Graph of normal basal temperature in women. Self-interpretation of basal temperature charts

The graph of basal temperature during pregnancy reflects the direct dependence of rectal indicators on the influence of hormones at different periods of the menstrual cycle.

  1. Follicular - the first half proceeds under the influence of estrogen. During the period of maturation of the egg, temperature fluctuations are allowed within the range of 36.4–36.8 ° C.
  2. Luteal - ovulation occurs. That is, the bursting follicle is replaced by the corpus luteum, which synthesizes progesterone. An increase in hormone production provokes an increase in temperature by 0.4–0.8 ° C.

In a normal state (before pregnancy), the basal temperature drops slightly before menstruation. A jump in indicators to a minimum downward is noted before ovulation.

An example of a normal two-phase temperature graph:

normal example

The middle (or overlapping) line serves to make the curve easier to read. It is carried out at the points of six temperature values ​​​​before ovulation in the follicular phase.

The first 5 days of menstruation, as well as situations in which external factors influenced, are not taken into account. Consider a photo that shows what a finished chart looks like with real temperature readings during pregnancy:

The woman celebrated every day

The curve shows that BBT does not decrease before menstruation. If, against the background of increased rectal temperature, there is a delay in menstruation, then the pregnancy has taken place.

To confirm the findings, it is necessary to conduct a test and come for a consultation with a gynecologist. Be sure to show your temperature chart to your doctor.

Signs of pregnancy and its absence on the BBT chart

At conception, the basal temperature rises. The indicators do not decrease before the onset of menstruation and remain throughout the entire gestation period.

You can determine pregnancy according to the schedule by the temperature jump on the 7-10th day after ovulation - this is the moment the fertilized egg is introduced into the inner lining of the uterus.

Sometimes early or late implantation is observed. Even the most informative ultrasound examination cannot reliably track this process.

A sharp decrease in temperature on the graph in the second phase is called implantation depression. This is one of the first and most frequent signs that is noted on the basal chart with a confirmed pregnancy.

This phenomenon is due to two reasons.

  1. The increased production of progesterone increases the temperature, which gradually decreases closer to the middle of the luteal phase. At conception, the corpus luteum begins to actively synthesize the hormone, which leads to fluctuations in values.
  2. If pregnancy occurs, then a large amount of estrogen is released, which causes a sharp decrease in temperature in the scheme.

The connection of hormones with different functions leads to a shift, which manifests itself in the form of an implantation depression on a personal map.

This phenomenon cannot be reflected by any other study other than the basal temperature curve. Example:

Implant retraction

Please note that with a completed pregnancy, starting from the 26th day of the menstrual cycle, the schedule becomes three-phase. This is due to the increased synthesis of progesterone after implantation of the egg.

Confirmation of the introduction of the embryo may be a slight discharge that disappears in 1-2 days. This is implantation bleeding, which is caused by damage to the endometrium.

Nausea, breast swelling, intestinal disorders and other similar signs are not reliable. There are cases when, even with severe manifestations of toxicosis, pregnancy did not occur.

And, on the contrary, without a single sign, the woman stated the fact of a successful conception. Therefore, the most reliable conclusions are considered to be a persistent increase in basal temperature, implantation retraction. Another sign is a delay in menstruation, subject to sexual contact during the period of ovulation.

A decrease in temperature before menstruation is a sign of the absence of pregnancy. Fluctuations in rectal numbers can be interpreted in different ways. Fever is not always a sign of pregnancy. This is possible due to inflammation of the appendages.

Each case must be compared with all the changes in the body and confirm your observations in the gynecologist's office.

It is important to record data regularly

Normal basal temperature chart during pregnancy

Keeping a BT calendar is relevant only at the very beginning, that is, in the early stages of gestation. Favorable conditions are necessary for the normal development of the embryo in the first trimester.

For this, the body of a pregnant woman begins to intensively produce progesterone. This hormone raises the temperature in the reproductive system to create a "warm" environment for the embryo.

Normally, after the onset of egg implantation, the basal temperature figures on the diagram should be in the range of 37.0–37.4 ° C.

However, in some cases, a drop to 36.9 ° or an increase to 38 ° is allowed. Such values ​​may be considered acceptable.

Unusual BT schedules during pregnancy

Normally, the temperature difference between the first and second phases should fluctuate within the allowable 0.4 ° C and above.

How to determine the average BBT? To do this, it is necessary to add up all the temperature numbers obtained during the measurement, first in period I, dividing the sum by the number of days. Then similar calculations are carried out with indicators of phase II.

Let's look at a few examples that are most common.

Anovulatory cycle

This graph shows a uniform curve without division into periods. It can be seen that BT in the luteal phase remains low, not exceeding 37°C.

In the absence of ovulation, the formation of the corpus luteum is impossible, which activates the synthesis of progesterone. There is no upswing.

If the anovulatory cycle is repeated periodically, no more than 1-2 times a year, then this is the norm. However, if the situation occurs in a row for 60 days or several months, then it will be difficult to get pregnant on your own.

Next example:

Need to consult a doctor

With estrogen-progesterone deficiency, the rectal temperature chart remains low after ovulation, up to the 23rd day of the cycle. The difference between the average values ​​is a maximum of 0.2–0.3°.

A similar curve built over several MCs indicates a lack of production of hormones important for the development of pregnancy. The consequence of the pathology may be endocrine infertility or the threat of miscarriage in the early stages.

Next example:

Possibly a disease

Endometritis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the body of the uterus. With this disease, the temperature curve reflects a decrease in indicators before menstruation and a sharp rise in values, uncharacteristic for the first phase.

Next example:

The chart is useless here.

This graph shows high readings up to 37° in the first phase. Then there is a sharp decline, which is often mistaken for an ovulatory rise. With inflammation of the appendages, it is difficult to correctly determine the moment of release of the egg.

By examples, it can be understood that it is easy to identify pathologies using a personal basal map. Of course, twins or one embryo can only be shown by ultrasound, but the conception on the BT map is determined accurately.

Graph of basal temperature for ectopic and missed pregnancy

With anembryony (death of the fetus), elevated rectal values ​​decrease to 36.4–36.9°C. The decrease in temperature on the graph is due to the regression of the corpus luteum and the stoppage of progesterone production.

Low values ​​in the second phase are possible due to a lack of hormones. Sometimes, with a frozen pregnancy, there is a sharp rise in temperature against the background of decomposition of the embryo and inflammation of the endometrium.

Ectopic conception by rectal indicators can not be detected. With ectopic fetal development, progesterone is produced as during normal gestation of the first trimester.

However, against the background of the growth of the embryo, there are symptoms that you should immediately pay attention to. This is an acute pain syndrome in the abdomen, discharge, vomiting, etc.

On the days of ovulation

At the same time, an inflammatory process can develop, which is usually manifested by a sharp rise in temperature to 38 ° and above.

Do not self-diagnose. Any suspicious changes in the rectal temperature chart should be reported to a doctor.


The opinion of women on the application of the method of measuring basal temperature will help to conduct an experiment when planning a pregnancy.

Anyuta Stepanova:

Olga Maslova:

My husband and I have a terrible dislike for condoms. Since my youth I have been highly fertile, so it is important for me to know when dangerous days begin. I can say that the basal temperature map has never made a mistake.
We have two children, I have not had a single abortion. I am very positive about the method. Your temperature charts are an aid to conception planning or contraception.

Thanks 0

gynecologist, pediatrician

Not really

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A graph based on temperature measurements helps girls in identifying the day of ovulation. In addition, with its help, you can notice the deviation in a timely manner and suspect some kind of disease. Consider what a typical basal temperature chart is with examples and decoding for a normal cycle, when pregnancy is detected, and for some pathologies.

Rules for measuring basal temperature

Many girls, when drawing up a graph of basal temperature, make comparisons with examples on the forums, which is not always correct, because each body is individual. In addition, you need to remember that many factors affect the temperature, and therefore the lines are different for everyone and contain atypical “jumps” and sinkings.

Therefore, first of all, you need to study the rules for taking measurements so that the result is reliable:

  • Use one thermometer. Do not alternate electronic with mercury.
  • Take measurements first thing after waking up. You need to prepare everything in the evening (thermometer, sheet for writing), so as not to even get out of bed. Do not make sudden movements, while maintaining a calm state as much as possible.
  • The testing time should be the same every day.
  • Exclude heavy physical exertion, taking hormonal drugs, drinking alcohol during pregnancy planning, try not to be nervous, because. all these factors affect the temperature and can distort the graph.
  • It takes several months to conduct observations in order to identify your standards and learn how to decipher them.

As we have already mentioned, various deviations from the usual rhythm of life, illnesses, stressful situations, flights, climate change, etc. affect the temperature. Therefore, in the schedule, you need to make notes about the presence of a situation on a particular day. This will eliminate the irrelevant indicator when decrypting. By the way, sexual intercourse can also change the temperature. After it, the body returns to normal only after 10-12 hours.

Basal temperature chart with examples and explanation

Normal schedule with two phases

Considering a typical, normal basal temperature chart and an example of plotting a curve, the following points should be noted:

  1. The first few values ​​taken during menstruation do not play a special role.
  2. It is necessary to draw a line, which will be the average of the first stage. Normally, about 6 days should have the same values ​​​​(a deviation of 0.1 ° C is considered normal). If there is a “leap”, but there is an explanation for it, this day is simply not taken into account.
  3. On the eve of ovulation, there is a drop from the average value by 0.2-0.4 ° C. It lasts 1-2 days.
  4. The moment of the appearance of the egg is marked by a sharp increase in temperature - by 0.4-0.6 ° C. Before this jump, you can draw a vertical line that indicates ovulation.
  5. After ovulation, there is a slow rise in temperature or a constant stay at elevated values.
  6. 3-5 days before menstruation, there is a decline - by 0.1 ° C daily or sharper - by 0.2 ° C in two days, for example.

Anovulatory schedule

Every girl has a cycle without egg maturation. It's okay if it happens once a year. With a more frequent or constant absence of an egg, you need to consult a doctor and identify the cause of the pathology in order to prevent infertility.

On the graph, the anovulatory period is characterized by the following features:

  • There are no drops in the middle of the cycle. This means that the cell did not appear.
  • In the second part, the temperature is almost at the same level as in the first. This shows the absence of progesterone produced after the cell exits.

If the line is in the same plane all the time, ovulation has not happened. Without it, fertilization is also impossible, and therefore it is necessary to visit a doctor, observing such a picture for the second time. It is not worth delaying in order to undergo treatment in a timely manner.

Graphs of basal temperature during pregnancy (examples)

What does the chart show during pregnancy

The graphs of basal temperature during pregnancy, examples of which can be considered below, are somewhat different, because conception occurs, which cannot but affect the indicators. Changes on the chart are displayed as follows:

  • The first phase occurs similarly to the previous cycles.
  • After a sharp jump (ovulation), there is an increase in temperature that lasts more than 14 days. The absence of a recession 3-5 days before the expected period clearly indicates a new condition.
  • A confirmation of the condition for the girl is the implantation sinking of 0.2-0.3 ° C. It occurs about 7 days after the release of the cell and lasts 1-2 days. After the line returns to higher values.

The implantation recession is not noticeable in every girl, and therefore the most relevant confirmation of pregnancy is the maintenance of a constant elevated temperature. It remains at this level after the delay and lasts until childbirth.

If a woman is pregnant, then after an elevated temperature after the day of ovulation, it will persist until childbirth, as in the example of the graph.

Examples of charts with a lack of hormones

Looking at the charts of basal temperature with examples, you can identify many deviations, each of which can pose a threat to health or indicate the need for treatment.

The normal course of processes is influenced by hormones typical for each stage of the cycle. With their imbalance, temperature deviations are also observed. Thus, the lack of estrogen that accompanies cell maturation is expressed as follows:

  • The line in the first part is above 36.5°C.
  • After ovulation, the rise takes over 3 days.
  • In the second part, the values ​​are above the norm - from 37.1 ° C.

In this state of affairs, fertilization is quite problematic.

Insufficiency of the corpus luteum

The insufficiency of the corpus luteum, which produces the progesterone necessary to maintain fertilization and pregnancy, is detected as follows:

  • The temperature rises slowly after ovulation.
  • Before menstruation, there is an increase, not a decrease.
  • The second period is less than 12-14 days.

Estrogen-progesterone deficiency

In any of the described cases of imbalance, a visit to a specialist is necessary. After passing the test for hormones, the doctor prescribes their substitutes. Reception should be carried out strictly according to the prescribed course and not cancel them on their own if pregnancy is suspected. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug can cause fetal rejection.

For the first cycle, clostilbegit is more often prescribed, for the second - utrozhestan or duphaston. Using stimulant drugs, the girl will soon notice the return of the schedule to normal: two phases with a temperature difference of 0.4-0.6 ° C and with obvious ovulation at their border.

If the schedule remains non-standard, with increased rates, you need to inform the doctor. Probably, the selected dose is not suitable and you need to change the course.

Hyperprolactinemia - graph indicators

Separately, it is worth noting an atypical schedule with an increased level of prolactin. More often this situation is typical for lactating women. They have the same indicators as in pregnant women. The schedule of basal temperature during pregnancy, examples of which we examined, is characterized by constantly high rates and the absence of menstruation.

This condition is called hyperprolactinemia. If this is a nursing mother, then there is nothing to worry about. After the prescribed time, the level of prolactin will decrease, and the cycle will return to normal. If this is observed in a nulliparous girl, you need to visit a doctor and identify the cause of such a hormone content.

An example of a basal temperature chart during pregnancy indicating hyperprolactinemia

Examples of Graphs Showing Diseases

The schedule, in addition to ovulation and the normal passage of the cycle, is able to identify some diseases.

Inflammation of the appendages is characterized by an increase for several days to 37 ° C in the first period, after which there is a decline before ovulation. The jump occurs very sharply, more often on the 6-7th day, and after a few days - the same sharp decline. Sometimes such growth is mistaken for ovulation. A visit to the doctor is necessary, because. with untreated inflammatory processes, the normal course of pregnancy is problematic.

Endometritis on the example of a graph

Endometritis can be identified by comparing the end of one and the beginning of the next cycle.

Rules for measuring basal temperature (video)

The video describes the most popular rules for measuring basal temperature, these are the main recommendations, if followed, you can be sure of the correct measurement.


  • If a non-standard rise or fall is noticed for one day, you should not worry. Any deviation cannot be an isolated case. Here, a violation of the measurement rules or the influence of external factors (lack of sleep, stress, a cold) is more likely.
  • If the indicators are above or below the norm, but the difference between the phases is at least 0.4 ° C, this is a normal cycle. Just because of the characteristics of the body, the girl's indicators do not meet the standard.
  • When observing the same atypical picture for more than two cycles, you need to visit a doctor. Despite the presence of graphs, he will make a diagnosis only after conducting tests.
  • Suspicion of infertility is considered: the retraction of the line in the second period, in the middle the rise is observed for more than 3 days, the difference between the average values ​​of the phases is less than 0.4°C.
  • Graphs showing no cell release, cycle duration less than 21 days, second phase length less than 10 days, menstruation more than 5 days, delays, late ovulation, should be the rationale for contacting a doctor.
  • If during normal ovulation and sexual intercourse these days, conception does not occur for more than 2-3 months, you need to undergo an examination to identify the cause.
  • With a delay, high values ​​\u200b\u200bof more than 18 days, but a negative test, an urgent need to visit a doctor. It is possible to develop an ectopic pregnancy.

These are the conclusions for girls who are planning to conceive or are already pregnant, who have been or are keeping basal temperature charts, are common in the field of gynecology and are recommended by experts

By correctly reading the basal temperature chart during pregnancy, even before the delay in menstruation, the expectant mother can track its onset. You also need to know what factors can distort the result, so as not to take them for deviations in the development of pregnancy.

Characteristic indicators at different stages of the cycle

Basal temperature, as one of the methods for determining a day favorable for conception, is currently widely used, although the measurement does not give a 100% guarantee and has a sufficient number of shortcomings. When planning a pregnancy, you need to start preparing in advance and, for comparison, take readings of at least 3-4 cycles, building a curve connecting daily temperature points.

Before talking about building a digital axis, let's figure out what normal values ​​​​should be displayed on it:

End of the menstrual cycle

  • At the end of menstrual bleeding in the first period of the cyclic process, the thermometer shows approximately 36.2-36.5 ° C. It is at such marks on the thermometer that the maturation of the egg occurs with the participation of estrogen, which controls this process.

Temperature before and after ovulation

  • On the eve of ovulation, there is a slight decrease in temperature by a few tenths of a degree, and then an increase to 37 ° C and above. This indicates the release of the cell and its movement to meet the sperm in the fallopian tube.

An example of a basal temperature chart during pregnancy before a delay

  • After the fusion of the germ cells, the graph of the basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay (photo examples confirm this), stably shows slight fluctuations between 37 and 37.5 ° C throughout the pregnancy.

  • If fertilization has not occurred, a few days before menstruation, a gradual decrease in temperature begins and from the first critical day it becomes 36.8 ° C and lower.

Diagnosis of pregnancy according to the schedule

Elevated temperature marks on the curve are the first indirect sign of an accomplished conception, then it will be confirmed by nausea, pain in the mammary glands, mood changes, taste preferences, etc., and the final line will be put by two identical strips on the test.

Graph of basal temperature during pregnancy before delay - 36.9 ° C

The very moment of fertilization passes unnoticed for the woman, but the implantation of the embryo to the endometrium can be fixed. In this case, the graph of basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay is 36.9 ° C or slightly less on days 5-7 after ovulation. Approximately such a period of time is necessary for the fetal egg to reach the uterus and begin to penetrate into its wall.

At this point, slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen may be felt, and there may be slight bloody discharge from the vagina, as a symptom of fetal attachment. The decrease will be visible for only a day, and then the curve will return to the values ​​that were before the sinking and will no longer deviate.

Signs that distort indicators

We examined the normal course of pregnancy in the early stages and its inherent adequate values. But sometimes the schedule of basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay, examples have deviations, both upward and downward temperature values. They are caused by certain reasons related to the influence of internal and external factors on the woman's body.

When the shift in indicators happens once, it can be attributed to errors in temperature measurement that occurred due to a completely understandable reason:

  • Insomnia;
  • Short-term sleep, less than 6 hours;
  • Cold;
  • Sexual intercourse 3-4 hours before measurement;
  • Excessive physical activity the day before;
  • Stress.

Dangerous sinking in the basal temperature chart during pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy

If an increase of 37.5-38 ° C is observed and lasts for several days, an inflammatory process in the female reproductive system can be suspected. It can be an infectious disease, and possibly an ectopic pregnancy. Attaching a fetal egg in the wrong place can cause a peculiar reaction with temperature jumps up and down and the curve turns out to be somewhat wrong with atypical sinking.

Missed pregnancy or miscarriage

Decreasing rates below 36.9°C with confidence in conception is also a cause for concern. In this case, a frozen pregnancy or a threatened miscarriage is suspected. This state of temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bis explained by a decrease in the level of progesterone, which occurs due to the death of the fetus. It is no longer necessary to support the development of the embryo, the corpus luteum gradually reduces its production, the hormone content in the blood drops. He is no longer able to maintain elevated basal temperature numbers, and it drops.

If a threatened miscarriage is suspected, the temperature will be below 36.9 ° C on the chart during pregnancy until the delay.

Chart of basal temperature during pregnancy before delay (video)

In this video, an obstetrician-gynecologist talks about how to correctly measure basal temperature during pregnancy before a delay.

To make sure that you are correctly scheduling your basal temperature during pregnancy before a delay, video materials and examples of girls on the forums will help get rid of doubts about the sequence of actions and deal with temperature values.


When compiling the temperature curve, one should not forget that for each organism only its inherent values ​​\u200b\u200bare characteristic, therefore it is not the numbers themselves that are important, but rather the difference between the first and second phases of the cycle, which should be at least 0.4 ° C.

Every woman has probably heard such a term as "basal temperature". What it is, everyone has their own concept, but most will say that this is an indicator that is needed to track ovulation when planning a pregnancy. In general terms, yes, but this topic needs to be more fully disclosed so that there are no white spots left in it. We will start with the definition, touch on the technique of measurement and plotting. In addition, I would like to consider how the basal temperature changes during pregnancy.

Basic knowledge

We will start from the very beginning, that is, with the definition of "basal temperature". What it is, now it will become clear. This is the temperature that is measured rectally. There are two points here that are important to consider. To obtain accurate and reliable information, measurements must be performed strictly at the same time and after a long rest. That is, the optimal time is considered to be at 6 o'clock in the morning, when you just woke up.

What are these indicators for? For hormonal analysis. Moreover, all changes due to biological factors and causes occur only locally, so putting a thermometer under the arm is pointless. There is one more thing to consider: if a person is overheated or sick, the basal temperature also changes. It is needless to add that this may cause data distortion.

It needs to be known

Why will you conduct research? By itself, performing a single measurement does not give anything. But the totality of data for several months allows you to get a fairly bright and clear picture. Another important point. By taking measurements, women achieve exactly one thing, they can clearly see how their menstrual cycle goes, when the egg matures and ovulation occurs.

But if you take hormonal contraceptives, then this technique stops working for the simple reason that the cycle is regulated by the hormones taken, and not at all by your own. Moreover, their action is aimed at ensuring that the eggs do not mature. Therefore, no matter how long you build charts, the basal temperature will always be the same. That this is completely uninformative, you have already guessed yourself.

Learning to measure temperature

Once again remembering the basic rules, you must complete the entire procedure early in the morning, without getting out of bed even for a thermometer. That is, we set an alarm clock within reach and, as soon as we open our eyes, we measure. Only in this case, the indicators can be considered informative. Once again, we emphasize that the body must be at rest. Do not stretch or sit up in bed, nor should you throw back the covers. Just bend your legs slightly and insert the tip of the thermometer into the anus. You need to lie still for about 5 minutes.

After that, lay it out on a pre-prepared napkin and you can safely fill up or get up. Basal temperature during the day is not measured for the simple reason that physical activity makes the indicators completely uninformative. Even if you build a graph based on the results of many months of measurements, you will not be able to see anything from it. So we digress a little. The result obtained must be immediately entered in a notebook, but it is better to immediately transfer it to a simple graph, where one axis is the date, and the second is BT.

Measurements during the day

Sometimes, wanting to get the most reliable data, a woman begins to take measurements every two hours. This not only does not add information content, but also confuses. It turns out a huge array of data, which is more difficult to process, since the indicators contradict each other. Depending on physical activity, emotional state, food intake and other environmental factors, the numbers will change constantly. It is almost impossible to find the optimal time for measurement during the day.


Most often, women begin to take measurements in order to track ovulation and not guard the onset of pregnancy. The basal temperature during early pregnancy really changes a lot. As we said above, you cannot say anything until you have accumulated information for several months. Only then will you be able to visually assess the cyclicity and determine which of the peaks accounts for ovulation. Based on the results, you can calculate the days of ovulation and determine the period of greatest fertility.

First of all, this information is important for couples who are planning a child. This method is also used by those who want to avoid unwanted pregnancy. However, doctors recommend in this case to additionally use other methods of contraception. The basal temperature during pregnancy in the early stages rises sharply, after which it stays at about 37.2 for some time.

Technical subtleties

So let's get down to practice. You will need a checkered notebook, a pen and a thermometer, preferably digital, not mercury, so as not to be afraid to accidentally break it when you wake up. Prepare the coordinate axes in advance. The number of the day of the cycle is plotted on the horizontal axis. There are some nuances here. The countdown should be carried out from the first day of menstruation. Taking it as a starting point, you will create the most accurate graph. On one axis, you will be posting your measurements daily. It is important to maintain an accuracy of up to 0.1 degrees.

What allows you to see the graph

Basal temperature readings should be recorded daily. Miss just one day, and reliable information will no longer work. In a couple of months it will be necessary to reliably determine:

Graph fluctuations are normal

It is important to be able not only to build, but also to read the chart correctly. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have a medical education, it is enough to carefully familiarize yourself with this material. Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that we are talking about the indicators of a healthy woman, any disease can distort information.

From the first day of the cycle, BBT goes down. From an indicator of 37.2, it reaches 36.5. You can easily see these fluctuations on your monthly chart. Around the middle of the cycle, the egg matures and leaves. It is at this time that the temperature slowly rises to 37.1-37.3 degrees for 3-4 days. It is this long, smooth rise that you will see on the vertical axis.

After that comes the most stable period, the line goes at the same level throughout the second half of the cycle. The indicators remain at the level of 37.2-37.4. The next changes are expected 2-3 days before the start of menstruation. Now you fix the indicators that were at the beginning of the cycle (36.9). The basal temperature during early pregnancy remains stably high, this characteristic decrease is not observed.

Waiting for a miracle

Let's once again dwell on how to determine that you are really expecting a baby. Recall that we are talking about those periods when only the most sensitive tests can correctly diagnose conception. Basal temperature at an early stage, when life is just beginning to emerge in you, noticeably changes its character. Indicators that should have been declining will remain at the same level as throughout the second half of the cycle. The temperature will remain at 37.2 throughout the entire period of the expected menstruation.

Pathological basal temperature

However, it also happens that you can take completely different indicators for a successful conception. That is why we say that even the best schedule cannot replace competent specialist advice. The average BT should be kept at 37.2 degrees. In some cases, it is permissible to increase it to the level of 38. However, this is already the upper limit of the norm. If BBT has reached such indicators or risen above, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A high basal temperature before menstruation can not only talk about conception, but also suggest the presence of various kinds of inflammatory diseases. But it's not worth diagnosing yourself. Better see a doctor. Be aware of the possibility that you may simply be measuring incorrectly, resulting in unreliable results.

How to measure the temperature during pregnancy

Even after the interesting position of the woman has been confirmed, the doctor may recommend that you continue to conduct your observations. Sometimes this is done because, based on the examination, the gynecologist can only assume the presence of pregnancy, and additional data are required to confirm the diagnosis.

Basal temperature in the early stages is very indicative. Analyzing the table, you can see the following patterns:

  • The increase in indicators lasts at least 3 days longer than on standard charts. This is the time when a high temperature persists for several days after ovulation.
  • If, by reading the graph, you see that the corpus luteum phase lasts more than 18 days.
  • In the standard, two-phase chart, you see the third peak.

From the point of view of diagnosing BT, the first 2 weeks of pregnancy are reliable. After that, the hormonal background changes. Therefore, the basal temperature after the first delay will not give much to the patient herself. However, if the doctor asks to continue monitoring, he should be listened to.

Development of events

These are already quite reliable signs of pregnancy. You will soon notice more obvious symptoms that are familiar to every woman. What basal temperature should be in the first trimester? To answer this question, you need to delve a little into physiology.

The prepared reader is well aware of the reasons for the increase in BT. Hormones are to blame for this, which are designed to prepare the walls of the uterus and fix the fertilized egg. When pregnancy occurs, hormones continue to be produced in large quantities, so the first three months the graph will show an almost flat line, at the level of 37.1-37.3. After about 20 weeks of pregnancy, it begins to decline.

Possible reasons for the decrease in BT

Low indicators are considered if their value is below 37 degrees. This may mean that there are complications during pregnancy. Therefore, in this case, you need to take measurements the next day, and if the indicators are low again, then consult a doctor. In addition, it is recommended to take additional measurements during the day and compare them with the morning readings.

If doctors diagnose a low level of progesterone, then the woman is hospitalized for preservation. Sometimes a decrease in BBT indicates the fading of the fetus. In this case, the corpus luteum ceases to perform its functions. However, it is impossible to make a diagnosis only on the basis of the schedule, since sometimes, even in the presence of a frozen pregnancy, the temperature remains high. This once again emphasizes the fact that any data must be analyzed by a specialist, checking them with the results of an examination and laboratory tests.

Instead of a conclusion

If you want to get to know your body better and understand the processes that take place in it, then we advise every woman to start measuring BBT. Only 4-5 months of regular measurements will give you the richest material on the basis of which you can plan a future pregnancy or avoid it more effectively.

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