Why do girls have leucorrhoea. The nature and causes of discharge in girls at an early age

Vaginal discharge is not only in adult women, but also in little girls. Already from the neonatal period, physiological secretions appear from the child's genital tract. Vaginal leucorrhea in girls is divided into 2 groups: physiological and pathological.

Physiological secretions (normally present) are light, have a mucous character and may be with filamentous inclusions.

Pathological leucorrhea is most often abundant, mixed with blood and pus, and has an unpleasant odor. And in most cases, they are accompanied by inflammatory diseases of the vulva - vulvitis and vagina - vaginitis. These pathologies are most common in young girls. The acidic environment of the female genital tract is a barrier to all kinds of infections. In the girl's vagina, the environment is alkaline, containing a small amount of lactobacilli, which perform a protective function. And therefore, any decrease in immunity due to any disease can provoke vulvovaginitis.

Causes of discharge in girls

  • Very often, against the background of past respiratory diseases, bacterial vulvovaginitis occurs.
  • With frequent use of antibiotics and dysbacteriosis, the microflora of the vagina is disturbed and bacterial vaginosis develops.
  • Frequent use in the treatment of antibiotics contributes to the pathological growth of fungal flora and, as a result, fungal (mycotic) vulvovaginitis.
  • Many childhood infections can be accompanied by the development of vulvovaginitis.
  • Cases of vulvovaginitis, in which the causative agents are ureaplasma, chlamydia, virus, mycoplasmas, have become more frequent. The reason for this is the prevalence of all these infections among the adult female population. In this case, infection can occur already in the prenatal period. Infection is also possible during childbirth and through the household.
  • Often, vulvovaginitis is accompanied by allergic manifestations. In this case, the resulting atopic vulvovaginitis is protracted and with frequent exacerbations.
  • Fungal vulvovaginitis often indicates diabetes.
  • Inflammation of the vagina can be traumatic. Small objects can get into the child's vagina during the game and damage the mucous membrane.
  • Worms (most often pinworms) can be the cause of inflammation of the external genital organs.
  • Little girls can carry the infection with dirty hands.

Symptoms of "bad" discharge

  1. The main manifestations of the inflammatory process are itching, hyperemia of the vulva and pathological discharge from the vagina. The nature of the discharge directly depends on the causes of the disease.
  2. If there is a foreign body in the genital tract, the discharge will be with an unpleasant odor and even streaks of blood.
  3. Trichomonas infection is characterized by profuse frothy discharge and reddening of the genital tract.
  4. If the inflammation is caused by a fungal infection, curdled discharge is noted, accompanied by itching.
  5. If the discharge is not abundant, but there is redness and severe itching, then this may indicate a helminthic invasion.
  6. Herpetic vulvovaginitis is characterized by vesicles and sores on the external genitalia. There is hyperemia and soreness in the vulva. With an atypical course of the disease, scanty vaginal discharge and redness appear. If the mother has manifestations of herpes or the child has frequent colds and herpetic eruptions on the face, it is recommended to conduct a targeted examination.
  7. With bacterial vulvovaginitis, yellowish discharge appears, accompanied by itching and redness.
  8. Infections of ureaplasma, chlamydia and mycoplasma nature are characterized by slight secretions of a mucous nature. But at the same time, exacerbations of diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys are possible.
  9. With allergic vulvovaginitis, slight discharge and characteristic thinning of the mucosa are observed.
  10. If the microflora in the vagina is disturbed, and bacterial vaginosis occurs, milky or grayish liquid discharge appears, exhaling the smell of rotten fish.


  • To identify the cause of inflammation, a bacterial culture of the vaginal flora is performed.
  • Using the PCR method (polymerase chain reaction), RIF (immunofluorescence reaction), it is possible to detect mycoplasmas, chlamydia and ureaplasma.
  • The isolation of the herpes virus occurs from the lesion. The presence of antibodies in the blood is also determined.
  • Be sure to do a stool test
  • When the intestinal microflora changes, a fecal analysis is done.
  • If there is a foreign body in the vagina and in order to exclude tumor formations, the walls of the vagina are examined using a special apparatus - a vaginoscope.


  1. The specialist prescribes a general or local drug treatment only after determining the cause of vulvovaginitis (causative agent and its sensitivity to antibiotics). For this, an individual approach is used, which takes into account the age of the child, the presence of chronic diseases, etc. The treatment uses antibiotics, antifungal and antiviral drugs.
  2. Eliminates mechanical irritants of the genital tract.
  3. With concomitant helminthiases, the underlying disease is first treated not only in the child, but also in all members of his family.
  4. Allergens are completely excluded.
  5. If the child is obese or

Women's health is especially important, because it plays a major role in procreation. Here you need to know which secretions from the genitals are the norm in the body, and which are pathologies. What information do you have about this? If you do not know anything about mucus in women, then the information below will help fill this gap. What is normal for women's health, and what is a cause for concern?

Causes of mucus discharge in women

Natural mucous discharge from the vagina occurs for various reasons:

  1. Hormonal fluctuations during the cycle. Before and after menstruation, the amount and structure of mucus changes significantly.
  2. The state of pregnancy, which increases the amount of estrogen in the body, which affects the quantitative and qualitative composition of the secretions.
  3. It provokes the secretion of mucus when excited.
  4. Experience any stress.
  5. Abrupt climate change.
  6. Treatment with hormone-containing drugs.
  7. Allergy of local or general manifestation.
  8. Improper intimate hygiene.

Clear vaginal discharge

If the mucus has a transparent structure, while not emitting a pungent odor and not causing discomfort, then this is simply proof of the correct functioning of the reproductive system, i.e. ovaries. Up to 2 ml of such a secret can stand out per day, while a slightly whitish tint does not yet indicate pathology. This is simply the process of cleansing the vagina. The volume and structure of secretions change according to the phases of the menstrual cycle:

  1. From 1 to 5-7 days - the period of menstruation. First, pink or brown smearing secretions appear, on days 2-4 they include the maximum volume of blood in the form of lumps or clots, on days 5-7 they again decrease to smearing.
  2. From 5-7 to 13-14 days - the period of maturation of the egg. Abundant mucus is not secreted at this time - only about 2 ml of watery, mucous or thick particles with lumps. Do not worry if the color changes from transparent white to yellowish.
  3. 14-15 day - the time of ovulation. Estrogen reaches its maximum level, so mucus comes out up to 4 ml. Its structure is stretchy, but sometimes it can be watery, and often even sticky. The shade during this period is the most saturated.
  4. 16-28 days - the period before menstruation. The reproductive system calms down a bit - there is less discharge, but before the very end of the cycle, a sudden surge is possible due to an increase in the amount of hormones.

White discharge

This is when leucorrhea occurs:

  1. Gynecological diseases: vaginitis, prolapse of the vaginal walls, adnexitis, bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, chlamydia.
  2. Venereal diseases: trichomoniasis, gonorrhea.
  3. Ovulation. This is the second half of the menstrual cycle, characterized by flowing 1-3 days of colorless or whitish mucus. White, odorless mucus is normal.
  4. Sexual intercourse. During or after it, such whites are normal.
  5. Pregnancy. White mucous discharge during pregnancy is caused by hormonal changes.


The discharge from the vagina is stained with blood in tones from scarlet to dark brown. The appearance of the last shade indicates a slight bleeding inside, because the blood has time to oxidize before it comes out. This is when brown discharge appears:

  1. Violation of the cycle of menstruation, characterized by smearing dark secrets between periods, and sometimes instead of them.
  2. The spiral is accompanied by short-term and not causing discomfort secretions.
  3. Microtrauma of the genital tract mucosa due to aggressive sexual intercourse, douching, cauterization of cervical erosions or after an abortion.
  4. Inflammation of the uterus - endometriosis, endometrial polyps.
  5. Ectopic pregnancy, threatened miscarriage at an early stage and placental abruption at a late stage.


Normal yellow discharge is considered:

  1. Before the onset of menstruation, during intercourse or after it, if the amount does not exceed 1 tsp.
  2. The color is light yellow or cream, leaving no strongly noticeable shades on the linen.
  3. Not accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  4. They have a clear, stringy, or watery texture, rather than being thick and rich.

Here are some reasons that cause yellow mucus:

  1. Sexual infection - trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital herpes, mycoplasmosis. Often accompanied by a strong odor, itching and burning, and the color may change to green.
  2. Stress, decreased immunity, hormonal imbalance, taking antibiotics.
  3. Thrush or bacterial vaginosis.
  4. Allergy to synthetics, personal care products, condoms.

Mucus with blood

If the discharge is bloody, then the reason for this may be:

  1. The beginning of menses or the exit of residues after their end.
  2. If the discharge persists for a long time after menstruation - an installed spiral or unsuitable contraceptives.
  3. Mucous discharge with an odor indicates endometritis.
  4. Cervical erosion.
  5. Injury to the vagina after intercourse.
  6. Ectopic pregnancy, unexpected miscarriage.
  7. With menopause - benign or malignant formations, but in the case of hormone replacement therapy, blood is the norm.

Why do women produce mucus

Mucous discharge in all girls and women is present in a certain amount. In addition to climate and living conditions, their manifestation is affected by:

  • menstruation;
  • contraceptives;
  • the period before childbirth and after;
  • change of partner;
  • climax period.

During pregnancy

Abundant mucous discharge during early pregnancy occurs due to changes in hormonal levels. This is due to the increased blood supply to the genitals. The structure of such mucus is transparent, watery or completely liquid. An even greater increase in the production of mucous structures occurs in the later stages of pregnancy. This is not a pathology, unless there is a release of very liquid secretions just before birth. This process indicates the danger of premature birth.

After childbirth

Allocations accompany a woman even after the birth of a baby. At first they have blood impurities, but after 7-8 weeks they acquire a liquid and transparent structure, as they were before pregnancy. During lactation, female secretions like mucus are scarce, so the appearance of an unpleasant odor, a sharp change in color, accompanied by swelling or itching, may indicate a pathology that has arisen. In this case, to avoid complications, it is better to immediately contact a gynecologist.

After menstruation

Mucus discharge in all women after the end of menstruation is a normal process if it has a transparent, liquid or jelly-like structure. The main thing is that there should not be an unpleasant smell, pain and a burning sensation or itching, otherwise this is already evidence of a malfunction of the genital organs. Such discharge can be caused by an infection or a failure of the monthly cycle. Although if the symptoms are accompanied by pain, then it is possible that this is an inflammation of the urethra.

Video: mucus discharge

Women's health, like the woman herself, can be so fickle. For this reason, it must be carefully monitored and noted for any, even the most imperceptible at first glance, changes. It is easy to determine the pathological process by the mucous secretions in women, if you know what they should be. Learn to listen to your body by watching the helpful video below, directly related to women's health.

Vaginal discharge in girls is a reason for consulting a pediatric gynecologist. In women, vaginal discharge normally appears due to the action of the hormone estrogen. In girls, the cause is infectious pathogens that are activated when immunity is reduced (often during and after bacterial and viral respiratory diseases), due to improper washing. Moms should understand that discharge in women and girls is a phenomenon of a different nature. Opportunistic pathogens are often transferred by little girls from the rectum to the area of ​​the labia and vagina.

The infection develops very quickly due to the peculiarities of the child's genital area - girls in the microflora of the vagina do not have lactic acid bacteria - the main female protectors. Until about 8 years of age, the vaginal microflora is not protected. Closer to the time when menstruation appears in girls (by the age of 11-15, on average), vulvovaginitis (this is what inflammatory processes in the labia and vagina are called) becomes a rare occurrence, if there is no uncontrolled intake of antibiotics, accidental unprotected genital communication and adequate intimate hygiene. Usually, the appearance of the first menstruation is preceded by white, odorless discharge in girls that does not cause discomfort.

To make a diagnosis, you need to visit a pediatric gynecologist and take swabs. Be prepared for the fact that the doctor will take an interest in the history of the girl. It is very important to remember the existing chronic diseases, since they can be provocateurs of vulvovaginitis. Based on the results of the tests, if a pathogen is detected, a specific treatment will be prescribed.

As a reference, here are a few causes of vulvovaginitis.

1. Bacterial vulvovaginitis. Its symptoms: hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, not abundant yellow discharge in girls, pustular inflammation of the skin around the labia. The coccal flora provokes the disease.

3. Foreign body. Small, and not only small, girls can unknowingly introduce foreign objects into the vagina. Threads, toilet paper, balls, etc. Parents are usually not told about this or simply forgotten. As a result of damage to the walls of the vagina, cervix, as well as the inflammatory process, purulent, bloody and brown discharge may appear in girls, severe pain occurs. With such symptoms, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist who will remove a foreign object from the vagina.

4. Exudative diathesis. This chronic disease can provoke dry mucous membranes and hyperemia of the vulva.

5. Candida mushrooms. Symptoms - cheesy white discharge, itching, hyperemia of the mucous membranes. Often there is a discharge in newborn girls and in very young girls. The cause may be prolonged antibiotic therapy, a decrease in immunity. Often, candidiasis occurs against the background of trichomoniasis, chlamydia and herpes.

Discharge in girls 12 years of age and older, after the onset of menarche, may be allergic in nature, that is, it may occur as a reaction to aromatic substances that are added to sanitary napkins, soap, etc.

6. Trichomonas. Infection with trichomoniasis occurs mainly in the household way, sometimes children become infected during childbirth. Symptoms of the disease are green discharge in girls, abundant, frothy. Against the background of trichomoniasis, urethritis often occurs - it is painful for girls to urinate, the urethra looks inflamed.

If you notice unusual discharge in your daughter, whether they bother her or not, it is better to consult a doctor who specializes specifically in pediatric gynecology.

The amount, smell, and color of a girl's vaginal discharge can reveal her health status. If a baby, a girl of 5-7 years old and at an older age has a secret that acquires a strange aroma or shade, there is reason for concern and a visit to the doctor. What discharge is normal? What does the appearance of a pathological secret mean, why does this happen, what to do in such cases - we will figure it out together.

If parents notice discharge that is unnatural for their daughter, the child must be shown to a pediatric gynecologist

What discharge is considered normal?

A specific secret is secreted from the vagina of every woman or girl. However, its composition, color and consistency can vary depending on a whole range of reasons - the state of health, the stage of the menstrual cycle, the general hormonal background. Normal discharges are those that meet the following characteristics:

  • smell - light sourish or absent;
  • impurities - a small amount in the form of white or transparent crumbly or "viscous" filamentous inclusions;
  • character - homogeneous mucous (mucus consistency should not be too thick, but not watery);
  • shade - light, transparent, unexpressed yellowish is allowed.

Causes of discharge at different ages

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Pathological secretion occurs in girls of any age. The main reasons are weakened immunity, frequent use of antibiotics, sexual and general infections, allergies (sometimes provokes atopic vulvovaginitis), diabetes mellitus (often accompanied by fungal vulvovaginitis), helminthic invasion, foreign body.

Mucous discharge, sometimes bloody, occurs in newborn babies. Their appearance is usually associated with a reaction to an increase in the level of maternal hormones entering their body. This anomaly does not require treatment and is not dangerous, but a visit to the doctor is required to rule out pathology.

Allocations in newborn babies do not require treatment, but it is still necessary to report their presence to the attending physician (more in the article:)

At the age of 13-15, menstruation usually begins, so the nature of the discharge, especially their volume, changes. When the secret is produced in large quantities, it acquires a weak sour aroma, while the girl feels good, and there are no sores and redness on the genitals. This usually indicates the normal sexual development of the child.

Brown discharge usually occurs before menstruation and lasts for several days. If after menstruation the secret becomes normal, then the teenage girl is healthy. The brown secret is secreted for a long time, regardless of the cycle - there is reason to suspect the development of the inflammatory process.

white color

In most cases, white discharge in girls is quite normal if there are no accompanying symptoms. However, if there is a white secret of a curdled consistency on the child's underpants, candidiasis cannot be ruled out, even when the baby is only a few months old or 4-6 years old. This fungal disease occurs with a general weakening of the immune system, during the period of antibiotic therapy and is transmitted from mother to daughter during childbirth.

Yellow or yellow-green

Dark or light greenish discharge in girls of any age - at 2 years old, at 9, and at 13 years old - is a sign of the development of a pathological process that cannot be ignored.

It is required to contact a pediatrician and a pediatric gynecologist in order to establish the factors that provoked the appearance of discharge of an unnatural shade.

Yellowish discharge does not always act as a symptom. In girls of 11-13 years of age (sometimes a little younger or older than 10-12 years old), they say that hormonal changes are beginning. You should not worry when yellow discharge is not accompanied by discomfort and other signs of the disease. If the girl is 5-7 years old or less, the change in the color of the secret is accompanied by other symptoms, this is a reason to suspect:

  • diaper rash;
  • irritation from synthetic underwear;
  • ingress of foreign objects;
  • reaction to hygiene products;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • dirt getting into the vagina;
  • violation of the rules of hygiene of the child.


If the child's vaginal secret contains purulent inclusions, this is always a symptom of the disease. The cause may be an infection, an inflammatory process in the uterus and / or ovaries, colpitis. At the first sign of any of these diseases, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, the pathological process will lead to the development of complications or become chronic.

Purulent discharge and pain in the lower abdomen may be symptoms of an inflammatory process in the uterus or ovaries

Odorless and Odorless

Normally, the discharge in girls should be odorless, the presence of a subtle sour aroma is allowed during puberty, about a year before the onset of menstruation. An intense fetid odor often indicates that a foreign object has entered the vagina. An unpleasant fishy odor combined with a greenish discharge is a sign of bacterial vaginosis.

A strong unpleasant smell of vaginal secretion may indicate the development of an infectious disease. If it is intense, accompanied by copious thick discharge that has an unnatural bright color, impurities of blood and / or pus - this indicates a serious pathology caused by infection. You need to see a doctor urgently.

Symptoms accompanying discharge

Pathological vaginal secretion is usually accompanied by a complex of other symptoms, which helps the doctor quickly and correctly diagnose the problem. If the baby complains of painful and frequent urination, pain in the lower abdomen, her body temperature rises - these are signs of cystitis (see also:). Also among the common accompanying symptoms in diseases of the genitourinary system include:

  • sores, redness, vesicles (herpetic infection);
  • white discharge, similar in consistency to cottage cheese (thrush);
  • green or yellow-green secret (infection with Trichomonas);
  • the smell of rotten fish (bacterial vaginosis);
  • bloody impurities;
  • burning;
  • redness of the vulva.

Discharge with an unpleasant odor, as a rule, indicates the addition of a bacterial infection

Diagnosis of pathologies

If abnormal vaginal discharge occurs in a baby, you need to contact a pediatric gynecologist as soon as possible. Only a specialist will be able to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, identify the cause of the changes and select an effective and safe treatment. The main diagnostic measures are:

  1. laboratory blood test for the level of hormones contained in it;
  2. visual examination of the genital tract to detect mechanical damage and the presence of foreign bodies;
  3. fecal analysis - allows you to identify helminthic invasion, confirm or exclude dysbacteriosis;
  4. a smear from the vagina to identify pathogenic microorganisms that provoked the inflammatory process;
  5. general analysis of urine and blood;
  6. to identify the variety of the causative agent of the disease - PCR.

Treatment of diseases with secretions

A strategy for the treatment of diseases accompanied by pathological discharge in girls can only be developed by a qualified specialist, based on the results of the examination.

Depending on the cause of changes in the vaginal secretion established during the diagnosis, the following therapeutic methods are used:

  • diseases of the excretory system - antibiotic therapy, the use of antiseptics, heavy drinking;
  • bed rest (for some acute diseases);
  • regular change of bed and underwear;
  • local therapy - lubrication with special gels, ointments and creams, washing, baths;
  • adjusting the diet for allergies;
  • hormonal background is disturbed - hormonal therapy;
  • drug therapy - local and general - to eliminate the causative agent of pathology;
  • special treatment of the girl and all members of her family in case of identified helminthic invasion;
  • removal of a foreign object from the vagina.

Preventive actions

From early childhood, crumbs need to be instilled with personal hygiene.

Simple preventive measures will help keep the girl healthy and avoid many problems in the future. The main elements of prevention are regular visits to the pediatric gynecologist and compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of the child. The latter require close attention from parents from the first days of a little girl's life.

The so-called leucorrhea often occurs in women and girls who are physiologically mature, but it can also occur in adolescents and newborn girls. And white discharge in girls may be a consequence of a normal physiological process, and may occur with a disease of the genital organs in girls.

Why does white discharge appear in girls?

After birth, the body of a newborn girl has a reserve of hormones from the placenta and the mother, which, after birth, leave her body naturally after a while. Beli in a newborn girl, these are these hormones. The physiological norm is when whites are colorless or have a white color, a specific smell, without inclusions. In a teenage girl, white discharge occurs during the formation of her hormonal background, when the first menstruation appears. When there is a lot of vaginal discharge, this may be the result of a pathological process in the body, namely as a consequence:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • overweight;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • dysbacteriosis of the vaginal mucosa;
  • sexual infections.

When the whites proceed as a physiological process, the girl does not show signs of inflammation of the genitourinary system. And if a child has intense discharge from the vagina is still accompanied by pain and itching, and the discharge is bloody, purulent, unpleasant odor, then this can lead to inflammatory processes in the vagina and external organs of the reproductive system (). It is known that the vaginal mucosa is inhabited by a small number of lactic acid bacteria, the environment here is not acidic, but alkaline. Therefore, the vaginal mucosa is poorly protected from various sex bacteria, and a low level of immunity can cause diseases.

Methods of treatment and prevention

Doctors for girls prescribe a complete gynecological examination, tests are taken, bacteriological cultures are made from the vaginal mucosa. After the results of the examination, the gynecologist prescribes a course of treatment, which depends not only on the type of nature of the course of the disease, but also on the age of the girl.

Be sure the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics and antifungal medications, as well as local treatment with ointments and douches, herbal decoctions or antiseptics. For newborn girls, solutions are used in the form of wraps on the genitals. Concomitant treatment will be a change in diet, and the exclusion of allergens from food. In addition to nutrition and medical procedures, you need to monitor the cleanliness of linen, namely, change underwear and bed linen more often. If the disease is acute, then the patient is prescribed bed rest.

Thus, leucorrhea in a girl is not always a disease. Therefore, for prevention, it is necessary not only to stop the penetration of the infection, but also to eat right and follow the rules of hygiene.

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    Tell me, I'm 12. Somewhere in the course of 6 (well, or more) months, I have transparent or have a slightly creamy discharge, they have a little smell. Tell me my height is 140, I weigh 30, I'm 12 (as mentioned above) Is this normal? I just started comments and answers and I think everything is in order with my health.

    Hello I am 11 years old. I noticed that I have white mucus coming out. It scares me. There were no periods, but everything was already formed and since the age of 9 I have had good growth of pubic hair. Do you think this is normal?

    Hello. I am 11 years old. in November it will be 12. Menstruation has already begun, but the cycle has not been established. Whites have gone a long time ago. I masturbated, but I won’t tell my mother. At the time of menstruation, they don’t stop. then they start again. Nothing hurts. There are no problems with urination. Tell me is this normal?
    I consulted with a gynecologist, she said it was normal.

    Hello, I’m 14 years old and I don’t have my period yet, but whites are constantly coming and when I put on a pad, the discharge starts to smell terrible, and is it generally normal if I don’t have my period? My height is 1.67, weight 45

    Hello, I'm 14, I had sexual intercourse, some kind of slimy white discharge appeared, I'm very worried, I don't tell my mother. I'm afraid that this could be, help!

    Hello, I'm 14 years old. Recently, white mucus from the vagina began to stand out. There seems to be no smell. Menstruation went 3 years ago. I'm a little scared. Tell me, what could it be?

    Hello! I'm 17. I have a very strong mucus-transparent discharge with an unpleasant odor, sometimes without a smell. I do not live a sexual life. But I admit that the tip of the male organ was in me. After that, such separations began. Why so? Or are there any problems? Answer please(

    Hello! I'm 13 (I'll be 14 in 2 weeks) and have leucorrhoea. I'm worried this could be dangerous. I can't tell my mom. I read a lot about them, but I know that they go before PMS. I haven't had them yet. They are transparent white in color and almost odorless. They can go 1 time per day in a minimum amount. Tell me, is it not dangerous?

    Hello! I am 11, I have not had my period yet, but a white sticky liquid is flowing, it has a creamy tint. Nothing hurts. But I'm afraid to tell my mom. Is it worth it? And don't I have something that is worse than some kind of illness. Could it be white?

    • Don't worry, it's not scary. I am now 12. At the age of 11, it was the same. I was 12 years old and after 2 months my period started. When my leucorrhoea began to stand out, I immediately told my mother. And you should have told. Don't be afraid. Your health and body is more important than fear!

    I am 16, I don’t live sexually. I have severe pain on both sides, as well as discharge. I have always had them and always in different ways, sometimes they are thick, like mucus. What should I do? I went to the urologist, sent for an ultrasound, the ultrasound showed the expansion of the kidney, everything. The tests showed a lot of red blood cells, what should I do? I am very afraid of being infertile

    Hello. My name is Inna, I'm 12 years old and I don't have my period. But a white-transparent mucus is released. She often masturbated under running water. I can't tell my mom.

    Hello, I would like to know something. I'm 13 (14 soon) and I've been having discharge for about 1-2 years, white, I'm afraid to tell my mother why I don't know. I still don't have my period, my breasts started to grow not long ago. Whites come in different ways and in different amounts, it worries me and I'm thin, please tell me what it is ???

    I am 11 (August 4 will be 12). I don't have my period and never have. I had leucorrhea for about a year, and now they have gone plentiful. No itching or pain in the abdomen. On the Internet I calculated that it was a disease. Now I'm afraid. Tell me, is this normal and menstruation will come soon? My mom and sister went to 11

    Hello, my daughter is 3 years old, white discharge appeared abundant and the skin from the nutria of the labia was red and corroded. How can I help before going to the gynecologist?

    Hello. I am 12 years old, for 2 years I have been secreting white mucus, odorless ...
    Haven't had a month yet.
    Tell me, please, what can it be? All this before the first menstruation?

    Hello. I have been having yellow discharge for 8 months now. Answer the question! How long will it take for menstruation?
    GROWTH 1M, 38CM. 27-29 KG. 11 YEARS, 25 OCTOBER 12 WILL BE!

    • Hello. This question cannot be answered - everything is individual: maybe in a month, or maybe in a year or more. Nevertheless, I would advise you to consult an endocrinologist - your height and weight indicators do not correspond to your age, there may be some kind of failure and you need to make a correction - talk to your mother and consult a specialist.

    • Hello. This is a variant of the norm - mucous discharge during the period of ovulation. This indicates the beginning of the functioning of the ovaries, which produce eggs. During their release, transparent or whitish discharge appears (this will be repeated almost every month, during their entire normal functioning). It also indicates the possibility of pregnancy, at the beginning of intimacy (even at this age). Now your cycle is beginning to form, therefore, menstruation and leucorrhoea (their appearance or absence, duration, nature and quantity are different) - everything is gradually normalizing. The unpleasant smell does not fit into the overall picture, so if the discharge continues and increases, talk to your mother, you may still have to seek the advice of a specialist to rule out inflammation.

  1. Hello! I am 14 years old. I have 2 questions for you right now:
    1) I had very few first periods, just a drop. this is normal?
    2) I have white-yellow discharge, with an unpleasant smell. They last for about a year. What to do?

    • Hello. The answer to the first question is yes, it can be and this is a variant of the norm. It's just that the hormonal background has not yet completely rebuilt, and the formation of a normal cycle occurs even within six months or more.
      The second question - I would advise you to contact a pediatric gynecologist and be examined. The discharge is usually clear, may be slightly whitish and odorless or slightly odorous. According to the signs you described, we can assume inflammation or layering of the infectious process, especially if these symptoms have been manifesting for quite a long time. But it can also be a variant of the norm, if pathology is excluded. Consult with your mother, it is better to consult a specialist - any inflammatory processes in women of any age should be treated in a timely manner. This may affect your women's health in later life.

    Hello, I’m Rena, I’m 11 years old and I don’t have MENSIONS ... I rode a bike about 2 days ago and after that I started to itch when I go to the toilet, then when I pee, it gets hot ...... is it dangerous and should I go to a gynecologist ?

    • Hello Rena. If you associate all these manifestations with cycling, perhaps there were some other factors that could provoke the appearance of these symptoms (it was uncomfortable to sit and squeeze the genitals, put on tight panties that pressed into the perineum, fell ...). A simple bike ride cannot cause these symptoms. If, however, what happened - of course, you need to figure out what consequences it had. Maybe you are overcooled, and these signs are nothing more than symptoms of inflammation of the urethra (discomfort during urination, itching, spasms, frequent urges). This is treated by a pediatrician and a gynecologist is not needed. Hot urine may be normal, but in combination with other signs, it is also considered a symptom of urethritis. Perhaps this is somehow connected with the period of hormonal changes in the body and after a while everything will go away on its own.
      I think you need to talk about this with your mom or another family member - tell me what happened while riding a bike (if there was anything) and what's bothering you. Together you decide what to do.

    I am 15 years old, menstruation has been established for a long time, so everything is in order, but for two years leucorrhea has been released every time after the end of the menstrual period, they are odorless, slightly white in color, not very plentiful. Beli began somewhere half a year before menstruation, is this normal? Should I go to the gynecologist, or try to douche at home with decoctions of medicinal herbs?

    • Hello. This is normal and there is nothing to worry about - hormonal activity in women is different and I do not see anything wrong with the signs you described. You can douche only as directed by a doctor - if there are signs of inflammation. In all other cases, it's not so good. If necessary, it is better to consult with a specialist and then make a decision about douching. But for now, don't rush into it.

    I am 15, I have already had discharge since I was 13, they are yellow, and each time a different amount, not a teaspoon, please tell me what to do with it? and what does it mean

    • Hello. The duration of the discharge and their number individually. It all depends on the hormonal activity of the endocrine glands and the ability of the goblet cells of the endometrium and vagina. Usually, discharge occurs in the middle of the cycle and is associated with the release of the egg from the follicle. This means that under certain conditions (probable sexual intercourse), pregnancy is possible. If the discharge appears at a different time (before or after menstruation), this may mean instability of the hormonal background, which will return to normal over time. Persistent and profuse vaginal discharge, independent of the menstrual cycle + additional symptoms in the form of pulling pains in the abdomen, radiating to the genitals, cycle disorders or other signs may indicate inflammation of the genitourinary system. In this case, it is necessary to examine and clarify the cause. Consult with your mother, specify all the symptoms and the need to contact a specialist. There is nothing to worry about, and delay in the presence of inflammation can lead to unpleasant complications.

    • Hello. Abundant leucorrhoea is an alarming symptom. It can be a sign of an inflammatory process, fungal infection, endocrine pathology. Therefore, you need to tell your mother about this as early as possible and undergo the necessary examinations. The earlier the pathology is detected, the faster and easier you will get rid of this unpleasant symptom. Gradually everything will get better. Perhaps there is no cause for concern, but only a doctor can judge this based on the examinations carried out.

        • Hello. The first menstruation can be of varying intensity, often it's just smearing against the background of whites, so this is probably the beginning of the formation of the menstrual cycle. It is individual for each woman: it is possible that menstruation will begin after such discharge (always carry a pad with you to react in time) or there may be similar discharge for a certain time (1-2-3 months) until regular menstruation begins. Be sure to talk to your mother or another woman close enough to you - she will support you and explain many of the nuances - you should not be shy about this issue, but you will understand this later. Now just trust and talk to someone about it. Good luck.

  2. Hello. I am 12 years old, whites go for a year, there is hair in the intimate area, there are armpits, but, a little, the chest is small. When will menstruation start?

    • Hello. No one can answer this question for you - it all depends on many factors and hormonal activity in the body. This is individual - everything has its time. This can happen in a month or a year or two. Don't worry - your primary sexual characteristics are being formed, there are no deviations, so it is possible that your period will begin soon.

    I am 12 years old. Today (May 12, 2016) I got leucorrhea. My mother went to MS at the age of 13. Chest grows. There is hair. How do I tell my mom about this???

    Hello! I am 12 years old, I am a girl, my period was supposed to start on April 8, but they still do not exist, but there are white transparent discharges. what should I do? it is dangerous? And when will my period be?

    • Hello. Do not worry so much - during the formation of the cycle (sometimes even within 6-9 months, menstruation can change regularity, intensity or not appear for 1-2 months). This is normal and is associated with instability in the release of female sex hormones or dysregulation of their release. Clear white discharge is also normal. It’s hard to say when your period will be - at any time during the cycle and you need to be ready for this (be sure to carry a pad with you in order to react to their appearance in time). If something worries you, you can consult your mother or another female relative whom you trust - situations are different, and an experienced adult woman will be able to calm you down and dispel all your doubts. If menstruation does not appear for a long time (more than 3 months), be sure to tell your mother, you may have to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs (uterus, ovaries). Do not worry about the sun, unnecessary experiences can also negatively affect the release of hormones - as long as this is not critical, everything is fine.

    • Hello. Sometimes vaginal discharge before the onset of menstruation is normal if it is clear or whitish-clear, odorless and not abundant. This is a sign of the beginning of the functioning of the ovaries and maturation of the eggs. If the discharge is abundant, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the genitals, curdled and with an unpleasant odor - this may be a sign of inflammation and you need to tell your mother about it. All these problems need to be addressed in a timely manner - perhaps this is also a variant of the norm. But if this is a sign of a disease, it is important to diagnose and treat it in a timely manner so that it does not become chronic. All these problems can subsequently affect your women's health and the ability to have a child. There is no need to be afraid - no one will do anything bad to you, even if you have to consult a doctor, maybe they will just look at your stomach, do an ultrasound scan and blood and urine tests.

  3. Hello. I am 14 years old. I have a lot of white discharge. I masturbate. I decided somehow to stick my finger into the vagina, there was a large amount of white mucus on the finger (does not smell). With menstruation, too, everything is fine (they come on time, the duration is within the normal range). There is also no itching, I observe hygiene. Please tell me this is bad or am I just winding myself up?

    • Hello. By themselves, these signs are not considered a pathology if the discharge is observed after masturbation. With mechanical stimulation of the vagina, goblet cells are activated and their work is activated, therefore thick mucus is released, sometimes in large quantities, without smell.
      But sometimes the reason for the desire to masturbate is inflammatory diseases of the vagina, recurrent itching, wearing tight clothes. Some sexologists consider rare acts of masturbation to be the norm and the formation of sexuality, but there are episodes when active masturbation in adolescent girls causes a change in sexual perception in adulthood and sexual changes, including frigidity (sexual coldness). Also, you should not experiment with this because of the occurrence of hormonal disorders in the future, which often leads to infertility, the formation of ovarian cysts and other pathological processes of the reproductive system. This is not a good habit that may affect your women's health in the future. In this regard, as a specialist, I would advise getting rid of this - constant masturbation leads to mental disorders and is even treated in neuropsychiatric dispensaries, I have seen such cases in my practice. Take care of your women's and psychological health and you won't have to worry in the future - over time you will meet a loved one with whom you can experience wonderful moments and satisfaction of your female sexuality. I sincerely wish you this - you just need to wait for it.

    I am already 14 years old. That year, menstruation began on April 25, 2015. Before that, there were leucorrhoea, after three months there was brown discharge, and there was no more leucorrhoea. It's already February 2016 and still no period. And white discharge began again, sometimes plentiful

    • Hello. The period of establishment of menstruation is individual, but their prolonged absence after the imaginary beginning is an alarming sign. It is necessary to consult a pediatric gynecologist, make an ultrasound of the reproductive organs and, if necessary, an endocrinologist. Perhaps the hormonal restructuring of the body has failed and the sooner normalize the hormonal background or exclude other pathologies of the genitourinary system (inflammation, ovarian cysts), problems with the thyroid gland. Talk to your mom and get tested as soon as possible. These symptoms can also occur normally, it is necessary to exclude various pathological changes, which will only worsen over time. You should not worry in advance, but you can’t ignore these signs either - this may affect the ability to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby in the future.

    Hello, I’m 12 years old, I’m a girl, my leucorrhea has been going on for quite a long time, about 2 years, but for about two weeks they either don’t exist at all or there is but little, is this normal?

    • Hello. This is normal - perhaps a hormonal change in the body has occurred, and menstruation will soon appear (in their absence). Slight whites are considered a variant of the norm during the period of hormonal changes in the body, and their termination is possible at any time.

    Hello! I am 12 years old, and about 3 months ago, white mucus began to stand out. I reported this to my mother. Mom explained to me that it’s like this for all girls before menstruation, the body is preparing. But these secretions annoy me…….When will they end…? Perhaps you will answer this question to me that: “everyone has his own body and works in his own way,” but can you tell me approximately please.

    • Hello. It all depends on the intensity of the discharge, in gynecology they are called "leucorrhoea" and periodically appear in women throughout the reproductive period until the hormonal activity subsides completely. If the leucorrhoea is intense and persistent (in most cases, such symptoms can cause irritation and emotional stress), you should definitely contact a gynecologist. This symptom may indicate inflammation of the ovaries or fungal or microbial vulvovaginitis, which must be treated. Also, intense leucorrhoea can occur with any inflammatory processes in the organs of the female sphere. If the discharge appears with a certain frequency, not abundant and simply annoying with its presence - this will happen constantly even after the onset of menstruation - this symptom occurs when the egg leaves the follicle and indicates the possibility of pregnancy during sexual contact during this period. Therefore, it is worth getting used to it and it will manifest itself monthly. Therefore, listen to your well-being: if the leucorrhoea is strong, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, radiating to the perineum, itching after urination, soreness during urination, frequent urination or false urges - you need to urgently tell your mother about this, these symptoms cannot be ignored. Perhaps the cause of all these problems is not puberty, inflammation of the bladder, urethra, ovaries or vagina, and these problems cannot be started. It is imperative to pass tests - a general blood and urine test and consult first with pediatricians, and then, if necessary, with a gynecologist.

    I am 14. I must admit right away that I masturbate. I observe hygiene, but I got white mucous discharge, and then itching. The hymen is not broken. I'm afraid to tell my mom...

    Hello. I am 12 years old, my periods have been going for about 7 months. This month they didn’t go for me, but when they were supposed to go, my stomach hurt. As a result, they didn’t go. And instead of them, I got some kind of white discharge what could it be? I'm still afraid to talk to my mom

    • Hello. In any case, it is necessary to talk about all health problems to loved ones, especially problems in the female sphere - trust your mother, it is always easier to resolve all issues. Do not be afraid - your periods started relatively early, but none of us women (even with the established menstruation regimen) is immune from hormonal failure. This most often occurs due to various nervous or physical overstrain, climate change and other factors. But at the same time, the absence of already established periods may indicate an inflammatory process in the ovaries (due to hypothermia or for other reasons), a cyst or hormonal imbalance (in adolescents, these symptoms may occur with an enlarged thyroid gland). If leucorrhoea (some white discharge) is present even now - this is a symptom of inflammation and it is necessary to tell the mother - diagnostics (ultrasound) and treatment are necessary. Another reason for these secretions may be a hormonal failure, lengthening the maturation and release of the follicle (in this case, abdominal pain and mucous discharge often occur). This is not scary and gradually the cycle will improve again. I think in any case you need to talk to your mother, visit a specialist and figure out the reasons.

    Hello! I am 13 years old and my leucorrhea began in the spring, I am interested in when they can end and because of what they appear if my girlfriend did not have them.

    Hello, please help. I decided to contact you, because. scary for mom. I am 14 years old. I have been on my period for 1.5 years. And constantly accompanied by white discharge without itching. But a month ago, itching began to appear. What could it be? Should I be worried?

    • Hello! The beginning of the reproductive age for every girl in modern society should be accompanied by the beginning of a visit, at least once every six months, to a gynecologist. In most municipal health care institutions (antenatal clinics at polyclinics) there is a teenage room. Such a visit is preventive (as well as a dentist examination of the same frequency, even if nothing bothers you) and is aimed at maintaining women's health, preventing infections, preventing infertility and preventing unwanted pregnancies.
      As for the immediate situation, then, in conditions of a complete absence of sexual activity (the probability of infections that are predominantly sexually transmitted is excluded) and personal hygiene, one can think of an imbalance in the microflora of the vagina (yes, bacteria live there too), called dysbacteriosis. By the nature of the discharge and the itching present, one can think of its candidal variant, known in wide circles as "thrush".
      Possible infection (other than through sexual contact) could have occurred in common areas (public toilets, even at school) or the fungus has always been present, and the current situation is an exacerbation of a chronic process. Moreover, dysbacteriosis, for sure, is not local (only in the vagina). Most likely, there is an imbalance and intestinal flora.
      The first thing you need to understand is that there should be no self-treatment! (It is unacceptable to simply buy and take drugs against "thrush") You need to contact a specialist (gynecologist) to find out the reasons for this situation. Because, as a fungus, it is not the only condition for the appearance of white discharge and itching during menstruation.

    Hello, I’m 12 years old, I constantly itch and white mucus flows, but I don’t have my period, this mucus is about 1-2 years old
    Please help, I'm afraid that my mother will think something bad and therefore I first want to know what it is

    • Hello! Vaginal discharge in teenage girls is quite normal. They are explained by the fact that you are growing up, the period of puberty (menstruation) is approaching, and your body is preparing for this in such a way. Normally, the discharge should be transparent or white, not have an unpleasant odor, and not cause discomfort.

      The fact that you are itching is not very good. Perhaps this is a reaction to the shower gel or other cosmetic product that you use. Try to wash yourself thoroughly every night with regular baby soap for a week. If the itching does not go away after this, be sure to tell your mother about your feelings, because this can be a sign of an unpleasant disease - vulvovaginitis. Do not be shy or afraid to tell your mother about your concerns about your own health - your mother was also your age and probably still remembers how difficult it is to get used to the changes that occur during this period with the body of a teenage girl. Therefore, she will listen to you with attention and together you will find a way to cope with the unpleasant sensations that have arisen. Most likely, in order to avoid health problems in the future, you will need to visit a pediatric gynecologist with your mother. There is nothing wrong with this, the doctor will simply prescribe medications that will help you cope with unpleasant symptoms. Do not forget that at any age a girl or a girl should be attentive to her health, because her ability to bear and give birth to a healthy child in the future directly depends on this. Good luck!

    Hello, my daughter is almost 5 years old, two weeks away. She's been having white discharge for a week now for no reason. Two weeks ago we were diagnosed with acute polysinusitis and prescribed a bunch of drugs, procedures and an antibiotic (adult dosage). After the end of the treatment, I noticed this white discharge. After a couple of days, she fell ill again, the diagnosis was purulent tonsillitis and antibiotics were prescribed again, her immunity was imprisoned. Could this be such a reaction to them and to drugs? In our city there are no doctors, specialists above listed. no one but pediatricians. Please tell me how and how to treat a child in such cases and what else can there be such a reaction to?

    • Hello, Natalia!
      The appearance of white discharge from the vagina in a girl can be caused by taking an antibiotic during the treatment of polysinusitis.
      This phenomenon is extremely rare, occurs as a result of the suppression of the activity of normal microflora in the genital tract and leads to intensive reproduction of fungi.

      Treatment of such conditions begins with the use of a sour-milk diet.
      Cottage cheese, kefir, curdled milk, sour cream should be present in the child's food every day.
      Products should be chosen with a short shelf life, which avoids the presence of preservatives in them.
      Along with this, the girl should take nystatin half a tablet 4 times a day for two weeks.

      As a result of such treatment, the amount of discharge should decrease by 5-6 days.
      If a girl complains of burning and soreness in the internal genital area, then it would be more correct to contact a pediatric gynecologist and take a smear from the vagina.
      Since there is no such specialist in the city where you live, consult a regular gynecologist or ask for a referral to the regional center.

    my 12 year old daughter has white discharge
    for almost a year now. We went to the clinic to see our doctor. She refused to accept us.
    asked her to give us a referral so that we could pass the test, she also refused, she said that she didn’t know where to send us, they also went to the gynecologist, the gynecologist also didn’t accept, said she didn’t accept girls.
    I ask you to help me, in January she will be 13 years old and there is still no menstruation

    • Natasha, the appearance of white discharge in a girl in most cases indicates the imminent appearance of menstruation.
      However, it is also impossible to exclude the presence of an inflammatory process in a child.
      In any case, it is necessary to consult a pediatric gynecologist and a pediatric endocrinologist.
      Each regional center should have such a specialist, not to mention large cities.
      Surely in the city where you live, there is a private gynecological clinic, where these problems will be treated with great understanding and they will tell you exactly who to contact on this issue.

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