When is it time to run for a check: how long is a certificate of fluorography valid? Order to undergo fluorography: how often it must be done according to the law

The question "how to refuse fluorography?" has become relevant recently due to the fact that many public medical institutions began to require fluorography before issuing a certificate or providing medical care.

Why do people want to give up fluorography

Now they refuse fluorography, as data on the dangers of conducting this study constantly appear in the media and the Internet. In parallel with them, there are also data on the spread of tuberculosis and an increase in the number of patients with it, but many people, as usual, hope for a “Russian chance”. After all, it is not their family members who have tuberculosis, so why receive an extra dose of radiation? It is better to refuse fluorography.

But it is not so easy to refuse to undergo fluorography. A certificate stating that a person has undergone fluorography is required at work, at the place of study, and even upon admission to the maternity hospital (although here you need a certificate from those who live with the woman in labor). However, more and more people refuse to study.

Indeed, on the basis of Article 20 of the law “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens”, if you wish, you can refuse to undergo a medical procedure - and fluorography is a medical diagnostic intervention.

To refuse a child's fluorography, a parent or guardian must sign the paper, although fluorography is usually not performed for children under 15 years of age. To determine active tuberculosis in children, other research methods are used - Mantoux and PCR method. As a last resort, if you also want to refuse the Mantoux test, and it is impossible to perform a PCR analysis, a phthisiatrician can give an opinion based on clinical signs.

Persons with mental illness who have committed dangerous acts or when creating an epidemiological unfavorable situation in the region can be forced to undergo fluorography. In this case, it will not be possible to legally refuse fluorography.

Often the conflict arises because of the order of the Ministry of Health, which regulates preventive examinations of citizens. According to it, all citizens over the age of 18 must undergo fluorography once every two years, and persons whose work is related to tuberculosis patients, children's institutions and public catering enterprises undergo this examination once a year. Although there is paragraph six here, where it is written that it is still possible to refuse fluorography.

But how to refuse fluorography?

To do this, you need to write a written refusal, indicating that you are warned about the consequences, and endorse it with the head physician. Better to do it in duplicate. If health workers, when refusing fluorography, do not want to issue you a certificate or provide medical assistance, this is a reason to contact the prosecutor's office.

Of course, problems may arise at work if, due to working conditions, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, and if, according to local laws, the absence of a fluorography mark is the basis for dismissal. To avoid conflict, you can try to undergo x-rays - it is less dangerous, especially digital, gives a high-resolution picture and has a validity period of three years.

Is it possible to refuse fluorography?

Yes, you certainly may. This is a citizen's right enshrined in federal law, but before you refuse, think carefully about what consequences this may lead to. If you decide to refuse fluorography, be sure to consult a doctor and make an examination that is less dangerous for the body. Tuberculosis is a rather insidious disease, and its symptoms are often detected too late, so prevention is the best measure.

Order to undergo fluorography: how often does it need to be done by law?

Fluorography is a universal tool for diagnosing diseases lungs and heart. It is regularly appointed to citizens who have reached 18 years.

The main federal regulatory document is often mistakenly considered Law No. 77 of 2001 "On the Prevention of the Spread of Tuberculosis in the Russian Federation". In fact, the text of this document does not mention fluorography as a method of preventing and diagnosing tuberculosis.

What does the law on the passage of fluorography prescribe

In Russia since 2012 valid Law No. 1011n "On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting a Preventive Medical Examination". It is intended for the earliest possible detection of hidden forms of diseases and prescribes the passage of a medical examination by persons over 18 years old with frequency 1 time in 2 years.

When to get tested

The regulatory act classifies fluorography of the lungs as mandatory event during medical examination. Diagnosis can be omitted if there is documentary evidence of the passage of fluorography by the patient during the last year.

The same restriction applies if there is a current x-ray or computed tomography of the chest.

The standards can be revised in case of individual need or in the event of an epidemiological situation. The study is carried out within the framework of compulsory health insurance and is free for the patient.

Currently, the order of the Ministry of Health No. 124 n “On approval of the procedure and terms for conducting preventive medical examinations of citizens in order to detect tuberculosis” is under development, which regulates fluorographic control. The law may take effect in 2018 and replace the legal act No. 77 of 2001


How many times a year and how often can an x-ray of the lungs be taken

X-rays of the lungs can be done as often as your doctor tells you to. X-ray examination is accompanied by radiation exposure to the human body. The danger of radiation is confirmed by clinical studies.

There are different effects from the effects of chronic and acute doses. When performing an X-ray examination, low-dose exposure is formed. With frequent and prolonged action on the body, it leads to genetic mutations of cells.

Acute radiation reaction is accompanied by rapid death of organs and tissues. Doctors understand the difference between the benefits and harms of x-rays, so they prescribe lung x-rays only when indicated.

The Ministry of Health clearly regulates the issues of radiation safety of personnel and patients.

X-ray of the lungs - how often can you do

How often can a lung x-ray be taken? The answer to the question is individual. It depends on the purpose and characteristics of the patient's health. Medical radiation differs from the background of the planet, if only by the fact that it is ionizing. A feature of the beam is that it is destroyed 5 minutes after exposure to the X-ray tube.

Assessing how often to do x-rays of the lungs:

The purpose of the study is diagnostic or therapeutic;
The level of human exposure during the previous radiography (we study the individual radiation passport of the patient);
We evaluate the benefits and harms of the study.

We will explain to readers what diagnostic, prophylactic and therapeutic x-rays of the lungs are.

What is prophylactic radiography (fluorography)

Preventive radiography (fluorography) is used to differentiate between the norm and pathology. It can only be done once a year. A child under 18 years of age cannot be subjected to fluorography by order of the Ministry of Health in order to prevent the negative impact of an x-ray examination on proliferating cells.

In the people, the procedure is called "fluchka". In a digital study, a person receives a minimum amount of radiation exposure - about 0.015 mSv

What is a diagnostic x-ray

Diagnostic x-rays are prescribed as many times as the doctor needs to establish a diagnosis of lung pathology and evaluate the dynamics of treatment. This approach can be explained only by the fact that the harm from an unidentified disease (pneumonia, cancer, tuberculosis) is fatal, and the harmfulness of exposure is minimal (0.42 mSv in frontal and lateral projections).

Therapeutic x-ray of the lungs - what is it

Therapeutic X-ray of the lungs is used by oncologists for radiation therapy of the disease. With its help, pathological cells are destroyed. This type of X-ray diagnostics can be done as often as necessary to fight tumors. Even a child undergoes a medical examination, since cancer is a life-threatening pathology.

How many times a year do chest x-rays

Telling how many times a year X-rays of the lungs are done, we remind readers that a preventive examination of the lungs should be performed 1 time in 12 months. In this case, the total human exposure dose should not exceed 1 mSv.

Children under 18 years of age are given a diagnostic x-ray if a disease is suspected, but fluorography is contraindicated.

Some doctors have an opinion that X-ray diagnostics is shown to the patient as many times as pathology is detected in the picture. This opinion is not rational, since most of the diseases of the chest organs are determined by other less dangerous methods - listening, ultrasound, laboratory blood tests from a finger or a vein.

Performing a large number of x-rays with a dynamic improvement in the patient's condition is not rational. This exposure is completely redundant. Another thing is when lung cancer is suspected.

It is necessary to take pictures if a disease is suspected and in the absence of dynamics from the treatment of pathology.

How often to do fluorography

How much can you do fluorography per year? As much as the doctor says? No. Preventive x-ray examination is performed only once a year. If pathological symptoms are detected on a digital photo, diagnostic radiography is performed in frontal and lateral projections. It has a high resolution and allows you to see shadows larger than 5 mm in diameter. Such formations appear in the lungs with the following diseases:

Infiltrative tuberculosis;
- Pneumonia;
- Cancer tumor;
- Forming abscess or cyst.

They send the patient for a lung x-ray even when the results of the examination are in doubt.

They do fluorography according to the decree of the Ministry of Health - 1 time per year. More frequent investigations are not rational. They will only lead to unnecessary exposure of the patient.

The main advantages of x-rays over "stick":

Fluorography has low resolution and accuracy;
The method does not allow to form an idea of ​​the state of small formations of the lung tissue and the heart.

Which x-ray is better

There are 2 types of sticks. They depend on the equipment and technology used. Soviet equipment made it possible to study the state of the chest organs using a fluorescent screen. The image was recorded on a small film, which made it possible to save financial resources. Accordingly, radiologists had only to dream about the quality of the X-ray examination. Consequently, experts tried to make as many diagnostic radiographs as possible when identifying dubious shadows in the photo. At the same time, the dose of radiation exposure was high - 0.5 mSv.

With the advent of digital technology, people began to receive minimal radiation (0.015 mSv). The image quality has improved significantly. With the help of software applications, you can do additional image processing: increase, change the tone, resolution and color of the image.
What are the contraindications for chest x-ray?

There are contraindications for chest x-ray. We must not forget about the influence of X-rays on the genetic apparatus. Mutations lead to the development of cancers.

Any X-ray must be justified, so we do not recommend to prescribe an examination on your own. Very often, patients ask for an x-ray because their arm or leg hurts. In such a situation, perform X-ray diagnostics, since it will most likely not show pathological changes. The risk from radiation with such a procedure is greater than the benefit!

Absolute contraindications for chest X-ray:

How many times a year can you do a fluorography

For most adults, the question of how often x-rays can be done arises from the fact that the examination involves a certain dose of radiation. The Law "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation" requires all working citizens to undergo FLG for prevention purposes, but not everyone wants to be irradiated while in full health.

At the same time, people with chronic lung pathologies are forced to control the disease, but are afraid that they undergo fluorography too often. Therefore, it is necessary to know some aspects of this procedure, its necessity, and the effect on the body.

Fluorography as an X-ray examination

During the passage of FLG, X-rays in the amount of 0.05 millisieverts are transmitted through the human body. This is a meager dose with an acceptable exposure rate, which can help save health. With the help of a fluorographic examination of the chest, medical specialists diagnose:

  • severe infectious lung disease (tuberculosis);
  • inflammation of the lung tissue (pneumonia);
  • lungs' cancer;
  • inflammation of the pleural layers of the lungs (pleurisy);
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system.
  • The advantages of the procedure include its low cost, and in many district clinics this is done for free. In addition, data is stored on digital media for a long time, and a small amount of time is required. The study lasts three minutes, and the decoding of the indicators is carried out no more than 24 hours. Sometimes, it is very important to know how long the result will be ready. The advantages also include the absence of pain, high accuracy of indicators, no need for preliminary preparation of the patient.

    Examination frequency

    According to the law of the Russian Federation, the working population needs to do fluorography once a year. Based on the results of the survey, a certificate is issued, which is required for employment, for admission to study, before inpatient treatment, and for recruits. The results of fluorography of the lungs are valid for 12 months. Therefore, if there are no special indications for examination, it is not necessary to undergo the procedure often.

    For a healthy person, once a year is enough. To avoid untimely receipt of a portion of X-rays, it is important to know exactly the expiration date of FLG. Another question about how often fluorography can be done arises if a person goes to the doctor with complaints of feeling unwell or had contact with a patient with tuberculosis. In this case, pictures are taken more often, which helps to identify the disease.

    There is a separate category of citizens who are required to undergo a fluorogram in a more intensive time mode. This is a justified preventive measure, since the likelihood of infection or acquiring lung diseases in this group of people is higher.

  • medical personnel of maternity hospitals. Newborn babies and pregnant women need increased protection;
  • physicians working with tuberculosis patients. The risk of infection in this category is higher;
  • working personnel of mining enterprises. In this industry, a large percentage of lung cancer;
  • workers in hazardous industries (asbestos, rubber) and steelworkers, who are also more prone to lung cancer than others.
  • For these people, there are different rules about how many times a year you can do a fluorography.

    When is research not allowed?

    FLG is not used to diagnose women during childbearing. Why is it so important? Because X-rays can cause the development of pathologies in the unborn baby. During lactation, this procedure is not recommended. In case of emergency, at least 6 hours should elapse between the moment of irradiation and feeding. Milk during this period should be expressed. You can not do the procedure for patients in serious condition. If there is no way to postpone the process, it is better to use an MRI.

  • Fluorogram was done more than 2 times a year. The dose of X-rays is recommended to be replaced by magnetic resonance imaging.
  • have chronic diseases of the respiratory system. In the acute period of bronchial asthma and respiratory failure, it is necessary to wait for a period of remission, since it is difficult for a person to hold his breath, which will greatly complicate the examination.
  • Annual x-ray control is not only the prevention of diseases in oneself. In cases where a person has undergone the procedure, and the diagnosis of a lung infection has been confirmed, there is a chance to save loved ones if they have not yet done FLG.

    The question of the frequency of passage of fluorography

    How often can a fluorography be done?

    This question worries the majority of working people who, for no apparent reason, as a mandatory preventive measure, annually, or even twice a year, are sent for a chest x-ray examination.

    Why is this being done? What does fluorography of the lungs show? Does it cause tangible harm to the human body?

    How many times a year is it permissible to do a survey? We will try to answer all these questions.

    Why do you need fluorography?

    Why is an X-ray examination of the lungs performed, what does it show? Fluorography is the most affordable and fairly informative method of examining the chest.

    It helps to identify such deadly diseases for humans as cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms and metastases in other organs, pneumonia.

    How do doctors determine the presence of the above diseases in a patient? Thanks to the analysis of the fluorographic image of the lungs and other organs of the chest.

    If there are no spots and blackouts in the picture, then they write to the person that he is healthy, and with the desired mark in the medical book they send him home.

    If the radiologist detects blackouts in the picture, then the patient is referred to his therapist.

    The latter, in turn, appoints a number of studies: both laboratory (primarily a blood test) and hardware (MRI or CT), which will provide more specific information about the patient's health status.

    The fact is that blackouts in the picture do not yet guarantee the presence of tuberculosis and cancer, but can appear on the lungs after some illness.

    Many mistakenly think that fluorography and x-rays are synonyms. However, it is not.

    Indeed, both methods are based on the same principle: the impact on the human body through ionizing radiation.

    But, firstly, the radiation doses differ: during x-rays they are much higher than during fluorography.

    And, secondly, the information content of the studies is different: an x-ray image shows all the structures of the chest much more clearly than a fluorographic one. Also, fluorography is a cheaper method of examination.

    So, how many times a year do you need to do fluorography? There is no single answer to this question.

    By law, an adult working person must undergo an X-ray examination of the lungs every year.

    However, even if we are talking about informal employment, and the person does not complain about health, it is necessary to undergo fluorography, if not every year, but at least once every two years, for preventive purposes. Your health, perhaps even life, may depend on it.

    The fact is that, despite the hype about the dangers of fluorography and x-rays, inflated by the press in recent years, x-rays do not cause any tangible harm to the body, but here are the facts confirming this.

    How many millisieverts of radiation does a patient receive during fluorography? On average, 0.05 millisievert!

    How many millisieverts of radioactive rays can affect a person without harm to his body? 200 millisievert! What is the radioactive background in big cities? 0.002 millisievert!

    During a chest examination, a person receives a very tiny portion of radiation - an amount close to the natural background.

    And somehow worsen health or, as some mistakenly think, fluorography cannot cause cancer.

    Indications and contraindications for the study

    As already noted, every adult should undergo an annual fluorography of the lungs.

    In some institutions, a chest x-ray is mandatory for staff, and even more often - every six months.

    Indications for the procedure

    So, twice a year, the following citizens should receive their portion of ionizing radiation (namely, this type of rays is used for research):

  • employees of maternity hospitals, as they work with the most vulnerable category of the population - pregnant women and newborn children;
  • employees of tuberculosis dispensaries - since they have a very high risk of infection with Koch's bacillus;
  • workers of enterprises for the production of asbestos and rubber, steel - employees of hazardous production have an increased risk of oncology;
  • mining workers - miners are more likely than other professions to suffer from deadly lung diseases;
  • relatives and other people from the close environment of patients with tuberculosis, as they are at high risk of infection.
  • You can also do fluorography ahead of schedule (if the year has not yet passed) at your own request.

    So, if for more than two weeks you cannot get rid of an obsessive cough and subfebrile temperature, you are constantly tired - there is a high probability of infection with tuberculosis or the transition of an ordinary acute respiratory disease to pneumonia.

    Both of these diseases can be diagnosed using fluorography. This procedure will also help to observe an increase in lymph nodes, problems with the spine and esophagus.

    Contraindications to the procedure

    As for contraindications, then, like any other type of hardware research, fluorography also has them.

    The most important contraindications include:

  • Pregnancy. It is impossible for pregnant women to do fluorography and any other hardware studies that use ionizing radiation, since exposure of the expectant mother (regardless of the gestational age) can provoke serious malformations in the fetus;
  • Lactation. The period of breastfeeding itself is not a contraindication to fluorography, however, it is not recommended to breastfeed a child immediately after irradiation - mothers should carefully express milk twice (skip two feedings), and only then give it to children;
  • Childhood. By law, children under 14 years of age should not be performed fluorography. This is explained by the fact that the metabolism of a child is much faster than that of an adult, which means that the baby will receive much more harm from exposure;
  • The general serious condition of the patient. If a person suffers from diseases in an advanced stage (bronchial asthma, diabetes), if he is diagnosed with an oncological disease, then he should not do a fluorography so as not to aggravate the situation. In this case, the doctor may recommend more gentle research methods to the patient, for example, chest MRI or ultrasound.

Many also wonder how long fluorography is valid.

By law, a fluorographic image is valid (that is, the mark in the medical book is not expired) for 365 calendar days, that is, exactly one year.

Along with this, if there are indications for an early study (for example, someone from close friends or family fell ill with tuberculosis), it is better to check the condition of your lungs earlier.

This will not bring tangible harm to the body, but it will help to calm the nerves, and, possibly, save a life by starting treatment in the early stages of the development of the disease.

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  • For most adults, the question of how often x-rays can be done arises from the fact that the examination involves a certain dose of radiation. The Law "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation" requires all working citizens to undergo FLG for prevention purposes, but not everyone wants to be irradiated while in full health.

    At the same time, people with chronic lung pathologies are forced to control the disease, but are afraid that they undergo fluorography too often. Therefore, it is necessary to know some aspects of this procedure, its necessity, and the effect on the body.

    Fluorography as an X-ray examination

    During the passage of FLG, X-rays in the amount of 0.05 millisieverts are transmitted through the human body. This is a meager dose with an acceptable exposure rate, which can help save health. With the help of a fluorographic examination of the chest, medical specialists diagnose:

    • severe infectious lung disease (tuberculosis);
    • inflammation of the lung tissue (pneumonia);
    • lungs' cancer;
    • inflammation of the pleural layers of the lungs (pleurisy);
    • pathology of the cardiovascular system.

    The advantages of the procedure include its low cost, and in many district clinics this is done for free. In addition, data is stored on digital media for a long time, and a small amount of time is required. The study lasts three minutes, and the decoding of the indicators is carried out no more than 24 hours. Sometimes, it is very important to know how long the result will be ready. The advantages also include the absence of pain, high accuracy of indicators, no need for preliminary preparation of the patient.

    Examination frequency

    According to the law of the Russian Federation, the working population needs to do fluorography once a year. Based on the results of the survey, a certificate is issued, which is required for employment, for admission to study, before inpatient treatment, and for recruits. The results of fluorography of the lungs are valid for 12 months. Therefore, if there are no special indications for examination, it is not necessary to undergo the procedure often.

    For a healthy person, once a year is enough. To avoid untimely receipt of a portion of X-rays, it is important to know exactly the expiration date of FLG. Another question about how often fluorography can be done arises if a person goes to the doctor with complaints of feeling unwell or had contact with a patient with tuberculosis. In this case, pictures are taken more often, which helps to identify the disease.

    There is a separate category of citizens who are required to undergo a fluorogram in a more intensive time mode. This is a justified preventive measure, since the likelihood of infection or acquiring lung diseases in this group of people is higher.

    • medical personnel of maternity hospitals. Newborn babies and pregnant women need increased protection;
    • physicians working with tuberculosis patients. The risk of infection in this category is higher;
    • working personnel of mining enterprises. In this industry, a large percentage of lung cancer;
    • workers in hazardous industries (asbestos, rubber) and steelworkers, who are also more prone to lung cancer than others.

    For these people, there are different rules about how many times a year you can do a fluorography.

    When is research not allowed?

    FLG is not used to diagnose women during childbearing. Why is it so important? Because X-rays can cause the development of pathologies in the unborn baby. During lactation, this procedure is not recommended. In case of emergency, at least 6 hours should elapse between the moment of irradiation and feeding. Milk during this period should be expressed. You can not do the procedure for patients in serious condition. If there is no way to postpone the process, it is better to use an MRI.

    • Fluorogram was done more than 2 times a year. The dose of X-rays is recommended to be replaced by magnetic resonance imaging.
    • have chronic diseases of the respiratory system. In the acute period of bronchial asthma and respiratory failure, it is necessary to wait for a period of remission, since it is difficult for a person to hold his breath, which will greatly complicate the examination.

    Annual x-ray control is not only the prevention of diseases in oneself. In cases where a person has undergone the procedure, and the diagnosis of a lung infection has been confirmed, there is a chance to save loved ones if they have not yet done FLG.

    Order to undergo fluorography: how often does it need to be done by law?

    Fluorography is a universal tool for diagnosing diseases lungs and heart. It is regularly appointed to citizens who have reached 18 years.

    The main federal regulatory document is often mistakenly considered Law No. 77 of 2001 "On the Prevention of the Spread of Tuberculosis in the Russian Federation". In fact, the text of this document does not mention fluorography as a method of preventing and diagnosing tuberculosis.

    What does the law on the passage of fluorography prescribe

    In Russia since 2012 valid Law No. 1011n "On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting a Preventive Medical Examination". It is intended for the earliest possible detection of hidden forms of diseases and prescribes the passage of a medical examination by persons over 18 years old with frequency 1 time in 2 years.

    When to get tested

    The regulatory act classifies fluorography of the lungs as mandatory event during medical examination. Diagnosis can be omitted if there is documentary evidence of the passage of fluorography by the patient during the last year.

    The same restriction applies if there is a current x-ray or computed tomography of the chest.

    The standards can be revised in case of individual need or in the event of an epidemiological situation. The study is carried out within the framework of compulsory health insurance and is free for the patient.

    Currently, the order of the Ministry of Health No. 124 n “On approval of the procedure and terms for conducting preventive medical examinations of citizens in order to detect tuberculosis” is under development, which regulates fluorographic control. The law may take effect in 2018 and replace the legal act No. 77 of 2001

    It is assigned to the following persons:

    • pulmonary tuberculosis;

    1. Children under 15 years old.
    2. Nursing mothers.

    Received radiation

    How often can a fluorography be done?

    The current environmental situation forces us to be more scrupulous about our own health. Therefore, more and more often appears on the forums, the question is asked in the doctor's office about how often you can do fluorography. In general, the opinions of experts on this matter differ. However, the majority declares with confidence that there is nothing excessively terrible in the procedure, but it brings quite a lot of benefits.

    Survey Features

    To date, fluorography of the lungs is one of the fastest, cheapest and easiest ways to examine the chest. With its help, you can diagnose many serious diseases and disorders:

    • cancerous tumors;
    • inflammation of the respiratory system;
    • tuberculosis;
    • formations and metastases of other organs, etc.

    If no spots and dark areas are found in the image, then after the fluorography, the patient is issued a certificate of his healthy condition. Otherwise, a person is referred to a therapist who prescribes additional diagnostics depending on the preliminary diagnosis. This includes a whole list of studies: hardware (MRI, CT), laboratory (blood, urine tests) and much more. However, it is worth noting that the presence of blackouts in the picture can be triggered by previous diseases and not be related to serious illnesses. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination to confirm or refute the problem.

    Who cares?

    Many mistakenly believe that fluorography and chest x-ray are the same thing. However, despite the same principle of exposure to devices (through irradiation), there are some differences:

    • with x-rays, a more informative picture is obtained;
    • fluorography is cheaper;
    • X-ray radiation is much higher.

    From the above comparison, we can conclude that x-rays are much more harmful than fluorography. But how often a year can this examination be done? There is no single answer to this question.

    Indications for the procedure

    The frequency of fluoroscopy depends on many factors. Ordinary employed citizens are required by law to be tested once a year, so the results remain valid during this time. A non-working person is not obliged to contact a specialist, but as a preventive measure it is better to be examined every 6 months. There is a category of workers who need to undergo fluorography twice a year. This includes employees:

    • maternity hospitals;
    • tuberculosis dispensaries;
    • enterprises for the manufacture of steel, rubber and asbestos;
    • mining industry.

    Relatives of patients with tuberculosis are also at risk, so regular fluorography of the lungs will not hurt. Regarding minors, there are some peculiarities here. Experts recommend prescribing fluorography for children over 14 years of age.

    For qualified advice on issues related to the passage of fluorography, we recommend that you contact the Delomedika Medical Center (Diamed LLC). Highly qualified doctors serve the residents of Moscow and the region, offering a range of services and conducting various types of diagnostics.

    Find out more in the relevant sections on the website. The medical center operates in many cities of the Moscow region, including Serpukhov, Schelkovo, Mytishchi, etc.

    A complete list of fluorography office services and the cost of the study

    The frequency of fluorography in adults and children: how often can it be done

    People who care about their health are always concerned about the question of how often fluorography can be done. After all, on the one hand, radiation exposure is harmful to the body, and on the other hand, this examination helps to establish the diagnosis of the disease. Let's see if fluorography is harmful and whether it should be afraid.

    Advantages and disadvantages of fluorography

    Every adult is examined by this method at least once a year. Fluorography is a type of X-ray examination in which photographs are taken of the image obtained when rays of the appropriate range pass through the patient's chest.

    The positive aspects of this survey are expressed in the following:

    1. Low cost of research. In each district clinic, any patient can undergo fluorography, all medical institutions are equipped with appropriate equipment. With the introduction of digital technology, film for photographs has become unnecessary. Therefore, the cost of the survey decreased even more.
    2. Speed ​​of implementation. The shooting process takes two minutes. And the results can be found out after a while, depending on the organization of work in a medical institution. In some polyclinic, the result can be issued in half an hour, and in some you need to wait for the next day.
    3. Painless and no need to use any drugs. The only thing that is unpleasant in this procedure is that you need to press your naked body against a cold metal plate. You also need to hold your breath when the nurse says. When examining on digital equipment, this will not need to be done.
    4. High probability of determining the disease in the human chest. That's why it's so important to get tested every two years.

    The disadvantages are minor:

    1. The use of radiation. But its dose is small, so there will be no harm to the body.
    2. Impossibility of accurate diagnosis. In the picture you can see the focus of the disease, but it is impossible to determine what kind of disease it is only by fluorography. For accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct other studies and analyzes.

    Indications and contraindications for passage

    Fluorography is a mandatory part of the periodic medical examination of citizens.

    It is assigned to the following persons:

    • all adults and adolescents over 15 years of age when undergoing a mandatory medical examination;
    • persons living with women in position and newborn babies;
    • citizens who are carriers of HIV.

    The doctor may refer to this examination if the following diseases are detected:

    • inflammation of the lungs or pleura, that is, with pneumonia, pleurisy, etc .;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • diseases of the heart muscle and large vessels;
    • cancers of the lungs and organs that are located next to them.

    This type of examination is contraindicated for the following persons:

    1. Children under 15 years old.
    2. Pregnant women - X-rays can cause a mutation in the child. In case of urgent need, it can be done after 25 weeks of pregnancy.
    3. Nursing mothers.
    4. Seriously ill patients who are unable to hold their breath for the required period of time.
    5. Persons who, for one reason or another, cannot be in an upright position, standing on their feet (wheelchair users, bedridden patients, etc.).

    Possible health effects

    Many people believe that it will be very unhealthy if they do x-rays twice in a row. This is sometimes required when a bad shot is taken. In this case, a second procedure is needed. But there will be no terrible consequences, because the received dose of radiation, even after two exposures in a row, is several tens of times less than we receive from surrounding natural sources. In modern technology, a negligible dose of radiation is used.

    Received radiation

    Speaking about how often fluorography can be done, we note that the maximum safe radiation dose for a person is 500 mSv per year. From external natural and technogenic sources of the environment, the body receives exposure to 3-4 mSv/g. But he is exposed to this effect continuously throughout the year. Exposure during photography is short-term and its detrimental effect ends immediately after the end of the shooting process, so its harm is negligible. Let's analyze the radiation dose received during fluorography and X-ray:

    Received radiation dose during fluorography, mSv for one shot

    People who care about their health are always concerned about the question of how often fluorography can be done. After all, on the one hand, radiation exposure is harmful to the body, and on the other hand, this examination helps to establish the diagnosis of the disease. Let's see if fluorography is harmful and whether it should be afraid.

    Every adult is examined by this method at least once a year. Fluorography is a type of X-ray examination in which photographs are taken of the image obtained when rays of the appropriate range pass through the patient's chest.

    The positive aspects of this survey are expressed in the following:

    1. Low cost of research. In each district clinic, any patient can undergo fluorography, all medical institutions are equipped with appropriate equipment. With the introduction of digital technology, film for photographs has become unnecessary. Therefore, the cost of the survey decreased even more.
    2. Speed ​​of implementation. The shooting process takes two minutes. And the results can be found out after a while, depending on the organization of work in a medical institution. In some polyclinic, the result can be issued in half an hour, and in some you need to wait for the next day.
    3. Painless and no need to use any drugs. The only thing that is unpleasant in this procedure is that you need to press your naked body against a cold metal plate. You also need to hold your breath when the nurse says. When examining on digital equipment, this will not need to be done.
    4. High probability of determining the disease in the human chest. That's why it's so important to get tested every two years.

    The disadvantages are minor:

    1. The use of radiation. But its dose is small, so there will be no harm to the body.
    2. Impossibility of accurate diagnosis. In the picture you can see the focus of the disease, but it is impossible to determine what kind of disease it is only by fluorography. For accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct other studies and analyzes.

    Indications and contraindications for passage

    Fluorography is a mandatory part of the periodic medical examination of citizens.

    It is assigned to the following persons:

    • all adults and adolescents over 15 years of age when undergoing a mandatory medical examination;
    • persons living with women in position and newborn babies;
    • citizens who are carriers of HIV.

    The doctor may refer to this examination if the following diseases are detected:

    • inflammation of the lungs or pleura, that is, with pneumonia, pleurisy, etc .;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • diseases of the heart muscle and large vessels;
    • cancers of the lungs and organs that are located next to them.

    This type of examination is contraindicated for the following persons:

    1. Children under 15 years old.
    2. Pregnant women - X-rays can cause a mutation in the child. In case of urgent need, it can be done after 25 weeks of pregnancy.
    3. Nursing mothers.
    4. Seriously ill patients who are unable to hold their breath for the required period of time.
    5. Persons who, for one reason or another, cannot be in an upright position, standing on their feet (wheelchair users, bedridden patients, etc.).

    Possible health effects

    Many people believe that it will be very unhealthy if they do x-rays twice in a row. This is sometimes required when a bad shot is taken. In this case, a second procedure is needed. But there will be no terrible consequences, because the received dose of radiation, even after two exposures in a row, is several tens of times less than we receive from surrounding natural sources. In modern technology, a negligible dose of radiation is used.

    Received radiation

    Speaking about how often fluorography can be done, we note that the maximum safe radiation dose for a person is 500 mSv per year. From external natural and technogenic sources of the environment, the body receives exposure to 3–4 mSv/g. But he is exposed to this effect continuously throughout the year. Exposure during photography is short-term and its detrimental effect ends immediately after the end of the shooting process, so its harm is negligible. Let's analyze the radiation dose received during fluorography and X-ray:

    Examination method

    Received radiation dose during fluorography, mSv for one shot

    Fluorographic examination

    Certain professions

    There is a certain circle of people whose profession, social status or health condition obliges them to undergo this examination 2 times a year:

    • military personnel;
    • medical workers of tuberculosis medical institutions;
    • employees of maternity hospitals;
    • patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and recovered after it;
    • carriers of HIV;
    • citizens with narcological and mental illnesses;
    • convicted and released after serving time.

    Once a year, the following citizens are required to undergo fluorography:

    • patients with pulmonary, gastrointestinal, genitourinary diseases, diabetes mellitus;
    • patients undergoing aggressive treatment, such as radiation therapy;
    • people with a high risk of disease - homeless people, migrants;
    • employees of children's and adolescent institutions, health and educational organizations.

    For kids

    The procedure is contraindicated for children under 15 years of age. But as an exception, the doctor may send you to take a picture if you suspect pneumonia, tuberculosis, or another disease. In this case, a fluorographic examination is necessary.

    Adolescents over 15 years old already at school each time they need to undergo a medical examination at the clinic at the place of residence. Fluorography is included in the complex of this examination.

    How valid are the results?

    Usually fluorography is done for 12 months, respectively, its result is valid for a year. For example, S.S. Savitsky passed the examination on March 22, 2016, it will be valid until 03/21/17. For citizens who are required to check the condition of the chest organs more often, the results may be valid for 6 months. To determine at what time it will be necessary to go to the picture again, you need to count the expiration date of the results from the date of passage.

    Assignment of re-pass

    Usually, the examination should be repeated after the expiration of the result. Another reason for the appointment of repeated fluorography may be to control the course of the identified disease. For example, in the treatment of pneumonia, the lungs are checked three times. The first - at the time of diagnosis, the second - after two weeks of treatment and the third - a month later in order to make sure of a complete recovery. When treating other diseases of the chest, the doctor, depending on the course of the disease, also prescribes repeated shots.

    Fluorography of the chest

    Order for the passage of fluorography

    The obligation of the population to undergo fluorography is established by law. It is spelled out in the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 6, 2012 No. 1011 n “On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting a Preventive Medical Examination”. It defines the sequence of passing the examination and the list of mandatory tests, among which there is fluorography. By law, its frequency must be at least once every two years.

    In addition, orders can be issued at an enterprise or organization that establish time limits and norms for mandatory fluorography. It may not be 24 months, but twelve. And for a certain range of professions - once every six months.

    sample order

    Since June 18, 2001, the law “On Preventing the Spread of Tuberculosis in the Russian Federation” has been in force in Russia. On its basis, a new order or order can be drawn up on the passage of fluorography of employees of an organization or residents of a certain area.

    A sample of this document may have the following content.

    On the passage of workers fluorographic examination

    In order to detect diseases of the chest organs of workers

    I ORDER:

    All employees of the organization "Mountain Lavender" must undergo a fluorographic examination once a year, and a turner 3 rubles, a welder 5 rubles, a boiler room operator 4 rubles. - once every six months.

    Responsibility for the passage of fluorography by employees is assigned to the heads of departments.

    Preparation and procedure

    Virtually no preparation for the procedure is required. Before the examination, you need to undress to the waist, remove all jewelry, remove long hair up.

    The order of the fluorography:

    1. Go to the metal plate, press your chest and shoulders against it.
    2. Hold the breath. But if you are taking a picture on digital equipment, then this is not needed.
    3. Go back and get dressed.

    The fluoroscopy process is over. You will be warned about when you can come for the finished result.

    Deciphering the results

    Only a professional radiologist can decipher the image correctly. Depending on the type of disease, dark or light spots will be visible there. Modern fluorography allows you to identify severe diseases in their initial stage. Tuberculosis is characterized by blackouts in the upper part of the lungs in the form of small spots. If there is pneumonia, then blackouts of various sizes will be visible with blurry contours at the bottom of the lungs. With pleurisy, a solid dark spot is observed.

    How often do you do fluorography?

    Video "Doctors order not to be lazy to do fluorography"

    Information about the importance of fluorographic examinations can be found by watching a video report on the ont.by channel.

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    1. Anonymous

    Doubts that now and then arise among people about the safety of fluorography appear for several reasons: firstly, in some cases, a certificate of undergoing fluorography is required without fail, but it is not recommended to do this procedure more than once a year. Secondly, in the process of fluorographic examination, the body is exposed to radioactive irradiation, and this phrase frightens everyone without exception. So, what is fluorography for, is it possible to do without it and does it bring any harm to the body?

    Fluorography is called a study of the chest organs, carried out using x-rays that pass through the human body and, due to uneven absorption, produce a visible image on a fluorescent screen. There are two types of fluorography - film and digital, but digital has recently been gradually replacing film, as it surpasses it in a number of parameters: it allows you to reduce radiation exposure to the body, and also simplifies image processing.

    What does fluorography show?

    First of all, a fluorographic study is used to detect all kinds of diseases: tuberculosis, malignant tumors, etc. Fluorography is a preventive research method; it does not give a sufficiently unambiguous picture for making a diagnosis, but it allows you to detect deviations. For example, connective fibers in the lungs and bronchi, thickening of the roots, increased vascular pattern, the presence of fibrous tissues, foci of inflammation, adhesions on the pleura of the lungs, etc. The detection of one of these problems on a fluorographic picture (image) is an indication for a more detailed examination, already with the participation of a specialized doctor. That is, we can say that fluorography is a preventive diagnostic method that allows you to quickly and fairly quickly identify problems with the respiratory system.

    How often do you need to undergo fluorography?

    The standard frequency of passing a fluorographic examination is 1 time per year. This frequency is relevant for all adults who do not have any special indications. At the same time, there are groups of people who are recommended to do fluorography more often - 2 times a year. Among them:

    Patients with tuberculosis and people with other respiratory diseases.
    - Employees of tuberculosis dispensaries, sanatoriums, maternity hospitals, etc.
    - Patients with serious chronic diseases (asthma, diabetes, ulcers, etc.).
    - Workers in areas where the possibility of contracting tuberculosis and its spread is increased (educators in kindergartens).

    If you do not fall into any of these categories, for preventive respiratory organs, it is enough for you to undergo fluorography once a year.


    Contraindications for conducting a fluorographic study are the following circumstances:

    Age. Children under 15 years of age do not undergo fluorography.
    Pregnancy. Pregnant women are prescribed fluorography only in the second half of the term and only in exceptional cases.
    Some serious illnesses In such cases, all studies - including fluorographic - are consistent with the patient's attending physician.
    Breastfeeding is not exactly a contraindication, but it is undesirable to undergo a fluorographic examination during the feeding period. Be sure to consult with your doctor and discuss all the risks associated with fluorography during this period.

    Is there any harm?

    According to the regulatory documents of the Republic of Belarus, for patients who undergo X-ray diagnostic studies for preventive purposes, the dose control level is 1.5 mSv/year.
    The effective equivalent dose (EED) during digital fluorography is on average 0.04 mSv(in 37.5 times less permissible level of exposure during preventive examinations).

    For comparison:
    - On average, the dose received by an inhabitant of our planet from natural sources of ionizing radiation is 2,4 (in Russia 3.43 ) mSv per year, that is, approximately 60 (in Russia in 85 ) times more than the dose obtained when performing 1 prophylactic fluorographic study.

    Maximum allowable dose (MAD) - the maximum value of the individual equivalent dose for a calendar year, which, when exposed for 50 years, does not cause adverse changes in the state of human health detected by modern methods. When irradiating the whole body and for the I group of critical organs, the value of SDA - 50 mSv (5 rem) per year (1250 digital fluorography).

    In general, even if you have undergone other studies related to radiation exposure during the year, fluorography itself is unable to cause any noticeable harm to your body.

    How often can a fluorography be done?

    This question worries the majority of working people who, for no apparent reason, as a mandatory preventive measure, annually, or even twice a year, are sent for a chest x-ray examination.

    Why is this being done? What does fluorography of the lungs show? Does it cause tangible harm to the human body?

    How many times a year is it permissible to do a survey? We will try to answer all these questions.

    Why is an X-ray examination of the lungs performed, what does it show? Fluorography is the most affordable and fairly informative method of examining the chest.

    It helps to identify such deadly diseases for humans as cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms and metastases in other organs, pneumonia.

    How do doctors determine the presence of the above diseases in a patient? Thanks to the analysis of the fluorographic image of the lungs and other organs of the chest.

    If there are no spots and blackouts in the picture, then they write to the person that he is healthy, and with the desired mark in the medical book they send him home.

    If the radiologist detects blackouts in the picture, then the patient is referred to his therapist.

    The latter, in turn, appoints a number of studies: both laboratory (primarily a blood test) and hardware (MRI or CT), which will provide more specific information about the patient's health status.

    The fact is that blackouts in the picture do not yet guarantee the presence of tuberculosis and cancer, but can appear on the lungs after some illness.

    Many mistakenly think that fluorography and x-rays are synonyms. However, it is not.

    Indeed, both methods are based on the same principle: the impact on the human body through ionizing radiation.

    But, firstly, the radiation doses differ: during x-rays they are much higher than during fluorography.

    And, secondly, the information content of the studies is different: an x-ray image shows all the structures of the chest much more clearly than a fluorographic one. Also, fluorography is a cheaper method of examination.

    So, how many times a year do you need to do fluorography? There is no single answer to this question.

    By law, an adult working person must undergo an X-ray examination of the lungs every year.

    However, even if we are talking about informal employment, and the person does not complain about health, it is necessary to undergo fluorography, if not every year, but at least once every two years, for preventive purposes. Your health, perhaps even life, may depend on it.

    The fact is that, despite the hype about the dangers of fluorography and x-rays, inflated by the press in recent years, x-rays do not cause any tangible harm to the body, but here are the facts confirming this.

    How many millisieverts of radiation does a patient receive during fluorography? On average, 0.05 millisievert!

    How many millisieverts of radioactive rays can affect a person without harm to his body? 200 millisievert! What is the radioactive background in big cities? 0.002 millisievert!

    During a chest examination, a person receives a very tiny portion of radiation - an amount close to the natural background.

    And somehow worsen health or, as some mistakenly think, fluorography cannot cause cancer.

    Indications and contraindications for the study

    As already noted, every adult should undergo an annual fluorography of the lungs.

    In some institutions, a chest x-ray is mandatory for staff, and even more often - every six months.

    Indications for the procedure

    So, twice a year, the following citizens should receive their portion of ionizing radiation (namely, this type of rays is used for research):

    • employees of maternity hospitals, as they work with the most vulnerable category of the population - pregnant women and newborn children;
    • employees of tuberculosis dispensaries - since they have a very high risk of infection with Koch's bacillus;
    • workers of enterprises for the production of asbestos and rubber, steel - employees of hazardous production have an increased risk of oncology;
    • mining workers - miners are more likely than other professions to suffer from deadly lung diseases;
    • relatives and other people from the close environment of patients with tuberculosis, as they are at high risk of infection.

    You can also do fluorography ahead of schedule (if the year has not yet passed) at your own request.

    So, if for more than two weeks you cannot get rid of an obsessive cough and subfebrile temperature, you are constantly tired - there is a high probability of infection with tuberculosis or the transition of an ordinary acute respiratory disease to pneumonia.

    Both of these diseases can be diagnosed using fluorography. This procedure will also help to observe an increase in lymph nodes, problems with the spine and esophagus.

    Contraindications to the procedure

    As for contraindications, then, like any other type of hardware research, fluorography also has them.

    The most important contraindications include:

    • Pregnancy. It is impossible for pregnant women to do fluorography and any other hardware studies that use ionizing radiation, since exposure of the expectant mother (regardless of the gestational age) can provoke serious malformations in the fetus;
    • Lactation. The period of breastfeeding itself is not a contraindication to fluorography, however, it is not recommended to breastfeed a child immediately after irradiation - mothers should carefully express milk twice (skip two feedings), and only then give it to children;
    • Childhood. By law, children under 14 years of age should not be performed fluorography. This is explained by the fact that the metabolism of a child is much faster than that of an adult, which means that the baby will receive much more harm from exposure;
    • The general serious condition of the patient. If a person suffers from diseases in an advanced stage (bronchial asthma, diabetes), if he is diagnosed with an oncological disease, then he should not do a fluorography so as not to aggravate the situation. In this case, the doctor may recommend more gentle research methods to the patient, for example, chest MRI or ultrasound.

    Many also wonder how long fluorography is valid.

    By law, a fluorographic image is valid (that is, the mark in the medical book is not expired) for 365 calendar days, that is, exactly one year.

    Along with this, if there are indications for an early study (for example, someone from close friends or family fell ill with tuberculosis), it is better to check the condition of your lungs earlier.

    This will not bring tangible harm to the body, but it will help to calm the nerves, and, possibly, save a life by starting treatment in the early stages of the development of the disease.

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