What are buds? Biologically active additives: pros and cons. Supplements: pros and cons

IN last years in connection with modern conditions life, constant stress, overload, unhealthy diet, people increasingly began to suffer from diseases associated with metabolism. In addition, there are often problems with immunity which exacerbate existing diseases and provoke the emergence of new ones.

In this regard, more and more popular, especially in Europe and America, are gaining dietary supplements– biologically active additives to food, which are aimed at strengthening the immune system and, consequently, increasing the body's resistance, as well as improving and normalizing metabolism.

What are dietary supplements and why are they needed?

Dietary supplements are not a cure for all diseases. In general, this is not a medicine at all, since it is not aimed at treating any specific diseases. Biologically active additives are designed to improve self-regulation of the body. These substances are extracted from plant, mineral, and animal sources, or chemically produced and sold in concentrated form. However, they can be issued in tablets, powders, syrups, balms and even creams.

There are three types of dietary supplements: eubiotics, nutraceuticals and parapharmaceuticals. Part eubiotics includes microorganisms ( beneficial bacteria), which are designed to improve the work digestive system. Bacteria, getting into the intestines, create a favorable microflora there. Thus, the intake of eubiotics improves the natural functioning of the body. Such drugs help to remove toxins from the body, and are also very useful for the prevention of dysbacteriosis.

Nutraceuticals are vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other essential food components that human body. Often Not balanced diet becomes the cause of disease, and in the first place, this is due to big amount sweet and fatty foods, which does not contain enough essential substances. Nutraceuticals are biologically active supplements to the daily diet. Since the lack of vitamins, microelements, etc. provokes many diseases, the range of application of nutraceuticals is very wide. They help you cope With nervous disorders , in particular, with insomnia, improve memory and concentration. Such dietary supplements are used to solve problems associated with With overweight, hair loss, weakened immune system, poor digestion and etc.

Parapharmaceuticals are, in fact, extracts medicinal plants, the use of which is necessary in order to improve the functioning of organs and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. In general, we can say that parapharmaceutics is the application of knowledge modern specialists in area traditional medicine. This may not only be plant matter, but also preparations derived from animal organisms and seafood.

Supplements: pros and cons

Of course, the use of dietary supplements, most often, gives positive result . Because they are natural, necessary for a person ingredients, eating them helps improve the functioning of the digestive system metabolic processes body, strengthen the immune system, etc..

Undoubtedly, the advantage of dietary supplements is the fact that it is aimed at restoring the body. without accompanying destructive impact that accompanies, for example, antibiotic treatment.

However, there are a number cons that everyone should know about before starting to use dietary supplements.

First, it is quite new and not well studied region. Many dietary supplements that are on the market, in fact, have not passed all the necessary tests and, therefore, all the hazards and possible side effects are not described.

Secondly, it is almost impossible to describe all the known contraindications to the use of dietary supplements. For example, if you use peppermint during pregnancy, the likelihood of a miscarriage increases, but this information is not always written on the package.

Thirdly, there are a lot of fakes or dietary supplements, the effect of which is questionable and may cause more side effects than useful effect. You need to beware of scammers who, under the guise of dietary supplements, sell placebos for big money. And it's in best case. Unverified drugs purchased from dubious individuals can lead to the development serious illnesses.

Fourthly, dietary supplements may include incompatible components. This is also due to the lack of knowledge of this area and the desire to make money on popular products.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that you need to take only proven means that you are advised by qualified specialist.

Many types of dietary supplements can be used without risk to health, but most safe option- This balanced diet, as many fruits and vegetables as possible and as little as possible fats, sugars and preservatives.

Today, in the age of progress, in almost any field of science, not excluding medical science, many people use the achievements of this very progress, not trying to delve into the very depths of new discoveries and not being afraid to harm their body. Meanwhile, this is quite easy to do if you are trying to lose weight or cleanse your body with the help of products that have just entered the consumer market and have not yet gained wide popularity. So when buying dietary supplements to help your body restore any functional process, you must carefully study the attached annotation, consult a doctor - a specialist in this field and follow strict instructions for taking these funds.

All dietary supplements, no matter what type they are, like any medicine, have their pros and cons. That's what you need to know and be able to weigh before you start taking these funds.

Since all dietary supplements are divided into certain groups, we will begin to consider them in accordance with this classification.

Dietary supplements - meal replacements

One of the most common and popular among consumers are dietary supplements, which belong to the so-called meal replacements. These drugs are designed to reduce the calorie content of food consumed by a person, while replacing one or even several meals. Such dietary supplements are produced, as a rule, in the form of cocktails. In their composition, they have fiber, which swells in the stomach, which significantly reduces appetite. Imitation of a full-fledged meal is created due to additional substances that make up such dietary supplements - vitamins, amino acids and proteins.

The advantages of such dietary supplements are, first of all, their low calorie content, the absence of contraindications, the absence of chemical substances. Such dietary supplements are great as food during unloading days or low-calorie diets and are quite effective when used judiciously and under control.

There are also disadvantages to meal replacements. These are: the impossibility or complexity of such a diet, the strictest observance rules of admission, otherwise you can get the opposite effect or result, these dietary supplements get bored very quickly and not everyone causes the effect of satiety. Also, due to a half-starved state, a person’s working capacity may decrease. These meal replacements can cause constipation and allergic reactions.

Supplements that suppress appetite

This category of dietary supplements refers to drugs. These supplements should only be used with the prescription and recommendation of a medical professional. They are designed to dull the feeling of hunger, reduce appetite, and help maintain strict dietary rations. Doctors prescribe such dietary supplements extremely rarely, in cases of severe obesity and dysfunctions. gastrointestinal tract, since this group of additives is capable of causing overexcitation nervous system person, loss of strength, physical and nervous exhaustion.

A big plus of such additives is their ability to quickly and effectively remove the feeling of hunger. But they have much more disadvantages - too many side effects, bad influence on the cardiovascular system. The person who takes similar drugs, psychological dependence, nervous disorders may develop. Also, people who use them often experience dizziness, insomnia, overexcitability bordering on euphoria and excessive sweating.

Supplements for burning fat

This group of food supplements is designed to fight body fat in the human body. They are made on the basis of pineapple enzyme - bromelain. This enzyme improves digestion in the body, which is not very effective in fighting old fat deposits. Therefore, the main disadvantage of these dietary supplements is their extremely low efficiency. Well, the advantage of such drugs is their ability to effectively act on the gastrointestinal tract and restore pathological processes digestion.

Supplements that can create the illusion of satiety

These dietary supplements are usually taken with food. Once in the stomach, the ballast substances that make up these dietary supplements swell, and a person feels full. Accordingly, the volume of food eaten is significantly reduced, which causes the effect of losing weight and cleansing the body.

The advantages of this group of dietary supplements are: the removal of toxins from the body, most often, dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract are activated and normalized, disturbed stools are normalized (especially in people suffering from constipation) These dietary supplements are the most harmless and affordable for the consumer.

But they also have their drawbacks: not all of these dietary supplements cause a long and quick feeling of satiety, it often happens that a person has time to eat tightly before the drug begins to act in the stomach. AND main disadvantage This group of dietary supplements is a sharp decrease in the absorption of vitamins and trace elements in the human body.

Diuretic dietary supplements

Most often, the form of release of this group of dietary supplements is teas. The essence of these drugs is the removal from the body of retained salt or sweet food, liquids.

The advantages of these dietary supplements are availability. And the disadvantages - their frequent use can cause muscle weakness, disrupt the water and electrolyte balance of the body, the skin can become flabby and dry.

Dietary supplements of the laxative action group

These are dietary supplements that are able to normalize digestion and activate human intestinal motility.

The advantages of this group of dietary supplements are: cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, availability. And the cons are quite a large number of side effects, for example, these dietary supplements can be addictive, which entails a constant increase in dosage, indigestion, loss of a significant part of potassium and salts by the body, which will lead to poor and poor-quality absorption of vitamins necessary for normal human life.

These are the pros and cons of the main groups of dietary supplements that are most often used by people. As can be seen from the above, it is extremely important when taking dietary supplements to take into account all of them. positive sides and possible negative impacts on the human body.

Biologically active food supplements (BAA) have existed for some time as an independent therapeutic factor. This is an objective reality. Considering this circumstance, in some medical universities they urgently adapted to the situation and now they teach future doctors medical nutrition - new science about dietary supplements.

The topic of dietary supplements, oddly enough, somehow united doctors. They all agree on what worse man eats, the more ailments he has. Normally, the human diet consists of six hundred ingredients (nutrients). But, unfortunately, only a few can afford such a diet. On this basis, dietary supplements appeared as a way to get rid of the malnutrition syndrome.

What is behind the abbreviation

In fact, dietary supplements are a concentrate of a natural substance that has been isolated from food raw materials of mineral, animal, plant origin. Sometimes such a concentrate is obtained by the method of chemical synthesis of components identical to natural analogues. The main difference between the additive and medicinal product is that dietary supplements allow the body to self-regulate. The body itself gets rid of pathologies that lead to the formation of all kinds of diseases.

The undoubted merit of dietary supplements is that they make it possible to restore the body step by step, preventing destructive side effects characteristic of most drugs, especially antibiotics. Like medicines, dietary supplements are produced in different forms:

  • balms;
  • tinctures;
  • infusions;
  • creamy consistency;
  • concentrates;
  • syrups;
  • tablets;
  • powders.

How to recognize dietary supplements

In fact, dietary supplements can be found in a basket of the most standard products; worldwide, the number of dietary supplements has exceeded five hundred. You can find out if a dietary supplement is contained in a particular product by the presence of the letter E on the package. In the European Community, it is customary to designate the addition of dietary supplements to the product with such a label. This or that additive is distinguished by its serial number.

  • Dyes are hidden behind the letters E100–E182.
  • In the presence of E200, preservatives go further down the list.
  • From E300 onwards, antioxidants follow.
  • The letters E400-E430 denote thickeners and stabilizers.
  • The E430-500 icon indicates emulsifiers - we are talking about preservatives that are somewhat similar to stabilizers.
  • From E500 to E585 there are baking powders that prevent the formation of lumps.
  • The letters E620-E642 denote those additives that are commonly used to enhance the taste and aroma of products.
  • Behind the designation E900 - E1521 sweeteners are hidden, as well as substances that reduce foaming.

Varieties of dietary supplements

Dietary supplements are usually divided into several groups.

  • TO nutraceuticals include indispensable components of food like minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids and so on. With the help of nutraceuticals, there is a chance to adjust your diet, prevent the development of the disease, improve the body, but it is unlikely to cure the disease.
  • Part eubiotics included live microorganisms that normalize biological activity microflora in digestive tract. These dietary supplements act as prophylactic in the treatment of dysbacteriosis.
  • dietary supplements - parapharmaceuticals help restore functional activity organs. It's about about organic components of medicinal and food plants, seafood and components of animal tissues.

Cons of dietary supplements

  • Before using dietary supplements, take into account the lack of knowledge of their effects.
  • Do not discount the presence of dietary supplements with not fully proven effectiveness.
  • Many dietary supplements have side effects that are not always indicated on the packaging.
  • In addition, the intricacies of the compatibility of the components that make up dietary supplements have not been fully studied.

So, before drinking a dietary supplement, consult your doctor. Buy the drug only in a pharmacy. By the way, you may be interested in the topic "". Take care of yourself and be healthy. Always with you your assistant in matters of health At the DOCTOR.

Today, many are concerned about their health. Increasingly, you can meet people who use dietary supplements. In this article, we will talk about what dietary supplements are, who should use them and when, and whether they are medicines.

What is bady

The biologically active additive is certain complex substances that can be used for different purposes. As a rule, dietary supplements are used for weight loss. However, there are also supplements that increase the tone of the body, help strengthen immune system, improve performance of cardio-vascular system. Also, many dietary supplements have sedative action. It should be noted that dietary supplements are not medicines. That is why they are often sold without a prescription.

Who should use dietary supplements

The fact is that most dietary supplements contain many substances that can negatively affect the body if a person has any disease, including a chronic one. In particular, patients with gastritis are not recommended to use dietary supplements. The same goes for sick people. peptic ulcer and those suffering from renal insufficiency.

It is better to use dietary supplements after meals, however, everything depends primarily on the specific substances contained in the supplement. If you want to use dietary supplements, it is recommended to consult with your doctor first.

Pros and cons of dietary supplements

One of the disadvantages of dietary supplements is side effect on the body. It can be like temporary side effects, and quite long in their action. Moreover, some of these effects can be very negative for the body and even become consequences chronic diseases, including system ones. Many dietary supplements contain narcotic substances.

Of the advantages of dietary supplements, one can note the fact that many of them contain the necessary trace elements and can have a beneficial effect on maintaining the immune system, as well as other body systems.

However, when choosing biologically active additives, one should be guided by the quality and popularity of the brand. It is also highly recommended to consult a doctor.

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