Deprivation of a disability group due to lack of funds. Conditions for the appointment of permanent disability. What diseases are permanent disability?

Now I will go to ITU for the fifth time, I don’t even know what to expect.

If you try to explain all the intricacies of orders and resolutions regarding the determination of a disability group during re-examination, you get the following: the group will be determined indefinitely at the fifth re-examination:

When, during the implementation of rehabilitation measures during the course of the disease, some changes for the worse occurred, but the patient retained the ability to work, social adaptation;

  • when the state of health remains at the same level, but the disease does not suggest recognizing the rehabilitation prognosis as satisfactory, rather it is doubtful, for example, with stage 3 cancer:
  • when rehabilitation activities carried out at the development level medical science today, have not led to the expected improvement in health, for example, vascular stenting lower extremities, complications diabetes, vision loss, loss

limbs, the consequences of total phased arthroplasty of both hip joints.

When in four or five years it was not possible to restore the lost functions of the body,

for example, impaired movement, somewhat limiting and self-care after a stroke

It is impossible to list all situations. Each patient is considered in the complex of the disease, social status, living and working conditions.

Permanent disability? With the third group, I don’t think they will. The truth about your health problems. you didn't say anything about it.

Whatever they write in the answers, I don’t think they will.

I have the first group. Indefinitely. There are reasons. Two brain surgeries. I do an MRI, every year and much cannot be changed. The third group is a little different. You can live and work with it, sometimes without infringing on yourself.

The problem is whether there are REASONS for such an examination and subsequent conclusions.

To be honest - with the current lack of money from the state and constant attempts to save money on pensioners and disabled people, there are more chances - that the group will be removed - than - that the group will be given indefinitely ..

although earlier - according to all the rules and orders - for 5 times the group was given indefinitely ..

you have the right to appeal the decision of the district commission to the regional MSEC .. As soon as you are denied the extension of the disability group, immediately write a complaint and give it to the chairman of the commission.

Hello! As they can give a permanent group, they can remove your group altogether. But according to medical legislation, the third group is working group. And you just need to talk to a lawyer about this topic, providing him with the VTEK documents, a pension certificate, a document about the group, and the lawyer will explain everything to you exactly

It is quite possible that both. Much depends on the results of treatment for your general condition and your age. Commission ITU doctors (medical and social expertise) makes a decision according to the prospect of treatment, the severity of your illness, your ability to work, your age.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 247 of April 7, 2008 “On Amendments to the Rules for Recognizing a Person as Disabled”, disability can be established without a re-examination period only at the next re-examination and after 4 years of observation of a disabled person in the ITU Bureau (that is, for the 5th year examination), except for cases included in the List of diseases, defects, irreversible morphological changes, violations of the functions of organs and systems of the body, in which a disability group without specifying the re-examination period is established for citizens no later than 2 years after the initial recognition as disabled.

The list of diseases, defects, irreversible morphological changes, violations of the functions of organs and systems of the body, in which the disability group without specifying the period of re-examination (the category "disabled child" until the citizen reaches the age of 18) is established for citizens no later than 2 years after the initial recognition as a disabled person (establishment category "disabled child"):

Malignant neoplasms (with metastases and relapses after radical treatment; metastases without identified primary focus with treatment failure; heavy general state after palliative treatment, incurability of the disease with severe symptoms of intoxication, cachexia and tumor decay).

Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues with severe symptoms of intoxication and severe general condition.

Inoperable benign neoplasms head and spinal cord with persistent severe violations motor, speech, visual functions(pronounced hemiparesis, paraparesis, triparesis, tetraparesis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, triplegia, tetraplegia) and severe liquorodynamic disorders.

The absence of the larynx after its surgical removal.

Congenital and acquired dementia (severe dementia, mental retardation heavy or deep).

Diseases nervous system with a chronic progressive course, with persistent pronounced disorders of motor, speech, visual functions (pronounced hemiparesis, paraparesis, triparesis, tetraparesis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, triplegia, tetraplegia, ataxia, total aphasia).

Hereditary progressive neuromuscular diseases (pseudohypertrophic Duchenne myodystrophy, spinal amyotrophy Werdnig-Hoffman), progressive neuromuscular diseases with impaired bulbar functions, muscle atrophy, impaired motor functions and (or) violation of bulbar functions.

Severe forms of neurodegenerative diseases of the brain (parkinsonism plus).

Complete blindness in both eyes with the ineffectiveness of the treatment; decrease in visual acuity in both eyes and in the better seeing eye up to 0.03 with correction or concentric narrowing of the visual field in both eyes up to 10 degrees as a result of persistent and irreversible changes.

Congenital deafness with impossibility of hearing replacement (cochlear implantation).

Diseases characterized by increased blood pressure with severe complications from the central nervous system (with persistent pronounced disorders of motor, speech, visual functions), heart muscles (accompanied by circulatory failure IIB-III degree and coronary insufficiency III-IV functional class), kidneys (chronic kidney failure IIB-III stages).

Ischemic heart disease with coronary insufficiency III-IV functional class of angina pectoris and persistent circulatory disorders IIB - III degree.

Diseases of the respiratory organs with a progressive course, accompanied by a persistent respiratory failure II-III degree, in combination with circulatory failure IIB-III degree.

Cirrhosis of the liver with hepatosplenomegaly and portal hypertension of the III degree.

Unremovable fecal fistulas, stomas.

Pronounced contracture or ankylosis of large joints of the upper and lower extremities in a functionally disadvantageous position (if arthroplasty is impossible).

End-stage chronic renal failure.

Unrecoverable urinary fistulas, stomas.

Congenital developmental anomalies musculoskeletal system with pronounced persistent violations of the function of support and movement when it is impossible to correct.

Effects traumatic injury brain (spinal) cord with persistent pronounced disorders of motor, speech, visual functions (pronounced hemiparesis, paraparesis, triparesis, tetraparesis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, triplegia, tetraplegia, ataxia, total aphasia) and severe disorder functions of the pelvic organs.

Defects of the upper limb: amputation of the area shoulder joint, disarticulation of the shoulder, shoulder stump, forearm, absence of the hand, absence of all phalanges of the four fingers of the hand, excluding the first, absence of three fingers of the hand, including the first.

Defects and deformities of the lower limb: amputation of the area hip joint, disarticulation of the thigh, femoral stump, lower leg, absence of the foot.

Is the indefinite 3rd group of disability removed?

Enough for today in Russia a large number of people are in the 3rd disability group. The reason for receiving it was the state of health. This provision gives various benefits and privileges in life. They deal with different issues.

The 3rd group of disability refers to indefinite. This implies that there is no set deadline for re-examination. This procedure can only be performed in order to increase the group or change the degree of disability. Basically, this is required when deciding on the labor exchange.

As practice shows, the indefinite 3rd group of disability can be removed. Since it is established due to a violation of the functions of the body. This situation may change throughout a person's life. Therefore, the specialists of the services that control this issue do not see the need to be in the 3rd disability group. This becomes a clear reason for its removal, which is done.

Getting a group due to disability is a rather complicated procedure. It requires a series of sequential procedures. The first is that you need to go to the doctor who is treating you. He will require you to pass certain tests. With their results and the corresponding package of documents, you must contact the medical and social expertise. It is she who deals with these issues. Your data will be entered into the database and accepted for consideration, after which a decision is made whether to establish a disability group or not.

The main reason for accepting a positive answer is a number of types of disorders associated with body functions. The degree of their manifestation is also important. There are four of them:

  • the first is weakly expressed;
  • the second is moderate;
  • the third - expressed;
  • the fourth - strongly pronounced signs.

Types of violations of body functions

The main violations of the functioning of the human body include those that relate to:

  • psyche. Here they pay attention to the state of memory, intelligence, emotions and other things;
  • speech and language. This may include a change in the process of voice formation and other things related to speech;
  • sensory functions. Work-related problems are excluded hearing aid, smell, vision, body temperature and other;
  • statics and dynamics. This suggests violations motor abilities, both limbs and the whole body, head and other things;
  • circulation, respiration, digestion and other important systems organisms that are responsible for its normal functioning;
  • physical disorders. Basically, this includes the incorrect formation of the body, head, face. And their disproportionate sizes, which do not meet the established standards. An abnormal structure of the digestive, respiratory and other systems may also be observed.

When is the 3rd disability group assigned?

After the examination of the human body has been passed, and it has been established that its performance is at a low level due to impaired functioning of the body, a person can apply for a group. These defects may be chronic or anatomical. They lead to a complete or partial loss of the performance of their direct professional duties, a decrease in qualifications. In such cases, it is necessary to change the working conditions. They must limit physical activity. In addition, changes may also affect the mode of operation: incomplete work week working hours have been shortened.

Of course, only the relevant organization can bet on the 3rd group. It must be contacted immediately, after determining this diagnosis. At the same time, you must have a passport with you, a certificate in accordance with the established form from the hospital where the disease was diagnosed. A statement is also written to the patients with a request that this issue be accepted for consideration.

But there are a few tips that will certainly help. The first of these is that it is necessary to undergo an annual examination. It will help confirm or change the disability group. But there are cases when the disease is incurable, and it is also not necessary to count on any changes. In this situation, the 3rd disability group is called indefinite.

Getting it goes a little differently. First of all, you need to make sure that the disease falls into the list of indefinite. This information can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Health. Here full list diseases. Among them, you can try to find your own and consult on this issue with your doctor. But it is important to note that you can get it no later than two years after the diagnosis is made. It is provided equally not only to adults, but also to minors.

Also permanent disability implies other conditions on it. A recertification process is required every year. It is a confirmation that there is a need for this group. The district police officer must provide this direction to the appropriate commission. There are times when a person cannot independently take all the tests. In such cases, he is placed in a hospital. Moreover, all the results of the performed analyzes are valid for several days.

When a person is in a group, he may qualify for a course of maintenance therapy. This applies to the 2nd and 3rd groups. The doctor, based on the diagnosis, must prescribe it independently. He is undergoing therapy in a hospital.

In addition, you must obtain a disability certificate. This can be done in the Pension Fund of Russia of your locality. It will provide certain social benefits: a reduction in the cost of travel in urban transport, free and discounted medicine, preventive treatment in the resort, but only in the cold season.

The 3rd disability group can also be established indefinitely if the disabled person has reached the age of sixty for men, and for women - fifty-five, or it is assigned after reaching this age. He has been in the 1st or 2nd group for more than fifteen years.

When can an indefinite disability group be removed?

The Ministry of Health is constantly reviewing this provision. Therefore, it is necessary to keep track of any changes. So, there are cases when the 3rd group of disability is removed, despite the fact that it is indefinite. For example, if during the check documents were found that are forged, they have corrections or inaccuracies regarding the results of the analyzes. This information is fundamental to the acceptance of the individual by the group. Therefore, it cannot be doubted.

Also, the reason for removal from the 3rd group is the establishment of violations of everything related to this provision: causes and timing. A special bureau deals with the control of these issues. Its main task is to look after correct execution all required standards.

Of course, disability is unpleasant for any person. It limits his ability to work. The government is trying to do its best comfortable conditions for their lives, given such limitations.

Persons with disabilities in our country are assigned one of three disability groups. To confirm it, it is required to visit a special commission annually, which assesses the state of health of a disabled person and either extends the assigned group or removes it. However, there are exceptions to this rule. If, for example, a person is terminally ill, and no progress in better side is not foreseen, then he can be assigned a lifetime disability.

Can such an indefinite 2nd group of disability be removed? We will look for this question a little later, but for now we will talk in detail about the procedure for assigning lifelong disability. This information will be useful to those persons with disabilities whose condition does not allow for annual re-examination.

In connection with what diseases permanent disability is established

In order to receive a lifelong 2nd group of disability without specifying any terms of re-examination, you must first check the list of diseases below that give the right to such disability:

  • complete lack of vision;
  • malignant tumors at any stage;
  • acquired or congenital dementia;
  • incurable diseases of the nervous system;
  • respiratory failure and associated respiratory diseases;
  • limb deformities or their amputation;
  • benign tumors of the brain or spinal cord, recognized as incurable;
  • deafness in both ears;
  • pathological changes, or serious lesions brain;
  • neuromuscular diseases that can develop due to heredity.

In the presence of one of these diseases, the patient can be assigned a lifelong 2nd group and do without an annual visit to the commission. But the current legislation also establishes a number of additional conditions under which the assignment of indefinite disability is carried out.

Deadlines for establishing a life group

Indefinite 2nd group of disability is assigned in the following terms:

  • no later than two years after the person was recognized as disabled. This rule applies to both children and adults. But for the first, an indefinite group is established until the age of 18. After that, an additional examination will be required to confirm that no improvement in health has occurred;
  • no later than four years after the establishment of the 2nd disability group. If in the process of undergoing rehabilitation measures, doctors establish the presence of incurable disease, then this rule applies to a disabled person. It also applies to children with disabilities;
  • no later than six years after the assignment of the 2nd group to a disabled child. This item is intended only for children who have been diagnosed with malignant tumors, chronic or acute leukemia, as well as severe ailments if the course is complicated by oncological manifestations.

In the absence of positive dynamics of treatment, an indefinite group can also be established at the initial recognition of a person as a disabled person. To do this, you must obtain a certificate confirming the presence of an incurable disease.

Documents required to establish an indefinite disability group

Assignment lifelong disability carried out on the basis of relevant papers from a medical institution. In addition, you will also need to submit a number of other documents for consideration by the medical and social expert commission:

  • a statement written by the patient in a special form;
  • the results of the most recent examinations by a doctor;
  • the most fresh results analyses;
  • referral to the medical and social expert commission, which is issued to the patient by the attending physician.

If a person is assigned an indefinite 2nd group of disability, this does not mean that in the future he will not have to undergo any examinations and deal with doctors. A prerequisite is the passage of maintenance therapy (at least 2-3 times during the year), and the presentation of its results to the MSEC.

After the establishment of the 2nd group of disability, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate certificate, which gives the right to free pass in transport, a discount on utilities, vouchers to sanatoriums and other benefits from the state.

When can a group be removed?

Although perpetual group disability is established without specifying the terms of re-examination, the medical and social expert commission is still able to remove it. Legislation provides the following reasons for this:

  • remove disability, cancel the decision on its indefiniteness, representatives Federal Bureau control over the activities of the ITU. The grounds in this case may be violations in the definition of terms, the absence of any justification for assigning a disability group;
  • identification of forged documents in the case of a disabled person, papers with corrections or blots, falsification of facts or false information about a person with a disability. In this case, the consequences will be very unpleasant for the forger - they can not only remove disability from him, but also open criminal prosecution for fraud.

Pension fund - a way to save

Decent old age?

All recent pension reforms have not solved the tasks assigned to them, and the very idea of ​​​​a funded system turned out to be only conceptually unfounded - but also poorly calculated.

Conceptually, its depravity was that the very right to a decent pension, written in the Constitution from RIGHT, that is, the obligation of societies and the sovereign to provide a worthy final stage of life for a person who worthily spent his working life, turned into his obligation to save money for himself at that time when he finds it difficult to work.

In itself, this idea is essentially hypocritical: because the right to save money is quite difficult to take away anyway. The percentage that a person can receive from savings in the pension system is, according to the initial rules, less than the percentage that he can receive from the same savings placed in a bank. With the difference that no matter what his "white income" is and no matter how much his accumulation fund is, he cannot receive a pension more than a predetermined amount - today about 12,000 rubles. That is, in the Soviet dimension - about 60 rubles of that time, about two times less than a pensioner of the 70-80s could receive.

At the same time, as Medvedev admitted, it turned out that a person who, according to the year of his birth, was included in the funded system, receives a pension less than those who did not fall into it. And the Pension Fund lives with a growing deficit. For today we are talking about the scale of the latter is about one trillion rubles.

From the point of view of normal logic, an entity that does not have enough funds to fulfill its financial obligations is looking for ways to earn them. That is, to produce and sell something, ensuring an increase in value. People exercising economic power in Russia - in principle, do not think in terms of "produce". They think in terms of sell, borrow, take away, and share. And especially the category "cut costs".

But official public policy requires social payments, including pensions - to increase.

Then, given the existing flawed logic of the economic authorities. Either more money either collect from someone, or increase payments per person, but reduce the number of those who need to pay them. Hence, in particular, the idea of ​​raising the retirement age: to pay fewer people and in practice for a shorter period of time, and in addition, while they work, collect taxes from them.

So far, this has not been possible. But I want to cut costs. The question arises how, without officially reviewing anything, to reduce the number of those. who needs to pay. It is not possible to reduce the number of pensioners by age. But there is a category of disability pensioners. In Moscow, for example, there are 1,200,000 such people, according to available data. Moscow is ten percent of the country's population. Then the country is about 12 million.

With a pension of, say, 10,000, this already amounts to 120 billion. In addition, a disabled person has the right to free medicines, free travel in transport, sanatorium provision, benefits on utility bills. Together, this gives an amount comparable to the amount of the pension itself.

Reducing the number of disabled people by at least 10% is already under 20 billion rubles a year. Another 10% - another 20 billion.

It is impossible to deprive a person of an old-age pension. It is possible to deprive a person of a disability pension if he is declared healthy.

There are no clear criteria for granting disability. Formally, there are three of them: restrictions on the ability to perform labor activities, restrictions on the ability to move, and restrictions on the ability to self-service.

Whether a person objectively has such limitations as a result of his illness or not is decided by the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise. Formally, the system is three-level: the local Bureau, the Main Bureau for the subject of the federation, the federal bureau.

The bureau employs experts who are formally considered doctors. But today these are not doctors who are professionally associated with treatment and have the competence to assess health. Most of of which is not associated with medical practice, and they generally have nothing to do with health care and the Ministry of Health itself - these are officials of the Ministry of Labor, professionally - and with skills. And the bureaucratic discipline associated with the process of "determining the ability to work": in a situation where there are no unambiguous criteria for its determination - perhaps they cannot exist - it is up to the doctor to decide what the patient's state of health is and how this disease may affect the limitations of his life.

But there can't be fifty experts in the Bureau. As a result, a person who defended a dissertation on the topic “Social-hygienic and clinical-functional foundations for solving disability problems, medical and social expertise and rehabilitation of people with disabilities with the consequences of fractures of the lower extremities” evaluates the degree of working capacity of a cardiological patient. And the person who defended his dissertation, say, on the topic “On the mechanism of changes in the content of catecholamines in the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach when removing the main salivary glands and stress” – makes a decision on granting disability to a stroke survivor.

They have no medical obligations to patients and the treating institution. But they have official obligations to the authorities. The condition of the patient does not concern them therefore. that if the doctor is responsible for the results of treatment, they are not responsible for it. Will the patient become worse after their conclusion or not. He will die as a result of their imprisonment - for example, being forced after two strokes to leave as a driver of a heavy-duty car on a long-distance flight or simply fall on the rails in the subway, getting to work, he will have a hypertensive crisis during a lecture if he is a teacher - they do not bear for this responsibility in principle.

But they can say a wonderful phrase: you have diseases. And there are several. And they are heavy - but we do not find any restrictions on working capacity.”

Because it is their right to decide whether it exists or not - simply on the basis of their expert opinion. And it is quite natural that the more honest of them - can make a favorable decision, the less honest - will fulfill the requirements coming from the authorities. And since the task of their superiors is to save money. Instructions from the authorities, which are not officially issued, and the presence of which no one will confirm, but which everyone knows about - save. That is, if possible, do not recognize new disabled people as disabled, or remove disability from old people altogether, or reduce the disability group - which also saves some money from the budget and the pension fund.

In Moscow, for example, this process is controlled by the chief expert of the Main Bureau for the city of Moscow - Lapshina Galina Vasilievna, for this species activities, even deserving the title of Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

In the grassroots Bureaus—which are three-digit numbers in the city at least up to Bureau number 196—there are other appointees. For some reason recent times among them immigrants from Tyumen began to appear. At the same time, the name can be quite Slavic - let's say. Veronika Matveeva - but the appearance does not resemble either Slavic or Caucasian.

At the same time, the examination of grassroots bureaus generally takes place in a peculiar way. The person who applied for the examination comes on the appointed day, having previously undergone an examination by the doctors of his polyclinic, and presenting the conclusion of the hospital, if he underwent treatment in it.

At this stage, it is precisely specialists specialized for his diseases who give conclusions regarding his health. But the final decision on the granting or confirmation of disability - it must be confirmed every year within five years after the first grant - the final decision is made by this ITU Bureau.

Formally, it consists of several people who must together conduct an inspection, familiarize themselves with the available conclusions medical institutions and make your decision.

In fact, everything is different. The first is that they may not perform an inspection, if they do, it means nothing. A person will come after an operation on the kidney - his pressure will be measured. But if it turns out to be elevated, he will say: “Nothing, they were worried.”

Second - there may not be any commission - the examination will be carried out by the chairman of the Bureau, who will later sign his act with the members of the commission who were not present at the inspection.

Thirdly, all the conclusions of medical institutions brought in will not play a special role at all: no matter what is written there: stroke, heart attack, kidney failure - the “expert” has the right to say with a grin: I do not find restrictions in life. And the attending physicians are incompetent to establish it.”

It can be bracketed that before the examination, one of the bureau employees will take you to the nearby utility room, close and lead a long expectant conversation on strange topics - for example, offer to buy a kitten from him - you can not say. But when you do not respond to the proposal for a kitten, you will be released and you will receive a refusal to grant disability.

Formally, there is a right to appeal against his decision - you will immediately be given a form at your request and within three days the case, together with the appeal, will be transferred to the Main Bureau for the same Moscow.

But here the work of the Main Bureau and its head G.V. Lapshina begins - their professional task, observing all necessary procedures- try to confirm the conclusion of the grassroots Bureau, and justify its chairman.

And here everything will be more decent: unlike the grassroots Bureau, no one will be frankly rude. Examination will indeed be carried out by several doctors. Although it's over, they will do everything to whitewash their grassroots colleagues.

If you already use a cane, they will try to get you to say that it is slippery on the street and say with satisfaction that you use it only because it is slippery. If you say what kind of operation you had, they will try to squeeze words out of you that now you are better - that is, you are cured. If you complain of shortness of breath and dizziness when walking - they will conciliately say that this is quite natural - everyone who experiences stress has shortness of breath and increased heart rate - and so on.

One detail: during the work of experts in white coats, a young man in civilian clothes will be present. Who, if asked, will introduce himself as a lawyer, but who will restrainedly but bossily cut off the experts if they try to admit that the patient still has problems with the ability to work. He, of course, will not resemble an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - rather, a financial inspector who controls the expenditure of funds.

Here, too, you can appeal the decision - they will immediately issue a form and take the case to the Federal Bureau of ITU in three days ... But the system is clear - savings will be provided.

The government demands to reduce the number of those entrusting social payments - the Bureaus fulfill the requirements of the authorities.

And in any case, the most remarkable thing is that. whether a person is disabled or not is determined not by those who treat him and are responsible to him, but by employees of a completely different department. whose task is not to treat - but to save. To appeal to their conscience or medical ethics means that they are simply made to laugh. You can sue them. But in modern Russia the courts never protect a person if the government requires otherwise.

Only then will everyone wonder why suddenly one day another “Russian Breivik” driven to hysterics will come to such a humane institution as the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.


Hello. My father (he is 73 years old) has had the 3rd disability group since 1998. and since 1999 indefinitely (occupational injury, dislocation and fracture of the hip joint). In 2004 in accordance with the rehabilitation program for the disabled, he was sanitary-resort treatment. In 2012 he decided to use the spa treatment again, but the FSS requires from him, in addition to all documents, the conclusion of the clinical expert commission (conclusion of the CEC). In honey. institution (district clinic) do not give a conclusion without passing the VTEK to confirm the disability group. Is it possible that a disabled person who, according to the law, has received a disability group indefinitely (the documents indicate that it is not subject to re-examination) cannot be given a certificate-conclusion already on the basis of a previously confirmed group.

Head of medical the institution claims that the new rules were introduced 6 years ago and this will not affect the group in any way - this is only necessary to receive health resort card and so far they haven’t been deprived of anything for this, although it hints that this moment theoretically this is possible by law, because there are no grounds for giving an indefinite group for this injury.

Tell me please, is FFS right? (what is required for such a conclusion from a disabled person whose disability has been confirmed indefinitely, can you get by with some other document?) and honey. institution , which violates his own legal decision in 1999. and forces him to undergo a re-examination.

The father was upset, afraid to lose the group (and the status indefinitely, because it is morally and financially difficult to confirm every year for an elderly sick person) and took up self-medication, although he really needs professional rehabilitation.


The legislation does not provide for the abolition of an indefinite disability group, regardless of the time of its establishment. The medical institution where your father is observed is not entitled to require re-examination. Revision is possible upon a personal application of a citizen, for example, in order to strengthen the disability group due to a deterioration in health. In this case, your father should apply to a higher medical institution with a complaint about the unlawful requirements of the subclinic.

For registration on Spa treatment FSS offices require the following documents:

application on the issued form;

a copy of the certificate of disability of the medical and social examination (ITU), issued indefinitely;

a copy of the insurance pension certificate;

copy of the passport;

reference medical institution on the need for sanatorium treatment in the form 070 / y, issued by the attending (district) doctor and certified by the head. clinic;

certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence on the right to sanatorium treatment (in the event that your father did not refuse to enroll social services in terms of sanatorium treatment for 2012).

Thanks for the suggested solution to my problem. You said that you need a copy of a medical and social examination disability certificate issued indefinitely, but the fact is that in 1999. they did not give him any certificate in his hands, but there was only an extract from this certificate. Therefore, the certificate should be in honey. institution, but how long they keep them and whether it can be restored upon application or at least demand a copy from them.

According to paragraph 7 The procedure for compiling forms of a certificate confirming the fact of establishing disability, and an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2010 No. 1031-n,Your father should be issued with a certificate confirming the fact of the establishment of disability, and not an extract.

An extract from the act of examination of the medical and social expertise within 3 days from the date of the decision to recognize the citizen as disabled is sent to the relevant bureau (main bureau, Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise) to the body that provides him with pensions.

A similar procedure was in effect in 1999.

In accordance with clause 9 of the said Procedure, in the event of the loss of the issued certificate, federal state institutions of medical and social expertise at the place of residence of the disabled person issue a duplicate certificate at the request of the disabled person (his legal representative), a duplicate of the extract at the request of the body providing pensions.

The application (request) indicates the circumstances of the loss of the certificate (extract) and the place of its issue.

A duplicate of the certificate (duplicate of an extract) is issued on the basis of an inspection certificate, in accordance with which the lost (damaged) certificate (extract) was issued. At the same time, a new certificate of examination is drawn up in the federal state institution of medical and social expertise without additional examination of a disabled person, in which an entry is made about the issuance of a duplicate certificate (duplicate extract), in exchange for the lost (damaged) certificate (extract), and a protocol is drawn up.

In case of loss of the certificate of examination, in accordance with which the lost (damaged) certificate was issued, its duplicate is issued on the basis of a copy of the extract, the original of which is stored in the body providing pensions. The specified copy of the statement is issued by the body providing pensions, at the request of the federal public institution medical and social expertise.

Perhaps something else. An extract was mistakenly issued to the father, and the certificate was filed in the pension file. Therefore, first you need to contact the UPFR at the place of residence and make sure that the pension file does not contain the certificate of disability you need. If not, then proceed according to the above procedure without re-examination.

If combined into common features, the process of passing a medical examination and an ITU commission meeting, then the procedure is as follows:

  • visual examination of the patient;
  • an analysis of the treatment methodology is carried out until the commission is passed;
  • see if it makes sense to continue rehabilitation courses further.

If the assessors do not see the point in the latter that nothing affects and helps the course of the disease, towards improvement, a firm decision is made to assign a disability group without further re-examination. Required package of documents For each disability group, there is a specified list of required documentation. Based on all the certificates, test results, etc., a decision is made whether to give a group or not.

Can I remove the 2nd group of disability indefinitely?

Telephone consultation 8 800 505-91-11 The call is free Topic: Can they remove permanent disability if I refuse sanatorium treatment? read answers (2) answers (1) Topic: Indefinite disability Can I remove an indefinite disability group if removed from the dispensary registration? I have a 3rd disability group, indefinite for 5 yearsread answers (4) disability at mental illness if you do not visit a psychiatrist. read answers (2) Subject: Gave a permanent disability My son was given a permanent disability in August 2015. Disabled since childhood.

The main factors for the assignment of indefinite disability in 2018


Those who cannot move independently are mentally retarded, in general, a category that is completely dependent on other people. Group 2 Such people can take care of themselves a little, can move with auxiliary objects, are trained in special institutions can control their behavior with the help of others Concepts A disabled person can be called a person whose state of health is impaired, in which he cannot fully live. With a disability, a person cannot be fully or partially employed in labor activity.

Permanent disability is when disability is established for life.

Medical and social expertise

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tell me whether it is possible to cancel a once issued disability group for life for any reason Minimize Viktoria Dymova Support employee Similar questions have already been considered, try to look here:

  • Can a disability group be canceled if it was indefinite?
  • Is it possible to change a non-working disability group to a working one, since I want to work?

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Cancellation of an indefinite disability group

  • complete lack of vision;
  • malignant tumors at any stage;
  • acquired or congenital dementia;
  • incurable diseases of the nervous system;
  • respiratory failure and associated respiratory diseases;
  • limb deformities or their amputation;
  • benign tumors of the brain or spinal cord, recognized as incurable;
  • deafness in both ears;
  • pathological changes or serious brain damage;
  • neuromuscular diseases that can develop due to heredity.

In the presence of one of these diseases, the patient can be assigned a lifelong 2nd group and do without an annual visit to the commission. But the current legislation also establishes a number of additional conditions under which the assignment of permanent disability is carried out.

Can a once issued disability group be canceled for life?

There is such a thing as "perpetual disability". What are the main factors for its assignment? social status a disabled person needs to undergo special honey.
commissions. Are being considered various occasions, and the presence of a particular disease cannot yet guarantee you receiving any disability group. Distinguish between indefinite disability, one that is assigned for life, and disability, which must be confirmed by passing special commissions every year.

At the same time, disabled people receive certain benefits. Important Aspects There are 3 groups of disability. Briefly about each: Group 1 This category of people who are not able to take care of themselves. This category needs constant care.

Permanent disability - can it be removed?

Respiratory diseases associated with respiratory failure. 13. Lesions of the spinal cord or brain. 14. Deformations and defects of the lower and upper limbs including cases of amputation. In what cases can permanent disability be removed? Can an indefinite disability group be removed? They can only in the following cases: 1) if false (false) documentation, erasures, uncertified corrections in diagnoses, analyzes, and so on, which are crucial for issuing expert solution by reason, term and group of disability; 2) during the implementation by the Federal Bureau, the main bureau of control over decisions that were made in accordance with the rules of the bureau (if gross violations were found in the basis of the medical expert case regarding the establishment of the period, cause and group of disability).

How to cancel disability

Medical and social examination - In December 2008, in the branch of the GB ITU for the city of Moscow, I was first diagnosed with a second disability group according to general illness. with the third degree of limitation of the ability to labor activity. Disability indefinitely, I am not subject to the next re-examination.


I do insulin injections five times a day, the meniscus in the knee is removed, I walk only with a stick, but not for long and not far. In November 2011, a letter arrives from the ITU Main Bureau in Moscow with a demand to appear for a control examination, having collected a bunch of extracts and anamnesis.

Can I remove my disability on my own? According to the latest information, about 10% of the Russian population has some degree of disability.

Can permanent disability be lifted?

After establishing the 2nd group of disability, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate certificate, which gives the right to free travel in transport, a discount on utilities, vouchers to sanatoriums and other benefits from the state. In what cases it is possible to remove the group Despite the fact that an indefinite disability group is established without specifying the terms of re-examination, the medical and social expert commission is still able to remove it. The legislation provides the following reasons for this:

  • to remove disability, to cancel the decision on its indefiniteness, representatives of the Federal Bureau of Control over the activities of the ITU have the right.

According to some data, more than 150 thousand disabled people live in our region. Almost 10% of the region's population! This is true? - This is apparently accumulated data.

Our institution has information on those people who have passed the examination for the year. In 2008, 43 thousand people were recognized as disabled, in 2009 - 41 thousand.

How to cancel disability Federal Law of July 24, 2009 N 213-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Russian Federation and recognition as invalid of certain legislative acts (provisions of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption federal law“On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Fund health insurance and territorial funds of compulsory medical insurance” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on July 17, 2009) 4.

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