Causes of beard growth in women (hirsutism). Wrong choice of face cream. Taking certain medications

Familiar to many women firsthand. Some representatives of the weak believe that the cause of the phenomenon is the regular performance of various cosmetic procedures. Is it so? What factors lead to the fact that hair grows on the chin in women? Causes, treatment and remedies for trouble - all this will be discussed in our material.

What is a phenomenon?

The effect in which women grow black hair on the chin, upper lip, cheeks in medical practice called hirsutism. Numerous studies of the problem prove that trouble most often occurs as a result of increased production in the body of the fairer sex. male hormones.

Indeed, the concentration of testosterone in the body can lead to this. It is this hormone that in men is responsible for the production of germ cells, the development of a rough voice, the growth of textured hair throughout the body. With certain failures in the body, corresponding changes can be observed in women.

The development of hirsutism is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Noticeable increase in sexual desire.
  • A sharp set of muscle mass.
  • Accumulation in the body of fat deposits according to the male type with localization in the chest, shoulder girdle.
  • Roughening of the voice.
  • Decreased volume of tissue in the area of ​​the mammary glands.
  • Reducing the size of the external genitalia.
  • Protracted failures in the menstrual cycle.

In fact, not only hormonal dysfunctions can influence the development of hirsutism. There are a number of other factors that will be discussed later in our article.

Abuse of oral contraceptives

Why do women grow hair on their chin, upper lip and other uncharacteristic areas of the body? In some cases, uncontrolled use of contraceptives leads to this. Pharmacological drugs in this category are hormonal in nature.

It happens that girls - for personal reasons or according to the advice of friends - begin to take such pills. Sometimes the response to such actions is a slowdown in the production of female hormones and increased testosterone synthesis. Accordingly, after a while, a significant number of health problems arise. In particular, a woman has coarse hair growing on her chin.

To prevent this from happening, it is strongly recommended to consult a gynecologist before using any contraceptives. Only such a specialist is able to determine, on the basis of analyzes and assessment of the state of the woman’s body, which pharmacological preparations can be used on a case-by-case basis.


If hair has begun to grow on a woman's chin, the problem may be due to genetic factor. At risk are the representatives of the weaker sex, whose relatives suffered from hirsutism. Especially often the phenomenon is observed among girls of the Mediterranean and Caucasian types. AT this case treatment will give absolutely no results. Here you need to seek help from cosmetologists who will remove unwanted facial hair. in a physical way or through the use of hardware techniques.

Gynecological problems

Why do women grow hair on their chin and other parts of the face? Often this leads to pathological changes in the area reproductive system organism. For example, with the development of a disease such as polycystic ovaries, dark antennae appear above upper lip. This is where hormonal imbalances come into play. Tissue neoplasms develop in the structure of the ovary. The phenomenon is accompanied by a disorder of the functions of the sex glands.

Age factor and menopause

Often, after overcoming the age threshold of 35 years, women grow hair on their chin. Why is this happening? At this time, the synthesis of estrogen by the sex glands gradually slows down. Some influence on this phenomenon can be exerted by impaired liver function.

As time goes on, menopause inevitably sets in. Cyclic processes in the uterine cavity, characteristic of the body of young women, stop. As the body ages, the activity of the ovaries stops. This leads to the synthesis of male sex hormones. Thus, hair begins to grow on the chin in women. To confirm or exclude the above factors makes it possible to perform an ultrasound examination.

Disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system

Development of pathologies thyroid gland or the adrenal gland causes disruptions in the endocrine system. The latter is responsible for the most numerous processes that occur in the body. In particular, the endocrine system controls the nature of the vegetation that covers certain areas of the body, including the face. Sometimes this is the answer to the question of why hair grows on a woman's chin.

Disrupted pituitary gland

Availability pathological changes in the pituitary gland can be reflected in an increase in the amount of vegetation throughout the body. If there are neoplasms in local tissues, the adrenal glands begin to suffer, which are controlled by the represented part of the brain. The result is their improper functioning and the concentration of testosterone reserves in the tissues. The result is the appearance unwanted hair on the face.

Frequent mechanical hair removal

The reason for the hair on the chin in women is sometimes the regular removal of excess vegetation using a cosmetic thread, tweezers or an epilator. If you resort to similar actions with an increased frequency, this can cause thicker and darker hair to appear on the face. Naturally, the bristles will not arise. However, changing the structure of the hairs cannot be avoided.

Wrong choice of face cream

If hair grows on a woman's chin, the reason may be the wrong cosmetic product for facial skin care. It's about creams. increased concentration substances called lanolin, as well as oils that stimulate hair growth. The phenomenon makes itself felt in cases where a young girl resorts to the use of cosmetics intended for women over the age of 35.

How to get rid of facial hair with hardware methods?

So we found out why women grow hair on their chins. Now let's look at a few hardware techniques to fix the problem. Among them special attention deserve the following:

  1. Laser hair removal is an extremely effective way to remove unwanted hair on the body. The essence of the technique is the effect on the skin in problem areas directed laser beams. This approach allows you to destroy the structure of the hair follicles, which die off and come back to life after the passage of a sufficiently long period of time. The only drawback is that in order to completely eliminate the problem, you will have to regularly visit the treatment room, spending a lot of time and money.
  2. Electrolysis - like the previous solution, the procedure is aimed at destroying hair follicles. The only difference is the impact on problem areas with weak discharges electric current. Immediately it should be noted that the method is quite painful. In some cases, the result is the appearance of small scars on the skin. To avoid trouble, for the procedure it is worth contacting the services of experienced cosmetologists.
  3. Photoepilation - removal of facial hair occurs due to exposure of the skin to light pulses. Hair follicles die already during one session. The procedure is accompanied by discomfort in the form of a slight tingling sensation. After several sessions, the skin not only gets rid of any vegetation, but also acquires a more elastic, smooth structure.

Drug therapy

In cases where the hair on the chin of a woman began to grow, you can resort to drug treatment. Drug therapy is prescribed only after a thorough diagnosis of the nature of the problem and usually involves the use of hormonal pharmacological agents. The cycle of medication can be up to six months. With the most difficult hormonal disruptions in the body, the course is repeated. It is worth noting that active substances in the composition of medicines in this category do not cause the disappearance of hair. Their action is aimed only at eliminating the root cause of the phenomenon.

There are several contraindications to the treatment of hirsutism with hormonal drugs. It is not recommended to resort to the use of drugs of this kind for pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers, people who suffer from tumor neoplasms.

Traditional medicine methods

What to do if hair grows on a woman's chin? Treatment can be carried out by resorting to proven folk recipes. Of course, the use of herbal remedies will not permanently get rid of the problem. However, there will be temporary positive changes.

So, how to eliminate hair on a woman's chin? How to get rid of trouble? You can rely on the following solutions:

  1. A decoction based on dope - for the preparation of the remedy, 3-4 stems of the plant are taken along with the rhizomes. Shoots are poured with water in the amount of one liter. The composition is kept on low heat for an hour. After cooling the liquid, the plant is removed. The resulting decoction is used to treat areas of the skin that have undergone depilation. The use of the product twice a day, morning and evening, makes it possible to significantly slow down the growth of unwanted hair.
  2. Infusion from walnut- juice is squeezed out of the peel of unripe green fruits. A piece of gauze is impregnated in the resulting liquid. The material is applied to the skin in places where there is increased vegetation. Keep the product on the face for no more than 5 minutes. As practice shows, regular use of the method makes it possible to stop the growth of dark hair over time.
  3. Lemon juice - squeeze half of the fruit into a glass of water. Add a tablespoon of sugar to this. The composition is boiled over low heat until the liquid has evaporated by half. As soon as the product has cooled, it is applied to problem areas. After a few minutes, the face is washed with water.

Hair removal cream

You can remove chin hair by chemical means. It is enough to purchase a cream designed for depilation. Such products are applied to the skin, and after a few minutes they are removed with a special spatula. Together with chemical unwanted vegetation is also removed from the face.

The solution has one obvious disadvantage. The disadvantage of most depilatory creams is a short-term effect. The reason for the rapid return of hairs is their removal without a root. Usually, with this approach, the vegetation again becomes noticeable after a few days.

Thread hair removal

The method has long been practiced by women around the world. It is quite difficult to cope with the task in this way, because the use of the thread requires the comprehension of the appropriate technique. For the first time, the results may be unsatisfactory. However, after a few workouts, threading can become the main solution in the fight against unwanted vegetation on the face.

So what should be done? They operate here as follows:

  • Take a cut strong thread about 50 centimeters long;
  • The ends are tied together;
  • The thread is thrown over the index and thumbs both hands, after which they twist several times;
  • The middle part of the device is driven through problem areas, which allows you to hook and eliminate hairs.

Before performing the procedure and after its completion, it is necessary to without fail treat the skin disinfectant. Positive result from flossing usually persists for several weeks. If you cannot cope with the task on your own, you can use this service in any beauty salon.


Removal of vegetation on the chin, upper lip, cheeks with the help of wax strips is one of the most painful procedures. However, the method justifies all expectations. To get the result, the length of the hairs must be at least 5 millimeters. Otherwise, the wax strip simply will not be able to capture them. The effect of applying such a solution can last for several weeks.


The technique under such an original name has much in common with wax depilation. An alternative to the latter here is sugar paste. There is also a difference in the technique of depilation. If the wax tapes are removed in the direction against the growth of hairs, then in the case of shugaring, the opposite is true.

As a result of applying the method, facial hair does not return within a month. Regular shugaring makes it possible to reduce the density of hairs over time, make their structure thinner, and the shade lighter. According to the reviews of cosmetologists, the procedure causes less discomfort compared to waxing.


We found out why women grow hair on their chins, highlighted effective solutions to fix the problem. Finally, it is worth noting that it is necessary to deal with trouble in a complex way. It is recommended to rely here not only on own forces but also to the assistance of qualified doctors and beauticians.

Beautiful Thick hair is the pride and natural adornment of every woman. They are able to attract the eye and cause delight in the opposite sex. However, often hair can grow in inappropriate places, creating a lot of problems with it. When excessive vegetation appears on the legs, you can somehow come to terms with this. But facial hair can cause really serious psychological trauma, as a result of which various complexes appear, self-doubt develops. Why does hair grow on the chin in women? This is worth looking into.

Hair on a female face: norm or pathology?

Vellus hair is present on the entire surface of the body, with the exception of the palms and feet. And it counts normal. Such hair is almost invisible and does not cause concern. As for coarse and dark hair on the face, namely on the cheeks, chin and above the upper lip, in this case there are obvious deviations. Facial hair becomes not just a problem for a woman, but a real disaster, because you can’t hide it under clothes. Pathological hair growth on unwanted areas of the body in medicine is called "hirsutism".

When does unnecessary vegetation appear?

As a rule, coarse hair on the chin in women begins to appear with the onset menopause. However, it is not uncommon for very young girls to face facial hair. Women over 50 treat this problem much easier, but young people perceive such uninvited guests not just as a cosmetic flaw. It comes down to depression.

According to statistics, about 20% of the fairer sex are faced with facial hair. Therefore, if hair grows on the chin in women, there must be reasons for this. What are the prerequisites for this?

Causes of hirsutism

Excess facial hair appears due to various reasons. The main ones are:

1. Violation hormonal background. If hair appears on the chin in women, the reasons may be associated with changes in the endocrine system, namely with a decrease in the level of female sex hormones - estrogens. This problem is mainly faced by women aged, in whom the production of estrogens decreases sharply during menopause, but there are more male hormones. Active hormonal changes not only women over 50 experience, but also girls during puberty, when there is an imbalance in the hormonal background.

2. Application oral contraceptives. Why does hair grow on the chin in women? Many girls and women like to prescribe themselves hormonal pills, and these can be drugs with high content hormones. After taking hormonal drugs in the wrong dosage may appear various problems, including in the form of male pattern hair growth. Therefore, the choice of a contraceptive must necessarily be agreed with a gynecologist.

3. Heredity. Why does hair grow on the chin in women? may be related to a hereditary factor. If among your close relatives there are those who suffered from hirsutism, it is likely that you may also encounter it. Especially excessive hair growth is typical for women of the Caucasus and the Mediterranean.

4. Problems in the field of gynecology. A disease such as polycystic ovaries often leads to the fact that a mustache and beard begin to grow in a female. Problems with the ovaries are accompanied by a hormonal disorder. As a result, the glands of the reproductive system cease to function properly, which leads to hirsutism.

5. Endocrine diseases. Why does hair grow on the chin in women? The cause of this phenomenon may be a malfunction of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland. In such cases, it is necessary to be examined by an endocrinologist, and after that, the fight against excess hair should begin.

6. Shaving vellus hair. When we shave light vellus hair, we encourage the growth of darker and coarser hair. Therefore, as a result of such manipulations, over time, hair that was barely noticeable before can turn into bristles.

In addition to the above reasons, chin hair can be the result of a violation metabolic processes in the body. Due to regular stress, poor ecology and sedentary image organs stop working properly. As a result, not only hirsutism appears, but also serious problems with health.

What to do if hair grows on the chin in women?

Treatment of hirsutism should be started only if it was possible to find out its cause. And for this, you should first contact a gynecologist, who, based on the results of the tests and other examinations, in case of violations, will prescribe adequate treatment. If no deviations from the norm are detected, most likely, the gynecologist will refer you to an endocrinologist.

In the absence of hormonal problems, the only way out of the situation is to remove excess vegetation. You can fight it in several ways.

Mechanical removal

The simplest and fast method getting rid of unwanted hair is considered shaving. However, it is undesirable to do this, especially on the face. The thing is that as a result of shaving, the hair becomes thicker and darker, and they grow more intensively. As a result, stiff bristles can grow on a woman's beard.

Quite effective, although a little painful way removal of vegetation - wax depilation, or shugaring. In this case, the hair is pulled out from the root, and grows back in 2-3 weeks.

If single hairs grow on the beard, you can remove them with tweezers.

Chemical method

To eliminate hair by this method, various depilatory creams are used. The procedure of depilation is fast, convenient, absolutely painless and affordable. After using a depilatory cream, hair does not grow as fast as after shaving. Plus, they don't get tougher.

Salon procedures

Hair removal at home, as a rule, gives a temporary effect. More in radical ways getting rid of vegetation are laser, photo and electrolysis. After several procedures, you will forget about extra hair for a long time.

1. Laser hair removal. The essence of the method is that hair follicle breaks down under the influence laser beam causing the hair to stop growing. Since the laser recognizes only those hairs that are in the stage active growth, for complete disposal, you need to go through about 10 procedures. It is worth noting that the course of laser hair removal is not a cheap pleasure and not everyone can afford it. Nevertheless, the effect of such hair removal fully justifies the money spent.

2. Photoepilation. This procedure involves hair removal using high-pulse light. Photoepilation gently affects the skin, therefore it is considered ideal option to fight facial hair. After each session, the hair begins to fall out intensively, and the newly grown hairs become lighter and softer. To achieve the maximum result, you will have to visit the beauty salon at least 5-7 times.

3. Electrolysis. In this case hair follicle destroyed by electric current. Through a needle, which is inserted into the skin hole with a hair and a bulb, an electric charge is carried out, which has a detrimental effect on the hair root. Electrolysis is quite long and painful procedure requiring a lot of time and patience. In addition, in order not to become a victim of scars and scars, it is worth choosing a qualified master.

Folk methods of dealing with hair

For removing excess hair many use folk recipes.

One of effective ways is to use a mixture of ash and laundry soap. The ash is poured with boiling water and soap shavings are added to the solution. The resulting mass is applied to the problem area, kept for half an hour and washed off with warm water.

It helps to get rid of hair. For this, partitions of 50 nuts are poured with a glass of 70% alcohol, infused in a dark place for a week and daily lubricated with the resulting tincture of hairy places.

Also use the fruits of green walnuts. To remove hair, cut in half with a walnut fruit, rub areas with hair. The result should be noticeable after 6-7 procedures.

Many owners of dark hair resort to lightening them with hydrogen peroxide, so that the hairs become less noticeable and do not require mandatory removal.

When trying to get rid of excess vegetation, it is important to understand that often hair in unnecessary places is just the tip of the iceberg, behind which hormonal problems can actually be hidden. The appearance of hair on the chin can be alarm signal body, so it is better not to postpone a visit to an endocrinologist until later.

The phenomenon when a girl's beard or mustache grows is referred to as contemporary problem called hirsutism. This is more easily explained by excessive hair growth. male type.

In modern reality, women with such a disadvantage are very common. Increased hair growth can occur in any woman if circumstances favor it. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of the reasons that contribute to the appearance of excess vegetation. If you find unwanted hair, first of all, you should immediately go to the endocrinologist.

The reasons for this condition are varied. Their spectrum starts from disturbances in the endocrine balance, and ends with the use of contraceptives or sedative pills. Most often, such troubles appear not in girls, but in women who are over thirty-five years old.

Only a doctor can give an exact answer why this happens in the fair sex. If you look at this phenomenon superficially, then the disease can be of several types:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • appearance after taking certain medications;
  • idiopathic.


Heredity plays a decisive role in the formation of vegetation in humans. If a woman in the family had a similar problem, then the disease is caused directly by a genetic predisposition. It is very difficult to fight excess hair in this situation, and only laser hair removal can help.

Taking medication

Most often to medicines reinforcing vellus hair, include contraceptives and sedatives. The fact is that these drugs contain hormones. Consequently, endocrine system at the same time suffers, and begins to produce testosterone increased. And it causes hair growth above the upper lip and chin.

Women's ailments

In addition to these factors, hirsutism can occur as a result of pelvic ailments in women. An example would be adrenal disease, ovarian cyst and the rest. All these ailments increase the level of male hormones in the body responsible for.

Also, in the presence of malignant tumors, substances are released that contribute to active development bristles.

These reasons are the main factors that are responsible for the appearance of excess facial hair. To accurately establish them, you need to contact an endocrinologist and conduct a thorough examination. The doctor will be able to establish the individual cause of the disease, and prescribe a competent course of treatment.

How to get rid of the problem at home

  1. At home, you can eliminate the stubble not only on the chin, but also above the lip at the top. You don't have to spend great amount time and strength. In this situation, there are such recommendations:
  2. You can remove hairs with ordinary tweezers. It is better to start the procedure after taking a warm bath, when the skin is well steamed. It is recommended to pull out hairs in a room where there is very good light.
  3. Sugar or waxing(sugaring). The advantage of this option is that the vegetation is eliminated for two to four weeks. This option has gained the highest popularity.
  4. Lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide. This option is good because it is painless, and it is better to use it for women with fair skin.

The methods listed are used at home. They help to effectively eliminate antennae and other facial hair. In addition, there are procedures that are presented by professional cosmetologists. They will be discussed further.

Before you do hair removal at home or go to a professional beautician, you need to know exactly what the reason is. And only after that, you can take on hair removal in one way or another.

Services provided by beauticians

It is difficult to imagine the words: “My wife is growing a beard”. This problem causes great inconvenience to many. Cosmetologists do not stand aside from this problem and develop more and more progressive methods. By visiting any salon, you can quickly get the desired result.


Electrolysis has become the most common method in cosmetology. With this procedure unwanted hairs removed with a thin needle. It is injected under the hair root, and micropulses destroy the follicle. At the same time, the structure of the hair is destroyed, and they, falling out, stop growing.

The peculiarity of this option is that it is accompanied by pain, and sometimes it takes ten to twelve hours to do such a procedure. By the way, it is also necessary to add that by removing vegetation in this way, you can forever forget about discomfort due to unwanted bristles.

Photo and laser hair removal

As well as completely painless and effective options include photoepilation and laser hair removal. For these cosmetic procedures you need to lay out a lot of money, but the result is a 100% solution to the problem. Modern ways solutions to the problem allow the follicle to be permanently destroyed, and women after that forever got a face clean of hair.

Each woman must choose her own way to solve the problem on her own, because with some of them she will have to move pain. But, before destroying the stubble on the face, you need to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence.

Despite the fact that some women grow hair on their beards, this problem is not a verdict, because there are many ways to get rid of this trouble.

Watch a helpful video on this topic:

A beard on a woman's face is an objective reality, which is called hirsutism or, in a simple way, excessive male-type hair. The reasons for this pathological condition organisms are very diverse and range from endocrine imbalance to contraceptive or sedatives. Most often, a beard grows not in girls, but in women over the age of 35.

Causes of hirsutism

Why a beard grows in women, only a doctor can unambiguously answer for each case individually. But if you look at this problem in in general terms, then we are talking about hirsutism - a disease that has several types:

  • Genetic or familial;
  • Drug;
  • Idiopathic.

The most common cause is hormonal.

Also, this disease can occur due to an increase in the level of male hormones in the body of women, which can be caused by whole list predisposing factors, for example: adrenal disease, ovarian sclerocystosis. For example, with a disease of the adrenal glands, and more often with malignant tumors substances that are precursors of male sex hormones are released. In the tissues of the body, these substances are reborn into testosterone. Lung cancer can also cause increased stimulation endocrine organs which leads to beard growth in women.

Cosmetic and medical causes of hirsutism

Many girls do not understand why a beard grows if everything was in order before and there were no changes in the state of health. The cause of this pathology may be the use of cosmetics not according to age. Many women struggle with the first wrinkles with 35 or 40+ creams, hoping for more pronounced effect which, of course, they don't get. In cosmetics intended for seniors age groups contain substances that can cause facial hair growth in young girls. Women, due to the level of hormones in the body, are insured against these changes.

Long-term use of sedatives and hormonal drugs can also cause hair growth in the beard area in women. Before using any medicinal product it is recommended to consult with a specialist, which makes it possible to avoid the occurrence of many troubles.

Ways to get rid of a beard

In order to effectively get rid of beard hair in women, it is recommended that you first find out the reasons why such changes occurred in the body. If there are health problems, then the first step should be to eliminate them, after which you should start removing unwanted hairs from your face.

  1. When excessive facial hair growth appears, one should not delay with an examination of the body and a visit to an endocrinologist, since simple removal will not help get rid of unwanted hair forever;
  2. Do not use age cosmetics young girls, as this may lead to the development of irreversible changes;
  3. You can remove unwanted hairs on the face after the treatment at home or in the cosmetologist's office. professional care will avoid the development of irritation and the appearance of a rash after depilation.

Hirsutism should be checked by a doctor

A beard is an insidious thing: it can really add brutality to the look, but it turns some men into inhabitants of the forecourt. Lifehacker decided to find out what kind of beard to get in order to increase the chances of success for girls.

We invited the female half of the editorial staff and readers of our communities in social networks to rate 10 types of beards on a five-point scale: 1 - horror, 5 - beauty. The results were rather unexpected.

10th place - goatee with a mustache

Strictly speaking, it is the mustache that is in the center of the composition here. Beard - insofar as. The approach is interesting, but not very modern - it would not hurt to shorten the mustache.

However, if you have a fairly bright appearance and pronounced charisma, it makes sense to try on this image. After all, how are you worse than Frank Zappa?

9th place - bad guy

It's dangerous to mess with someone like that, just look at his beard! Probably, men are guided by similar thoughts when they carefully wield a razor in an attempt to achieve perfectly even outlines.

Here is the same story as in the previous paragraph. Such a beard is not suitable for everyone: it is desirable for her to have an oval or elongated face shape and darker hair. Chubby blondes are better off looking for other options.

8th place - skipper's beard

She is English. With this type of beard, you can fine-tune the shape of the face. Short hairline along the perimeter of the chin will soften its excessive massiveness.

The only catch is that such a beard, again, will not decorate everyone. For example, she is clearly not very suitable for the eternally young and slender Elijah Wood. If your gaze is severe, and lower jaw has a rather pronounced outline, it is quite possible that it is the skipper's beard that will suit you.

7th place - what has grown has grown

The clearest explanation of why a beard needs to be looked after. It happens that it grows in such islands: it is thicker here, less often there. Alas, it is impossible to order a certain form and degree of density from nature, but it is absolutely always possible to improve what is.

Johnny Depp could have a pretty decent goatee if he paid her a little more attention. Neatness is extremely important, so arm yourself with a razor and trimmer to keep your beard in decent shape and get rid of everything in a timely manner.

6th place - beard with sideburns

A compromise solution that combines all types of vegetation at once. Not to say that such a beard ruined Hugh Jackman, but it didn’t make it better either.

If you have a fairly wide face, choose a different shape: such a beard will only round it further.

5th place - I'm wild with my mother

Many strive for such a beard, but nature rewards only the elite with the necessary resources. Christopher Hivju was incredibly lucky: in addition to a glorious beard, he got a look that can crumble concrete. In theory, a killer combination. Or not?

Unfortunately, the survey participants had doubts about the expediency of having such a beard from the point of view of hygiene. And the very type of a big hairy man turned out to be to the liking of not everyone.

4th place - goatee

This type has a lot of variations, but the principle is the same: the beard remains only on the chin, the mustache goes exactly along the contour of the lips. The goatee suits almost every face shape, it is doubtful that it will look only in frankly moon-faced citizens.

Robert Downey Jr. is definitely not one of those, the chosen form of the beard definitely suits him. He would be in the first place, but either the competitors are too strong, or the association with Stas Mikhailov is to blame.

3rd place - classic of the genre

Hans Gruber from Die Hard, although an extremely nasty type, you can’t refuse him good taste. A neat short beard without unnecessary details - the owner clearly looks after her. Take a look at the hairline: before going to work, Gruber carefully shaved his cheeks and neck. Honor to him for this and praise.

If you want the same beard - arm yourself with a razor and a trimmer. The firmness of the hand and an excellent eye will not be superfluous.

2nd place - severe beard

As you know, instead of shaving, Chuck Norris just kicks himself in the face, and behind his beard there is no chin, there is another fist. Moderately long, moderately thick, moderately well-groomed - it seems that this is how a typical male beard should look.

You will need a minimum of tools - only a trimmer so that the beard does not get out of control. Trim every couple of weeks - and you will be happy.

1st place - weekly stubble

In fact, it cannot even be called a full-fledged beard. Looks good, but in part tactile sensations in contact with a bristly man, there may be questions. However, there is an opinion that the beginnings of the beard acquire the maximum pricklyness on the second or third day after shaving, then the bristles become softer.

Whether this is the reason for this or the penetrating look of David Gandy, but it was the weekly stubble that became the leader of our top. If you want to achieve the same amazing result - wait, let the stubble grow quietly. When it grows, periodically shorten it with a trimmer. It is better to choose models, the step of changing the length of the nozzles in which does not exceed 1 millimeter.

As it was required to prove - ideas about a beautiful beard are very diverse. We have collected the most revealing statements of the participants in our mini-study.

  • "The best is the one that is well-groomed."
  • "Either with a beard, or shave, to hell with half measures."
  • "A good beard is a neat beard."
  • “I can’t stand a beard that grows around the face, as it were. There is nothing on the chin, and bushes under it and on the neck. Any curly beard is very individual. Some people really like it, some don't."
  • “The best beard is either no beard, or a week of unshaven. It is necessary to beat on the hands for sideburns, broad beards (even in a well-groomed form they look like washcloths) and for figured beards. Better than Clark Gable's thin mustache."
  • “For a curly haircut, get a poodle, and just trim the beard neatly.”
  • “The main thing is not to prick. And so that a man does not need to spend two hours every day at the mirror.
  • “The perception of a beard depends very much on the attitude towards the person who grows it. I personally do not like beards that show that a man is overgrown, because he does not care how he looks, or vice versa, is overly concerned with how each hair grows on his face. Both are perceived as a signal of complexes.

And finally, four rules, the observance of which will surely help you grow a beard to the envy of everyone.

1. Don't grow a beard just because it grows.

Nature has a peculiar sense of humor: you dream of a bushy beard, but instead you get some kind of slurred shreds of wool. Formally, the task was completed, because there was more hair on the face, only beauty and masculinity did not increase.

Remember and pass on to posterity: complete naturalness does not benefit any beard.

If you have firmly decided to say goodbye to smooth cheeks, be prepared for the fact that merciless reality can put an end to this undertaking.

2. Bristle is also good

Light unshaven is cool, in many cases men look much better with it than with perfectly smooth cheeks. In cases where a beard does not fit into your style in any way, and you are simply tired of scraping your face with a razor every day, stubble is a good option. Prickly, true, but beautiful. More precisely, it can be beautiful if the stubble looks neat, and does not turn you into a person suffering from a permanent hangover.

Trimmer Help! Choose models with nozzles that allow you not only to trim your beard, but also to maintain a decent look of stubble. Philips trimmers combine impeccable cutting quality with innovative technologies, such as laser guidance or a vacuum system that prevents shaved hairs from flying in all directions.

3. A good beard is a well-groomed beard

If you deliberately refuse to pay attention to her and think that it’s not good for a man to mess with a trimmer, then it’s up to you. It would be naive to expect this approach to make you look like a stern Viking. Most likely, it will turn out to be a regular at the Grushinsky festival.

If you aspire to have a truly well-groomed beard, in no case do not let things take their course.

Facial hair, by definition, cannot be perfectly even. Somewhere more, somewhere less - periodically it must be reduced to a common denominator. In order not to turn your beard into an asymmetrical laughingstock with a slight movement of your hand, use a good trimmer. Philips BT9290 with laser guidance technology allows you to give the beard and stubble an extremely clear outline.

4. Beard loves cleanliness

This is not even discussed, no one has yet canceled the rules of personal hygiene.

Thickets smelling of tobacco, in which the remains of breakfast or lunch are hidden, make a repulsive impression. To avoid turning your beard into a supply store, wash it.

Captain Evidence claps his hands at such sudden advice, but the fact remains that for some reason many do not single out this stage as a separate procedure. Shampoo or washing gel will do for washing, the main thing is regularity. Women will be very grateful to you.

A beard can do wonders. She will hide an insufficiently strong-willed chin, help to correct the oval of the face and give your image the necessary share of brutality. True, all this is possible only with due attention to it. The ideal beard should be beautiful and well-groomed, and the length is not the main thing here.

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