What determines the condition and health of human teeth: interesting dental facts

Interesting facts about teeth:

1. According to legend, in oral cavity the Buddha had forty teeth. And the very first inhabitant of the Earth - Adam - has 30 teeth. From this number comes the number of days in a calendar month.

2. It is known that ordinary person in his entire life, his teeth change twice: initially 20 milk teeth appear, and then 32 permanent tooth. By the way, Hippocrates called the teeth "milk", who was sure that temporary teeth baby should be formed from milk.

3. Oddly enough, scientists have proved the fact that cocoa powder, which is part of chocolate products, contains substances that can prevent the formation of caries.

4. First Toothbrush, powered by electricity, was patented in Switzerland during World War II. It operated from the mains. Although this idea seemed incomprehensible to most consumers, the electric toothbrush has become more and more popular every year. On the this moment 12 percent of people worldwide use an electric toothbrush.

5. With the help of modern technologies in dentistry, 46 percent of Russian citizens have completely ceased to be afraid of dentists. However, the other half - 54 percent of dentists' clients - said they were somewhat prejudiced about going to the dentist's office.

6. The most expensive tooth in the world is the tooth of Isaac Newton, which was sold in 1816 for over $3,000. The rich nobleman who bought it inserted this tooth into his ring.

7. A snail has over 25,000 teeth.

8. History is familiar with such a case when a lady of easy virtue revealed to the son of the writer Dumas the secret of white teeth: "We must lie more, because teeth whiten excellently from this."

9. The Maya natives painted their teeth with jade and turquoise, inserted precious stones into their teeth. And the favorites of the pirates of the Caribbean could not get enough of the teeth made of diamonds.

10. People who brush their teeth several times a day are less prone to buildup overweight. This conclusion was reached by Japanese scientists. They report that they studied the lifestyle of 15,000 people.

11. Hockey has always been considered the most dangerous sport for teeth. More than 68 percent of professional players have lost at least one tooth during a match or practice.

12. medical research It has been proven that the presence of strong teeth directly affects the memory of their owner.

13. 99% of the total amount of calcium in the body is found in the teeth.

14. Have you ever wondered how often a toothbrush can be reinvented? In fact, according to statistics, more than 3 thousand toothbrush models have been patented since the middle of the last century!

15. Most Exotic Teeth Brush Options:
- ionized brush (its work is based on the interaction of charges of opposite polarity);
- a brush with several heads (makes it possible to brush the tooth from three sides at once);
- brush with automatically injected dental solution;
- electric brush for brushing teeth with a built-in timer.

16. In ancient rome the upper classes of citizens hired specially trained slaves to brush their teeth.

17. As it became known, the leaders of various types of organizations (67%), as well as housekeepers (72%) are most afraid of dentists. And the least trembling in front of the dentist are servicemen (72% do not experience the slightest fear).

18. Sugar was first added to chewing gum directly by a dentist (in 1869 by William Semple). In addition, the electric chair was also invented by a dentist.

19. Teeth are preserved for a very long time, not succumbing to alkalis, water, and also withstand temperatures of about 1000 degrees.

20. Not so long ago, dentures were the best wedding gift in Britain. People believed that they would soon lose all their teeth and themselves carried out the extraction of teeth almost in infancy.

21. Under the law of the US state of Vermont, a woman cannot wear dentures without the written permission of her husband.

22. In China, there is even a national holiday: "Day of devotion to one's teeth", it is celebrated annually on September 20th.

23. In 1999, a demonstration "For healthy smile". 1280 American schoolchildren, lined up in the form of a toothbrush, synchronously brushed their teeth for 3 minutes 3 seconds.

24. German scientists have found that eating two grapefruits a day significantly reduces the risk of diseases developing in the oral cavity.

25. In the Middle Ages, to strengthen loose teeth, dentists advised tying a frog to the jaws.

26. Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue produced by the human body.

27. Toothpaste was invented by the Egyptians about 5,000 years ago and originally looked like a mixture of wine and pumice.

28. The first brushes for cleaning teeth appeared in China relatively recently - about five hundred years ago. They were made from pig bristle, horse and badger hair.

29. According to statistics, men in Russia are much more courageous than women, only 45% of them are afraid to tell the dentist, and among women this number reaches 60%.

30. Due to the enduring qualities of diamond, most of it goes to the production of dental burs. And only about 20% of diamonds are processed by jewelers.

31. American dentists use about 12 tons of gold per year to produce gold crowns.

32. Ancient Japanese Dentists Pulled Teeth with bare hands.

33. The tooth is the only part human body incapable of self-healing. But new teeth in elephants can grow about six times, depending on the type of individual.

34. In the Chinese town of Kulang, there are 7 organizations for the consolidation of used toothpicks. For a kilo of toothpicks, such an organization pays $ 1.

35. Stores in the US city of Rhode Island are prohibited by law from selling toothbrushes on Saturdays.

36. If you are right-handed, then you chew almost all food on the right side of the jaw, and if you are left-handed, then, on the contrary, on the left.

37. Absolute Power chewing muscles reaches a strength of 390 kg. Of course, not every tooth can withstand such pressure, so the classic (standard) chewing pressure is equal to 9-15 kg.

38. If an identical twin is missing a tooth, as a rule, it is also missing from the second twin.

39. Solid, correct form teeth are considered a sign of warlike, energetic person. Small teeth are associated with greed and pettiness, while large teeth are associated with openness of character and boundless kindness.

The modern world is full of surprises. The more science develops, the more amazing facts which we had no idea. In this sense, dentistry is no exception. In this article, I decided to give 10 interesting dental facts that you did not know ... Unless, of course, you have previously come across this page.

1. Toothbrushes with nylon bristles first appeared in 1938. However, brushes with bristles made from other materials existed long before that. So, in China, the first such brushes appeared in 1498. The materials for them were pig bristles, horse and badger hair.

2. First orthodontic construction was made by Pierre Fauchard in 1728. It was a flat strip of metal attached to the teeth with a thread. Technical progress does not stand still and braces came to replace this design over time, now dentists recommend using it for better and comfortable treatment dental defects - veneers for teeth. GermanMedicalGroup offers one of the best dental veneers in the world. Trust the professionals.

3. Mao Zedong, like many Chinese at the time, refused to brush his teeth. Instead, he rinsed his mouth with tea and chewed the tea leaves. "Why brush? Does a tiger ever brush its teeth?" he said.

4. Not so long ago, dentures were a popular wedding gift in the British Isles because people expected to lose all their teeth pretty soon and accelerated the process by extracting teeth in a relatively young age.

5. The absolute strength of the masticatory muscles on one side is 195 kg, and the contraction of the muscles on both sides can reach a force of 390 kg. Of course, the periodontium cannot withstand such pressure, and therefore the usual chewing pressure is 9-15 kg (well, a maximum of 100 kg if you gnaw nuts).

6. The world-famous manufacturer of toothpaste company Colgate ™ faced with unexpected obstacle when promoting their products on the market of Spanish-speaking countries. Translated from Spanish, "colgate" means "go and get up".

7. Under Vermont US law, a woman is not allowed to wear dentures without her husband's written permission.

8. Before the 19th century technology for making artificial ceramic teeth, as a material for dentures, the teeth of soldiers who fell on the battlefield were used. Yes, after civil war in the USA English dentists received whole barrels of such cargo.

9. At the court of the French king Louis XI, aristocrats ate only soup, because they were convinced that excessive chewing efforts could cause facial wrinkles to appear prematurely.

10. The first "dentists" were the Etruscans. They cut out artificial teeth from the teeth of various mammals already in the 7th century BC, and also knew how to make bridges strong enough for chewing.

11. Dentures can be radioactive. Of one million prostheses, about half have a ceramic component with microscopic inclusions of uranium. Without the addition of uranium, the prostheses would have a matte green tint under artificial light.

12. George Washington, who had almost no teeth of his own, very carefully monitored the condition of the teeth of his six horses, ordering them to be examined and cleaned every day.

13. If one of the identical twins is missing one or another tooth, as a rule, the same tooth is missing in the other twin.

14. Shops in Providence, Rhode Island, USA, are prohibited by law from selling toothbrushes on Saturday.

15. Only 20% of diamonds are cut. Due to the hardness of the stone, most diamonds are used to make various tools, such as dental burs. American dentists use about 13 tons of gold per year to make crowns, bridges, inlays and dentures.

16. common diseases in the world are various diseases periodontal disease, such as, for example, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). Few people on the entire planet manage to avoid one form or another of it.

17. In Chinese city There are 7 collection centers for used toothpicks in Kulang. For every pound (approximately 454 g) of toothpicks, such a center pays 35 cents.

What do we know about teeth? Most of us know only that teeth need to be cleaned regularly, and it is advisable to have periodic check-ups with the dentist. To learn more, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most interesting facts about teeth.

Why are the first teeth called milk teeth?

Modern science knows for certain that the rudiments of teeth begin to form even in the womb. In the first weeks of a baby's life, of course, there can be no question of full-fledged molars - he does not need them yet. But why were the first teeth called milk teeth? It turns out that they were called so by the notorious Hippocrates, whose oath is still pronounced by medical students. It was he who proposed the theory according to which the first teeth begin to form from mother's milk, because they erupt during the period breastfeeding. Since then, our first 20 teeth have been called milk teeth, although milk has nothing to do with their growth.

Teeth are not restored!

A popular proverb warns against excessive nervousness, because " nerve cells are not restored." In fact, neurons are able to regenerate, although this process occurs very slowly. But in our body there is the only organ that really “cannot be restored” - teeth. From the moment milk teeth are replaced by molars, they remain with us for life. And they cannot overcome the emerging problems “on their own”. Therefore, the last thing you should save on is visits to the dentist.

Stronger than steel

Precisely because teeth cannot regenerate, they are made up of the hardest tissue in the human body. Tooth enamel is slightly inferior in strength to diamond, but it can easily be compared with some types of steel. Enamel is a protective barrier that ensures the safety of the tooth, prevents destruction from mechanical stress and the influence of food acids. Numerous attempts by scientists to create a similar material with the same properties were in vain. The crown - similar to tooth enamel - can withstand a maximum of 15 years, while the enamel is able to maintain a "working" state for all 60.

Calcium reserves

Almost all of the calcium in our body accumulates ... no, not in the bones. 99% of it required substance contained in the teeth. That is why stories about emerging problems with teeth in pregnant women are passed down from generation to generation. Teeth during pregnancy can really deteriorate, but only if the body does not receive enough calcium "from the outside." The growing body of the baby will take from the mother everything that he needs. Therefore, teeth, as the main "reserve" of calcium, suffer in the first place.

Freshen your breath... fan

Paying attention to historical facts, you can find a lot of amazing things related to ideas about teeth, how to care for them and fight against backfire lack of proper treatment. For example, an unaesthetic appearance of teeth or bad smell from mouth. Both problems at a time when toothpaste was not common, they were solved simply - with the help of a fan. The fan served not only as a salvation in the stuffy court halls. Often they coquettishly covered their mouths to hide the lack of teeth in their mouths. And if they were still in place, but were not healthy, the inevitable bad smell was driven away with a fan.

Wrinkles from chewing?

During the reign of Louis XI, the myth became widespread that thorough chewing food leads to premature wrinkles. Therefore, those who wanted to keep the elasticity of the skin of the face as long as possible preferred food that did not need to be chewed, but rather simply “drink”. Surely it was this prejudice that gave impetus to the development of such a trend in French cuisine as the preparation of cream soups. Their grated texture is very reminiscent of the "liquid" food favored by 15th-century French dandies.

Dentist training

Aesculapius, reminiscent of dentists, existed in Ancient Egypt. However, graduates appeared for the first time only in 1699 - it was a limited edition of the French medical college. However, the extraction of a damaged tooth is still for a long time remained an undesirable procedure, which was used only in the last resort. There was little pleasant in it, and dentists-dentists trained daily for several hours - they pulled out nails driven into the board.

Jewels in the teeth - vintage jewelry

The fashion to decorate teeth with all sorts of semi- and precious stones originates from ancient times. The South American peoples have achieved special mastery in this. The Incas, for example, made dental implants from the shells of sea mussels - this is confirmed by a skull fragment found by archaeologists in what is now Honduras. From other Inca skulls found, it can be said that amethyst and quartz implants were also considered popular. The Peruvian Museum has a skull in which all 32 teeth have been replaced.
And the ancient Maya, on the contrary, preferred only to decorate, and not to replace them with stone products. 2500 years ago they encrusted their teeth with precious and semi-precious stones. Such jewelry, just like today, demonstrated the wealth and prosperity of their owner.
Fashion for "tooth" jewelry throughout human history has returned several times. So, during the time of pirate maritime domination, the favorites of the "sea wolves" flaunted their teeth made from the purest diamonds. Unfortunately, there is no information about how comfortable such teeth were. Today, dental inlay is experiencing a new round of popularity. Show business stars especially like to “shine” their teeth. Britney Spears, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga and many others put small "pebbles" in their teeth.

The most expensive tooth in the world

The natural tooth is still recognized as the most valuable in the history. Its fabulous price is due to the outstanding achievements of its original owner - Isaac Newton. This tooth was sold at auction for more than three thousand dollars by a certain aristocrat who wished not to disclose his name. The lord planned to insert the acquired “artifact” into the ring so that he would never part with it.
Therefore, it makes sense to take care of your teeth, it is quite possible that someday they will cost a fortune!

As a rule, most people's knowledge about teeth comes down to basic principles care for them: brush twice a day, preferably for two to three minutes, do not eat a lot of candy and nuts, less sweet. For you, perhaps, this knowledge will be supplemented by scripts for commercials. Do you remember the advertisement of one of the toothpastes, where with its help eggshell become hard as a rock? Well, how can I forget that? For credibility, it was not enough just to break the steel door of the safe with this egg.

In general, if your knowledge of teeth is limited to only short text on toothpaste packaging and TV commercials, BroDude is ready to fix it. We will tell you about some interesting facts related to teeth.

1. Teeth are the only part of the human body that does not have the property of regeneration. Unlike other tissues in our body, they do not regenerate themselves. And when dentists say that teeth should be treated with care, they are not just pouring a commercially profitable stream of speech into their ears. Therefore, we recommend that you respect the uniqueness of your teeth and do not neglect visits to the dentist.

2. The state of bite has a close relationship with musculoskeletal system. If the patient has malocclusion, then in almost 90% of cases this means that he has problems with his back, and in various parts of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and so on. How is this related? The fact is that the human head has its own mass and center of gravity. When the center of gravity shifts, problems with posture begin, which is stabilized due to compensatory mechanism muscles and ligaments of the maxillofacial system, which leads to an increase in malocclusion (jaws are displaced relative to each other). modern medicine offers several ways to align the bite. The most convenient and aesthetically acceptable option can be considered the use of a transparent aligner (cup). With it, orthodontic correction is painless and effective.

3. Since teeth have only one life, nature has endowed them with unique strength. The presence of calcium in a human tooth is so great that its strength is comparable to some types of steel. This allows the enamel to be resistant to external influences, food acids and remain intact throughout human life.

4. Saliva plays the role of protecting tooth enamel. It contributes to the preservation acid-base balance. Well, since about 500,000 liters of saliva are formed in the oral cavity during a lifetime, our teeth are under reliable protection. By the way, with age, the amount of saliva secreted decreases, which leads to the vulnerability of the teeth in the elderly.

5. One more interesting fact associated with caries. This dental disease always existed, but became most widespread in the 19th century. This is due to the sharp reduction in the price of sugar, which has become much more often used in the diet of people. The historical fact I must once again remind you that eating a lot of sweets is harmful not only for the figure.

6. Perhaps the profession of a dentist is much older than we think. At least this is indicated by evidence found during excavations of dental prosthetics in ancient Egypt. The technology of prostheses resembles today's dental bridge, and they were made of precious metals. Also, the use of dentures took place in Europe even before the birth of the Roman Empire.

7. Braces were among the first to be used by British soldiers. It was a metal structure that was worn over the teeth, but not for the purpose of aligning them. Thus, the soldiers tried to protect their teeth from the blows of the enemy. Maybe it was worth giving the soldiers weapons so that they would not be beaten?

8. The first case of using a protective cap in sports dates back to 1913. Then the English boxer Gershon Mendeloff for the first time in history went to the fight with a rubber plate in his mouth, which became the prototype of today's caps. By the way, this way Teeth protection is used not only in martial arts. Caps are worn by players in American football, men's lacrosse, hockey. The latter, by the way, is the most dangerous sport for the teeth. According to statistics, 68% of professional hockey players have lost at least one tooth during their career.

Today, mouthguards are used not only to protect teeth. If you've never heard of aligners, you'll find out now. The aligner is a clear mouthguard made from polymer material and designed to align the occlusion. Aligners are currently the best alternative braces, technologically leaving the latter far behind.

If you are thinking about straightening your teeth, you should no longer be afraid of metal braces, whose vocation is to spoil any photo of their owner. The aligners are transparent and tightly fit the jaw, making them invisible when worn. And you don't have to prepare for a long and unpleasant period habituation, as in the case of braces, which cause great physiological discomfort. Once you put on the aligner, you will forget about it after a couple of hours. Additional convenience is provided by ease of use when putting on and taking off the mouthguard. It is not a constant burden to be carried around the clock. The aligner can be removed before eating or brushing your teeth.

Since the process of creating aligners is responsible and high-tech, it is very important that they are created by the best specialists. The experience of many of them confirmed that in comparison with the main suppliers to work with " star smile» the most reliable and simple. Aligners "Star Smile" are presented in clinics in more than 70 cities of Russia. On the company you can choose a suitable clinic where you will receive free consultation at the orthodontist. He will conclude whether the aligners can solve your problem.

Treatment begins with diagnostic imaging, photographs, and dental impressions. This data is sent to a 3D occlusion modeling lab. The computer calculates the treatment process and demonstrates the final result. You will immediately see what your smile will look like at the end of the treatment. After the 3D model is developed, a set of individual aligners is created. They will need to be changed every two weeks. After the specified period, which is determined at the modeling stage, you will receive a long-awaited beautiful smile.

According to legend, the Buddha had 40 teeth in its mouth. And the first man, Adam, had 30 teeth. From this number comes the number of days in a month.

As you know, in an ordinary person, teeth change twice during a lifetime: first, 20 milk teeth appear, and then 32 true teeth. By the way, the name "milk teeth" was given by Hippocrates, who was convinced that the very first teeth of a child are formed from milk.

Oddly enough, scientists have proven that cocoa powder, which is part of chocolate, contains substances that prevent the formation of caries.

The first electric toothbrush was patented in Switzerland after World War II. She worked on electricity. Although this idea seemed strange to many, the electric toothbrush quickly gained popularity. Now 12% of people worldwide use an electric toothbrush.

Thanks to modern technologies in dentistry, 46% of Russians are not at all afraid of dentists. However, the remaining 54% of citizens said that a visit to the dentist causes them some dislike.

by the most expensive tooth in the world was considered the tooth of Isaac Newton, sold in 1816 for $ 3,300. The aristocrat who bought it inserted this tooth into his ring.

A snail has about 25,000 teeth.

History remembers such a case when one courtesan revealed the secret of white teeth to Dumas son: “We must lie more, because teeth whiten miraculously from this”

The Maya natives painted their teeth with turquoise and jade, inserted expensive stones into their teeth. And the beloved women of the pirates of the Caribbean sported teeth made of diamonds.

People who brush their teeth three times a day are less likely to be overweight. This conclusion was reached by Japanese scientists. They reportedly studied the lifestyle of 14,000 people.

Most dangerous sport for teeth, it's hockey. 68 percent of professional hockey players have lost at least one tooth on the field.

Proved by medicine, the presence of strong teeth is directly reflected in the memory of a person.

99% of all calcium in the body is in the teeth.

Have you ever wondered how many times you can reinvent the toothbrush? Imagine, according to statistics, more than 3,000 toothbrush models have been patented since the 60s of the last century!

The most exotic toothbrush options:
- ionized brush, the action of which is based on the interaction of charges of opposite polarity
- brush with three heads, allowing you to clean the tooth from three sides at once;
- brush with automatically injected cleaning solution
-electric toothbrush with built-in timer.

In ancient Rome, the patricians hired special slaves to brush their teeth.

As it turned out, business leaders (67% are afraid), as well as housewives (72%) are most afraid of dentists. And military personnel experience the least fear of the dentist (72% are not afraid).

Sugar was first added to chewing gum EXACTLY by a dentist (William Semple in 1869). By the way, the electric chair was also invented by a dentist.

Teeth can be stored for a very long time, not succumbing to water, alkalis, and can withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees.

Not so long ago, dentures were a popular wedding gift in the British Isles. People expected that they would soon lose all their teeth and themselves accelerated the process of tooth extraction at a young age.

Under Vermont (USA) law, a woman cannot wear dentures without her husband's written permission.

In China, there is even a national holiday: “Love Your Teeth Day”, it takes place on September 20th.

In 1999, in the city of Phoenix (USA), an action "For a healthy smile" was held. 1,300 American schoolchildren, lined up in the shape of a toothbrush, simultaneously brushed their teeth for 3 minutes 3 seconds.

German scientists have found that eating two grapefruits a day significantly reduces the risk of diseases in the oral cavity.

In the Middle Ages, to strengthen loose teeth, dentists recommended tying a frog to the jaw.

Tooth enamel is the most hard tissue produced by the human body.

Toothpaste was invented by the Egyptians about 5,000 years ago and was a mixture of wine and pumice.

The first toothbrushes appeared in China ONLY about 500 years ago. The materials for them were pig bristles, horse and badger hair.

As statistics show, Russian men are much bolder than women. 60% of women are afraid to visit the dentist's office. Among men, this figure is only 45%.

Due to the hardness of diamond, most of these stones are used to make dental burs. And only about 20% of diamonds are processed by jewelers.

American dentists use about 13 tons of gold per year to make gold crowns.

Ancient Japanese dentists removed teeth with their bare hands.

The tooth is the only part of the human body that is incapable of self-healing. But in elephants, new teeth can grow up to 6 times.

In the Chinese city of Kulang, there are as many as 7 organizations for collecting used toothpicks. For every kilogram of toothpicks, such an organization pays $1.

Stores in the state of Rhode Island (USA) are prohibited by law from selling toothbrushes on Saturday.

If you are right handed then most the food you chew on right side jaw, and vice versa, if you are left-handed, then on the left.

By the way, the absolute strength of the masticatory muscles can reach a force of 390 kg. Of course, not every tooth can withstand such pressure, and therefore the usual chewing pressure is 9-15 kg (well, a maximum of 100 kg if you gnaw nuts).

If one of the identical twins is missing one or another tooth, as a rule, the same tooth is missing in the other twin.

Hard, skillful teeth are said to be a sign of an energetic, warlike person. Small teeth are associated with pettiness and greed, while large teeth are associated with kindness and openness of character.

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