Pregnancy and chronic tonsillitis: the main risks for the expectant mother and fetus. Treatment and prevention of complications. Treatment of chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy Treatment of tonsillitis during early pregnancy

When carrying a child, a woman should carefully monitor her health. Any infection that appears in the body of a pregnant woman will cause serious health problems for the unborn baby. This also applies to tonsillitis during pregnancy, which occurs as a consequence of a cold, hypothermia. And in those women who have a chronic form of inflammation, an exacerbation of the disease is inevitable during pregnancy.

The body of pregnant women has to quickly rebuild. In addition to changes in the hormonal background, all forces are aimed at carrying the fetus, protecting it from external influences. Therefore, the woman herself becomes vulnerable and unable to fight pathogens. This is due to the fact that immunity acts to ensure that the child is born and protected in the womb.

A woman experiences an exacerbation of many diseases during this period. These include all chronic forms of pathologies. It is unlikely that a woman will protect herself from the fact that chronic tonsillitis will manifest itself during pregnancy. The situation will be aggravated by contact with a sick environment, hypothermia. The occurrence of inflammation of the tonsils in the mother is dangerous for the embryo in the first trimester and in the last period of pregnancy.

Causes of pathology

At the heart of the occurrence of tonsillitis is the activity of pathogenic bacteria. The throat becomes inflamed due to the action of staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus, pneumococcus. Viral or fungal etiology of tonsillitis is very rare. Under certain conditions, microorganisms contribute to the formation of inflammation in the tonsils. Angina gets sick when:

  • supercool;
  • eat foods poor in vitamins and microelements;
  • have inflammation of the teeth and oral cavity;
  • nasal and sinus infections become chronic;
  • the nasal septum is curved, and the respiratory function is impaired;
  • weakened immunity.

During pregnancy, a woman is especially defenseless against bacteria. And any non-compliance with the rules of nutrition, behavior leads to the development of infection.

General signs and symptoms

When pregnancy, especially the first months, falls in the off-season with cold and damp weather, it is difficult to protect yourself from a cold. When a woman gets her feet wet or gets caught in a squally wind, her throat starts to hurt after a few hours. Moreover, the body is greatly weakened due to its setting for bearing a baby.

Tonsillitis is recognized by:

  • increase in body temperature up to 37.5 degrees;
  • sore throat;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • malaise, weakness.

Symptoms of a sore throat are confused with the common cold. But you need to see a doctor when the first symptoms appear to determine the diagnosis. It is impossible to treat tonsillitis on your own in the first months of pregnancy. This will affect the development of the embryo, and in severe cases of angina, it can result in a miscarriage.

In the last months of pregnancy, the body is especially weakened. Therefore, tonsillitis is more severe with signs of sore throat, chills and high body temperature.

It seems to a woman that her whole body is aching. She has a headache and cannot get out of bed. The risk of fetal poisoning increases every day, so treatment must be carried out immediately.

Which doctor to contact

The primary examination of the pregnant woman is carried out by the therapist. He will send for tests, on the basis of which he will distinguish a sore throat from a common cold.

An otolaryngologist will prescribe a specific and correct treatment. He will determine the stage of the disease, the features of the course of acute tonsillitis. The specialist who leads the course of pregnancy in a woman will help to correct the treatment.

Methods for diagnosing the disease

Angina can be diagnosed using various methods:

  1. Take a swab from the surface of the inflamed tonsils. He will give an answer which bacterium is the source of infection.
  2. After a general blood test, the doctor determines the stage of development of the disease. The patient usually has an increased number of leukocytes, myelocytes, monocytes, an increased ESR.
  3. A cytological examination of the tissues of inflamed tonsils will determine the structure of the tonsils, the state of their epithelium.
  4. X-rays shine through the neck, nose, because in the acute stage of tonsillitis, purulent exudate accumulates in the tonsils and sinuses.
  5. Urinalysis reveals an increase in the biological fluid of lymphocytes, protein. If the pathogenic microbes that caused tonsillitis are found in the urine, then this indicates the spread of infection throughout the body.

To determine the state of the immune system of a pregnant woman, an immunogram is performed by a blood test. During the study, the ability of the future mother's defenses to resist the disease is determined.

Treatment of tonsillitis during pregnancy

It is necessary to treat a sore throat in a woman in a difficult period of bearing a baby, taking into account her position. Such therapeutic measures are selected that will not negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Medical treatment

It is difficult to cope with bacteria without antibiotics, especially when tonsillitis has acquired a purulent form. They select such drugs that are most safe for the body of the mother and her unborn child.

Among them are such penicillin forms as "Amoxiclav", "Ampicillin", cephalosporin - "Cefazolin". From the group of macrolides, Sumamed, Rovamycin are recommended for pregnant women.

For rinsing, you can use solutions of tablets "Furacilin", "Miramistin", "Chlorhexidine".

At elevated body temperature, Paracetamol tablets or preparations based on it are used. "Aspirin" for pregnant women is prohibited.

Physiotherapy treatment

Pregnant women are prescribed ultrasound treatment for tonsillitis. Influencing the soft tissues of the tonsils, ultrasound relieves tissue swelling, promotes the removal of purulent or serous exudate. The action of the waves lasts only 10 minutes.

The Tonsillor apparatus is used in the treatment, with the help of which the tonsils are cleaned of pus, irrigating them with an antiseptic solution. The waveguide of the device is used to inject drugs into the tonsils. Phonophoresis will destroy the cause of the disease.

Magnetic waves act on a sore throat to eliminate inflammation, swelling.

Physical methods of treatment for pregnant women are selected by the doctor, taking into account the course of the disease, its stage.

Folk remedies

With mild forms of tonsillitis in pregnant women, emphasis can be placed on traditional medicine:

  • Propolis tincture replaces medicines, as it belongs to natural antibiotics. But be sure to check the body's reaction to the bee product. Use tincture for rinsing.
  • Helps against tonsillitis infusion prepared from marshmallow root and steppe aster inflorescences (50 grams), coltsfoot leaves (40 grams), warty birch (30 grams), thyme grass (20 grams) and 2 liters of boiling water, infused for 4 hours. Drink a quarter cup warm drink half an hour before meals. The medicine should be used 3 to 4 times a day. You can rinse the sore throat with a solution.

  • Red elderberry flowers have anti-inflammatory action. Half a teaspoon of raw materials is taken in a glass of hot water and insisted for 15 minutes. Drink slowly 2 times a day, 100 milliliters of medication. Tea from the flowers of black elderberry cures a sore throat of a viral nature.
  • For inhalation of a sore throat, water is used after boiled potatoes. It is useful to add 1-2 drops of eucalyptus, mint, thyme or dried grass leaves to it.
  • Helps with tonsillitis boiled beet juice, which is used to gargle twice a day.

Traditional medicine is used correctly after consultation with a specialist. They are an aid. Herbal preparations alone cannot cope with angina.

What is dangerous exacerbation of tonsillitis during pregnancy and its consequences

Both acute and chronic forms of tonsillitis harm not only the mother's body, but also the unborn child. If in the first months of pregnancy a sore throat can cause a miscarriage, then in the last months - future health problems in the baby.

The acute course of infection always leads to toxicosis of pregnant women.

Pathogenic microorganisms, penetrating the placenta, affect the vital organs of the fetus. The illness of the mother will affect the condition of the heart, kidneys of the unborn child.

Due to a weakened immune system, a woman's body is attacked by other bacteria, viruses, fungi. The embryo is also at risk. Therefore, only timely examination, treatment by a specialist will be the right step in the prevention of pathologies.

The main symptoms of tonsillitis in pregnant women

The disease most often manifests itself in spring and autumn. The following symptoms are characteristic of the initial acute stage of the disease:

  • High temperature (up to 39 °).
  • Headache, muscle, joint pain.
  • , difficulty in swallowing.
  • Enlargement of the tonsils, yellow coating on them.
  • Thickening and soreness of the lymph nodes.
  • Sensation of a lump in the throat.

If a woman has already had a sore throat, but the treatment was not effective, tonsillitis becomes chronic, and the signs of its manifestation are not as bright as in the acute phase. The temperature may be low, soreness in the throat persists, appear on the tonsils. The expectant mother may experience some weakness. At this point, it is important not to miss the onset of the disease, since chronic tonsillitis does not so clearly affect the general well-being of a person.

Methods of treatment of chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy

The choice of therapy for a pregnant woman is possible only with the participation of an otolaryngologist. In each case, a purely individual tactic is used in the treatment of the disease. It is not recommended to deal with tonsillitis on your own.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis in pregnant women begins with the use of local anti-inflammatory drugs. If their use did not bring relief, antibacterial agents are prescribed, but with the obligatory consideration of the woman's condition and the characteristics of the course of pregnancy.

For the treatment of tonsillitis in pregnant women, you can use a solution of furacilin for gargling.

Folk remedies work well in combination with medicinal methods. You can start with . This simple procedure will help get rid of purulent plaque on the tonsils. For rinsing, antiseptics such as a solution of furacillin, potassium permanganate, and sea salt are used. Decoctions of herbs are suitable: calendula, oak bark, elecampane, St. John's wort.

Inhalations have a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane, relieve irritation in the throat. You can carry out inhalations using decoctions, mint, eucalyptus, thyme, soda solution. You can buy a ready-made solution at the pharmacy, but without the content of antibiotics.

Tablets and sprays

Effectively and quickly cope with the symptoms of tonsillitis. Their main purpose is to create an unfavorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. Among the most proven are such antiseptics as "Kameton", "Ingalipt", Lugol's solution.

As a local remedy for the treatment of tonsillitis, special lozenges are used. A good remedy for pregnant women will be on a natural basis: "Doctor MOM", "Tantum Verde", "Doctor Theiss".

If it is not possible to cope with the exacerbation of the disease quickly, the doctor prescribes tablets with antibiotics: Septolette, Faringosept. The use of antibiotics during pregnancy is a last resort. Such therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

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With caution, you should resort to physiotherapy procedures. It is not recommended to use mustard plasters for the treatment of tonsillitis, and an infrared lamp is not recommended. This increases blood circulation and can provoke an increase in uterine tone. As an alternative, a warming balm with menthol, camphor or eucalyptus oil is applied to the neck at night.

Consequences of tonsillitis in pregnant women

The chronic form of the disease is dangerous with a number of complications. This is especially critical for up to 12 weeks. At this time, the formation of the internal organs of the fetus. Any intrauterine infection can lead to infection of the embryo and the occurrence of pathologies.

How this will affect the future health of the child is impossible to predict.

An exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis in the 1st trimester can cause a miscarriage. Therefore, if the expectant mother has been ill with tonsillitis in the early stages, then after 10-14 weeks she needs to be examined to make sure that the development of the fetus is proceeding normally.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the pregnant woman's body adapted to the new state, so the exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis does not have a noticeable effect on the normal development of the child. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that chronic tonsillitis can cause a number of negative consequences:

  • premature birth.
  • Abortion.
  • Retardation of intrauterine development.
  • Polyhydramnios.
  • placental insufficiency.

In order to avoid dangerous consequences, the expectant mother must follow some rules. It is necessary to avoid contact with carriers of viral diseases, wear a gauze bandage. In the room you need to maintain a moderate temperature and humidity, ventilate the room. Regular walks in the fresh air will strengthen the immune system. Moderate exercise is allowed. Movement promotes normal blood circulation. Nutrition rich in vitamins, normal sleep and lack of stress will help the normal course of pregnancy. If any symptoms appear, any self-medication is excluded, you should immediately contact a qualified specialist.

Video: Treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Diseases do not choose the time when to break into our lives. It's unfortunate, but sometimes it happens at the most inopportune moment. It is completely contraindicated to get sick during pregnancy, since any use of medications can lead to a negative effect on the fetus. Even minor, in your opinion, diseases can harm the body and the unborn baby. Therefore, if you plan to have a healthy child, treat all your diseases before pregnancy.

In particular, chronic diseases cause a lot of trouble to pregnant women. Regrettably, during pregnancy, some of them are aggravated. This article will focus on chronic tonsillitis. How to deal with this disease during pregnancy?

Chronic tonsillitis is characterized by a sore throat and a woman will feel this pain for all nine months. Unpleasant sensations in the mouth are due to the fact that the tonsils take the blows of tonsillitis on themselves. Because of the constant pain in the throat, some women simply do not treat this disease, but this should not be allowed if you want to give birth to a healthy child.

Yes, a seemingly mild sore throat can affect the course of pregnancy. Moreover, harm is done not only to the expectant mother, but also to the fetus in her womb. In particular, some doctors note that chronic tonsillitis in some cases leads to. Also, the presence of tonsillitis is fraught, which negatively affects the child. Because of this disease, even intrauterine infection of the fetus is possible.

It is also undeniable that chronic tonsillitis weakens the immune system. As a result, the body of a pregnant woman easily succumbs to other unpleasant diseases. Many clinical studies also conclude that chronic tonsillitis is the cause of weak labor activity. Therefore, already before childbirth, doctors decide that such women give birth by caesarean section. If tonsillitis cannot be actively treated during pregnancy, then one of the heart defects may form.

We have already told you about the main symptom - sore throat - but pay attention to other symptoms. This is a slight increase in body temperature, general, and a sensation of a foreign body in the throat. If you have already noticed these symptoms in yourself, then consult a doctor and treat tonsillitis before pregnancy. Then there will be no danger either for you or for the child.

For proper treatment, we recommend contacting an experienced specialist. If you have to treat tonsillitis during pregnancy, pay attention to the drugs that you will be prescribed. Remember that the use of drugs when carrying a child must be justified.

Tonsillitis is treated mainly with drugs such as Lizobakt in the form of lozenges and Tantum Verde in the form of a spray. They are considered good anti-inflammatory and pain relievers.

During pregnancy, sometimes even prescribed for the treatment of tonsillitis, so that streptococcus does not show its activity. It happens that experts talk about the benefits of using biologically active additives (BAA). With their help, you will speed up the healing process and strengthen the immune system in general.

Look after your own health even before pregnancy!

Specially for- Maryana Surma

The immunity of a woman during pregnancy is weakened. Therefore, tonsillitis during pregnancy, like other ENT diseases, can overshadow the happy expectation of a child. It is important to recognize the manifestations of pathology in time and take measures to cure it.

This inflammatory disease of the palatine tonsils is caused by streptococcus. Pathology can be both acute and chronic.

Tonsillitis during pregnancy is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • sore throat that increases when swallowing;
  • redness and enlargement of the palatine tonsils, sometimes accompanied by the appearance of purulent plugs, plaque;
  • perspiration;
  • sensation of a foreign body, a lump in the tonsils;
  • enlargement, soreness of the submandibular lymph nodes, determined by palpation (normally they have a diameter of up to 1 cm, are painless);
  • increase in body temperature to subfebrile values ​​(37.0-37.5 ° C);
  • asthenic syndrome - lethargy, weakness, weakness, malaise.

If angina is not treated in time, then it becomes chronic. In this case, the clinic can be erased, the symptoms are not so pronounced, the course of the disease is long with alternating periods of exacerbations and remissions.

Chronic tonsillitis and pregnancy is a dangerous combination. Pathology is dangerous with formidable complications, up to the loss of a child. Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy can occur with hypothermia (both general and local), prolonged and frequent exposure to stress factors, overwork.

The reasons

The occurrence of pathology can occur for several reasons:

  • frequent colds;
  • hypothermia;
  • untreated acute form of the disease;
  • chronic sources of infection in the body - carious teeth, chronic diseases of other ENT organs;
  • weak immune system.

What is dangerous tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy is dangerous for the development of complications. Normally, the tonsils serve as a kind of barrier that holds back pathogenic bacteria and prevents their further penetration into the body and blood.

Inflamed tonsils can be compared to a dirty water filter - instead of being cleaned of unnecessary impurities, it itself becomes a source of infection. When it enters the bloodstream, pathogenic bacteria can cause complications from other organs and systems, as well as infection of the fetus.

Especially dangerous is tonsillitis in the early stages of pregnancy, when the laying of organs and systems in the child occurs. A woman during this period should be as attentive as possible to the state of her health.

Tonsillitis during pregnancy is dangerous for the development of such serious consequences as:

  • infection of the fetus;
  • weakness of labor activity (in these cases you have to resort to);
  • development of nephropathy, myocarditis, rheumatism, heart defects in a woman.

Which doctor should I contact with tonsillitis during pregnancy

Treatment of tonsillitis during pregnancy is carried out by an otolaryngologist or therapist. With the development of complications, it may be necessary to consult a rheumatologist, nephrologist, and other narrow specialists.


How to treat tonsillitis during pregnancy? First, methods that are safe for the mother and fetus. Secondly, in the shortest amount of time possible.

Medical treatment

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy is possible with drugs such as spray or sublingual tablets, lozenges, Strepsils. They do not have a toxic effect, are safe for women and fetuses. With normal iodine tolerance, you can lubricate the tonsils with a solution.

Of the physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, magnetotherapy, ultrasound, and KUF on the tonsils are indicated.

You can gargle with mineral water, solutions, baking soda, sea salt, potassium permanganate. Rinses are harmless, have a local anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect. In addition, there is a mechanical flushing of pathogenic bacteria from the tonsils.

Such procedures for chronic tonsillitis should be carried out as often as possible. It is better to alternate different rinse solutions. In this case, the resistance of microbes will not form. Solutions prepared from decoctions and tinctures of medicinal plants (Chlorophyllipt, Rotakan) are well suited for rinsing.

In extreme cases, resort to help. During pregnancy, the use of penicillin preparations is allowed. Amoxicillin, Flemoxin are usually prescribed. They do not have a harmful effect on the embryo and have a wide range of effects.

Folk remedies

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy with alternative methods should be agreed with the doctor.

The most common means:

  • propolis, honey in the absence of allergies;
  • gargling with decoctions of herbs - horsetail, chamomile, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, mint, sage;
  • lubrication of the tonsils with horsetail juice;
  • the use of juice of medicinal plants -, Kalanchoe;
  • steam inhalations with soda, mineral water, herbal decoctions.

You can simply chew propolis or gargle with a solution (1 teaspoon of propolis tincture for 1 glass of water). Honey has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect. It can be added to tea, just dissolve in the mouth.

The simplest steam inhalation is to inhale the vapors of boiled potatoes over a saucepan. Such procedures can be carried out with a solution of baking soda or salt. You can add a small amount of Asterisk balm containing extracts of herbs and essential oils to the water.

But prolonged exposure to steam is undesirable during pregnancy. Therefore, inhalations using a nebulizer with mineral water or saline are best suited.


In order not to be caught by the disease during pregnancy, a woman should take care of the rehabilitation of foci of infection in the oral cavity even before conception. Being in a position, you should avoid hypothermia, crowded places, contact with sick people.

Despite the fact that pregnancy is a wonderful, exciting and very bright period, it can often be complicated by various diseases. Moreover, to the diseases that first occur precisely during the period of expectation of the baby (among them, for example, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and others), exacerbations of chronic diseases are also added, which before pregnancy could not cause inconvenience. One of them is chronic tonsillitis.

What is the danger of tonsillitis during pregnancy

Tonsillitis is called inflammation of the palatine tonsils, which are a kind of obstacle to the penetration of infections into the body. It is no coincidence that at present, European doctors are categorically against the removal of tonsils in children, insisting on the conservative treatment of tonsillitis.

The disease is accompanied by perspiration and sore throat, cough, and sometimes fever. According to statistics, in twenty percent of the inhabitants of the planet, the disease has passed into a chronic stage, which requires special approaches to treatment, especially during pregnancy.

Tonsillitis not only brings discomfort to the expectant mother, but can also cause various complications - for example, intrauterine infection of the fetus, since microbes from the tonsils enter the bloodstream. The immunity of women suffering from tonsillitis is weakened, so the risk of contracting infectious diseases increases.

Methods of treatment

The best way to minimize the risks associated with chronic tonsillitis is, of course, pregnancy planning and getting rid of the disease before conception. However, it is possible to treat exacerbations during the period of expectation of the child, under the guidance of both an experienced otolaryngologist and a gynecologist. Therapeutic measures such as:

Washing the tonsils in the office of an ENT doctor. During this procedure, the doctor, using a special syringe, injects an antiseptic solution into the gaps, as a result of which the contents are washed out of the tonsils;

Gargling with infusions of medicinal herbs. It should be remembered that some herbs that are traditionally used for rinsing are contraindicated for pregnant women, first of all we are talking about sage, aloe, barberry;

Lubrication of the tonsils with antiseptic solutions (for example, Lugol);

Use of local sprays (Ingalipt, Bioparox, Chlorophyllipt and others).

During pregnancy, such methods of treating exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis are contraindicated, such as:

- the use of antihistamines;
- antibiotic therapy (doctors talk about relative contraindications, that is, if the harm from the antibiotic is less than from streptococcus, which appears with tonsillitis, such drugs are prescribed with caution).

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