How to distinguish a prophetic dream from an ordinary one

Helpful Hints

Often we have chaotic, meaningless dreams.

But dreams can also be prophetic. In this way, higher power they try to warn us of upcoming events, and perhaps even of impending danger.

How to understand what we dreamed exactly prophetic dream?

First you need to understand the very concept of a prophetic dream. What it is?

What is a prophetic dream?

Dreams that predict an upcoming event are considered prophetic or prophetic. In a dream, you can see fragments of the future and experience strong feeling that something bad is about to happen.

Sometimes you will experience in a dream what should actually happen (for example, choking on black smoke or being among people running in a panic).

How to understand a prophetic dream or not?

The fact is that a prophetic dream is not easy to recognize. As a rule, you will not know if a dream is prophetic until the event occurs. Only then will you be able to connect all the puzzles and understand that what appeared to you in a dream was a preview of what was supposed to happen in reality.

The only way to know for sure whether a dream is prophetic or not is to know your dreams for sure.

They differ only in the obviousness of the prediction - in some dreams, pictures can be clear and easy to remember. However, as a rule, prophetic dreams are veiled messages.

Sometimes, in dreams, completely fantastic non-existent images come to us that have nothing to do with our real life.

To understand what these images carry in themselves, you can start keeping a dream journal and carefully monitor what you dream about.

Please note that often, prophetic dreams are recurring.

All you need is to write down your dreams in detail. Try to do this in the morning, when the memories of the night's sleep are still quite clear and have not had time to dissipate.

It is enough just to outline the plot of the dream in several keywords or phrases. But if you have time, write down your dream in as much detail and detail as possible.

Then describe the events that happen to you during the day and identify the similarities between reality and dreams.

It is possible that some time later, after you start keeping a dream diary, you will be able to trace some coincidences or patterns that will help determine whether the dream was prophetic or not.

It should be noted that this process is not fast. It is important to be patient and be extremely careful here.

However, the result may please you: after a while you will receive a reliable tool for predicting future events.

Please note that the clearer and brighter your dream, the more important information it carries within itself.

As a rule, prophetic dreams prophesy to people the events of the coming day, sometimes weeks or months. Try to remember voices from your dreams. Very often it is voices that convey important information to us.

However, it is not necessary to unconditionally believe everything that comes to us in dreams. You just need to consider this information.

Here are the main signs that make it possible to understand that the dream is prophetic:

As a general rule, prophetic dreams are more intense than ordinary dreams, and can prompt you into a state of emotional urgency.

You may not understand what your dream means, but it still moves you into a state of restlessness and hyperexcitability.

In addition, your premonitions in dreams are rarely personal and concern only yourself. As a rule, events that concern other people are predicted in a dream.

Usually a prophetic dream is very strong, and the sensations that it causes remain with you long after you wake up.

What are prophetic dreams?

Types of prophetic dreams

It is important to know that a prophecy in a dream can come to you in different forms:

Through phenomena

Your spirit guide, guardian angel or deceased loved one may appear to you in a dream in order to tell you what is about to happen. This can be either a direct message or a message that needs to be decoded.

Through clairvoyance

You can become a witness to a particular event as if it were happening before your very eyes. You can clearly see people's faces, buildings and objects, as well as unfolding events.

Through sensations

You can feel fear, fright, anguish and other emotions that people experience in a dream. You can also feel the energy at the scene of the event shown in the dream.

You may also get a real feeling of something. For example, you can clearly smell the smell of smoke, which makes the dream more vivid and real.

Usually, when the danger that is about to happen affects many other people, you may find that other people have had similar dreams around the same time period.

Always remember that the events in a dream can very closely resemble an upcoming event in reality, or they can only be a symbol that something is about to happen.

What to do when you had a prophetic dream?

First of all, you need to remain calm and not panic, even if you saw something terrible in a dream. Remember that the future is not fixed by anyone and nothing, and even if your dream tells about a bad event in the future, it can still change.

It would be a good idea to turn to specialists. A psychiatrist can clarify your visions and give you a deeper understanding of what your dream might mean.

Since time immemorial, people have believed in the prophetic power of dreams. Dreams have always been of interest to different peoples world, who were looking in dreams for the interpretation and decoding of future events.

The Old and New Testaments often mention apostles and prophets who had prophetic dreams. by the most famous case is the moment when an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and informed him that Mary was pregnant from the Holy Spirit.

At the end of the 40s of the twentieth century, it was decided to collect in one place all the prophetic dreams that predict important events in the history of mankind.

To this end, in New York, a so-called Bureau of Prophetic Dreams . Every day, hundreds of dreams were collected in this place, which allegedly predicted various catastrophes and important events. These events were to take place in the world.

After more than half a century of the work of this center, specialists conducted a statistical analysis. It turned out the real prophetic dreams who really predicted global change in the world, there were only about 10 in total.

But the dreams of personal content, kept in the bureau, almost all turned out to be prophetic and came true in time.

When a person dreams about something, the same activity is observed in his brain as if these events were happening in reality. Whatever he does in a dream: jumping, running, dancing - his brain understands it as if a person were doing these things in reality.

This conclusion was made by researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry in Munich. They studied the brain activity of dreaming people. The task was not easy - to get more accurate results, experts have long been looking for volunteers who can control their dreams.

The neurophysiology of dreams is not an easy task. First, we often forget what we dreamed about. Secondly, how to correctly correlate the activity of the brain with the events occurring in a dream? For this, it is necessary that the volunteer at the same time be in deep sleep, and reported to the experimenter the events occurring in this dream. Phenomenon controlled sleep helps to solve this problem. Its main feature is that the dreamer is aware that he is dreaming, and can to some extent consciously control his actions in a dream. Only long hard training allows you to achieve the ability to control your dreams.

So, the researchers invited six volunteers practicing dream management to take part in the experiment. They must be dreaming of squeezing their right or left hand. If the practitioners fell into the right controlled sleep, then they had to give a sign - a movement of the eyes. Of course special equipment scanned the brain activity of dreamers.

In the conditions of this experiment, only two volunteers managed to see controlled dreams. However, thanks to another pair of participants, the researchers made sure that the activity of the motor cortex, which is responsible for the left or right hand, during the movement, dreaming of a volunteer, was exactly the same as if these actions were happening in reality. Hence the proof: a dream is not a movie. Its perception involves not only the visual analyzer, but the entire human brain.

Then why don't we really jump, run, and clench our hand during appropriate sleep? Researchers say that during a dream, the decision-making area of ​​the brain is silent. That is why the activity of the motor cortex, which is directly responsible for movements, is not realized. As a consequence, dreamers who are able to control their dreams clearly understand that they are dreaming. Therefore, it is possible to assert that the human brain does not distinguish between dream and reality only to a certain extent.

The authors of these studies did not stop there and in the near future they want to analyze the activity of the human brain during more complex movements - while running or flying a dreamer. For this, it will involve a large number of subjects who are able to control their dreams.

Some dreamers are worried about whether their dream will come true or not. The dream will turn out to be prophetic or ordinary. Others, on the contrary, claim that their dreams are always...

Suppose someone dreams that his tooth falls out with blood (a widely used symbol of death), and soon his father dies. This dream can be considered prophetic, but the message is transmitted in a symbolic form. The death of the father is literally not indicated in a dream.

In the broad sense of the word - all prophetic dreams. All dreams contain elements of prophecy, knowledge, or warning. But they can be communicated explicitly or hidden in symbols, as in the case above.

Thus the difficulty for the dream analyst is whether to interpret the dream (whether it is symbolic) or to take it literally. The above dream with a fallen tooth for someone could turn out to be a literal prophecy if you went to the doctor for it and ... lost a tooth. You breathed a sigh of relief. This prophetic dream turned out to be literal, associated only with the loss of a tooth, but not loved one. By the way, the reason for the appearance of a prophetic dream here is very transparent. Weak signals from the diseased root during sleep were more noticeable than during wakefulness.

A dream with a tooth falling out could also predict not physical losses (a relative, a tooth), but psychological changes. We could talk about the symbolic "withering away" of some stage in the dreamer's life (graduation from school, divorce, etc.).

Means, main question which we have to decide - to interpret the dream or meekly wait for its literal fulfillment.
“Imagine that you are looking at a landscape that opens up to you from a hill,” wrote the Indian philosopher Sri Aurobindo. - What is close, we see clearly, clearly. What is far away takes on a blurry outline. From afar, a pole may look like a man, and a stump a dog. This is how Aurobindo explained the symbolism of prophetic dreams predicting the REMOTE future.

Therefore, the more accurately we interpret the symbolic dream, the more opportunities we have to prepare for the upcoming event in order to survive it with the least loss.
In this way, main feature LITERAL prophetic dream - the speed with which the event predicted by the dream follows.
AT exceptional cases you may, however, see a literal repetition of the event months or even years after the dream. But these are no longer prophetic dreams, but a more complex phenomenon - paired events.

A practical conclusion from what has been said: if a disturbing dream has not literally come true within 3-5 days, proceed to interpret it. Translate disturbing pictures into signs of warning, hope. Learn useful lessons that will be useful to you in the future, will make you stronger and wiser!

Prophetic dreams in some cases can save a person's life. Therefore, many people would very much like to learn to distinguish the heterogeneous pictures that they see in a dream from real prophetic dreams, where each image can act as a harbinger.

How to distinguish a prophetic dream from a simple one

A dream that can be considered prophetic will certainly be unambiguous, vivid, very clear. Vague symbols and allusions may be present, but only in very a small amount. As a rule, in such a dream there is a maximum of clear information, sometimes absolutely literal.

People who live in harmony with their own subconscious, are attentive to the voice of intuition and those clues that dreams sometimes send are best able to recognize a prophetic dream. It is not difficult for such people to see and accept the help that the subconscious mind sends.

In the broad sense of the word, every dream is prophetic. Each of them contains elements of knowledge, prophecy, warning. They can be either explicit or hidden. In some cases, the event is repeated more and more persistently in a dream, and this is a rather alarming sign.

In what cases can prophetic dreams occur

It is far from always possible to see an unambiguous dream that does not have a hidden meaning. We can say that there is a chance to see him if a person is really threatened great danger. Basically, the subconscious still prefers to transmit information in encrypted form. For example, a war in a dream may mean a conflict that will soon happen in the family or at work. A collapsing house does not necessarily mean the destruction of the building - most likely, this symbolizes the cessation of some important life stage.

A prophetic dream, as a rule, is a kind of plot where the development of events will occur logically and in a certain sequence. Such dreams can in no way be called woven from scraps of some impressions. Instead of the usual scattered pictures, figures, images, faces, prophetic dreams are a kind of plot that develops over time.

In such a dream, many have the opportunity to influence the course of events in a certain way, to change it at their discretion. Prophetic dreams are always very realistic and perfectly remembered, and this facilitates its interpretation. The more accurate the information that the subconscious is trying to give us, the more opportunities to properly prepare for the event and survive it with little loss.


Do not wonder. Sometimes dreams are so realistic that even if you ask yourself the question - “Is this not a dream”, you can be a little confused. The first “test” is to remember how you ended up in this place and in this situation. In a dream, you can easily find a "hole" in the development of events. In reality, the chain is intact. I got up, washed, had breakfast, got dressed, went to work ...

Well, the most trouble-free technique is to read anything. Take any book, newspaper, business card, whatever you have at hand. Read 2-3 lines and then... read them again. The meaning will be completely different.

A little later, we will talk about the technique of falling asleep inside your dream. The level of realism of the second (embedded) dream is almost impossible to distinguish from reality.

Maybe someday you will realize that everything that surrounds you now, including yourself, is nothing more than a Dream. The dream of your dreamer. Someone dreams for the first time, someone for the eighth. The intention of our Dreamer's dream largely depends on this. From his dream experience.

It is impossible to change the Dreamer's Intention, but it depends only on us how we will go this way, light, with a smile or with anger and cursing everyone ... In order to make oneself happy or unhappy, a person spends exactly the same amount of energy. So what's the point???

To be continued.

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