Medicines for weight gain. Hormonal preparations for weight gain

Are you eating right and still gaining weight? The reason may be not only high-calorie foods, but also medications that you take on the recommendation of a doctor.

This is a side effect that you may not even be aware of, wondering why the arrow on the scales stubbornly shifts to the right and the fasteners already hardly converge on a plump waist. However, many drugs (from antidepressants to antihistamines) affect us in such a way that we become slow, lethargic, move less. In addition, drugs of this kind can seriously affect the metabolic processes in the body, up to disruption and slowing down of metabolism. As a result, undergoing treatment for any disease, you increase your weight and volume. So what is the way out of the situation? The main thing is to find out in advance which drugs have a similar effect, and if this has already happened to you, then work with your doctor to solve the problem.

depressive hunger

After Elizaveta Miroshina showed signs of acute overwork on the background of prolonged stress associated with overload at work, the doctor who observed her at that time prescribed a course of antidepressants. He assured that the only side effect of the drug could be increased appetite.

The medicine helped Elizabeth a lot. A few days after taking the drug, she already felt a surge of strength and energy, enthusiastically took up work and home. It wasn't until three months later that she realized she was gaining weight at an incredible rate. And six months later, Elizabeth added almost 13 kg.

“I ate everything,” says the girl, “and could not pull myself together.”

Then Elizabeth turned to another psychiatrist. The doctor prescribed her a drug that eliminates hunger and goes well with antidepressants. But everything remained the same. Excess weight has become an additional reason for worries and depression. As a result, the third doctor managed to break this vicious circle, replacing one drug with a more gentle remedy, and canceling the second one altogether. The constant feeling of hunger disappeared, but Elizabeth had to make great efforts to return to normal weight.

Diseases of the century

Almost 25% of women get better due to the side effects of antidepressants, hormonal and other drugs. At the same time, WHO experts note a significant increase in heart disease, kidney disease and diseases caused by hormonal disorders: diabetes and depression affect an increasing number of the population. And many of the existing drugs used to treat these diseases can lead to excess weight and even obesity. Which, in turn, is a risk factor for the development of the same hypertension and. Another vicious circle?

“I believe that the seriousness of this problem is underestimated by both doctors and patients,” says dietitian Alexandra Chastnikova. “Most people start taking medications without even carefully reading the instructions for use. you.

But you know your individual reaction to this or that remedy better than anyone else.

Some drugs cause drowsiness, lethargy, other drugs increase the production of the "hunger hormone" - and all your thoughts are concentrated on the desire to eat. The body of each person reacts differently to the action of medications, so it is almost impossible to determine in advance how much you will recover during the course. Moreover, even those drugs that have not previously been identified such side effects may have this ability.

Look after yourself

The best way to maintain a normal weight is to observe your reactions and body condition. “If you have to take a course of taking any drug, start weighing yourself every morning,” advises Georgy Chernov, Ph.D., head of the rehabilitation center. “The extra 2 kg that appeared after you started taking the medication is a sign of a side effect of the drug and a signal to see a doctor.If you have a sharp increase in appetite, you should talk to your doctor about a possible drug change."

Side effect of treatment


It all depends on the composition of the medicine: while taking tricyclic drugs, you can gain up to 4 kg per month, drugs containing lithium - up to 1 kg per month. Antidepressants belonging to the neurochemical class also lead to weight gain. If you take one of them and noticeably get better, this is an occasion to change the medicine.

Antihistamines, sleeping pills

Many drugs that are prescribed for allergies and sleep disorders contain diphenhydramine, a substance that causes muscle sluggishness and general apathy during the day. So your physical activity decreases, in contrast to your appetite, which may even increase. And, accordingly, the fat reserves of the body increase.

Medications that normalize blood pressure

Their alpha and beta components cause a feeling of general fatigue, which can lead to excess weight (quite common information). If you feel a loss of energy, start drinking rosehip infusion, multivitamins and - most importantly - consult your doctor about a remedy that reduces calcium leaching from the body.

Psychotropic drugs

They greatly affect the intensity of metabolism and appetite. Often, patients recover by 2.5 kg per week. If this happens, ask your doctor about alternative remedies. For example, atypical psychotropic drugs do not affect metabolism.


Mainly used in the treatment of rheumatic pain, arthritis. At the same time, steroids have the ability to enrich fat cells with additional calories, which increases the body's need for food. An anti-inflammatory drug that does not contain steroids will help.


Thank you for the article! I found a lot of interesting and useful things for myself.

Comment on the article "Drugs that make you fat"

Section: -- Gatherings (Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome). Near medical. Please tell me the one who took antidepressants and neuroleptics is it easy to jump off them? I canceled it and everything is as it was before, or it pulls and the body requires and may be dependent.


You can not only ask the doctor, but you must ask.
In my experience, it depends on how you use it. If endogenous things (organic disorders) - then only with the doctor to decide. And there, most likely, hard titration, dose adjustment will be required. If exogenous disorders, then blood pressure can become something like psychological crutches: I'm used to them, and it's scary without them.

A friend said that they gradually reduced the dose, and prescribed something else.

I noticed that my daughter (she just turned 11) began to gain weight after starting hormones - 2 years ago. Do all hormones give weight gain, or does it just seem to me that it is from hormones, but in fact, weight gain is associated with something else.


I take off my daughter, 12 years old, with ventolin, I refuse hormones, I hope for a transitional age, but even though all the signs of this age are coming, asthma does not go away: (According to my observations, Singulair has not even been preventive for the last year.

Pulmicort is, of course, a strong drug designed to stop the exacerbation of bronchial asthma. It is usually not prescribed for a long time (up to 7 days), then they switch to basic therapy with inhalers (in your case, beclazone).
The effectiveness of treatment still largely depends on how much it was possible to get rid of the "guilty" allergen. If contact with allergens cannot be stopped, the effect of the treatment is of course reduced.
Singular is a drug that is used only in combination with hormonal inhalers, but it is not effective as a monotherapy for moderate and severe bronchial asthma.
And finally, about growth. I will say from my own experience that I did not notice in my patients who received steroid inhalers for a long time, a serious lag in growth and development, basically all of them are normal children. If the girl really recovered a lot in a short time, look for other reasons, first of all, take an analysis for thyroid hormones, an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and show the girl to a competent endocrinologist.

Obraztsov Andrey Sergeevich,

pediatrician, allergist-immunologist, Ph.D.

What about antidepressants? And weight?. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Weight loss and diets. How to lose weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose However, many drugs (from antidepressants to antihistamines) affect us in such a way that we ...


I had experience, though at very low doses and not for long - on the contrary, I lost weight. I think it's because I usually eat stress - no stress, no desire to please myself with food ...

Depends on what. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil) and the latest generation - complex norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Cymbalta, Ixel), on the contrary, reduce appetite at the beginning. With habituation, this effect disappears. The weight doesn't matter. And tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors can. Choosing the right antidepressant is aerobatics.

Hormonal pills for the process of losing weight. I'm thinking about starting taking hormonal pills, but I'm afraid to start getting better, because Two children + increased appetite also take place. I drank pills all the time, except for pregnancy and lactation (-3 years).


I drank for 2 years, the weight kept and even fell.

They don’t affect me in any way - I drank at different periods and three-phase, and single-phase, and mini-drank, and now the ring is nothing ... All the increases are from immoderation in food ... But I don’t see other alternatives in contraception for myself , so I’m not trying to attribute anything to pills, but honestly I give an account of the amount of carbohydrates eaten.

Antidepressants. Pharmacies, medicines and vitamins. Medicine and health. And before prescribing drugs, they will talk for a long time and in detail. As one psychiatrist said, refusing to deal with a deaf-mute patient, “We work with words!


I drank four different drugs for six months according to the scheme, everything returned to normal, many years have passed since then. A psychologist is not a specialist in psychopharmacology, and in this case he expresses not an expert, but an everyday opinion at the level of "one woman said."

27.05.2008 20:28:27, 6

I drank amitriptyline in small doses (1 / 4-1 / 4-1 / 2, i.e. 1 tablet per day) for about 1-2 years, I don’t remember exactly. There was no addiction or addiction. I gave it up myself when I felt that I did not feel the need for it. About 15 years have passed since then. So your psychologist is wrong, with the right choice of the drug and an adequate dose, everything will be fine.

Hormonal drugs are terrible. 20 years ago, I accidentally met a woman who lost Yes, and from hormonal inhalers we also get fat. My now is not thin, unfortunately Section: Allergy (from ketotifen they get fat). Asthmatics and those who know the question.


I’m not asthmatic. But I definitely had an allergy to dust as a child, including. It was expressed in snot and sneezing. No asthma. Well, either I don’t understand what asthma is. Therefore, your diagnosis seems strange.

06/19/2007 10:36:45 AM, Lindaa

I have asthma, but I'm not allergic to dust. Dust on skin tests did not show at all. We do not use hormonal inhalers now. Only singular, intal, during an attack - berotek or ventolin.

About two years ago - yes, there was a very strong exacerbation with emphysema, they used symbicort for almost a year.

If a child only has a sore throat, sometimes he coughs and sneezes, but this does not mean true asthma at all. Were there any entrances? Recorded on the map? What is FVD? What does a lung x-ray show?

IMHO, on the basis of only SUCH symptoms, I would not immediately start using strong inhalers. :(

Medications that make you fat. From what hormonal pills and antidepressants recover. Medications that make you fat. The cause of weight gain may not only be high-calorie foods ...


Naproxin is the most powerful anti-inflamator (Motrin, Advil). But they usually drink it for pain (the stomach hurts or the bones break :). For temperature, Tylonol is the best. I personally love Theraflu, it's a hot water powder that includes a fairly high dose of Acytominophen (Tylonol) 650 mg, and other medicines - for the common cold, for the throat, for the cough.

09/04/2006 14:25:23, Pomidorova L.

Isn't Motrin slowing down???

then do this:
In Motrin, it seems the interval should be 6-8 hours, right?
In Tylenol, too, something like that.
One is ibuprofen, the other is acetaminophen. They can be combined. Rather alternate. If the pace does not drop from one drug, then try to drink Motrin, after 3 hours Tylenol, after another three hours Motrin again, then if you need Tylenol again after 3 hours (the main thing is that from Motrin to Motrin the break indicated on the package should be maintained, and between Tylenol too).

The only thing is that we gained a little weight, I don’t know if it was from this drug or from something else. But it’s not critical (we get into the “average weight” column) And we also get fat from hormonal inhalers. Mine is not thin now, unfortunately, despite the fact that Symbicort has already been cancelled.


We have been taking Symbicort for a long time. Every day morning and evening.

Like a good thing. Don't be afraid of hormones. They are local action and almost do not have a systemic effect on the entire body.

Previously, only one tile was accepted. It seemed to me that since there were no obvious seizures, then it was good. And then, during the examination, it turned out that the obstruction still persisted (the tile could not cope) and even a swelling of the lung tissue appeared with exposure of the structural roots. Pulmonologists said URGENTLY switch to Pulmicort + Oxys, then (in a year) to Symbicort.

So far I have no regrets. The only thing is that we gained a little weight, I don’t know if it was from this drug or from something else. But it’s not critical (we get into the “average weight” column), there is no excess, just compared to what it was before taking the drug, the weight has become more.

Inhalation hormones do not affect development in any way. You do not take them in pills.
They switch to hormones when the drug taken is not enough and spasm, even in small bronchi, remains constant. The fact that you do not see obvious attacks does not mean that there is no obstruction. You see, it is there. Permanent obstruction has a very bad effect on the lungs, on their development. And because of the reduced volume of the lungs, the blood is poorly supplied with oxygen. The consequences of permanent obstruction are quite severe, emphysema may develop.

Hormonal drugs that most effectively cope with the symptoms of menopause (the brain is also sensitive to estrogen deficiency), and only if they do not give the desired effect, the doctor will recommend contacting a neurologist and may prescribe antidepressants.


I took Diana. I have not gained a single kg and in general I am very satisfied with this drug.

I do not advise ... This is individual for everyone, but I noticed that if a person wants to lose weight from them, then on the contrary, he recovers at a furious speed! :)

It turns out that some drugs can be a potential threat, a kind of "enemies" of our harmony. Medications can cause weight gain in two ways, namely:
1. Through appetite stimulation, where the patient tends to overeat while taking certain medications.
2. Due to changes in blood glucose levels due to certain medications.

To begin with, consider what stimulating effect the intake of certain medications has on appetite, and how this leads to fullness.

Appetite Stimulants

Unfortunately, most of the drugs we need stimulate the appetite; sometimes there is such a brutal feeling of hunger that even slender people gain weight in record time.

Medications that promote appetite or weight gain include:

  • psychotropic drugs (eg, benzodiazepines and other sedatives);
  • Typical and atypical antipsychotics (eg, haloperidol or risperidone);
  • Tricyclic (eg, amitriptyline), MAOI antidepressants (isocarboxazid) and other antidepressants (such as paroxetine);
  • anticonvulsants (eg, valproic acid);
  • Hormones (including human growth hormones), corticosteroids, and sex hormones (progesterone and testosterone).
Also, when taking these drugs, there are a number of other factors that contribute to weight gain:

Eating disorders associated with anxiety and restlessness

As already mentioned, sedative drugs from the category of psychotropic substances lead to excessive appetite and fullness. However, it should be noted that often many people begin to overeat uncontrollably, being in a state of stress or anxiety. Food, the process of eating, helps reduce feelings of anxiety, numb pain or fear, but these typical "soothing" foods (chocolate, sweets, chips, etc.) have a high energy value, as well as a high content of fat and sugar, which is not the best way. affects the shape. As a rule, patients do not seek relief from anxiety by eating fat-free cottage cheese or celery! Therefore, the majority resort to the help of such products here - "comforters", overloaded with food additives, sugar, fats.

Eating disorders associated with depression

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but depression itself can lead to both a sharp, uncontrollable
weight gain and physical exhaustion; all this depends, first of all, on the individual characteristics of the patient's organism, reacting to depression. When a depressed patient starts taking antidepressants, these drugs lead to increased appetite and weight gain.

That is why it is very important to regularly monitor the weight of patients suffering from depression. People who are already overweight or obese may gain even more weight with this treatment; but for lean or anorexic, emaciated patients, this effect is only beneficial, as it will return them to normal weight.

When a person, exhausted by depression, also gains weight due to taking drugs, this leads to a deterioration in the condition, and subsequently to serious problems. Some patients become reclusive, fearing that they will be seen in the "new weight". Other patients simply stop treatment to avoid sudden weight gain; however, failure to treat causes the depression to worsen to the point where the person may commit suicide.

It is important that patients suffering from depression should never stop taking their medications without appropriate guidance from a specialist. It is best to discuss this decision with your healthcare provider, report your weight gain problem, and ask for help finding a solution. Your doctor should determine any changes that need to be made, and treatment should only be given under his strict supervision.

Eating disorders associated with the use of anticonvulsants

Patients suffering from induced diseases accompanied by convulsions (epilepsy, brain damage, tumors) are forced to take anticonvulsant drugs, which in some cases stimulate appetite. But in this case, the situation is the same as with antidepressants: someone can gain weight, someone can lose weight.

The warning about the severity of treatment interruption also applies to anticonvulsant medications. Do not stop taking these drugs just because you have gained a little weight. Stopping anticonvulsant drugs is very, very life-threatening, so you need to consult with your doctor, who must definitely find a competent solution to the problem of weight gain.

Hormone related eating disorders

Many people complain that they gained weight after taking corticosteroids for asthma, skin conditions, or other conditions for which cortisone is prescribed. Also, a sharp increase or loss of weight can be caused by drugs containing female and male hormones. It is also interesting that human growth hormone, often referred to as a “beauty injection” and a weight loss fad, is actually included in the list of hormones that provoke weight gain.

Most women know that, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, hormonal drugs taken for nutrition, excessive exercise and diet pills as a way to reduce weight, should first consult with their doctor and nutritionist; they will select a special balanced diet with a low glycemic index. Such a diet will help restore glucose tolerance and eliminate hyperlipidemia (impaired lipid metabolism in the body) associated with lipodystrophy.

The dilemma is that fullness is caused by drugs, which in many cases simply save the patient's life, so the choice is not always easy. Therefore, to control your own appetite and weight, consultation with your doctor and nutritionist is simply necessary.

Every athlete sooner or later reaches a certain "ceiling" in his training process and begins to look for ways to overcome it. First, it may be attempts to make changes to the training program or the ratio of nutrients in the diet, and then sports supplements and anabolic steroids, of which there are countless, are already being used.

Who needs mass preparations?

First of all, I would like to talk a little about who generally needs to include sports supplements and pharmaceuticals in their daily diet. If you are a beginner, do not even think about protein and even more so about the use of pharmacological drugs. You need to grow up to this in the sense that for the first few months you should adjust your diet, study all the principles and methods of building muscle mass, analyze the technique of each exercise, understand, etc.

In general, there are a large number of concepts and principles that need to be mastered both theoretically and in practice. Only after you become more or less versed in nutrition, diets, will you train correctly, follow the regime perfectly, only then can you start applying SPORTS NUTRITION(not pharma) in your diet. For starters, just try to exercise properly, diet. If you really like it, you will achieve some results, then you can move on. That is, with an increase in mass, the need for nutrients increases significantly. Many cannot or do not have time (due to life circumstances: work, study) to consume enough BJU necessary for growth and recovery. Therefore, you can include in your diet supplements that contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Why am I saying all this? It's very simple, drugs to increase muscle mass are not "magic pills" from which muscles appear out of nowhere. With their help, you will not be able to gain mass without proper nutrition and thorough and hard training.

When it comes to pharmaceuticals, the situation is somewhat different. Potent androgenic drugs are designed for use exclusively by professional athletes who have everything necessary for the correct course and post-cycle therapy (PCT). This is a rather serious step, which must be approached consciously, weighing all the pros and cons. Despite such a loud name - “Anabolic steroids” (who did not understand, anabolic means substances that accelerate the formation of new cells, fibers, etc., that is, promote muscle growth), they also do not guarantee a huge weight gain to a person. In order for pharmacological preparations to work, it is necessary not only to train, but to “plow”, while consuming a huge amount of nutrients to ensure the growth of muscle fibers. Many people just think that because of the farm, the muscles appear out of nowhere, inflate and so on. In fact, this is a fundamentally wrong opinion and a stupid stereotype.

Sports supplements and non-steroid drugs for mass gain

  • Protein, which is a concentrated protein, which includes PROTEIN(the most important building material for building muscle) and a small concentration of amino acids. It is not mandatory for use, since the required amount of protein can also be obtained from ordinary foods. A clear advantage of protein is the ability to get a large amount of protein, while not loading the gastrointestinal tract with huge volumes of solid food. There are a large number of types of protein: whey, casein, egg, soy, etc. Also, protein is produced with different concentrations of protein and many other differences that are necessary for one purpose - to promote (prevent) and gain muscle tissue. Useful article - "?".
  • Creatine- an additive that affects energy metabolism and muscle contractility, due to an increase in the amount of creatine phosphate in them. Also, creatine retains water to some extent, giving weight gain in the first weeks. Most often, athletes like this substance because of the ability to give solid gains in strength, and therefore muscle mass. The supplement increases the regenerative abilities of the human body, gives greater endurance during training. For more information on how to take creatine, what it is in general,.
  • Gainer- a mixture that combines protein and carbohydrates. The latter, as a rule, to a large extent prevail over the amount of protein. This supplement is designed for fast and intense weight gain (when used correctly), some of which will not be pure muscle mass for obvious reasons. Also, the gainer is used as an additional source of energy before training. To understand if you need a mass gainer, read.
  • Amino acids- substances that prevent the destructive effects of the stress hormone cortisol, whose influence falls on the very height of intense strength training and the period after it. Popular supplements based on leucine, valine and isoleucine help speed up both recovery between sets and between workouts. Thanks to easy assimilation, they can be used even during classes. Simply put, it is a digested protein in a ready-to-eat form. You can buy amino acids both in a sports nutrition store and in. Read about the need to buy bcaa-amino acids.
  • Pre-workout complexes– additives based on psychostimulant substances like caffeine. They also often include creatine, fast carbohydrates, vitamins and electrolytes. Pre-workout complexes help to achieve a state of increased activity in training, and thanks to the forces received, overcome the milestone beyond which there is further progress. You can familiarize yourself with the pre-workouts in more detail.
  • Testosterone Boosting Supplements - testosterone boosters. As a rule, they are produced on a plant basis, for example with the addition of. But unfortunately, they are far from always effective, since the testosterone levels that are achieved thanks to these drugs are still insufficient to serve as an impetus for intensive muscle growth.
  • - a sports supplement made from natural ingredients that helps increase appetite and gain muscle mass with proper training and proper nutrition.
  • A growth hormone and peptides. These drugs are popular mainly with experienced and professional athletes, and are usually used in combination with anabolic steroids. However, when used “solo”, they can cause significant muscle gains, especially in those athletes whose body is not familiar with steroids. These drugs cause an increase in growth hormone, thereby stimulating the growth of muscle tissue. Of course, the results will not be as high as when taking steroids, since growth hormone acts on muscle growth rather indirectly. For example, you can familiarize yourself with a fairly popular peptide -.
  • Pharmacy medicines like potassium orotate, riboxin and folic acid. They do not have a pronounced effect on muscle growth, but can contribute to it in cases where the athlete's body is too tired against the background of hard training, dieting or a busy work schedule. In any case, due to their useful properties, the use of these funds will not be superfluous.

To begin with, it should be recalled that the use of steroids only makes sense when other methods no longer provide any benefit, or if the athlete is serious about creating a sports career. Otherwise, the use of steroids is not justified and carries a potential hazard to the health of the athlete. But still, since we are talking about the “dark side of the force”, then it is definitely worth considering the most common options. It is not recommended to take AS without proper supervision by the attending physician.

  • Of course, known to all methandienone, or in the people - “ methane". This drug has been tested by hundreds of thousands of athletes, and for sure it was methandienone that was the first steroid in the life of most of them. Its high distribution is due to its low price, relatively few side effects, and, of course, its ability to give tremendous muscle and strength gains. One of the most popular variations of methane is.
  • Testosterone- in fact, is the father of all existing steroids, they are precisely its derivative. The drug is notable for its low cost and flexibility in use. That is, you can not expect any unexpected or unpleasant effects from testosterone. This drug works exactly the way the athlete wants it to when calculating dosages and selecting the accompanying pharmaceutical support. Another obvious plus of testosterone is its low toxicity and safety in general.
  • Nandrolone– best known as “deca” (slang for nandrolone decanoate). It is most common among powerlifters, as it has the ability to strongly “fill in”, and therefore protect muscles and ligaments from injury. In conjunction with nandrolone, it is imperative to use testosterone, since the drug in the “solo” mode can significantly hit the reproductive system. The ability of nandrolone to influence mood is also known, causing either tearfulness or excessive aggression, which is caused by strong jumps in prolactin.
  • Stanazolol- a well-known drug, most often used for fat burning and maintaining muscle mass in its process. But in fact, it can also be used for the purpose of gaining muscle. To achieve this goal, testosterone is used together, which not only enhances the effect of stanazolol, but also reduces the likelihood of injury, which is always many times increased on the course of stanazolol due to its ability to “expel” water.
  • Insulin- an extremely dangerous remedy for illiterate use, which, if the dosage is incorrectly calculated, can lead to death. It is a kind of transport system, tenfold enhancing not only the absorption of food, but also anabolic steroids. Its use can only be justified in very experienced athletes who understand the principle of insulin action. Otherwise, irreparable harm to the pancreas is possible, expressed by the development of diabetes mellitus. With excessive dosages and a lack of carbohydrates in the diet, a fatal outcome is possible.

Anabolic effects:

  • One of the effects (actually for which most pharmacology is taken) is the growth of muscle mass - from 5 to 10 kilograms;
  • Naturally, an increase in strength endurance, an increase in working weights, etc .;
  • Fat burning effect;
  • Helps strengthen bones;
  • Also, when taking drugs that retain water in the body and do not dry out the joints, the shoulder rotators are strengthened (with proper nutrition). In the future, this will help increase the strength in the bench presses.

Side effects:

  • problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • Decrease in the production of your own testosterone hormone;
  • virilization;
  • prostatic hypertrophy;
  • testicular atrophy;
  • Hair loss alopecia;
  • acne or acne;
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system.

When using steroids, it is always necessary to remember that during the course there must be appropriate maintenance drugs, as well as funds that contribute to the overall support of the body. Do not bypass the period after the course ( PKT), during which it is required to take antiestrogenic drugs that contribute to the speedy restoration of the reproductive system oppressed by steroids. By the way, before taking any potent substances, it is imperative to pass all tests for hormones, cholesterol levels, etc. You should not just spontaneously buy drugs and use them without the supervision of your doctor. If you approach the use of pharmacological drugs wisely, most side effects can be avoided.

Attention!!! This article is for informational purposes only. The site does not sell anabolic steroids. The site does not approve of the use of potent substances without proper supervision by specialists.


So, in this article, we examined both safe drugs (sports nutrition) and unsafe substances that can greatly damage human health. What can be the conclusion? If you are unable to build muscle mass, first of all it is worth reviewing your diet, training program, maybe that's the point. Do not rely on various drugs. They do not have any magical properties.


The media does not often talk about the problem of weight gain, and girls who suffer from its lack are not always visually different from those who protect harmony by any means. But the problem of weight gain remains relevant for many. On the pharmaceutical market, you can find a huge number of products that claim to be a panacea, but is it really? Unlike weight loss products, most of which have already revealed their true “face”, weight gain products have somehow remained in the shadows. They continue to be bought, in the hope that they will be effective. What exactly helps, is it worth believing advertising and how far on the scale of effectiveness have these drugs gone from their brothers - weight loss products? We will talk about this in our article today.

What are the means for weight gain?

To begin with, let's get acquainted with the varieties of drugs that position themselves as weight gainers according to the method and mechanism of their action. All funds can be divided into two groups:

  • for men;
  • for women.

The first ones, which are designed for men, are called steroids. They are effective for weight gain, that is, the rapid growth of muscle mass. But not every athlete decides to take steroids in pursuit of a sculpted body. This is because they are far from harmless, and their effectiveness, albeit a proven fact, is sometimes paired with unpleasant side effects. Steroids are banned in competitions because they belong to the class of doping, but on the other hand they can give the best results just in the case of professional athletes. In addition, the use of steroids is legally prohibited in many countries. The fact is that this hormone has a very strong effect on the body of a man: it forms a classic male figure, promotes hair growth and increases muscles, which is dictated by the fact that more than usual (and what is needed) testosterone enters the body. Doctors strongly advise against taking hormones without a doctor's supervision.

As for the girls, they resort to the help of means for gaining weight, mainly not for gaining muscle mass, but because of excessive, aesthetically unattractive, thinness. It is worth noting that the lack of weight not only makes the girl unattractive and unhealthy in appearance, it affects the functioning of the heart, kidneys and other functional systems of the body. If the body mass index shows low values, you should consult a doctor, and not go to the pharmacy for drugs. Your thinness can be caused by a number of reasons, ranging from hormonal disorders that need to be treated to physiological features.

If you still, upon visiting a doctor or on your own, want to increase your weight, you must very carefully approach the choice of the drug.

Weight gain drugs:

Duphaston- At one time, these pills were created for women who are planning a pregnancy. They contribute to the increased production of certain female hormones, which gives such a side effect - weight gain. Tablets are quite aggressive in relation to the body. In order not to harm yourself, doctors recommend that you undergo an examination by an endocrinologist before taking it, if he gives you the go-ahead to take duphaston, then you can start the course.

Oxandrolone – One of the few more or less safe hormonal drugs. It is prescribed only by a doctor and is not sold without a prescription. For your doctor to prescribe this drug, the cause of your weight loss must be a serious injury, illness, or recovery from an illness. In combination with the drug, an individual diet is developed.

Nutrizon– A safer and more effective protein preparation. It is prescribed both for patients with anorexia, and for those who want to gain a little weight. Struggles with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, including those that occur after a long hunger strike or diet. There are no contraindications other than individual intolerance.

benzodiazepine – A psychotropic drug that affects appetite. Sold only by prescription, has a full bouquet of side effects, one of them is increased appetite. We do not recommend considering it as an option.

Peritol- A product that promotes better absorption of nutrients and thereby helps to gain weight in a safe way. In the first days of admission, it has a pronounced sedative effect, so it is recommended to take it at night. Available in the form of tablets and even syrup. Of course, the effect of peritol will not be quick and stunning, but it is safe for the body! If you are taking Peritol, be sure to eat plenty of high-calorie foods. The main part of the side effects is associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Riboxin- More popular with male athletes than with women who want to gain weight. This drug has a positive effect on the body, improves blood circulation and regulates the energy balance of the body. But, unfortunately, its effect as a means for weight gain is extremely small. In combination with the right diet and exercise, it gives an increase in muscle mass, which is also reflected in weight.

Glutamic acid – This drug cannot be attributed to the category we are talking about, but not a single course of gaining muscle mass in guys and weight gain therapy in girls can do without it. At least it shouldn't! This drug stabilizes all metabolic processes, improves immunity and gives the body additional strength. Many athletes unknowingly purchase advertised sports drugs, which in fact turn out to be glutamic acid! It can be purchased at any pharmacy, it is inexpensive.


We can say that the market for drugs for weight gain is more restrained and does not offer buyers outright hack. It’s just that some drugs are safer for the body, but have a less pronounced effect, while others are effective, but dangerous. Weight gain (like weight loss) is a process that affects all body systems. If you do it thoughtlessly, you can end up in a hospital bed. If you are healthy and lack of weight is not associated with functional disorders, we advise you to abandon hormonal drugs. It is better to give preference to stimulants of metabolism or, in extreme cases, appetite. 5

The list of side effects of the prescribed medication can terrify the patient. Some simply ignore this point in the instructions: in the end, the benefits of the drug certainly outweigh its potential disadvantages. But it is important to know what you may encounter during treatment.

Some drugs have been proven to cause weight gain. Knowing this, you can take preventive measures in time, says MD, gynecologist Prudence Hall from California.

Shilpi Agarwal, a certified family physician in Washington DC, agrees with a colleague:

We tell you what types of drugs can cause weight gain, and what you need to do to avoid this side effect.

1. Antidepressants

4. Steroid hormones

As a rule, steroids are prescribed in short courses: these drugs can cause insomnia, increased appetite, and fluid retention in the body. Dr. Hall says nearly 75% of patients who take prednisolone long-term for rheumatism, arthritis, scleroderma, ankylosing spondylitis, hepatitis and other chronic conditions gain weight.

What to do: Ask your doctor to prescribe the shortest course of treatment and the most effective dose of steroids for you. To prevent insomnia and excess weight, have dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed, do not overeat, try to walk in the fresh air before going to bed and exercise regularly.

3. Beta blockers and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)

These drugs are prescribed for treatment and prevention. It is known that their intake increases weight by 2-3 kg. A recent study published in the journal Cell Reports found that angiotensin receptor blockers slow down metabolism and can lead to obesity.

What to do: Drug treatment is recommended to start with diuretics. Beta-blockers or ARBs are prescribed if diuretics don't work. But blood pressure control is vital for hypertensive patients, and they may not have other options for treatment. People taking beta-blockers and ARBs are advised to limit their intake of simple carbohydrates, exercise, and get good sleep. A healthy lifestyle can deal with any potential danger of weight gain.

4. Oral contraceptives

The cause of weight gain while taking oral contraceptives is most often water retention in the body. Drugs that affect metabolism and cause obesity have long been out of production. However, some reduce carbohydrate tolerance and increase the need for insulin, which is dangerous for patients with.

What to do: When it comes to birth control, women have many options. Low estrogen pills have the least effect on weight. If you notice unwanted weight gain, consult your gynecologist about changing the drug. It is not recommended to interrupt the course of oral contraceptives on your own.

5. Antihistamines

Think twice before taking allergy pills every day. Studies show that long-term use of these over-the-counter medications can cause weight gain - especially in women.

We don't yet know why this is happening, says Dr. Agarwal. - It is believed that people begin to experience hunger due to the cessation of histamine production in the body.

What to do: Try alternative methods of preventing and treating allergies: limit exposure to allergens as much as possible, talk to your doctor about immunotherapy.

Many people choose pills even if they just need a nasal spray. You should not treat the whole body when one small part needs it, Agarwal notes.

6. Medications for migraine prevention

A number of migraine prevention medications can cause weight gain. This is especially true for tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvulsants and drugs to lower blood pressure.

What to do: Severe migraines may require daily treatment. In this case, only a doctor will be able to choose an alternative therapy. But it's especially important to figure out your individual triggers and stay away from them. For example, if you know that a headache is caused by red wine, cut it out of your diet entirely.

It's not easy to radically change your lifestyle, but sometimes it solves the problem better than pills, Dr. Hall is sure.

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