Unusual names starting with the letter d. Female names starting with the letter d

Damir is interested in everyone and everything, he reads a lot, and he knows how to use the knowledge gained in everyday life. For example, if he is interested in the animal world, then he will apply theoretical knowledge in practice, raising pets and studying them.

Name Daniel (Danil, Danila): name day, meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

By temperament, Daniel is closer to the phlegmatic, he is unhurried, may seem cold or indifferent. He experiences personal troubles inside himself, practically without betraying his condition outwardly. Daniel cannot be deceived, he cannot stand lies. Can flare up, but quick-witted, not vindictive. However, the betrayal of a friend can unsettle him for a long time.

Name Daniel: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Daniel from childhood has a calm and balanced character. Parents should pay special attention to his health - little Daniel is susceptible to any infections. Be sure to show it to the dentist, because problems with the teeth are likely. At an older age, an increase in blood pressure and diseases of the digestive tract are possible.

The name Daniyar: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Little Daniyar needs an eye and an eye: an active and inquisitive kid who, because of his curiosity, is often in danger. But on the other hand, he is distinguished by a unique cheerfulness, the ability to enjoy everything: from natural landscapes to the arrival of friends and relatives.

The name Darius: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

The name is unusual and beautiful. If you call your child that, it means that the attention of those around him is provided. Darius is always in the center, in any company is of interest. In childhood, this is a wonderful child, obedient, active and cheerful. True, sometimes too impulsive and emotional. Started all the children's pranks.

The name Dementius (Domentius): meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Dementia has a gentle nature. People are attracted to him by his kindness and responsiveness. He is one of those who can be trusted with the innermost, knows how to sympathize and empathize. The warmth and calmness of Dementia warm those who have failed and who need to thaw their souls. Dementy is reliable and faithful in his affections.

Name Demid: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Baby Demid is a calm and balanced child, he does not get any trouble from his parents or educators. Demid is not very successful at school, but Demid's parents also have no reason to be dissatisfied with their son's studies - they do not even notice how their son finishes school.

The name Demosthenes: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Demosthenes will differ from an early age in such traits as curiosity, love for the scientific approach in general and for the exact sciences in particular. Parents do not cause much trouble, obedient. The main properties of character are perseverance, gentleness, endurance. This is such a self-confident silent man, does not like unnecessary talk.

Name Demyan (Damian): name day, meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Demyan is prone to bouts of depression, from which his own sense of humor will help him get out.
Career for him is not in last place, and he can achieve significant success in life. However, Demyan can go to the goal "over the corpses", i.e. stopping at nothing. However, this does not bring him big dividends.

Name Denis (Denisius, Dionysius): name day, meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Denis is a creative person, and the mindset is both analytical and synthetic. He gushes with ideas, of which he has a great variety. His enthusiasm is able to attract many supporters. The disadvantage is that if Denis is bored with the idea or is not interested, he will easily. Refuse to implement it. He will simply forget, as well as that he led someone along with him. In society, Denis follows generally accepted norms of behavior and morality, but does not like strict restrictions.

The name Jamal: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

A smart and active boy, little Jamal attracts with his optimism, goodwill and love of life. At school, he does mediocrely, but he is interested in areas of knowledge that can be applied in practice. Outwardly neat, polite, tries not to have enemies.

The name Jordan: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

By nature, Jordan is a very calm child who is easy to educate. But by nature, Jordan is contradictory, he is a man of mood: sometimes soft, sometimes irritable. Little Jordan is trusting, without a shadow of a doubt he believes everything he is told, and only later, having thought and realizing that he was deceived, is very upset.

Name Dmitry (Demetrius, Mitrei, Mitrii): name day, meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Dmitry is always at the center of any company, where he stands out for his charm and numerous talents. Can write good poetry. He has many friends, girls, as a rule, are crazy about Dima. The key to success for his career is an active way of thinking, strong-willed character, perseverance in achieving goals. He is not afraid of work, he is characterized by ingenuity and the ability not to dwell on failures.

For a girl whose name begins with the letter "D" nothing is impossible, at least theoretically - she is a strong personality, she is ready to take on any business and, regardless of the chances of success, will stubbornly move towards the goal. Fortunately, such impulses rarely happen, but basically the girl is family-oriented and has fairly traditional values. She is characterized by some inconsistency - so she can be active and sociable, or she can withdraw into her inner world. In general, the owners of names starting with this letter are united by cheerfulness, healthy optimism, activity and energy.

  • Daina - possibly derived from the name Diana. An emotional, impulsive person, who, nevertheless, brings all the work started to the end. -16
  • Dana - Slavic name, means "bestowed" (literally - "given"). Decisive, stubborn, slightly contradictory, sensual girl. 9
  • Daniela - (Daniella). Feminine form of the name Daniel (Daniel). The name is of Hebrew origin, meaning "God is my judge." Impulsive, energetic, impatient girl. -5
  • Darina - the exact origin of the name is not known, there are versions about Irish, Slavic or Jewish roots. Darina is a capricious, complex, impatient girl who knows her own worth. (3) 15
  • Daria - (Dasha). The origin of the name is Greek or Slavic. There is always a little child in this woman. She attracts people because she is very easy to communicate and non-conflict. It is important for her to constantly be in society, and loneliness is unbearable for her. 20
  • Daryana - according to one of the many versions, it comes from the word "gift". A sociable, rather demanding girl who perfectly knows how to use her charm. -14
  • dekabrina - winter, December (Russian post-revolutionary name). A restrained, serious girl with a good sense of humor, able to succeed and not obsessed with material matters. -17
  • deya - (Diya) A euphonious and poetic name, derived from the ancient Slavonic “to act” - to work, to work. This is a girl you can rely on for everything. -11
  • Jenny - (Jennifer, in English - Jennie) means "white sorceress", "fair". A strong girl, with a difficult character, an idealist at heart, striving to be the first in everything. -19
  • Julia - (kindred name Juliet). Name of Latin origin (meaning - "from the genus Julius"). It is very popular in the USA and Italy. Julia is self-confident, proud, she is a clear extrovert with an almost masculine character, able to cope with any problem. -25
  • Diana - means - divine (name of Greek origin). For an energetic girl with this name, nothing is impossible, although she almost lacks some ease in communication. 10
  • Dina - the name that came to us from antiquity, this name was borne by the only daughter of Jacob. A practical, hardworking girl who does not miss her profit, but is not too happy in marriage because of her character traits. 2
  • Dobrava - means good, this is a Slavic name. The soul of the company and a good friend, practical and successful, prone to rash, impulsive decisions. -22
  • share - the original name of Slavic origin, means "fate, share." A calm girl who loves peace and comfort, not too self-confident and inclined to attach great importance to trifles. -23
  • Dominica - (Domina) Name of Latin origin - "God's day", "lady". A strong, bright, independent personality with an appropriate character. -4
  • Dorotheus - (Dorotea) - From Greek, means "Given by God." A happy girl who thinks through all her actions and actions, which invariably leads her to success. -28

For a person whose name includes the letter "D", such personality traits as reflection, comprehension, a tendency to extrasensory perception and some capriciousness are characteristic. The owner of the name is inherently family oriented.

He is always ready to take on any business, without thinking at all whether he can cope with them to the fullest. Despite everything, he will try and regularly go to the intended goal.

In addition, one can note the external showiness and some splendor of the owner of the name with this letter. He is self-sufficient, but prone to closing in his inner world. If the letter "D" is in the stressed syllable in the name, then a royal warehouse is characteristic of a person. Such a person is thorough in his actions and has great strength.

If the name begins with the letter "D", then its owner will enjoy significant success in society without making any special efforts.

The owner of the name ending with the letter "D" is characterized by a lack of interest in his own personality, which most often manifests itself in the absence of brightness. Such a person is most often deprived of attention. It is rarely appreciated on merit. For some representatives, such a quality as boasting is characteristic. In addition, they know how to defend their own interests.

List of names beginning with D

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