Aries woman and Pisces man compatibility in love and marriage. What does an ideal couple look like: Pisces woman - Aries man? Gift ideas for Aries man and Pisces woman

But a strong initial attraction does not exclude the presence of problems in the future. Quarrels between partners will arise for various reasons. The fault can be the contrast of characters, jealousy, boredom, and so on. Loving people will be able to overcome many obstacles. The main thing is to recognize the existence of a problem in time.

What difficulties in marriage will an Aries man Pisces woman face? Will the friendship of the heroes be strong? Read the details in this article.

The Aries man is looking for a woman who will understand him. And the Pisces girl dreams of a stable relationship. The lady will try to accept the guy with all his inner baggage, and the young man will try to slow down the rhythm of his life. He is ready to create a family that he will love more than anything in the world.

Each meeting of the couple is rich, interesting, unusual. Aries loves to surprise and puts on whole performances on dates. He reads poetry, speaks beautiful words of love, dedicates songs. Such a man enjoys the process of conquering a Pisces woman. And the lady is happy to be the universe for her partner, she is madly in love with his romance and original approach to everything. Aries knows what they want. And the girl sincerely admires the guy's confidence in his abilities.

He perceives life as a challenge, and Pisces have fears that interfere, cause tension. However, the love of Aries gives a woman a sense of security, peace.

Compatibility Aries man Pisces woman is favorable, but efforts will need to be made to create a strong tandem. For the sake of an idyll, partners will not have to sacrifice anything. You just need to start with respect for the freedom and independence of a loved one. It is very important to build a solid foundation at the beginning of a relationship. Otherwise, in the future, the union will collapse due to the slightest crisis.

By the way, quarrels are an important part of a couple's life. The relationship between Aries and Pisces is like a wrestling game. Lovers scandal, reconcile and again conflict. Guys are addicted to bright emotions, it excites them.

Aries is impatient with others, but tries to withstand any antics dear to the heart of a Pisces woman. The lady also forgives the chosen one, she really values ​​​​him. The girl does not want to dominate in communication, the domineering Aries man is completely satisfied with the distribution of responsibilities.

The lover is comfortable in this situation. This union is harmonious. It has the perfect blend of mind, soul and body.

Sexual Compatibility: Pisces Woman and Aries Man

Aries man lives in the moment, one night stand suits him. But the girl lives in another world. She does not recognize intimacy without feelings. This lady is an emotional type, it is important for her to feel a deep connection with a man. A girl will be able to trust a loved one, with him she will relax and show herself real. Sex for love will be unforgettable: gentle, bright, touching. Trying to drag a Pisces woman into bed, Aries must remember: the lady is really looking for a life partner and a good, reliable friend.

During intimacy, the girl loves to look into the eyes, foreplay and caresses give her special pleasure. The young lady Pisces likes to do "it" on a chair, in bed she prefers to be on top.

The atmosphere itself is also important for a woman. Lighted aroma candles, beautiful music and, of course, sincere confessions will help you tune in to the wave.

Together, the Aries man Pisces woman embody their long-standing erotic dreams. The guy acts as the initiator, and the girl is responsible for sensuality and the right mood.

Aries man and Pisces woman marriage compatibility

There is a high probability of a harmonious marriage. Aries, with his bold and expressive character, will be the ideal husband for the Pisces girl, who is shy, sensitive and patient. She is attracted by the dynamic, passionate and honest nature of the chosen one. The lady can count on the strong shoulder, support and attention of Aries. And the young man - for the understanding of his beloved.

Partners will feel comfortable together. The Pisces woman, of course, cannot be called the most exemplary hostess, but does this have anything to do with love? Yes, a lady can forget about household chores, she needs a special mood, a portion of inspiration to put things in order. The wife does not want to spend time cleaning, the woman cooks well, but she does not stand at the stove every day. She often plunges headlong into dreams, ponders an upcoming trip or important work matters. But the Aries husband is not strong in domestic matters either. Fortunately, you can always invite special staff to do housework. The assistant will greatly facilitate the life of lovers.

In marriage, everything will turn out fine. The Pisces woman will be a wise, reasonable, loving wife and a good mother, the Aries man will be a breadwinner and protector. He will want to protect his fragile lady from all the dangers and injustices that exist in this cruel world. A commendable desire, but sometimes a woman has to save herself from bouts of anger of her husband. At first, her husband's outbursts of aggression will surprise her, but soon the lady will learn how to skillfully control the mood of the second half.

Constant care, support, affection, tenderness and high-quality sex will make a guy softer, calmer.
Pisces understand feelings and emotions better than others, but often try to escape from reality so that it does not hurt. The girl tends to accumulate resentment and suffer in a relationship. She expects Aries to notice that there is a problem. But the young man is sometimes carried away by other things. When a spouse does not feel rewarded for love, she begins to distance herself. And here it is not far from the break. But in most cases, it is possible to save the union.

The marriage of an Aries man to a Pisces woman is likely to last for many years. Usually a young man does not want to let go of a lady whom he made his own, offered his hand and heart. And the girl dreams of being held even tighter.

Aries man Pisces girl: Possible difficulties

Aries and Pisces have a lot in common, but there are also enough differences.
Aries is an incredibly optimistic person, while Pisces tend to be depressed, more pessimistic and cautious. Aries tends to judge others and put them in their place. And Pisces are tolerant of the shortcomings of others. Women of this sign are unusually sensitive, and Aries guys do not take much to heart. The assertiveness, rudeness and tactlessness of a young man can hurt a fragile and vulnerable, selfless lady. A man harms a lady unknowingly, but this does not cancel the consequences.

The prudence, slowness and excessive calmness of a Pisces woman sometimes irritates a young man. He makes decisions without hesitation, actively moves forward, develops, pursues new sensations. While the Pisces girl is meditating, the Aries guy is acting. The frantic pace of life of the chosen one surprises the lady. The woman considers this approach superficial, even irresponsible.

Sometimes the stubbornness of Aries turns into a state of aggression, and the excessive calm and serenity of a woman leads to the stagnation of marriage. Boredom and routine gradually destroy feelings, make you look for explosive emotions on the side.

In a relationship, it is important to accept the pros and cons of a partner, to put up with the shortcomings of a loved one.

However, Aries will try to change some of the features of Pisces that do not quite suit him. It is extremely important to do this with great tact.

Aries and Pisces need to cherish romance. If she disappears, the same will happen with love.

At the beginning of a relationship, Aries and Pisces enjoy intimacy, partners are satisfied with their sex. But over time, the routine "eats" bright feelings, it becomes boring in the bedroom. To return the former passion, you need to talk about your fantasies, your most secret desires. The union will become stronger when the idyll in bed is achieved. Aries should understand what exactly turns on a Pisces woman. And the lady should more often agree to the spontaneous erotic proposals of a young man.

This union has great potential. Guys definitely need to fight for love. Together partners will be much happier. Aries man will make the life of the chosen one richer, more fun. And Pisces will be able to enrich the life of a partner in terms of spirituality and generosity.

Despite conflicting points of view on many things, Aries and Pisces are considered one of the most romantic combinations.

Friendly Compatibility: Aries Man Pisces Woman

Friendship of Aries and Pisces is unusual. They just drink coffee, ride bikes, go to the movies, and there is romance in the air. People around cannot understand why these two are still not a couple. Perhaps they are afraid of losing ease, ease. Guys can talk about everything in the world. They discuss books, favorite TV shows, talk about the past, present and future, and really relax together.

Such a strong emotional connection is worth its weight in gold. Comfort in communication "glues" two people better than a dozen difficulties and joys overcome together. Friends value their relationships, try to protect them.

Aries man Pisces woman: business compatibility

Aries likes to cooperate with a Pisces girl. She helps the guy move towards success, directs his energy in the right direction, gives effective advice, teaches how to communicate with clients, creates the right mood. And the young man supports his colleague morally, shares energy forces with the woman, helps her gain determination, believe in herself.

The guys in the team work incredibly productively. They are successful in creativity, production, trade. They are proud of their own achievements and strive to complete tasks with high quality. Life-changing decisions for business should be made by the Pisces woman. She will carefully analyze the situation and make the right choice. A man can start looking for investors, resources and, of course, developing new ideas. He is the best at generating everything new and effective. Aries is the most valuable person at the project launch stage. He knows how to recognize successful moments, charges the case for success.

What to give an Aries man and a Pisces woman?

The Pisces woman usually expresses her feelings with restraint, but she rejoices with gifts like a child. Original decor items can cheer up a lady: stylish floor lamps, laconic photo frames, plants in cute pots. Also, the lady will be happy to receive a fashionable scarf, beautiful underwear, a symbolic pendant on a chain or an unusual bracelet. In addition, a girl can present a new book by her favorite author, a tablet or a phone of the current model.

Pisces should not buy banal cheap things and household appliances. But Aries will be delighted with a blender or coffee maker. You can also give a man barbecue equipment. He loves to cook meat. For a holiday or for no reason, you can buy a young man a shirt or T-shirt of a good brand. An e-book or a fitness bracelet is also great. But the guy will especially appreciate the gift-emotion.

Aries will enjoy riding, skydiving, attending a master class in sailing a yacht, or rushing through the waves on water skis. Nothing compares to new sensations, an adrenaline rush is always welcome.

What is the compatibility of Aries man and Pisces woman?

Pair compatibility - 85 percent. People who are ready to love, respect, accept, understand and support a loved one will definitely create a strong family.
Pisces born between March 1st and 11th will be especially lucky with Aries, who celebrates his birthday between April 11th and 19th.

Liana Raymanova

Representatives of the elements of Fire and Water usually fail to find a common language, their temperaments are too different. But in the case of the Aries-Pisces pair, completely different rules apply. These people also have little in common, but they manage to complement each other harmoniously and come to an understanding.

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, and Pisces is ruled by Neptune. Representatives of both signs are characterized by benevolence, sociability, inconstancy. But the wards of Neptune are more patient, they know how to achieve goals in detours. Aries, on the other hand, prefer to act ahead, they can quit the business they have begun if they are carried away by a new one. The zodiac horoscope favors the Aries-Pisces combination, partners can teach each other a lot.

Aries and Pisces Compatibility Chart

Compatibility of Aries man and Pisces woman: the pros and cons of relationships

Aries is a powerful man who seeks dominance. Pisces woman easily obeys a strong partner, and he begins to feel like a real hero. Aries enjoys dominance, his chosen one finds support and reliable support in the face of a loved one.

Relations between the wards of Mars and Neptune become especially harmonious if the partners are connected by common causes or hobbies.

Everything is present in such a union: passion, understanding, and mutual respect.

But there are also disadvantages, which are due to differences in characters. Aries are very energetic, they prefer to act as quickly and actively as possible. This tactic is also used by them in the process of courting a Pisces girl. Wards of Neptune are slower and more romantic, they like to enjoy every moment of the relationship and think about everything that happened for a long time.

Impatient Aries are annoyed by such behavior, and Pisces are offended by the callousness of their partner. Due to the mismatch of temperaments in a couple where he is Aries, and she is Pisces, quarrels often occur, leading to short-term quarrels.

The beginning of a relationship will be a stressful time for both partners. Even the self-confident Aries is worried that for some reason he does not suit his sophisticated girlfriend. The sensitive Pisces girl completely torments herself with doubts almost every minute. Partners feel mutual attraction, but are afraid that they were deceived. When they finally calm down and realize their importance to each other, a real fairy tale will begin.

Aries will give her beloved chic bouquets and cute trinkets, she will be delighted with such romance.

But the fiery guy quickly gets tired of running after his beloved. As soon as the relationship is even slightly strengthened, all his romantic impulses will disappear in an unknown direction.

The Pisces Girl will be unhappy with this state of affairs. She will try to re-educate her partner, but she will stumble upon a cruel truth: the character of a stubborn Aries is not amenable to external adjustments.

The period of docking of characters will be difficult for this couple, but the stars are advised to refrain from rash acts. Instead of breaking off a seemingly doomed relationship, it is better to go on a joint trip and have fun in each other's company. In this way, Pisces and Aries will be able to have a good time and strengthen their promising alliance.

A sensitive Pisces girl torments herself with doubts almost every minute

Aries guy and Pisces girl in sex

Aries has such a bright sexual temperament that few girls are able to match it. The quiet and dreamy Pisces would have no chance of becoming a full-fledged partner for the Fire guy if it weren’t for one curious character trait.

Women of the last zodiac sign tend to adopt the behavior of loved ones

Therefore, in alliance with Aries, they begin to show their inherent qualities: activity, initiative, militancy. The ward of Mars takes this behavior at face value and quietly rejoices that he has found a partner as restless as he is. Despite the fact that Aries and Pisces cannot do without a little deception in sexual relations, both partners are very pleased with them and get maximum pleasure in bed.

Marriage between representatives of the signs Aries and Pisces in most cases is full of tenderness and mutual respect. After several years of living together, partners come to full understanding. After that, little can separate them.

Aries husband and Pisces wife give each other almost complete freedom of action

Aries husband and Pisces wife give each other almost complete freedom of action. But none of the spouses uses this privilege to the full, so as not to hurt the feelings of the second half. As a result, both partners can fully realize themselves as individuals, but maintain a warm and trusting relationship.

Parents from Aries and Pisces are not bad, but too kind: their children often grow up spoiled.

Is there friendship if he is an Aries and she is a Pisces?

In friendship between these signs, the first role will always be assigned to Aries.

If the Pisces girl is satisfied with being in the shadow of the glory of her friend, then the union becomes almost indestructible

Partners provide each other with up-to-date support, their relationship is mutually beneficial.

A quiet and modest Pisces woman often gives up when serious obstacles arise. Buddy Aries will not let her back down from the goal, charging her friend with a persistent and optimistic attitude.

Impulsive and assertive to present the elements of Fire under the influence of the Pisces girl becomes softer, learns to pay attention to the feelings of other people. Wards of Mars and Neptune fun together they can have casual conversations for hours.

The attention of Aries is attracted by spectacular women who stand out from those around them. Active girls are more likely to win the heart of a fiery man, as he is looking for a companion to match him.

Wards of Mars terribly dislike routine. If they see a girl with a diary in which everything is scheduled by the minute, they will run away from her as far as possible. Aries like unpredictability, they are always happy with the element of surprise.

Men of this sign have a huge pride that cannot be jeopardized.

The surest way to dislike Aries is to undermine his authority in society by convicting him of wrong judgments.

If you support such a guy in everything and agree with him as often as possible, while giving flattering reviews, he will surely inflame with great sympathy.

How to get the attention of a Pisces woman?

Pisces women are vulnerable and sentimental. They are looking for a partner who will be much stronger than them. But the rudeness and excessive assertiveness of the representatives of this sign are frightening, therefore, when trying to establish relations with them, it is better to show these qualities as little as possible. But the fish girl will definitely appreciate the elegant romantic courtship.

To win her heart, a man must be proactive, but not too pushy. The easiest way to get the attention of Neptune's ward is to listen carefully to her. Pisces women really appreciate good interlocutors and always look at them first.

To win the heart of Pisces, the Aries man must be proactive

Compatibility Horoscope for Aries Woman and Pisces Man

The Aries woman is energetic and frivolous, the Pisces man is a romantic dreamer. Representatives of these signs are so different that the union around them seems to be the eighth wonder of the world. But, if you look, you can find the logical premises of this novel.

The Pisces guy is an idealist, he starts relationships only with the most beautiful and smartest girls.

The Aries woman strives to be the best in everything, therefore she often jumps over the representatives of other signs according to both of the above criteria.

The fiery lady is spectacular, attractive, carefully cares for her appearance. She is intellectually well-rounded, which allows her to easily and naturally carry on conversations on a wide variety of topics.

The ward of Neptune cannot resist such a set of qualities, he embarks on a new love adventure with an Aries girl with great pleasure. The ward of Mars is no less pleased with her chosen one, since he stands out from the rest of her fans.

Love relationship

The romance between Pisces and Aries is full of both good and bad moments. This is very bright union in which a special magnetic attraction is tied between partners. But mutual understanding in this pair is clearly not enough, especially in the early stages of the relationship.

The stars advise lovers to endure difficult months, when conflicts will be almost a daily event. After a difficult period, “warming” will come - partners will begin to understand each other better.

couple sexual attraction

A man born under the sign of Pisces has a rich imagination and often directs it into the sphere of intimacy. The Aries woman is energetic and ready for any sexual experiments; she, like no one else, is able to realize the erotic fantasies of her lover.

Both partners are sensual and emotional, so the bed for them is much more than a place to sleep and carnal pleasures.

In the bedroom of the wards of Mars and Neptune, a special atmosphere reigns, full of passion and tenderness. Pisces and Aries have very harmonious sexual relations.


From the first months of dating, feelings roll over Aries and Pisces with such force that they are not able to put off going to the registry office for a long time. But excessive haste does not benefit the relationship, but rather puts them at risk.

Having signed, the partners will relax and abruptly stop hiding their worst sides

Having signed, the partners will relax and abruptly stop hiding their worst sides. On this basis, mutual disappointment will arise. Aries wife will be dissatisfied with the lack of attention from her husband, who has slightly cooled off towards her. The Pisces husband will become sincerely indignant because of the constant reproaches addressed to him.

By nature, he is peaceful and not inclined to conflict. During emotional storms, a fiery lover will prefer to seek refuge with friends or relatives. It is extremely important that the newlyweds do not move away from each other and continue to look for common ground. Otherwise, their sympathy will slowly come to naught. The result will be divorce proceedings.

How do an Aries girl and a Pisces guy make friends?

The Aries girl, who got the Pisces guy as a friend, was very lucky. She does not tolerate insincerity, tries to surround herself with faithful people and is often disappointed on this basis. The ward of Neptune, who is inclined to cunning and squirming in love relationships, in friendship shows himself to be the most honest and open person. In addition, he is sensitive and compassionate, always ready to listen carefully to a fiery girlfriend.

Communication with an Aries woman for a Pisces man is also extremely useful. He tends to periodically fall into periods of melancholy, which, if inactive, can develop into depression. The optimistic friend of the ward Neptune does not allow a friend to get lost in the abyss of his own experiences. She will try in every possible way to return a friend to a normal state and will eventually do it.

How to win a Pisces man and build a relationship with him?

A man born under the sign of Pisces is looking for an independent and independent woman who will not try to control him.

He is not a slacker, he is quite capable of providing for his family normally. But the sense of responsibility depresses him, so he is not particularly impressed by the role of the head of the family.

A water sign man has a lot of respect for his mother, so don't be disrespectful to her. However, the Pisces guy himself also does not like to become the object of criticism. To please him, a girl should focus on the merits the person you like. It is better to keep silent about the shortcomings delicately.

The Pisces woman easily obeys a strong partner

Is it possible to fall in love with an Aries woman?

Aries woman needs a real man in the traditional sense of the word: strong, responsible, gallant. But too serious men do not attract fiery ladies, because they seem boring to them.

Aries girls like variety and unpredictability, the routine quickly plunges them into discouragement.

To win the heart of the representative of this sign, you need to introduce an element into her life pleasant surprise. Romantic surprises, walks in unusual places, exciting joint adventures - all of the above becomes a great help in winning the sympathy of the ward of Mars.

The Aries woman has great pride, she loves to listen to compliments addressed to her. A man who knows about this feature and skillfully uses it has a very good chance of starting a relationship with a fiery girl.

November 28, 2017, 13:11

And the Pisces man seems to many to be something unreal. And all because they are very different and can hardly understand each other. However, despite this, Aries are very attractive personalities for Pisces, and their union may well turn out to be happy.

Briefly about compatibility

First of all, I would like to note that both one representative of the zodiac sign and the other are quite full-fledged personalities who are interesting and extraordinary in their own way. They can fill their family union with all the best that is in their characters. And if these two unite, then they will be able to fulfill all their desires regarding home comfort, domestic issues and the family as a whole.

Potential Relationship Difficulties

But even without the difficulties, which will be discussed further, can not do. The compatibility of an Aries woman and a Pisces man may not be very successful due to the fact that they have different temperaments. And this is understandable. Pisces are very soft, meek and sensual personalities. It is difficult for them to get used to the ardent, passionate and restless Aries. As a result, both have to compromise, give in, put up. And if they are united by real strong love, then it will be possible to cope with all obstacles.

About the pros

The compatibility of an Aries woman and a Pisces man can become ideal if each of the partners is interested in maintaining and improving their relationship. They both need to understand that this is the person they need. In this case, they will be able to find a common language, they will learn to negotiate and seek compromises. So, for example, an Aries girl will take on social issues related to the outside world and requiring an immediate solution. And the Pisces guy will bring romance to their relationship, and coziness and comfort to the house. Over time, these people become closer and begin to look not like a married couple, but like close relatives. But it suits them just fine. They are united by some common interest or goal. For example, Aries can help Pisces in a career, or a girl was attracted by the guy's financial capabilities. Or maybe they both do not want to have children, or, on the contrary, they want a large offspring. In general, in any case, there is (or will appear in the process) something that will unite them into a single whole.

About cons

Now we should talk about the difficulties that these two will have to face. The main problem that the compatibility of the Aries woman and the Pisces man presents is their differences. There are so many of them that a high wall can grow between partners - in the event that they do not try to understand each other and accept all the features of their chosen one. And for the most part, understanding will have to be learned by the Aries girl. This person is too quick-tempered, and she will need to work on her character: to be softer, more restrained and more correct in relation to her sensitive partner. Well, if this woman decided to connect her life with Pisces, then it will be necessary to accept their features. And the best thing is to perceive those traits that seem negative as virtues. For example, who, if not Pisces, is able to support in difficult times and surround his beloved with affection and tenderness? It’s not so bad to have a sensual partner, on the contrary, you can get from him what a girl sometimes lacks so much.

How to establish harmony?

The Aries woman and the Pisces man, whose compatibility may well be acceptable, will have to understand and rethink a lot in order to build relationships. A girl, for example, will have to realize that her partner is not as soft as it seems. Pisces are actually very adaptable personalities and competent psychologists who sometimes manage to skillfully manipulate people. So much so that they do not notice it. This is sometimes an indispensable quality. In addition, they are very kind, gentle and loyal. Aries girl should understand that she got a guy with an interesting and somewhat mysterious character, which at first cannot be fully revealed, but over time he will actually demonstrate all his abilities. The main thing is not to attempt to remake it. And the guy, in turn, should remember that his chosen one is a quick-tempered and sometimes harsh nature. And you should not take all her words to heart, because sometimes she can say something offensive at first glance, but not from evil - in her hearts. If both understand all this, then they will make a good and happy couple.

Aries Woman and Pisces Man Love Compatibility

Guys who are representatives of this zodiac sign are actually often addicted to such “fiery” girls. They like their approach to life, activity and determination. And, for the most part, because the Pisces themselves lack these qualities. The only important thing to note is that they will never make the first move. They are too shy in this regard. Decisive actions are not about Pisces. Therefore, the Aries girl should be active if she wants the guy of this sign to become hers. And it is not uncommon that women in this case take the first steps. Why? Because they are also attracted to Pisces. Their sociability and ability to find a common language, a certain mystery - Aries likes all this. So there is mutual attraction. Therefore, pairs such as the Aries woman and the Pisces man arise. Compatibility in love of these two is also determined by sympathy, which, by the way, rarely fades away. The most important thing in this matter is to settle issues relating to characters and mutual understanding.

About the intricacies of communication

The Aries woman and the Pisces man, whose compatibility seems quite possible, should be careful and attentive when communicating with each other (especially at the beginning of a relationship). In the sense that they will have to understand how to talk with their partner. The girl will have to become less straightforward and stop chopping from her shoulder. She needs to understand that the mood of the Pisces guy is very easy to spoil. He is a person who takes everything to heart. Therefore, his attitude must be taken into account, but by no means discounted.

These people are very sensitive to their inner world. And it is necessary to allow them to dream and experience. In Pisces, everything is simpler in this regard - they just need to get used to the ardent temperament of their chosen one. The most important thing to remember for Aries is that in no case should you force your partner to do something. He will ask for it. Otherwise, everything can end badly - the Pisces guy can easily close in his world, start leaving home and drinking. And it will be very difficult to get him out of this state. You should know about this if the question concerns such a topic as the compatibility of an Aries woman and a Pisces man in marriage.

About other relationships

It is interesting that the Aries woman and the Pisces man, whose love compatibility can develop successfully, cannot be friends at all. Absolutely nothing. They have too few grounds for friendship - and without them, the Aries Woman and the Pisces Man will not maintain friendly relations. The compatibility of the signs in this case is such that only passion and love are possible between them. But for partnership, they have too few common interests. And, besides, there will often be difficulties in terms of communication. So in this case, only two options are possible: either love or nothing.

Oh, how beautiful the love of an Aries man and a Pisces woman would be if they didn’t endlessly try to discuss problems that concern only the two of them with strangers. And if she did not constantly slip away into the world of her own fantasies, and he did not live by the principle that the whole world should revolve around him and for him. Although, these are such trifles compared to their Shakespearean passions! They are so romantic that they can only be compared with Romeo and Juliet.

The militant Mars of Aries and the Neptune of Pisces, ready to serve, can conclude a mysterious, mystical union, in which the militancy of Mars can acquire the features of sadism, and the helpfulness of Neptune will become very similar to masochism! But it is their business how they will love each other. If they like it, then why not? It is believed that our shortcomings are just an extension of our virtues. A woman is so feminine, in the very real sense of the word (there is not a single feminist in the world born under this sign), that she will never defend her rights and participate in wars for gender equality: why? Men in this life in order to adore her. Why does she need their rights and a place in Congress or Parliament, when it is not bad in her place? Men should save her from boredom, buy fur coats, support her family and - adore!

This couple can easily live to a golden wedding, retaining youthful romanticism and ardent passion. The secret of their harmonious, long-term relationship is that the Pisces woman lives on the principle of non-resistance. With Fiery Aries, who does not accept any objections at all and does everything only in his own way, this is the most faithful type. No, this does not mean that she will completely obey him. For example, Aries says that they will not go to her mother this year. And they will go for three weeks with backpacks to the mountains. A Neptunian woman won't argue, no way! But by the time of departure, it turns out that the backpacks have not been collected, tickets have not been bought, and on the date of departure she has an appointment with a dentist. To all his reproaches and attempts to scandalize, she will smile and agree with everything. But Pisces will never do what they fundamentally do not want and do not agree with. Information for reflection: the philosophy of non-resistance was preached by Jesus, born in the age of Pisces ...

Their marriage can be a lifetime, nothing will interfere with this romantic feeling: neither periods of cooling on the part of the Pisces woman (she sometimes needs to swim alone with her own fantasies), nor violent scandals (be sure that only Aries will be the initiator). The Neptunian will always look with admiration and respect at the Martian man (Pisces is horoscopically destined to learn from Aries). What else is needed? For a woman to adore him, recognize his primacy, die and be reborn from sensual delight in his arms. And sometimes she smoked incense, occasionally (but in fact - all the time, every minute of their lives). Yes, he loves her so much that he always needs her. And she adores him so much that she is ready to smoke this damn incense when he needs it and when he does not need it, when he sleeps, goes to work, hangs out with friends at football, morning, night, winter and summer. If Romeo and Juliet got married, then this is probably what their marriage would look like.

The relationship between the Pisces woman and the Aries man will be rich, passionate, interesting. This is just one example where people are very well suited to each other due to complementary temperaments. He is active, she is passive. He is brave, she has many fears. He likes to achieve, she is waiting to be achieved. In general, this is a very harmonious couple, where a woman embodies truly feminine qualities, and a man, respectively, masculine. Problems can arise due to the irrepressible sometimes assertiveness of the Aries man, turning into aggression - on the one hand. And because of the excessive passivity of the Pisces woman: sometimes she does not have time to keep track when their relationship becomes too boring because of her calmness and serenity. Conflicts are also an important part of their love. The relationship between the Aries man and the Pisces woman is a kind of fighting game, they love to quarrel and put up, this spurs them on.

The sex of an Aries man and a Pisces woman will be just wonderful. They are perfect for each other in temperament, in intimate life they perform comfortable and familiar roles for themselves. He is the initiator, the active principle, she is the host, the passive side. The Pisces woman skillfully relaxes the Aries man, allowing him to immerse himself in an atmosphere of intimacy. Together, these two can embody any of their fantasies and desires.

Family and marriage

They may have the perfect marriage. The Pisces woman, however, is not very economic - she can forget about pressing problems and dream all day, but she will be a tender wife and mother. The Aries man is the breadwinner, the protector of his family. True, his aggression sometimes runs ahead of him, but the Pisces woman can cope with this by skillfully applying affection when necessary. Their marriage can last a very long time, especially since the Aries man will not just let go of the one that he made his wife. And the Pisces woman dreams of not being released longer.

They can be friends, however, this friendship will be with a touch of tenderness and romance - and why are they not dating? Long sentimental conversations over a glass of something, emotional outpourings, discussions of books, movies, trips to the nearest bar to relax together - all this unites them more than any difficulties and joys that usually seem to "glue" people together. They do not have to eat a pound of salt, just talk and they will both understand that they cannot find a better friend.

Work and business

Joint work has a very beneficial effect on their productivity: the Aries man, always mobile and so alive, energizes the Pisces woman, who is often tormented by her indecision. She relaxes him, gives him a good mood to work better. They can work on anything: it can be the sphere of creativity or services, production, trade. The Pisces woman will make the connection between the Aries man and other people, she will help make sure that he can succeed despite the fact that he cannot always establish even working relationships.

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