What does ash stump mean. What does the expression "clear stump" mean? An example of using the expression is clear stump

A jokingly condescending recognition of the transparency of what is happening even for the most naive person. It is used to emphasize the speaker's firm confidence in the authenticity, truthfulness of the statement, and also as a confident affirmative answer, confirmation of the words of the interlocutor.

The origin of the expression is clear

The stump is clear - this is an ironic colloquial derivative of "the day is clear" (the meaning of the expression: clear - understandable, "clear as God's day"). Perhaps the "clear stump" was formed at the junction of two processes, the first (and in time) - from obscene, through rude and euphemisms - this wave is "semantic", the second - from day to stump, thanks to rhyme and, possibly, a song from the cartoon " Little Mouse Song" (Soyuzmultfilm, 1967) - What a wonderful day! What a wonderful stump! What a wonderful I am, And my song!

The affiliation of the expression is clear stump

Youth slang.

An example of using the expression is clear stump

It is clear that this is not so.

Some 63-year-old French pensioner decided to go out in the evening to buy himself a pizza (French old people, the stump is clear, even Chubais will not forbid to live beautifully).

The stump is clear, you can’t fail the experience.

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What does the expression "A clear stump" mean and does it have something to do with a stump from Ash?

Stump, it turns out, is not alone in his "clarity" ...
Here is the measured degree of clarity of various subjects, including the stump, measured by me in the media according to the Integrum database for all the years. So, "clear...who?" The result is:
pepper stump horseradish
Foreign press 54 37 2
Internet publications 145 128 15
News agencies 40 9 0
Computer press 55 102 3
Regional press 327 259 5
TV-Radio Efir 19 6 0
Central newspapers 149 170 3
Central journals 56 44 4
The transformation of the very, very original "day" into a "stump" is also explained very easily. In the 70s, a cartoon about a mouse was very popular, it was often shown on TV, and a very haunting song sounded in it:
"What a wonderful day
What a wonderful stump
What a wonderful me
And my song.
I like this version more than the fact that ... in V.S. Elistratov's "Dictionary of Russian Argo" it is indicated - boring and without options: "A clear month, a clear stump, a clear pepper - a euphemism for obscene."

What does the expression "clear stump" mean?

    understandable, clear, naturally, sometimes used in the meaning I know myself, I already know it, and without you it’s clear.

    It seems to me that this expression can be used when the matter is, as they say clearer than clearquot ;, that is, you don’t need to think anything out. this phrase, in my opinion, can mean clearly, obviously, naturally, understandably.

    This is from some pagan worship of trees. Or wooden totets. Like idols at the temple in Kyiv. Which were then carved. And they set sail on the Dnieper. Prince Vladimir decided to conquer the Jews. And on those better Orthodoxy was nothing to be found.

    Stump, it turns out, is not alone in his clarity ...

    Here is not me measured the degree of clarity of various subjects, including the stump, in the media according to the Integrum database for all the years. So, clear who? The result is:


    Foreign press54372

    Online publications14512815

    News agencies 40 9 0

    Computer press551023

    Regional press3272595

    TV-Radio Efir 1960

    Central newspapers1491703

    Central magazines 56444

    Transformation of the very original day in stump also explained very easily. In the 70s, a cartoon about a mouse was very popular, it was often shown on TV, and a very haunting song sounded in nm:

    What a wonderful day,

    What a wonderful stump

    What a wonderful me

    And my song.

    I like this version more than what ... V. S. Elistratov’s Dictionary of Russian Argo says it’s boring and without options: Clear month, clear stump, clear pepper - a euphemism for obscene.

    Most often, this expression could be heard five to seven years ago more often from the lips of young people; for older age groups, such a slang concept is unacceptable or unknown. There is nothing abusive in the expression itself, but its use in speech can speak of a rather meager vocabulary of the interlocutor, because instead of this phrase, you can use the closest in meaning and understandable to the general public obviouslyquot ;, of course etc. Well, if you still need to use exactly the stump is clear ;, then a small group of friends, more often teenagers, in which an informal dialogue takes place is most suitable for this, and slang fits in as an element of humor.

    The stump is clear - this is a softened version of another, more rude expression! There are not many such modifications. For example: like two fingers on the asphaltquot ;, nor a jet of a fountain etc. And the meaning of the word, or expression the stump is clear; - means: of course.

    This is something like the German naturlich. That is: indeed, undoubtedly.

    This expression was used 10-15 years ago. Now you don’t hear it often. New expressions have appeared, even more sophisticated. This once again confirms that the possibilities of the Russian language are endless.

    This is the rest of the ASH tree! that is, a stump from him! And you can say this when the tree itself is cut down or cut down and only a stump remains! So Take care of nature Your mother! And then there will be not only a stump from an ash tree, but also Ash itself)))

    The stump is clear - this is a kind of confirmation of what has been said. Older people do not usually speak like this in most cases, but children and teenagers can express themselves this way. I will give examples below:

    This is a sawn ash tree next to its stump. It is quite clear where the tree comes from if it lies next to its stump. Here is an ash tree (trunk) - here is the stump where it grew! Everything is clearer than clear!

    Ash - stump! Stump - ash! OBVIOUSLY means...)

    I think it’s best to put it so vividly in a diplomatic primer, so that all translators go crazy, trying to translate this into normal literary language and to show off their

    erudition in the field of slang ...

    hence the conclusion, it’s better not to express yourself so clearly, because not everyone will understand who the stump is and why it is clear ...

    it's better to just tell me everything clearly and I think so...

A jokingly condescending recognition of the transparency of what is happening even for the most naive person. It is used to emphasize the speaker's firm confidence in the authenticity, truthfulness of the statement, and also as a confident affirmative answer, confirmation of the words of the interlocutor.

The origin of the expression is clear

The stump is clear - this is an ironic colloquial derivative of "the day is clear" (the meaning of the expression: clear - understandable, "clear as God's day"). Perhaps the "clear stump" was formed at the junction of two processes, the first (and in time) - from obscene, through rude and euphemisms - this wave is "semantic", the second - from day to stump, thanks to rhyme and, possibly, a song from the cartoon " Little Mouse Song" (Soyuzmultfilm, 1967) - What a wonderful day! What a wonderful stump! What a wonderful I am, And my song!

The affiliation of the expression is clear stump

Youth slang.

An example of using the expression is clear stump

It is clear that this is not so.

Some 63-year-old French pensioner decided to go out in the evening to buy himself a pizza (French old people, the stump is clear, even Chubais will not forbid to live beautifully).

The stump is clear, you can’t fail the experience.

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