The tongue goes numb, the reason is dizzy. Why is my tongue numb after brushing my teeth? Diseases of the peripheral nerves

Decreased sensitivity or numbness of the tongue and lips indicate problems that develop in the body. A person immediately notices if the lips lose sensitivity or the tongue goes numb.

What does this mean, and what kind of diseases can be manifested by a decrease in taste, tactile sensitivity, it is best to find out from a doctor. However, there are certain features given symptom. So, the tongue or lips can become numb gradually or almost instantly. Almost always, this symptom is accompanied by other signs of the disease, which makes it possible to facilitate diagnosis.

Sensitivity is reduced due to a violation of the innervation of the lips and tongue. Speaking about the fact that numbness of the tongue is a sign of what and what diseases it may indicate, a number of factors should be noted: infectious, vascular, mechanical, etc. However, it is important to find out exactly what disease causes the tongue and lips to reduce. About the features of this symptom and the diseases in which it manifests itself, will be discussed below.

Conditions in which the lips and tongue become numb

Headache Sensitivity disorders Features of a blood test Additional examinations
Migraine Appears an hour after numbness Hands go numb No changes Taking triptans, monitoring results
Bell's palsy Doesn't show up Loses sensation on half of the face AT rare cases inflammatory markers are present Perform MRI, CT
Stroke Prolonged, intense, appears before numbness Most often, sensitivity is disturbed in one half of the body The indicators of the coagulation system are changing. It is possible to increase the number Perform MRI, CT
hypoglycemia Doesn't show up Diabetic polyneuropathy The level of glucose in the blood drops to 3 mmol / l or less MRI, CT scan to rule out insulinoma
Anemia (B12 deficiency) Doesn't show up Peripheral polyneuropathy The content of erythrocytes decreases, in some cases leuko- and thrombopenia Bone marrow puncture
Anxiety disorders Doesn't show up, disturbs Possible short-term disturbances in the sensitivity of parts of the body associated with experienced stress No changes Assign a consultation with a psychotherapist, conduct tests to determine anxiety and
Angioedema It does not appear if the edema is extensive, discomfort in the head area is possible Loss of sensation in the edema area Possibility of inflammatory markers If it develops allergic edema, conduct tests with allergens, if hereditary - examination for defects in the complement system
Education benign and malignant Pain at the site of the tumor or diffuse pain if the meningeal membrane is involved in the process. Analgesics stop poorly. Not with all formations, sometimes If the process is malignant, all blood counts decrease, if it is benign, no changes CT, MRI neck, head, brain

Causes of numbness of the lips and tongue

Why the tongue tingles, why the lips go numb - the reasons for this can be determined by the doctor after a comprehensive examination. To specifically determine why the lower lip is numb, and the causes of numbness of the tongue will help a blood test, MRI, CT dopplerography of the vessels. The treatment regimen depends on the underlying disease.

All diseases in which the tongue becomes numb, numbness is manifested lower lip and chin are divided into several groups.

Diseases of the nervous system

Diseases of the central departments

Often the patient notes that the lip or tongue is numb if formations appear in the structures of the brain, both benign and malignant. These symptoms also appear when degenerative changes brain .

Diseases of the peripheral nerves

The answer to the question why the upper lip goes numb may be idiopathic neuritis facial nerve . Also, the causes of numbness of the upper and lower lips can be associated with the facial, trigeminal and other nerves of the face.

Diseases that are not related to the nervous system, but affect it

Swelling and numbness is possible with vascular pathologies leading to acute disorder blood flow (transient ischemic attack, stroke ). Also, this symptom is manifested in diseases circulatory system, in particular anemia associated with deficiency.

If the lower or upper lip is swollen or the tongue is numb, this may be due to infectious and allergic processes - allergic manifestations, simple virus.

Mechanical damage

When the upper lip goes numb or twitches, it reduces the tongue, this may be a consequence past injuries heads, faces. It is also possible after a recent dental intervention.

Those who are interested in why the tongue goes numb can also find the reasons for this phenomenon in the recent conduct of any dental manipulations with “wisdom teeth”. Operational removal eighth teeth, especially if they have taken horizontal position, passes hard, using .

The causes of numbness of the tongue may be associated with local anesthesia. Sensitivity on one side disappears for a while. If the sky goes numb, the reasons can also be associated with dental procedures. This manifestation is not dangerous, but can be repeated for up to six months, why man feels discomfort. Treatment in this case is not required. However, a person must clearly know why the tongue goes numb and that this is due precisely to dental procedures, so as not to miss the development of serious diseases.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

One of the most serious reasons why the tongue and lips go numb is associated with the so-called "vascular catastrophe". - a disease among those that occupy leading positions in terms of mortality. Therefore, it is very important to know the symptoms of this formidable disease, among which are numbness of the lips and tongue. The causes of this disease can be different. The signs are the following:

  • Paralysis and numbness right side or the left side of the face, while one eye can be closed, the corner of the mouth is lowered.
  • Numbness of the left side of the body or the right side.
  • There is no speech or it is slurred.
  • A person cannot move his leg and arm on one side, or it is very difficult for him to do this.
  • Disrupted coordination.
  • Possible manifestation of oppression of consciousness.

It is necessary to help a person with such symptoms very quickly: it is important that this be done within 6 hours from the onset of an attack. If adequate assistance is provided in time, there is Great chance restore speech and muscle function.

Conservative therapy is practiced in rehabilitation centers where recovery after a stroke is carried out. Also, the following steps are important for recovery:

  • Maintenance within normal limits (no more than 140/90).
  • Control of fluid intake - its amount per day should be 1.5-2 liters.
  • ACE inhibitors are considered the drug of choice.
  • Balanced diet.
  • Control of glucose content, since with its indicator more than 11-12 mmol / l, rehabilitation becomes more complicated.
  • Preventive measures to prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • Sedative treatment to provide psycho-emotional comfort.

To the question about blue lips- a sign of what kind of disease, the answer can also be problems with the heart and blood vessels.

migraine with aura

People who suffer migraine , often before an attack they feel changes in smell, vision, hearing. Sometimes these are only short flashes - the appearance of lines before the eyes, numbness, tingling of the face. The aura appears one hour before the attack and disappears completely after the condition has returned to normal.

Triptans are used to treat migraine, but the form of the drug and its dosage should be selected by the doctor. Those who often have migraines should reconsider their diet and give up those foods that can provoke headache attacks. These are cheese, chocolate, wine, canned food, etc. It is also important to prevent stressful situations as much as possible.

Idiopathic neuropathy of the facial nerve (Bell's palsy)

In rare cases (approximately 1-2%) after medical examination and it is not possible to determine the causes of numbness of the lips. Often in this case, people complain of complete paralysis of the face or that the floor of the face is numb. What to do in this case, the doctor will tell. Often idiopathic neuropathy develops as a result of a cold, flu, sometimes - the herpes simplex virus.

In most cases, patients with Bell's palsy recover without additional treatment, and the consequences for the nerves of the face are not noted.

If necessary, in a hospital, treatment is carried out with corticosteroid hormones, which are combined with antiviral therapy for 1-2 weeks.

It is also advisable to practice gymnastic exercises for facial muscles. Recovery can take a long time, up to one year.

Relapses of the disease are rare. But when they occur, it is necessary to additionally examine the brain in order to determine or exclude formations.


Angioedema is autoimmune in nature, this process is triggered when the body is exposed to an allergen. It is often difficult to determine which substance caused such a reaction. Therefore, a study of the reaction of the patient's body to five different components is carried out:

  • food and medicines;
  • plant pollen, dust;
  • insect bites and parenterally administered drugs;
  • chronic diseases;
  • infections.

If angioedema has been confirmed. what to do, the doctor determines. He prescribes hormonal, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, diuretics.

If the disease is not treated, its symptoms last for several days, after which they pass along with discomfort. Every person who has at least, angioedema was diagnosed once, should always be freely available antihistamine medicines, corticosteroids and to, if necessary, stop the spread of edema to the larynx.

If a person's nose becomes numb, it may be due to an allergy to cold. True, the reasons why the tip of the nose goes numb can be associated with more serious problems. If the nose becomes numb at the same time as the back of the head, then this may indicate stroke .

Other diseases

The answer to the question of why the face or tongue goes numb may be other diseases. The tongue and lips sometimes become numb due to mechanical compression by the neoplasm. A tumor can develop in the brain, and then damage occurs. nerve centers, which determine the sensitivity of a certain part of the body. Therefore, if a person becomes numb, the reasons must be clarified without fail, and at the same time, oncological alertness must take place. Although numbness of the face with VVD manifests itself quite often, it is still important to exclude more serious causes.

Determining the causes of facial numbness, the doctor must necessarily exclude neoplasms of the neck and head. Therefore, you should not think for a long time what to do if you constantly feel numbness on the right side of your face or lose sensitivity. left side. It is important to get tested as soon as possible.

You should be on the alert and consult a doctor in time if your head goes numb. The reasons for this may also be related to the tumor. Therefore, numbness of the head, which manifests itself regularly, is the reason for a visit to the doctor.

More rare causes, due to which the tongue, upper and lower jaw and even numb teeth are Lyme disease , neoplasms of the oropharynx , preeclampsia , as well as other diseases.

Spend differential diagnosis only a specialist can medical institution. Therefore, it is important to determine the causes of numbness of the cheeks, lips, tongue as soon as possible.

Dizziness and numbness of the tongue are frightening symptoms for many, as they are primarily suggestive of an impending stroke or heart attack. However, most often this condition passes quickly and does not pose a threat to health. The article outlines both serious and harmless causes of these signs.

Depending on the factor that caused this combination of symptoms, a violation of the sensitivity of the organ manifests itself as a slight tingling or absolute numbness. Often there is partial or total loss taste sensations. Violation of sensitivity can affect the root, tip, half of the tongue or its entirety. Sometimes discomfort spread to lips, gums, cheeks, neck, hands. The head can not only spin, but also hurt, and in some cases the condition is aggravated by nausea and vomiting.

What triggers the symptoms

Among the common causes of paresthesia (loss of sensation) of the tongue and dizziness, the following are noted:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • stress, depression;
  • migraine;
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • deficiency of iron and vitamin B;
  • hormonal disruptions (especially during menopause);
  • a brain tumor;
  • taking certain medications;
  • thyroid disease;
  • the use of alcohol, drugs;
  • bites of snakes, insects.

Temporary numbness of the oral cavity and dizziness are possible after dental procedures. When a tooth is removed, for example, damage to the nerve of the tongue occurs. If it has been squeezed, numbness weeks will pass after two; when a rupture occurs, healing will take several months. Dizziness and paresthesia of the tongue and gums may be a reaction to anesthesia during dental treatment. When the injection wears off, the symptoms disappear.

Loss of sensitivity of the speech organ or part of it, combined with bitterness in the mouth, can be caused by taking antibiotics. Allergy, especially medicinal, is expressed by a rash and numbness of the lips and tongue. Rarely, such a reaction can turn into Quincke's edema, accompanied by reduced pressure, dizziness and difficulty breathing if it affects the larynx. This condition requires an immediate call for an ambulance.

Paresthesia of limbs, fingers, lips and tongue - common symptom with diabetes. From an imbalance in the level of glucose in the blood, the walls of blood vessels, arteries and nerve fibers are destroyed, blood flow worsens and stagnation occurs. This provokes burning and stiffness of the organ of taste and other parts of the body.

Multiple sclerosis causes paresthesia of parts of the body, weakness, dizziness. Migraine can also cause headaches and numbness of the tongue, lips, and hands. Neurological diseases, in addition to the above, are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Such signs may also indicate a skull injury.

If the tongue becomes numb, and the head hurts and is spinning, osteochondrosis can be suspected. cervical spine. The man suffers from tension and shootings in the neck, high blood pressure, tingling in the fingers, which develops due to pinching of nerve endings by the vertebrae.

If you have pain and dizziness vegetative dystonia, there is nothing to worry about, since this condition often causes vasospasms that do not pose a threat to health. Because of them, the blood supply can be temporarily disturbed, leading to a feeling of crawling, burning and mixing of body parts.

If the headache and numbness of the lips are accompanied by weakness, trembling and hunger, this most likely signals the onset of an attack of hyperinsulinism. Sweet tea or foods rich in carbohydrates will help alleviate the condition.

Numbness of the tongue and part of the face, accompanied by a headache, is observed with Bell's palsy, an infectious disease that manifests itself as inflammation and blockage of the nerves.

When the lips and tongue go numb, the head hurts and feels dizzy, speech and coordination of movements are disturbed, an urgent need to call ambulance, as these symptoms can be harbingers of a stroke.

If numbness is accompanied by shortness of breath, chest pain, heart palpitations, this may be a manifestation of a myocardial infarction.

Which doctor to contact

It is extremely difficult to independently determine the cause of dizziness and numbness of the tongue. This will require consultations of a neurologist, therapist, endocrinologist, as well as certain studies and examinations:

  • tomography of the brain and spine;
  • taking a blood test for sugar;
  • dopplerography of vessels.

Since numbness of the tongue is only a symptom, treatment will depend on the disease that caused it. In case of vegetovascular dystonia, drugs are prescribed that improve blood circulation (Cavinton, Memoplant, Sermion, B vitamins).

Cervical osteochondrosis is treated with drugs that restore cartilage tissue, massage, physiotherapy, exercise.

If the state is called psychogenic causes The doctor usually prescribes antidepressants and sedatives.


Paresthesia of the tongue and dizziness do not always signal the presence of pathology. Anxiety symptoms can be triggered by stress, medication, or anesthesia. Circulatory disorders and curvature of the spine are accompanied by similar signs. However, it is not recommended to independently find out the cause of discomfort and try to eliminate it. Such symptoms are possible in a number of serious ailments which a person may not even be aware of. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and start treatment of the disease on time, if any.

Have you ever wondered why the tongue goes numb? This happens very rarely, but it does happen. In fact, numbness of the tongue is really rare form paresthesia. In essence, paresthesia is a loss of sensation in one or another part of the body, accompanied by a sensation of tingling or crawling. Do not ignore this small, at first glance, trouble. In some cases, it can turn into serious problems.

Numb language: causes

If your tongue goes numb, of course, you are interested in the causes of this trouble. Let's start considering the reasons with the most obvious and harmless. It is she who causes numbness of the tongue most often.

So the most main reason Paresthesia of the tongue is a visit to the dentist. Usually, during the treatment or extraction of teeth, the dentist gives the patient an anesthetic injection. After that, the oral cavity completely loses sensitivity. A few hours after dental procedures the effect of anesthesia passes, but the tongue is still numb, what does this mean? The fact is that the tooth root and the nerve of the tongue are “neighbors”. It is not surprising if during a dental procedure, the doctor accidentally presses or damages the nerve of the tongue. There is no need to panic. Over time, the nerve is easy to recover. Very soon, the sensitivity will begin to return to the tongue. After clamping the nerve, the tongue will fully recover in one to two weeks, after damage - in a month.

Another very common cause numbness of the tongue - the impact of certain medications. Very often antibiotics affect the sensitivity of the tongue. In this case, you also do not need to be afraid, the sensitivity will return very soon. However, if you continue to continue treatment with the drug, you should never endure numbness. Contact your doctor and he will change your drug to another one.

The following reasons are not so likely, but they also cannot be discounted:

Diseases of the cardiovascular system.



Lack of iron or vitamin B12 in the body.

Smoking and addiction to alcoholic beverages.

Poisoning and exposure.

paresthesia- this is a phenomenon characterized by a complete or partial loss of sensitivity of the organ. Is the result of irritation of sensitive nerve fibers. Numbness of the tongue occurs quite often, since the condition develops secondarily, against the background of various diseases(diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ENT organs and endocrine pathologies). Diagnosis and treatment similar condition handled by a neurologist.

Symptoms of a pathological condition

Most often, the numbness of the tongue is ignored, since this sensation does not cause any discomfort. When paresthesia is a sign of illness, numbness can be accompanied by other symptoms, causing discomfort or even pain.

Causes of tongue paresthesia

  • Consequences of dental procedures. Numbness can occur after visiting the dentist. A feeling is formed as a result of anesthesia, since the roots of some teeth are located in close proximity to nerve endings language receptors. This feeling often occurs after the removal of the wisdom tooth and the body's departure from the anesthetic injection.

If numbness arose after going to the dentist, then most likely the doctor crushed or injured the nerve of the tongue. This means that the anesthesia procedure was carried out incorrectly and the numbness is the result of negligence. If the injury is minor, then the sensitivity returns after a couple of days, in case of serious nerve damage, numbness persists for months. Together with the tongue, sensitivity may be partially lost by the gums or the entire jaw.

  • Allergy. One of the main causes of numbness in the tongue is an allergic reaction, loss of sensation occurs after taking antibiotics or other tablets that cause pathological reaction immune system. In almost all cases of allergic reactions accompanied by numbness, sensitivity resumes after a few days.

Allergies can also occur as a result of eating certain foods, such as tropical fruits, seafood, or after drinking alcohol. In order to avoid side effects and aggravation of the situation, you should stop using the product that causes the reaction and seek help from a doctor.

  • Organ injury. mechanical injury language, its chemical or thermal burn may cause paresthesia. Numbness begins after biting the tongue, getting hot tea or coffee on it, smoking or alcohol. Cause given state there may be acid or alkali in the stomach. This also includes poisoning with food or heavy metals, then there may be a taste of iron in the mouth.
  • Diabetes. Diabetes mellitus as one of the diseases endocrine system with a violation of the production of the hormone insulin, is a common cause of paresthesia of the tongue. With an increase in blood sugar, which occurs more often in the morning, there is a tremor of the fingertips, it is noted increased weakness and dry mouth. Numbness is most often small, wearing a local character.
  • Osteochondrosis. With osteochondrosis of the cervical region, numbness of the tongue is rare, but the symptom occurs in some cases. Degenerative-dystrophic processes of intervertebral tissues lead not only to paresthesia of the organ, but also cause regular headaches, dizziness, in which it gets dark in the eyes and rings in the ears.
  • Neurological disorders. Glossalgia is a disease in which discomfort occurs in the form of tingling or burning of the tongue. The speech organ stings not because of its injury, but more often because of neurological problems. Glossalgia is side effect affecting not only the tongue, but also other parts of the oral cavity, such as the gums or cheeks.

Bell's palsy is a common neurological ailment characterized by loss of sensation and numbness of the lips, cheeks, tongue, and entire face. With the aggravation and progression of the disease, a complete loss of taste is possible. The disease can develop due to a snake or insect bite, the poison of which led to the death of the facial nerves.

  • Hormonal disorders. Some women note that the feeling of numbness of the tip of the tongue occurs at the beginning of menopause. During this period, the mucous membranes become thinner, burst small vessels which also leads to pain. Recovery normal sensitivity organ is delayed due to slow renewal of the epithelium.
  • Psychological problems. Mental disorders and psychologically unstable conditions can cause paresthesias, which are described as numbness on nervous ground. physical changes are extremely rare, but people in a period of depression, prolonged insomnia or increased anxiety complain of a tingling sensation in the tongue and certain parts of the body.
  • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, during the second trimester, a woman's heart rate increases and blood pressure. Exactly high heart rate and high pressure lead to local numbness. A tingling sensation can occur not only in the tongue, but also in the heart, fingers, limbs. These states are temporary, ending after normalization of pressure.
  • Head injury. With injuries of the face and neck, paresthesias are possible, as a sign intracranial hemorrhages and neurological disorders. Inflammation of the spinal cord and brain leads to numbness of the tongue. The symptom accompanies others serious illnesses, in particular, tumors in which the patient complains not only of numbness, but also of vomiting, severe chills, nausea, and headaches.
  • Avitaminosis. With a shortage of some minerals the body can signal a lack of vital important components numbness of the tongue, skin rashes and general malaise. The symptom occurs when iron deficiency anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency. Similar numbness can occur with an excess of vitamins and minerals in the body.
  • Multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis as a disease accompanied by the spread focal lesions brain, can lead to loss of sensitivity of certain parts of the body. The degree and area of ​​paresthesia depends on which parts of the brain have been affected. Numbness can occur during sleep, after which the patient complains of swelling of the limbs ( left hand, right leg) in the morning after waking up.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. During an attack of angina pectoris or a heart attack, squeezing is observed chest accompanied by blue lips and numbness of the tongue, as well as the entire face. With a stroke, a person may feel numbness of the lips and tongue, while there are complaints of a sharp, very strong headache, nausea, dizziness. In all cases, emergency qualified assistance is needed.
  • Reception hormonal drugs . When taking hormonal steroid drugs possible side effects, expressed in the form of numbness, impaired taste perception and swelling of the larynx. Above upper lip tendril hair may begin to grow actively. Purple stretch marks appear on various parts of the body, weight increases significantly.
  • Migraine. Patients suffering from a rare disease - migraine with aura, complain of a violation of the sensory organs. Persistent headaches may be accompanied by auditory illusions, flashes of light in front of the eyes, distortion of smells, impaired speech. because of pain there are paresthesia of the fingers and tingling in the tongue.
  • Fungal lesions of the tongue. With candidiasis that affects the oral cavity, on the surface of the patient's tongue occurs white coating, when it is removed, bleeding ulcers remain on the mucous membrane. If large areas of the tongue are affected by the Candida fungus, numbness is possible. Discomfort intensify during chewing food, as the mucous membrane of the tongue is injured.

What to do?

If the numbness of the tongue does not go away for a long time, accompanied by additional symptoms you should seek medical advice. To treat paresthesia of the tongue, it is necessary to resort to therapy for the problem that causes this phenomenon. As symptomatic treatment the following drugs may be used:

  • No-Shpa - with numbness, accompanied by painful sensations;
  • Suprastin - with loss of sensitivity caused by allergic reaction for a drug or food product;
  • Stomatidin - in case of spread of the infectious environment in the oral cavity, etc.

Now in the age of high technology, when medicine is developing by leaps and bounds, it seems that a person can solve all problems and cure any sore. Diseases such as tonsillitis, influenza, are treated enough in short term, and medicine has developed many medicines. But there are cases when the disease "captures" a person so much that he is simply unable to escape.

Comes to mind immediately scary word"disability", but even a seemingly insignificant disorder of susceptibility can cause serious violations in the body. A person can be tormented by a slight numbness in the region of the tongue, and he cannot give an adequate explanation for this. So why does numbness of the tongue occur, why is it dangerous and how to treat it?

Many people, having found themselves numb in the area of ​​​​the language, do not think about it, they think “maybe it will cost” or that “there is nothing wrong with that.” But still it is better to know the cause of this manifestation and how to recover from it.

Numbness in the area of ​​the tip of the tongue is quite common among the population. Such a manifestation in modern medicine called paresthesia. In another way, this can be understood as some violation of the sensitivity of the language.

Symptoms of the disease

At this disease There may be several manifestations. It may be an almost imperceptible, slight tingling in the area of ​​​​the tongue, or goosebumps may appear, passing through the tongue. And the last, most unpleasant manifestation is the partial or complete loss of sensitivity of the tip of the tongue. Often, of course, the symptoms of this disease appear in the most harmless form, but they can cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. Then you need to act to cure paresthesia.

The main reasons for the development

It is impossible to immediately find the cause of numbness of the tongue. For this you need to go necessary examination, after which it will be possible to objectively say what reason was the causative agent of the disease. The cause of the disease may be diseases of the cervical spine in the spine. If you are taking on this moment antibiotics, then this can also cause numbness of the tongue. There are so many of them that problems with thyroid gland can also cause this disease.

Many do not realize, but after visiting a dentist, a person’s tongue can also become numb, this is due to the fact that when removing a tooth, the dentist can accidentally hit a nerve, resulting in numbness. In this case, it is not dangerous, because after a while the sensitivity of the tongue will return to normal condition and no need to worry.

But numbness of the tongue can sometimes be a symptom of a terrible and dangerous disease. Such diseases are diabetes, various cardiovascular diseases. Basically, in the presence of such diseases, numbness of the tongue occurs, as a result increased dryness mucous membrane of the tongue. But this is not the most dangerous, since numbness of the tongue can be the cause of impending or.

If you did not find these manifestations in yourself, then possible reasons look for problems related to the heart or oral cavity. Also look carefully and read the ingredients of your toothpaste, as using it can cause numbness as you may be allergic to some of the ingredients in the toothpaste. If you are using chewing gum, and often feel numbness of the tongue, then stop using it and get tested for possible allergies. In this case, you will know what components you are allergic to, and further eliminate them from your diet.

You may not have thought, but stress and increased irritability, nervousness is another reason for the numbness of the tongue. Therefore, carefully look at your mood and its swings, as this will lead to numbness. If your diet lacks vitamins, then be sure to include them in your diet, namely vitamin B12, the lack of which leads to loss of sensitivity of the tongue.

What to do with numbness of the tongue?

In fact, there can be an endless mass of reasons for the numbness of the tongue, and only experienced doctor can get to the truth. At the same time, none of these reasons should be ignored, because numbness of the tongue is a very serious symptom of any disease. Therefore, never leave your problem unresolved.

Be sure to visit the doctor and pass the prescribed full examination organism. The tests that you will need to pass reveal diseases such as diabetes, tuberculosis, various cardiovascular diseases. Your doctor can send you to a dentist, endocrinologist, and even a neurologist, so don't be alarmed, because this is necessary for an accurate diagnosis and finding out the cause of your concerns.

You must also provide your doctor full information on taking any medications in the last six months to a year and data on previous diseases, including tooth extraction, dietary habits, toothpaste replacement, etc.

In addition, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and cervical spine can be prescribed on an apparatus whose magnetic field must have a strength of at least 1 Tesla. After identifying the cause, you will be assigned the right treatment. Be sure to go through it, do not ignore it, because the success of curing the disease depends on it. Be healthy!

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