How to recover a child after antibiotics. We restore the child after antibiotics - eliminate the harmful consequences

Summary: Treatment with antibiotics. What antibiotics to take and in what cases. The action of antibiotics. Consequences of taking antibiotics. Antibiotics for angina. Antibiotics for children.

Antibiotics were discovered in the 20th century, and at one time it was a huge event. There are many diseases that cannot be dealt with without antibiotic therapy, and before the discovery of antibiotics, people were dying en masse from these diseases. But antibiotics are a serious drug, every time you need to look and decide whether it is necessary in this moment to kid. According to American scientists, in every second (!) case, antibiotics are taken for other purposes, causing unjustified harm to human health. In this article, we will list the mandatory rules for taking antibiotics.

1. The most important rule: antibiotics do not act on viruses and are not used to treat SARS. Antibiotics are only used to treat bacterial infections.

To make the right decision whether to drink an antibiotic in this particular case, it is important to know whether the child has a viral or bacterial infection. How to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one can be read in great detail and in an accessible way in Dr. Komarovsky's book. This is very important information Every Mom Should Know!

to bacterial infections respiratory tract include: angina, epiglottitis, hemophilic infection, whooping cough. These diseases are a direct and obvious indication for antibiotics.

Here we should also mention the bacterial complications of SARS. Any viruses weaken defensive forces the body of the child, and against the background of reduced immunity, the baby can get sick with a bacterial infection. In his book ARI: A Guide for Sane Parents, Dr. Komarovsky writes that: “In the overwhelming majority of cases, bacterial complications of SARS are a real indication for antibiotic therapy. At the same time, everything depends on the specific situation. Example: a week after the start of SARS, five-year-old Vanya jumps and gallops with great appetite and normal temperature. However, occasionally blows thick green snot. It is clear that this rhinitis (runny nose) is bacterial, and that it is an obvious complication of SARS. No less obvious is the fact that Vanya has a real chance to cope with this scourge without the help of antibiotics.

Anyone who has read Komarovsky's book knows that good bacteria can enter the human body not only from the outside (acute bacterial infections). In the body of any person, good and bad bacteria constantly live in a state of peaceful neutrality. With hypothermia or stress, bad bacteria are activated against the background of reduced immunity, and then there is an exacerbation of chronic bacterial infections of the respiratory tract. Here is what Dr. Komarovsky writes about this: “When chronic bacterial infections of the respiratory tract are exacerbated, the decision on the advisability of antibiotic therapy is ambiguous and is determined by the ratio of many factors (the cause of the exacerbation, which has worsened, the severity of the condition). It goes without saying that to compare the factors and determine the appropriateness - the task is by no means mom and dad, but the doctor.

2. Each antibiotic acts on strictly defined microorganisms.

For example, the antibiotic penicillin actively affects the so-called. cocci - streptococcus, meningococcus, gonococcus, pneumococcus, but does not affect coli, dysentery bacillus, salmonella. The antibiotic polymyxin, on the contrary, acts on rods, but does not act on cocci.

It is very important to choose for treatment the right antibiotic, which will be active against the microbe that caused the disease. Any antibiotic should be prescribed only by a doctor! The doctor prescribes a specific antibiotic based on his knowledge, experience, or after bacteriological testing.

3. If you started giving your child antibiotics, in no case do not stop treatment immediately after it becomes a little easier.

Do not try to adjust the dose of the drug! Antibiotics in small doses are very dangerous, since there is a high probability of the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria. And if it seems to you that "2 tablets 4 times a day" is a lot, and "1 tablet 3 times a day" is just right, then it is quite possible that 1 injection 4 times a day will soon be needed.

4. Any repeated use of an antibiotic greatly increases the risk of allergic reactions.

Example. The boy Sasha has bronchitis. The doctor prescribed ampicillin, 5 days passed, and it became much better. After 2 months, another illness, all the symptoms are exactly the same - experience bronchitis. Let's not disturb the pediatrician. We will swallow proven and effective ampicillin. The described situation is very typical. But its consequences are unpredictable. The fact is that any antibiotic is able to combine with blood serum proteins and, under certain circumstances, become an antigen - i.e. induce the production of antibodies. After taking ampicillin (or any other drug), there may be antibodies to ampicillin in the blood. In this case, there is a high probability of developing allergic reactions, sometimes very (!) Severe. In this case, an allergy is possible not only to ampicillin, but also to any other antibiotic that is similar in its chemical structure.

There is another important aspect. If the same disease recurs after a short time, then it is quite logical to assume that when it reappears, it (the disease) is already associated with those microbes that “survived” after the first course of antibiotic therapy, and, therefore, the antibiotic used will not be effective.

5. Corollary of the previous paragraph. The doctor cannot choose the right antibiotic if he does not have information about when, about what, what drugs and in what doses your child received.

Parents should be aware of this information! Write down! Pay special attention to any manifestations of allergies.

6. Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend taking antifungal drugs (nystatin), "for the intestines", as well as antiallergic drugs together with antibiotics.

7. In his book, E.O. Komarovsky also criticizes prophylactic antibiotic therapy for SARS.

This is when a child gets sick with some kind of virus, and just in case, the doctor also prescribes him to drink a course of antibiotics in advance so that bacterial complications do not develop. Here is what he writes about this:

"The use of antibiotics in viral infections ostensibly for the purpose of prevention, in order to prevent the development of complications, is unacceptable!

Prophylactic antibiotic therapy for SARS is:

Increase in frequency and severity bacterial complications. Because by destroying the safe and conditionally pathogenic flora, we thus increase the likelihood of colonizing the respiratory tract with microbes that are uniquely pathogenic, harmful, and undesirable.

Absorption of unnecessary and far from safe medicines accompanied by unreasonable and unjustified risk adverse reactions and complications.

The constant selection of microorganisms, leading to a rapid increase in the number of bacteria resistant to many antibiotics.

Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that an antibiotic should be prescribed when bacterial infection already exists, and not to supposedly prevent it. As M.M. Zhvanetsky: "Troubles must be experienced as they come!"

8. Antibacterial agents for local use.

Dr. Komarovsky devoted a separate chapter in his book "ARI: a guide for sane parents" to antibacterial agents for local application(these are different pshikalki in the mouth and nose with antibiotics, eye and ear drops with antibiotics). Komarovsky warns that " main danger local antibiotic therapy is associated primarily with the fact that in the focus bacterial inflammation the antibiotic does not accumulate in sufficient concentration. And the use of antibiotics in low concentrations, as we already know, is one of the main reasons for the development of bacterial resistance."

Dr. Komarovsky mentions only two variants of acute respiratory infections, in which local antibiotic therapy is indicated:

Purulent conjunctivitis. Special eye drops And eye ointments with antibiotics can achieve very high concentrations drug in the focus of inflammation with practically total absence side system effects.

Purulent otitis. Local antibiotic therapy is highly effective, but only when there is a rupture of the eardrum - i.e. only when instilled in ear canal the antibiotic can get into the middle ear cavity. If eardrum not damaged - local antibiotic therapy does not make any sense.

Material prepared: Anna Ponomarenko

Antibiotics, Komarovsky is sure of this, are needed for many diseases that cannot be dealt with without them. The most important thing that parents need to remember is that antibiotics do not affect viruses at all, they are not used to treat SARS, they are used only to treat bacterial infections.

As Komarovsky says in videos about antibiotics (as well as in his books), in order to decide whether an antibiotic is needed in a particular case, one should know what kind of infection the child has: bacterial or viral. If you are not sure when to give antibiotics to a child, Komarovsky recommends that you follow only the pediatrician's prescriptions.

Each antibiotic acts only on strictly defined microbes. Purpose antibacterial drug is the competence of the doctor, not the mother and father of the child.

If the child is prescribed antibiotics, do not stop treatment after he becomes a little better and do not adjust the dose of the drug, because antibiotics in small quantities are very dangerous: there is a high probability of developing resistant to this medicine bacteria.

Komarovsky video: Antibiotics

Antibiotics during pregnancy, according to Komarovsky, can hardly be taken. There are some exceptions, but only a doctor should make a decision about taking antibiotics.

Komarovsky: antibiotics in the nose

Doctor Komarovsky is categorically against antibacterial agents for local use: the main danger of local antibiotic therapy is that the antibiotic in the area of ​​​​bacterial inflammation does not accumulate in the right concentration. And the use of low concentrations is one of the root causes emergence of bacterial resistance.

Komarovsky video: Antibiotics and the nose

Komarovsky mentions only two options in which local antibiotic treatment: purulent conjunctivitis and purulent otitis.

What to do after taking antibiotics

To maintain health after antibiotics, Komarovsky recommends helping the child's body recover. Kefir and others dairy products help support the body. Also, recovery after antibiotics, according to Komarovsky, is inevitably associated with diet food(cereals and other foods that do not violate the intestinal microflora). Alas, for full recovery healthy microflora need enough long time. To restore immunity, vitamins in the form of fresh fruits or vegetables are required.

Komarovsky video: Rehabilitation after antibiotics


Komarovsky interview: Antibiotics

Name Playback Duration
Ambroxol with antibiotics - Dr. Komarovsky
2:40 min
Antiallergic drugs along with antibiotics - Dr. Komarovsky
2:42 min
Rehabilitation after antibiotics - Dr. Komarovsky's School
25:22 min
Strengthening immunity after antibiotics - Dr. Komarovsky
3:01 min
Angina in a child. Is an antibiotic needed? - Doctor Komarovsky
2:40 min
Antibiotic in the treatment of pneumonia - Dr. Komarovsky
2:40 min
Antibiotics - School of Dr. Komarovsky
28:47 min
Antibiotics and the nose - Dr. Komarovsky
3:00 min
Duration of antibiotic treatment - Dr. Komarovsky
2:39 min
How a doctor chooses an antibiotic - Dr. Komarovsky
2:43 min
What is the best antibiotic for bronchitis - Dr. Komarovsky
2:42 min
Whooping cough and antibiotics - Dr. Komarovsky
2:41 min

A new supplemented and revised edition of the remarkable book of the famous pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky. Accessible, engaging and very...

It must be admitted that today every child and parents are familiar with antibiotics, since pediatricians prescribe them with or without reason - for safety and just in case. What are antibiotics? What are they? In what cases are appointed and what rules for their application?

As a rule, moms and dads are not afraid of the process of taking antibiotics, but how then to live with this “burden” - to strengthen the body, reduce bad influence medicines and the like. First of all, young and not very young parents need to remember this important fact: diseases are divided into viral and bacterial, and only bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics.

All people should understand that an antibiotic cannot be taken “just in case”, there must be indications for taking it. An antibiotic is a serious medicine, they need to be able to use it, and prescribe them only when they cannot be dispensed with.
The main thing to understand is that an antibiotic can save a life in a certain situation, but it often happens that people use antibiotics unnecessarily just to please manufacturers. In 99% of cases, bronchitis in children is a viral infection and it is natural that no bronchitis is treated with an antibiotic. The antibiotic kills bacteria, it does not work on viruses.

The ability of antibiotics to destroy the intestinal flora is too exaggerated, if modern, low-toxic and adequate antibiotics are used, then this will not affect the intestinal microflora. But if you use old-generation antibiotics for several weeks, then such a powerful course can greatly disrupt the microflora. To date, there are many antibiotics that, in principle, do not act on the intestines. If a child has been diagnosed with angina, then the doctor knows that angina in 90% of cases is caused by a microbe called streptococcus and 10% is caused by staphylococcus, and experienced doctor symptoms can distinguish streptococcal tonsillitis from staphylococcus.
In medicine, there is such a thing as an antibiotic of choice when a specific antibiotic is prescribed that effectively acts on a given infection.
Antibiotics are of 2 types:
1. Bactericidal - antibiotics that kill bacteria;
2. Bacteriostatic - these are antibiotics that prevent bacteria from multiplying.
When bactericidal preparations are used, the effect is instantaneous, and when the bacteriostatic effect occurs later. If a person was prescribed a bactericidal drug and it did not have an effect within a day, then either it was prescribed in vain, or it must be replaced, but there is no need to wait three days. The timing of antibiotic therapy is individual for each disease, for example, with pneumonia, a course of 5-7 days is enough, but with kidney disease or otitis media, it is sometimes necessary to treat 2 weeks, because if you stop taking the drug ahead of time, the likelihood of relapse increases tenfold.

How to restore the body after antibiotics?
Microbes are divided into two large groups: viruses and bacteria. There are no drugs that can kill viruses, but there are antibacterial drugs that can decrease and suppress the reproduction of bacteria. Parents only need to know whether an antibiotic is needed or not, and what microorganism caused this disease. Most childhood diseases are viral infections and these diseases are accompanied by cough, snot, fever or sore throat. However, there are bacterial infections, and then it is necessary to be treated with antibiotics.

Antibiotic treatment may result in Negative consequences, since they have a whole rad side effects and we must know how to be friends with these drugs. Antibiotics are drunk only when they are needed, these are not the drugs that are drunk just in case. If you did take antibiotics, then the child had a serious bacterial infection that required antibiotic treatment.
The doctor tells his visitors that when an abscess appears on the skin, there is absolutely no need to ask questions about who caused it, because medical science knows 100% that it is caused by a single microbe called Staphylococcus aureus. The doctor says that a whole bunch of bacteria live in the human body, which are constantly fighting among themselves, and as soon as we kill some, it becomes easier for others. When we took antibiotics, we killed half of the microbes and it is quite possible that the remaining staphylococcus is getting very well and will begin to multiply. The doctor explains to parents that taking antibiotics kills the microflora in the intestines, where the main share of immunity is located. The most important thing at the stage of restoring immunity after taking antibiotics is not to pick up a new infection. And the main source of infection for children are people than more people around, the more likely grab something new. Therefore, it is important, after we have recovered and been treated with an antibiotic, not to run after a new infection to children, but to limit visits to public places for 5-7 days and walk more on fresh air. Usually the opposite happens, as soon as the child has somehow recovered, and his temperature has dropped, it's time for mom to work and the child goes to the children, where something new catches on very quickly.

8 misconceptions of antibiotic therapy (According to Komarovsky)

1. They act on viruses

With viral infections, antibiotics do not work, do not help and do not improve anything, except for the material well-being of manufacturers and sellers of antibacterial agents !!!

2. Have a preventive effect in viral infections

Antibiotic therapy is not able to reduce the likelihood of bacterial complications. Complications still arise, but they are associated with bacteria that survived after an vainly prescribed antibiotic. Therefore, another drug is needed, and this “other” one, as a rule, is noticeably more expensive than the original one - in vain.

3. There are strong and weak

Our average compatriot is inclined to link the power of an antibiotic with its ability to empty pockets and purses. People really want to believe in the fact that if antibiotic "A" is a hundred times more expensive than antibiotic "B", then it is also a hundred times more effective. It wasn't there...
Everything is very expensive drugs are used only in very serious and, fortunately, not very frequent situations, when a particular disease is caused by a microbe that is resistant to most drugs, when there is a pronounced decrease in immunity, when the condition is so severe that very fast and very effective help is required.

4. "Sit down" immunity

None of the modern antibacterial agents has a depressing effect on immune system. Here, as very often with us, cause and effect are confused. The disease is to blame for the suppression of immunity, which was the reason for the appointment of antibiotic therapy.

5. Must be taken with antibiotics antifungal drugs

Candidiasis - as specific by-effect antibiotic therapy is quite possible, and its development is indeed subject to treatment using antifungal agents.

But there is no evidence that antifungal drugs have a preventive effect and reduce the likelihood of candidiasis, there is no evidence. For “prevention”, drugs such as nystatin and fluconazole are most often used (prescribed).

Result: the patient eats unnecessary medicine; money is spent unreasonably; candidiasis (caused by fungi resistant to this drug) still occurs, so you need to prescribe (purchase) another remedy - stronger, more active, more expensive.

6. When taking antibiotics, you need to take medicines "for the intestines"

Inhibition of the intestinal flora, so pronounced that it requires treatment, is a rather rare phenomenon. It occurs at long-term use antibiotics a wide range actions, especially when taking an antibiotic is accompanied by experiments with nutrition - force-feeding, the abuse of fatty foods.

However, diet combined with discontinuation of antibiotic therapy is quite sufficient treatment, because the intestinal flora recovers very quickly.

Not surprisingly, most "magic bacteria" capsules are medicines with unproven efficacy.

7. Antiallergic drugs are required for antibiotic therapy

An example is an explanation. The boy Petya is allergic to ampicillin. But we don't know this yet. The child ate an ampicillin tablet, an itchy rash appeared an hour later, the antibiotic was canceled.

The second scenario. Together with ampicillin, the boy was given the antiallergic drug suprastin. The rash did not appear immediately, but after the third tablet of ampicillin. Thus, instead of one tablet of ampicillin, which was contraindicated for him, Petya received three tablets. Better or worse is a rhetorical question.

Summary: Antibiotic-related allergies are indeed not uncommon. From here important rule- a drug that causes allergic reaction, must be immediately canceled and replaced with a drug of another group.

8. If after taking the antibiotic it becomes worse - it should be immediately canceled and replaced

Under the action of antibiotics, bacteria can be destroyed, and this is accompanied by the release of so-called endotoxins into the blood. The body reacts to the release of endotoxins with chills, an increase in body temperature - all this manifests itself in the first day of treatment as a real deterioration in the condition. This development has come to be known as an "endotoxic reaction," and physicians are specifically taught how to distinguish between endotoxic reactions and drug failures.

Summary: if, after swallowing a pill or an injection of an antibiotic, the temperature rises and chills begin, this does not mean at all that this drug does not fit and you have to run to the pharmacy for another. This means that you need to consult a doctor.

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