"My room". Short texts in English for children and beginners

All rooms in my house are very nice but most of all I love my room. I use it both as a bedroom and a study. It is a perfect place for my studies and rest. It is cozy and light. Although my room is the smallest one, it has some advantages.

First of all, it is my own room and I am happy that I don't share it with anyone. My room is the most distant one in our apartment, so I always admire the peace and quietness here. Being alone in this room for some time, gives me a chance to clear my head and collect my thoughts.

The window of my room faces the kindergarten which I used to attend in my childhood. I enjoy looking out of my window in sunny weather and watching beautiful sunsets in the evenings. The walls in my room are green, so they give me the illusion of sitting somewhere outside, alone with nature. The color of curtains matches the wallpapers perfectly. Besides I have some green plants on the windowsill. There are photos of my family and friends and posters with my favorite music bands and sportsmen on the walls. I think they make my room special.

There isn't much furniture in my room but I have everything I need. The wooden floor is covered with thick beige rug in the middle of the room. There is a writing table with a computer, a printer and a lamp on it. I keep my notebooks, pens and pencils and other necessary things in its drawers. The room is also furnished with a built-in wardrobe to keep my clothes in and a bookcase for my textbooks, favorite books and CDs. My comfortable sofa-bed is just to the left of the window. I like sitting in it, drinking hot tea and reading some interesting book or listening to music. There is a beige lamp on the ceiling but I don't use it often. I prefer the lamp on the table and a floor-lamp near my bed.

The atmosphere of my room helps me relax and gives me a sense of comfort and stability after a hard day.


All the rooms in my house are good, but most of all I love my room. I use it both as a bedroom and as an office. This is a great place to study and relax. She is comfortable and bright. Although my room is the smallest, it has its advantages.

Firstly, this is my own room, and I do not share it with anyone. The room is the furthest in the apartment, so I always enjoy peace and quiet in it. Staying alone in a room for a while is an opportunity to clear your head and collect your thoughts.

The window of my room overlooks the kindergarten, which I went to as a child. I like to look out the window on sunny days and watch beautiful sunsets in the evenings. The walls of my room are green, so they give the illusion that I am sitting somewhere alone with nature. The color of the curtains goes well with the wallpaper. In addition, I have green plants on the windowsill. On the walls are photos of my family and friends and posters of my favorite bands and athletes. I think they make my room special.

There is not much furniture in the room, but I have everything I need. The wooden floor is covered with a thick beige carpet in the middle of the room. There is a desk with a computer, a printer and a lamp on it. I keep my notebooks, pens and pencils and other necessary supplies in his drawers. The room is also furnished with a built-in wardrobe for storing clothes and a bookcase for textbooks, favorite books and CDs. My comfortable sofa bed is to the left of the window. I like to sit in it, drink hot tea and read an interesting book or listen to music. There is a beige chandelier hanging from the ceiling, but I don't use it often. I prefer the lamp on the table and the floor lamp next to the bed.

The atmosphere in my room helps me relax and gives me a feeling of comfort and stability after a hard day.

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Good day everyone! As you know, one of the best ways to enrich your vocabulary is to describe everything that surrounds you or a story about what you see right now. Therefore, today you will learn a lot of new vocabulary to describe the interior, or rather, words related to the topic “House and adjacent plot”. In addition, you will learn how to ask for permission, follow polite orders and commands. The name of outbuildings and rooms in the house in English. Mount Vernon

The name of the rooms in the house is one of the first topics that is considered in language courses, because without knowing this vocabulary, you can talk about where you live and describe your home and buildings around it. During the lesson, you will learn a lot of English words, expressions, a table with translation and read a dialogue with examples of the names of rooms in a house or apartment. Today you will take a mental tour of all the rooms of your or any other house, and look into every corner of it: from the hallway to the spinning room.

Remember also a similar audio lesson - Describing your house

As always, you must first read a short fragment of the conversation, the background of which is as follows: Martin Lerner leads visitors to Mount Vernon, the museum-estate of the first US president, George Washington. The guide conducts a tour of the entire house and garden plot, and curious visitors are happy to look into all corners of the museum-estate:

Man:May we look at the gardens? — Can we see the gardens?
Martin:Yes, we may. - Yes we can
Woman:May we take pictures? - Can I take a picture?
guide:You may not take pictures in some places. - You can't take pictures in some places
Man: May we see upstairs? — Can we see the top (upper floors)?
guide: Oh, yes, in a few minutes. — Oh, yes, in a few minutes
Woman:May we smoke? — Can we smoke?
guide:no. Please don't smoke. It's dangerous. - Not. Please don't smoke. This is dangerous.

By rereading several times a fragment of the conversation between the guide and visitors to the George Washington estate, train your reading skills in English and the ability to perceive visual English text. Then, while listening to an audio recording of a lesson with vocabulary about the house and its surrounding buildings, work on your fluent American listening skills and English pronunciation skills: /wp-content/uploads/2014/11/russian_english_062.mp3

Name of buildings in English

Refresh the knowledge gained in previous lessons, as well as learn new phrases, verbs, adjectives, nouns and terms for the name of rooms and buildings in English with the help of a convenient translation table:

House, rooms and outbuildings
Be careful, don't stumble! Watch your step!
Be careful not to hit your head! Watch your head!
We can look at… May we look at the…
Can I take pictures? May we take pictures?
bedroom bedroom
carriage house coach house
canteen dining room
estate property
furniture furniture
hall, vestibule hall
refrigerator, glacier icehouse
kitchen kitchen
room room (in a house)
smokehouse smoke house
spinning mill spinning house
stable stable
barn store house
pantry storeroom
cabinet study
veranda veranda
bath, laundry wash house
acre acre
gift gift
Group group
guide guide
Earth land
road road
view view
visitor visitor
buried buried
crowded crowded
original, genuine original
private, personal private
public, general public
similar, similar similar
near, nearby nearby
belong to belong
donate to donate
entertain to entertain
smoke to smoke

Grammar help:

Modal verb " May" is used in cases where you need to ask permission for something. For example:

  • May I see you tomorrow? means: Is it possible (do you allow?) to meet with you tomorrow?

Another modal verb " can" means the ability or ability to do something. For example:

  • Can you pay for that? means: Can you (are you able) to pay for it?

However, most Americans use the verb " can».

Remember all the lessons of the conversational audio course - That's what they say in America

Be sure to complete the practical Homework (Homework):

  1. Name the rooms of your house and buildings in the local area.
  2. Learn Expressions May I???, May we??? with which you can ask for permission.

When learning English at school or in any other educational institution, you always start with the basics and gradually move towards more serious and complex concepts. One of the tasks for beginners is to describe the interior of their own room.

Writing essays on such a simple and uninteresting topic for many enriches vocabulary and teaches you to draw parallels and connections between words, to speak not only correctly, but also in the right sequence.

The learned words, for the most part, will be nouns and adjectives that people often use in everyday life. Studying and repeating them will help to better master the yet unfamiliar, but such an attractive foreign language. There are certain rules for describing the environment, thanks to which this can be done easily, quickly, and most importantly, correctly. Let's talk about them.

Interior Description Rules

The purpose of creating a description of a room is to form the reader's most complete idea of ​​it, primarily in the form of visual images.

In order not to miss some important features, without which the description is not complete, you must:

  • start the description by indicating the place of residence (village / city, name of the settlement, for example, Moscow, Saratov, Babushkino village);
  • tell what kind of house you are describing (private, multi-apartment);
  • characterize your personal housing as a whole (small / large, how many rooms).

After the introductory part of the description is completed, you need to describe each room separately, to do this, specify:

The description ends with one of the following phrases:

  • I love my room, it is very bright and cozy.
    I like my room, because it's bright and cozy.
  • I've always wanted to have a room like this.
    I've always wanted to have a room, like this.
  • My house is the most beautiful in the area.
    My house is the most beautiful thereabouts.
  • My room is always clean and tidy, I often receive guests here.
    My room is always cleaned and tidied, I receive guests here very often.

The phrase can be anything, the main thing is that it brightens up the general dryness of the text that is written above. A beautiful description should be creatively thought out. Simply listing what is in a room or house is not the best option. You need to try to convey in the description your personal attitude to each thing.

How to describe a room in English?

When describing a room, you will need prepositions of place, pronouns, nouns and verbs, almost the entire vocabulary. On the one hand, this is good, the vocabulary will expand, but on the other hand, you will have to learn a lot of new words and terms, remember how to build an English sentence correctly. The following tables and translations of commonly used words in the description will help make this process easier.


The description of the interior of a room is not complete in English without “prepositions of place”. For example, we need to say where the closet is. We say that it is located near the window, using the English preposition "near". "The wardrobe is near the window."

You can use other prepositions of place, most of them are presented in the table below:

above above, above
across across, across, on the other side
against on the contrary, around
among between, among
at at, near, in, about, on
before before
behind behind, behind
below under, below
in front of ahead, opposite
between between
beside beside, next to, beside, beside
by near, next to
in in, on
inside inside, in
near near, around
on on the
outside outside, outside
over over, over, on the other side
round around, around
under under, below

The main prepositions of place in English are "in, at, on":

  • The preposition "at" is used when indicating the position of an object at a particular point:"The table is at the window."
  • The preposition "on" is used when it is necessary to indicate the position of an object on a surface. For example: "There is a beautiful vase on the table - There is a beautiful vase on the table."
  • The preposition "in" is used to indicate a place in a vast space. Example: "My house is located in Sochi - My house is located in Sochi."

Similarly, with the rest of the prepositions used to describe the interior.

Required structures

To talk beautifully about your house, to describe it in English, you need to know the topic “My house\flat” and be able to correctly use the construction of words like “there is\are”. The latter literally translates as "there is or is there." With this design, you can simply describe both the whole house and individual rooms. It formally contains the subject "there" (there, here) and the verb "is/are" (is). In the sentence, the constructions "there are" or "there is" are often found. Both of them have the same meaning, but the first is used when talking about a variety of things, events, and the second, if we are talking about the singular. Example:

There is only 1 chair in our bedroom - There is one chair in our bedroom.

There are chairs and armchairs in my room.

To create a beautiful and competent description, you will need to use the maximum of the words in the tables below, as well as skillfully operate with the presented constructions:

in the center of in the center (the sofa is located in rooms, houses, apartments - The sofa is in the center of the room, house, table)
in the corner of in the corner (In the corner of the room there is an armchair - There is an armchair in the corner of the room)
to the right of to the left (To the left of the table is the bed - There is a bed to the right of the table)
to the left of on the right (To the right of the window is a shelf with toys - There is a shelf with the toys to the left of the window)

Describing where we live

When compiling a description of your own home, you need to determine its location, as already mentioned above. To do this, we use the words from the table. So, "Where do you live?" or "Where do you live?"

house house
street the outside
apartment flat
city city
village village
multi store multi-storey
one-story building/house one-story
apartment building apartment building
spacious spacious
big new
new big
cramped close
light/dark light dark
old old
comfortable comfortable, convenient
cozy cosy
cold/warm cold/warm
brick brick
concrete concrete
wooden wood

An essay using the presented words might look like this:

There can be many proposals similar to those already used.

The name of the rooms in the house

It is impossible to describe the interior of a house without knowing how the individual rooms are called in English. It is worth correcting this omission or repeating already familiar words.

They start listing the rooms in the house immediately after indicating where the names are located, how many floors it has, comfortable or not very described housing.

An example of how to make such a description:

  1. Our apartment has two rooms - a bedroom and a living room. There is also a kitchen, bathroom, hallway.
    Our apartment has two rooms - a bedroom and a living room. There is also a kitchen, a bathroom, a hallway.
  2. I live in a one-room apartment. It is very cozy and bright, consists of a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom.
    I live in a studio apartment. It is very cozy and bright, consists of a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom.
  3. My apartment is small, it does not have a dining room and a living room. My favorite place in the apartment is the cozy kitchen.
    My apartment is small, it has no dining room and living room . My favorite place in the apartment is a cozy kitchen .

There may be several examples of the use of room names in the text.

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Furniture items

To talk about the situation in the room, you need to know the names of individual pieces of furniture.

To describe the interior, words from the following table are useful:

sofa sofa
coffee table coffee table
bed bed
arm chair armchair
book case bookcase
night table nightstand by the bed
dresser dressing table
wardrobe wardrobe
dinner table dinner table
cupboards kitchen set
chairs chairs
sink sink
toilet toilet


  1. My room has a dressing table, sofa and 2 armchairs. There are no chairs, but you can always bring them from the kitchen.
    There is a dressing table, a sofa and also two armchairs in my room. There are no chairs, but they can always be brought from the kitchen.
  2. In my kitchen there is a beautiful kitchen set, a dining table and four chairs. I wash dishes in the sink and put them in a special cabinet.
    There is a beautiful kitchen set, dining table and four chairs in my kitchen. I wash the dishes in the sink and put them in a special locker.

No modern house or apartment can do without household appliances. When creating a text describing housing, knowledge of English terms denoting a particular device is required.

domestic appliances Appliances
TV set television
computer a computer
refrigerator fridge
microwave oven microwave
stove/cooker plate
dishwasher dish washing machine
washing machine washing machine
vacuum cleaner a vacuum cleaner
laptop notebook
toaster toaster
conditioner air conditioner
iron iron

An example of the correct use of the presented terms in the description of the room:

Decor items

A description of the environment will not be complete without indicating what kind of decor items are present in the room, house. It can be paintings, vases, figurines, souvenirs. Each piece of decor corresponds to an English word.

picture painting
curtain curtain
clock watch
carpet carpet
wall clock wall clock
mirror mirror
vase vase
photos Photo
shelf shelves

You can’t do without an example of the use of the presented words:

  1. There is a beautiful painting on the wall. The kitchen has several shelves with indoor plants.
    There is a beautiful picture on the wall. There are some shelfs with plants In the kitchen.
  2. There is a beautiful vase of flowers on my shelf. There is a big clock on the wall.
    There is a beautiful vase with flower on my shelf. There is a large clock on the wall.

You can use other, more complex constructions in the description. It all depends on the level of English proficiency.

An example of a primary school girls' room description

Describing a room is easier if you do it according to the following points:

I like soft toys and pink color. I love soft toys and pink color.
So I have a lot of soft toys in my room and pink wallpaper on the walls. Therefore, I have a lot of soft toys in my room and pink wallpaper on the walls.
My mother says that my room resembles Fairy castle. Mom says my room is like a fairy castle.
I'm a good student, because I spend a lot of time at my desk, doing my homework. I am a good student, so I spend a lot of time at my desk doing my homework.
There are pot flowers on the windowsill, I look after them. There are indoor flowers on the window sills, I take care of them.
The large bed occupies half of the room. The large bed takes up half the room.
Here I have a rest and play with my toys. Here I relax and play with toys.

It is better not to change the sentences in places, but you can add your own options to the description based on the interests of the one who writes the essay.

An example of a room description for elementary school boys

There will hardly be many soft toys, flowers and pink wallpapers in the boys' room, which is why the interior is described in other words.

Kitchen description example

The kitchen in my apartment is small. In other words only a refrigerator, a stove and a small dining table can be found in this room. All small domestic appliances are spread out on hinged lockers. The floor is covered with a thick carpet. Wallpaper are light, and it can be well cleaned of dust. The window offers a beautiful view of the Park. On the wall above the refrigerator is a small TV. Next to it is a microwave oven. My kitchen is cramped, but very cozy.

The kitchen in my apartment is small. In other words, only a refrigerator, a stove and a small dining table fit. All small appliances are laid out in hanging lockers. The floor is covered with thick carpet. The wallpaper is light, well cleaned of dust. The window offers a beautiful view of the park. There is a small TV on the wall above the refrigerator. Next to it is a microwave oven. My kitchen is cramped, but very cozy.

Living room description example

The living room in our apartment is spacious and bright. We often receive guests here. There are four armchairs and some chairs and also a round table in the center of the room. The sofa is at the wall. There are dark green curtains on the windows. Wallpaper is dark green with floral patterns. There is a large carpet on the floor. On the left of the sofa is a large bookcase. On the opposite side of it is a TV. Our family loves to read and watch educational programs.

The living room in our apartment is spacious and bright. We often receive guests here. In the center of the room there is a round table, four armchairs, several chairs. There is a sofa against the wall. There are green polka-dot curtains on the windows. The wallpaper is dark green with an ornament of flowers. There is a large carpet on the floor. To the left of the sofa is a large bookcase. On the opposite side of it is a TV. Our family loves to read and watch educational programs.

Bathroom description example

Clean is the guarantee of health. We often take a bath or shower. Our bathroom is separate and large. The walls are covered with white tiles. The bathroom is made of acrylic. It is modern and spacious. There is a large mirror on the wall to the left of the bath. We keep hygiene items on special shelves. There are several towels and bathrobes for each family member and guests in a separate locker. There is a rubber mat on the floor.

Cleanliness is the key to health. We often take a bath or shower. Our bathroom is separate and large. The walls are lined with white tiles. The bathroom is made of acrylic. It is modern and spacious. There is a large mirror on the wall to the left of the bathtub. On special shelves we store hygiene items. In a separate locker there are several towels and bathrobes for each family member and for guests. There is a rubber mat on the floor.

Story my private room

I live in a small one-story house. So my room is small too. Here are only the necessary and favorite things. If it's not necessary, I throw it out or take it to the summer cottage. The room has two windows, one of them overlooks the river. Reflecting from the surface of the water, the rays of the sun illuminate my bed. My bed occupies most of the room and is made of real wood. There is a computer desk and a chair on the right side of the bed. There is a wardrobe and shelves for books on the left side of the bed. There is a TV-stand on the opposite side. There is a dark red wallpaper on the walls. There is a beautiful pink carpet on the floor. I have a lot of indoor plants on the window. I like to sleep long, because I have dark and very thick curtains on the windows. There is a house for a cat near my bed. In the fall he climbs up to me on the bed and warms me. Photos of my favorite animals adorn the walls of my room.

I live in a small one-story house. So my room is also small. Here are only the things you need and love. I throw out everything unnecessary or take it to the country. The room has two windows, one of which overlooks the river. Reflecting from the surface of the water, the sun's rays illuminate my bed. My bed takes up most of the room, made of real wood. To the right of the bed is a computer desk and chair. On the left side there is a wardrobe and shelves for books. On the opposite side is a TV cabinet. Dark red wallpaper on the walls, pink carpet on the floor. There are many indoor plants on the windowsills. I like to sleep long because the curtains on the windows are dark and very thick. Next to the bed is a cat house. In autumn, he climbs into my bed and warms me. Pictures of my favorite animals adorn the walls of my room.


Writing a description of a room, house or apartment in English is interesting and useful for the development of speech. In order for the text to be read well and not to cut the ear when translating, you need to use simple sentences and prepositions of place. The number of words in the description depends on the level of the language learner.

Beginners can easily compose 5-7 coherent sentences, while a student with an average level of knowledge will have enough vocabulary for 12-15 sentences. The text should be interesting, literary. Do not contain colloquial and untranslatable expressions.

Before compiling it, you need to study the correct arrangement of individual parts of speech in English, learn frequently used words. The tables above will help you with this. Do not worry if the first time you get a small description. Constant replenishment of vocabulary will solve this problem.

One of the first topics in learning English is the name of the rooms in the house in English. Without knowing these words, it is impossible to describe the place where you live.

We bring to your attention English words with transcription, as well as with examples, naming almost all existing rooms in the house.

house, dwelling;

apartment house - apartment building; country house - house in the village; town house - city house; city ​​apartment; detached house - detached house; dilapidated / ramshackle house - dilapidated house; prefabricated house - a house made of prefabricated blocks;

attic, attic, mezzanine;

E.g. Joke: "attic", head

to have rats in the attic - have cockroaches in my head

Balcony [‘b?lk?n?]

E.g. There is the balcony in our flat.



E.g. What color are the walls in your bathroom?

There are two bathrooms in their house.

Bedroom [‘bedru?m]

E.g. How many bedrooms are there in your house?

single bedroom - a room with one bed

double bedroom - a room with two beds

Box room

pantry, closet

E.g. Boxroom is a room where boxes and the other unnecessary things are kept.

Cellar [‘sel?]

basement; cellar; basement

E.g. My grandfather keeps wine in the cellar.

Cloakroom [‘kl?ukrum] dressing room, locker room

E.g. Cloakroom is a room where coats and other belongings may be left.

Conservatory greenhouse, greenhouse, winter garden

E.g. Conservatory is a room in the house where a lot of flowers and plants.

Dining-room [‘da?n??rum]

E.g. Is there a large table in your dining room?

Downstairs ['down'st??z]

bottom, bottom floor of a building, lower part of a building

E.g. The toilet is downstairs near the bathroom.


E.g. I can't open the front door of my flat as I have no keys.

games room


E.g. Games room is a room in large houses where games are played.

Guestroom [‘gestrum]

guest bedroom

E.g. Rich people have special guestrooms for their friends.

Hall hall(s), hall, dining room (large room for social receptions or events)

E.g. I left my bag in the hall.


field kitchen - field kitchen; kitchen unit - food processor

E.g. There is a little kitchen in the place where I live.

Larder [‘l??d?] / pantry [‘p?ntr?] pantry (for edibles), buffet room

E.g. Larder is a room or large cupboard for storing food.

Library ['la?br(?)r?]


E.g. Library is a room where books are kept.

Living room [‘l?v??rum] / sitting room [‘s?t??rum] / lounge

living room, common room

E.g. Living-room is a room in a house for general and informal everyday use.

Study/Study room [‘st?d? rum]


E.g. I would like to have my own study room.

Toilet [‘t??l?t]

toilet, restroom

E.g. Have you got a toilet in your country house?

Upstairs [?p'st??z]

up (stairs), upstairs, on the top floor

E.g. There are three bedrooms upstairs. What rooms are there upstairs?

utility room

utility room, utility room

E.g. Utility room is a room where appliances such as washing machines are used.

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I currently live near Montreal, Canada. My time zone: UTC -5 (from Ukraine, for example, the difference at the hour is 7 years, so for you it is 19:00, for me it is 12:00 in the afternoon). I can spend classes after 09:00 on weekdays (after the month) via Skype (Skype) or, for residents of Montreal, in your own territory (I live in 15 cities in the Côte-des-Neiges plaza).

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Varity of one occupation for one individual - $30 for 90 quills. Activity for two people costs $40 for 90 minutes (for both people). You can find out in detail about the art of borrowing from the English movie with me.

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