Facial arch. ▶What is a facial arch and why is it needed◀. Why facebow treatment is effective

A beautiful smile is rarely given to anyone by nature. Dentists are often visited by people who need to straighten or whiten their teeth. To solve the problem of improper development of the jaw, doctors use various devices, including articulators and facial arches.

Dental articulator with facial arch: what is it

Bad heredity can cause tooth loss. To restore a beautiful smile, dentures are put in. Each person has a different structure of the jaw, the arrangement of the teeth. Therefore, at the beginning of prosthetics, the doctor receives the necessary data about the patient's jaw system. For this, articulators are used, which reproduce the movement of the lower jaw. If it is additionally necessary to determine the position of the upper jaw, a facial arch is used.

A dental articulator with a facial arch allows the doctor to understand and reproduce the trajectory of the jaw movement, to make a high-quality prosthesis.

The use of a facial arch in orthopedics and orthodontics

Facial arcs are actively used by orthopedists and. Such devices simplify, speed up work, allow prosthetics to be carried out at a high level.

In orthopedics, this design is used for:

  • Determining the position of the jaws relative to the bones of the skull.
  • Bite markings.
  • Creating a model of the jaws with the correct orientation and trajectory of movement.
  • Definitions of the rotational axis of the condyle.
  • Transfer of the rotational axis of the lower jaw and the position of the upper jaw into the articulator.

In the orthodontic field, the facial arch is used in conjunction with braces to correct the bite and align the dentition.

The design is applied in such cases:

  • The anterior teeth are strongly crowded.
  • It is necessary to correct the bite and improve the process.
  • After removing the crowding of the teeth, it is necessary to ensure the correct position of the molars.

Indications for installation

Modern dentistry uses facial arches with three types of attachment: on the head, neck, combined version. Which type is more suitable for a particular person is determined by the orthodontist.

Indications for the installation of facial arches are:

  • The lateral molars must be moved back and free space for the correct position of the anterior.
  • It is required to form the jaw of a child, a teenager.
  • The front row is aligned and the movement of the posterior teeth must be prevented.
  • It is necessary to maintain the correct position of the chewing elements when removing the front teeth.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any medical device is designed to solve a specific problem and has a number of advantages. Dental structures also have disadvantages, which the doctor is obliged to inform the patient about before starting treatment.

Benefits of using a facebow articulator:

  • Chewing function is fully restored.
  • The ability to check and straighten the inclination of the teeth relative to movement in the joint in the incisal (lateral) direction.
  • Ensuring the harmonious development of the jaws in adolescents and children.
  • Prostheses created according to the articulator are ideal for a person and are aesthetically pleasing.
  • The number of trips to the dental clinic for the installation of a prosthesis is reduced.
  • The load on the dentition is distributed rationally. This prolongs the life of the prosthesis.
  • Ensuring an aesthetically correct location of the anterior dentition relative to the lips, nose and eyes.
  • The face bow articulator is comfortable to wear. Therefore, the patient quickly gets used to it.
  • No contraindications for use.

Dental articulator with facebow

The front arc design has the following disadvantages:

  • The system can provoke problems with eating, diction, sleep.
  • An unaesthetic appearance causes psychological discomfort.
  • With complex pathologies of bite, the arc turns out to be ineffective.
  • Sharp parts of the device can damage the mucous membrane, causing inflammation, swelling, and bleeding of the gums.

Features of installation and use

To make a facial arch, an imprint of the teeth is made. To do this, a special material is applied to the bite fork and injected into the oral cavity. Pressed against the teeth of the upper jaw and held in this position until the material hardens. Then the device is removed. The impression is passed to the dental technician, who creates a facial arch structure.

The use of a facial arc has the following features:

  • Before installation, it is necessary to eliminate defects, check the integrity,.
  • If there are pathological changes in the tissues near the tooth (inflammation, ulcers), then the possibility of using a facial arc is consistent with.
  • The system should be worn 12-14 hours a day.
  • It is better to remove the system during vigorous activity in order to avoid traumatizing the face.
  • You should wear the device while sleeping, watching TV, reading books.
  • If a person is allergic to the structure, it is necessary to be examined by an allergist.
  • For children and teenagers, it is better to wear cervical facebows (they are the safest).
  • Every six months it is worth visiting the dental clinic for the doctor to sanitize the oral cavity.
  • If during the use of the device the patient's gums begin to swell and bleed, it is better to make an appointment with the dentist. It is likely that the pressure of the structure needs to be changed.
  • A dental articulator with a facebow should be worn for 4 months to a year.

Orthodontic facebow with bite fork

The most popular constructions in dentistry

Articulators and facial arches are produced by different manufacturers. The highest quality and safest systems are: Artex, Stratos 300, SAM 3 and SAM SE, ARCUS evo (KaVo).


Articulators and facial bows Artex are manufactured by Amann Girrbach. They are a flexible, ultra-precise system for simulating functional movements. Made from carbon fiber and metal alloy. The design is installed within two minutes.

Advantages of Artex:

  • Made from lightweight, hypoallergenic material.
  • Ergonomics.
  • The presence of three stable positions.
  • Ability to control the central position.
  • High accuracy simulation of jaw movements.
  • Elastic nose bridge projection.

Disposable forks Artex Quickbite

Stratos 300

Stratos 300 is a modern precision articulator. Available in different variations, provides the possibility of individual adjustment. Has a spacious columnar structure, ergonomic design. Efficient and easy to work. Suitable for those cases when a heavy restoration of the dentition is required.


  • The upper and lower frames are separated.
  • Compatible with split-cast coordination systems Quick-Split, Adesso-Split.
  • Possibility of blocking the central occlusion.
  • The articular axis is free to move.
  • ISS screw for side shift adjustment.

SAM 3 and SAM SE

SAM 3– cheap, fully adjustable articulator. For convenience of work there is a system of inclined supports. Bennett angle, sagittal articular path, incisal pin can be adjusted. The device is characterized by a wide range of accessories. Fitted with an Axioquick facebow.

SAM SE– lightweight and inexpensive high strength articulator. The model takes into account the characteristics of the skull. Adjustment of the angle of inclination of the articular path is available. The frame is made of high-strength plastic, so it weighs little. SAM SE comes with an AXIOQUICK® III face bow.

ARCUS evo (KaVo)

ARCUS evo is a facebow with fully or partially adjustable functions. Made from steel. Includes base pointer, anatomical ear olives, nose support, bite fork and bite fork holder.

Price and where to buy

Today, you can buy an articulator with a facial arch in dentistry. The purchase will cost from 2500 to 14000 rubles.

The following factors influence the price of the device:

  • device fixation type;
  • the person's age;
  • condition of the oral cavity;
  • manufacturing firm.

Incorrect bite is not only unsightly, but can also lead to serious problems with swallowing, chewing and speaking.

To correct improperly grown teeth, dentists use various devices, such as a facial arch and an articulator, the use of which is practiced in orthodontics, orthopedics and other branches of medicine.

Introduction to Dental Devices

In dentistry, facial arches are used in two cases:

  1. In , as a special design for correction.
  2. As a device that allows you to make an impression of teeth, understand the points of their contact, the location of the jaws, etc. This is a kind of template that is used to make complex dental structures.

In the first case, we are talking about a special design: it exerts constant pressure on the teeth and jaw, which allows you to adjust their position. Most often used for the upper teeth and is installed with.

In the second case, the device is used to take a "cast" and measure the position of the teeth and jaw. This allows you to take a model of the patient's teeth and use it to create complex dental structures, for example, or. This saves time for both the dentist and the patient, who does not have to come for fittings.

A dental articulator is a device that helps reproduce the movement of the lower jaw, used in conjunction with the facial arch to remove the template in the diagnosis and design of dentures, most often when.

The combined use of the facebow and articulator allows you to:

  • speed up the creation of the prosthesis and its fitting: the patient does not have to constantly come to the fitting, and the technicians can finish the work faster;
  • the finished version is more convenient, the patient quickly gets used to it, since everything is done exactly according to his teeth and jaws;
  • the load on the teeth is distributed more efficiently, which allows to increase the life of the prostheses;
  • teeth on the prosthesis are located better and more harmoniously.

The use of an articulator with facebows is extremely important in any orthopedic work related to the need to recreate the correct movement of the jaw.

Indications for the installation of a dental arch

If the patient is allergic to any drugs, he must inform the attending physician in advance.

If, when wearing a facial arch, discomfort or pain occurs, the gums swell and bleed, you should immediately consult a dentist. Most likely, the problem is too much pressure, but in no case can you reduce it yourself. The same must be done if the arc is bent or damaged.

Sam Axioquick Facebow

The minimum wearing time is 12 hours, the total period depends entirely on the complexity of the malocclusion. The facebow should be used regularly and is best done during quiet home activities.

Sleeping with the device should be extremely careful and only on the back, since the headband, especially if it is mounted on the head, and not on the neck, can slip off.

It is forbidden to wear an arc during active sports or games.

Care is not particularly difficult: it is enough to carefully put on and take off the device, metal parts can be washed with water.

Answers to burning questions

Q: How painful is fitting and wearing a facebow?

Answer: It all depends on the individual. It can cause discomfort especially in the first days of wearing, as the teeth are not used to it yet, but later they should pass. If the problem persists or your teeth hurt, you should see a doctor.

Question: At what age is a facial bow fitted?

Answer: It all depends on the physical characteristics. The facial bow can also be installed in children if there is a problem with the development of the jaw.

Q: How often do you need to visit a doctor?

Answer: A routine checkup should take place every six months, and a visit to the dental hygienist is also recommended.

Practical use

The opinion of patients who undergo bite correction with the help of corrective wires.

I've been wearing facial arches for about three months. During this time, the front teeth slightly “gone” back, the bite began to correct. At first, the jaw was very sore, I could not get used to the feeling that the upper jaw was being pulled back.

Installation took almost 15-20 minutes, but after a couple of weeks I got used to it, and everything started to take a few minutes. Now I’m used to it, and although it’s not difficult to call wearing arches comfortable, it has become more familiar.

Olesya, 18 years old, Murom

The facial arch was discharged to my son about a month ago for formation. The first days it was difficult for him to get used to it, it was difficult to eat, since braces were also installed along with the facial arch.

We went to the dentist with pain, but she said that everything is in order - the teeth get used to it and will soon stop hurting. Indeed, after three days the pain disappeared, the son even began to put on the face plate and take it off, he got used to doing it quickly and carefully. As the doctor said, everything is going well, small results are already visible.

Svetlana, 29 years old, Vologda

Issue price

The cost of installing a facial arc is affected by:

  • condition of the oral cavity: before installation, it will be necessary to cure the teeth and strengthen them;
  • patient's age;
  • type of fixation: on the neck or head.

On average, the price of installing a facial arc can range from 2 thousand to 14 thousand rubles, subsequent adjustments will start from 500 rubles.

The dental brace is a simple yet effective device that can correct an overbite in children and adults. Its installation should take place after a complete and thorough examination.

It is necessary to apply the facial bow regularly in order to achieve a good result. Basically, arcs are used together with braces and articulators, depending on the goals.

Anastasia Vorontsova

In most cases, for successful orthopedic and orthodontic treatment, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the patient's dentoalveolar system.

It is not easy to determine them by eye, so special equipment comes to the rescue - an articulator and a facial arch.

Currently, all orthopedic constructions are made using a facial arch.

This is necessary to obtain a high-quality result of prosthetics.

What is a facial arch

Facial arch in dentistry has two definitions:

The facial arch in orthodontics is an additional design that is used when correcting the bite in conjunction with the bracket system.

  • It is used to restrain the growth of the jaw and prevent the displacement of the posterior teeth.
  • Wearing the structure can be around the clock or limited to 10 or 14 hours.
  • Using an arc allows you to get the best results.

The facial arch in orthopedics is a mechanical device that acts as a template and serves to determine the parameters of the location of the jaws in three-dimensional space.

  • The facial arch is a U-shaped metal plate, which is fixed in the area of ​​the ears or temporomandibular joints with the help of ear (or articular) stops, and ends at the central incisors.
  • The part that attaches to the teeth is called the bite fork.
  • It is attached to the facial bow with a 3D locking device.
  • With the help of the facial arc, the parameters of the position of the upper and lower jaws and their movement are taken.

Application in orthopedics

There are two types of facial arches:

  • Average anatomical type of arch (portable arch). It is fixed with the help of ear (articular) stops at the point of the axis of rotation of the condyles. It is widely used in prosthetics with complete removable dentures.
  • Kinematic arc (axial) - allows you to get more accurate results.

When to apply

The facial arch in orthopedics is used:

  • To determine the ratio of the lower and upper jaws relative to the craniofacial system.
  • To transfer the position of the upper jaw and the axis of rotation - the lower one into the articulator.
  • To determine the axis of rotation of the mandibular condyle.
Photo: Modeling a prosthesis in an articulator

For bite registration, impressions are obtained using silicone mass or thermoplastic material.

After measurements are taken, the facial arch is removed and the obtained parameters are transferred to the articulator, which is a special device that allows you to simulate the movements of the lower jaw.

As a result of the application of the facebow, the dental technician receives models of the jaws with the correct orientation and trajectory of the patient's jaws.


  • The number of visits to the dentist for the installation of a denture is reduced.
  • The finished design is convenient and comfortable for the patient.
  • The period of getting used to the design is significantly reduced.
  • Efficiency of restoration of chewing function.
  • The load on the teeth is correctly distributed, which increases the life of the prosthesis or restoration, as well as the supporting teeth or implants.
  • High aesthetics and naturalness of the patient's smile.
  • Successful achievement of a cosmetic effect.
  • The harmonious arrangement of the front teeth, relative to the location of the nose, eyes, lips.

The value of the facial arch is the exclusion of possible errors in occlusion and orientation of models in the articulator.

Video: "Prosthetics Facial Arch"

Application in orthodontics

A facebow in orthodontics is a device used to create space in the dentition by moving the teeth posteriorly.

  • If it is necessary to ensure the correct position of the far chewing teeth after the removal of heavily crowded teeth.
  • If the front teeth are very crowded, then to free up space, you need to move the molars a little back.
  • To prevent early movement of the posterior teeth when aligning the anterior teeth.
  • During the formation of the dentoalveolar system in adolescence.
  • Thanks to the use of a facial arch in orthodontics, it is possible to obtain better results in the correction of bite and alignment of teeth.

The structure of the orthodontic facial arch

The apparatus consists of two parts:

  • Internal (intraoral). The inner part of the arch is attached to the rings put on the abutment teeth.
  • The outer (extraoral) part, which is fixed on the head or neck of the patient.

Depending on the place of fixation of the equipment, the following types of arcs are used:

  • Head mounted design.
  • Neck-mounted device.
  • Attached to the neck and head.

What you need to know when using a facebow

If it became necessary to use a facial arch to correct a defect, then you should know that:

  • When using the design, it is necessary to visit a therapist - dentist at least once every six months for a planned sanitation of the oral cavity.
  • It is necessary to regularly undergo an examination by a hygienist and follow all his recommendations for oral hygiene and strengthening of tooth enamel.
  • In case of periodontal diseases, before starting orthodontic treatment, it is necessary to obtain permission from a periodontist to install structures.
  • If there is a history of allergic reactions, it is necessary to undergo an examination by an allergist before installing the device.
  • If there are depulped teeth, enamel defects, chips restored with fillings, then when removing the braces, a part of the crown may break off, enamel chips and other complications that must be eliminated at an appointment with an orthodontist or a dentist-therapist.
  • In the presence of depulped teeth, the terms of orthodontic treatment are lengthened.
  • Orthodontic treatment cannot solve problems with the mandibular joint on its own. Treatment of such diseases is carried out in conjunction with a dentist-surgeon.
  • With pronounced forms of malocclusion, joint treatment by an orthodontist and a surgeon may be required.
  • In most cases, orthodontists recommend wearing a facebow from 10 to 14 hours a day for several months. As a rule, such a time period allows the device to be used only at night and exclude its use in the daytime.
  • If, when using the design, phenomena such as hyperemia of the gums, swelling or bleeding are observed, then you should immediately consult a doctor to adjust the strength and eliminate the problems that have arisen.
  • The facial arch must be treated with increased attention. It is recommended to use the extraoral device only when you are calm and awake while watching TV, reading or sleeping. It is strongly not recommended to use the arc during sports or active games, as careless action can cause injury to the face.
  • Designs that are attached to the neck are safer. If the arc is fixed on the head, then precautions must be taken, especially during sleep, when the device can come off and injure the face or, even worse, get into the eyes.
  • To avoid such complications, you should try to sleep on your back. In this position, there is absolutely no possibility of structural failure. Before going to bed, it is necessary to check the fastening of the device for reliability.
  • If you feel any discomfort while using the device or if a breakdown occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.
The most correct treatment is such a treatment that prevents the development of pathology.
The most difficult cases for orthodontic treatment are those associated with skeletal malocclusion.
Simplified definition: Skeletal malocclusion is a malocclusion caused by abnormally sized jaw bones. This is either an increased size of the jaw bones, or a reduced one.
The large size of the jaw is associated with its overgrowth during adolescence. Small size is a consequence of insufficient growth.
For example: An increase in the size of the lower jaw is called progeny.
The profile of Arnold Schwazenegger can be assessed as a person with an excessively large lower jaw, that is, a progenic profile.

Progeny did not prevent Arnold Schwazenegger from becoming mega successful and mega popular. A protruding chin adds to his masculinity, which is why he is so in demand for the role of superheroes.

Prognathia is the prevalence of the upper jaw over the lower. Of the charming examples - Victoria Beckham.
Beckham deliberately emphasizes the upturned upper lip, turning a disadvantage into an advantage.

These two famous people, Schwazenegger and Beckham, are just an example for your understanding. In their case, the disproportions in the development of the jaws are insignificant, so they are easily leveled.
If the disproportion in the size of the jaw bones is strongly pronounced, then this becomes a problem for a person. People with this pathology suffer not so much physically as mentally. They feel uncomfortable in society. Often such patients agree to complex plastic surgery, only to correct the shape of the face.
The causes of abnormal growth of the jaw bones were also discussed in the blog:

It is possible to prevent the development of skeletal anomalies in adolescence, when the jaw bones are actively growing.

Apparatus for the correction of facial growth.

The facial arch is an apparatus for slowing the growth of the upper jaw. Such a device prevents the development of a problem.
Of the bite anomalies, the most common is prognathia.
Prognathia is characterized by an excessively large size of the upper jaw.

Facial signs of a prognathic profile are characterized by a disproportionate protruding upper lip. The chin at the same time seems to be displaced backwards.
To correct the growth of the face, it is necessary to pull the entire upper dentition back. It is required to use a bracket system in combination with a facial arch. The facial arch is fixed 1) on the back of the head or neck with one side and 2) with brackets on the other and pulls the upper jaw back.

What happens if you do not use the facial arch in adolescents with disharmonious growth of the facial skeleton?

  • For many patients with this problem (referring to the orthodontist after the completion of the growth of the jaw bones), treatment with braces with the removal of permanent (healthy) teeth is required.
  • Some patients require treatment with a bracket system in combination with complex plastic surgery on the jawbones.
Parents should be the first to pay attention to the disproportion in the structure of the child's face. The sooner the visit to the orthodontist, the easier it is to normalize growth and the more effective the treatment.

The description of the mechanism of the facial arc is described in detail in the following video:

Patients wear a facial bow for about 8 hours a day.
Most often it is used during sleep.
The video clearly shows that putting on the facial arch is not at all difficult.

The task of the orthodontist is:

  • Determination of the most effective period for the treatment of the use of the facial arc;
  • Installation of a bracket system that will be compatible with the facial arc;
  • Selection of the size of the facial arc;
  • The choice of the type of support for the facial bow: cervical or occipital thrust;
  • Teaching the patient how to use the facebow;
  • Determination of the traction force of the facial arc.
The therapeutic effect will depend on the discipline of the patient. So if the patient does not wear the facial bow regularly, the treatment effect will be poor.
Any orthodontic treatment is lengthy. The use of a facebow requires its use for at least a year. This period should coincide with the peak growth of the child.

The facial arch is a design that allows accurate measurements of the axis of movement of the lower jaw relative to the landmarks of the skull. It is used to replace missing teeth and restore adequate chewing function. Neglect of this procedure threatens with the occurrence of traumatic occlusion of the dentition and complications from the temporomandibular joint. The facial arch is successfully used by orthodontists of Good Dentistry St. Petersburg at the Ozerki metro station.

The facial arch is used when replacing the entire dentition and modeling masticatory tubercles without fail.

Purposes of application:

Clarification of the plane of closure of the upper and lower teeth, placement of the axis of the jaws relative to the horizontal plane (nose bridge or pupils) of the patient.

  • This simplifies the work of the dental technician and helps to avoid many mistakes;
  • Building the correct angle of jaw closure will make it possible to avoid traumatic occlusion, which will make the act of chewing more physiological, distribute the load evenly over the entire surface of the dentition;
  • Aesthetic improvements.

If the horizontal plane and the inclination of the patient's teeth were not taken into account when creating the prosthesis, in the future this may manifest itself in arthrosis and arthritis of the temporomandibular joint, contractures of the masticatory muscles, migraine-like pains, damage to healthy teeth, periodontal tissues and damage to the prosthesis.


There are such advantages:

  • Prostheses made using an arc are more convenient for chewing food;
  • Cause less discomfort with constant use;
  • Reducing the period of adaptation to the denture;
  • Shorter production time. The finished prosthesis needs fewer adjustments;
  • Adequate load distribution not only prolongs the life of the prosthesis, but also protects healthy teeth from damage;
  • More natural and harmonious appearance.

Facial bow device

Standard arc It is mainly used to create removable dentures for the entire jaw. It has the appearance of a U-shaped metal arch, which, with its free ends, is attached at the base of the external ear canal or mandibular joint. In the midline, it has a nasal stop adjacent to the bridge of the nose. The edge of the arc passes 20-30 mm from the skin surface. A bite fork is screwed to the front arch through an adapter, on which gypsum, wax, silicone or other plastic materials are applied. Subsequently, the impression is transferred to the space between the frames of the articulator.

Articulator is a device that simulates the movements of the lower jaw.

Important! There is also kinematic an arc that is used less frequently. It has 2 points of support along the midline (on the chin and in the middle of the forehead). Used for partial dentures. It makes it possible to recreate the occlusion of the dentition and the trajectory of the movement of the jaw.


Installation of a standard facial arch takes 5-15 minutes and is absolutely painless for the patient.

1. First of all, ear or joint stops are installed in the external auditory canal or on the joint area, respectively. The nose pad is attached to the bridge of the nose.

The design is rigid, which limits the displacement of its elements. This simplifies the manipulation and makes its result more predictable.

2. Material for making dental casts is applied to the plane of the fork. The patient bites into the paste, and healthy, turned teeth and free space on the jaw are imprinted on it.

3. The bite fork is permanently fixed to the archwire with screws.

4. After removing the device from the patient, it is transferred in a fixed position to the dental technician. It comes with dental casts made, templates and brief information on the procedure and the patient.

Such casts help the technician correctly orient the jaw in an oblique-horizontal plane relative to the physical parameters of the patient.

Orthodontic facebows

There are facial arches that are used in orthodontics as a way to correct an overbite. They are applied in cases:

  • underdevelopment of one or both jaws;
  • pathology, accompanied by a lack of space in the dentition. This leads to increased crowding of teeth and bite deformities.

Maximum efficiency is observed in the treatment of children and adolescents.

Orthodontic archwires have the form of a curved metal arch with fixation loops, which are located in the center and along the edges of the structure. The central loops are fixed to the teeth, and the side loops are connected with an elastic band. The bandage can be attached in this way:

  • Fixation on the head helps to correct the pathology of the bite of the upper jaw;
  • The cervical passage of the dressing is used to correct defects in the lower jaw;
  • Combined fixation is rarely used, with complex malformations of the jaws.

The course of treatment is 2-6 months and does not require round-the-clock use. It is enough to wear at night and 2-4 hours during the day.
Make an appointment with an orthodontist by calling 448-53-97.

Prices for treatment in the clinic

Service Price
Metal composite crown on the front tooth 7 500 rub.
Metal composite crown 9 500 rub.
Metal-ceramic crown STANDARD 14 500 rub.
Metal-ceramic crown on the implant of the ADIN system 22 000 rub.
One-piece crown 6 500 rub.
Full cast crown on implant 9 000 rub.
Prettau zirconia crown 25 000 rub.
Crown Zirconia on implants Aesthetic 30 000 rub.
Temporary crown (1 pc.) 3 000 rub.
Temporary crown on implant 12 000 rub.
Metal-ceramic on implant Aesthetic 13 800 rub.
Metal ceramics on implants (Cad/Cam) 18 800 rub.
Metal-free ceramics 21 000 rub.
Removable prosthesis ACRI-FRI 35 000 rub.
Removable acrylic denture 22 500 rub.
RUB 99,000
Removable partial denture with cast clasps 25 000 rub.
Elastic nylon removable denture 36 000 rub.
Removable denture 38 000 rub.
Beam clasp on implants.-2 supports RUB 149,000
Adaptive prosthesis on implants 30 000 rub.
Permanent simple prosthesis on implants RUB 99,000
Stump tab 3 500 rub.
Stump inlay made of zirconium dioxide 12 500 rub.
Bruxism splint soft 7 500 rub.
Splint articular 9 000 rub.
Protective sports mouth guard 11 000 rub.
Kappa unloading acrylic 10 500 rub.
Titanium custom abutment 18 000 rub.
Customized zirconia abutment 29 000 rub.
Removable prosthesis on Mis implants on a ball-shaped abutment RUB 99,000
Installing the Mis System Abutment 12 000 rub.
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