What is the best way to absorb calcium tablets? How to take calcium correctly so that it is absorbed? What calcium is better for women to take

With a number of disorders in the body, the bones begin to lose calcium. In this case, you must definitely take supplements and tablets with this element - pharmacies have a large selection of drugs.

The cheapest medicines with a mineral

Calcium deficiency is observed in a number of pathologies and various conditions. So, during pregnancy, the body of the fetus consumes a fairly high amount of the element, so a woman needs to increase its intake with food or medicine. In children, a mineral deficiency leads to a delay in physical development, slow growth of bone tissue, and frequent fractures.

In menopause, a lack of a mineral provokes the development of osteoporosis - the loss of bone substance and an increase in their fragility.

The most inexpensive preparations containing Ca are produced on the basis of. They are produced by almost all pharmaceutical companies and cost from 10 rubles per pack. Unfortunately, these drugs are poorly absorbed, so they cannot be considered effective. Without sufficient intake of vitamin D, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, Ca passes into an insoluble form and can be harmful - it is deposited in the joints and soft tissues.

Drugs containing additionally other elements are absorbed much better. The list of the most inexpensive products with Ca is as follows:

For the prevention of bone tissue diseases, children under one year old are prescribed 400 ml of Ca / day, babies under 3 years old - 600 mg. From 3-10 years old, 800 mg is already required, adolescents - 1200 mg. In an adult, the dose is 800-1200 mg, in pregnant women and athletes - up to 1500 mg.

Calcium D3 Nycomed and Complivit

Often, experts advise buying Calcium D3 Nycomed. It is available in the following forms - tablets with 500 mg of the element and 200 IU of coliccalciferol (vitamin D3) and Forte tablets with an increased amount of coliccalciferol - 400 IU.

The drug has the following actions:

When taken orally, the remedy can have a number of side effects - abdominal pain, allergies, diarrhea, itching of the skin appear. In the elderly, with renal insufficiency, the dosage should be reduced, and with long-term therapy, it is imperative to control the level of Ca in the blood, as well as the level of phosphorus. During lactation, other sources of the element that can enter the milk and into the body of the child should be taken into account. The price of the medicine is 370 rubles for 60 tablets.

Preparations with the mineral are contraindicated in hypercalcemia, kidney stones, active tuberculosis.

The medicine is cheaper - 200 rubles for 30 tablets, while it includes a similar number of components.

Among the indications is the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis (idiopathic, senile, menopausal, steroid). Also, the drug is indicated for other forms of Ca deficiency. Tablets are taken with meals from the age of 3 - 1-2 / day (the dose for children under 10 is selected individually).

Other means with element

On sale there is a whole list of medicines with a mineral substance. Most contain a fat-soluble vitamin or other complementary ingredients to aid mineral absorption:

Also on sale is Calcemin Advance, Calcepan and other dietary supplements and drugs against osteoporosis and other diseases.

Complex supplements and preparations for children

Any specialist will point out that taking an element in combination with other substances beneficial to the body is much more effective. It is not necessary that such drugs will cost more - there are drugs available for children and adults.

Before buying, it is important to take into account individual contraindications and evaluate additional components for the risk of allergies.

Adults can buy medicine Calcium D3 Meligen. In the composition, in addition to the main element, there is ascorbic acid, the entire vitamin group B, alpha-tocopherol, retinol, coliccalciferol, biotin. The dose of capsules / day is 3 pieces, the price for 100 pieces is 190 rubles. Also, adults are shown Magnesium-Calcium Doppelgerz, which includes both elements and coliccalciferol (260 rubles).

Babies are shown to drink the medicine Baby formula Bears with Ca in the form of chewable lozenges (300 rubles per pack for a month). Additionally, the composition contains natural flavors, coconut oil, wax, natural dyes. The drug is designed with hypoallergenicity in mind, therefore it rarely causes allergies. Bears are very tasty, children like them and quickly fill the need for the necessary substances.


Calcium, obtained by our body naturally from food, is extremely beneficial, but due to the deterioration in the quality of food, we do not receive even half of the daily allowance, which can lead to more than 150 different diseases.

Calcium is not only about the health of our bones, teeth, hair and nails. 1% of calcium is found in the blood and is involved in various processes that allow our body to function properly. If calcium is not enough, our body begins to malfunction and often quite serious. Since the majority of people do not get the proper amount of calcium from food, we come to the understanding that it is necessary to add it to your diet. So, let's look at the various forms of calcium, their advantages and disadvantages, and finally choose the best for ourselves.

Forms of calcium

This form of calcium has the lowest percentage of absorption - about 3% and has a number of contraindications and side effects. Calcium gluconate preparations are produced without the addition of vitamin D3, which practically reduces the degree of its absorption to zero. One of the worst effects of prolonged use of this form of calcium is the formation of kidney and gallbladder stones.

Should be the only advantage of calcium gluconate is its low price, but due to the extremely low degree of absorption and the large number of negative consequences from its use, even a low price is not able to attract a knowledgeable client.

Calcium Carbonate (Calcium Carbonate)

This is a much more attractive form of calcium than the previous one. Such calcium is assimilated by the body by 17 - 22% with normal acidity of gastric juice, while with reduced acidity, the degree of its absorption drops so much that it is practically equal to zero. You should not get carried away with preparations based on calcium carbonate, because. it is also fraught with the formation of calcium stones in the kidneys. A large amount of this type of calcium taken at a time can significantly reduce the acidity of the gastric juice and cause side effects such as flatulence, constipation, nausea, allergic reactions and abdominal pain.

This form of calcium is quite widespread and is in great demand due to its greater bioavailability than calcium gluconate. However, there is a more interesting variation on the form of calcium, which we'll look at below.

Calcium citrate (Calcium citrate)

This form of calcium is absorbed by the body 2.5 times better than calcium carbonate, naturally in combination with vitamin D3. The degree of absorption of calcium citrate is 44%. Due to the fact that hydrochloric acid of gastric juice is not required for its absorption, preparations based on calcium citrate can be taken on an empty stomach. The use of calcium citrate does not cause deposits in the kidneys in the form of stones, so this form of calcium is safe for health. People with low stomach acidity and those who are already over 50 should stop at calcium citrate, because the degree of absorption in this case will be 11 times higher than calcium carbonate.

Calcium citrate is good for diseases of the urinary tract. It shifts the pH of urine to the alkaline side, thereby creating an unfavorable environment for the development of genital infections and inflammation.

Calcium amino acid chelates are by far the best form of calcium products on the market today. Often this form of calcium can still be found under the name "Ionic calcium". Although its price is really high, this is justified by the high degree of digestibility and the absence of side effects, in particular, it does not allow the formation of kidney and gallbladder stones. Calcium chelates are able to be absorbed by 90 - 98%, while there is no need to add vitamin D3 to preparations of this type.

Calcium amino acid chelates do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract and do not require stomach acid for absorption. They are 100% soluble in water, which is 400 times higher than the dissolution of calcium carbonate. Another advantage of calcium chelate is the ability to quickly release calcium ions, which prevents calcium supersaturation of the blood, thereby eliminating the possibility of its increased clotting, which is fraught with the formation of blood clots. One of the best calcium products of this form is Forever Calcium, USA.

So let's sum it up

Of the many forms of calcium on the world market, Calcium Citrate and Calcium Chelate proved to be the best in terms of absorption and lack of side effects. The latter has twice the percentage of digestibility compared to calcium citrate. But due to the fact that the price of calcium chelate is usually three times higher than the price of calcium citrate, not everyone can afford it. After a brief review, the question of which calcium is better to answer is still up to you.

The value of calcium for the human body

It has long been known that the human body consists of various elements. Some of them in the body are in trace amounts, and some - kilograms. The last one is calcium. In tablets, this element is taken by many people for various reasons. However, most often this technique is associated with compensation for its insufficient intake with ordinary food. Among the main biological functions, calcium in the body is most important for bone tissue. The skeleton of an average person contains about 1.5 kg of this substance. Therefore, it is not surprising that the need for it among various minerals is one of the highest. In addition, calcium is involved in many vital processes in the body. So, for example, with its help, a nerve impulse is transmitted to reduce muscle fibers, including those of the heart.

Formulation of calcium

The development of the modern pharmacological industry makes it possible to obtain any substance that is missing in the human body with the help of medicines. From this point of view, calcium is no exception. In tablets, this element is known in many preparations. There are both the simplest, containing mineral salt, and complex forms of the drug, which, in addition to the main substance, include additional compounds that help its absorption. As a rule, calcium in tablets in the latter case is next to vitamin D. It has been proven that such a formula is most quickly and efficiently absorbed by the human body. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the therapeutic effect, for the purpose of which the drug is used.

dosage form of calcium

The appointment of a particular drug should always be done by a medical specialist. Even such a harmless element as calcium, there are many side effects if taken in excess of the established norm. Adults require about 1000 mg of this mineral. However, those who experience increased stress or are constantly developing physically (athletes, adolescents, children, pregnant women, etc.) need about 1300-1500 mg per day. Calcium tablets (the price of the drug can vary several tens of times depending on its composition, manufacturer's company and, of course, effectiveness) must be used strictly according to the instructions. In case of an overdose, a person may experience nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal upset, heart rhythm disturbances, etc.

The most popular drugs and regimens for their administration

One of the cheapest drugs in this category is Calcium Gluconate. Method of administration: inside before meals, 2-4 tablets 2-3 times a day. In addition, this mineral can be part of any vitamin complex, but often its concentration in them is not enough to provide a stable therapeutic effect. Expensive preparations containing calcium in tablets include Calcium-D3 Nycomed. In addition to the main substance, it includes vitamin D that helps its absorption. Method of administration: 1 tablet up to 3 times a day for 4-6 weeks.

This article will help you figure out which calcium preparation is better to choose, answer the question of why calcium is needed at all, and what forms it exists. In the end, we will figure out which calcium preparation is most effective and beneficial for our health, and why. So, the best preparation of calcium.

The best calcium preparation. What is calcium for?

Calcium is a macro mineral. A person can get calcium only from the outside, with food.

Without calcium, many metabolic processes in the body of both children and adults cannot occur. First of all, it maintains the acid-base balance. We constantly acidify our body: we drink coffee, eat junk food, eat few vegetables and fruits. To make up for the disturbed balance after this, we need calcium.

Secondly, calcium helps to cleanse our body. It removes toxins from the body. Calcium deficiency very often leads to allergies, dermatosis, psoriasis, etc., especially in children.

Thirdly, calcium is a building material for teeth and bones. It is also responsible for the beauty and condition of nails, skin and hair. The main cause of problems with teeth and bones is almost always calcium deficiency.

This is especially true for pregnant women and nursing mothers. During pregnancy, the mother's body gives a huge amount of calcium to the developing child, because of this, the expectant mother's hair begins to fall out, her nails peel off and, of course, her teeth deteriorate, bringing great joy to dentists! Therefore, the importance of calcium for women cannot be overestimated.

In addition to all of the above, with calcium deficiency, blood pressure rises (especially in the elderly), headache occurs, diseases such as hyperplasia, pancreatitis, rickets, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, kidney and liver failure, thyroid disease, and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract develop. , dysbacteriosis, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

To protect yourself from such serious problems, you need to eat calcium. But how?

The average daily requirement for calcium in humans is approximately 1000 mg (in children - 1200 mg, in pregnant women - from 1600 to 2000 mg). Is it possible to get this amount of calcium from food? Let's see.

Like, now everything became clear. You need to eat cheese, cottage cheese, eggs and drink milk, and your teeth and bones will be healthy ... However, this is not so.

The thing is that the amount of calcium in the products in the picture is purely approximate. The percentage of calcium in food depends on many factors: what soil did the raw material grow on, was it depleted, how many times was the product processed before it hit the store shelf? Did the cow that gave milk eat right? What were the plants sprayed with? Were these products properly transported, etc…

It is quite difficult to find answers to all these questions and track how much calcium will remain in this or that product in the end! Therefore, you can try to eat a kilo of cottage cheese every day and hope that there was the amount of calcium that you expected. And if you don’t want to hope for a chance, then what to do?

The answer is simple - you can get calcium from the outside in a concentrated form, that is, drink vitamins, on a jar with which the calcium content in each tablet is clearly indicated. However, everything is not so simple here either.

The best calcium preparation. Problem of choice

So, vitamins with calcium must be taken, and daily. But what are they, these calcium preparations, are there? And how to choose them?

Many people are not accustomed to understand the composition of drugs that they buy at the pharmacy. The doctor has written out - I buy. Or maybe there is a cheaper one? I take!

Even better, if Baba Valya told Aunt Masha that her legs stopped hurting after the red pill for five rubles. Then you should definitely take it. For five rubles something.

For some reason, the only important criterion when buying pharmacy drugs for many is the price. But what about the quality?

If we decide to read the composition of medicines or vitamins, we are unlikely to understand anything. Unless, of course, we have not previously shone with knowledge in chemistry. As part of medicines, the weight of the substance containing calcium is usually indicated. But to understand how many of these tablets you need to drink in order to gain 1000 mg, we need the weight of pure calcium, that is, the content of calcium ions in the tablet. But the active substances can be completely different, which complicates the solution of the problem.

So how do we, ordinary people, understand the composition of the medicine? What to look for when buying calcium supplements? Everything is described below in the simplest terms possible.

The best calcium preparation. Selection criteria

Well, we need to determine which calcium preparation is the best. The main criteria for comparison are the manufacturer (the quality of the vitamin significantly depends on it), the active ingredient in the preparation, the amount of calcium contained in each tablet and, of course, the price.

1. Manufacturer
2. Active ingredient
3. The amount of calcium
4. Price

Separately, you need to deal with the active substance, that is, the form of calcium in which it was put in a tablet.

The best calcium preparation. Forms of calcium and composition of preparations

So, the best calcium preparation is the one in which price and quality are ideally correlated. Therefore, we first consider the forms in which calcium is most often used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Calcium form and absorption percentage Description
The natural form of minerals with a protein molecule, thanks to which it penetrates through the cell membrane and works in the cell itself. Calcium in this form is not deposited either in the vessels or in the kidneys.
Citrate (calcium citrate)
Calcium salt of citric acid. It is quickly absorbed, but provokes an increase in acidity in the body.
The synthesized form of minerals (inorganic) is ordinary chalk. May contain hazardous impurities. In case of an overdose, it is deposited in the vessels and kidneys.
Inorganic calcium salt. It has an additional undesirable phosphorus load on the body.
It is widely used in pharmacology due to its low cost. Often leads to the formation of kidney stones and gallbladder.

The chelated form of calcium is best absorbed. It has the highest bioavailability. However, not every manufacturer can afford to produce a calcium chelate formula, since this is a very difficult and expensive process. Therefore, it is quite difficult or almost impossible to find a calcium preparation with a chelate formula on the shelves of pharmacies ...

The best calcium preparation. comparison table

We have considered all selection criteria. It's time for the most interesting part - the ranking among the most famous and easily available in pharmacies and stores of calcium preparations.

Name of the drug Substance form The amount of ionic calcium Number of tablets needed to get 1000 mg The cost of daily admission in $
(USA) Chelate 250 mg 4 0,55$
Citrate 250 mg 4 0,80$
Calcium Plus D3 Expert Citrate 172 mg 6 0,6$
Calcium-Active Citrate (Russia) Citrate 50 mg 20 3,9$
CalceminAdvance (Switzerland) Citrate + carbonate 500 mg 2 0,25$
Osteogenon (France) Phosphate 178 mg 6 7,5$
Calcium-D3 Nycomed (Norway) Carbonate 500 mg 2 0,22$
Calcium-D3 Nycomed Plus (Norway) Carbonate 500 mg 2 0,60$
Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte (Norway) Carbonate 500 mg 2 0,52$
Alfadol-Sa (India) Carbonate 200 mg 5 1,85$
Vitrum Calcium with Vitamin D3 Carbonate 500 mg 2 1,2$
Calcium D3 Mick Forte (Belarus) Carbonate 166.7 mg 6 2,4$

Calcium is a vital element that helps maintain healthy teeth and bones. This element is especially important for pregnant women. However, the use of products containing a macronutrient does not guarantee its complete absorption by the body. That is why it is important to know how to properly take calcium so that it is absorbed. "Popular about health" will help you figure out what form this substance is best to use, what foods it is contained in, and also tell you which food contributes to better absorption of calcium in the body.

Excess and lack of calcium in the body

Our body is always signaling to us what it lacks. Certain symptoms may indicate a calcium deficiency or an excess of a macronutrient in the body. Consider what happens if there is not enough calcium:

1. Damage to tooth enamel.
2. Brittle nails.
3. Dullness of hair.
4. Pain in muscles, joints.
5. Irritability.
6. Constipation.
7. Nausea, vomiting.
8. Disorientation in space.
9. Insomnia.
10. Arrhythmia.
11. Headaches.

An excess of a macronutrient also does not bode well. If calcium accumulates in the body, the following symptoms occur:

1. Decreased muscle tone.
2. There is a deformation of the bones.
3. Coordination is disturbed.
4. Urination becomes more frequent.
5. Often worried about nausea, sometimes vomiting.

Calcium deficiency is harmful to the body. That is why it is important to regularly eat food enriched with this substance. What products contain a useful element?

Foods High in Calcium

Most calcium is found in cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products. Fish (especially sardines), nuts, sesame seeds, white cabbage - all these products are sources of a valuable substance. However, it is important to understand that eating these foods alone does not guarantee that calcium will be absorbed by the body. There are many factors that influence this process.

What is required for calcium absorption??

In order for the skeletal system to be healthy, of course, products containing this macronutrient must be included in the menu. But this is not enough for him to get used to it. Let's consider what influences this process.

1. The absorption of calcium is also facilitated by other chemical elements - magnesium and phosphorus. Scientists have found that a lack of magnesium leads to the fact that calcium accumulates on the vascular walls, and not in the bone tissue. To prevent this, you need to replenish magnesium reserves in the body. Include whole grain bread, cocoa and cereals in your diet. Phosphorus is essential for healthy bones. Its source is products - nuts, meat, dried fruits.

2. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium. Eat regularly egg yolks, salmon, liver. Don't neglect sun exposure.

3. Some products contribute to the deposition of salts in the joints and intervertebral discs or wash out a valuable macronutrient from the body. Reduce the consumption of products - sorrel, rhubarb, coffee, soda, spinach.

4. Stress, overexertion also play an important role. When a person is in this state, the adrenal glands produce the hormone cortisol, which helps to eliminate the macronutrient from the body in the urine. Sports activities - running, gymnastics will help relieve stress.

5. Calcium deficiency is often observed in people with pathologies of the duodenum and liver, as well as with low acidity of the gastric secretion. Bile acids help the processing and assimilation of the element. If you have problems with these organs, you should pay attention to keeping them healthy.

6. Taking certain medications leads to calcium deficiency. These include diuretics, laxatives, hormones, steroids, and anticonvulsants.

7. Lack of substance often occurs with helminthic invasions, dysbacteriosis.

The rate of consumption and the form of the substance

In what form is it better to take calcium and how? The macronutrient is best consumed in the form of citrate. It is best absorbed in the body. In this form, the drug is sold in any pharmacy. In the form of carbonate, the substance is absorbed worse, and it is better to drink it with meals. What is the rate of calcium intake per day for people of different ages?

1. Children under 9 years old - 1000 mg.
2. From 9 to 19 years old - 1300 mg.
3. 19-60 years old - 1000 mg.

As can be seen from the above data, children and adolescents experience an increased need for a macronutrient, as their body grows. To make up for the lack of a substance, doctors usually prescribe a course of taking calcium citrate. By the way, in pharmacies you can also buy drugs that immediately include vitamin D, which contributes to faster absorption of the macronutrient. However, you should not abuse dietary supplements and vitamins unnecessarily, because an excess of any substance in the body is also fraught with serious health problems.

Now you know in what form calcium is properly absorbed, what factors and conditions hinder this process. To be healthy, you need to monitor your diet, diversify it, include meat, fish, liver, nuts, dairy products, vegetable oil, vegetables and greens in the menu. Additional benefits will come from walking in the sun and playing sports that help relieve stress.

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