White cinquefoil root and other types of cinquefoil in folk medicine. Preparation of ointment from white cinquefoil. Preparation of a decoction of white cinquefoil

Potentilla white is a reliable assistant both in official therapy and in the treatment of "healer" methods. She is able to get rid of various ailments and pathologies endocrine system. Among the people, she has long been known for her amazing healing abilities to heal serious and even chronic ailments improving the condition of the seriously ill. Back in the 17th century, the beneficial effects of this plant on patients with a diseased thyroid gland were recorded. Today at traditional medicine Potentilla white with thyroid gland is prescribed by doctors as part of the non-hormonal drug "Endonorm". In him effective substances of this plant are supplemented with extracts of licorice root, string and sugar kelp. This herbal mixture effectively helps in the fight against a variety of diseases, providing comprehensive treatment.

The advantage of white cinquefoil is its easy tolerability, almost complete absence of contraindications and any side effects. The plant contains in its composition 16 elements necessary for normal operation human body. It promotes:

  • better elasticity of blood vessels;
  • normalization of the chemical component of the blood;
  • restoration of functioning thyroid gland;
  • activation of cerebral circulation;
  • removal of radionuclides from the body;
  • optimization of intracranial pressure.

By balancing the work of the endocrine system and carrying healing effect for the thyroid white cinquefoil relieves health problems various areas. It is in demand in the treatment of diseases of the liver, heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal ailments, intestinal disorders. Its disinfectant and wound-healing properties allow it to be used for the treatment of the skin and nasal mucosa. Potentilla works well in the fight against boils, abscesses, acne, in the treatment of stomatitis and periodontal disease. Potentilla effectively heals ulcers of the esophagus and stomach, smoothes hormonal background. It is able to prevent pathological deformities in the thyroid gland, prevent the progression of tumor-like processes, avoiding surgical intervention.

Potentilla white is one of my favorite, unique medicinal plants, which is deservedly considered one of the most powerful means treatment of diseases associated with the thyroid gland, although in traditional medicine it is used not only in the treatment of thyroid gland.

In this article, we will analyze beneficial features Potentilla white, and also let's talk about whether it has contraindications.

Useful properties of white cinquefoil

I will say right away that the root of the cinquefoil has the most powerful healing properties. It is he who is most often used in medicinal purposes and sold in pharmacies.

The grass and flowers of white cinquefoil can also be used to prepare tinctures and decoctions, but they have fewer useful properties. Therefore, if you decide to use this plant for medicinal purposes, I would advise you to immediately buy Potentilla roots.

This medicinal plant is unusually rich in a wide variety of trace elements. So its roots contain the whole set of amino acids, very necessary human body glycosides, as well as starch and tannins, which, when released into the blood, improve the functioning of most internal organs.

If we carry out a chemical analysis of the rhizomes of Potentilla, then almost half of the periodic table can be found there, for example:

  • iron
  • cobalt
  • nickel
  • aluminum
  • phenolcarboxylic acid
  • silver
  • zinc and other trace elements

It makes no sense to talk about how important it is for the body to receive all these trace elements in abundance. Let me just say that the lack of just some of these substances leads to a violation normal functioning human internal organs.

Whole stories have already been written about the miraculous effect of white cinquefoil on the endocrine system. scientific works. The mere fact that this plant was officially used in the manufacture of drugs for thyroid diseases speaks volumes. For example, on its basis, a very popular drug "Endonorm" is produced, which I wrote about.

You can read more about the use of white cinquefoil in the treatment of thyroid diseases. There is also a recipe for making a tincture, which has proven itself well, reviews and indications for use. I strongly advise you to read if there are problems with the thyroid gland, some people are literally shocked by the result of the treatment!

The use of tincture from the roots of white cinquefoil, in addition to normalizing the functioning of the thyroid gland, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, puts blood pressure in order, and normalizes metabolism.

Tinctures, infusions and decoctions from flowers and herbs of Potentilla (that is, from its aerial part) are used for the following diseases:

  • diseases of the pancreas
  • hypertension
  • disturbed hormonal background
  • impaired metabolism
  • arrhythmias
  • strong nervous excitement
  • in violation of the cardiovascular system
  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • during treatment female diseases(cyst, myoma)
  • with tumor formations
  • for the treatment of iodine deficiency
  • in diseases genitourinary system in men

Did white cinquefoil help you (answer honestly)?


Agree, the list is simply impressive, there is something to think about! Separately, I want to say that there is never a quick result in the treatment of cinquefoil. The course of treatment is usually 9 - 12 months, and in some cases, after a break, one more is done.

So tune in right away. long-term treatment and the fact that you have to wait for the result for about a year. But on the other hand, the reward for your patience will be getting rid of the disease. I won’t say that treatment with cinquefoil is a panacea, but in 90% it really helps, which many doctors can confirm, and they, as you know, treat traditional medicine with big share skepticism.

Potentilla, by the way, can be used not only for treatment. This is an excellent general tonic and preventive agent.

Contraindications to the use of Potentilla white

Another plus to the use of white cinquefoil is a small number of contraindications to its use. These include:

  1. low blood pressure (hypotension) is one of the properties of cinquefoil, this property lowers blood pressure, and in hypotensive patients it is already always low, therefore, treatment with cinquefoil is not suitable for this category of people
  2. coronary heart disease - there is a lot of controversy on this subject, someone claims that it is possible to use cinquefoil-based drugs for ischemia, but you should only be careful, someone is categorically against using this medicinal plant with ischemia. I'm more inclined towards the second option, it's still not worth the risk or at least consult a doctor
  3. intolerance or allergy - everything is clear here, if you are allergic to cinquefoil, then nothing can be done here, it remains to look for other treatment options
  4. pregnancy and breastfeeding period

That's probably all the contraindications. I will only add that when treating with cinquefoil, carefully listen to the work of your heart. In case of any problems or discomfort, feel free to reduce the dose.

Efficiency from this will not go anywhere, and the load on the heart will definitely decrease. Due to the duration of treatment (up to a year or more), the effect will definitely be, only it may be shifted in time.

Potentilla can be used even for children, naturally reducing the dose, adjusted for age. Numerous tests have long proved its complete safety.

Potentilla white description.

Potentilla white (Potentila alba L) is a herbaceous medicinal and perennial height from 8 to 25 cm. Belongs to the Rosaceae family. Potentilla white root is a thickened rhizome, black-brown in color. The plant is covered with silky, appressed hairs. The leaves at the root are palmate, silky below, of 5 dark green leaves, stipules are lanceolate. Flowering stems with 1 - 2 leaves, bearing 3 to 5 flowers. Petals are white, notched, longer than the sepals. The leaflets are shorter than the sepals, linear-lanceolate. Stamens - 20. Fruitlets - hairy at the base. Flowering of the plant is observed in spring and in the first month of summer.

Potentilla white: other names of the plant.

White cinquefoil - the grass is popularly nicknamed five-fingered, five-fingered, five-fingered.

Where does the white cinquefoil grow?

The plant is found in the steppe zone of the European part of Russia in steppe meadows, deciduous forests, edges, meadow steppes, and shrubs.

Growing Potentilla white.

Potentilla white propagates by seeds and vegetatively - by parts of rhizomes with dormant buds. Since the seeds of the white cinquefoil have a low germination rate, the seedlings develop slowly, vegetative way propagation by cuttings of 1.5 cm is becoming more relevant. From one rhizome of Potentilla white, you can get from 10 to 50 cuttings. They are planted in spring and autumn. As such, plants do not need care, and at the same time, after 4 years, an adult plant grows that has reached heaviest weight rhizomes and roots.

Potentilla white - photo.

Potentilla white: blank.

For the treatment of a plant, its grass (flowers, leaves, stems), rhizome is used. Stocks of raw materials are made during the flowering of Potentilla.

Chemical composition: White bloodroot.

Potentilla white contains iodine, tannins, saponins, anion of iodous acid, calcium, sodium, nickel, manganese, aluminum, lanthanum, bismuth, cobalt, molybdenum, silver, copper, zinc and iron. At the same time, BAS is more in the rhizome.

Medicinal properties of the plant Potentilla white.

Plant preparations treat various diseases thyroid gland.

Potentilla white - application.

An infusion of a medicinal plant of white cinquefoil is a good remedy for the treatment of thyrotoxicosis. Traditional medicine recommend drinking a decoction prepared from the herb of white cinquefoil when the uterus is prolapsed. Abscesses are sprinkled with powder of dry grass of the white cinquefoil.

Treatment with cinquefoil white.

Infusion of white cinquefoil.

10 g of roots and herbs, pour over 200 ml of boiling water, soak for several hours. Use with thyrotoxicosis from 1 tbsp. l. up to 1.5 glasses 2 - 3 r. per day. More precisely, the doctor can determine the dosage according to the condition of the heart and depending on the stage of the disease. Take the infusion for a month, then take a break for two months and repeat the course of treatment.

Potentilla white tincture.

Pour 50 grams of crushed white cinquefoil root with half a liter of vodka, soak the root in it for 3 weeks at room temperature in a dark place. Use 3 r. a day, 30 drops 25 minutes before meals with 50 ml of water, and better than infusion stinging nettle or lungwort. Continue treatment - a month, then take a break for a week and repeat the treatment.

Potentilla white with menopause.

For pathological menopause, mix 2:2:2:3:3:3 (in tablespoons) and chop the plants of white cinquefoil, lemon balm, agrimony, calendula, valerian officinalis and lamb. Pour 2 tbsp. l. collecting half a liter of boiling water and soak under the lid for 12 hours. Drink 5 times a day, 100 grams of infusion after meals for 40 days.

Is there white cinquefoil in pharmacies?

Yes, this is the drug "Endonorm" for the treatment of the thyroid gland. This drug based on white cinquefoil treats hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Basedow-Graves disease, thyrotoxicosis, DTG, euthyroid goiter, hyperplasia of the thyroid gland.

Side effects of cinquefoil white.

What are the contraindications of white cinquefoil?

Not known.

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Hello dear friends!

For many years I have been taking tincture of white cinquefoil root and will always take it, my reviews are only positive.

The unique properties of the plant help to treat the thyroid gland, first of all, have such a powerful effect on it that it allows people to live normally without surgery and taking hormones.

We'll look at today:

  • useful properties and contraindications of cinquefoil white
  • what does white cinquefoil treat
  • use in the treatment of thyroid
  • how to make tincture of cinquefoil root white and how to take it.

Where does white cinquefoil grow

In nature, there are a lot of species of cinquefoil - a perennial herbaceous plant. But only white cinquefoil has useful properties, the contraindication and use of which we will consider, has flowers white color why is it called that. And sometimes it is popularly called five-pal for special form leaves that look like five outstretched fingers.

Potentilla white - the plant is not tall, from 10 to 25 cm. Its flowers are somewhat similar to the flowers of strawberries or wild strawberries and it blooms at the same time: in April-June.

The root of the white cinquefoil is creeping, rather powerful, woody and thick, with numerous shoots.

Potentilla white grows in European countries, from Germany on the northern border of its habitat to Italy in the south, in Belarus, Ukraine and in the middle European part of Russia to the Volga.

It can still sometimes be found in forests, meadows and edges, although this type of plant is quite rare. Therefore, white cinquefoil is not harvested on an industrial scale and is difficult to find in pharmacies.

Some herbalists grow cinquefoil in their backyards, and it is from such that I have been purchasing it for five years now.

All parts of the plant have medicinal properties, but to a greater extent they prevail in the root, and in a three-year-old plant, it is at this age that accumulates in the roots enough albino.

Dig up the roots of Potentilla in the fall.

Potentilla white: medicinal properties

The plant is valued primarily for great content iodine and the active substance albinin (a compound that exhibits thyrotropic and gonadotropic activity), which is why it is so useful for the thyroid gland.

These medicinal properties of white cinquefoil were used to create the now popular drug "Endonorm".

It is known that in those areas adjacent to the place Chernobyl tragedy where they drank a decoction of Potentilla white as tea, there were very few cases of goiter compared to other places. And this is due to the thyrotropic activity of Potentilla roots.

In addition, the plant contains many more substances that determine the unique beneficial properties of white cinquefoil:

  • anion of iodous acid
  • tannins
  • amino acids
  • rare minerals: silver, copper, iron, manganese, zinc, nickel, bismuth, cobalt, aluminum, silicon. Moreover, the concentrate of silicon, aluminum, zinc and magnesium in Potentilla is several times higher than the content of these minerals in other medicinal plants.
  • flavonoids (regulating the elasticity of the walls blood vessels prevent atherosclerosis and neutralize free radicals)
  • glycoside (increases the strength of heart contractions, lowers blood pressure)
  • saponins (substances similar to glycosides, they have hypocholesterolemic, cardiotonic, corticotropic, adaptogenic, neurotropic, sedative, expectorant, anti-inflammatory effects)
  • phenolcarboxylic acids (with diuretic and antimutagenic properties)

Thanks to this composition and healing properties, which, by the way, have not yet been fully studied, white cinquefoil is capable of:

  • clean the vessels and does it very carefully
  • improves blood composition
  • normalizes saline and mineral metabolism substances
  • balances hormonal levels
  • reduces blood cholesterol
  • lowers blood pressure
  • removes radiation from the body
  • replenishes iodine deficiency in the body
  • heals various diseases thyroid gland, resolves nodes
  • good for the heart
  • normalizes menstrual cycle and ovarian function
  • dissolves various cysts
  • prevents the formation of tumors and stops their development
  • stimulates the activity of the nervous system
  • enhances urination and bile secretion
  • strengthens nails and hair
  • normalizes weight, with its help you can both lose weight and get better - whoever needs what is done
  • strengthens the immune system and
  • generally prolongs life.

Potentilla white: contraindications

Let's talk about contraindications. There are few of them, white cinquefoil is non-toxic and suitable for almost everyone.

But since it is able to lower blood pressure, its use is not indicated for hypotension.

But this does not mean that people normal pressure can't accept it, no. I am one of those, in addition, I have a tendency to lower the pressure. But I take the tincture of white cinquefoil quite calmly all the time without any negative consequences. It happens, of course, that the pressure drops a little, I take measures and continue taking Potentilla. It is only important to observe the norm and take breaks between courses.

Although white cinquefoil is used for tachycardia and even for the treatment of this disease, this should be done with caution. If the condition worsens, the dosage should be reduced.

Potentilla white: use in traditional medicine

So, for what diseases is white cinquefoil used?

White cinquefoil is effective for:

  • thyroid diseases
  • atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke
  • thrombophlebitis and varicose veins
  • arrhythmias
  • anemia
  • liver diseases
  • gastrointestinal colic
  • dysentery
  • stomach ulcer
  • jaundice
  • with menopause along with
  • a decoction or infusion of white cinquefoil (its aerial part) has been used since the 18th century for prolapse of the uterus
  • powder from dry grass and roots is sprinkled on abscesses and cuts.

The use of cinquefoil white for the treatment of the thyroid gland

Already in the 17th century in Russia, white cinquefoil was used to treat the thyroid gland, and now all folk herbalists know about it and recommend it in their recipes.

Of course, after reading the information about the beneficial properties and use of white cinquefoil, you do not need to self-medicate and you must consult a doctor!

I just want to say that the use of cinquefoil can be not only additional to that prescribed by a doctor, but also help to reduce nodes, and in some cases avoid surgery.

Surgery is always a risk. According to the candidate medical sciences Evfemova A.P., which I read in his article on the treatment of cinquefoil white, in 10% of cases, thyroid surgery leads to disability, there are always high risks of damage to the parathyroid gland during it, hypothyroidism develops after surgery and life-long hormone therapy is indicated.

Medicines prescribed by doctors for the treatment of thyroid diseases often have side effects on the body, in addition, many of them are contraindicated during pregnancy, diabetes, coronary disease heart, the presence of nodes. Iodine preparations can not be used for neoplasms on the thyroid gland, kidney diseases, allergic diseases and pregnancy.

Therefore, often people turn to traditional medicine for help. Fortunately, such folk remedy exists - this plant is white cinquefoil.

According to the results clinical trials, conducted by the Ukrainian researcher Smyk G.K. in 1970, in people who even took only one white cinquefoil, a significant decrease in the thyroid gland was observed, pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels normalized, thyrotoxicosis and tachycardia disappeared, sleep improved and weight returned to normal.

The medicinal properties of Potentilla white, which we discussed above, allow us to successfully use it for the treatment of thyroid diseases, both increased and decreased function, with multinodular goiter.

You just need to keep in mind that miracles do not happen, and a high-grade goiter cannot completely resolve when taking cinquefoil, although it can significantly decrease in size, and most importantly, the hormonal background is normalized and concomitant ailments are removed, such as shortness of breath and tachycardia.

In addition, one should not think that one can take only an infusion of Potentilla and be cured. Treatment must be necessarily complex, including both, and, and the reception of others.

Preparation of a decoction of Potentilla white

In the treatment of cinquefoil white are used as water infusions and decoctions, and vodka tinctures.

is a fairly rare plant. She is found only in wild nature. This plant belongs to the Rose family, genus Potentilla. In the people it is called a five-finger, five-finger, five-ring. perennial herbaceous plant Potentilla grows in height from 8 to 25 cm. The root is thickened, black-brown. The whole plant is covered with hairs, the leaves of the cinquefoil are palmate and silky below, with five dark green leaves. Peduncles have 1-2 leaves and bring 3-5 flowers. The flowers have white petals. Due to the color of the flowers, the plant got its name - white cinquefoil. Flowering continues in the period spring - the first month of summer.

This plant has a number unique properties. It can cure and improve the condition of a number of diseases. How and why this happens will become known after getting acquainted with the composition of the plant and its effect on the body.

The chemical composition of the white cinquefoil

The chemical composition of the white cinquefoil includes almost all the elements of the periodic table and other useful substances:

  • trace elements - Zn, Mn, Si, Cu, Ce, Al, Fe, Co;
  • gallotannin - during the flowering period, its highest content is observed;
  • saponins;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • iridoids;
  • flavonoids such as rutin, cyanidin, kaempferol, quercetin;
The underground part of the plant contains more biologically active substances than above ground.

What diseases is white cinquefoil effective for?

Potentilla white has various indications to application. It is effective for such diseases:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • liver disease;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • jaundice;
  • diarrhea;
  • dysentery.

The plant has a slight lowering effect blood pressure. Also, white cinquefoil has found application as an antiseptic, astringent, wound healing, anticancer agent. This plant promotes the resorption of nodular formations, soft tumors, favorably affects the structure of hair and nails.

Important!In regions where there is an increase in thyroid diseases among the population, in areas with iodine deficiency in nature special meaning has the use of white cinquefoil root.

Also, fivepal is a good diuretic that does not irritate the kidneys. Used as an anesthetic. The plant reduces the permeability of capillaries, constricts blood vessels. It has expectorant properties and is used for colds.

Preparations based on Potentilla white

make different drugs from white cinquefoil. Those that are made from the aerial part of the plant stimulate the central nervous system. different kind extracts and extracts from the root are effective for leveling hormonal balance organism. Normalization of thyroid function, increased diuresis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, rheumatism and others.

Important!The use of any preparation containing cinquefoil white is accompanied by an improvement in the condition of nails and hair. Hair acquires shine, the ends do not split, and the nails cease to exfoliate.

Due to its properties, cinquefoil is part of the drugs that help to cope with various diseases.

Potentilla white is effective in thyroid gland and is active ingredient as part of the preparations "Alba", "Endonorm". These drugs are effective in thyroid pathologies - hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis. They are also used to treat hyperplasia of the thyroid gland, diffuse non-toxic goiter, nodular and multinodular goiter.

Potentilla white extract is a drug in liquid form, which is effective in the treatment of stomach ulcers, to lower pressure in hypertension, accelerate the recovery process after strokes and heart attacks, increase potency, get rid of radionuclides. It also improves immunity different types metabolism, improves hormonal levels. Taking the extract improves well-being.

The use of white cinquefoil in folk medicine

In folk medicine, white cinquefoil has been popular for a very long time. First of all, it is used to treat diseases of the endocrine system - hypo- and hyperthyroid conditions. It is used to compensate for iodine deficiency, with ulcers on the skin, hemorrhoids, weeping eczema, gastrointestinal diseases, hepatitis, vascular and heart diseases.

The use of white cinquefoil in folk medicine occurs in the form of decoctions, tinctures, ointments, and baths are also taken with it.

Preparation of a tincture of white cinquefoil

There are several recipes that can be prepared white cinquefoil tincture.

  • Potentilla white tincture. To prepare, take 1.5 tablespoons of a mixture of dry ground roots and herbs of the plant. Combine with 200 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 8 hours. Strain the infusion. Take it half an hour before meals in the amount of 1-3 tablespoons 2-3 times a day for the treatment of the thyroid gland.
  • Tincture of white cinquefoil roots on vodka. For this, take 50 g of dried roots, previously crushed. In a glass container, they are poured with vodka in an amount of 500 ml, closed tightly with a lid. Infuse the mixture in a dark place for four weeks, shaking occasionally. After that, strain and you can take. Reception is carried out by diluting the tincture in water for 20-30 drops.
  • Tincture of herb Potentilla white. Take 2 tablespoons of chopped dry herbs and combine with 200 ml of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 8 hours and strain, after which you can take a tincture to normalize blood pressure.

Did you know? Five-finger tinctures are recommended to be prepared using melt water.

Preparation of a decoction of white cinquefoil

To prepare a decoction of Potentilla, you will need the crushed root of the plant - 1 teaspoon and 200 ml of water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes over low heat and let it brew for 40 minutes. After that, the broth is filtered and, when cooled, is taken 1-1.5 hours before meals.

A decoction is also made from the seeds of the plant. They take 1 teaspoon, pour a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. After that, the broth is cooled, filtered and taken half a cup twice a day for gynecological diseases.

Preparation of ointment from the white cinquefoil

In order to prepare an ointment from white cinquefoil, you need to take 5 g of crushed root of the plant and pour it with 200 g of melted pork fat or oils. Boil the mixture for 7 minutes, keeping a low boil, then strain.

The ointment helps with inflammation of the joints, osteochondrosis, sciatica. It is applied to sore spots in the form of compresses or simply rubbed.

Relaxing herbal baths with cinquefoil

To take off nervous tension, bathing practices with white cinquefoil grass are practiced. Such baths will help to cope with overwork, they add a decoction of a mixture of herbs: white cinquefoil, mint, lemon balm, nettle, yarrow, mountaineer bird. Taking such baths helps to overcome insomnia, chronic fatigue, tension and decrease in the general tone of the body.

You can also take baths with the addition of a decoction of only five paws.

Procurement and storage of cinquefoil

In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used - the rhizome of the white cinquefoil, seeds, flowers, leaves. For harvesting, plants of three-, four-year-old age are used, when enough albinin has accumulated in them - a substance with thyrotropic activity.

The seeds of the plant ripen in June-July, after which they are easily showered. You need to have time to collect them before shedding and place them in a box for storage in a dry place.

The grassy part, along with flowers, is harvested from late spring to late summer. For drying, place on outdoors under a canopy with a layer 3-5 cm thick. During the drying process, the raw materials must be gently mixed. Store in boxes for two years.

Potentilla roots for harvesting are dug up only in spring or autumn, in April or in September-October. This happens when the young leaves of the plant begin to grow or when the aerial part dies off. Raw materials are dug with a shovel or digger. Roots are selected from the ground, cut off the aerial part and rotten parts of rhizomes with small roots.

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