Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder in adults and children: what to do about it? Incomplete emptying of the bladder in women and men, causes, treatment Feeling of incomplete urination

One of the common symptoms of diseases of the genitourinary system is the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Modern medicine knows how to get rid of such a problem. The main thing is to identify the cause of this condition and start competent therapy in time.

Why is this happening?

Pathologies of the organs of the genitourinary system are manifested as follows:


After going to the toilet, there is a feeling of a full bladder.


The patient again and again experiences the urge to urinate. This brings inconvenience, especially if it is not possible to empty so often.


When urinating, other symptoms of the disease may also be felt, for example, burning and pain.

In most cases, this condition is caused by the presence of urine that remains in the cavity of the organ. Obstructing factors do not allow its outflow to move normally.

Sometimes the reason that the bladder does not empty completely is atony, in which it cannot contract normally. The tone of its walls is weakened, and the muscles can no longer support it in the desired position.

In some patients, there are no obstacles to the outflow of urine, however, it is still not completely excreted from the body, and the person wants to go to the toilet all the time. This may indicate the presence of erroneous signals received by the brain.

This condition is typical in the case of the development of certain pathologies: adnexitis, appendicitis, salpingo-oophoritis etc. Prolonged stress, shocks and nervous tension can also act as a psychological cause.

You can't let the problem run its course. After all, the constant fullness of the bladder worsens the quality of life and can have serious consequences. The urine that remains in the body is a good breeding ground for bacteria, which can provoke an inflammatory process.

Associated symptoms and types of diseases

To accurately diagnose, it is necessary to evaluate the accompanying symptoms of diseases.

Diseases of the prostate

The patient complains of pain in the lower abdomen, he has problems with erection. The stream of urine is weak and intermittent, and blood may be excreted. With a malignant tumor of the prostate, the patient loses weight, his temperature rises.

Urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis

Often, incomplete emptying of the bladder in women can indicate the development of and. These diseases are accompanied by burning, cutting and pain during urination. This may cause a headache and a fever. Urine becomes cloudy. With inflammation of the kidneys, pain is felt in the lower back and abdomen.

Stones in the bladder

It is expressed in renal colic and severe pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen. Its signs are also traces of blood in the urine, frequent trips to the toilet, the number of which increases with movement.


This is a female disease in which body temperature rises, pain in the groin is felt, and discharge can be observed. A woman feels insufficient emptying, she is tormented by chills, weakness, gastrointestinal disorders.


Together with urination disorders, the patient has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, pelvic muscle tension, and pain. A person constantly feels the presence of fluid in the bladder, the very act of urination passes sluggishly and weakly. Chronic illness provokes incontinence of feces and urine.

Urethral stricture

The narrowing of the urethra does not allow the patient to carry out adequate urination. The flow of urine is weak, accompanied by a constant sensation of a full bladder. There are pains in the pelvic area and during a trip to the toilet, there is blood in the urine.

Bladder overactivity

This diagnosis is often made by excluding other diseases. Incomplete emptying overactive bladder is rare. This disease is characterized by frequent urination, urgent and strong urge. In some cases, urinary incontinence occurs.

Other pathologies can also cause discomfort: diabetes mellitus, sciatica, spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis. The feeling of a full bladder can be the result of serious illness, so if this symptom occurs, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Which doctor should I contact?

The urologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. A woman may need an examination of the ovaries and uterus. Then the urologist will refer the patient to the gynecologist, who will take a smear from the vagina to exclude the presence of infection. A urologist is also involved in the treatment of diseases of the genital organs in men.

Don't be afraid to tell your doctor about your problem. A detailed description of the symptoms will help him diagnose the disease more quickly. It is better to choose a high-class specialist, because health and even life are at stake.

Diagnosis and treatment

After collecting an anamnesis, the doctor determines the change in the size of the bladder using palpation. He usually orders the following tests:

  • General blood analysis;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Urine culture;
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary organs;
  • Cystoscopy;
  • Contrast urography.

In some cases, a CT or MRI may be required. Only after the results of the examination, the doctor can accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment, which will be aimed at eliminating the root cause of the pathology.

To eliminate infectious diseases, a course of antibiotics and antibacterial agents is prescribed, in the presence of urolithiasis, drugs for removing stones. If the disease is psychological in nature, the doctor usually prescribes sedative drugs that calm the nervous system.

Some gynecological diseases, due to which the bladder is not completely emptied, require the use of hormonal drugs. In cases, the patient may be prescribed surgical intervention.

Unfortunately, even the complete elimination of unpleasant symptoms cannot guarantee that a person will not be disturbed by relapses in the future.

Diseases that cause incomplete bladder emptying usually have a number of additional symptoms. Almost immediately after using the toilet, the patient again feels the desire to empty himself, the urge comes again, it is impossible to forget about it for a long time. Painful symptoms prevent a person from continuing to lead a normal life.

Emptying the bladder is painful. The process is accompanied by a burning sensation and pain. Discomfort occurs due to an increase in the body in volume, stretching of its walls. The jet can be very weak, sometimes urine is released uncontrollably.

If after emptying there is a feeling of a full bladder, this indicates the development of one of the pathologies.

Pain can radiate to the abdominal cavity, cause fever, chills. The pain usually spreads only on one side, it is characterized as pulling. Less often, discomfort appears in the lumbar region.

The quality of the patient's urine also changes. It becomes less transparent, flakes or bloody clots are present.

Causes of the problem

The main diseases that cause discomfort in men and women are as follows:

  • adenoma, prostatitis;
  • tumors;
  • insufficient provision of tissues with nerve cells;
  • small organ volume;
  • narrowing or fusion of the walls of the urethra;
  • neurogenic bladder;
  • other acute inflammatory diseases.

Women are more likely to experience a similar problem due to a tendency to cystitis and urethritis. Complications occur when the course of the disease becomes chronic.

Diseases of any pelvic organ of an inflammatory nature can irritate the bladder and cause reflex contraction.

A foreign formation, such as tumors, polyps, kidney and urinary tract stones, can cause a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

The symptom of insufficient emptying does not occur as a separate disease and is most often the cause of a more serious pathology.

In women, this problem can also occur due to genital herpes, postoperative or postpartum complications. Inflammation in the vagina or on the vulva has a negative effect. The infection can go into the urinary canal, microbes from the outside cannot be ruled out.

The reason may be much deeper.
Injuries to the spine, spinal cord, multiple sclerosis, sciatica, increased brain impulses, and diabetes can lead to problems in the urinary system.

Prolonged stress, experienced shock can also lead to a problem.

An incompletely emptied bladder can serve as a breeding ground for infection, leading to ascending pyelonephritis and other inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.


Timely diagnosis and treatment will help to get rid of discomfort and avoid complications.

  • To begin with, the doctor will prescribe a general blood and urine test. This will reveal the presence of inflammatory processes and determine the causative agent of the infection.
  • A more detailed picture of the bladder, kidneys and pelvic organs in men and women will be shown by ultrasound.
  • Women also take a vaginal swab.
  • An additional research method is X-ray diagnostics using a contrast agent.
  • Cystoscopy will help assess the condition of the inner wall of the organ.

The above methods are usually sufficient to provide a diagnosis. If not all aspects could be revealed, the patient is sent for an MRI and CT scan, a radioisotope examination.


Surgery is indispensable if tumors were found in the pelvic area.

If the cause is psychological, then the treatment is carried out by a psychotherapist. Sedatives and special techniques are prescribed.

The gynecological cause in women is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and sometimes hormone therapy is required. Men are prescribed prostate massage.

To make the patient's life during treatment more comfortable, it is important to follow a few rules:

  1. In the process of urination, you need to relax as much as possible, tense muscles can retain fluid in the bladder.
  2. You can achieve contraction of the bladder by pressing on it with the palm of your hand.
  3. The organ will begin to contract reflexively if you turn on the water. Under the sound of flowing water, you can achieve complete liberation from the liquid.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies will help relieve inflammation in diseases of the bladder.

  • For the treatment of cystitis, horsetail, plantain and cinquefoil are mixed in a ratio of 3: 4: 3. In 1 liter of boiling water is added 1 tbsp. teaspoon dry herb mixture You need to take two glasses a day until relief comes.
  • 4 tablespoons of lingonberry leaves are poured with a liter of boiling water. You need to drink the infusion in two days. Lingonberry has not only anti-inflammatory, but also a diuretic effect.
  • For male diseases, it is recommended to use celandine. A tablespoon of dry grass is poured with a glass of boiling water. You need to take 3 tbsp. spoons a day. The course of treatment is up to 1 month.
  • Parsley will help alleviate the condition of the prostate. The roots of the plant are dried and crushed, 100 grams of raw material is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused. You need to take the medicine half a glass 3 times a day.

In the urologist's office, it is not uncommon for patients to complain that urine does not completely come out. Moreover, both women and men can suffer from such a nuisance. Doctors call this phenomenon residual urine - the liquid remaining in the body, despite the efforts of a person to completely empty. At the same time, 50 ml is already considered a significant volume, although in especially severe cases, “unnecessary weight” reaches the limit of several liters.


Not surprisingly, the main complaint of people with this disorder indicates incomplete emptying of the bladder. There may be several reasons for concern: a weak “signal” to go to the toilet, a process that stretches over several stages, as well as muscle tension and effort to ensure that the desired act takes place. At the same time, patients may not feel any other discomfort. But doctors are sure that even these seemingly minor problems should be the reason for a visit to the clinic. After all, they lead to a number of severe and serious complications.

Chronic provokes impaired functioning of the kidneys - this is easy to detect thanks to isotope renography. As a result, pyelonephritis, diverticula, cystitis, or any other disease develop. If a person has chills, high fever, and severe back pain, doctors may suspect urosepsis. In the body, it can proceed in a malignant form, as evidenced by toxic changes in the blood - high leukocytosis, for example.

Most Common Causes

Based on the above facts, we can draw an absolutely logical conclusion: urine does not completely leave the bladder when the body "eats" a disease - chronic or acute. There are many factors leading to the problem:

  • Mechanical causes - diseases of the genitourinary system and kidney infections. For example, trauma to these organs, the presence of tumor formations on them, as well as prostate cancer, adenoma, phimosis, the presence of stones.
  • Diseases of the nervous system: injuries of the spinal cord or brain, tumors, myelitis, and so on.
  • Drug intoxication. It is diagnosed when the patient has been taking narcotic drugs or sleeping pills for a long time.

The most common cause of urinary retention in men is adenoma. The problem arises when the blood rushes strongly to this organ. The acute form is caused by severe hypothermia, alcohol abuse, a sedentary lifestyle and disorders of the digestive tract.

Some more factors...

But these are far from all the reasons that people complain about when they notice residual urine and pain when emptying the bladder. It happens that the problem occurs against the background of a fracture of the pelvic bones and trauma to the urethra - in most cases in the stronger sex. Less often, such discomfort is a consequence of a disorder in the nervous regulation of the muscular membrane of the bladder or defective work of the sphincters of this organ. It can lead to hemorrhages in the spinal cord, compression of the vertebrae, etc.

Often has a reflex character. That is, it is observed in a person in the first few days after he underwent a surgical operation on the pelvic organs or suffered from the influence of severe stress. Sometimes the disease is diagnosed in absolutely healthy people who regularly drink alcohol. Alcoholics develop atony of the bladder muscle - weakening of the walls of the bladder, as a result of which the patient cannot fully control the act of emptying.

Varieties of urinary retention

This disorder can be of two types. When urine does not completely exit the bladder, doctors diagnose complete or incomplete retention. The first involves the desire of the patient to go to the toilet, in which the body cannot excrete even a drop of liquid. For such people, urine has been released artificially from the organ for years - through a catheter. With a partial release of the liquid, they say that the act began, but for some reason it was not completed to the end. Usually, trouble occurs against the background of the above diseases. As soon as the problem is eliminated, the process will be restored. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, the delay can become chronic.

Frequent emptying of the bladder without its final emptying leads to stretching of the walls of the organ. This, in turn, provokes the appearance of another trouble - the inability to keep fluid in the middle of the body. At first, a person loses a few drops, after some time he is not able to fully control the process - urination occurs anywhere under different conditions. This phenomenon is called paradoxical ischuria.

Other forms

A disorder called "residual urine" is sometimes associated with rather unusual factors. For example, there is a peculiar form of delay, which is characterized by a sudden interruption of the process with the opportunity to continue it. The patient begins to empty normally, but the act suddenly stops. Often the cause is a stone in the ureter. When the position of the body changes, the manipulation is resumed. Doctors say that some patients with urolithiasis can go to the toilet in only one position - sitting, squatting, sideways.

Delayed emptying may be accompanied by hematuria - the presence of blood in the fluid. Sometimes it can be seen with the naked eye: urine acquires a pinkish or brown tint. If the presence of blood is too small to notice, the liquid is taken for analysis, where it is analyzed under a microscope and conclusions are drawn. By the way, experienced urologists can detect urinary retention even during a routine examination. In such patients, swelling is felt in the lower abdomen, provoked by the presence of an incompletely empty bladder.

How to help the patient?

If urine does not completely exit the bladder, a person needs urgent medical advice. An acute form of organ dysfunction requires emergency care. Usually such people insert a catheter for normal emptying. For these purposes, the outer opening of the channel is treated and disinfected, after which a rubber tube generously moistened with petroleum jelly or glycerin is carefully inserted into it. The tweezers regulate the movement of the catheter, securing it in the urethra. The procedure is carried out progressively - 2 centimeters each, without haste and sudden movements.

If the cause of the patient's problem is urolithiasis or prostatitis, then the manipulation is not carried out. In these cases, the presence of a rubber tube in the organ can lead to serious complications. The catheter may be placed permanently. In this case, the urologist performs the procedure, prescribing antibiotics after it to avoid the development of inflammatory processes. A temporary rubber tube can be inserted by the patient himself immediately before the act of emptying. But before that, he should consult a doctor.


The feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder is quite unpleasant. To get rid of it forever, you must first remove the cause that caused the problem. Get a complete examination by a qualified urologist. After consulting, if necessary, with a nephrologist, gynecologist and oncologist, he diagnoses the disease and takes measures to treat it. Oddly enough, the most difficult to heal reflex delays, as they are psychological in nature. Psychotherapy sessions help here, as well as simple manipulations such as irrigating the genitals with warm water or running a water tap during urination.

Remember that incomplete emptying can be a lifelong concern. In this case, we speak of a relapse. Moreover, it occurs in cases where the patient picks up a urinary tract infection. Therefore, it is so important to take care of your health and sound the alarm at the slightest manifestation of discomfort. Self-medication is extremely dangerous and often leads to serious consequences and serious complications.

Incomplete emptying of the bladder is a pathology characterized by the inability of the organ to be a reservoir for the accumulation of urine. Urine is not completely excreted from the body due to damage to regulatory mechanisms, elements of the autonomic nervous system and pathways.

The reasons

Causes of insufficient bladder emptying (MP) are grouped into categories:

  1. infectious or inflammatory;
  2. neurological;
  3. obstructive, or physical;
  4. pharmacological.

Urinary retention is associated with malfunctions of the urinary tract, damage to the muscles and nerves involved in the control of the urinary tract, and blockage of the tract itself.

Inflammation of the urinary system

Infectious causes include:

  • cystitis - inflammation of the bladder, in which mucosal receptors falsely signal the fullness of the organ;
  • urethritis - an infection of the urogenital canal caused by pathogenic microorganisms;
  • pyelonephritis - infection and inflammation of the tubules of the kidney;
  • urethral stricture - a pathological narrowing of the internal lumen of the urethra.

These diseases lead to urination disorders, often difficult and painful.

Prostate diseases

Urine retention occurs in men 50-70 years old with benign prostatic hypertrophy (prostate adenoma), resulting from hormonal imbalance, or prostatitis - its inflammation.

The prostate surrounds the urethra and, when enlarged, compresses the urinary canal, making it difficult for urine to exit.

Gynecological problems

In women, the symptom of incomplete emptying of the organ is manifested when:

  • vaginal infections, sexually transmitted infections;
  • andexitis - an inflammatory disease of the ovaries and fallopian tubes (occurs after sexually transmitted diseases, unsuccessful abortions, endoscopic studies);
  • prolapse (protrusion) of the uterus;
  • cyst.

The causes of incomplete emptying include pathologies of the small pelvis, its injuries, cystocele (omission of the anterior wall of the vagina), the consequences of childbirth, gynecological operations, and the development of tumors.

Urinary Retention: Causes and Treatment

Stone formation

The deterioration of the patency of the urinary structures due to calculi causes acute urinary retention and insufficient emptying of the bladder.

The physical causes of the disease include the presence of stones that block the lumen of the ureter and affect the accumulation of urine. The consequence of their formation is causeless urge to urinate and pain.

Innervation disorders

The normal functioning of the MP emptying mechanism is ensured by its innervation - a system of nerve endings, when the organ is filled with urine, it sends a signal to the sphincter muscles to relax.

Insufficient emptying is caused by damage or problems to any nerve responsible for the tone of the bladder wall or muscle.

Neurological causes also include MP hypotension - a violation of urinary excretion due to a failure of innervation at the level of the spinal cord and nerve roots or peripheral nerves. Damage to the brain or spinal cord, multiple sclerosis can also cause problems with urine output.

Additional symptoms

Patients with neurogenic urinary tract dysfunction are characterized by 2 symptoms:

  • frequent urination or urinary incontinence;
  • suspension of urine or incomplete emptying of the bladder.

It is called false with congenital or acquired defects of the urethra, and without these reasons - true.

The constant sensation of a full bladder even after emptying is provoked by violations of the outflow of urine. This is a sign of her chronic delay.


The purpose of diagnostics is to determine the truth or falsity of the MP emptying delay. The urologist conducts a physical examination, identifying the enlarged organ during palpation, prescribes a gynecological examination and urodynamic examination.

Research is being carried out:

  • general urinalysis and bakposev;
  • general blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the urinary system and small pelvis;
  • cystoscopy - the study of changes in the bladder mucosa;
  • uroflowmetry - calculation of urinary flow rate, etc.

With ambiguous results of the examination, MRI, CT, X-ray, scintigraphy using a radioactive substance are additionally prescribed.


Therapy for urinary retention depends on the type, severity, and etiology of the disease.

The doctor determines the tactics of treatment, based on the results of the examination.

Sometimes it is enough to limit yourself to drug therapy.


When selecting drugs, attention is paid to the side effects of antiarrhythmic, anticholinergic, sedative drugs, antidepressants, NSAIDs, leading to urinary retention.

Depending on the etiology of the disease, the following is prescribed:

  • antibacterial and antiviral drugs (for infection);
  • stone dissolving agents (ICD);
  • sedatives (with neurological etiology);
  • alpha-blockers that reduce the tone of the internal sphincter;
  • beta-blockers, which increase the pressure inside the bladder and the tone of the muscle membrane;
  • alpha-agonists that increase the tone of the sphincter.

If incomplete urinary retention occurs with inflammation in the pelvic area, antibiotics from the fluoroquinolone group or Amoxicillin, NSAIDs and macrolides are indicated.


In complex therapy, electrophoresis of anticholinergics or antispasmodics is used. The area of ​​the bladder is affected by ultrasound and paraffin applications are used.

To restore the functions of the muscles of the MP, diadynamic therapy and the technique of exposure to sinusoidal modulated currents are used.

With a neurological origin of the disease, UV irradiation, galvanization, laser therapy, and mud applications are used. To achieve a sedative effect, a galvanic collar, electrosleep, and massage are prescribed.


Infusions, tinctures and decoctions of medicinal herbs are the basic means used by traditional medicine. In MP diseases, herbs act as diuretics and are selected according to the causes of the disease.

For cystitis, infusions of horsetail, plantain and cinquefoil are used in a ratio of 3:3:4. Pour a liter of boiling water 3 tbsp. l. mixture, cover and infuse for an hour. Drink a strained infusion in a glass day and evening until you feel better.

With adenoma, recipes for collections from birch leaves, bearberry, couch grass rhizomes, licorice root and corn stigmas, taken in equal amounts, are popular. 5 st. l. the mixture is poured into 1.5 liters of cooled boiled water and infused for 6 hours. Bring the infusion to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. On the day they drink a glass of ready-made broth in several doses. Course - 2 weeks.

Home therapy should be based on the opinion of a doctor and strictly comply with the recipe.


Coffee, citrus fruits, chocolate, smoked meats, fatty and spicy foods, alcohol and carbonated drinks are removed from the diet for diseases of the urinary system. Salt intake is reduced. The menu is dominated by products with vegetable fiber: cabbage, carrots, herbs, fruits, berries.


  • undergo an annual medical examination;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • establish a good sleep;
  • get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • Strengthen your pelvic floor muscles with appropriate exercises (Kegel exercises).

Experts advise to establish a urination regimen: visit the toilet regularly, even if there is no urge.

Any disease causes unpleasant symptoms and can cause a loss of good mood, performance, and sometimes even endanger the life of the patient. This also applies to urological problems. The feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder has an official name - "residual urine".

If a person is completely healthy, then the need to empty the bladder occurs when there is a glass of urine in it. Violations occur when, even after urination, 50 grams remain in it. If the disease is running, then up to several liters of urine can “linger” in the body.

What are the causes of the disease?

The bladder does not empty completely due to a variety of reasons. The most basic are diseases of the internal organs. They can occur in acute or chronic form.

Compressed urethra

  1. Prostate adenoma, as well as other benign or malignant tumors.
  2. Prostatitis.
  3. Urolithiasis disease. Especially when, due to certain disorders, an exacerbation occurred, and the stone blocked the urethra.
  4. Acute or chronic cystitis.
  5. The presence of an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs.
  6. Side effects from the use of drugs.
  7. The defeat of the lumbar and violation of the innervation of the nerve fiber. It can be both osteochondrosis and spinal injury.

Additionally, this symptom can appear when drinking a large amount of alcoholic beverages, disrupting the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as severe hypothermia. Frequent stress leads to a weakened immune system.

Other factors

Pain in the groin

Men whose bladder is not completely emptied notice acute pain in themselves. Sometimes such manifestations can be a consequence of a hip fracture along with an injury to the urethra.

Such symptoms are observed in men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Stagnant processes occur, the pelvic floor muscles do not work fully.

An acute inflammatory process can be observed after surgical intervention. If a man often consumes alcoholic beverages, then the side effect of him may be precisely the weakening of the muscles of the bladder.


Painful urination

First of all, there are symptoms such as the desire to empty the bladder. It does not disappear even after a person goes to the toilet. Additionally, there is pain in the lower abdomen, at an advanced stage, symptoms of toxication appear: nausea, weakness, fever.

With urolithiasis, colic can occur, especially if the stone began to move and blocked the urinary canal. There is a sediment in the urine.

When infected with cystitis, urges are observed throughout the day, but after emptying the bladder, pain and burning appear.

With prostatitis, urination becomes intermittent, sexual desire decreases. In the presence of a benign or malignant tumor, the patient begins to lose weight dramatically, the appetite is completely absent.

Types of disease

Poor urine flow

There are two types of this disease. If urine does not completely exit the bladder, then doctors diagnose complete or partial urinary retention. For example, when, due to certain reasons, urine does not come out of the bladder at all.

This cause can be eliminated with a catheter. It is necessary to undergo a course of treatment to solve this problem once and for all.

There are examples when, with frequent urges, urine does not completely leave the bladder, and yet it is not completely emptied. In this case, stretching of the muscle tissue occurs. Gradually, the process becomes uncontrollable, and urination can occur unexpectedly.


The first thing that begins with the treatment of such a disease as incomplete emptying of the bladder that occurs in men is diagnosis.

The doctor interrogates the patient and finds out what causes could lead to the occurrence of this violation.

After the doctor, during palpation of the anterior abdominal wall, tries to determine the size of the patient's bladder.

First aid

If there is such a problem, urine cannot completely exit the bladder, you should immediately contact a specialist. In the event of an acute condition of the disease, it is necessary to urgently help the patient. To do this, a catheter is inserted into the bladder.

First, the place where the catheter will be placed is treated, treated and disinfected. The tube is moistened with glycerin or petroleum jelly and gently injected. This procedure must be performed very slowly so as not to harm the patient.

It is forbidden to carry out this procedure in the presence of prostatitis or urolithiasis. Otherwise, the disease may worsen. The urologist is put on an ongoing basis, and prescribes a course of antibiotics throughout the course. Over time, the patient can put a catheter on his own, but this should be done only after consulting a doctor, following all the rules.

Incomplete emptying of the bladder in men, treatment is necessary, which consists in the use of a catheter, and treatment with drugs.

Folk methods of rehabilitation therapy

Folk methods

It is possible to eliminate such a symptom as a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder in men with the help of alternative methods of treatment. Much depends on the cause and stage of development of the disease. The more advanced the stage, the more time is needed for a full recovery.

With adenoma, it is recommended to take treatment with celandine. This is a treatment with poisons that can even cope with benign seals. To do this, you need to combine 1 tablespoon of dry crushed plants, and pour one glass of hot boiled water. Then leave to infuse in a dark room for several hours. The medicine must be taken before eating.

Garlic has a positive effect on the body. It contains such a trace element as Germanium, which is the prevention of the formation of oncology.

You need to take a glass of garlic, chop with a blender. You should add the juice of 12 lemons and leave in a dark place for a month. This medicine should be taken at bedtime. You need to mix 1 teaspoon per 100 grams of water. The course of treatment consists of 21 days, then you should take a break and you can repeat the course of treatment again.

If the cause of the problem with the bladder is the presence of an infection, such as cystitis, then the following prescription should be used. To do this, you need to take plantain leaves, cinquefoil and field horsetail. You need to take 3 tablespoons of each ingredient, only 4 leaves will be needed. Stir everything thoroughly.

For treatment, you will need 3 tablespoons of the mixture, pour a glass of hot boiled water. Take 200 grams in the morning after waking up and in the evening before bedtime. This should be done until the symptoms are completely eliminated.

There are several types of herbal preparations that help with this disorder. For example, you can take equal proportions of corn stigmas, birch and bearberry leaves, licorice root and wheatgrass rhizomes. For medicine, you need to take 2.5 tablespoons of this remedy and pour 0.5 liters of water. Boil for 10 minutes.

You need to take small sips throughout the day. The daily dosage is one glass. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Medical treatment

This treatment for incomplete emptying of the bladder in men can only be prescribed by a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to take drugs on your own. Each organism is individual and if this medicine helps one, then it can be dangerous for another.

Medical therapy

A lot depends on the cause of the violation in the genitourinary system. Medicines are needed to reduce and eliminate the symptoms of adenoma. If they do not help, then there is a need for surgical intervention.

If the bladder is not completely emptied due to an inflammatory process, that is, with prostatitis, it is necessary to take treatment with antibiotics. For example, it can be Amoxcillin or Fluoroquinolone. To eliminate pain, you should take painkillers.

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