Electronic cigarettes: obvious pros and cons. The ABCs of Vaping: Pros and Cons (Advantages and Disadvantages) of Electronic Cigarettes

There is a lot of information on the net about the effect of e-cigarettes, but no one doubts the fact that when smoking an electronic analogue, no acrid smoke is emitted. Instead, the smoker inhales steam, and instead of fire, the diode glows.

The absence of smoke and fire determines the pros and cons of an electronic cigarette:

No harmful substances

A significant plus. When you smoke an electronic cigarette, you inhale the vapor. It does not contain tar, ammonia, arsenic, cyanide, benzene, soot - these substances cause the most serious harm to the smoker.

No passive smoking

By choosing electronic cigarettes, you do not expose others, your loved ones and children to the dangerous effects of smoke.

You can smoke everywhere, without restrictions

All restrictions for smokers are lifted. You can smoke in public places, transport, even in non-smoking rooms. Especially convenient for long flights.

E-cigarette does not burn

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, more than 90% of fires flare up from an unextinguished cigarette. With an e-cigarette, in principle, it is impossible to set fire to clothes, carpets, bedding.

No smoky smell

No smoke - no unpleasant smell from hair and clothes. The e-cigarette acts like an inhaler, with it the smell from the mouth will always be fresh.

Teeth don't turn yellow

No smoke - no tar and soot. After "smoking" there is no yellow plaque on the teeth, the skin on the fingers does not coarsen.

Can you smoke in the car

With an electronic cigarette, it is impossible to smoke the interior of the car, you do not need to be distracted while driving to shake the ashes.

Ability to phase out nicotine

It has been proven that smoking causes, in addition to physiological, a strong psychological dependence, which is much more difficult to cope with. A person gets used to gestures, to a cigarette, as an opportunity to relieve stress or suppress appetite. 95% of those who decide to quit the addiction do not last even a month. With an electronic cigarette, you can gradually reduce psychological dependence, while reducing the dosage of nicotine or give it up altogether, without giving up your usual lifestyle, making smoking absolutely harmless to health.

But e-cigarettes have both pros and cons:


Nicotine- it's poison. You are protected from smoke, tar and more than 4,000 types of carcinogens, but you continue to inhale nicotine, which adversely affects the body.

Psychological addiction for non-smokers

After the first puff and an unpleasant stupor from the taste of bitter smoke, many give up smoking forever. But with an e-cigarette, non-smokers can become heavy smokers by inhaling the pleasant aroma.

Lack of government control

The e-cigarette market is not regulated by anyone, so there is a risk of buying counterfeit nicotine liquid cartridges. Remember, fakes can contain substances that are much more dangerous than cigarette smoke.
Like nicotine liquid, flavors of dubious quality can be very dangerous to your health.


For an experienced smoker, an electronic cigarette has many advantages, while non-smokers should pay more attention to the disadvantages. In favor of e-cigarettes is the fact that doctors in many countries admitted that after switching to e-cigarettes, their patients improved. They also admit that the electronic cigarette harms human health ten times less than tobacco. But they do not reject that nicotine is also unhealthy.

In this article, dear readers, we will deal with the advantages and disadvantages that a user receives who has given up smoking in favor of electronic cigarettes. Consider the cons of electronic cigarettes, the pros of electronic cigarettes. In general, let's bring together an understanding of what an electronic cigarette gives. Why is an electronic cigarette better than a conventional one? Let's get started!

Let's start with cons (disadvantages) of electronic cigarettes.

The first disadvantage is price electronic cigarettes. Starting to smoke regular cigarettes requires a small expense for one pack of cigarettes and a lighter or matches. That is, the cost of "start" in traditional smoking is low.

In the case of an electronic cigarette, a much larger “initial investment” will immediately be required. Depending on the characteristics and quality of the devices chosen for use, this amount can be comparable to the monthly or three-month expenses for traditional smoking.

In most cases, it is difficult to “try” by spending little money on it. Very cheap devices usually have non-Akhtetian technical characteristics and quality, which can cause disappointment in electronic cigarettes. In addition, not being prepared from a technical point of view, it is not easy for a novice user to distinguish a high-quality device from outright junk, even with the considerable cost of the options under consideration.

To understand second disadvantage e-cigarette, we will have to go a little "sideways" ... "Smoking" an e-cigarette is more comfortable, convenient, socially acceptable and even tasty (especially when using fruity and similar flavors). Feelings from an electronic cigarette (we are talking about high-quality and normally configured devices) are more “soft”.

When using an electronic cigarette, many novice users do not have "stupor" in the form of a subjective sensation of smokyness. When using "traditional" cigarettes, its role is played not even by saturation with nicotine, but characteristic discomfort, caused by resins and "plaque" in the mouth. When using electronic cigarettes, such sensations are usually absent.

Because at first neophyte electronic cigarettes can start them use much more often and for longer than regular cigarettes. Accordingly, it is possible to consume more nicotine. This is the second drawback of the electronic cigarette.

It usually goes away with time. But self-discipline, of course, should not be forgotten either.

The third disadvantage in the use of electronic cigarettes is the need for extra effort and time for their maintenance. I smoked a "regular" cigarette and threw it away. Is that sometimes the ashtrays have to be thrown out and washed. And any Electronic Cigarette regardless of its technical excellence and complexity needs maintenance.

Any electronic cigarette must be refilled with liquid, the battery must be charged. Also, even in maintenance-free and semi-maintenance evaporators, it is advisable to periodically rinse and burn the wicks with a spiral. Serviced devices have to be periodically “rewound” (change the spiral and wicks).

This, of course, is not about some unimaginable loss of time, but that you have to “tinker” with electronic cigarettes is a fact.

And fourth disadvantage electronic cigarettes - it is easy to get carried away with them so much that it turns into a real passion. It's not about what you use and enjoy. For many vapers (users of electronic cigarettes), belonging to this community becomes self-valuable. They sit on specialized forums no longer to obtain information, but simply to participate in the party.

With excessive enthusiasm, there is often a constant desire to buy all new devices. Not because you can’t do without them, but simply in order to replenish the “collection” and from an unbridled desire to try something new.

Now oh pros (advantages) of electronic cigarettes.

The first and main advantage of electronic cigarettes is that during the consumption of nicotine, the user's body does not receive traditional tar and carcinogens for smoking. No one will argue that electronic cigarettes are useful - it is a complete cessation of smoking. However, the use of electronic cigarettes much less harm than "regular" smoking.

Soon enough after the transition to "electronics" many users note reduction of shortness of breath during physical exertion, breath odor, improvement in complexion and other outwardly noticeable pleasant changes.

The second important advantage is greater social acceptability"e-smoking". The use of electronic cigarettes is not associated with the most unpleasant and annoying environmental factors. There is no tobacco smoke, no stench of a smoky room, body, hair, clothes of a smoker.

In many cases, even non-smokers allow vapers to take a “smoke break” with an electronic cigarette in their office or apartment. If not in a common room, then on a glazed balcony or kitchen - for sure. You will be surprised how much more loyal people are to vapers than to smokers.

Having observed and communicated with many users who have switched from smoking to using electronic cigarettes, I can confidently note third advantage use of electronics. Without exception, all smokers are aware of the harmfulness of this addiction / habit. Many smokers would like to quit smoking, but previous attempts to do so have not been successful.

And while vaping is an alternative way to satisfy your nicotine craving (it's a less harmful, more technological indulgence of your nicotine addiction), it's no longer smoking! Switched from cigarettes to electronics user stop being a smoker. He has ALREADY begun to bring his health much less damage.

This fact "quitting smoking"(although nicotine consumption persists) is perceived by "new converts" e-cigarette users as significant personal victory. Let not complete, but still a victory - now they harm themselves and the environment less.

And this is significant improves self-esteem and increases the respect of others. Which is also important.

Fourth advantage electronic cigarettes is largely social. With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that the use of electronic cigarettes by a particular user will develop into a hobby. This topic will become an important and meaningful hobby. A rather active group of like-minded people gathers in the topic of vaping.

BUT feeling of belonging to to some community, especially formed around something worthy and expedient - is also the satisfaction of one of the basic needs of the individual.

Now, having learned about the pros and cons of an electronic cigarette, you, dear readers, will be able to evaluate and “weigh” them. As a result, you will have a sufficient idea of ​​what an electronic cigarette gives the user and how it (an electronic cigarette) is better than a regular one.

In the next article, we will discuss the issues of choosing an electronic cigarette.

Vladislav Karabas


It is more convenient to continue to get acquainted with the "ABC of Vaping" from the article "The ABC of Vaping: Choosing an Electronic Cigarette (which are better, how much it costs, how to choose)":

[articles in this series do not provide for discussion, as they reflect personal experience and the prevailing opinion / view of the author]

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In fact, the advantages of electronic cigarettes can be listed for a very long time. The obvious advantage of modern steam generators is minimal (or no) harm to health. When smoking ordinary "cigarettes", the user, along with the smoke, inhales a huge amount of carcinogens, tars and other dubious impurities, which in themselves are much more dangerous than tobacco. The generated steam, by definition, does not contain anything listed!

Useful chemistry

The role of "fuel" here is played, consisting only of proven components: propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, distilled water and flavorings. All of them have long been used in the food industry and in reasonable quantities are absolutely harmless. Thus, from the point of view of healthy lifestyle lovers, the pros and cons of electronic cigarettes directly depend on an additional (and completely optional) component, which is nicotine. It provides a feeling of smokyness and the so-called "throat hit" (in direct translation from English - "hit in the throat").

However, even the strongest mixtures are hundreds, if not thousands, times safer than conventional cigarettes. Numerous positive reviews of doctors about electronic steam generators are the best confirmation of this: vaping is the best alternative to smoking!

Rules of behavior

Another plus of electronic cigarettes is the absence of an unpleasant odor. The aroma of the liquid is felt only by the steamer himself, and almost all branded mixtures are corny tastier than ordinary tobacco. Any smoker knows how quickly caustic tobacco smoke is absorbed into clothes and occupies the entire surrounding space. Even worse, it’s simply unpleasant to enter a truly “smoky” room! When discussing the pros and cons of electronic cigarettes, one should also not forget about the comfort and health of others: no matter how we convince ourselves, passive smoking gives our loved ones a lot of inconvenience. With electronic devices, these problems can be forgotten forever. And most importantly, there is no ban on smoking in public places for electronic cigarettes (although this should still not be abused)!

Modern electronic cigarettes are incredibly easy to use and do not require any special knowledge and skills from the user. In order for the device to start producing steam, just hold down the activation button located on the case! What could be easier? Many models are equipped with an information display and additional adjustment keys, but even in this case, you can master all the available functionality in just a couple of minutes.

Pleasant chores

Considering the pros and cons of an electronic cigarette, the need for its maintenance should also be mentioned. As it should be for complex technical devices, steam generators require attention and careful handling. Remember that even the most

Electronic cigarettes have recently become fashionable. There are enough rumors about them, so people who want to make a final decision on the purchase of this device should familiarize themselves with all kinds of information.

Electronic cigarettes have their advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional tobacco products. Their manufacturers and dealers need this product to be in demand. Therefore, naturally, they tend to keep silent about the shortcomings of their products, describing (and often exaggerating) their merits. That is why even those who have never encountered them know about the advantages of e-cigarettes. Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that a smoker of ordinary cigarettes is exposed to the toxic effects of hydrocyanic acid, tar and a number of other substances that make up tobacco smoke, and in fact some of them are not excreted and remain in the body until the end of life. Liquid for smoking in electronic cigarettes does not contain these dangerous compounds. Among other positive properties of these gadgets, the following can be noted:

- They are odorless, so they do not cause disturbance to others and do not impregnate either the smoker himself (his clothes, skin, hair), or the room and interior items with a hard-to-remove aroma.

- Smoking is allowed in public areas.

– There is no danger of passive smoking for people nearby.

– With the right approach, it can be an effective adjunct in the fight against nicotine addiction.

- The smoker gets rid of the morning cough, his taste and smell sensations are exacerbated.

“The initial purchase of all the necessary components is expensive, but in the end, the use of electronic cigarettes saves money and is a financially more profitable option.

Among the disadvantages of e-cigarettes, the following should be noted:

- Out of habit, you can easily exceed the dosage of nicotine.

“Studies have shown that nicotine is present even in nicotine-free e-liquids. They also contain toxic substances, some of which can provoke the development of cancer. They also contain propylene glycol, which is an allergen.

- During smoking, water vapor is inhaled, which leads to drying of the mucous membrane and sore throat. Therefore, you need to drink more fluids or increase salivation, for example, with hard candies.

- After smoking, you can habitually throw away an expensive gadget, like a regular cigarette butt.

- There are many unpleasant situations when you need to explain that this is not an ordinary cigarette. For example, when asked to smoke or when smoking in public places.

- Those who quit smoking should be clearly aware that without the application of willpower they will simply replace tobacco cigarettes with electronic ones, but they will not get rid of their addiction.

- When you immediately switch from the usual cigarettes to an electronic analogue, there are a number of side effects associated with the removal of toxins from the body. A person experiences headaches, dizziness, nausea, weakness. There may be indigestion, weight gain (on average 3-7 kg), skin rashes, depression, irritability.

It should be borne in mind that full-fledged studies aimed at identifying the negative effects of electronic cigarettes on the human body have not been conducted. Experiments require money, and manufacturers of these products are not interested in sponsoring such programs. Therefore, this area has not yet been explored. Many doctors are ardent opponents of this smoking device. The final decision - whether to switch to e-cigarettes or not - everyone makes himself, carefully weighing all the minuses and pluses. Statistics show that about 80% of those people who have tried e-cigarettes have not returned to smoking tobacco, becoming adherents of electronic "soaring", as some now call this process.

  1. Electronic cigarettes do not contain combustion products and tar, which are found in traditional cigarettes. When smoking electronic cigarettes, the lungs are not polluted. Electronic cigarettes do not contain carcinogenic and harmful substances (about 4,000) that are emitted from conventional cigarettes.
  2. Switching to e-cigarettes is an opportunity to quit smoking, provided you switch to nicotine-free e-cigarette cartridges.
  3. When using electronic cigarettes, there is no tobacco smoke, which means that there is no smell on hands, clothes, or breath. Electronic cigarettes can be smoked in public places - where smoking regular cigarettes is prohibited.
  4. Electronic cigarettes are much more comfortable to smoke than traditional ones. They can be smoked at any time, almost anywhere, and it does not require an ashtray, there is no garbage at the end of smoking.
  5. Electronic cigarettes are fireproof.
  6. Switching to e-cigarettes reduces the cost of buying traditional cigarettes. Relative savings are achieved.
  7. The use of electronic cigarettes not only does not harm the smoker, but also the people around. Surrounding people do not become passive smokers.

Disadvantages of electronic cigarettes

Despite the fact that electronic cigarettes have a large number of advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  1. Switching to e-cigarettes does not change the psychological habit of smoking. The habit of smoking still remains, but it is worth noting that smoking becomes less dangerous for the smoker and the people around him.
  2. The absence of harmful impurities in electronic cigarettes is declared only by manufacturers. However, this fact has not yet been fully investigated and proven by experts from the World Health Organization.
  3. Electronic cigarettes are not subject to mandatory certification, which means that the production of counterfeit or low-grade electronic cigarettes is not excluded.

And in conclusion about electronic cigarettes

Russia is recognized as the most smoking country, in Russia there are about 43 million smokers. And if smoking traditional cigarettes can cause disgust, rejection among people around, then electronic cigarettes are perceived more loyally. In addition, electronic cigarettes that do not contain harmful tar do not harm the smoker and the environment. Perhaps it is electronic cigarettes that are designed to correct this terrible statistics in Russia.

However, the issue of mandatory certification of electronic cigarettes, and therefore the release of counterfeit devices, remains open ... Be extremely careful and careful when buying electronic cigarettes. Do not buy electronic cigarettes in dubious places!

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