendly sea, which they called Yialos, which means "shore".

Educator: Which of you was in Yalta? What do you remember? (Answer children).

Fizkultminutka (music, the sound of the sea).

Educator: Seagulls are circling over the waves, we will fly after them together,

Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf, and over the sea we are with you!

We are now sailing over the sea, and frolicking in the open.

Rake more fun and catch up with the dolphins!

eight). City of national glory - Sevastopol.

Educator: And so we sailed to the famous city of glory Sevastopol.

A symbol of perseverance and glory, and the greatness of sailors.

Sevastopol is a city of glory, a symbol of the courage of centuries.

Sparks of eternal fire on the Malakhov mound

They freeze in gray stone, keeping the memory of the past.

They remember how Kornilov, wounded in battle, lay.

How, fighting, Nakhimov fell, the onslaught of the Turks withstood.

Veterans remember with pain about past battles.

Unhealed wounds, dagger, tunic in orders.

Sevastopol glory, and the precepts of antiquity

And a great power, glorious sons remember!

Educator: Sevastopol is a city of glory, a city is a hero! (Children look at photos of the monuments of Sevastopol).

Educator: Sevastopol is the main port of Crimea. Ships from different countries come here. Here is the base of the navy. Military sailors during the war years defended our Crimea from enemies. And now they are guarding the borders of Russia from uninvited guests.

Educator: Well done guys, today you learned a lot and talked about Crimea. Do you know why people go to Crimea? And what do they like most about Crimea? (Answer children).

Educator: Many people go to the sea, so we will go to the sea.

Physical education: We quickly went down to the sea,

Bent over and washed.

One two three four,

So nicely refreshed.

And now they swam together,

You have to do it by hand.

Together times is a bra

One hand is a crawl,

We all swim as one

We all swim like a dolphin.

Went out to the seashore

And we went home!

Educator: Do you know the inhabitants of the Black Sea?

9). Didactic game "Which word is encrypted?"

(crab, jellyfish, shrimp, star, dolphin, mussel, stingray, flounder, katran, horse, needle fish, ruff).

Educator: Why are crabs, jellyfish, mussels useful to the sea? (They filter the water).

Educator: Name the largest inhabitants of the Black Sea. (Dolphins).

Educator: They are kind and smart animals. Dolphins belong to the order of mammals, live in the sea, but cannot live without air, feed their young with milk.

ten). Didactic game "Who lives in the sea?"

Does a turkey live in the water? (No).

Does an iron live in water? (No).

Well, what about the watermelon rind? No.

Does a jellyfish live at all? (Yes).

And big tangerines? (No).

Are there dolphins in the Black Sea? (Yes).

Are there fish in our sea? (Yes).

Can't you count the crocodiles in it? (No).

Children splash in the water? (Yes).

Does garbage float in the water? (No).

Educator: Well done! I didn’t manage to confuse you, and you realized that the sea for marine life is their home, and in order for it to always remain clean and hospitable, you can’t throw garbage into it!

eleven). Artwork "Let's color the sea creatures".

See how many photos of marine life were taken with an underwater camera. Only they turned out black and white, ugly. Let's paint them in bright colors.

(At the end of the work, the children stick the drawings on a poster with a blue background).

Educator: Look at the three-dimensional panorama we got, you can see all the marine life. This work will decorate our group and will remind us of our travels.

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