Useful properties of the money tree flower. With angina and toothache. The healing properties of the fat woman

Crassula, another name for the plant - money tree, has medicinal use in folk medicine. In terms of application, the plant is similar to Kalanchoe, it is used:

  • to accelerate the regeneration of soft tissues, to heal wounds;
  • for resorption of edema, prevention of purulent inflammatory processes.

The main thing you need to know for your own safety: plant poisonous, poisonous properties apply to the trunk, leaves, roots. The leaf is suitable only for external use, you can not chew the foliage, you can not prepare decoctions or infusions from it. The only thing the leaf is good for is a compress. In order for the fat woman to grow tall, healthy and attractive, regular pruning is required. The formation of the tree and pruning takes place in the spring, during the period of vegetative growth. Transplantation is best done in May-July, first transplantation, then crown pruning. The health benefits of fat women are not supported by evidence-based medicine. The beneficial properties of the plant are due to the arsenic compounds that make up the composition. The homeland of money trees is countries with a hot and dry climate, similar conditions and it is necessary to ensure that the plants grow actively. The original homeland of the species Crassula has not been established, but the dispersal of the plant has occurred:

  • across Madagascar;
  • for South Africa;
  • across Australia.

There are more than two hundred species of the genus Crassula, most of which are powerful trees equipped with thick, fleshy leaves. The leaf serves as a reservoir for moisture, just like any other succulent. Water collects not only in the leaf, but also in the trunk, which is why the trees are so thick. The silhouette of the tree was the reason for the Russian-language name. The homeland of the plant is famous for its original and dangerous recipes. traditional medicine. The healers of Madagascar use the Crassula leaf as an antiseptic and laxative. The harm from such an action is obvious, arsenic, entering the body even in small quantities, causes poisoning, nausea, headache and indigestion. The motherland of the fat woman is famous low level education and population development. Africa and Madagascar do not belong to countries with developed medicine, so you should not apply medicinal recipes aborigines and make sandwiches with leaves of the money tree. Money Tree- this is a cozy green decoration of the room, not every flower should show medicinal properties to earn the love and admiration of the owner. For your own safety, you do not need to treat with drops or tinctures from a fat woman. In case of severe arsenic poisoning, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Description of the medicinal plant

At home, the ovoid fat woman is cultivated, the botanical name is Crassula ovata. The height of the trunk reaches from 1 cm to 1.5 m. The leaf is hard, oval, the location is opposite. Without pruning, the stems are stretched, and the flower loses attractive appearance. All plants from the genus Crassula are perennial, blooming from 3-5 years of age. At home, flowering occurs extremely rarely. In the greenhouse it is possible to achieve flowering, the flowers are small, the color can be:

  • milky white;
  • pale yellow;
  • pale blue;
  • pastel red.

The inflorescence is a brush, the flower has 5 petals. The birthplace of money trees, Australia, Madagascar and Africa are ideal for the plant to flourish. The fat woman in the course of evolution has adapted to drought, but dies from excessive watering. At home, it is sick from the humidity of the air, it is prone to a fungal infection. The money tree has weak healing properties, the harm from arsenic far outweighs the benefits. For external use, useful antiseptic lotions and compresses are made. If there is a choice, it is better to prefer plants with a less toxic chemical composition.

Beneficial features

You can check on your own experience whether there is harm from the recipes that the homeland of the money tree gave. If you carefully consider the recommendations of some healers who are not particularly competent in traditional medicine, it becomes clear that there is nothing useful in their advice. One of the most popular and absurd recipes is to instill the juice of a poisonous fat woman in the nose from a runny nose. Pharmacology and traditional medicine offer safe and effective drugs from a runny nose and cough, there is no need to get burns of the mucous membrane and be treated with unverified methods. If the patient wants to use only natural remedies and traditional medicine recipes, it is better to choose chamomile, propolis, calendula or licorice. Useful properties and chemical composition of these plants are well studied and widely used in evidence-based medicine. For those who want to find out from their own experience whether there is any harm to health from the use of fat women - a recipe:

  • squeeze 10 leaves of a fat woman;
  • mix with 250 ml warm water;
  • rinse mouth with solution, instill into nose.

To prepare a compress, you need to squeeze 5 young leaves per 500 ml of water, moisten the bandage and apply for no more than 15 minutes. Therapeutic compresses cannot be left overnight. At the site of injury, a slight numbness of the skin occurs, this is how the properties vegetable poison. Contraindications: allergy to juice components. Every person is allergic to arsenic, so the medicinal properties of the plant do not compensate harmful effect. Arsenic is needed by the money tree to protect against herbivores that inhabit the homeland of the plant. The fat woman is not eaten anywhere except in the underdeveloped and poorest regions of Madagascar. The poisonous properties of the fat woman are sometimes used as a poison, for this a lot of juice is extracted, and then it is evaporated to a powder and mixed into the food of the ill-wisher. In the absence of an antidote to arsenic, this leads to lethal outcome. Many beliefs are associated with the money tree, one of them has reached Russia. The sign says that the owner of the fat woman will have a lot of financial resources if he creates good conditions for plant growth. The greener and healthier the fat woman, the richer the owner. In the homeland of the fat woman, the population is not particularly prosperous, despite the fact that money trees there reach 4 m or more. There is a version that the legend arose during the period when wild fat women were just beginning to be offered for indoor breeding. The enterprising native who first began selling the money tree became extremely rich, because the flower became incredibly popular. By this, the seller confirmed the belief that the money tree really brings wealth to that which sells it.

What is useful fat woman ("money tree")? Treatment of wounds, cuts, abscesses. Herpes treatment, sore throat treatment, arthritis treatment.

The birthplace of the fat woman is South Africa, Australia, Madagascar. The fat woman has many varieties. However, the most common as a houseplant is the tree-like crassula, or "money tree", which belongs to succulents, has a thick lignified trunk with fleshy, rounded dark green leaves, in in large numbers covering the branches of the plant. It blooms with small flowers of pale pink or white color with thin lanceolate, slightly twisted petals, collected in umbellate inflorescences at the tops of the branches. Flowers emit a strong sweet smell. Crassula flowering usually occurs no earlier than after 5-10 years of the plant's life.

The fat woman contains high concentration arsenic, so abuse internal reception medical preparations based on this plant is not recommended. In case of overdose, vomiting, diarrhea, impaired consciousness are observed.

It has been noticed that the fat woman reacts strongly to the state of health of people living in the room where she is located. If someone gets sick, the condition of the plant begins to deteriorate sharply: it withers, sheds leaves, as if drawing negative energy into itself. And when a person recovers, the fat woman is transformed again.

Despite the huge popularity and unpretentiousness of the fat woman, most people do not know its excellent bactericidal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that are not inferior in strength to aloe.

Crassula juice for wounds, cuts, abscesses

Method of preparation: grind the leaves into a pulp, trying not to lose the juice.

How to use: spread the gruel over the surface of the gauze, cover with another piece of gauze and apply to the affected area. Change the bandage periodically every 4 hours.

Crassula juice for herpes on the lips

Ingredients: a few leaves of Crassula.

Method of preparation: squeeze the juice from the leaves.

How to use: lubricate the affected area with juice every 30 minutes. You can do it differently - soak a cotton ball with juice, apply it to the affected area and fix it with a patch.

Crassula juice with angina, tonsillitis

Ingredients: 10 Crassula leaves, 200 ml of warm water. Method of preparation: squeeze the juice from the leaves, mix with water.

How to use: gargle with the resulting solution 3-5 times a day.

fat woman at peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum

Composition: 2 sheets of jade.

Method of application: in the morning 1 hour before a meal, eat the leaves of the fat woman, chewing thoroughly.

Crassula infusion for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys

Ingredients: 5 Crassula leaves, 200 ml of water.

Cooking method: chop the leaves of the fat woman, pour hot water, insist 1 hour, strain.

Method of application: take an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. in 15 min. before meals 3 times a day.

Crassula juice for arthritis

Ingredients: 10-15 Crassula leaves.

Method of preparation: squeeze the juice from the leaves.

Method of application: lubricate the affected joints with the juice of the fat woman before going to bed.

Crassula juice for insect bites

Ingredients: a few leaves of Crassula. Method of preparation: squeeze the juice from the leaves.

Method of application: lubricate the bites of mosquitoes, wasps, bees with the juice of a fat woman 4-6 times a day.

fat woman ( correct name Crassula) is popularly known as the money tree. It's beautiful indoor plant often found in our homes, many turn it on not only because of its outward unusualness, but also because of the desire to get rich. Is it possible to increase your capital due to the fact that this tree will grow on the windowsill is a topic for another conversation, today we will tell you about the beneficial properties of this plant.

Australia, South Africa, Madagascar are considered the homeland of the fat woman. Today, about three hundred varieties of this plant are known, which are classified as succulents. There are trees, shrubs and even creeping types of crassula. Few people know, but after 5-10 years of life, the money tree blooms with small, strongly smelling inflorescences, consisting of flowers of pale pink or white with thin, lanceolate, slightly twisted petals.


The fat girl is different high efficiency in the treatment of many ailments. Nevertheless, a detailed study of the chemical composition of this plant has not been carried out, it is only known that the money tree contains traces of arsenic compounds. That is why it is not recommended to ingest products in which this plant acts as one of the ingredients.

Useful properties of a fat woman

Crassula, standing on the windowsill, releases unique volatile substances that have strong antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. The plant purifies the air, uplifts the mood and gives strength.

Currently, the fat woman is used to treat many ailments. So, preparations based on this plant are effective:
At mechanical damage skin, bruises and sprains,
For arthritis, arthrosis and gout,
With herpes
With inflammation oral mucosa,
With polyposis nasal mucosa,
With hemorrhoids,
With varicose veins
For gastric and duodenal ulcers,
In diseases of the kidneys of an inflammatory nature.

In ancient times, with the help of arsenic, which is part of Crassula, they treated fever, diseases nervous system, he helped with some gastrointestinal diseases, but mainly arsenic was used to treat external forms of cancer and other lesions of the skin tissue.

Fat woman: application

Above, we reported the ailments that the fat woman successfully copes with. However, it will not be superfluous to bring to your attention a few recipes of traditional medicine.

Fat woman with wounds, cuts, abscesses

With one of these ailments, the leaves of the fat woman, crushed into gruel, will help, which must be distributed over the surface of the gauze and applied to the affected area. Periodically (every 4 hours) the bandage must be changed.

Fat woman with herpes on the lips

For people suffering from herpes, a fat woman is a real salvation. All that is needed is to squeeze the juice from several leaves of crassula and lubricate the affected area with it every half an hour.

There is another option to fight herpes with the help of a fat woman. Saturate the cotton wool with the juice of the fat woman, apply it to the affected area and fix it with a patch.

Fat woman with angina, tonsillitis

Squeeze out the juice from 10 leaves of the fat woman and mix with a glass of warm water. The resulting solution should gargle 3-5 times a day.

It also helps with inflammation of the gums.

Fatty woman with arthritis

Before going to bed, the affected joints should be lubricated with juice squeezed from 15 leaves of the crassula.

Crassula with insect bites

The fat woman will help and transfer discomfort after bites by insects (mosquitoes, bees, wasps). To do this, the bite site should be lubricated 4-6 times a day with juice freshly squeezed from the leaves of the fat woman.

Fat woman with thrombophlebitis

Five pre-washed leaves of the fat woman should be crushed and poured with a glass of vodka. Remove the mixture in a dark place and leave for 2-3 weeks. After the time has elapsed, this infusion should be lubricated with legs in the evenings. This tool not only reduces varicose veins, but also contributes to their complete disappearance.

It is also called Crassula or Crassula, or Zhiryanka - for its plump, fleshy leaves, similar to coins. Perhaps it is for the leaves that the plant is called the "money tree". Perhaps it really has a special energy for accumulating energy where it grows ... The history of the plant begins in warm countries - you should look for its roots in Africa, Madagascar, Australia. Represented by many types. A tree-like money tree usually grows on our windowsills - the older the plant, the more it resembles a small tree. Here is a photo of a money tree that grows on the windowsill in our apartment:

Money tree benefit or harm?

Benefit or harm of the money tree.

Whoever has a money tree growing at home, plants cannot but be interested. Of course, it is useful for housing.

First of all, it should be noted that it purifies the air, absorbs odors. For these properties, Crassula is also called a filter plant.

Following useful property is the ability to absorb negative energy premises. It is noted that the fat woman accumulates bad energy when someone is sick. Even languishes at the same time. And recovers when a person recovers.

The plant does not have a pronounced smell and therefore the fat woman is one of the few plants that can be grown without harm to health. There is no allergy to a fat woman, or a money tree. If it doesn't bloom. If the tree has blossomed, then, of course, an allergy to money tree pollen is possible.

There is a legend originating in the east - beautiful legend that the money tree brings success and prosperity to the house. This is another reason for the popularity of the fat woman. According to these beliefs, the money tree is best placed on the southeast window.

In addition to all of the above, little known medicinal properties money tree. It has phytoncidal, bactericidal properties.

Money tree is used in the treatment of arthritis, wounds, cuts, suppuration, herpes, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, kidneys.

Be careful!

However, one should be careful when using Crassula for oral administration at home, because. its leaves contain a large amount of arsenic. If used incorrectly or overdose, there may be complications in the form of impaired consciousness, vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion, and even serious poisoning. Turns out the plant money tree harm can bring us too! If handled incorrectly, the fat woman may be poisonous plant and, consequently, very dangerous!

Money tree care.

Caring for a money tree is quite simple. The plant needs to be repotted, but not more than once a year. It does not like waterlogging of the soil. In summer, water 1-2 times a week. In winter, if the plant is not near the battery, it is enough to water it once a month. Grows well even in small pots. The soil prefers "for cacti".

Minus - a very weak root system, so it is better to choose a pot more massive so that the "crown" of the tree does not outweigh. Light loves, but does not like direct sunlight. From overheating, the leaves turn red or turn brown. Crassula should be wiped from dust with a damp cloth. During the active growing season, it is better to feed the plant. Ready fertilizer "for cacti".

Crassula blooms very rarely. If this happens, then not earlier than five years after planting.

Very easy to propagate by leaves. They take root quickly. After the leaf has been separated from the tree, it is better to dry it for 2-3 days so that the wound heals. Then dig into the ground, but very shallow, like cacti. It is important. It is possible to plant and as usual, putting in the water and waiting for the roots.

In addition, shoots often appear on the tree itself - right on the trunk.

money tree propagation
shoots on the trunk of a money tree

They also take root quickly and are quite unpretentious.

It is also possible to propagate by seeds.

Here is such a care for the money tree! Very simple!

In order for the fat woman to attract into the house, you need to purchase it quite small and grow it yourself. So they say! So that's how it should be done!

Good luck growing!

Many people have a money tree at home. Its correct name is a fat woman. And it is not only an excellent filter for cleaning the air and energy at home, but also a plant that has healing properties.

The money tree helps in the treatment of wounds, abscesses, bruises and sprains, helps to get rid of sore throats, herpes, arthrosis and arthritis. But how? What is this action based on? And how to use the fat woman correctly? This and many other things will now be discussed.

plant composition

It is impossible to accurately answer the question of what causes the healing properties of the money tree. Its chemical composition has not been carefully studied. But it is known that it contains flavonoids and phytoncides. And they are characteristic huge list healing properties. Here are the effects of flavonoids:

  • They make the walls of blood vessels stronger, increase their tone and elasticity.
  • Increase the protection of body cells from harmful microorganisms.
  • Reduce the effect of allergens.
  • Reduce the risk of the occurrence and development of tumors, cardiovascular diseases.
  • Protect from viral diseases.
  • Strengthen immunity.
  • Helps fight diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and hepatitis.
  • They have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Prevent aging at the cellular level.
  • Helps fight menopause.

Phytoncides, which are biologically active substances, suppressing bacteria, have the following actions:

However, the fat woman also contains arsenoids, which are arsenic compounds. And this, as you know, is poison. It has an extremely negative effect on the central nervous system, therefore funds made from fat women should not be taken orally.

Fat girl against skin problems

Problems with the epidermis are probably familiar to many. Most often, people experience skin inflammation. The owners of the fat woman can easily get rid of them. You just need to grind a few leaves of this plant, and then put the resulting slurry on gauze and make a bandage out of it. It should be applied to the inflamed area for 3-4 hours.

In addition, such lotions are great for helping with the following diseases:

  • Lichen.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Eczema.
  • Herpes.
  • Allergic rashes.

And some people even treat minor burns with this method.


They are very helpful in fighting varicose veins veins. Only a fat woman compress is prepared on the basis of tincture. It is she who helps to fully reveal the healing properties of the money tree. And here are the steps you need to follow to prepare it:

  • Finely chop the sprigs of the fat woman and the leaves.
  • Put the resulting mass into a container. plant composition should fill it 1/3.
  • Completely fill the container with vodka or alcohol diluted to 40 degrees.
  • Send to a dark, cool place.

Fat girl with hemorrhoids

Talking about the healing properties of the money tree, one cannot fail to mention its ability to resist this unpleasant disease.

As mentioned earlier, this plant has a powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Crassula produces a fungicidal effect, contributes to a significant reduction hemorrhoids and eliminates burning in the anus.

In addition, a remedy made from this plant can be used to heal wounds, abrasions and anal fissures. It is effective, but there may be contraindications. Some people after using it found themselves allergic to fatty. More an unpleasant consequence may become dermatitis.

How to use a fat woman if there are no contraindications? There are several ways, and they should be discussed separately.

home ointment

Its very easy to prepare. You just need to follow the recipe instructions. And the healing properties of the money tree will be fully revealed. Actions are as follows:

  • It is necessary to select the middle leaves of the fat woman and wipe them from dust, if any, has gathered on them.
  • Pass them through a meat grinder. You should get a healing pulp.
  • The plant mass must be squeezed out of the juice.
  • In the resulting liquid, you need to add a little Vaseline and a little pulp.
  • To stir thoroughly. You should get a moderately thick consistency, similar in density to sour cream.

This product must be stored in glass jar. Effectively helps in the treatment of anal fissures and inflammation of hemorrhoids. It has a mild effect, so it can (and even should) be used several times a day.


Their preparation takes a minimum of time. You need to choose a good, fleshy leaf, wash it thoroughly and divide it into two parts with a sharp knife.

The cut side of the sheets should be applied to hemorrhoidal bumps and inflamed anus. Perform several times a day. Also Fresh Juice perfectly dries the affected skin.

This effective method, but with the same varicose veins, for example, it will be difficult to cope with it. Because the area of ​​​​impact is too large, you will have to spend a lot of sheets of fat women. Therefore, it is more expedient to grind them for the manufacture of ointments or compresses. In this form, the healing properties of the fat woman money tree are also revealed well.

Remedy for the common cold

If the nose is very stuffy, and there are no drops at hand, then this flower will also help. The healing properties of the money tree will produce a quick effect.

You just need to squeeze the juice from the leaves of the fat woman and mix the resulting liquid with water in a ratio of 1: 2. This solution should be instilled into the nose every hour, one drop.

If a person is concerned chronic runny nose, then you can do a nose wash with a tincture of a fat woman. You just need to take 5 leaves, squeeze the juice out of them, and mix it with three tablespoons of water. Rinse the nose with the solution three times a day.

Nail fungus treatment

This nuisance is familiar to many people. And the money house tree is a plant with medicinal properties that can help you quickly get rid of it. The fungus literally "dissolves" in the juice of the fatty. But only if the procedure is performed correctly! The main rule is to do it at night, before going to bed. Actions are as follows:

  • It is necessary to prepare a solution in a container from hot water, soap and soda. In this bath, you will need to steam your feet or hands. The diseased nail will soften in this way.
  • After 10-15 minutes, dry the limb with a towel and carefully cut off the affected plates.
  • Cut off a sheet of fat woman and remove a thin film from it, exposing the pulp.
  • Fix it on the nail plate with a bandage or adhesive tape.
  • Go to bed.
  • Take a bath again in the morning. After taking it, cut off the diseased part.
  • Lubricate the affected area with an effective antifungal ointment.

To consolidate the effect, this procedure should be repeated several times. The use of the healing properties of the money tree will help to quickly get rid of the fungus.

Could there be harm?

Yes, as mentioned earlier, the flesh of the fat woman contains arsenic. There are contraindications. And the healing properties of the money tree will be meaningless if you start taking funds from it inside.

And many people do this - they drink infusion for pyelonephritis, cystitis, tonsillitis. As a result, people suffer from elevated temperature, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. Moreover, with regular use, arsenic can accumulate in bone tissues. And this will cause great damage to health.

And when used externally, you also need to be careful. It is best to do an intolerance test in advance. You just need to apply a little freshly squeezed fat woman juice on the elbow bend and wait. If burning, itching and redness appear over time, then you should not use medicines made from this plant.

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