Hormonal failure after childbirth: symptoms, signs and their elimination. Hormonal changes after childbirth

So you have already got used to the role of mother, so it's time to remember mom that she is still a woman. Full recovery of the hormonal background after childbirth occurs after the mother stops breastfeeding her baby. After all, the quality and quantity of milk, as well as the intensity of the production of some other hormones, depends on prolactin, which is responsible for lactation.

When breastfeeding ends, prolactin levels decrease, which means that a signal enters the brain that allows other biologically active substances to be produced. The body begins to increase the level of estrogen and progesterone, which regulate the menstrual cycle. The female body is usually rebuilt in accordance with certain tasks that become relevant at the moment, for example, after childbirth and lactation, it is in a hurry to restore reproductive function.

Prolactin rises gradually during pregnancy. And by the birth of a baby, i.e. when it becomes necessary to feed the baby with milk, the hormone becomes quite enough to start breastfeeding immediately after delivery. And by the end of breastfeeding, when the number of feedings is gradually reduced, then the level of prolactin decreases as smoothly as it increases during pregnancy.

Therefore, in order for the process of breastfeeding to be as painless as possible for the mother’s body, it is necessary to introduce the baby’s complementary foods on time, which will gradually reduce the number of feedings.

Hormonal background after childbirth

The complete restoration of the hormonal background, as a rule, depends on several factors, and the production of hormones in the required ratio is a rather delicate mechanism. And it is connected, first of all, with the daily routine, as well as with the diet, and even the emotional state, various infectious diseases. Completion of lactation is a rather difficult period for any woman. You don't need to drastically change your lifestyle. It is better to let the body adapt to the next changes. Even after the end of breastfeeding, a special regimen must be observed, i.e. be outdoors, relax more. And, of course, do not forget about good nutrition. It is not uncommon for hormonal imbalances to occur due to the fact that mommy lacks certain elements, such as iodine, protein or iron. Hormones should have been produced for a long time, but the body lacks building materials to normalize the hormonal background. Often, in order to normalize the level of hormones, it is quite enough to simply adjust your diet, as well as follow the correct daily routine.

Almost all mothers in our large country experience a certain iodine deficiency. Therefore, during pregnancy, all expectant mothers need to take special iodine-containing preparations. But the lack of iodine in a pregnant woman increases the level of thyroid hormones, for example, TSH, which may be the cause of the development of heart defects in the unborn baby.

Remember, it is desirable to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy with hormonal drugs 3 years after childbirth, and even better six months after the establishment of a regular menstrual cycle.

The uniqueness of a woman is in her ability to continue the human race, to recreate the living, in the physical sense to create a new life. The ability of the female body to bear children, that is, the reproductive function, as well as the quality of life of a woman, largely depends on the balance of hormones.

The hormonal background determines the appearance of a woman - the structure of the body, its weight, hair color, height of a woman. Some hormones determine the physical state of the female body, the well-being of a woman, including emotions. The presence of all the required hormones in the proper proportions and make up a healthy hormonal background. The most important female hormones are testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, and prolactin.

An imbalance of hormones causes hormonal failure. Hormone deficiency in adolescence even leads to the absence of menstruation in girls, to the underdevelopment of sexual characteristics. In women, hormonal imbalance leads to a violation of its reproductive function, to a change in the menstrual cycle. If, in conditions of disturbed hormonal balance, a woman still managed to achieve pregnancy, then her outcome, most often, is a miscarriage.

Hormonal changes

When pregnancy occurs, a woman's hormonal background changes. An indicator of the pregnancy itself and the correctness of its development is the hormone hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is immediately released by the chorion (part of the placenta) as soon as a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. The hCG hormone consists of two of its particles - alpha and beta. It is the unique structure of the beta particle (b-hCG) that will certainly provide its elevated level in the presence of pregnancy.

Any change in the hormonal background affects the work of all organs of the female body. When pregnancy occurs, its change consists not only in the production of a new hormone - hCG. The levels of progesterone and estrogen also rise. In the postpartum period, new hormones begin to be produced, for example, those responsible for the presence of breast milk. Lack of the necessary hormones leads to hormonal failure.

postpartum syndrome

Sometimes a woman thinks so after the birth of a child. “I’m tired, I’m depressed”, “I eat everything (or have no appetite)”, “I’m irritable, I can’t sleep”, “I change my mood more often than diapers (pampers)”, “I get tired quickly, I have no more strength ... ”- you can often hear from young mothers in the first year after childbirth. And this is not surprising - their activity and employment during this period are very high.

In addition, the body of a pregnant woman, bearing a fetus, gives him a lot for the successful growth and development of the baby. Every mother must have noticed changes in the structure of her hair, teeth, sometimes skin, and many other changes in her body after the birth of a child. During pregnancy, the hair of the mother and child is strengthened by the intensive production of large amounts of estrogen. But in the postpartum period, its production in the body of a young mother drops sharply, which leads to hair loss and breakage. This is one of the examples of postpartum hormonal failure. As a rule, after a couple of months, the hormonal balance is restored, and all signs of disorders disappear.

However, if, with normal nutrition and proper rest, a young mother, no matter how difficult it is for her to adhere to this for the first six months of a baby’s life, she still observes disturbances in her body, it means that hormonal failure after childbirth has acquired a stable form, which requires immediate medical assistance.

Diagnosis and symptoms of hormonal failure

Note! Symptoms of a hormonal failure can be blood pressure surges, frequent headaches, blurred vision, swelling or insomnia, severe weight loss or a continuous increase in body weight. A prolonged (more than 7 days) and painful menstrual cycle with abundant discharge (ovarian dysfunction) after stopping breastfeeding, a decrease in hormonal craving also indicates a hormonal failure.

An external manifestation of disorders after childbirth can be changes in the skin of a woman - strip-like atrophy of the skin, that is, the appearance of so-called stretch marks (stretch marks). The reason for their appearance is not only mechanical damage to the skin during childbirth or as a result of an increase in body weight. The formation of striae leads to increased activity of glucocorticoids - hormones of the adrenal glands, as well as the use of hormones (contraceptives) or the onset of menopause.

Note! The external manifestations of hormonal failure include excessive hair growth on the body of a woman, due to an increased level of the male hormone - testosterone. In addition, itching of the skin may be observed, which should especially alert a woman to timely exclude the likelihood of diabetes.

Note! The causes of hormonal failure can be heredity, increased or decreased production of hormones (most often an increase in estrogen levels), infectious diseases, reduced immunity, stress, chronic fatigue syndromes, unfavorable environmental conditions, too late or too early sexual life.

In turn, hormonal failure after childbirth can subsequently lead to many diseases in women, including disorders of the reproductive system, the impossibility of the next pregnancy or the inability to maintain it.

In what state the hormonal background after childbirth can be found out by the results of a special blood test and hormone analysis, which will be a characteristic of the state of all organs and systems of the body, as well as the general well-being of a woman. Based on the results of such an analysis, gynecologists and endocrinologists prescribe the necessary drug therapy in order to maximally prevent the harm caused to the body by hormonal failure. Self-medication with hormones is unacceptable. But dieting (in some cases, and always on the advice of a doctor), as well as a healthy lifestyle, will only speed up the recovery of a young mother, who needs her child so much.

Pregnancy affects both the appearance of a woman and the mental health of a young mother. After the birth of the baby, fat “reserves” begin to be deposited despite breastfeeding, or, conversely, the weight is rapidly decreasing. The mood changes in a matter of minutes from elated to depressive. And the hair on the head becomes rare and dull. Such troubles are associated with a pathologically prolonged restructuring of the female body, called postpartum hormonal failure.

Why do hormones fail after childbirth?

With the birth of a baby, the female body begins to return to the state in which it was before pregnancy. The process even normally takes quite a long time. And with a combination of adverse factors, it can be delayed.

After childbirth, depression and weight gain are not uncommon.

In this case, hormonal failure begins, the causes of which are:

  • difficult pregnancy;
  • childbirth with complications, including large blood loss;
  • interruptions in the establishment of breastfeeding;
  • nervous tension;
  • rare hours of sleep and rest;
  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • malnutrition, too strict diet;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • infections and immunosuppression.

In addition, a violation of the hormonal background after childbirth is often associated with a caesarean section.

Can hormonal imbalance go away on its own?

Since pregnancy and childbirth is a natural process, the nature of the female body has resources for recovery after the baby is born. A young mother will have to wait at least 4-6 months for the hair on her head to stop falling out. And weight, depending on individual characteristics, normalizes only after 1-2 years with a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Recovery of hormones after childbirth is a rather lengthy process.

The state of mind also stabilizes only by the age of seven months of the baby's life. The main thing is that in the everyday life of the mother there should be a minimum of negative emotions and physical exertion.

An important role in restoring the hormonal background is played by the method of feeding the child. If the lactation period ends within a month or two after childbirth, then the hormones will return to normal faster.

Scientists have found that hormonal imbalance finally disappears two months after breastfeeding is curtailed.

If after the expiration of the prescribed period of health problems have not disappeared, you should immediately consult a doctor. The same can be done earlier, especially if the condition worsens noticeably every day.

How to understand that a hormonal failure has occurred

With the birth of a child, a woman's life begins to revolve around a new family member, and there is very little time and energy left to monitor her own health.

Imbalance of hormones after childbirth causes bad mood

However, in no case should you ignore poor health, because against the background of hormonal changes, a “start” of diseases of the internal organs (endocrine, genital) can occur.

Symptoms of a protracted disorder of the hormone system in a young mother include:

  • dizziness and migraine;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • sleep problems, frequent insomnia (associated with a decrease in the amount of progesterone);
  • frequent overwork with unexpected mood swings (caused by a decrease in estrogen levels).

Outwardly, postpartum hormonal imbalance is manifested by such signs:

  • weight gain with normal nutrition or rapid weight loss - when the thyroid gland is disturbed;
  • increased hair loss on the head;
  • increased hairiness on the body;
  • increased sweating;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • violation of lactation (decrease in the amount of milk secretion or sudden hot flashes) - in this case, the level of prolactin is unstable;
  • soreness during menstruation against the background of abundant and prolonged (more than a week) discharge;
  • uncomfortable, painful sensations in the process of intercourse.

When at least two of these signs coincide, a young mother should immediately make an appointment with an endocrinologist and a women's doctor.

Overweight or underweight after childbirth

Weight gain after the birth of a baby is not always noticeable. Especially if the extra pounds and swelling appeared during pregnancy. However, it also happens that with childbirth, body volumes not only do not go away, but also begin to increase despite a strict diet. Especially considering breastfeeding.

After childbirth, weight can either increase sharply or rapidly decrease.

If a woman sets out to bring her body back to normal and begins to exercise, then with a normal level of hormones, extra pounds gradually disappear.

Otherwise, the situation is with hormonal failure. Neither fitness nor diets give results, and the weight continues to increase.

I had it. I went to a gynecologist-endocrinologist, they prescribed tests to pass. Passed, the doctor prescribed hormones + the English diet (only alternate days not every other day, but two, i.e. 2 protein, 2 vegetables and every 10 days only 1.5 - 2 liters of kefir per day, etc.) + multivitamins. I lost 12 kg in 3 months, then I added training with Cindy and I was slim, and I didn’t want any junk food after 3-4 weeks. And then 2 pregnancy, stress and still the same problem


This happens with the spasmodic production of several groups of hormones:

  • genital - estrogen and progesterone;
  • thyroid gland - thyroxine and triiodothyronine;
  • pituitary - somatotropin.

With excess weight after childbirth, the level of these substances in the female body increases.

In rare cases, there is an increased secretion of endocrine hormones, and then we are talking about hypothyroidism. With such dysfunction, a young mother is tormented by a rapid heartbeat, a constant feeling of fatigue, forgetfulness, and muscle pain.

The opposite situation also happens - a young mother becomes slimmer every week of her baby's life. To the point of painful thinness. Often women associate weight loss with stress after childbirth and breastfeeding. Especially when following an anti-colic or anti-allergic diet. But even with normal nutrition, the phenomenon of a sharp weight loss in a recently given birth patient is known firsthand in medical circles.

Hormonal failure in this case is associated with a violation of the production of thyroid hormones upward. Doctors call this phenomenon hyperthyroidism, which also includes sweating, irritability, and even nausea with vomiting.

Self-improvement of health in these situations is not possible. A woman should consult a doctor for medical treatment.

Video: how to lose weight for a young mother

Bad thoughts and guilt after childbirth

The birth of a child brings joy and new, vivid emotions. Dad glows with happiness, grandmothers vying with each other want to babysit the baby. Meanwhile, the mother suffers from feelings of guilt and fears for the baby. This happens quite often among modern women.

Postpartum depression is common

In the current situation, a young mother should remember that such a condition is natural and will soon pass. The main thing is not to focus on negative emotions.

An important role in restoring the emotional balance of the parent will be played by the support of her husband and relatives, help with the housework and caring for the baby.

However, if after 6-8 weeks after returning from the hospital, the depressive state does not end, you need to contact a specialist. After all, the cause of a bad mood can be a hormonal failure. The cause of the imbalance is a decrease in the level of the hormone serotonin and a decrease in the production of vitamin D.

Video: postpartum depression: myth or reality

Painful menstruation after childbirth

When a woman breastfeeds a newborn, the hormone prolactin is produced in her body. This substance blocks the processes of ovulation, and the menstrual cycle is suspended. As soon as the volume of lactation decreases or breastfeeding stops altogether, menstruation returns to the life of a young mother. However, for many ladies, the cycle is restored, a few weeks after giving birth, regardless of the number of attachments to the baby's breast.

The return of the menstrual cycle after childbirth can be painful

It often happens that there are no full-fledged discharges right away. And the condition itself is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and increased sensitivity of the nipples. Especially if a caesarean section was performed, after which adhesions appeared in the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes.

In addition, the nature of menstruation is in the form of blood clots and profuse blood loss.

Sore periods during lactation are associated with the production of the hormone oxytocin, which causes additional contractions of an already irritated uterus.

If breastfeeding is completed, and menstruation is still uncomfortable, you should think about a possible hormonal failure. Indeed, in this case, there may be a pathologically high level of oxytocin, despite the absence of breastfeeding.

Normally, unpleasant symptoms disappear within one to two months from the moment the cycle is restored. Otherwise, we are talking about serious diseases (inflammation, fibroids, bending of the uterus) or a new pregnancy.

A visit to the doctor should be carried out as soon as possible, since it is impossible to independently determine the cause of the ailment.

Video: painful periods, menstrual pain

Severe hair loss after childbirth

Due to the hormonal restructuring of the female body, the work of the endocrine glands is disrupted. Including those responsible for the density of the hair. The growth of new hair slows down, while existing ones begin to fall out intensively.

Increased hair loss after childbirth awaits many new mothers

The naturalness of this phenomenon is due to the fact that during pregnancy the hair does not fall out at all. Because the body is an increase in the amount of growth hormone - estrogen. And with the birth of a child, the excess part of the hair is removed from the head, because the production of the corresponding substance is suppressed by progesterone.

The maximum period of increased hair loss is normally 4-6 months from the moment the baby is born. If the hair continues to thin out, it means that the level of estrogen in the body of a young mother has not come into balance.

In this case, it is necessary to prescribe medication.

Video: hair loss after childbirth

Diagnosis of hormonal failure after childbirth

In order to understand the reason for the deterioration of health after childbirth, a woman should visit a medical facility.

Only a doctor can identify the cause of a health disorder after childbirth

First you need to come to the gynecologist and explain the cause of concern. After that, the doctor will refer the patient to narrow specialists. If you suspect a hormonal failure, this will be the endocrinologist.

  • TSH analysis - determines the correct functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • study of LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) - reveal the general level of hormonal levels;
  • study of the level of estradiol and prolactin - prescribed for an irregular menstrual cycle;
  • examination for estrogens, cortisol and progesterone - handed over with excess or insufficient weight;
  • analysis for chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - when there is a delay in menstruation.

Before sending a woman for examination, the gynecologist examines the patient, specifies the day of the cycle and the date of ovulation.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance after childbirth

After passing a comprehensive examination, the young mother is waiting for the appointment of a course of hormonal and restorative therapy.

Hormonal imbalance is eliminated by taking appropriate hormones

The selection of drugs is strictly individual, and after the course of treatment, all tests are repeated to confirm the effectiveness of therapy.

I’ll tell you what the gynecologist-endocrinologist told me during my first visit to her .. ’ and what do you think dear, with a height of 160 you weigh 73kg, lose weight urgently! and put me on a diet, and I was so outraged by her words that in 6 months I lost 15 kg and stopped eating buckets, now I have the same problem again after giving birth, again the same rake))

Sea of ​​Happiness


Among the most commonly prescribed medications are:

  • Esstrinol - a natural preparation based on green tea, which helps to cope with excess weight;
  • preparations based on biozinc - a dietary supplement, the action of which is aimed at eliminating weight deficiency;
  • cellulose - provides weight loss;
  • herbal anti-lipid teas - lower blood pressure and normalize fluid levels in the body;
  • preparations from biocalcium - contribute to increased lactation, and also improve the condition of the skin, teeth and nails;
  • Cyclodinone - normalizes the menstrual cycle, suppressing the production of prolactin and somatotropin;
  • Cordyceps - strengthens the nervous system and increases the protective functions of the body.

Additionally, multivitamin complexes and Omega-3 can be prescribed to maintain the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

In addition, the doctor will recommend the young mother to give up bad habits and establish proper nutrition. An important role in restoring hormone levels is played by proper rest and healthy sleep, as well as walking in the fresh air.

To speed up rehabilitation, it would be useful to take a course of psychotherapy or at least a one-time visit to a psychologist.

Photo gallery: medicines against hormonal failure

The natural preparation Cordyceps will strengthen the immune system Cellulose fibers will relieve excess weight Cyclodinone will help restore menstruation

Traditional medicine for hormonal failure in young mothers

In addition to traditional medicine, a woman after childbirth can turn to folk wisdom. Since ancient times, young mothers have been treating shaky health with herbs and a properly selected diet.

Herbal decoctions have long been used to restore hormonal levels after childbirth.

So, decoctions from the following plants have medicinal properties:

  • sage - increases the amount of estrogen in the body due to phytoestrogens in its composition (drink three times a day, 100 ml before meals from 6 to 15 days of the cycle);
  • Potentilla - helps to increase the production of progesterone (use 100 ml before each meal from the 16th to the 25th day of the cycle);
  • nettle leaves - stimulate the formation of prolactin (take 20 ml before each meal);
  • oregano - increases the production of prolactin and normalizes lactation (drink 50 ml twice a day before meals);
  • fenugreek - helps to increase the level of mammotropin (taken in a course of 5-6 weeks, 20 ml three times a day before meals);
  • hops - improves the level of estrogen in the blood (infuse in a thermos for at least eight hours and drink 150 ml three times a day).

Equally important is the food that a woman who has recently given birth consumes with a disturbed hormonal background. To restore balance, eat more bananas and chocolate (boosting endorphins and improve mood), sea fish and olive oil (boost metabolism and strengthen the body with omega-3 fatty acids), and also pay attention to eggs, cheese and poultry meat.

The author of these lines after childbirth experienced a weight loss to a state of painful thinness. But due to the strong employment in the process of caring for the baby, there was no time to visit the doctor. As a result, the body acquired healthy forms only after a year and a half. By this time, the menstrual cycle was restored and the state of mind stabilized. There were no sharp mood swings, and the hair on the head returned volume and shine. No medication was used, so the recovery process took such a long time.

Hormonal failure after childbirth is a frequent and often overlooked phenomenon. It is fraught with disturbances in the work of internal organs and even threatens with interruptions in lactation. Therefore, it is important to take timely measures and restore the balance of hormones in the body of a nursing mother, so that the cultivation of the baby takes place in a positive way and brings joy.

After childbirth, a woman often fails in the hormonal system of the body. Physiological systems during childbearing work with a vengeance to provide the fetus with everything necessary for development. After the birth of the baby, the hormonal background should be restored. If this does not happen, then individual work is required with the young mother to maintain her health.

Hormonal changes after childbirth

As a rule, the postpartum period in a woman lasts about 6 weeks after the baby is born. During this period of time, all body systems gradually return to normal, and the hormonal background is getting better:

  • Restoration of muscle tone of the uterus. During lactation, oxytocin is released in large quantities, which contributes to the active contraction of muscle fibers. Women during this period experience cramping sensations. After a short period of time, the pain subsides, and the tone of the uterus returns to normal.
  • The integrity of the mucous membrane of the vagina acquires, swelling disappears. Due to the lack of estrogen, young mothers may experience dryness in the genitals, which over time is replaced by a humid environment.
  • The ovaries stop working at an accelerated pace and produce an increased concentration of progesterone, which protected the fetus from miscarriage. Due to the maturation of new follicles, the load on the ovaries is noticeably reduced.
  • The concentration of prolactin returns to normal. Prolactin did not allow an increased content of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone in the body. This process abolished ovulation and menstruation, but did not prevent pregnancy. This is due to the fact that in the new maturing follicles, the release of the egg and its fertilization is possible. After the onset of pregnancy and childbirth, prolactin ceases to be released in such large quantities.
  • Blood clotting also returns to normal. Cardio - vascular and respiratory system is fully restored.

In addition, a woman who has given birth has a decrease in body weight and blood volume. After stopping breastfeeding, menstruation begins after 6 to 8 weeks. It is this moment that doctors fix as the completion of the restoration of the hormonal background in the woman who has given birth.

Reference! In a nursing woman, menstruation may be absent during the entire lactation process. Doctors also attribute this fact to the normal functioning of the body of the woman in labor, and it is quite the place to be.

Why does hormonal failure occur after childbirth?

There are several reasons for the violation of the hormonal background in the body of the mother who has given birth:

  • difficult childbirth and pathological changes during the birth process;
  • loss of a large volume of blood during vaginal delivery or caesarean section;
  • regular stress during pregnancy, emotional overload, psychological discomfort and apathy;
  • transferred infectious diseases during gestation;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system of the body;
  • unbalanced nutrition of a woman in position, insufficient consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits by her, dieting without consulting a specialist;
  • lack of time for sleep and rest, violation of the night regime and the period of wakefulness;
  • the use by a woman during pregnancy of alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • taking medications without a doctor's recommendation;
  • poor ecological situation in the woman's place of residence.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance after childbirth

With a hormonal failure, a woman's physical, mental and emotional state changes. A young mother on her own can detect signs of a violation in herself, paying attention to the following symptoms:

  • Frequent mood swings, most of which are depressed. There is emotional instability and psychological breakdowns.
  • The nervous system is depleted, the desire to cry regularly appears. The woman becomes irritable and even has an aggressive state.
  • Feelings of guilt and thoughts of failure in the role of mother become heightened. There is suspicion and suspicion.
  • The mood worsens, becomes depressed. It is difficult to restore it with medicines or delicious food.
  • Against this background, breast milk disappears, an additional feeling of guilt and failure of maternal qualities arise.
  • Hair starts to fall out.
  • A huge difference in weight compared to what it was before childbirth: either excess or lack.
  • Painful menses with copious discharge.
  • Various rashes appear on the skin. The body is covered with uncharacteristic pigmentation.
  • Decreased libido. A woman has no desire to have sexual intercourse, and during intercourse she feels pain in the uterus.

Attention! Against the background of these symptoms, postpartum depression can last from one to two months. With a longer period, the ratio of estrogen and progesterone is sharply disturbed, which leads to a failure in the entire body of a woman.

How to restore hormonal levels after childbirth?

In order to diagnose the cause of a hormonal failure and determine the hormone that needs to be brought back to normal, you need to take urine and blood tests for hormones. After an accurate diagnosis, a physician or gynecologist may advise the woman to take medications such as biocalcium, cellulose, cordyceps, biozinc, esstrinol, cyclodinone, or anti-lipid tea.

A woman should observe the correct daily regimen and eat food that maximally saturates her body with a variety of vitamins and microelements. In order for the quality of milk not to deteriorate, high-calorie and fatty foods should be avoided. The mother's body is subject to high-quality restoration through proper sleep and rest during the daytime.

The effectiveness of drug therapy is enhanced with the simultaneous use of certain treatments from traditional medicine:

  • To normalize the production of estrogen, you need to brew a tincture of sage. A tablespoon of dry raw materials is taken in a glass of boiling water, infused for about 30 minutes and taken 3 times a day before each meal. The tincture should be consumed from the 6th to the 15th day of the menstrual cycle.
  • To increase the production of progesterone during the 16th - 25th day of the cycle, drink tincture of goose cinquefoil. The preparation and reception of this remedy is similar to the sage drug.
  • For intensive production of female sex hormones, grind 2 tablespoons of oregano herbs and pour this mixture with a glass of boiling water. You need to use 2 times a day, 150 mg, immediately before meals.
  • Fragrant hops can be called a good phytoestrogen. It must be brewed in a thermos for 8 hours. Add a tablespoon of herbs to a glass of boiling water. Take 2 times a day, 150 ml.

Important! Folk remedies for restoring hormonal levels should be used only after consultation with an experienced specialist. Self-treatment is contraindicated, since it cannot take into account all the physiological characteristics of the mother's body without a proper examination by her experienced doctor.

In the diet of a young mother, foods such as sea fish, black cumin seed oil, olive, linseed, and nuts must be present. These foods contain beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and cholesterol, which are very important for the synthesis of sex hormones.

Also, a woman’s diet should periodically include foods rich in the amino acids tryptophan, phenylalanine, which plays an important role in the synthesis of endorphins and stabilization of the emotional state. These include dates, bananas, tomatoes, hard cheeses, eggs, beef and turkey.

A prerequisite for improving the hormonal background of a young mother is her good mood. Therefore, a woman is recommended to be outdoors more often and communicate with interesting people, avoid the negative influence of the environment and indulge herself with various pleasant surprises.

After childbirth, a woman often feels worse in general health and the hormonal background of the body goes astray. During this period, a young mother should not forget about herself and eat right, as well as get enough sleep and not be nervous. Doctors prescribe medications to women in labor during this period that can restore well-being and normalize the hormonal background of the patient, and also recommend using alternative methods of treatment.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

Serious changes in the hormonal system of the expectant mother begin from the moment of conception. Such a restructuring is necessary for the full formation of the fetus and preparation for childbirth. Sometimes this can be a serious test for the whole organism, up to the strongest hormonal disruptions and disorders. Now that pregnancy and childbirth are over, a young mother needs to take care of the baby's health and her own.

Symptoms of hormonal failure after childbirth in a woman

Today, hormonal disorders are quite common. It is especially common in women who have had a caesarean section or had a protracted birth with complications.

What symptoms indicate the presence of hormonal problems:

  • The appearance of dizziness and headaches;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Jumps in blood pressure;
  • Irritability and depression.

Also, hormonal changes can be indicated by increased fatigue and heavy sweating.

Sometimes, as a result of hormonal changes, external signs may appear:

  • Overweight with a normal diet;
  • Hair loss;
  • The appearance of excess hair on the body.

If you have a coincidence of several symptoms, you should contact an endocrinologist or gynecologist.

How to restore the hormonal background of a young mother after childbirth?

To check the presence of hormonal changes in the body and understand that a failure has occurred, you need to take tests and, based on the results, you can give a state of health and receive appropriate medication.

The course of treatment should be carried out under strict medical supervision, visiting the attending physician in a timely manner. Selection of drugs is carried out on an individual basis, depending on the problems. Thanks to appropriate treatment, all indicators return to normal (tests are repeated).

Additional intake of multivitamin preparations and omega-3 will also help to establish the function of the endocrine system.

In addition to drug treatment, a woman should prevent chronic fatigue, and if necessary, seek help from her husband and loved ones, do relaxing exercises.

Chronic sleep deprivation and fatigue can exacerbate hormonal problems

For the treatment of problems in the hormonal sphere, herbal medicines are also used:

  • Oregano, the popular name is "mother". It helps to increase lactation, i.e. increased levels of the hormone prolactin. It is also used to normalize the menstrual cycle and for bleeding after childbirth;
  • Fenugreek seeds and stinging nettle decoction also stimulate the production of prolactin; Can be used in the form of infusion and decoction;
  • A decoction of sage allows you to cope with hormonal failure in case of estrogen deficiency due to the content of phytoestrogens;
  • Black cumin seed oil normalizes hormonal levels due to the increased content of Omega-3.

All of these drugs have the advantage that they contain phytohormones, which are characteristic of natural hormones.

How long does the hormonal background after childbirth recover and return to normal?

Hormonal disorders, if not taken appropriately, can accompany a woman for a long period and have serious consequences.

External factors can also influence recovery:

  • The presence of stress and anxiety during this period;
  • The use of potent drugs;
  • Health problems in the baby;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Alcohol abuse and tobacco smoking.

If possible, they should be excluded.

After childbirth, the body needs time to restore the correct functioning of all systems, including hormonal. Breastfeeding contributes to the speedy restoration of hormonal levels. If you carefully consider your health, then by the end of the second month the body will restore all its functions.

Hormonal failure after childbirth, as the cause of excess weight

Some women experience weight gain after giving birth. The jump in weight can be quite dramatic. Physical exercises do not give a visible result. All this is the result of an imbalance between the level of hormones - estrogen and progesterone, which changes with the onset of pregnancy. Medical treatment will help to cope with this problem.

In addition, a woman must additionally adhere to proper nutrition. The diet should be varied in order to provide the body with the necessary amount of all nutrients. A woman should, if possible, give up flour and sweets, which lead to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. The menu should be dominated by vegetables and fruits.

Means for restoring hormonal failure after childbirth (video)

Changes in the work of the hormonal system cannot be ignored and let everything take its course. If you do not want to be overtaken by birth depression or problems with lactation begin, seek the advice of specialists in time.

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