Specialized medical care includes. Specialized medical care - what is it? Types of specialized medical care

Specialized medical care is provided by specialist doctors in specialized medical institutions front with the use of the necessary types of honey. equipment. Specialized medical care is the highest type of qualified medical care, which provides for the most complete and wide use of the latest achievements in a particular area. medical science in the practice of treating the injured and the sick.

During the Great Patriotic War, a harmonious, scientifically based system of specialized medical care was created in the USSR. In the post-war period, based on the study and critical analysis of the experience gained, further development and improvement of specialized medical care takes place.

In connection with the possible use of weapons of mass destruction, completely new contingents of the injured and sick may appear in need of specialized medical care.

The provision of specialized medical care can be carried out in field mobile hospitals (surgical, therapeutic, infectious diseases, neurological), in a hospital for the lightly wounded and in evacuation hospitals. Depending on the number of incoming injured and sick people in need of one form or another of specialized medical care, and the available this moment number of medical institutions, hospitals can be created, entirely specialized in one profile or having specialized departments in their composition.

Specialization of hospitals is carried out both by introducing specialists and the necessary equipment into their staffs, and by attaching specialized groups of medical reinforcement from a separate detachment of specialized medical care to surgical and therapeutic field mobile hospitals.

One of the main requirements for the organization of honey. assistance in military field conditions, are continuity and consistency in the conduct of therapeutic and preventive measures based on uniform principles for the provision of honey. help the injured and the sick. Continuity in treatment is achieved primarily by a common understanding of the pathological processes that occur in the human body during lesions and diseases, and by uniform methods for the prevention and treatment of lesions and diseases in wartime. At the same time, the continuity of medical care and treatment can be carried out only if, at each subsequent stage, honey. evacuation will know what has been done at the previous stage, what health care and when it was given to an injured or sick person. This is achieved by a clear management of honey. documentation, in particular, by carefully filling out the primary medical card and maintaining medical histories (see Medical and evacuation support for troops, Staged treatment).

An important requirement for the organization of medical care in military field conditions is also the timeliness of its provision. Medical assistance should be provided at the most favorable time for the subsequent restoration of the health of the injured or sick person. Of particular importance is the timely implementation of urgent measures of first medical and qualified medical care.

The timeliness of the provision of medical care is achieved by the inclusion in the troops of the army of the necessary regular forces and means of medical service, the fastest removal and removal of the injured and sick from the battlefield or from the centers of mass destruction and their transportation to the stages of medical. evacuation, clear organization of work at stages. Equally important is the rational arrangement of the stages of honey. evacuation.

See also Civil Defense Medical Service.

The institutions that are part of the healthcare system of the Russian Federation provide various types of medical care to the population.

Health care- a set of therapeutic and preventive measures carried out in case of diseases, injuries, poisoning, as well as during childbirth, by persons with higher and secondary medical education.

Medical assistance may be provided under the following conditions:

1) outside a medical organization (at the place where an ambulance brigade is called, including specialized ambulance, medical care, as well as in a vehicle when medical evacuation);

2) on an outpatient basis (including at home when a medical worker is called, in a day hospital), that is, in conditions that do not provide for round-the-clock medical supervision and treatment;

3) stationary, that is, in conditions that provide round-the-clock medical supervision and treatment.

There are several classifications of types of medical care.

According to the "Basics" distinguish:

- primary health care, including pre-medical, medical;

— specialized, including high-tech, medical care;

- ambulance, including emergency specialized, medical care;

- palliative care.

The most widespread type of medical care is primary health care.

Primary Health Care is the basis of the system of providing medical care to citizens and includes measures for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of diseases and conditions and their medical rehabilitation, monitoring the course of pregnancy, the formation of a healthy lifestyle and sanitary and hygienic education of the population. Primary health care is provided to citizens in outpatient clinics and hospitals.

Specialized medical care includes the treatment of diseases requiring special methods diagnostics and treatment, the use of complex medical technologies, as well as medical rehabilitation. Specialized medical care is provided by specialist doctors in specialized outpatient clinics and hospitals.

High-tech medical care involves the use of new, complex and/or unique, and resource-intensive therapies, including cellular technology, robotic technology, information technology and methods genetic engineering. High-tech medical care is provided by medical organizations in accordance with the list of types of high-tech medical care established by the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development.

Emergency- round-the-clock emergency medical care for sudden illnesses, life threatening patient, injuries, poisoning, intentional self-harm, childbirth outside medical institutions, as well as catastrophes and natural disasters (for more details, see Chapter 15).

Palliative care is a complex medical interventions aimed at improving the quality of life of hopelessly ill citizens and their families, in order to get rid of pain and alleviate other severe manifestations of the disease.

Palliative care is provided by health professionals trained in palliative care.

Other classification of types of medical care is based on the nomenclature of health care institutions, as well as the tasks ahead of them:

- outpatient (out-of-hospital) medical care;

– hospital (inpatient) medical care;

- emergency medical care;

- emergency;

- health resort medical care.

Form of medical care may be:

- planned - medical care provided for diseases and conditions that are not accompanied by a threat to the life of the patient, do not require emergency and urgent medical care, the delay in the provision of which for certain time will not entail a deterioration in the patient's condition, a threat to his life and health;

- emergency - medical care provided in case of sudden acute diseases, conditions, exacerbation of chronic diseases that are not life-threatening and do not require emergency medical care;

- emergency - medical care provided in case of sudden, life-threatening conditions, acute diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases, to eliminate life-threatening conditions for the patient.

Besides, medical care, taking into account the stages of its provision and the level of specialization can be classified as follows:

- the first medical;

- pre-medical;

- the first medical;

- specialized;

- high-tech.

The list of types of medical care, on the one hand, largely depends on the tasks set for the healthcare system, on the other hand, it affects the formation of the organizational structure and nomenclature of the healthcare institutions themselves.

Directions, main activities and parameters of the priority National project "Health"

4.1.6 Provision of medical care to women during pregnancy and childbirth in state and municipal health care institutions

General principles providing emergency medical care in case of poisoning

5. Providing first aid for various poisonings

toxic poisoning diagnosis assistance In case of poisoning with medicines, alcohol and its surrogates, various technical liquids, insecticides, fungi, poisons of plant and animal origin, first of all ...

Providing first aid for burns

2 First aid for burns

First aid is the simplest Urgent measures necessary to save the life and health of the victim in case of damage, accidents ...

First aid for various injuries

2 First aid for dislocation

A dislocation is a displacement of the articular ends of the bones. When articular surfaces do not touch, they talk about complete dislocation, and when they touch at least partially, they talk about incomplete dislocation. With a dislocation, a rupture of the joint capsule and joint capsule occurs ...


Organization of specialized medical care

Providing emergency care

In large-scale wars with massive sanitary losses, the defining moment in the organization of anesthetic and resuscitation care is the discrepancy between the capabilities of the medical service and the volume of work assigned to them ...

Organization of assistance in initial period large-scale war

2. Local assistance

At subsequent stages, the volume of resuscitation care increases. In the medical center of the battalion, the paramedic has the opportunity to conduct oxygen therapy using the KI-4 apparatus ...

Basic concepts of health care in Russia and the world

2.1 The system of organization of medical care to the population

From the first half of the 20th century to the present, Russia has been implementing a two-level principle of building a system of medical care for the population ...

Features of behavior with dying patients

3. Assistance in terminal conditions

The main resuscitation measures for clinical death is an indirect (closed) heart massage and artificial respiration, which must necessarily be carried out simultaneously ...

sports injuries

2. First aid

First aid for fractures of the limbs consists in immobilizing the damaged segment with the help of improvised means (planks, sticks and other similar items), which are fixed with a bandage, scarf, scarf, piece of cloth, etc ...

Paramedic Tactics mobile brigade emergency medical care in emergency conditions with injuries, prolonged compression syndrome

1.1 Organization of emergency medical care for the population of the city of Buguruslan GBUZ BGB "SSNMP"

The ambulance station is a medical and preventive institution designed to provide round-the-clock emergency medical care to adults and children, as at the scene of an accident ...

Injuries in sports

3. First aid

The quality and special conditions of first aid, its timeliness, taking into account the specifics of the injury, affect the effectiveness of further treatment ...

1.2 Ensuring the quality of medical care to the population within the framework of the concept of the regional Program for the modernization of the health care system of the Trans-Baikal Territory for 2011-2012

The basis for the development of the Healthcare Modernization Program for the Trans-Baikal Territory for 2011-2012 is the Draft Federal Law (dated May 25, 2010) “On Compulsory Medical Insurance”…

Formation of a quality assurance system on the example of a hospital rehabilitation treatment in the context of healthcare modernization



Formation of a quality assurance system on the example of a rehabilitation hospital in the context of healthcare modernization

2.1 Principles of organizing a quality control system for the provision of medical care to the population in the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the functioning of the health care system of the Trans-Baikal Territory, one of priority areas its development should be to increase the availability and quality of medical care to the population ...

The function of a medical position, the method of calculation. The value of this indicator when planning the need for medical personnel

1.6 The volume of medical care provided to the population by city health facilities participating in the implementation of the Program of State Guarantees for Providing Citizens of the Russian Federation with Free Medical Care

Table 5 Types of assistance Standards of the program of state guarantees Provided for 2007 Total, including at the expense of compulsory medical insurance Budget 1.Outpatient care 1.1…

Article 34. Specialized, including high-tech, medical care

1. Specialized medical care is provided by specialist doctors and includes the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions (including during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period), requiring the use of special methods and complex medical technologies, as well as medical rehabilitation.

2. Specialized medical care is provided in stationary conditions and in day care settings.

3. High-tech medical care, which is part of specialized medical care, includes the use of new complex and (or) unique methods of treatment, as well as resource-intensive methods of treatment with scientifically proven effectiveness, including cell technologies, robotic technology, information technologies and genetic engineering methods developed on the basis of the achievements of medical science and related branches of science and technology.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 317-FZ of November 25, 2013)

Specialized assistance

text in previous)

(see text in previous)

5 - 7. No longer valid from January 1, 2017. — Part 8.1 of Article 101 of this Federal Law (as amended on 12/14/2015).

(see text in previous)

7.1. The procedure for the formation of a list of types of high-tech medical care, established by the authorized federal body executive branch, includes, among other things, the deadlines after which the types of high-tech medical care are included in the basic program of compulsory medical insurance.

(Part 7.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 286-FZ of July 3, 2016)

8. The organization of the provision of high-tech medical care is carried out using a unified state information system in the field of healthcare in the manner established by the authorized federal executive body.

(Part 8 as amended by Federal Law No. 242-FZ of July 29, 2017)

(see text in previous)


The time, volume and nature of specialized treatment is determined by the severity of the damage, the severity of individual reaction the victim and the prognosis of the course of shock. In this case, an objective method for predicting outcomes should be used. traumatic shock, developed by the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. I. I. Dzhanelidze*. This technique allows predicting the outcome of an injury at the time of delivery of the victim to a medical institution, as well as determining the duration of shock with a favorable outcome and life expectancy with an unfavorable outcome (Tsibin Yu. N. Multivariate assessment of the severity of traumatic shock in the clinic//Vest.

* Carried out by a resuscitator or anesthesiologist.

1980, no. 9, p. 62-67). In addition, you should also use guidelines Poltava Medical Dental Institute (V. F. Chistyakova et al., 1979); in particular, the recommendation to use nicotine test and electrodermal(adrenaline or dionine) samples for the diagnosis of concussion, which is often not diagnosed in victims who are intoxicated. According to this institute, in traumatic brain injury, there are deviations in the indicators hydrophilic test the skin of the victim's forearms, the mineral composition of the blood, its protein parameters, vitamins C, B, etc.

e. Therefore, only a complete comprehensive examination of cranio-maxillary victims ensures the preparation of a plan for a full-fledged complex treatment with a favorable outcome.

Specialized treatment of facial injuries in associated trauma can be performed in parallel or in series with surgical treatment of injuries of other localizations - primary surgical treatment of wounds, diagnostic or decompressive trepanation of the skull, laparocentesis, laparotomy, amputation of limbs and extrafocal osteosynthesis of long tubular bones.

Distinguish between emergency, early and delayed specialized treatment of injuries of maxillofacial localization.

The question of the features of the deontological foundations of the first meeting of a patient with any disease or injury of the maxillofacial region is quite fully covered by us in the monograph "Doctor and Patient in Dentistry" (Yu. I. Vernadsky, G. P. Bernadskaya, 1990). Here we will only dwell on the tactics of the maxillofacial surgeon working in the emergency room (department) of the maxillofacial hospital or at the point emergency care with him, at the clinic of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of a medical university (faculty), since relatively young surgeons usually work there.

We believe it is useful to recall that “the importance of the doctor’s mission lies in its difference from all other citizens." This point of view of the French writer A. Maurois can be considered absolutely indisputable, especially for physicians providing urgent help, which means relieving people from severe suffering, saving them from death, disability, disfigurement of the face.

If the emergency room of a medical institution can be compared with the “front line of defense” in medicine, then the emergency surgical care center can be called a “peacetime medical battalion”, where doctors on duty

the most unforeseen and difficult cases are waiting every minute: multiple fracture both jaws; fracture of the zygomatic bone; dislocation of the lower jaw; peripharyngeal phlegmon; bleeding from the face or carotid artery; acute purulent periostitis of the jaw; her acute osteomyelitis; phlegmon of the bottom of the mouth; phlegmon of the tongue; odontogenic phlegmon of the neck, complicated by mediastinitis; phlegmon of the pterygopalatine fossa and fiber of the orbit; dislocation asphyxia in fracture mandible; combined severe injuries of the cerebral part of the skull, etc. Quite often, patients with multiple injuries, able shock or collapse; they also need the help of a resuscitator-anesthetist, ophthalmologist, otorhinolaryngologist, general traumatologist, neurosurgeon, etc.

Due to the advanced age of the patient or the presence of concomitant somatic diseases, an urgent consultation with a gerontologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, etc. may be necessary.

Unfortunately, emergency rooms do not always have enough qualified maxillofacial surgeons on duty. Often it is necessary to organize the so-called optional duty of experienced surgeons (associate professors and assistants of the department, residents), in some cases - to turn to the consultation of professors of various profiles (mainly - maxillofacial surgery). That is why the emergency room attendant must have a good store of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, good health, endurance and tact, the ability to deeply sympathize be able to make decisions quickly and realize(sometimes with advisory assistance and assistance from a doctor of an adjacent profile - an ophthalmologist, otorhinolaryngologist, neurosurgeon, resuscitator, etc.). Speaking of the ability to sympathize, we mean compassion “true, which requires action, not sentiment; it knows what it wants and is determined, suffering and compassionate, to do everything in human power” (S. Zweig). All these qualities are especially necessary for a doctor in extreme situations. He must also take into account that crushing of the nose, lips, cheeks, crushing of teeth, fractures or separations of sections of the jaws, cheekbones, the impossibility of verbal communication with others causes the victim lightning-fast mental trauma, because of which deep depression, hippochondria, “up to the mania of ugliness on relatively real soil” can develop in the future (MA Napadov et al., 1984). There are also possible manifestations of violent excitement, up to traumatic psychoses, a desire to end the co-

Yu I Vernadsky Traumatology and Reconstructive Surgery

fight (demanding "Kill me! I don't want to live!") and even attempts implement suicide in the emergency room, since for a person the aesthetic assessment of his body and face by others is of particular importance.

In relation to a person who has lost his nose or lips, some people develop fear, an unhealthy interest, and sometimes a desire to express their impression aloud from the sight of a disfigured face (“Look, what a horror!”; “Well, freak!”, etc. ). Disfigured people become, as a rule, overly sensitive, touchy and suspicious. They avoid going out during the day, do not like to meet with their friends and even relatives.

Particularly strong manifestations of mental trauma are observed in male adolescents and young women, who have their whole life ahead of them. The doctor, nurse, emergency room nurse, emergency room nurse should understand this mood of the patient deeply, with all their hearts and show special tact and vigilance towards such a victim. After reposition and fixation of fragments, cosmetic suturing of soft tissues faces should not be left out of sight of the victim who had suicidal attempts. After a day or two, when the excitement subsides, he will be more calm about what happened.

Quite often, victims in a state of intoxication arrive at emergency rooms. In such cases, the doctor is required, firstly, endurance and tact; secondly, the correct planning of their actions in connection with the state of intoxication of the victim;

thirdly, the doctor must take into account that intoxication (even to a small extent) can mask clinical picture multiple trauma or extensive inflammation. In particular, the doctor may not recognize signs of damage to the abdominal organs, fractures of the ribs, the base of the skull in a victim with damage to the maxillofacial region; on the background alcohol intoxication hyperglycemic or uremic coma, poisoning with technical alcohol solutions may turn out to be unrecognized. The doctor on duty should be extremely attentive to each victim, since the erroneous diagnosis of alcohol intoxication in a severe comatose a patient with a facial injury is “doubly insulting and unfair” (Yu. D. Pavlov, P. M. Sapronenkov, 1984). The sudden death of such a victim can be qualified as negligence in the work of a doctor, which entailed a grave consequence (punished in court). Timely diagnosis of the degree of alcohol intoxication and immediate consultation with a therapist can prevent

reduce a fatal outcome in case of a combination of facial trauma with coma, myocardial infarction and other acute diseases.

Unfortunately, maxillofacial patients are often delivered to the emergency room (by ambulance or relatives) and non-core patients, for example, a victim with small damage to the soft tissues of the face combined with an injury or fracture of the shoulder (thigh, lower leg, forearm), a patient with hemophilia with bleeding from the socket of an extracted tooth, a patient who underwent surgery on blood vessels or the heart and takes large amounts of anticoagulants, with signs of a "hematoma" in the maxillofacial region against the background of total hemorrhages in the organs of the abdominal and chest cavities, on the upper and lower extremities (these persons, of course, had to be admitted to the general trauma or hematology department).

And here begins the discussion of doctors in the presence of the victim(sick) and his accompanying relatives: “Where did you bring him!?”, “Why did you bring him to us?” etc. Long telephone conversations begin with a traumatologist, hematologist, neuropathologist, therapist, etc. All this is heard by an already suffering person.

You can sometimes hear from the maxillofacial surgeon on duty something like this: “What should I do with you? Where should I put you? After all, there is not a single free bed! In some cases, there are really no free beds. But why and why should the patient know about it? If he was treated poorly in the clinic, why discuss this fact in the presence of the patient? Under any conditions the doctor on duty must find a place for a patient in need of hospitalization. And the shortcomings in the previous treatment are a topic for discussion not in the presence of the patient, but at the morning “five minutes” and during a subsequent conversation with a polyclinic doctor. In short, some duty officers have a poor idea of ​​their legal rights and obligations. They do not understand, what you can talk to the patient, and what need to say tomorrow only to your administrator or colleague at the clinic. The doctor must know all this in order to protect patients and their relatives from additional suffering. It should not be forgotten that the above complaints of the doctor about the lack of places can also be perceived by the patient and his relatives as a transparent allusion to the need to bribe their “benefactor” in a white coat. Such a doctor deserves condemnation among medical workers, and in case of repetition of such deontological mistakes, expulsion from medicine. (even in market conditions).

Chapter 7 Specialized medical care for victims with concomitant injuries

Concluding the question about the first meeting of the victim with the doctor of the hospital or hospital, let us recall the following: “Only that one is a real surgeon, worthy of imitation,” writes academician f. G Uglov - who treats every patient as a close and dear person, and will do for the patient everything that he would like to be done towards him, turn out he in such a position. This is the basis of the relationship between the doctor and the patient, and for the surgeon it is many times more important. ”It seems to us that a doctor of any profile should be guided by this, primarily surgical, and traumatological - in particular.

Emergency specialized treatment on facial injuries includes stop bleeding from the main vessels and normalization of external respiration

Early specialized treatment is aimed at preventing inflammatory complications, reduction and reliable fixation of bone fragments. It is very important to use simple and reliable orthopedic and surgical methods, which do not interfere with the mobility of the lower jaw, resuscitation, sanitation of the tracheobronchial tree, facilitate the care of victims and do not require frequent monitoring by a doctor

Early specialized treatment of facial injuries is carried out with stabilization hemodynamic parameters against the background of intensive antishock therapy.

With the first and second degrees of shock, a positive prognosis and the duration of the expected period of removing the patient from the state of shock is not more than 12 hours, the treatment of facial injuries should be carried out in full With the effectiveness of intensive therapy, such treatment is possible 4-7 hours after the injury.

With the second degree of shock, a positive prognosis and the duration of the expected period of the patient's recovery from shock for more than 12 hours, as well as with the third degree of shock with a positive prognosis, specialized treatment of facial injuries can be carried out in full, but postponing it until stable hemodynamic stabilization.

Victims with a negative prognosis are treated only with emergency surgical interventions. Treatment of facial injuries in such cases is carried out after stable stabilization of the functions of life support systems.

Delayed specialized treatment injuries of the face in victims with a combined injury are carried out as injuries are detected, often 2-14 days after the injury.

palliative complications, reduction and fixation of bone fragments in fractures.

Specialized medical care is provided by specialist doctors in specialized medical institutions of the front using the necessary types of honey. equipment. Specialized medical care is the highest type of qualified medical care, which provides for the most complete and widespread use of the latest achievements of a particular field of medical science in the practice of treating the affected and sick.

During the Great Patriotic War, a harmonious, scientifically based system of specialized medical care was created in the USSR. In the post-war period, based on the study and critical analysis of the experience gained, further development and improvement of specialized medical care takes place.

In connection with the possible use of weapons of mass destruction, completely new contingents of the injured and sick may appear in need of specialized medical care.

The provision of specialized medical care can be carried out in field mobile hospitals (surgical, therapeutic, infectious diseases, neurological), in a hospital for the lightly wounded and in evacuation hospitals. Depending on the number of incoming injured and sick people in need of one form or another of specialized medical care, and the number of medical institutions currently available, hospitals can be created that are entirely specialized in one profile or have specialized departments in their composition.

Specialization of hospitals is carried out both by introducing specialists and the necessary equipment into their staffs, and by attaching specialized groups of medical reinforcement from a separate detachment of specialized medical care to surgical and therapeutic field mobile hospitals.

One of the main requirements for the organization of honey. assistance in military field conditions, are continuity and consistency in the conduct of therapeutic and preventive measures based on uniform principles for the provision of honey. help the injured and the sick. Continuity in treatment is achieved primarily by a common understanding of the pathological processes that occur in the human body during lesions and diseases, and by uniform methods for the prevention and treatment of lesions and diseases in wartime. At the same time, the continuity of medical care and treatment can be carried out only if, at each subsequent stage, honey. evacuation will know what was done at the previous stage, what medical care and when was provided to the injured or sick. This is achieved by a clear management of honey. documentation, in particular, by carefully filling out the primary medical card and maintaining medical histories (see Medical and evacuation support for troops, Staged treatment).

An important requirement for the organization of medical care in military field conditions is also the timeliness of its provision. Medical assistance should be provided at the most favorable time for the subsequent restoration of the health of the injured or sick person. Of particular importance is the timely implementation of urgent measures of first medical and qualified medical care.

The timeliness of the provision of medical care is achieved by the inclusion in the troops of the army of the necessary regular forces and means of medical service, the fastest removal and removal of the injured and sick from the battlefield or from the centers of mass destruction and their transportation to the stages of medical. evacuation, clear organization of work at stages. Equally important is the rational arrangement of the stages of honey. evacuation.

See also Civil Defense Medical Service.

Specialized medical care

With the entry into force of the Federal Law "On the General Principles of Organization of Legislative (Representative) and Executive Bodies of State Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation" of October 6, 1999 N 184-FZ (as amended by Federal Law of July 4, 2003 N 95-FZ), which established that the powers of state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on subjects of joint jurisdiction include the organization of the provision of specialized medical care in dermatovenerological, tuberculosis, narcological, oncological dispensaries and other specialized medical institutions, several issues have acquired particular relevance in the professional community:

what is specialized assistance;

what medical organizations are specialized;

whether only specialized medical organizations provide specialized medical care, or, in other words, whether specialists from outpatient clinics and multidisciplinary hospitals at various levels provide specialized medical care;

Who owns the specialized medical organizations and, therefore, who bears the expenditure obligations to finance the medical care provided in them?;

Article 40 of the Fundamentals of Legislation on the Protection of Citizens' Health (as amended by N 122-FZ of August 22, 2004) establishes that "specialized medical care is provided to citizens with diseases that require special methods of diagnosis, treatment and the use of complex medical technologies.

Specialized medical care is provided by specialist doctors in medical institutions that have received a license for medical activities.

Types and standards of specialized medical care provided in health care institutions are established by the federal executive body that carries out regulatory legal regulation in the health sector.

Financial provision of activities for the provision of specialized medical care in dermatological, venereological, anti-tuberculosis, narcological, oncological dispensaries and other specialized medical organizations (with the exception of federal specialized medical organizations, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation) in accordance with these Fundamentals, is an expense obligation of the subject of the Russian Federation Federation.

Financial provision of measures for the provision of specialized medical care provided by federal specialized medical organizations, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, in accordance with these Fundamentals, is an expenditure obligation of the Russian Federation.

The law determined that, unlike primary health care, specialized medical care is provided in accordance with the standards that, along with the types of medical care, are established by the federal executive body that carries out legal regulation in the field of healthcare.

Federal Law N 122-FZ eliminated the contradictions in the Fundamentals regarding the delegation of powers to establish standards for specialized medical care by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, equalizing the rights of the republic within the Russian Federation, the region, the territory, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, excluding the very possibility of such delegation.

However, the provision of specialized medical care in accordance with the standards is limited to state and municipal health care institutions. The legislator did not oblige private medical organizations and persons engaged in private medical activities to provide medical care in accordance with the standards of medical care.

This contradicts the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 71) on the assignment of standardization to the competence of the Russian Federation, the establishment of equal rights for organizations of various organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, equal rights of citizens to receive medical care.

Contradictory provisions of the articles of the Law regarding licensing have also been preserved. The legislator retained the norm establishing that institutions providing specialized medical care are licensed. At the same time, there are no instructions on licensing institutions whose medical activities are related to primary health care. Licensing legislation establishes the norm on licensing medical activities without dividing it into types. In this regard, it is necessary to make appropriate amendments to the sectoral legislation.

Thus, this article of the law also does not answer the questions, but only confirms their validity.

The medical community expected to find answers to these questions in Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated October 7, 2005 N 627, which approved a new nomenclature of healthcare institutions and dated October 13, 2005 N 633 "On the organization of medical care."

At the same time, these Orders further complicated the understanding and implementation of the legislation on the division of powers.

So, new order about the unified nomenclature of state and municipal health care institutions is not much different from the old one. In the Order of 03.06.2003 N 229 (hereinafter - the Nomenclature 2003) all types of children's medical institutions are named in a separate line, and in the Order of 02.10.2005 N 627 (hereinafter - the Nomenclature 2005) they are indicated "including", which is not changes things. Excluded from the list of institutions, as an independent type of institution, the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of Russia and included in the republican hospitals, including children's. The 2005 Nomenclature excludes central district hospitals (former hospitals of "vodnikov"), as well as all types of hospitals on railway transport, since they do not belong to either the state or municipal health care system.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia is a federal body of state power that implements state policy and carries out regulatory legal regulation in the field of healthcare. Based on the vested powers, he must determine the nomenclature of healthcare organizations for all departments, levels of government, as well as healthcare systems, including private ones.

In addition, the 2005 Nomenclature clarified the name of the medical institution providing nursing care - home (hospital) nursing care, the type of hospitals "1.2. Clinics" is excluded, which is completely legitimate.

Section "1.1.2. Specialized hospitals" has not changed.

From this design of the Order, it follows that the regional, republican, regional hospitals included in section 1.1.1. are not specialized and cannot be financed from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Also, the Order does not include leprosariums as specialized institutions, which is not correct in fact, as well as hospitals. At the same time, Order No. 633 states that hospitals provide specialized medical care.

From the edition of N 95-FZ and the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, it follows that the constituent entities of the Russian Federation can only finance dispensaries and specialized hospitals named in section 1.1.2. Nomenclature 2005 and centers of specialized types of medical care, named in the section "Centers, including scientific and practical" (section 1.4).

In the logic of the Order, diabetological, drug rehabilitation centers, also named in section 1.4 of the 2005 Nomenclature, are not specialized healthcare organizations, while drug treatment and endocrinology dispensaries are classified by law, and therefore by the Order, as healthcare organizations providing specialized medical care.

A number of special type healthcare institutions have been excluded from the "centers" section: the National Medical and Surgical Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the regional center for the prevention and control of AIDS and infectious diseases, a clinical center, an outpatient dialysis center as an independent institution.

The word “organizations” has been removed from the names of centers for specialized types of medical care, rehabilitation centers have become one of the types of healthcare institutions, and not an exclusive healthcare institution of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, the centers of the district medical and medical Ministry of Health of Russia have become district medical centers.

Ambulance and emergency stations were excluded from the section "Institutions of emergency medical care and blood transfusion", the Russian rehabilitation center "Childhood" of the Ministry of Health of Russia was excluded from the section "Establishments for the protection of motherhood and childhood", a new type of health care institution "Center for the Reproductive Health of Adolescents" was introduced . Children's homes are united, specialized ones are listed as well. At the same time, paragraph 8 of the Note contains a list of specialized orphanages, from which it may follow that they are specialized healthcare institutions and should be attributed to the expenditure authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In pursuance of this paragraph, these orphanages were transferred to the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Let's try to find in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated October 13, 2005 N 633 "On the organization of medical care" the answer to the question of what refers to specialized medical care and what to primary health care?

The order divides medical care into primary health care, medical care for women during pregnancy, during and after childbirth, emergency medical care, specialized medical care, emergency specialized care (sanitary and aviation) and high-tech (expensive) medical care.

Special attention It is noteworthy that the Order refers to primary health care 31 types of medical care, ranging from therapy to cardiovascular surgery, which are referred to as specialized types of medical care in the "Specialized Medical Care" section.

The Order also contains a list of institutions providing primary health care. These include - outpatient clinics (at the same time, they are excluded as an independent type of institution from the 2005 Nomenclature), general medical (family practice) centers, district hospitals, district hospitals, central district hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, polyclinics, including children's , city polyclinics, including children's, centers, medical units, city hospitals, orphanages, antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals, emergency hospitals, perinatal centers.

In order to understand the concept of primary health care, one should refer to the norms of the law of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens.

Thus, article 38 of the Fundamentals defines: “Primary health care is the main, accessible and free type of medical care for every citizen and includes: treatment of the most common diseases, as well as injuries, poisonings and other emergency conditions; medical prevention of major diseases; sanitary hygienic education, carrying out other activities related to the provision of health care to citizens at the place of residence.

Primary health care is provided by the institutions of the municipal health system. Public and private healthcare institutions may also participate in the provision of primary health care on the basis of contracts with insurance medical organizations.

The volume and procedure for the provision of primary health care is established by legislation in the field of protecting the health of citizens.

Financial provision of activities for the provision of primary health care in outpatient, inpatient polyclinic and hospital institutions, medical care for women during pregnancy, during and after childbirth in accordance with these Fundamentals, is an expense obligation of the municipality.

The provision of primary health care may also be financed from the funds of compulsory medical insurance and other sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In Article 13 of the Fundamentals of the "Municipal Health System", the legislator once again fixes the sources of financing of primary health care.

Financial support for the activities of organizations of the municipal health care system is an expense obligation of the municipality.

The provision of medical care in organizations of the municipal healthcare system may also be financed from the funds of compulsory medical insurance and other sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

It follows from these norms that the main source of funding for the activities of organizations of the municipal health system that provide primary health care, emergency medical care, as well as medical care for women during pregnancy, childbirth and after childbirth, should be the budget of the municipality, and compulsory medical insurance is not an obligatory source of financing and can, "as well" as other sources, be used by decision of local governments. Such consolidation of funding sources is absolutely contrary to the basic principles of compulsory health insurance and the legislation governing it. It is primary health care that should be financed from the funds of compulsory medical insurance, since it is the main, affordable, free type of medical care. The main source of its funding is compulsory health insurance, based on the joint financial responsibility of the healthy in favor of the sick, the young in favor of the old, the rich in favor of the poor.

In addition, the legislator, for the sake of delimiting financial powers between levels of government, excluded from the concept of health care, such of its most important components as the implementation of sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures. It is difficult to agree with such changes. The exclusion of sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures from primary health care may lead to the fact that medical institutions will not carry out such important measures as vaccination, measures to isolate infectious patients and establish quarantine, sanitary and hygienic treatment within the framework of this form of organization of medical care. in the foci of infections, etc. There will be no proper coordination of actions in carrying out these measures between municipal medical institutions and institutions and bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service that fall within the competence of the federal center. This will lead to a deterioration in the implementation of preventive measures.

In the edition of the Fundamentals of 1993, primary health care included measures to protect the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, which are excluded by Federal Law N 122-FZ. The complete exclusion of these measures is unjustified. Primary health care should include measures to protect the health of the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood. And this should be enshrined in law.

It should be noted that when amending this law in the summer of 2004, it was necessary to replace the concept of "medical care", the legal and organizational meaning of which is unclear, with the constitutional concept - medical care.

In addition, it should be noted that the definition of specialized medical care refers to diagnostic and treatment technologies, while primary health care refers only to prevention and treatment technologies.

Previously, the Basics fixed the establishment of the volume of primary health care by local administrations in accordance with the territorial program of compulsory medical insurance.

The order of provision was instructed to establish the governing bodies of the municipal health care system on the basis of the regulations of the federal and regional executive authorities in the field of health care. Federal Law No. 122-FZ excluded these norms, the establishment of the volume and procedure for the provision of primary health care in the law is defined in a fairly general form - "in accordance with the law."

The procedure for organizing the provision of primary health care is determined by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 29, 2005 N 487. The specified procedure regulates issues related to the organization of the provision of this type of medical care. Institutions providing primary health care must carry out their activities in accordance with the established procedure. According to the Order, primary health care includes, among other things, medical care for women during pregnancy, during and after childbirth. Primary health care is provided by institutions of the municipal health care system mainly at the place of residence, namely outpatient clinics, which are specifically listed in the Order: an outpatient clinic, a center for general medical (family) practice, a district (including a central one), a city polyclinic, a children's city ​​polyclinic, female consultation.

The order duplicates the norm of the law on the participation in the provision of primary health care of public and private health care institutions on the basis of contracts with insurance medical organizations.

It should be noted that the Order (clauses 8 and 9) defines in detail the structure of outpatient and inpatient care, and in relation to inpatient care it is specified that it is provided to the population of municipalities in hospitals and inpatient polyclinics without specifying their types defined by the Nomenclature-2005 .

Thus, only the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated October 13, 2005 N 633 defines a list of institutions providing primary health care in hospitals - district, district and central district hospitals, nursing homes and hospices, centers, medical units, city hospitals, children's homes, maternity hospitals, emergency hospitals, perinatal centers. However, there is no reference to the previous Order.

The order (paragraph 7) clarifies that the obligation of institutions to provide primary health care is performed by medical workers of these institutions: district therapists, district pediatricians, general practitioners (family) obstetrician-gynecologists, other medical specialists, as well as specialists with secondary medical and higher education, in accordance with the established procedure.

From this definition It follows that medical specialists provide primary health care in accordance with their specialty and position. Specialists of the same specialties also provide specialized medical care in 31 specialties. That is, in 31 specialties, medical care can be specialized and primary health care, and only in 16 specialties is medical care specialized. So, for example, cardiovascular surgery provided by an emergency hospital of an urban district refers to primary health care, and cardiovascular surgery organized in health care institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - a hospital, center, regional regional, republican, district hospital , is a specialized cardiovascular surgery.

Hematological, dermatovenerological, diabetological, coloproctological, neonatological, oncological for adults and children, specialized medical care for infectious diseases, psychiatric, psychiatric-narcological, dental, urological-andrological, phthisiatric, medical genetic medical care (total 16) are specialized.

The question arises about the difference between these two types of medical care provided within the same specialty. Is it possible to distinguish between diseases, standards of medical care, technologies used, the level of training of specialists, and other criteria. Theoretically, you can justify anything. It's practically impossible. The distinction established by this Order is artificial and does not at all solve the issues of delimiting powers in the healthcare sector and fixing sources of funding by levels of government.

At the same time, it should be noted that this Order completely deprives the population of municipalities of affordable TB medical care, since it can only be provided in a specialized dispensary and a specialized hospital. The population of rural areas will have to go to these specialized institutions. The logic of the Order does not allow to have a phthisiatrician and a phthisiatric department on the staff of the central district hospital. This management decision was immediately realized in the stagnation of tuberculosis incidence rates and an increase in mortality rates.

A similar situation develops with the availability of other types of medical care.

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on the availability of dental care, which is referred by the Order only to specialized medical care provided in healthcare institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation: regional, regional, republican hospital, dispensary, specialized hospital, hospital (which implies that it is a specialized medical institution, together however, in the 2005 Nomenclature it does not apply to such), in a center without specifying a specialized or other types, and most importantly in a polyclinic (without specifying its profile), which does not belong to specialized healthcare institutions.

The result of such an artificial division of medical care may be the destruction of relevant medical care services, a decrease in the availability and deterioration of its quality, a decrease in morbidity rates and an increase in mortality rates. Most importantly, this does not comply with the legislation on the division of powers.

The order also clarifies that citizens are entitled to free medical care in the state and municipal health care system in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of local governments.

A guaranteed volume of free medical care is provided to citizens in accordance with the Program of State Guarantees for the Provision of Free Medical Care to Citizens of the Russian Federation. It follows from these norms that primary health care is included in the program of state guarantees.

At the same time, the legislator allowed that public and private healthcare organizations can provide primary health care under contracts with insurance medical organizations, without specifying what type of insurance they will carry out - compulsory or voluntary medical insurance. Thus, in this definition there is no clarity in the delimitation of powers for the implementation of financing.

This duality in defining the types of medical care leads to different understandings in determining measures for the restructuring of medical care. There is one more question. What is included in primary health care?

According to N 131-FZ and the Fundamentals, as amended. N 122-FZ is the entire volume of medical care provided by medical organizations of municipalities - a municipal district and an urban district, which provide both outpatient and inpatient medical care. At the same time, among many specialists in the field of organization of domestic health care, the opinion is firmly entrenched that primary health care is exclusively outpatient medical care provided at the place of residence by district doctors. The last interpretation is connected with drawing parallels with foreign counterparts in determining this type of medical care. Indeed, in the healthcare systems of foreign countries, with a developed system of general medical (family) practice, a general practitioner provides a fairly wide range of medical services and refers the patient for an outpatient consultation to a hospital specialist or for hospitalization. Quite rarely, hospital specialists consult patients with a general (family) practitioner or in group practice.

I believe that it is advisable to fix the concept of primary health care in the federal law, taking into account the recommendations of the Alma-Ata conference, the legislation on the delimitation of powers and the historically established features of the domestic healthcare system in the following edition:

"Primary health care is guaranteed for every citizen, an accessible and free type of medical care provided to a citizen by medical organizations of a municipal district or city district, as well as to certain categories of citizens in medical organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or the Russian Federation, licensed to provide medical care .Primary health care includes:

primary medical care provided using simple medical technologies at the outpatient stage by doctors with a medical specialty district doctor, doctor general practice(family doctor) in medical organizations of municipalities;

specialized medical care of the first and second levels, provided by doctors, specialists of outpatient and hospital healthcare organizations of municipalities;

primary medical care and first-level specialized medical care provided to certain categories of citizens in accordance with the law in outpatient organizations of the subject of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation.

Primary health care is provided in accordance with the standards of medical care and includes prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the most common diseases (conditions), as well as injuries, poisoning, sanitary and hygienic education; carrying out measures to protect the health of the family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, other measures related to the provision of medical and sanitary assistance to citizens, including sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures.

  • Healthcare. Definition. The history of the development of the state system
  • Zo development indicators. Method of calculation. Modern levels in rb (all data for 2012!!!)
  • State zo system (Beveridge, Semashko)
  • Private and insurance medicine, organizational principles.
  • Medical ethics and medical deontology
  • Contribution to the development of medicine by scientists of the ancient world and scientists of the era of the early and developed Middle Ages
  • Organization of public health protection on the territory of Belarus as a part of incl., rp, Russian Empire
  • Section II Medical statistics, sections, tasks. The role of the statistical method in studying the health of the population and the performance of the health care system
  • Statistical population, definition, types. Sample set, requirements for it. Sampling methods.
  • Organization of medical research, stages. Characteristics of the plan and program of medical research
  • Statistical observation. Methods for collecting statistical information. Stat tables, types, requirements for compilation
  • Features of conducting medical research
  • The main mistakes in conducting medical research
  • Relative values, calculation technique, use in zo.
  • Graphic representation in statistics. Types of diagrams, construction rules
  • Variational series, its elements, types, construction rules
  • Average values, types, methods of calculation. Use in medicine.
  • Characterization of the diversity of the studied trait in the sample population. Standard deviation, calculation method, use in the work of a doctor.
  • Assessment of the reliability of the difference between relative and average values. Criterion "t".
  • Correlation connection, its features, types. Correlation coefficient, definition, properties, calculation methods. Pearson series correlation method. Spearman's rank correlation method.
  • The concept of non-parametric research methods. Matching criterion (χ-square), calculation steps, value. The concept of the null hypothesis.
  • Dynamic series, types, alignment methods. Indicators of the dynamic range, calculation method.
  • Section III Public health, factors determining it. Indicators used to assess the health of the population.
  • Demography as a science, definition, content. major population problems. The value of demographic data for health care.
  • Law of the Republic of Belarus "on demographic security".
  • National program of demographic security of the Republic of Belarus for 2011-2015 Purpose, tasks. Expected results of implementation.
  • Population statics, methods of study. Population censuses. Types of age structures of the population. The number and composition of the population of the Republic of Belarus.
  • Mechanical movement of the population. Characteristics of migration processes, significance for health authorities.
  • The natural movement of the population, factors influencing it. Indicators, methods of calculation. The main laws of the natural movement of the population in the Republic of Belarus.
  • Fertility as a medical and social problem. Current state, trends in the Republic of Belarus.
  • General and special indicators of fertility. Calculation technique, level assessment. Types of population reproduction. The nature of reproduction in the Republic of Belarus.
  • Mortality of the population as a medical and social problem. Current state, trends in the Republic of Belarus.
  • General and special mortality rates. Calculation technique, level assessment.
  • Infant mortality, factors determining its level. Calculation methods, level assessment. The main causes of infant mortality in the Republic of Belarus. directions of prevention.
  • Maternal mortality, factors determining its level. Method of calculation. The main causes of maternal mortality in the Republic of Belarus. directions of prevention.
  • International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, tenth revision, its role in the statistical study of morbidity and mortality in the population.
  • Population morbidity as a medical and social problem. Importance of morbidity data for public health. The current state of morbidity in the Republic of Belarus.
  • Methods for studying the incidence of the population, characteristics.
  • Method for studying morbidity by applying to medical and preventive organizations, characteristics.
  • Primary and general morbidity. Accounting and reporting documents. Indicators. Levels and structure in the Republic of Belarus.
  • The study of morbidity with temporary disability. Accounting and reporting documents. Indicators.
  • 7) The proportion of those who are often and long-term sick:
  • The study of acute infectious morbidity. Accounting and reporting documents. Indicators.
  • Infectious diseases (per 100 thousand population)
  • The study of the incidence of the population with the most important non-epidemic diseases. Accounting and reporting documents. Indicators.
  • The study of hospitalized morbidity. Accounting and reporting documents. Indicators.
  • A method for studying the incidence of the population based on the results of preventive medical examinations. Types of inspections. health groups. Accounting and reporting documents. Indicators.
  • 2) Instant hit
  • 3) Distribution of those examined by health groups:
  • A method for studying morbidity according to data on the causes of death. Accounting documents, filling rules. Indicators.
  • 1) Lethality
  • 2) Mortality
  • Section IV Primary health care to the population (PMSP). Tasks. Functions. Directions for the development of PHC in the Republic of Belarus. Types of medical care.
  • Organization of medical care to the population in outpatient and polyclinic conditions, the main directions of development. Nomenclature of outpatient organizations.
  • City polyclinic, structure, tasks. Principles of organizing the work of the city polyclinic. Types of plots, population standards.
  • Polyclinic registry, structure, tasks. Arranging appointments for patients. Rules for the storage of medical records.
  • Preventive work of the city polyclinic. Department of prevention, tasks. Organization of medical examinations of the population. Types of inspections. Indicators of preventive work.
  • Sections of the work of a local general practitioner, their characteristics. Accounting documentation in the work of a local general practitioner. Activity indicators.
  • Dispensary of the population. Definition, tasks. Organization and content of the stages of clinical examination. Accounting documents. Indicators for assessing the volume, quality and effectiveness of dispensary work.
  • Cabinet of medical statistics of the polyclinic, the main sections of the work. The role of statistical information in the management of the clinic. Basic reporting forms. Clinic performance indicators.
  • General practitioner (GP): definition, activities. The content of the work of a general practitioner.
  • The role and place of GPs in the system of primary health care. Outpatient clinic of general practice, staffing standards, organization of work.
  • Organization of medical care to the population in a hospital, the main directions of improvement. Nomenclature of hospital organizations.
  • City hospital, structure, tasks, management, organization of work, accounting and reporting documentation.
  • Organization of the work of the admission department of the hospital, tasks, order of admission. Documentation.
  • Types of modes in the hospital, their characteristics, tasks, main activities.
  • Indicators of inpatient care, calculation methodology, levels in the Republic of Belarus.
  • Hospital performance indicators, calculation method, assessment. hospital
  • Women's consultation, tasks, structure, organization of work. Accounting documentation. Indicators of work on servicing pregnant women.
  • Maternity hospital, tasks, structure, organization of work. Accounting documentation. Performance indicators of the maternity hospital.
  • Organization of medical care for children. Organization nomenclature. Leading medical and social problems of children's health.
  • Children's polyclinic, tasks, structure. Features of the organization of medical care for children. Indicators of the work of the children's polyclinic.
  • 2. Child care at home:
  • 3. Preventive work:
  • 4. Observation of newborns and children of the first years of life:
  • 5. Medical examination indicators:
  • Preventive work of children's polyclinic. Nursing of newborns. Cabinet of a healthy child, the content of his work.
  • Anti-epidemic work of the children's clinic. Vaccination room, its tasks, organization of work. Accounting documentation. Communication in work with the center of hygiene and epidemiology.
  • Children's hospital, tasks, structure, organization of work, features of patient admission. Accounting and reporting documentation. Activity indicators.
  • 1. Characteristics of care in a hospital, provided to the population
  • Rural medical site (SVU). Medical organizations svu. Rural district hospital. Organization and content of medical - preventive and anti-epidemic work.
  • Central regional hospital, structure, functions. Role in the organization of medical care for the population living in rural areas. Activity indicators.
  • Regional hospital, structure, functions. Role in the organization of medical care for the population living in rural areas. Activity indicators.
  • Organization of specialized medical care for the population. Centers for specialized medical care, types, tasks, structure.
  • Dispensaries. Types, tasks, structure. The role of dispensaries in improving the quality of specialized medical care for the population. Relationship with the clinic.
  • Organization of emergency (emergency) medical care to the population. Tasks of the station of emergency (emergency) medical care. Emergency hospital: tasks, structure.
  • Medical Consultative Commission (MCC), composition, functions. Sections of work vkk. The procedure for referring patients to the VKK, issuing a certificate of incapacity for work through the VKK.
  • Medico-social expertise, definition, content, basic concepts.
  • Organization of medical and social expertise (examination of violations of vital activity of patients). Documents regulating the procedure for conducting a medical and social examination.
  • Medical Rehabilitation Expert Commissions (MREK). Types, composition and functions of mrek. The procedure for referral and examination of patients to MREC, documentation, rules for its execution.
  • Classification of special medical care : 1) general types of special medical care: therapy, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, dentistry, pediatrics; 2) main types of specialization: psychiatry, oncology, ophthalmology, gastroenterology, dermatovenereology, otorhinolaryngol, phthisiopulmonology; 3) narrow specialization: allergology, CLS, neurosurgery, vascular surgery, medical genetics; 4) super narrow specialization: neurooncology, transplantology. Center -organization of ZO, ensuring the concentration of high medical technologies, the provision of specialized medical care, medical rehabilitation, the organization of methodological f-tions, hygienic, anti-epidemic (prophylactic) f-tions. RSPC 17 pcs : Cardiology, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Pediatric Oncology and Hematology, Alexandrov Oncology and Medical Radiology, Traumatology and Orthopedics, Mother and Child, Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology, Pathology of Hearing, Voice, Speech, Pulmonology and Phthisiology, Hygiene, Mental Health, Epidemiology and microbiology, Medical examination and rehabilitation, Organ and tissue transplantation, Clinical center for plastic surgery and medical cosmetology, Center for medical technologies. The principle of multi-level provision of SMP. 1st level - ambulance medical care (40% - specialized teams). 2nd level - outpatient clinic assistance - is provided by doctors of polyclinics. 3rd level - consultative-diagnostic polyclinics and specialized dispensaries - clarify or establish an accurate diagnosis; provide consultations, diagnostic studies, issuance of conclusions on the state of health and recommendations, carry out clinical examination of patients. Types of SMP centers : inter-district, regional, republican.The tasks of the SMP center: 1) scientific, methodological and organizational guidance and the provision of highly qualified SMP in this narrow specialization; 2) systematic development and implementation in practice of modern medical technologies and scientific achievements in the field of treatment of patients; 3) carrying out specialization and improvement of personnel in this narrow specialty; 4) analysis of public health and development of a set of preventive measures. Leading the centers - professors and associate professors, doctors with extensive experience. The center consists of : medical-prof. institutions; improvement departments; scientific departments.

    Dispensaries. Types, tasks, structure. The role of dispensaries in improving the quality of specialized medical care for the population. Relationship with the clinic.

    Dispensary- a special medical institution that provides specialized medical care to patients of a certain profile and systematically monitors their state of health. Classification 1) by administrative-territory basis: republics, city, region, inter-district; 2) by profile: anti-TB (24), skin veins (21), neuropsychiatric (14), oncologist (11), narcologist (12), endocrinologist (5-6), cardiologist (5-6). Tasks : provision of specialized medical diagnostic and advisory assistance to specialized patients; recording patients and creating registries; organizational and methodological guidance of the profile specialized service of medical organizations; introduction of scientific new methods and technologies; hygienic education and promotion of healthy lifestyles. Structure : control ( chief physician, deputies), organizational method department, polyclinic department, hospital, laboratory diagnostic department, department of auxiliary methods of treatment, administrative service.

    Polyclinic doctor in the detection of diseases tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, trichophytosis, microsporia, favus, scabies, trachoma, leprosy, malignant neoplasms, mental illness, alcoholism and drug addiction - sends patients to the appropriate territorial specialized dispensaries (anti-tuberculosis, dermatovenerological, oncological, neuropsychiatric, narcological) to clarify the diagnosis. Appropriate notices are filled in for identified patients: “Notice of a patient with a first-ever diagnosed active tuberculosis, venereal disease, trichophytosis, microsporia, favus, scabies, trachoma, mental illness” (f. 089 / y), “... cancer or another malignant neoplasm" (f. 090/y), "...drug addiction" (f. 091/y). For patients with microsporia, trichophytosis, favus, scabies with a diagnosis established for the first time in their life, an “Emergency notice” (f. 058 / y) is also filled out, which is sent to the territorial TsGiE.

  • Types of medical care (first medical, pre-medical, medical, qualified, specialized)

    Federal Agency for Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

    GOU VPO Altai State Medical University of Roszdrav

    Department of Faculty Therapy


    - Economics and management in a healthcare enterprise

    course work

    in the discipline "Modern medical technologies"

    on the topic: Types of medical care (first medical, pre-medical, medical, qualified, specialized)

    Barnaul - 2011


    1. First aid

    2. First aid

    3. First aid

    4. Qualified medical care

    5. Specialized medical care

    6. Development of medical care




    The general concept of "medical care" for a person in a state of danger to life and health" means therapeutic and preventive measures taken in order to save the life of the wounded or sick, as well as to speedy recovery their health.

    Medical care is a set of therapeutic and preventive measures carried out in case of diseases, injuries, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as in order to prevent diseases and injuries.

    There are the following levels of medical care:

    · First aid

    · First aid

    · First aid



    First aidcarried out by people who do not necessarily have a special medical education. The first aid level does not involve the use of any special medical instruments, medicines or equipment.

    First aidturns out to be persons with special training for the provision of medical care. This is the average medical staff (paramedic, nurse) or pharmacist, pharmacist. This is their level of knowledge and skills.

    First aidis provided by a doctor who has the necessary tools, medicines, and the amount of such assistance is regulated by the conditions for its provision, i.e. where she ends up - outside of hospital conditions or in a clinic, an ambulance, in a hospital emergency department.

    Qualified medical careturns out to be highly qualified doctors in multidisciplinary hospitals or trauma centers;

    Specialized medical carecan be provided at the highest level in specialized clinics, institutes and academies.

    A feature of medical care is the combination of treatment and prevention, as a result of which it is called treatment-and-prophylactic. The same name is given to institutions that provide medical care to the population. Medical institutions include hospitals, polyclinics and outpatient clinics, dispensaries, antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals, medical and sanitary units and health centers, sanatoriums, medical and obstetric centers, etc.

    The theme of my work is "Types of medical care (first medical, pre-medical, medical, qualified, specialized)". In the literature, even in regulatory documents, the concepts of first aid, first aid, Ambulance. It's not the same thing. These are completely different sometimes even legal concepts. In my work, I will try to reveal them as fully as possible.

    1. FIRST AID

    The health and life of victims and suddenly ill often depends on the timeliness and quality of the assistance provided by people who usually have nothing to do with medicine, but they are more often than doctors or paramedics are nearby. This is first aid. It depends on the level of medical knowledge, skills and abilities of witnesses and participants in the incident. First aid is a type of medical care that includes a set of simple medical measures performed directly at the scene of an accident or near it in the order of self- and mutual assistance.

    First aid- a set of urgent simple measures to save a person's life and prevent complications in the event of an accident or sudden illness, carried out at the scene of the incident by the victim himself (self-help) or by another person nearby (mutual assistance). First aid includes measures to stop the impact of factors that can aggravate the condition of the injured (sick) or lead to death, eliminate phenomena that directly threaten their lives (bleeding, asphyxia, etc.), taking measures to prevent complications and ensure the evacuation of victims (patients) without a significant deterioration in their condition.

    First aid can be provided at the site of injury by the victim himself (self-help), his comrade (mutual assistance), sanitary combatants. First aid measures are: a temporary stop of bleeding, the imposition of a sterile dressing on the wound and burn surface, artificial respiration and indirect heart massage, the introduction of antidotes, giving antibiotics, the introduction of painkillers (for shock), extinguishing burning clothes, transport immobilization, warming, shelter from heat and cold, putting on a gas mask, removing the affected from the infected area, partial sanitization.

    First aid is aimed at maintaining the life of the injured (patient) and preventing the development of complications. It includes the extraction of victims from the seats of fire, from under the rubble; extinguishing burning clothes and incendiary mixture that has fallen on the body; a temporary stop of bleeding, the imposition of a sterile dressing on the wound (burn) surface; the use of antidotes in case of damage by toxic substances; elimination of asphyxia by freeing the upper respiratory tract from mucus, blood and foreign bodies, fixation of the tongue when it retracts; applying an occlusive dressing using a rubberized shell of an individual dressing bag; the introduction of an anesthetic using a syringe tube; immobilization using improvised means; the use of antibiotics and certain other drugs; partial special treatment of open areas of the body and clothing adjacent to them.

    First medical (paramedic) assistance includes the following three groups of activities:

    ) Immediate cessation of exposure to external damaging factors (electric current, high or low temperature, squeezing by weights), removal of the victim from the favorable conditions.

    ) Providing first aid to the victim, depending on the nature and type of injury, accident or sudden illness (stopping bleeding, bandaging a wound, artificial respiration, heart massage, etc.).

    ) Organization of the speedy delivery of the victim to a medical institution.

    First aid includes, if necessary, the simplest measures to revive the body (first aid resuscitation). It is known that after the moment of death of a person, various organs and tissues of his body do not die immediately, but gradually, therefore, their functions, including blood circulation and respiration, in some cases can be restored. Recovery is possible in a short period of time after the onset of the so-called. clinical death, i.e. after respiratory and circulatory arrest: usually within 6-8 minutes. Later, biological death occurs, and the probability of revival decreases sharply, and a full restoration of life, including mental activity, is almost impossible (with the exception of those who are frozen or drowned in cold water). Clinical death can be caused by trauma, poisoning, hypothermia, electrical injury, myocardial infarction, etc. The “lifeless posture” helps to determine the fact of the absence of breathing and cardiac activity, that is, the position of the body, which is not characteristic of a living person; respiratory movements of the chest are absent, the pupils are wide, the heartbeat is not audible.

    To restore breathing, you must first free the body from restrictive clothing and ensure the patency of the upper respiratory tract so that air can freely pass into the lungs. Artificial respiration in the absence of medical instruments and devices is carried out using the mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose methods, i.e. air is blown into the victim's lungs. Requires a rhythmic repetition of vigorous breaths at a frequency of 12-15 times per minute.

    An indirect heart massage is performed with a complete cardiac arrest and with agonal disturbances in the rhythm of its contractions. Artificial ventilation of the lungs provides ample oxygen saturation of the blood, so the task of a heart massage is to ensure the movement of blood through the body, to deliver oxygen to the vital important bodies a person and thereby achieve the restoration of independent cardiac activity and respiration.

    An indirect heart massage is performed as follows: by sharp pressure of the palm on the victim’s sternum, the assisting person causes squeezing of the stopped heart between the sternum and spine and reduces it in volume, which leads to the release of blood into the aorta and pulmonary artery. The cessation of pressure leads to the expansion of the chest, the heart restores its volume, is again filled with blood coming from the vessels. Thus, artificially induced contractions of the heart occur, ensuring its work as a pump, and artificial circulation.

    It should be remembered that the provision of artificial blood circulation and artificial respiration, even if they do not lead to the restoration of an independent heartbeat and respiration, prolongs the state of clinical death and delays biological death, this may be decisive for effective action ambulance teams.

    The provision of first aid as soon as possible is of decisive importance for the further course and outcome of the lesion, and sometimes even saving lives. In case of severe bleeding, electric shock, drowning, cessation of cardiac activity and respiration, and in a number of other cases, first aid should be provided immediately.

    When providing first aid, personal and improvised means are used. First aid equipment is dressing- bandages, medical dressing packages, large and small sterile dressings and napkins, cotton wool, etc. To stop bleeding, hemostatic tourniquets are used - tape and tubular, and for immobilization special tires - plywood, ladder, mesh, etc. When providing first aid some medicines are used - a 5% alcohol solution of iodine in ampoules or in a vial, a 1-2% brilliant green alcohol solution in a vial, validol in tablets, valerian tincture, ammonia in ampoules, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in tablets or powder, petroleum jelly, etc. For personal prevention of lesions by radioactive, toxic substances and bacterial agents in the lesions, a first-aid kit is used individual (AI-2).

    The general principles of first aid for injuries and acute illnesses are as follows:

    stop and prevent further impact on the victim of the damaging factor, while ensuring the safety of the rescuer;

    take measures to restore and maintain vitality as quickly and fully as possible. important functions the victim's body.

    It is important at the same time to observe the postulate of Hippocrates - "do no harm." Therefore, it is necessary to clearly master not only the correct sequence of actions, but also what absolutely cannot be done in this or that state.

    After providing the necessary medical assistance, you should quickly deliver the victim to a medical facility or call an ambulance to the scene. The sooner medical assistance is provided, the greater the chance of saving the victim.

    First of all, do not rush to act, first assess the situation, determine priority tasks, and then act.

    The first is administrative action. Ensure the safety of yourself and the victims: drive away the dog, separate the fighters, call the police, firefighters, extinguish the flames, mark the scene on the roadway, help get out or pull the victim out of the broken car ...

    Second, evaluate real threat for the life of the victim (impaired consciousness, difficulty breathing, weakness of cardiac activity, bleeding, pain shock) and proceed to priority emergency measures.

    Third, after making sure that the victim is in a safe place and his life is not threatened by blood loss or airway obstruction, wait for the ambulance to arrive and start providing first aid.

    If a person's life is not in any real danger, that is, he is conscious, the damage received is minor, breathing and pulse are easily recognized. Remove tight clothing, give sedatives and painkillers, treat the wound, comfortably lay a limb with signs of a fracture or dislocation in an elevated position, apply cold to the injured area. Do not forget about the possibility of taking some drugs "under the tongue" (sublingually), as they act faster and with less harm to gastrointestinal tract(especially important for abdominal injuries). Read the instructions for use. These drugs include analgin and valocordin - they are in every first aid kit.

    If the injury is serious, active movements, consciousness fuzzy give the victim a safe position.

    Help the victim to take a comfortable position, in which the pain is the least. If consciousness is absent or confused, put the victim on his side, if breathing is difficult to throw back his head, make sure that breathing is free. For example, with a fracture of the pelvis and hip joints take the frog pose. To do this, the victim must be laid on his back on a hard, flat surface, bending his legs at the knees, slightly spreading them to the sides and placing a roller under his knees

    Stop bleeding from a wound. To do this, apply a pressure bandage or tourniquet if blood flows in a pulsating stream from a wound on the leg or arm. The pressure of the tourniquet should be sufficient for you to observe the cessation of bleeding. After 2 hours (not later!) Relax the applied tourniquet, if bleeding continues, tighten it again.

    With a sudden cessation of cardiac activity, the signs of which are the absence of a pulse, palpitations, pupillary response to light (dilated pupils), immediately begin an indirect heart massage and artificial ventilation of the lungs.

    Use for broken limbs transport tires, which fix two joint segments adjacent to the broken segment. Do not allow support on the "broken" leg, you can use improvised means of additional support (cane, crutch).

    Fourth. If calling an ambulance is not possible, consider ways to deliver the victim to the nearest medical facility (on their own, in a car unsuitable for ambulance transportation, on a stretcher, in a prone position, sitting, standing ...). Transportation itself can lead to even more traumatic injuries, so correlate the nature of the injury and the means of evacuation available to you. So, for example, the transportation of victims with a spinal injury should be carried out only in the supine position on a hard shield, and with a chest injury only while sitting.

    It is necessary to monitor the tourniquet and the bandage. The swelling that grows on the first day can lead to tissue compression, the bandage must be cut and replaced with a new one. Periodically, after 2 hours (not later!) after application, relax the tourniquet, to do this, slowly relax the applied tourniquet, wait 5 minutes, if bleeding continues and it has obvious signs of arterial bleeding, tighten it again.

    When injured, the victim is given first aid. The task of first aid is to save the life of the victim by carrying out the simplest measures, reduce his suffering, prevent the development of possible complications, and alleviate the severity of the injury or illness.

    2. FIRST AID

    Conventionally, pre-medical care can be divided into assistance provided by paramedical staff: paramedic, midwife, nurse, and assistance provided by people who do not have special medical training, in the order of first aid.

    First aid is the beginning of the treatment of injuries, because. it prevents complications such as shock, bleeding, infection, additional displacement of bone fragments and injury to large nerve trunks and blood vessels.

    It should be remembered that the further state of health of the victim and even his life largely depends on the timeliness and quality of first aid. For some minor injuries, medical assistance to the victim may be limited to only the volume of first aid. However, with more serious injuries(fractures, dislocations, bleeding, injuries of internal organs, etc.) first aid is the initial stage, since after it has been provided, the victim must be taken to a medical facility. First aid is very important, but will never replace qualified (specialized) medical care if the victim needs it.

    The first pre-medical emergency aid is a set of simple measures aimed at saving lives and preserving human health, carried out before the arrival of a doctor or delivery of the victim to the hospital.

    First aid turns out to be a paramedic with standard medical equipment. It is aimed at combating the life-threatening consequences of injuries (diseases) and preventing serious complications. In addition to first aid measures, it includes: elimination of asphyxia by introducing an air duct, artificial ventilation of the lungs using portable devices, oxygen inhalation, monitoring the correct application of the tourniquet, correcting or, if indicated, applying the tourniquet again; applying and correcting bandages; re-introduction of painkillers, antidotes, the use of antibiotics, cardiovascular and other drugs available on the equipment of the paramedic; improvement of transport immobilization using standard and improvised means; partial special treatment of open areas of the body and degassing of clothing adjacent to them; if possible, warming the affected and sick.

    Main tasks first aid are:

    a) holding necessary activities to eliminate the threat to the life of the victim;

    b) prevention of possible complications;

    c) ensuring the most favorable conditions for the transportation of the victim.

    First aid to the victim should be provided quickly and under the guidance of one person, since conflicting advice from outside, fuss, disputes and confusion lead to the loss of precious time. At the same time, the call of a doctor or the delivery of the victim to the first-aid post (hospital) must be carried out immediately.

    The algorithm of actions to save the life and preserve the health of the victim should be as follows:

    a) the use of personal protective equipment by a paramedic or nurse (if necessary, depending on the situation);

    b) elimination of the cause of the impact of threatening factors (withdrawal of the victim from the gassed area, release of the victim from the action of electric current, extraction of the drowning person from the water, etc.);

    c) urgent assessment of the condition of the victim ( visual inspection, inquire about well-being, determine the presence of signs of life);

    d) call for help from others, and also ask to call an ambulance;

    e) giving the victim a safe position for each specific case;

    f) take measures to eliminate life-threatening conditions (resuscitation, stop bleeding, etc.)

    g) do not leave the victim unattended, constantly monitor his condition, continue to support vital functions his body before the arrival of medical workers.

    The first aid provider should know:

    basics of work in extreme conditions;

    signs (symptoms) of violations of vital systems of the body;

    rules, methods, techniques for providing first aid in relation to the characteristics of a particular person, depending on the situation;

    methods of transporting victims, etc.

    The caregiver must be able to:

    assess the condition of the victim, diagnose the type, features of the lesion (injury), determine the type of necessary first aid, the sequence of appropriate measures;

    correctly carry out the entire complex of emergency resuscitation care, monitor the effectiveness and, if necessary, adjust resuscitation measures taking into account the condition of the victim;

    stop bleeding by applying a tourniquet, pressure bandages, etc .; apply bandages, scarves, transport tires for fractures of the bones of the skeleton, dislocations, severe bruises;

    provide assistance in case of electric shock, including in extreme conditions (on power line poles, etc.), in case of drowning, heat stroke, sunstroke, acute poisoning;

    use improvised means when providing PDNP, when transferring, loading, transporting the victim.

    Medical institutions providing first aid are feldsher health centers at enterprises and feldsher-obstetric stations in rural areas. The decisive role in the provision of first aid at industrial enterprises belongs to health centers. However, it is not always possible for a health worker to provide needed help in time. In this regard, self-help and mutual assistance is of great importance.

    First aid provided by people who do not have special medical training consists in carrying out the simplest measures at the scene of the incident (in the workshop, on the street, at home) before the arrival of the paramedic.

    Education of the population in some methods of medical care according to special programs is carried out by organizations of the Red Cross, as well as at courses at enterprises. These programs include training in tourniquet application, pressure dressing, pressure large vessels, overlay simple dressings, artificial respiration techniques, splinting for fractures. Particular attention should be paid to the practical demonstration of first aid. The system of organizing self-help and mutual assistance includes training workers in the rules for providing first aid in relation to production conditions, and the creation of sanitary posts.

    Sanitary posts for the provision of first aid in the shops are created from among well-trained workers; these posts are especially necessary in the areas of the workshop, remote from the health center. The sanitary post should be equipped necessary materials for first aid: stretchers, individual aseptic bags, cotton-gauze dressings, splints, hemostatic tourniquets, alcohol solution iodine, ammonia, tincture of valerian, etc. It is important that each worker of the shop is aware of the location of the sanitary post. Workers should be familiar with safety regulations.

    In rural areas, the organization and provision of first aid is carried out by the FAP. During the period of sowing and harvesting campaigns, sanitary posts are organized in each brigade; tractor and combine operators are provided with individual aseptic bags and are trained to use them. Along with the training of agricultural workers and collective farmers in the rules of self-help and mutual assistance, they should also be introduced to the rules of agricultural labor safety and the most common causes injuries.

    3. FIRST AID

    First aid -a type of medical care that includes a set of therapeutic and preventive measures performed by doctors (usually at the stage of medical evacuation) and aimed at eliminating the consequences of lesions (diseases) that directly threaten the lives of the affected (patients), as well as the prevention of complications and the preparation of the affected (patients) if necessary, further evacuation.

    First aid is provided by a doctor at a first-aid post and is aimed at eliminating or mitigating the consequences of injuries (lesions), life-threatening diseases, preventing the development of complications or reducing their severity, as well as preparing the injured and sick for further evacuation. It includes such medical measures as stopping external bleeding by applying a clamp, eliminating acute respiratory failure, anti-shock measures, transport immobilization, measures to prevent wound infection, puncture Bladder, the use of symptomatic medications and etc.


    Qualified medical care -a type of medical care, including a complex of comprehensive therapeutic and preventive measures performed by medical specialists of various profiles, in specialized medical institutions using special equipment, the main types of specialized medical care provided for various emergency situations, is neurosurgical, ophthalmological, traumatological, toxicological, pediatric, etc.

    Qualified assistance is provided in separate medical institutions. It is aimed at eliminating the life-threatening consequences of lesions and diseases, preventing the development of complications and preparing those in need for further evacuation and is divided into surgical and therapeutic. Qualified surgical care includes the final stop of bleeding; complex therapy acute blood loss, shock, traumatic toxicosis; elimination of asphyxia; primary surgical treatment of wounds; laparotomy in case of damage to the abdominal organs; decompressive craniotomy; amputation with detachments, crush injuries and ischemic necrosis of the limbs and others urgent measures. Qualified therapeutic assistance includes complex therapy of cardiovascular insufficiency, disorders heart rate, acute respiratory failure; the introduction of antidotes; the use of painkillers, desensitizers, antiemetics, anticonvulsants and bronchodilators, as well as tranquilizers, neuroleptics and other medications.


    most characteristic current trend in the development of medical care is specialization. Outpatient and inpatient medical care is provided not only in the main specialties: therapy, surgery, traumatology, pediatrics, neuropathology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, dentistry, obstetrics and gynecology, but also in many specialties: cardiology, rheumatology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, endocrinology, oncology, allergology, urology, nephrology, proctology, etc.

    Specialized medical care -a type of medical care that includes a complex of comprehensive therapeutic and preventive measures performed by medical specialists of various profiles in specialized medical institutions using special equipment for patients with a certain pathology.

    Specialized care provided by medical specialists in specially designated specialized hospitals with appropriate equipment is exhaustive. The main types of specialized medical care are: surgical, including neurosurgical, ophthalmological, maxillofacial, otorhinolaryngological, thoracoabdominal, urological, care for burned and lightly injured; therapeutic, including radiological, toxicological, psychoneurological, dermatovenereological, assistance to patients with somatic diseases and infectious patients; assistance to patients with tuberculosis, mildly ill.

    The specialization of medical care is the result of scientific and technological progress and a historically determined process of the development of medical science and healthcare practice, which led to the allocation of separate specialties.

    Specialized medical care is an integral part of the organization of medical and preventive care and the entire health care system, which largely determines the path of its development. Specialization in medicine leads to the differentiation of medical specialties, the scientific substantiation of the principles of organizing medical care, changing the functions of medical and preventive institutions, their typification and structure, strengthening the material, technical and personnel base of health care, etc. From the level of specialization, forms and methods of organizing specialized types of medical care depends on the quality of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases and the effectiveness of rehabilitation of patients.

    Simultaneously with the differentiation of scientific knowledge and practical medicine the integration process is also developing, contributing to the complexity of the diagnostic and treatment process. Specialization and integration in practical healthcare largely determine the improvement of the organizational forms of specialized types of medical care. The creation of specialized offices, departments, institutions, diagnostic centers, the introduction of a team method of work, the principles of stages and medical zoning, as well as other organizational forms and methods, are a reflection of these processes.


    The development of medical care at the present stage is characterized by a constant trend towards specialization of both out-of-hospital and inpatient care, expressed in expanding the network of specialized institutions, increasing the number of specialist doctors of various profiles, outpatient appointments, departments and beds in hospitals. Various specialized teams function in the ambulance service, which contributes to the expansion of the volume and nature of the assistance provided by doctors on the spot and during the transportation of the patient to a medical institution, and most importantly, to improve the quality of medical care. A network of emergency hospitals is being developed, the main tasks of which are to provide specialized emergency inpatient medical care to the population. Great importance is attached to the development of diagnostic and laboratory services, where specialization also takes place, new diagnostic areas are constantly being singled out, new rooms and laboratories are being created.

    Trends in the development of specialized medical care at the present stage are characterized, first of all, by the construction of large multidisciplinary and specialized hospitals, specialized centers, dispensaries, etc., which allows them to create specialized structural units equipped with modern equipment and provided with highly qualified specialists. The organization of specialized departments, centers contributes to the improvement of the qualifications of medical staff, the quality of medical care, a more rational use of the bed fund, personnel of specialists and medical equipment. In modern urban general hospitals medical assistance to the population is provided in all major specialties. There is a development and strengthening of regional (regional, republican) hospitals, where qualified highly specialized medical care is provided. A special role in providing some types of specialized care belongs to dispensaries (cardiological, narcological, oncological, dermatovenerological, anti-tuberculosis, psychoneurological, endocrinological, medical and physical education), which can provide both out-of-hospital and inpatient medical care, as well as specialized hospitals - infectious, ophthalmological, psychiatric, tuberculosis, etc.

    The development of out-of-hospital specialized medical care requires appropriate conditions and organizational forms. The experience of Russian and foreign health care shows that in order to provide highly qualified out-of-hospital specialized medical care, it is necessary to rationally locate specialized rooms, departments, institutions, taking into account the phasing in the organization and the principle of medical zoning. At the same time, it is necessary to provide for the approach to the population of the main and centralization of highly specialized types of medical care. At the first stage, in medical outpatient clinics, territorial polyclinics, medical and sanitary units, the following main medical profiles should be received: therapeutic, surgical, obstetric-gynecological, pediatric, dental. At the second stage, in polyclinics of central district hospitals, large city polyclinics, diagnostic centers receptions are organized in narrower specialties (neurology, traumatology, cardiology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, etc.). The third stage is highly specialized departments, centers created to provide allergological, gastroenterological, nephrological, pulmonological, rheumatological, endocrinological, urological and other types of medical care on the basis of large city multidisciplinary and regional (regional, republican) hospitals, to-rye can also perform the functions of interregional , inter-republican. The fourth stage - all-Union and republican specialized centers, organized, as a rule, on the basis of clinics of institutes, providing organizational, methodological and advisory assistance to the population of a union republic or the entire country.

    A special role in the development of specialized medical care belongs to the chief specialists of health departments, regional (regional, district) and city health departments (general practitioners, surgeons, pediatricians, obstetrician-gynecologists, etc.). Their importance is especially great in rural areas, where the chief specialists of the central district hospitals are an important part of the healthcare management system. They, in addition to medical diagnostics, do a lot of work as organizers, consultants and methodologists of the relevant specialized services. Their main tasks are the development and implementation of measures aimed at preventing diseases, improving the efficiency and quality of medical care, introducing into the practice of medical and preventive institutions the latest methods of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients, rational and effective use human and material resources of health care.

    The specialization of medical care, among others, put forward the problem of training the appropriate personnel of specialists. The changes made to the system of medical education were due to the need to combine specialized training with general medical education on a broad natural science and socio-hygienic basis. A coherent system of specialization and improvement of doctors has been created in Russia, which is carried out by institutes for the improvement of doctors, advanced training faculties at medical universities, bases of primary specialization at large republican, regional, regional and city hospitals, as well as a system of clinical residency.

    At different stages of the development of health care, in accordance with its tasks, at each stage, the forms and methods of medical and preventive care were improved and improved, however, the fundamental foundations and the socialist nature of its organization remained unchanged, thanks to which a modern unified system for organizing specialized medical care was created and is successfully functioning.

    Huge attention further development specialized medical care is given in the national project "Health", which notes that an indispensable condition for further reducing the incidence and mortality of the population, improving the quality of medical care is the development and strengthening of its specialized types. It is planned to create a network of interregional (regional) centers with departments and branches for microsurgery, pacing, joint prosthetics, organ and tissue transplantation, cardiovascular surgery, for the treatment of patients with chronic kidney failure and etc.; to increase the number of inter-district specialized hospitals, dispensaries, departments in order to meet the needs of the rural population in specialized care. In particular, inter-district ophthalmological departments will be developed, and the provision of medical care to patients with eye diseases will be improved. Cardiological dispensaries are being modernized in all regional and regional centers, the number of cardiological rooms in polyclinics, departments in hospitals has been expanded. The work of oncological centers is being improved, the construction of oncological dispensaries and radiological buildings is being expanded. In order to improve the level surgical care cardiosurgical, vascular, orthopedic, traumatological, neurosurgical, urological, proctological, burn and other highly specialized surgical departments are developing and strengthening.

    The task has been set to radically improve the provision of dental care to the population, primarily to children, to ensure full satisfaction of the need in all its forms. Allergological rooms and immunological laboratories should be organized in each region and territory. It is planned to implement extensive measures to prevent the most common diseases nervous system and mental disorders: further organization and improvement of the work of departments for patients with acute disorders of cerebral circulation, the creation in large cities of rehabilitation treatment centers for the rehabilitation of people with diseases of the nervous system, the expansion of the network of neuropsychiatric dispensaries, hospitals and their departments in rural areas. Fundamental improvements in the early detection and effective treatment of people suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction must be ensured. It is planned to strengthen and develop pulmonological, gastroenterological, endocrinological, hematological and other assistance. paramedic medical assistance medical

    A large role in the provision of specialized medical care belongs to the nursing staff working in specialized rooms, departments and institutions. This imposes certain requirements on the training of nursing staff and the organization of their work. So, for example, a nurse working in a surgical department must complete an appropriate specialization in surgery. She must know desmurgy well, master the technique of subcutaneous, intradermal and intravenous injections, temporary stop bleeding, be able to properly immobilize, master the plaster technique, know how to sterilize syringes, material, tools, storage rules and their expiration dates. Nurses of various specialized offices (otorhinolaryngological, ophthalmological, infectious diseases etc.) must be proficient in certain methods of examining patients of the appropriate profile and performing procedures, etc.


    Medical assistance to the population is based on the territorial-district and production principles.

    The district principle ensures continuity in the observation of the patient by the same doctor, active identification of patients with initial forms of the disease, and comprehensive preventive measures. The leading method of work of medical institutions is dispensary.

    In the system of organizing qualified free public medical care, there are therapeutic and preventive care for the urban population, including medical care provided in medical units and health centers; medical care rural population; medical care for children; obstetric and gynecological care, etc. By its nature, medical care can be out-of-hospital (including home care), inpatient and sanatorium-resort.

    One of the important links of community care is emergency and emergency medical care, which is organically linked with polyclinics and hospitals. To provide this type of medical care, a wide network of specialized institutions has been created - stations, substations, departments and hospitals.

    Emergency medical care, in addition, should be provided by any medical institution, regardless of departmental affiliation. Inpatient medical care is provided in general, multidisciplinary and specialized hospitals, maternity hospitals, hospitals of medical units, dispensaries, research medical institutes, as well as in clinics of medical universities.

    In the general complex of health-improving and preventive measures, sanatorium-resort care is of great importance.

    Medical assistance, with the exception of cases of self-help and mutual assistance, is provided only by persons with a special medical education, while important role belongs to the nursing staff. The high qualification of paramedical personnel is a necessary condition for the effective functioning of the medical care organization system.


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    2.Eliseev O.M. A guide to first aid and emergency care. - St. Petersburg: Ed. LLP "Leyla", 1996.

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